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Preview ERIC EJ964445: Evaluation of Response Blocking and Re-Presentation in a Competing Stimulus Assessment

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 925–929 NUMBER4 (WINTER2011) EVALUATION OF RESPONSE BLOCKING AND RE-PRESENTATION IN A COMPETING STIMULUS ASSESSMENT HEATHER JENNETT JOHNSHOPKINSUNIVERSITYSCHOOLOFMEDICINEAND KENNEDYKRIEGERINSTITUTE KATHRYN JANN KENNEDYKRIEGERINSTITUTE AND LOUIS P. HAGOPIAN JOHNSHOPKINSUNIVERSITYSCHOOLOFMEDICINEAND KENNEDYKRIEGERINSTITUTE Competing stimulus assessments (CSA) have been used to identify stimuli that are associated with reduced levels of problem behavior, presumably as a function of reinforcer competition. Following a standard CSA in which stimuli simply were made available, 2 more CSAs were conducted with additional components designed to enhance reinforcer competition: re- presentation of stimuli and response blocking for self-injury. The results obtained from each CSA were validated in an extended treatment analysis. The study illustrates how the effects of additionalcomponentsdesignedtoenhancereinforcercompetitioncanbeevaluatedefficiently inthe contextof aCSA. Keywords: competingstimulusassessment,automaticreinforcement,self-injuriousbehavior, response blocking _______________________________________________________________________________ One approach for treating problem behavior DeLeon, & Gotjen, 2000; Ringdahl, Vollmer, maintained by automatic reinforcement involves Marcus, & Roane,1997) or through substitution, providing noncontingent access to alternative whereby the stimuli generate stimulation that is sources of reinforcement. Competing stimulus similar to the problem behavior (e.g., Piazza, assessments (CSAs) have been used to identify Adelinis,Hanley,Goh,&Delia,2000).Regardless stimuli that are associated with low levels of of the mechanism, these studies show that results problem behavior (e.g., Piazza et al., 1998; Shore, fromaCSAcanpredicthownoncontingentaccess Iwata,DeLeon,Kahng,&Smith,1997).Typically, to those stimuli may affect problem behavior CSAshaveinvolvedtheprovisionofbriefaccessto duringextendedtreatmentanalyses.Insomecases, each test stimulus and an examination of how it however,additionaltreatmentcomponents,suchas alters rates of problem behavior. Several studies response blocking (Piazza et al., 1998), arm have shown that simply allowing access to stimuli restraints (Zhou, Goff, & Iwata, 2000), or identified by a CSA can reduce problem behavior punishment (Ringdahl et al., 1997), were needed maintained by automatic reinforcement, either to reduce problem behavior to acceptable levels because those stimuli compete with sensory during extended treatmentanalyses. reinforcement (e.g., Fisher, O’Connor, Kurtz, Thebriefsingle-stimuluspresentationformat of the CSA also can be used to examine the Address correspondence to Heather Jennett, Neuro- effects of other procedures designed to enhance behavioral Unit, Kennedy Krieger Institute, 707 N. reinforcer competition. These procedures may Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 (e-mail: jennett@ includethosethatincreaseengagementwithtest kennedykrieger.org). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-925 stimuli (e.g., prompting, re-presentation) and 925 926 HEATHER JENNETT et al. those that attenuate reinforcement produced Interobserver agreement was assessed by by problem behavior (e.g., response blocking). having a second observer simultaneously but In the current study, a series of CSAs was independently record data during 44% of all conducted to examine the extent to which both sessions. Interval-by-interval agreement coeffi- self-injurious behavior (SIB) that was main- cients were calculated for SIB and stimulus tained by automatic reinforcement and engage- contact by dividing the smaller number (fre- ment with stimuli were affected when (a) quency and seconds, respectively) by the larger stimuli simply were made available, (b) stimuli number in each 10-s interval, and then were re-presented after engagement had ceased, converting this ratio to a percentage. The mean and (c) stimuli were re-presented and SIB was agreement for SIB was 95% (range, 91% to blocked. Results from the CSAs were validated 100%) and for stimulus contact was 86% in an extended treatment analysis. (range, 75% to 100%). Procedure METHOD Functional analysis. A functional analysis was Participant and Setting conducted based on procedures described by Abigail was a 3-year-old girl who had been Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, and Richman diagnosed with cerebral palsy, intellectual (1982/1994). Attention, tangible, ignore, and disability, and shunted hydrocephalus. She was play conditions were conducted in a multiele- admittedtoaninpatientunitfortheassessment ment design, followed by a series of extended and treatment of SIB. All sessions were ignore sessions. Levels of SIB were undifferen- conducted in a hospital bedroom. Functional tiated across conditions and persisted in a series analysis sessions were conducted in a wheel- of six extended ignore sessions, suggesting that chair,andallCSAsandtreatmentanalyseswere this behavior was maintained by automatic conducted with Abigail sitting on a mat with reinforcement. (The functionalanalysis data are adult support. Sessions were terminated if there available from the first author.) was any noticeable bruising, swelling, or Competing stimulus assessments. A series of bleeding, or if injury was imminent. three CSAs were conducted. The initial CSA wasbasedontheproceduresdescribedbyPiazza Data Collection and Interobserver Agreement et al. (1998). Fifteen stimuli plus a control Trained observers recorded the frequency of condition(duringwhichnostimuliorattention SIB, which was defined as successes or attempts was present) were assessed during 2-min at head hitting with open or closed hand or sessions. At the beginning of each session (with object, biting fingers or hand, and head the exception of the control sessions), the banging.FrequencydataforSIBwereconverted therapist placed the stimulus in Abigail’s hand. to rate (responses per minute) by dividing the If she did not have contact with the stimulus, total number of responses scored during each the therapist did not hand it back to her but session by the session length in minutes. ensured that it was kept within her reach. Next, Observersalsorecordedthedurationofstimulus aCSAwithre-presentationwasconducted.The contact, defined as contact between the palm of procedures were similar as those described the hand or fingers and any portion of the above except that if Abigail did not have stimulus. These data were converted to a contact with the stimulus for 5 s, the therapist percentage by dividing the total number of put it back in her hand. Sessions were initially secondsofstimuluscontactbythetotalseconds 2 min in duration and then were increased to of session duration and then converting this 5 min to expose Abigail to the contingencies ratio to a percentage. for a longer period of time. The CSA with COMPETING STIMULUS ASSESSMENT 927 Figure 1. Percentage of session with stimulus contact, and SIB per minute for the CSA (top), CSA with re- presentation (middle), andCSA withre-presentation andblocking (bottom). re-presentation and blocking was similar to the kept constant through all conditions. The three previousassessment;however,alltopographiesof stimuli were tethered together and evaluated SIBwereblocked(includingduringthecontrol). across multiple sessions using a combined Blockinginvolvedthetherapistplacinghisorher reversal and multielement design. Sessions were hand near Abigail’s head such that she was 5 min in duration. During baseline, the prevented from head hitting, hand biting, or participant did not have access to stimuli and head banging; thus, attempts to hit her head received no attention for SIB. In the CSA resultedinthetherapist’sarmorhandbeinghit, condition, the therapist placed the stimuli in attemptstobiteherhandresultedinthetherapist Abigail’s hand at the beginning of each session. placing his or her hand between Abigail’s face Stimuli were not re-presented if she dropped or and mouth and her hand, and attempts to bang discarded them, and SIB was ignored. In the herheadresultedinthetherapistplacingapillow CSA with re-presentation condition, the ther- or mat between her head and a hard surface. apist placed the same stimuli in Abigail’s hand Treatment analysis. Three stimuli identified at the beginning of each session. If she dropped by the CSA with re-presentation and blocking a stimulus or otherwise did not make contact asbeingamongthoseassociatedwiththelowest with it for 5 s, the therapist placed it back in level of SIB (elephant doll, baby doll, flashing her hand. SIB was ignored. The CSA with light)wereexaminedinatreatmentanalysisand re-presentation and blocking condition was 928 HEATHER JENNETT et al. Figure2. SIB(top)andstimuluscontact(bottom)duringthetreatmentanalysis(CS5competingstimuli,CSw/R5 competingstimuliwithre-presentation,andCSw/R+B5competingstimuliwithre-presentationandblocking). conducted in a similar manner except that SIB contact remained similar to the CSA with re- was blocked as described above. presentation. Findings obtained during the CSAs were validated in the extended treatment analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Figure 2). Specifically, SIB was lowest and Results of the three CSAs are presented in stimulus contact was highest and most stable Figure 1. In the initial CSA, no stimuli were duringtheCSAwithre-presentationandblocking associated with clinically acceptable levels of condition compared to the other conditions. SIB. In the CSA with re-presentation, SIB was Research on CSAs generally have shown that lower and stimulus contact was higher across briefly exposing individuals to stimuli and most stimulicomparedto theCSA. Inthe CSA sampling their behavior can predict outcomes with re-presentation and blocking, SIB (includ- obtained over extended analyses (see DeLeon, ing attempts) was lower across stimuli com- Toole, Gutshall, & Bowman, 2005). These pared to the previous CSAs, and stimulus assessment procedures enable clinicians to COMPETING STIMULUS ASSESSMENT 929 examine how various stimuli affect behavior. researchisneededtoshowthatitcanaccurately This study extends the literature by illustrating predict results obtained from more extended how CSAs can be modified to examine the analyses before making this conclusion. contribution of other procedures designed to facilitate reinforcer competition and, more REFERENCES specifically, to examine the interaction between thoseproceduresandtheindividualteststimuli. DeLeon,I.G.,Toole,L.M.,Gutshall,K.A.,&Bowman, L.G.(2005).Individualizedsamplingparametersfor In the current case, none of the stimuli were behavioral observations: Enhancing the predictive associated with acceptable reductions in SIB validity of competing stimulus assessments. Research during the initial CSA. The CSA with re- in Developmental Disabilities,26,440–455. Fisher, W. W., O’Connor, J. T., Kurtz, P. F., DeLeon, presentationwasassociatedwithhigherlevelsof I. G., & Gotjen, D. L. (2000). The effects of stimulus contact and lower levels of SIB across noncontingent delivery of high- and low-preference most stimuli. However, stimulus contact in- stimulionattention-maintaineddestructivebehavior. creased markedly with some stimuli but not Journal ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 33,79–83. Iwata,B.A.,Dorsey,M.F.,Slifer,K.J.,Bauman,K.E.,& others, and SIB decreased to low levels with Richman,G.S.(1994).Towardafunctionalanalysis only 4 of the 15 stimuli. The CSA with re- ofselfinjury.JournalofAppliedBehaviorAnalysis,27, presentation and blocking was associated with a 197–209. (ReprintedfromAnalysisandInterventionin DevelopmentalDisabilities,2,3–20,1982) general reduction in SIB across all stimuli. Lerman,D.C.,&Iwata,B.A.(1996).Amethodologyfor Response blocking has been shown to distinguishing between extinction and punishment function as either punishment or extinction effects associated with response blocking. Journal of for problem behavior (Lerman & Iwata, 1996). Applied BehaviorAnalysis,29, 231–233. Piazza, C. C., Adelinis, J. D., Hanley, G. P., Goh, H. Given the immediate reductions in SIB when L., & Delia, M. D. (2000). An evaluation of the response blocking was in place, it is possible effectsofmatchedstimulionbehaviorsmaintainedby that blocking functioned as a punisher in this automatic reinforcement. Journal of Applied Behavior case, and that it might have reduced SIB Analysis,33,13–27. Piazza, C. C., Fisher, W. W., Hanley, G. P., LeBlanc, withouttheuseofcompetingstimuli.Although L.A.,Worsdell,A.S.,Lindauer,S.E.,etal.(1998). response blocking generally is not used as a Treatment of pica through multiple analyses of its treatment in the absence of reinforcement, one reinforcing functions. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,31,165–189. limitation is that we did not evaluate the effects Ringdahl,J.E.,Vollmer,T.R.,Marcus,B.A.,&Roane, of response blocking alone. H. S. (1997). An analogue evaluation of environ- Theextendedtreatmentanalysisvalidatedthe mental enrichment: The role of stimulus preference. findings of each CSA. That is, results showed Journal ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 30,203–216. Shore, B. A., Iwata, B. A., DeLeon, I. G., Kahng, S., & that the contribution of other treatment Smith, R. G. (1997). An analysis of reinforcer procedures(re-presentationandresponseblock- substitutability using object manipulation and self- ing) examined in the context of a brief CSA injury as competing responses. Journal of Applied accurately predicted outcomes obtained in an Behavior Analysis,30,21–41. Zhou, L., Goff, G. A., & Iwata, B. A. (2000). Effects of extendedtreatmentanalysis.Thisapproachmay increased response effort on self-injury and object representan efficientwaytoidentifypotentially manipulation as competing responses. Journal of effective treatment procedures to supplement Applied BehaviorAnalysis,33, 29–40. competingstimuliincasesinwhichtheydonot Received January 11,2010 reduceproblembehaviortoclinicallysignificant Final acceptanceJanuary 6, 2011 levels when used alone. However, additional Action Editor,Jennifer Zarcone

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