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JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 807–818 NUMBER4 (WINTER2011) FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A SUMMARY OF 90 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSES MICHAEL M. MUELLER, AJAMU NKOSI, AND JEFFREY F. HINE SOUTHERNBEHAVIORALGROUP Several review and epidemiological studies have been conducted over recent years to inform behavior analysts of functional analysis outcomes. None to date have closely examined demographic and clinical data for functional analyses conducted exclusively in public school settings.Thecurrentpaperpresentsadata-basedsummaryof90functionalanalysesconducted inpublicschoolsettingsfrom2006through2009for69students.Specifically,wepresentdata ongender,age,race,diagnosis,topographyoftargetbehaviors,numberofconditions,duration of sessions, duration of analysis, functional outcomes, setting, and person serving the role of therapist.Resultssuggestthatfunctionalanalysesinschoolsarepossible,practical,andproduce results thatarecomparable tothosein pastresearch. Keywords: functional analysis, public schools, severe problembehavior _______________________________________________________________________________2 Functional analysis is a functional assessment Functional analyses have been conducted on methodology in which discriminative stimuli, nonsevere behaviors such as noncompliance and motivating operations (MO), and potential classroom disruption (Broussard & Northup, reinforcers for a target behavior are carefully 1995; Wilder, Harris, Reagan, & Rasey, 2007) arranged in a controlled manner to elucidate and andonverysevereproblembehaviorsuchasself- isolatetheeffectsofpotentialsourcesofreinforce- injurious behavior (SIB; McCord, Thomson, & ment(e.g,Carr&Durand,1985;Iwata,Dorsey, Iwata, 2001) aggression (O’Reilly, 1995), and Slifer, Bauman, & Richman, 1982/1994). Typ- property destruction (Fisher, Adelinis, Thomp- ically, these variables are confounded when son, Worsdell, & Zarcone, 1998). behavior is observed but not experimentally Somereviewsoffunctionalanalysisoutcomes manipulated (Iwata, Kahng, Wallace, & Lind- have provided descriptive data on several berg, 2000; Mace, Lalli, & Lalli, 1991). Func- variables. For example, Iwata et al. (1994) tional analysis is the only functional behavioral summarized functional analysis outcomes for assessment (FBA) methodology that can lead to 152 individuals who engaged in SIB. All functional rather than correlational outcome data analyses were conducted in residential facilities with respect to the relations between environ- or group homes over an 11-year period. The mental events and problem behavior (Asmus, majority of functional analyses (95.4%) pro- Vollmer, & Borrero, 2002; Cooper, Heron, & duced differential responding and, therefore, Heward, 2007; Mueller, 2004). Since the devel- useable results fortreatmentplanning. Negative opment of functional analysis methods by Iwata reinforcement in the form of escape from tasks etal.(1982/1994),hundredsofpapershavebeen or other aversive sources of stimulation was published supporting its use with students and identified as the maintaining variable most adults in home, clinic, school, and residential often (38.1%). Social-positive reinforcement, settings (e.g., Hanley, Iwata, & McCord, 2003). in the form of attention or access to tangible items, accounted for 26.3% of the identified functionsforSIB.Automaticreinforcementwas Address correspondence to Michael M. Mueller, Director of Behavioral Services, Southern Behavioral found to maintain 25.7% of the cases. About Group, 2470 Windy Hill Road Suite 300, Marietta, 5% of functional analyses suggested multiple Georgia 30067 (e-mail: mmueller@southernbehavior. control.InasystematicextensionofIwataetal., com). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-807 Kurtz et al. (2003) reviewed functional analysis 807 808 MICHAEL M. MUELLER et al. outcomesfor23childrenundertheageof5years analytic consultation services from 2006 to who had been referred for treatment of SIB and 2009. All referrals were made from public other severe behaviors. All functional analyses schools in the Atlanta, Georgia, metro area by wereconductedinauniversityclinicsetting,anda public school administrators who sought con- caregiver served the role of therapist for 70% of sultation regarding individual students who theanalyses.Functionalanalysesidentified87.5% demonstrated severe problem behavior. of the referred behaviors’ maintaining variables. The primary location of each analysis was Unlike the findings of Iwata et al., negative the classroom, therapy room, conference room, reinforcement was responsible for maintaining office, or library. If an analysis took place in only 3.4% of the individuals’ SIB, and positive a classroom, an area in the classroom typically reinforcement (i.e., attention, tangible, attention was partitioned off to protect against the plus tangible) accounted for 37.9% of the cases. influence of uncontrolled variables. The case Hanley et al. (2003) conducted a review of manager made location determinations based functional analysis outcomes published in peer- on severity and disruptiveness of the problem reviewed behavior analysis journals. Similar to behavior, classroom layout, and descriptive Iwata et. al. (1994), Hanley et al. found that assessment information relative to whether or 34.2% of behaviors were maintained by negative not classroom variables affected the behavior. reinforcement, 25.3% were maintained by atten- Classroom use always was considered first. tion, and 10.1% was maintained by access to Other options were considered if the classroom tangible items. In a departure from previous was ruled out due to concerns about safety or reports,Hanleyetal.foundthat31%ofpublished threats to experimental control. functional analyses were conducted in school The person who served the role of therapist settings. However, participant demographics and was a consultant, teacher, paraprofessional, or functional analysis outcome data were not school district behavior specialist. All consul- reported separately for the school-based analyses. tants were master’s- or doctoral-level behavior Evaluationoffunctionalanalysisoutcomesfrom analysts. The case manager determined who public schools only is needed to help to ascertain served the role of therapist based on several whether functional analysis methods can identify factors. Teachers always were considered first. the reinforcers for problem classroom behaviors However, other personnel were chosen if the and whether the functional analysis process is behavior was deemed too dangerous (e.g., practicalinapublicschoolenvironment.Giventhe aggression), if the teacher could not take time myriad differences between public schools and away from other students, or if the teacher or other settings, functional analysis outcome data paraprofessional did not feel comfortable serv- mightdifferfromthosereportedpreviouslydueto ing as therapist. In some cases, teacher training differences in settings, student demographics, and for the role of therapist was terminated topographiesofreferral.Thepurposeofthepresent prematurely when it was apparent that more study was to examine demographic and clinical extensive training would be needed. Finally, outcomedatafor69 studentswhosebehaviorsled even though this is subjective, if the case to 90 functional analyses that were conducted in manager felt that rapport with a teacher might publicschool settings. be affected negatively by the training process, someone other than the teacher was selected to serve as therapist. METHOD Participants and Settings General Procedure All participants were public school students During the 3-year period, 69 students who who had been referred for intensive behavior- rangedinagefrom4to21years(M511.6years) FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS 809 had been referred for assessment and treatment either withheld (e.g., attention) or restricted of severe destructive behaviors. Multiple func- (e.g., tangible items) and then is made available tional analyses had been conducted with 17 of only for a brief period following occurrences the students, resulting in a total of 90 analyses. of the target behavior. To test for negative When multiple analyses were conducted with a reinforcement, some presumably aversive vari- singlestudent,differenttopographiesofbehavior able is presented (e.g., academic demands) and were evaluated in separate analyses. The func- is terminated only briefly following the target tional analyses included in this review were behavior. The test for automatic reinforcement conducted as part of the Behavior Analytic consists of an ignore condition because secure Consultation to Schools model (BACS; Mueller and safe rooms are not available to conduct an &Nkosi,2007,2009).TheBACSisabehavior- alone condition. All functional analyses were analytic service delivery model used in the conductedusingmultielementdesigns.Analyses assessment and treatment of severe problem were concluded when two or three data points behavior in school settings. The BACS model of any test condition clearly were differentiated begins with record review, parent and teacher above the control condition. Decisions to end interviews (e.g., Functional Assessment Infor- analyses were made via visual inspection of the mantRecordforTeachers;Doggett,Mueller,& data by the behavior-analytic consultant who Moore,2002; Edwards, 2002),and rating scales managed the case or during individual or (e.g., Motivation Assessment Scale; Durand & group supervision of consultants by doctoral- Crimmins, 1988). Next, we conduct direct level behavior analysts. observations in the classroom using narrative Session length ranged from 2 to 30 min, as observation methods, antecedent–behavior– determined by the consultant. Five-minute ses- consequencerecording(Bijou,Peterson,&Ault, sionswereusedmostoften.Ourgeneralapproach 1968), and scatterplot recording (e.g., Touch- was to use 5-min sessions to minimize analysis ette, MacDonald, & Langer, 1985). Results of time,schooldisruption,andintentionalreinforce- theseindirectanddescriptiveassessmentsleadto mentofproblembehavior.Iflittleornobehavior thedevelopmentofspecifichypothesesregarding was observed after conducting two to three series the functions of the target behavior. These of conditions with 5-min sessions, the session hypotheses are then tested in the functional length was increased to 10 min. Session length analysis. was just 2 min in one analysis due to time The individualized nature of the analyses constraints. Thirty-minute sessions were used for allows test conditions to be included only when extended ignore sessions only. Extended ignore descriptive data suggest that a condition has a sessionswereconductedtodetermineifhighlevels high probability of containing a maintaining of behavior observed in an ignore session would variable.Similarly,whendescriptivedatadonot be extinguished over time. support the inclusion of a condition, those conditions are excluded from the analysis Data collection. Doctoral- or master’s-level (Mueller & Nkosi, 2009). These two guiding behavior analysts, students under Board Certi- principles ensure that the fewest number of fied Behavior Analyst certification supervision, conditions are included in the analysis to predoctoral practicum students, or predoctoral minimize assessment time, disruption to the interns served as data collectors. Data collectors student’s schedule, and disruption of the peers’ used either a count (i.e., number of responses) learning environment. The logic of each or a 10-s partial-interval recording system. functional analysis condition is based on that Functionalanalysisresultswerecalculatedeither described by Iwata et al. (1982/1994). To test as rate (responses per minute) or as percentage for positive reinforcement, some variable is of intervals. To generate a rate measure, the 810 MICHAEL M. MUELLER et al. number of responses of the target behavior was data suggested a student might engage in SIB dividedbythenumberofminutesinthesession. (e.g.,headbangingorhittingawall,floor,table, To generate a percentage-of-intervals measure, etc.). Pads were obtained from the classroom or intervalswithtargetbehaviorsweresummedand fromthegymnasiumthroughcoordinationwith divided by the total number of 10-s intervals in the physical education teacher. Subjective ses- the session. For the purposes of this review, sion-termination criteria were established for demographicandclinicaldatawerecompiledfor somestudents toestablish whena session would each student and each functional analysis. be terminated if the response frequency or Student demographic information included the magnitude in a session was elevated above what age, race, gender, and primary diagnosis of the typically was observed in the referral environ- 69 students. Clinical variables included the ment.However,nosessionswereterminateddue number of different conditions in an analysis, to response severity, frequency, or magnitude. duration of sessions, number of sessions, dura- Condition Types tion of analysis, setting, person serving as Social-positive reinforcement. Testsforpositive therapist, response topography, and functional reinforcement included attention, diverted at- outcome for the 90 functional analyses. The tention,tangibleitems,andaccess(interrupt).In results of the functional analyses were examined the attention condition, procedures were similar by comparing each series to the control condi- to those described by Iwata et al. (1982/1994) tion. The specific functional outcomes were in which brief therapist attention was delivered categorized as attention, escape, access, tangible, contingentonthetargetbehavior.Inthediverted automatic,acombinationofanyoftheabove,or attention condition, the therapist delivered high little or no responding. levelsofattentiontothestudentfor1minprior Safety and ethical information. The behavior- to the start of the session. The session began analytic consultant obtained informed consent when the therapist stopped delivering attention from parents for all assessments. Informed to the student and began delivering high levels consent described the risks of reinforcing of attention to a peer. Target behavior briefly problem behavior and the potential benefit of diverted the attention from the peer back to the obtaining such information. School admini- student. The quality of attention delivered was strators always were aware of the procedures similar to that delivered in the attention and the potential risks for disruption to other condition and included such statements as, classrooms or student learning. All persons who ‘‘You can’t do that,’’ or ‘‘No hitting.’’ After served as therapists were provided with indi- attention was delivered to the student, atten- vidualized training on physical management tion was delivered back to the peer. In the procedures relevant to the response topography tangible condition, procedures followed those of the referral. For example, if a referral was to described byFisheretal.(1993)inwhichaccess assess aggression in the form of biting, the to a preferred tangible item was restricted and therapist was taught how to block bites, how to then returned briefly contingent on the target react safely to bites, and how to interact safely behavior. During the access (interrupt) con- withthestudent(e.g.,howtopositiontherapist’s ditions (see Hagopian, Bruzek, Bowman, & body safely when delivering demands). Thera- Jennett, 2007), several preferred items were pists occasionally sustained superficial injuries distributed throughout the room. The therapist (e.g., small scratches, redness of the skin, light initiated the session after the student began to bruising) during some analyses. The therapist engage with an object. At fixed intervals, the usedprotectivepaddingtocoverexposedareasof student was interrupted verbally and physically concernduringanyanalysisinwhichdescriptive from the activity and told to do something else FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS 811 (e.g., ‘‘You can’t play with that right now; find (34%) functional analyses. For sessions that somethingelsetodo.’’).Thestudentwasallowed recorded frequency data, interobserver agree- toaccesspreviouslyinterruptedactivitiesbutwas ment was calculated by dividing the lower restricted from the activity most recently inter- count by the higher count and multiplying rupted. If a target behavior occurred, the thera- by 100%. For sessions in which interval data pist allowed the student access to the most were collected, agreement was calculated by recently interrupted activity for a brief period. dividing the number of intervals of exact Following this brief access, the therapist again agreement between observers by the number initiated the fixed-time interruptions. of observed intervals and multiplying by 100%. Social-negativereinforcement.Theescapefrom The range of agreement between observers was academic demand condition followed proce- 86% to 100% (M 5 96%). The second type of dures described by Iwata et al. (1982/1994). interobserver agreement was determined after Difficult or nonpreferred academic demands the analyses were completed. Five master’s- and were delivered using a three-step (verbal,gestur- doctoral-level behavior analysts visually inspect- al, physical) prompting procedure. Contingent ed60ofthe90(67%)functionalanalyses.Each on the target behavior, the therapist removed behavior analyst was asked to categorize the academic demands and turned away for a brief graphbybehavioralfunction.Thepercentageof period.Attheendofthereinforcementinterval, the 60 graphs in which there was consensus a new demand was delivered. agreement (all five behavior analysts needed the Automatic reinforcement. No programmed same results to be coded as a consensus agree- consequences were delivered for the target ment) was divided by the total number of behavior. No therapist interaction occurred graphs displayed(i.e., 60)to determine theper- with the student during the session. centage agreement. Consensus agreement was Control conditions. During the control con- reached for all of the graphs inspected. ditions, the student was provided with noncon- tingent access to the reinforcers that were RESULTS included in the test conditions. For example, if an attention and a tangible condition were The top panel of Table 1 depicts the included in the analysis, noncontingent atten- American Psychiatric Association (2000) or tion and tangible items were provided in the Georgia special education eligibility category control condition. If a tangible and an escape for students receiving special education services condition were included in an analysis, no who were not medically diagnosed. Of the 69 demands and noncontingent tangible items students, 47 (68%) had been diagnosed with were included in the control condition. No autistic disorder. Including individuals diag- programmed consequences were delivered for nosed with Asperger’s disorder and pervasive target behaviors. Depending on which test developmental disorder not otherwise specified conditions were included in the analysis, these (PDD-NOS), 83% of the students were diag- conditions provided a control for contingent nosed with a PDD. Table 1 also depicts the age access to tangible items, attention, adult proxi- of participants in 2-year groups and their racial mity, escape from demands, and location. makeup and gender. Eighty-seven percent were between the ages of 5 and 12 years; 72% were Interobserver Agreement Caucasian, and 26% were African-American; Two different forms of interobserver agree- 80% were male, and 20% were female. ment data were collected during the study. Table 2 depicts the number and percentage First, two observers collected data indepen- of the sample of functional analyses conducted dentlyfor100%ofsessionsduring31ofthe90 for each response topography. Of the 90 812 MICHAEL M. MUELLER et al. Table1 Table 2 Student Characteristics Topography Numberof Percentageof Number Percentage students sample ofanalyses ofsample Diagnosis autism 47 68 Aggression 42 47 PDD-NOS 5 7 SIB 8 9 Asperger 5 7 Tantrum 8 9 ADHD 4 6 Propertydestruction 8 9 EBD 2 3 Aggressionwithpropertydestruction 8 9 Down 2 3 Disruption 5 6 FAS 1 1 Vocalizations 3 3 bipolar 1 1 Flopping 2 2 Landau-Klefner 1 1 Screaming 2 2 MR 1 1 AggressionorSIB 1 1 Age(years) 1to2 0 0 Mouthing 1 1 3to4 5 7 Touching 1 1 5to6 13 19 Aggressionorscreaming 1 1 7to8 16 23 9to10 16 23 11to12 8 12 consultant, served as therapist in 16% of the 13to14 6 9 analyses. A school system behavior specialist or 15to16 3 4 17to18 1 1 paraprofessional served as therapist in the 19to20 0 0 remaining 4% of analyses. 21andover 1 1 Race Caucasian 50 72 Each functional analysis included two to six African- 18 26 of the following conditions: attention, tangible, American Asian-American 1 1 escape, interrupt, diverted attention, or control Gender female 14 20 (Table 3). Forty-nine percent of the functional male 55 80 analyses were conducted using four different Note. Student demographic information summary for conditions, and 83% were conducted using 5- 69studentswhosebehaviorswereanalyzed.PDD-NOS5 min sessions. We increased the duration of pervasivedevelopmentaldisorder,nototherwisespecified; sessions from 5 min to 10 min for 11% of the ADHD5attentiondeficithyperactivitydisorder;EBD5 emotional and behavioral disorder; FAS 5 fetal alcohol analyses. Only 3% of the analyses were syndrome;MR5mentalretardation. conductedsolelyusing10-minsessions.Table 3 also depicts the distribution of functional functional analyses, 47% targeted aggression. analysis durations in 30-min groups. Duration SIB, tantrums, property destruction, and ag- of an analysis was computed by multiplying the gression with property destruction each com- duration of each session by the number of prised9%oftheanalyses.Theremainderofthe sessions conducted at that duration (e.g., 20 topographies consisted of disruption, vocaliza- sessions 3 5 min 5 100 min), and excluding tions, flopping, screaming, aggression with SIB, the 3- to 5-min breaks between sessions. The mouthing, touching, and aggression with functional analyses ranged from 30 min to screaming (for a total of 17% of the sample). 430 min (M 5 109 min). Thirty-three percent Sixty-one percent of the functional analyses fell in the 30- to 60-min range, which was the were conducted in the student’s classroom. most frequent duration. Fifty-eight percent of The next most frequent location (29%) was a the analyses were conducted in 90 min or less, separate therapy room. Other settings included 71% were conducted in 120 min or less, and conference rooms, school offices, utility rooms, 83% were conducted in 180 min or less. libraries, and teacher lounges. A trained behav- Table 4 depicts the number and percentage ioral consultant served as therapist in 80% of ofeachspecificandgeneralreinforceridentified thefunctionalanalyses.Teachers,trainedbythe in the functional analyses. Escape from task FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS 813 Table 3 LengthandDurationof FunctionalAnalyses Numberofanalyses Percentageofsample Numberofconditions 6 7 8 5 25 28 4 44 49 3 13 14 2 1 1 Durationofsessions 2min 1 1 5min 75 83 10min 3 3 increase5to10min 10 11 increase5to30min 1 1 Durationofanalysis 0to30min 4 4 31to60min 30 33 61to90min 18 20 91to120min 12 13 121to150min 9 10 151to180min 2 2 181to210min 4 4 211to240min 5 6 241to270min 3 3 300+min 3 3 demands was the highest percentage of identi- responding, and 3% were undifferentiated (i.e., fied reinforcers (26%) for target behaviors, a function could not be identified using visual followed by attention (16%), access to inter- inspection of the graph). For more general ruptedactivities(13%)ortangibleitems(11%), classes of reinforcers, 51% of the analyses and automatic reinforcement (4%). Seven identifiedpositivereinforcementasthefunction percent of the analyses produced little or no of the target behavior. Twenty-six percent Table 4 IdentifiedReinforcers Numberofanalyses Percentageofsample Specificreinforcer escape 23 26 attention 14 16 access 12 13 tangible 10 11 attentionandtangible 8 9 littleornoresponding 6 7 automatic 4 4 attentionandescape 4 4 undifferentiated 3 3 escapeandtangible 2 2 accessandtangible 1 1 escapeandaccess 1 1 escape,attention,andtangible 1 1 tangibleandinterrupt 1 1 Generalreinforcer positivereinforcement 46 51 negativereinforcement 23 26 combined 8 9 automatic 4 4 notidentified 9 10 Note.Top panel presentsthe number andpercentage of specific reinforcers identified in the 90functional analyses. Bottompaneldepictsthespecificreinforcersgroupedintogeneralreinforcerspresentedasthenumberandpercentageof the90analyses. 814 MICHAEL M. MUELLER et al. Table 5 FunctionalOutcome byResponse Topography Undifforlittle orno responding Diff Esc Atten Acc Tang Auto Mult Aggression 7 35 12(35) 4(11) 3(9) 4(11) 0(0) 12(34) Self-injury 0 8 2(25) 0(0) 2(25) 1(13) 1(13) 2(25) Tantrum 0 8 1(13) 2(25) 0(0) 3(38) 0(0) 2(25) Propertydestruction 1 7 2(29) 1(14) 3(43) 1(14) 0(0) 0(0) Aggressionandpropertydestruction 1 7 3(43) 0(0) 2(29) 0(0) 0(0) 2(29) Disruptions 0 5 0(0) 4(80) 1(20) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) Vocalizations 0 3 0(0) 1(33) 0(0) 1(33) 1(33) 0(0) Flopping 0 2 2(100) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) Scream 0 2 0(0) 1(50) 1(50) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) AggressionandSIB 0 1 1(100) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) Mouthing 0 1 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 1(33) 0(0) Touching 0 1 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 1(33) 0(0) Aggressionandscream 0 1 0(0) 1(100) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) Total 9(10) 81(90) 23(26) 14(16) 12(13) 10(11) 4(4) 18(20) Note.Foreachtopography,thenumberofanalysesthatshoweddifferentiatedoutcomesorundifferentiated(including littleornoresponding)outcomesisprovided.Thenumberoffunctionalanalyses,bytopography,thatidentifiedspecific reinforcers is shown. Percentage of the functional analyses, by topography, from those that were differentiated is presented in parentheses. Heading abbreviations: Undiff 5 undifferentiated; Diff 5 differentiated; Esc 5 escape; Atten 5attention; Acc 5access; Auto 5automatic; Mult5 multiple. identified negative reinforcement, and the of maintaining variables in 90% of functional remainder identified functions as either auto- analyses conducted in school settings. Similarly maticreinforcement(4%)orcombinedpositive highlevelsofdifferentiatedoutcomeshavebeen and negative reinforcement (9%). reportedinpreviousresearch(e.g.,Asmusetal., Table 5 provides functional outcome data by 2004; Derby et al., 1992; Hanley et al., 2003; response topography. The most frequent prob- Iwata et al., 1994; Wacker et al., 1998). Of lembehaviorwasaggression.Ofthe42analyses particular interest in the present findings was for aggression, 35 resulted in differentiated the short duration needed to reach differentiat- outcomes. Escape (35%) was the predominant ed outcomes. The length of time required to maintaining variable for aggression. However, complete functional analyses is frequently cited multiple maintaining variables were identified as the reason they are not practical in applied in 34% of the analyses for aggression. All eight settings (e.g., Gresham, Quinn, & Restori, of the analyses for SIB resulted in differentiated 1998; Hayes & Follette, 1993; Haynes, 1998; outcomes. Escape, access to interrupted activi- Haynes & O’Brien, 1990; LaRue, Weiss, & ties, and multiple forms each were identified as Ferraioli, 2007; Lerman & Iwata, 1993; Miller, the maintaining reinforcer in 25% of the Tansy, & Hughes, 1998; Noell & Witt, 1998; analyses. Access to tangible items was found to Repp & Horner, 1999). Results of the present maintain tantrums in 38% of the analyses that study showed that more than 70% of the targeted that behavior. functional analyses were completed in 2 hr or less and more than 80% of the analyses were concluded within 3 hr. The functional analysis DISCUSSION itself was one of the least time-consuming The manipulation of common environmen- aspects of the functional assessment process, tal variables that occasion, evoke, and maintain given the length of time behavior analysts spent problem behavior produced the identification directly observing behavior in classrooms, FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS 815 interviewing staff, and reviewing records to likely produce more demands than other develop hypotheses about behavioral function. settings do, so negative reinforcement might More than 80% of the analyses were conducted be a potent reinforcer for dangerous behaviors. with 5-min sessions, which helped to minimize The highest percentage of problem behaviors in the total duration of the analyses. Iwata et al. the current study was reinforced by escape. (1994) reported average durations of around These findings are consistent with those of 6 hr for their analyses with 15-min sessions. Iwata et al. (1994) and Hanley et al. (2003). Asmus et al. (2004) reported an average dura- Veryfewbehaviors(4%)inthepresentstudy tionofabout4hrusing5-minsessions.Because were shown to be maintained by automatic previous research suggests shorter session dura- reinforcement. This finding is in sharp contrast tions may yield reliable data (Hanley et al., to those of Iwata et al. (1994), Hanley et al. 2003;Wallace&Iwata,1999),arranging5-min (2003),andKurtzetal.(2003),whofoundthat sessionsinapublicschoolsettingseemsidealto 19.7%,15.8%,and13.8%ofbehaviors,respec- minimize classroom disruption. Session time tively, were maintained by automatic reinforce- may be increased if compelling descriptive data ment. This most likely is due to two related suggest that more time might be needed to variables. First, very few of the commonly create the MO for the condition. For exam- reported stereotypic behaviors were targeted in ple, conditions might be extended beyond the the present study (e.g., hand flapping, eye recommended 5-min length if a teacher reports gouging, pica, rocking, mouthing, sucking). that the student typically tolerates being left Second, aggression was the most common alone for short periods of time, or if a student targeted behavior in the present study. Aggres- can work satisfactorily for 6 or 7 min. sion very rarely, if ever, has been found to be The BACS model of consultation was used maintained by automatic reinforcement (see to guide the consultants’ movement through a Thompson, Fisher, Piazza, & Kuhn, 1998). series of best practice steps from initial referral Functionaloutcomesalsovariedbytopography through the functional analyses presented here. in the present study. For example, all of the Thus, functional analyses were conducted after screaming and disruption targeted in functional indirect and descriptive assessments. The func- analyses were maintained by positive reinforce- tional analyses may have required more sessions ment. All flopping was maintained by negative or produced different outcomes without the reinforcement. Mouthing and touching were, in information gained in the descriptive phases. the two cases in which they were targeted, each However, the analysis time, whether a function maintained by automatic reinforcement. The of the other methods that preceded them or significanceofthesedifferencesisunknown,given not, was short in the great majority of cases. the unequal sample sizes of the referrals made to Anecdotally, the longer the analyses took to each category. However, results are consistent complete, the less clear were the results. with those reported by Hanley et al. (2003). Kurtz et al. (2003) suggested that younger More than 60% of the functional analyses children most likely encounter fewer demands were conducted in the students’ regular class- duringtheirday,whichcanhelptoexplainwhy roomsetting.Allotherswereconductedoutside the SIB of younger children is not maintained the classroom in some other unused space byescapeatlevelscomparabletoolderchildren. converted into an analysis area. Decisions to In Kurtz et al., a small minority of target conduct analyses outside the student’s class- behaviors (i.e., about 3%) was maintained by room were influenced most by the disruptive- escape. The functional analyses in the current ness of the behavior, safety concerns, and study all were conducted in school settings potential threats to experimental control (e.g., with school-aged students. School settings most classroommaterialsthatcouldnotberemoved). 816 MICHAEL M. MUELLER et al. Location of the assessment affects both the ders, in-house staffing of behavior analysts by ecological validity and experimental control of schooldistricts,andothervariablesthatproduce school-based functional analyses. Ecological referrals for outside consultation. The high validity is the extent to which the referral percentage of students with autistic disorder environment mirrors the assessment environ- andotherPDDsinthepresentstudymightlimit ment (Brewer, 2000). On the other hand, the generality of results to groups comprised of experimental control is the extent to which the different populations. Similarly, the predomi- experimenters can control the delivery of the nantreferraltopographywasaggression.Samples reinforcers and minimize confounding environ- withdifferenttopographiesmightyielddifferent mentalfactors(Cooperet.al.,2007).Ecological functional outcomes. validity and experimental control may be seen Another noteworthy limitation concerns the as existing at opposite ends of a continuum. atypical manner in which interobserver agreement Modifying the environment to ensure greater data were collected. In most published research, experimental control results in less ecological observations are distributed across participants so validity. Ecological validity is important, be- that some level of agreement is collected for each cause the physical properties (e.g., sights and participant. In the present study, data were sounds) and social interactions in a classroom collected in every session during 34% of the very well may function as MOs related to the analyses,andnodatawerecollectedduring66%of reinforcers tested in the analysis. Using 5-min theanalyses.Theoverallpercentageofsessionswith sessions requires high experimental control interobserver agreement data is consistent with because of the impact that any event might accepted standards for publication, although the have on responding. distribution of the observations was very much Diagnostic differences between the individuals unbalanced.Thisunequaldistributionofdatawas in the present and other studies are noteworthy. due to the unavailability of additional staff during Only20%oftheindividualshadbeendiagnosed someoftheconsultationsessions.Mostcommonly, with autistic disorder in Hanley et al. (2003), a behavior-analytic consultant managed a referral whereas more than 80% of the students in the withnohelpfromotherconsultants.Precedentfor present study had been diagnosed with a PDD. variations in typical interobserver agreement data- The population of students with PDDs is collection procedures, including studies in which increasing.Thesestudentsoften present clinically nodatawerecollectedduringinvivoconsultation, with difficulties when exposed to events that are can be found in the school psychology literature commoninschoolsettings.Forexample,frequent (e.g.,Ajchenbaum&Reynolds,1981;Galloway& schedule changes and transitions are common Sheridan, 1994; Kratochwill, VanSomeren, & antecedent events for problem behavior main- Sheridan, 1989; Mueller, Moore, & Sterling- tained by access to ongoing activities. Novel and difficulttaskdemandsareantecedenteventsthat Turner, 2005; Sheridan, Kratochwill, & Elliott, often precede escape-maintained behavior. 1990;Witt,Noell,LaFleur,&Mortenson,1997). Severallimitationsofthepresentstudyshould However, future researchers and clinicians should be noted. First, the extent to which the results pay close attention to the extent to which limited can be generalized to students and schools in interobserver agreement data threaten the validity othergeographicalareasisunknown,becauseall of assessment results. theanalyseswereconductedinGeorgia.Student Future research might address many issues demographic variables and referral topographies noted as limitations above. To what extent do mightvarygreatlyfromstatetostateorregionto regional differences affect school referrals by region based on differences in local special student demographic data such as diagnosis? education practices, prevalence of certain disor- Are there differences in referred behavioral

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