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ERIC EJ964450: Direct and Distal Effects of Noncontingent Juice on Rumination Exhibited by a Child with Autism PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ964450: Direct and Distal Effects of Noncontingent Juice on Rumination Exhibited by a Child with Autism

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 955–959 NUMBER4 (WINTER2011) DIRECT AND DISTAL EFFECTS OF NONCONTINGENT JUICE ON RUMINATION EXHIBITED BY A CHILD WITH AUTISM MEGAN L. KLIEBERT AND JEFFREY H. TIGER LOUISIANASTATEUNIVERSITY Previous research has demonstrated the efficacy of the noncontingent delivery of foods and liquidsatsuppressingrumination,therepeatedregurgitationandrechewingofpartiallydigested food.However,itisunclearhowlongthisreductionismaintainedaftercaregiversterminatethis procedure. The current study examined the direct and distal effects of noncontingent juice on rumination by measuring the duration of rumination during juice delivery and immediately followingtheterminationofjuicedelivery.Noncontingentjuicesuppressedrumination,butthis suppression was notmaintainedafter deliverytermination. Keywords: autism, noncontingent reinforcement, rumination _______________________________________________________________________________ Rumination is the regurgitation and rechew- meals to an 18-year-old man with intellectual ing of partially digested food and is associated disabilities. Lyons et al. (2007) similarly reduced with numerous health concerns including hali- the rumination of two children with develop- tosis,toothdecay,electrolyteimbalances,abnor- mental disabilities by delivering small bites of mal gastrointestinal symptoms, malnutrition, preferred edible items (i.e., cereal bars and and social isolation (American Psychiatric Asso- pretzels) or 1-oz (about 30 ml) sips of preferred ciation,2000;Chial,Camilleri,Williams,Litzinger, drinks(i.e.,fruitjuiceandfruitpunch)onafixed- & Perrault, 2003; Ellis & Schnoes, 2009). Rumi- time (FT) schedule. This procedure requires nation may occur in as many as 10% of relatively little effort to implement; however, individuals with severe intellectual disabilities there are a number of important concerns (Rogers, Stratton, Victor, Kennedy, & Andreas, regarding the distal effects of this intervention. 1992).Inthesecases,ruminationtypicallyoccurs For instance, it may not be healthy for an within a few minutes after eating and may last individual to consume food continuously several hours (Ellis & Schnoes, 2009). Recent throughout the day. In addition, it is unclear evidence suggests that rumination may be from these results how long reductions would be operant, most commonly maintained by auto- maintainedaftertheterminationoffooddelivery. matic consequences of the behavior, and can be It is possible that noncontingent food simply treated through operant mechanisms (Lyons, delays the onset of rumination. Rue, Luiselli, & DiGennaro, 2007; Wilder, Two studies evaluated the maintenance of Register, Register, Bajagic, & Neidert, 2009). reductions in rumination following interven- Several studies have suggested that providing tion termination, both with favorable results. noncontingent food or drink will suppress rumi- Wilder, Draper, Williams, and Higbee (1997) nation. For example, Thibadeau, Blew, Reedy, measured rumination exhibited by an adult and Luiselli (1999) suppressed rumination by man with profound intellectual disabilities and providing free access to white bread following blindness during a 30-min period of noncon- tingent gelatin or pudding (delivered in the amount of 1 teaspoon on an FT 20-s schedule) Correspondence concerning this article should be addressedtoJeffreyH.Tiger,whoisnowatDepartment and during a 60-min extended data-collection of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, period after terminating delivery. The results 2441 E. Harford Ave., 219 Garland Hall, Milwaukee, indicated that noncontingent food was effective Wisconsin 53201(e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-955 at decreasing rumination relative to baseline; in 955 956 MEGAN L. KLIEBERT and JEFFREY H. TIGER addition, rumination did not increase signifi- the therapist viewed Bennett’s mouth to ensure cantly during the 60 min following treatment there was no food remaining from lunch. We termination. Dudley, Johnson, and Barnes defined rumination as engaging in a rotary (2002) evaluated a food satiation procedure in chewing motion, which was the most frequent whichtheyprovidedfreeaccesstoricecakesand public accompaniment when Bennett ruminat- otherstarches(e.g.,mashedpotatoes,pasta,and ed. We scored the onset of an episode immedi- cereal) to a young girl with autism after her ately when chewing began and the offset when meals and measured rumination for an addi- chewing ceased for 3 s. We divided the sum of tional 50 min after she reached a satiation rumination durations by the total session criterion (i.e., 3 min without approaching the duration to determine a percentage of session food). This procedure reduced rumination with rumination. during both the noncontingent food period A second observer simultaneously but indepen- and the following 50 min. We extended this dentlyscoredtheoccurrenceofruminationduring literature by evaluating the direct and distal 29% of functional analysis sessions and 33% of effects of providing noncontingent juice on treatmentevaluationsessionstoassessinterobserver ruminationexhibited byaboy withautism.We agreement.Wedividedeachobserver’srecordinto measured the duration of rumination during 10-s intervals and compared observers’ records of juicedeliveryandimmediatelyafterterminating the number of seconds with rumination on an juice delivery. interval-by-intervalbasis.Weassignedeachinterval inexactagreementascoreofoneandcalculateda proportionalagreementscoreforallotherintervals METHOD by dividing the smaller number of seconds of Participant and Setting rumination by the larger number of seconds of Bennett was an 11-year-old boy with multi- rumination. We then summed the scores across ple diagnoses including autism, severe mental intervals, divided the sum by the total number of retardation, blindness, septo-optic dysplasia, intervals, and converted this score to a percentage. and a thyroid disorder. His teachers had The mean agreement score for the duration of referred him due to his ongoing rumination; rumination was 83% (range, 61% to 94%) we obtained parental consent for participation throughout functional analysis sessions and 86% in this evaluation prior to initiating any (range, 54% to 100%) throughout treatment procedures. Bennett presented with dental evaluationsessions.Attimes,Bennett’srumination problems and chronically chapped lips and was difficult to detect due to subtle physical was socially isolated from his peers; he was not accompaniments (i.e., minuscule rotary chewing receiving any medical treatment for his rumi- motions). The low minimum ranges of interob- nation.Therapistsconductedallassessmentand server agreement obtained during both the treatment sessions in an unused classroom at functional analysis and treatment evaluation most Bennett’s school. likely were due to this difficulty in detecting rumination. Measurement and Interobserver Agreement Observersusedlaptopcomputerstorecordthe Procedure continuousdurationofrumination.Weinitiated We conducted a functional analysis of rumina- all assessment and treatment sessions at the tionusingproceduressimilartothosedescribedby conclusion of Bennett’s school lunch period Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, and Richman (within 10 min of lunch completion), which (1982/1994), including 5-min attention, escape, teachers reported as the most frequent period of ignore,andtoyplayconditionsalternatedwithina rumination. Prior to the first session each day, multielement design, to determine if rumination EFFECTS OF NONCONTINGENT JUICE 957 was sensitive to social reinforcement. In addition, we conducted a series of ignore sessions to verify that Bennett’s rumination persisted in the absence ofsocialconsequences.Weconductedfoursessions per day. Following the functional analysis, we initiated a treatment evaluation that examined the direct and distal effects of noncontingent juice on rumination. We initially conducted a baseline phase similartotheignoreconditionofthefunctional analysis.Thatis,Bennett,thetherapist,andone or two data collectors were present in the room during 5-min sessions; Bennett did not have access to any leisure materials or edible items; and the therapist did not provide any pro- grammed consequences for rumination. We conductedfourconsecutivebaselinesessionsper day following Bennett’s lunch period. We conducted treatment sessions (noncon- tingent juice FT 15 s) similar to baseline except the therapist provided a small sip (1-s access) of apple juice every 15 s. We determined apple juice to be a preferred liquid based on the results of a prior preference assessment using Figure 1. Percentage of session with rumination procedures similar to those described by Pace, during Bennett’s functional analysis (top) and treatment Ivancic, Edwards, Iwata, and Page (1985). We evaluation (bottom). NC5 noncontingent. settheFTscheduleat50%ofthemeaninterval between episodes of rumination during the last between noncontingent juice sessions and fivebaselinesessions(M530s).Weconducted postnoncontingent juice sessions shares the up to three 5-min treatment sessions per day experimental logic of a multielement design. but terminated treatment sessions early if Bennett expelled the juice during three consec- utive presentations within a session (i.e., we RESULTS AND DISCUSSION considered this indicative of satiation; session Bennett’s rumination occurred at similar durationsareavailablefromthesecondauthor). durationsacrossallfunctionalanalysisconditions After he met this expulsion criterion, we (Ms 5 17%, 23%, 14%, and 24% during conducted the remainder of that session under ignore, escape, attention, and toy play condi- postnoncontingentjuiceconditions,whichwere tions,respectively;Figure 1,top),indicatingthat identical to baseline. We then conducted two the duration of rumination was not influenced additional 5-min postnoncontingent juice ses- by social reinforcement. The extended series of sions. Thus, we were able to evaluate the direct ignore sessions confirmed this; Bennett’s rumi- effectsofnoncontingentjuice(duringtreatment nation not only maintained but increased (M5 sessions) and the distal effects (during the 54%) in the absence of social consequences. sessions that immediately followed the termi- Bennett’s rumination increased across the nation of juice delivery). The alternation baseline phase (M 5 24%; Figure 1, bottom). 958 MEGAN L. KLIEBERT and JEFFREY H. TIGER During noncontingent juice sessions, the non- food easier to regurgitate and that simply contingent delivery of juice eliminated rumina- restricting access to liquids prior to, during, and tioncompletelyinallbutonesession,producinga immediately after meals can suppress rumination 98%reductionfrombaselinelevels(M50.3%). (Barton & Barton, 1985; Heering, Wilder, & However, Bennett never completed three consec- Ladd, 2003; Wilder et al., 1997). Prior to this utive treatment sessions prior to meeting our evaluation,weattemptedtoprovideBennettwith satiation criterion. He met the liquid satiation preferred solid and starchy food items, but he criterion within one to three 5-min sessions each refused to accept these during sessions. He did day(i.e.,inlessthan15min),andweobserveda persist in accepting juice for longer periods; thus, concomitant increase in rumination to baseline weevaluatedtheeffectsofjuiceonly.Thepossible levels within the few minutes that followed differential effectiveness of foods and liquids in maintaining suppressed rumination demands treatment cessation each day (postnoncontingent juice sessions; M 5 23%). additional research attention. Theresultsofthecurrentstudydonotpreclude These results are similar to those of Lyons thepossibilitythatnoncontingentliquidssuppress etal.(2007)inthatnoncontingentjuicedelivered rumination in some cases but do draw attention onanFTscheduleminimizedruminationduring to the necessity of continuing data collection for briefsessions.However,boththeresultsofLyons periodsafterterminatingliquid(orfood)delivery. et al. and the current results raise concerns It is possible that thinning the FT schedule regarding the use of FT juice delivery to produce could result in greater maintenance (similar to lasting decreases in rumination. Following their that reported by Lyons et al., 2007) or could initialintervention,Lyonsetal.fadeddeliveryby identify the minimal amount of food or liquids reducing the amount of juice from 1 oz (about necessary to maintain low levels of rumination. 30ml)to0.5oz(about15ml)andextendedthe Future research should include a parametric session duration from 15 min to 30 min for one manipulation of liquid levels and delivery sched- participant.Althoughruminationdecreasedcom- ules during and after treatment sessions. Given pared to levels seen during baseline, treatment that delivering noncontingent food and liquids effectswerenotasrobustasthoseobservedduring continuously throughout the day would be the initial intervention. In the current study, we neither desirable (due to excessive caloric intake directly evaluated satiation and maintenance and dental problems) nor possible (due to effects by setting a termination criterion and satiation), it will be important to continue to measuring rumination following the systematic evaluate the maintenance of behavior change for withdrawal of treatment, but results were not this and similar procedures. favorable,indicatingthatcontinuousprovisionof foodorliquidmaynotbefeasibleoreffectivefor REFERENCES longer periods (i.e., satiation may occur and disrupt treatment effects). American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text Thecurrentstudyproduceddifferentoutcomes rev.).Washington, DC:Author. than previous research that evaluated rumination Barton, L. E., & Barton, C. L. (1985). An effective and after treatment termination. This difference in benign treatment of rumination. Journal of the AssociationfortheSeverelyHandicapped,10,168–171. outcomes may be due to the items delivered Chial,H.J.,Camilleri,M.,Williams,D.E.,Litzinger,K., duringtheintervention.Dudleyetal.(2002)and & Perrault, J. (2003). Rumination syndrome in Wilderetal.(1997)providedsolidfoods,whereas children and adolescents: Diagnosis, treatment, and we provided Bennett with liquids. Some research prognosis. Pediatrics, 111,158–162. Dudley, L. L., Johnson, C., & Barnes, R. S. (2002). suggeststhatincreasedliquidconsumptionduring Decreasing rumination using astarchy food satiation mealtime may facilitate rumination by making procedure. BehavioralInterventions, 17,21–29. EFFECTS OF NONCONTINGENT JUICE 959 Ellis, C. R., & Schnoes, C. J. (2009). Eating disorder, Rogers, B., Stratton, P., Victor, J., Kennedy, B., & rumination.Retrievedfromhttp://emedicine.medscape. Andreas, M. (1992). Chronic regurgitation among com/article/916297-overview personswithmentalretardation:Aneedforcombined Heering, P., Wilder, D., & Ladd, C. (2003). Liquid medical and interdisciplinary strategies. American reschedulingforthetreatmentofrumination.Behav- Journal onMentalRetardation, 96,522–527. ioralInterventions,18,199–207. Thibadeau, S., Blew, P., Reedy, P., & Luiselli, J. K. Iwata,B.A.,Dorsey,M.F.,Slifer,K.J.,Bauman,K.E., (1999). Access to white bread as an intervention for & Richman, G. S. (1994). Toward a functional chronic ruminative vomiting. Journal of Behavior analysis of self-injury. Journal of Applied Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 30,137–144. Analysis,27,197–209. (ReprintedfromAnalysisand Wilder,D.,Draper,R.,Williams,W.L.,&Higbee,T.S. Intervention in Developmental Disabilities, 2, 3–20, (1997). A comparison of noncontingent reinforce- 1982) ment, other competing stimulation, and liquid reschedulingforthetreatmentofrumination.Behav- Lyons,E.A.,Rue,H.C.,Luiselli,J.K.,&DiGennaro,F.D. ioral Interventions,12,55–64. (2007). Brief functional analysis and supplemental Wilder, D. A., Register, M., Register, S., Bajagic, V., & feeding for postmeal rumination in children with Neidert,P.L.(2009).Functionalanalysisandtreatment developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior ofruminationusingfixed-timedeliveryofaflavorspray. Analysis,40,743–747. JournalofAppliedBehaviorAnalysis,42,877–882. Pace,G.M.,Ivancic,M.T.,Edwards,G.L.,Iwata,B.A., & Page, T. J. (1985). Assessment of stimulus preference and reinforcer value with profoundly Received December 20, 2010 retarded individuals. Journal of Applied Behavior Final acceptanceApril 12, 2011 Analysis, 18,249–255. Action Editor,David Wilder

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