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Preview ERIC EJ964438: A Review of Recommendations for Sequencing Receptive and Expressive Language Instruction

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 859–876 NUMBER4 (WINTER2011) A REVIEW OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SEQUENCING RECEPTIVE AND EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION ANNA INGEBORG PETURSDOTTIR TEXASCHRISTIANUNIVERSITY AND JAMES E. CARR AUBURNUNIVERSITY We review recommendations for sequencing instruction in receptive and expressive language objectives in early and intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) programs. Several books recommend completing receptive protocols before introducing corresponding expressive protocols. However, this recommendation has little empirical support, and some evidence exists that the reverse sequence may be more efficient. Alternative recommendations include teachingreceptiveandexpressiveskillssimultaneously(M.L.Sundberg&Partington,1998)and buildinglearninghistoriesthatleadtoacquisitionofreceptiveandexpressiveskillswithoutdirect instruction(Greer&Ross,2008).Empiricalsupportfortheserecommendationsalsoislimited. Future research should assess the relative efficiency of receptive-before-expressive, expressive- before-receptive, and simultaneous training with children who have diagnoses of autism spectrum disorders. In addition, further evaluation is needed of the potential benefits of multiple-exemplartrainingandothervariablesthatmayinfluencetheefficiencyofreceptiveand expressive instruction. Key words: autism treatment, expressive language, language intervention, listener behavior, receptive language,tacts, verbalbehavior _______________________________________________________________________________2 Early and intensive behavioral intervention 1998). Each of these books is to a greater or (EIBI) for children diagnosed with autism lesser extent influenced by a curriculum that spectrum disorders enjoys substantial empirical was originally developed by O. Ivar Lovaas and support (for meta-analyses and reviews, see his colleagues at the University of California at Eldevik et al., 2009; Virue´s-Ortega, 2010). In Los Angeles (UCLA) and described in detail in the last 15 years, a number of books and early publications (Lovaas, 1977, 1981). Many intervention manuals have been published that similarities exist across books. For example, all describe behaviorally based procedures, and in recommend breaking down complex language some cases curricula, for teaching various skills skills into basic components, teaching these in the context of EIBI (Barbera, 2007; Greer skills in a structured format, and using positive & Ross, 2008; Leaf & McEachin, 1999; reinforcement, discrimination training, and Lovaas, 2003; Maurice, Green, & Luce, 1996; transfer-of-stimulus-control procedures. How- Schramm,2006;M.L.Sundberg&Partington, ever, it may be useful to distinguish between two general categories of publishedwork of this nature based on subsequent influences: work A portion of this article is based on a dissertation submittedbythefirstauthor,underthesupervisionofthe that follows the UCLA model, and work that second author, to the Graduate College at Western follows the verbal behavior model. UCLA- Michigan University in partial fulfillment of the require- model publications include the curriculum mentsfor the PhDdegree inpsychology. Address correspondence to Anna Ingeborg Petursdottir, chapter in Maurice et al. (Taylor & McDo- DepartmentofPsychology,TexasChristianUniversity,Box nough, 1996), the curriculum manual by Leaf 298920,FortWorth,Texas76129(e-mail:a.petursdottir@ andMcEachin,andthebookbyLovaas(2003), tcu.edu). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-859 all of which address a wide range of language, 859 860 ANNA INGEBORG PETURSDOTTIR and JAMES E. CARR social, self-help, and preacademic skills. De- recommendation contained therein is evidence spite updates and influences by more recent based. As Lovaas (2003) pointed out, a behavior-analytic work, the content remains number of specific recommendations made fairly close to Lovaas’s (1977, 1981) original in UCLA-model books remain to be investi- curriculum. Publications that follow the verbal gated, and the same may be true of various behavior model (Barbera, 2007; Greer & Ross, recommendations that have been introduced 2008; Schramm, 2006; M. L. Sundberg & by verbal behavior model books. In some Partington, 1998), by contrast, focus primarily cases, different publications make conflicting on language and communication, and use recommendations, and in these cases, it is Skinner’s (1957) analysis of verbal behavior important to examine the empirical evidence as a starting point for program design. In behind each recommendation. addition, the Greer and Ross (2008) book is In this article, we review recommendations influenced by current theory and research on regarding the sequencing of language instruc- derived stimulus relations. These influences are tion protocols that are termed expressive and reflected in the terminology used in those receptive in the UCLA-model publications. books, as well as in certain recommendations Expressiveprotocolsaregenerallythosethataim thatconcern teachingstrategiesandcurriculum to establish spoken responses by the child objectives. (however, they can be adapted for use with A recent survey of EIBI providers (Love, alternative communication systems), whereas in Carr, Almason, & Petursdottir, 2009) suggests receptive protocols, a child responds non- that publications that describe both UCLA- vocally to a teacher’s spoken instructions. In model and verbal behavior curricula are widely the verbal behavior model publications, the used in EIBI programs. This is not surprising, termexpressiveisreplacedwithSkinner’s(1957) given that books published in both traditions verbal operant taxonomy of speaker behavior. contain a wealth of helpful information, Instructional targets are described as mands, recommendations, and suggestions that are tacts,orintraverbals.GreerandRoss(2008)also based on extensive clinical experience and favor the term listener behavior or listener empirical data. As a whole, the UCLA model training over receptive language or receptive has a great deal of empirical support, in that it instruction. has been used in a number of outcome studies A common recommendation in UCLA- on the effects of EIBI on intellectual function- model books (Leaf & McEachin, 1999; Lovaas, ing and other measures (e.g., Lovaas, 1987; 2003; Taylor & McDonough, 1996) is to Sallows & Graupner, 2005; Smith, Groen, & complete receptive language protocols before Wynn, 2000). By contrast, no large-scale introducing expressive protocols that address outcome studies have used curricula derived the same instructional targets. For example, from the verbal behavior model. This model, beforeachildistaughttosaycolornamesinthe however, has indirect support from research on presence of color stimuli, it is recommended certain curriculum objectives that depart from that the child be taught to point to the the UCLA model (see J. E. Carr & Firth, appropriate color stimuli when presented with 2005). Both categories of work also draw on spokencolornames.Theverbalbehaviormodel decades of behavior-analytic research on acqui- books, by contrast, typically do not advocate sition procedures. this sequence. To the extent that these books Although the content of EIBI publications make sequence recommendations, they vary is thus firmly grounded in empirical research, depending on the child’s level of verbal practitioners should not assume that every functioning and the verbal operant that is LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION 861 targeted in expressive training. The programs receptive programs can be completed concur- that these recommendations encompass com- rently with early vocal imitation training. prise a large proportion of a child’s language Second, receptive training may be easier to curriculum (e.g., Taylor & McDonough, complete with a child who demonstrates non- 1996). As a result, a practitioner’s decision as compliance, due to the ease of physical prompt- to which sequence to follow may affect a ing. Third, receptive training may be more substantial portion of a child’s instructional amenable to the use of errorless training pro- programming. cedures (e.g., stimulus fading) that enhance an In the sections that follow, we first review early learner’s success. It is important to note, empiricalevidenceofrelevancetothereceptive- however, that UCLA-model publications con- before-expressive recommendation. We then tinue to recommend the receptive-before- review alternative recommendations that have expressive sequence for advanced programs that been made in a subset of the verbal behavior typically are implemented when the child has model books (Greer & Ross, 2008; M. L. acquired a basic verbal repertoire, instructional Sundberg & Partington, 1998) and, finally, control has been established, and it can be discuss directions for future research. assumed that the child has become a fairly efficientlearner.For example,the recommenda- tion is made for teaching prepositions, cate- THE RECEPTIVE-BEFORE- gories, emotions, letters, and numbers (Leaf & EXPRESSIVE SEQUENCE McEachin,1999;Taylor&McDonough,1996). According to Lovaas (1977), the receptive- The extent to which this sequence enhances before-expressiverecommendationwasoriginal- acquisition, compared to the reverse sequence or ly adopted because it reflected the sequence in other alternatives, needs to be examined. which typically developing children had been observed to acquire receptive and expressive Empirical Findings repertoires. However, Lovaas (1977, 2003) also Although a large body of research exists on cautionedthatatypicaldevelopmentalsequence teaching receptive and expressive language skills may not necessarily be the ideal teaching to individuals who have been diagnosed with sequence, and the sequencing of programs autism or other developmental disabilities, few ultimately should be based on empirical data studies have attempted to compare directly on teaching efficiency. In addition, Lovaas the receptive-before-expressive sequence with (2003) suggested that the reverse sequence other alternatives. We identified nine pub- may be more beneficial for some children lished studies (Table 1) with clinically relevant (p. 107), and Leaf and McEachin (1999) stated participants that were designed for the pur- that ‘‘it is not always necessary to wait for the pose of either comparing (a) a receptive-before- mastery of receptive labeling before starting expressivesequencetoexpressive-before-receptive expressive’’(p.209).Inspiteofthesecaveats,all or expressive-only training or (b) the efficiency three UCLA-model publications consistently of receptive and expressive training as an initial list completion of receptive programs as training condition. The nine studies are meth- suggested prerequisites for expressive programs. odologically heterogeneous, and a thorough Inthe earlieststages oflanguage intervention, description of the specific procedures and the receptive-before-expressive sequence may be experimental designs employed in each one is a practical necessity for several reasons. First, beyond the scope of this article. In this section, it is difficult to complete programs that require we therefore provide only a brief overview of vocal responses before a child has acquired a methodological similarities and differences, fol- vocal imitation repertoire, whereas a variety of lowedbyasummaryofresults.Inthesectionthat 862 ANNA INGEBORG PETURSDOTTIR and JAMES E. CARR Table 1 Empirical Evaluations of theReceptive-Before-Expressive Recommendation Study N Ageinyears Participantdescription Summaryofresults CuvoandRiva 20 (a)M516years (a)MeanIQ544;mean Expressivetrainingtookfewertrialsthan (1980) 2months MA55years,2monthsa receptivetraining. (b)M54years (b)meanIQ5108;mean Priorreceptivetrainingfacilitatedsubsequent 4months MA55years1montha expressivetraining,butpriorexpressive trainingrenderedsubsequentreceptive trainingunnecessary. Thereceptive-before-expressivesequencetook moretimeandtrialsthanwhenexpressive trainingcamefirst. Similarmaintenanceinbothconditions. Huppetal.(1986) 12 5to19 Severementalretardation; Acquisitionsimilarinreceptiveandexpressive Stage6objectpermanence; conditions,buttrainingdidnotcontinueto matched2-Dto3-D masteryineithercondition. stimuli;novocalor Generalizationtoreceptiverespondingwith signedlanguage;no novelstimuligreaterafterreceptivethan augmentativesystem expressivetraining. KellerandBucher 6 Children Developmentallydisabled; Greateraccuracyonreceptivetestsfollowing (1979) severelanguagedeficits expressivetrainingthanonexpressivetests followingreceptivetraining. KellerandBucher 5 5to10 Borderlinetomoderate Priorreceptivetrainingdidnotfacilitate (1980) mentalretardation; subsequentexpressivetraining. rudimentaryreceptive Thereceptive-before-expressivesequencetook andexpressiveskills moretimeandtrialsthanwhenexpressive trainingcamefirst. Milleretal.(1977) 14 M512.67 MeanIQ543.86;mean Priorreceptivetrainingdidnotfacilitate MA54.83yearsb; subsequentexpressivetraining. kindergartenarithmetic Thereceptive-before-expressivesequencetook gradelevel moretimeandtrialsthanwhenexpressive trainingcamefirst. Smeets(1978) 1 14 IQ44c,deaf,mildcerebral Expressivetrainingcompletedinfewertrials palsy,blindnessinone thanreceptivetraining,butonlywiththe eye;.100receptiveand firstfewstimulussets. expressivelabels SmeetsandStriefel 1d 14 IQ44c,deaf,mildcerebral Expressivetraininghadagreatereffecton (1976) palsy,blindnessinoneeye; receptiverespondingthanreceptivetraining somereceptivesigning; onexpressiveresponding. expressivesigningrarely Greateraccuracyonreceptivetestsfollowing observed expressivetrainingthanonexpressivetests afterreceptivetraining. Wattersetal. 4 10to16 Autism;IQ,45to80e;one Priorreceptivetrainingdidnotfacilitate (1981) participantuntestable; subsequentexpressivetraining. existingreceptiveand Thereceptive-before-expressivesequencetook expressivevocabulary moretimeandtrialsthanwhenexpressive 32to192words trainingcamefirst. Greateraccuracyonreceptivetestsfollowing expressivetrainingthanonexpressivetests followingreceptivetraining. WynnandSmith 6 4years3months Autism;comprehensionage13to Variableresultswithinandacrossparticipants, (2003) to6years 42monthsf;expressivelanguage butoverallgreateraccuracyonreceptive 4months age16to42monthsf; testsfollowingexpressivetrainingthanon vocal-verbalskillsrangedfrom expressivetestsfollowingreceptivetraining one-wordrequeststofour-word phrases aMA5 mentalage; IQ andMAobtained fromPeabodyPicture VocabularyTest. bPsychological Scales of InfantDevelopment. cLeiter. dThe same participant asinSmeets (1978). eWISC/R Performance Scale. fReynell Developmental Language Scales. LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION 863 follows, we discuss our conclusions, along with tionalsequence)32(disability)factorialdesign collective limitations of the nine studies. We inadditiontoamultiplebaselinedesign.Miller refertheinterestedreadertotheoriginalsources et al. (1977) and Hupp et al. also employed for more detailed information, and encourage between-subjects designs to compare instruc- readers to evaluate the results of each study in tional conditions. The remaining studies em- light of their respective methodological ployed within-subject or single-case design strengths and weaknesses. It should be noted strategies, in which receptive and expressive that two of the studies (Keller & Bucher, 1979; training to mastery were alternated across Miller, Cuvo, & Borakove, 1977) were pub- stimuli or stimulus sets, and each condition lished only as abstracts; thus, minimal proce- was followed by assessment and sometimes dural information is available. training of the alternate repertoire. At least one Overview of methods. The participants in two of these studies (Wynn & Smith, 2003) may studies (Watters, Wheeler, & Watters, 1981; have employed too few instances of training in Wynn & Smith, 2003) were described as each condition to yield a convincing within- children with autism, whereas the remaining subject comparison. The results of this study studies were conducted with children and should therefore be interpreted with caution. young adults with intellectual disabilities, and Participants in three studies (Smeets, 1978; noautismdiagnoseswerespecified.Asshownin Smeets & Striefel, 1976; Watters et al., 1981) Table 1, participants were described as func- receivedinstructioninmanualsigning,whereas tioning in the moderate to mild range of participants in the remaining studies were intellectual disability. Most studies provided taught vocal communication. A common minimal information on existing verbal reper- feature of all nine studies was that the receptive toires. However, participants generally appear training condition involved establishing con- to have entered the studies with existing, trol by experimenter-produced signs or vocal- although in some cases small (e.g., Watters izations over stimulus-selection responses. That et al., 1981; Wynn & Smith, 2003), receptive is, given a sign or a spoken word, the child andexpressiverepertoires.Anexceptionwasthe selected a visual stimulus from an array of two study by Hupp, Mervis, Able, and Conroy- or more available stimuli. The expressive Gunter (1986), in which participants func- training condition typically involved teaching tioned in the severe range of intellectual the child to emit signs or vocalizations in the disability and were described as having very presence of visual stimuli. The visual stimuli limitedorno communicationskills.Dependent were in all cases three-dimensional objects or variables included acquisition of the target two-dimensional pictures of objects, and the receptive and expressive repertoires in terms of resulting repertoires appear to meet Skinner’s trials to mastery, emergence of one repertoire (1957) definition of the tact as a verbal followinginstructionintheother(i.e.,effectsof response controlled by a nonverbal stimulus. receptive training on untrained expressive skills An exception is the study by Watters et al. and vice versa), stimulus generalization, and (1981) in which the participant was presented maintenance. Experimental designs and other with a picture and a spoken word simulta- methodologicalfeaturesvariedacrossstudies.At neously in expressive training. As a result, the oneextreme,twostudies(Smeets,1978;Smeets signed response could have been under the & Striefel, 1976) were conducted with a single control of either stimulus or both of them. In participant, who was the same in both studies. receptive training, the participant similarly was At the other extreme, Cuvo and Riva’s (1980) presented with both a sign and a spoken word study included a comparison group of typically in each trial, but stimulus control analyses developing children and employed a 2 (instruc- revealed that the resulting selection responses 864 ANNA INGEBORG PETURSDOTTIR and JAMES E. CARR were primarily under the control of the sign establish both expressive and receptive reper- rather than the spoken word. toires in each condition. Four studies included The objective of training in most cases was to such analyses. First, Cuvo and Riva (1980) teach object names; however, in two cases the found that both groups of participants required objective was to teach coin names or coin values significantly fewer trials to complete expressive (Cuvo&Riva,1980;Milleretal.,1977).InWynn trainingiftheyhadpreviouslyreceivedreceptive and Smith’s (2003) study, four of six participants training than if they had not. Although this weretaughtobjectattributes(i.e.,abstractstimulus findingsuggestedafacilitativeeffectofreceptive properties shared by a number of training training on expressive training, the facilitative exemplars, such as long and short). In the study effects of expressive training on receptive bySmeets(1978),theobjectiveofinstructionwas training were even greater, because participants the plural suffix, because object names had been who received expressive training first performed evaluatedwiththesameparticipantinapriorstudy with high accuracy on subsequent receptive (Smeets & Striefel, 1976). tests, rendering receptive training unnecessary. Trials to mastery. Four studies included data Asaresult,thetotalnumberoftrialsrequiredto on trials to mastery in receptive training when establish both expressive and receptive reper- there was no prior expressive training with the toires was greater for participants who received samestimuli,andexpressivetrainingwhenthere receptive training first than for those who was no prior receptive training with the same received expressive training without prior stimuli. These data provide information on the receptive training. In addition, the receptive- ease of implementing receptive and expressive before-expressive sequence took twice as many training as an initial training condition. Cuvo hours to complete as did expressive-only and Riva (1980)reported a substantially greater training. In contrast to Cuvo and Riva, Keller mean number of training trials in the initial and Bucher (1980), Miller et al. (1977), and receptive than in the initial expressive training Watters et al. (1981) found that prior receptive condition for participants with and without trainingyieldednosavingsofexpressivetraining intellectual disabilities. The participant in trials.Infact,someparticipantsinWattersetal. Smeets (1978) also required more receptive and one of Keller and Bucher’s participants than expressive trials to reach criterion with the required more expressive training trials when firstfewstimulussetstrainedineachcondition, they had previously completed receptive train- but not with subsequent sets. By contrast, two ing than when they had not. All three studies of the four participants in Watters et al. (1981) were in agreement with Cuvo and Riva that (a) and three of the four in Keller and Bucher trials to mastery for receptive and expressive (1980) required substantially more expressive training combined were overall greater when than receptive trials to reach the mastery participantsreceivedreceptivetrainingfirstthan criterion, whereas the remaining participants when they received expressive training first, and required either a similar number of trials in (b)conductingexpressivetrainingfirstrendered both conditions or a greater number of trials in receptive training unnecessary. the receptive condition. Overall, the results did Nootherstudiesreportedanalysesoftrialsto not suggest that one training condition was mastery. Sessions to mastery can be derived consistently more difficult to complete as an from the figures in Wynn and Smith (2003), initial training condition than the other. but the number of trials was variable across Ofperhapsgreaterimportanceareanalysesof sessions. The only other measure of acquisition the facilitative effects of prior receptive training during training was provided by Hupp et al. on subsequent expressive training, and vice (1986). In this study, receptive and expressive versa, and the number of trials required to training were not conducted to mastery; LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION 865 instead, performance was assessed after a fixed onreceptiveprobesfollowingexpressivetraining number of training sessions in each condition. across a large number of stimuli, whereas At that time, accuracy was low in both receptivetrainingrarelyproducedcorrectexpres- conditions, and the difference between the siveresponses.InthestudybySmeets(1978),by two was not statistically significant; however, contrast, the two training conditions had no statistical power may have been questionable differential effects for the same participant, in due to the small number of subjects. that both receptive and expressive training Emergenceofthealternaterepertoire.Insteadof yielded highly accurate performance on tests of or in addition to reporting trials to mastery, the untrained repertoire. several studies evaluated the efficiency of recep- Generalization and maintenance. Few studies tive and expressive training as an initial training included measures of generalization or mainte- condition by comparing correct expressive nance of the trained or emergent receptive and responses after receptive training to correct expressive repertoires. Smeets (1978) assessed receptive responses after expressive training. generalization of the emergent repertoire to Althoughnotasinformativeastrialstocriterion, novel exemplars after each instance of receptive thismeasureprovidesanindirectestimateofthe or expressive training. Generalization increased need for training in the untrained condition. across successively trained stimulus sets in both As previously noted, Cuvo and Riva (1980), conditions. In the Hupp et al. (1986) study, Keller and Bucher (1980), Miller et al. (1977), receptive generalization was the primary depen- and Watters et al. (1981) found that expressive dent variable. Thus, generalization of the training rendered subsequent receptive training trained repertoire to novel stimuli was assessed unnecessary, because the receptive repertoire following receptive training, whereas emer- usuallyemergedtocriterionfollowingexpressive gence of the alternate repertoire was tested with novel exemplars following expressive training. After receptive training, by contrast, training. These researchers found significantly expressive training was still necessary in all four greater receptive generalization after receptive studies. Of the five remaining studies listed in than expressive training. However, perfor- Table 1, all except one (Hupp et al., 1986) also mance was poor in both conditions, which is evaluated the effects of expressive training on not surprising given that training did not receptive responding, and vice versa. The results continue to mastery. Only Cuvo and Riva of three studies consistently showed that expres- (1980)providedmaintenancedata.Bothexpres- sivetrainingwasmorelikelytogeneratereceptive siveandreceptiverepertoiresweremaintainedat identificationtocriterionthanreceptivetraining 1- and 4-week follow-ups, regardless of the wastogenerateexpressiveresponding.Kellerand training condition. Bucher (1979) reported criterion performance on receptive tests following expressive training Conclusion forfiveofsixparticipants,butreportedcriterion None of the nine studies listed in Table 1 performance on expressive tests following recep- provide support for the receptive-before-expres- tive training for only one participant. In Wynn sive recommendation. If anything, these studies and Smith’s (2003) study, there was substantial collectively suggest that, when possible, the variationwithinandacrossparticipants,but8of reverse sequence may be more efficient. Specif- 10 instances of expressive training and 4 of 10 ically, it appears that expressive training may instances of receptive training resulted in reduce or eliminate need for receptive training criterion performance on tests of the alternate with the same targets (Cuvo & Riva, 1980; repertoire. Smeets and Striefel’s (1976) partici- Keller & Bucher, 1979, 1980; Miller et al., pant consistently responded with high accuracy 1977; Smeets & Striefel, 1976; Watters et al., 866 ANNA INGEBORG PETURSDOTTIR and JAMES E. CARR 1981) and conducting receptive training first because chance responding may inflate correct maysimplyincreasetheoverallnumberoftrials responses on the former, particularly if a very required to establish both repertoires (Cuvo & small stimulus array (e.g., two or three stimuli) Riva, 1980; Keller & Bucher, 1980; Miller isprovidedfromwhichtoselectinthereceptive et al., 1977; Watters et al., 1981). In light of test condition. As a result, comparisons might these conclusions, it may be surprising that be biased toward showing a greater effect of thereceptive-before-expressiverecommendation expressivetrainingonreceptiverespondingthan hassurvived.However,severallimitationsofthe vice versa. In addition, a high probability of small existing literature must be highlighted. correct responding by chance during receptive First, with the exception of Wynn and Smith training could increase the probability of false masteryinthiscondition,creatingafurtherbias (2003), all of the studies in Table 1 were against expressive test performance. However, published 20 to 35 years ago. It is possible that results of studies that employed five or more advances in stimulus control technology and comparison stimuli in the receptive condition reinforcer identification might result in differ- (Cuvo & Riva, 1980; Smeets & Striefel, 1976; ent outcomes if these studies were replicated Watters et al., 1981) are consistent with results today. Second, we were able to locate only two of studies that employed smaller arrays, sug- studies (Watters et al., 1981; Wynn & Smith, gesting that small arrays did not necessarily 2003) in which the participants were described skew the results. as children with autism. This is a potential In addition to the studies listed in Table 1, a limitation, given that the receptive-before- few studies (Connell & McReynolds, 1981; expressive recommendation has been made in Holdgrafer & McReynolds, 1975; Petursdottir, publications that primarily focus on EIBI for Carr,Lechago,&Almason,2008;Petursdottir& this population. In addition, the participants in Haflidadottir, 2009; Williams & McReynolds, many studies were substantially older than 1975)haveevaluatedtheeffectsofexpressiveand children typically enrolled in EIBI programs. receptive training on acquisition of the alternate Third, few studies provided detailed informa- repertoire in young, typically developing chil- tion on the participants’ verbal repertoires (e.g,. dren.HoldgraferandMcReynolds(1975)found existing receptive and expressive skills) at entry inconsistenteffects,andPetursdottiretal.(2008) into the study. As a result, it is not possible to found minimal effects of either training condi- make any statements, for example, about tion on the alternate repertoire. Results of the characteristics of children for whom expressive remaining studies, however, were in agreement training may render receptive training unneces- that receptive repertoires were more likely to sary. Fourth, all nine studies, with the possible emerge after expressive training than expressive exception of Watters et al. (1981), addressed repertoires after receptive training. In addition, tacts of visual stimuli in Skinner’s (1957) Connell and McReynolds (1981) found that terminology. However, many programs labeled expressive training was more likely than recep- expressive in EIBI curricula address other types tive training to yield derived expressive and ofrelations,suchastactsofstimulipresentedin receptive relations. Thus, studies conducted other sense modalities, mands for reinforcers, with typically developing participants have and intraverbal responses to spoken words. A yielded results that are consistent with results fifth limitation is present in studies that com- from studies in which the participants had paredeffectsofreceptiveandexpressivetraining developmental disabilities. This research, how- on the emergence of the alternative repertoire. ever, suffers from the same limitations as This limitation consists of difficulty comparing studies conducted with clinically relevant par- performance on receptive and expressive tests, ticipants,including small stimulus arrays in the LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION 867 receptiveconditionandanemphasisontactsof of the speaker and the behavior of the listener visual stimuli, with the exception of two arefunctionallyindependentofoneanother.As studies that targeted intraverbals in addition a result, they state that ‘‘there is no guarantee to or instead of tacts (Petursdottir et al., 2008; that by teaching a tact response that a receptive Petursdottir & Haflidadottir, 2009). response will emerge, or vice versa’’ (p. 158) and emphasize that each must be established directly.M.L.SundbergandPartingtonmakea ALTERNATIVE clear distinction between expressive programs SEQUENCE RECOMMENDATIONS that aim to establish three different verbal The recommendation to teach receptive- operants; mands, tacts, and intraverbals. Thus, before-expressive targets does not appear to be the question of when to teach expressive skills, supported by the available evidence. Thus, relative to corresponding receptive targets, is alternative recommendations that have ap- considered separately for each of these three peared in EIBI publications warrant consider- verbal operants in the sections that follow. ation.Wearenotawareofanypublicationsthat Mands. At the very beginning of a child’s recommend a consistent expressive-before-re- intervention program, M. L. Sundberg and ceptive sequence forlearners who arecapable of Partington (1998) place a strong emphasis on benefiting from expressive instruction, even the establishment of a rudimentary vocal or though this sequence may have greater empir- signed mand repertoire. If their recommenda- icalsupportthanthereceptive-before-expressive tions are followed, a child may acquire mands sequence. However, verbal behavior model for several items before he or she receives any publications sometimes offer alternative recom- receptive training with the same or other items, mendations that are based on their conceptual or any other expressive training. Empirically, it foundations as well as practical considerations. is unknown how this recommendation affects In this section, we review the empirical support future acquisition or the overall outcome of behind recommendations made in two such the intervention program. However, the rec- books: M. L. Sundberg and Partington (1998) ommendation to teach mands first may be andGreerandRoss(2008).ThebookbyM.L. justifiable on practical grounds alone, because a Sundberg and Partington has enjoyed substan- mand repertoire provides the child with tial popularity by EIBI providers (Love et al., appropriate means of initiating communication 2009), and its sequence recommendations toaccessavarietyofreinforcers.Inaddition,the regarding receptive and expressive language acquisition of effective mands for specific objectives are more explicit than those made reinforcers can result in a decrease in inappro- inotherverbalbehaviormodeltextbooks.Greer priate behavior that has been maintained by the and Ross, by contrast, do not make specific same reinforcers (e.g., E. G. Carr & Durand, recommendations regarding the sequence in 1985). which to introduce early receptive and expres- Tacts. When teaching tacts and related sive targets. However, their recommendations receptive behavior, M. L. Sundberg and for establishing advanced receptive and expres- Partington (1998) recommend interspersing sive language skills are unique in the EIBI tact and receptive training trials for the same literature and of potential relevance to the items within the same teaching sessions. These present discussion. sessions also include instructional and mainte- nance trials for various other instructional M. L. Sundberg and Partington (1998) targets. No specific rationale is offered for this Following Skinner (1957), M. L. Sundberg strategy,exceptfortheassumptionthattactand andPartington(1998)assumethatthebehavior receptiverepertoiresarefunctionallyindependent 868 ANNA INGEBORG PETURSDOTTIR and JAMES E. CARR of one another and, as a result, each must equal number of receptive and expressive trials be established through direct contingencies of may not be necessary. reinforcement. Although some research sup- Intraverbals. Some of the early intraverbal ports the notion that tact and receptive reper- targets described by M. L. Sundberg and toires can be acquired independently (e.g., Partington (1998), such as filling in blanks in Guess & Baer, 1973; Lee, 1981; Wynn & songs, rhymes, and phrases, do not have any Smith, 2003), the studies listed in Table 1 obvious corresponding receptive instructional indicate that many children may acquire a targets. As a result, sequencing recommenda- receptive repertoire without explicit training tions are irrelevant for those targets. However, if they receive tact training with the relevant many of the more advanced intraverbals items. At present, little is known about char- described in the book are related to a receptive acteristics or prior histories that may differen- target. For example, a child might be taught to tiate these children from children who require respond to phrases such as ‘‘You drive a —’’ explicit training of both repertoires. It is possi- receptively, by pointing to a car, or intraverb- ble that even for children who can acquire both ally, by saying ‘‘car.’’ By the time these repertoires as a result of tact training, simulta- programs are introduced, according to M. L. neous training, as recommended by M. L. Sundberg and Partington’s recommendations, Sundberg and Partington, is a more efficient the child has already acquired tacts of the target strategy for achieving the same outcome. How- items (e.g., car). The receptive relations, in ever, we are not aware of any studies that have which a child selects an item when presented comparedtheefficiencyofinterspersed tactand with spoken instructions that exclude the name receptivetrialswithtact-only,receptive-only,or of the item, are termed receptive by function, sequential training. feature, and class (RFFC) by M. L. Sundberg A few studies have evaluated a similar and Partington. As with tacts and recep- interspersal strategy for teaching tacts and tive discriminations, M. L. Sundberg and mands. Two studies (Arntzen & Almas, 2002; Partington emphasize a need for directly train- Carroll & Hesse, 1987) reported enhanced tact ing both RFFC and the corresponding intra- acquisition when tact trials were interspersed verbals. Although they do not necessarily recom- with mand trials for the same items, compared mend a specific sequence, they suggest that it to tact training alone, whereas Sidener et al. often may be useful to complete RFFC first (2010) failed to find the same effect. Similar (similartothetypicalrecommendationinUCLA- strategies might be used to evaluate the modelpublications).Therationaleforthissugges- interspersal of verbal operant trials with recep- tion is that children may often start tacting the tive trials. The appropriate ratio of tact to stimuli that they select during RFFC trials; for receptive trials in interspersed training also example,achildmightrespondto‘‘Youdrivea—’’ might be investigated. Guess and Baer (1973) by pointing to a picture of a car and also saying found that three of the four participants who ‘‘car.’’ Thus, establishing the intraverbal relation received expressive training with one set of wouldonlyrequirefadingthevisualstimulus. instructional targets and receptive training with another set failed to acquire the untrained We are not aware of any studies that have repertoire with one or both sets. In a second demonstrated benefits of a receptive-before- experiment, expressive and receptive training intraverbal sequence over the opposite sequence were interspersed with only a few reinforced or other possibilities, such as simultaneous trials that targeted the alternate repertoire. This instruction. Again, a receptive-before-expressive modification was sufficient to produce acquisi- sequence may be a practical necessity for tion of both repertoires, suggesting that an children whose vocalrepertoires are nonexistent

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