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Preview ERIC EJ962698: Investigation of Environmental Topics in the Science and Technology Curriculum and Textbooks in Terms of Environmental Ethics and Aesthetics

Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri • Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 11(4) • Autumn • 2252-2257 ©2011 Eğitim Danışmanlığı ve Araştırmaları İletişim Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. Şti. Investigation of Environmental Topics in the Science and Technology Curriculum and Textbooks in Terms of Environmental Ethics and Aesthetics Canan LAÇİN ŞİMŞEK a Sakarya University Abstract In order to solve environmental problems, it is thought that education should be connected with values. For this reason, it is emphasized that environmental issues should be integrated with ethical and aesthetic values. In this study, 6th, 7th and 8th grade science and technology curriculum and textbooks were investigated to find out how much environmental ethics and environmental aesthetics were mentioned in the topics related to environ- mental education. In the study, a descriptive methodology had been followed; the data were gathered through document analysis and analyzed in line with the determined themes. The themes related to environmental et- hics are respect, value, responsibility, participation and compensation. For environmental aesthetics the aest- hetic aspects of the visuals, the emphasis on the beauty of nature and the harmony between pictures and the topic were assessed. At the end of the study, it was found that both in the curriculum and in the textbooks en- vironmental topics are generally explained through a nature-centered approach. However, it was seen that en- vironmental ethics and aesthetics were not mentioned enough. It was determined that responsibility and par- ticipation elements of environmental ethics were emphasized but respect, value and compensation elements were neglected. Key Words Environmental Education, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Aesthetics, Science and Technology Curricu- lum, Science and Technology Textbooks. Environmental problems have become one of the In curricula, general aims of the environmental most accentuated issues, lately. It is possible to say education are determined as; raising awareness that this is not only the effect of globalization and about environment and its problems, giving in- media but also the effect of their consequences for formation, developing positive attitudes, knowing people’s daily lives. Gaining the understanding of environmental problems and developing research environmental problems are human related, bring skills, contributing to the solution of problems and along the necessity to raise awareness of individu- participating (Brause & Wood, 1993; Doğan, 1997; als about the environment they live in (Erten, Gruenewald, 2004; Palmer & Neal, 1996; Stapp 2004). Therefore, environmental education has be- et. al., 1969, cited in Disinger, 2001). When these gun to be included in curricula. purposes are examined, it is seen there is an under- standing that suggests if people are aware of their environment and its problems, they become more a PhD. Canan LAÇİN ŞİMŞEK is currently an Assis- sensitive about it. Thus, when environmental prob- tant Professor at the Department of Science Edu- lems become a current issue, the emphasis on the cation. Her research interests include environ- idea stating that in order to solve problems people mental education, history of science, concept de- should be more conscious is mentioned frequently; velopment and concept teaching. Corresponden- however, it is seen in time that being conscious ce: Assist. Prof. Canan LAÇİN ŞİMŞEK, Sakar- is not enough to solve problems (Erten, 2004). ya University, Faculty of Education, Department of Science Education, Sakarya/Turkey. E-mail: Although since 1960s there have been studies re- [email protected] & cananlacin@gmail. garding environmental education in curricula, it is com Phone: +90 264 6141033/193. 2252 LAÇİN ŞİMŞEK / Investigation of Environmental Topics in the Science and Technology Curriculum and... emphasized that the expected efficiency could not For people to arrange their place in the world and be gotten; just giving information is not enough, their relationships with the world and each other, environmental issues should be integrated with aesthetical perception sensitivity should be revived people’s values (Lynch, 1998). When the idea stat- (Erzen, 2006, p. 13). Environmental aesthetic is ing that people’s behaviors shape according to their different from decorating, physically and stylisti- values (Disinger, 2001) is thought, the necessity cally arranging a place. Environmental aesthetics to enrich the environmental education with val- firstly means our perceptions of the environment, ues to raise environmentally sensitive individuals the value we give to it, our assessments about it and has aroused (Aleixandre & Rodríguez, 2001; Carr, our relationships with it (Erzen, 2006, p. 53). In this 2004; Davis, 1998; Franson & Gärling, 1999; Gure- sense, aesthetical values have an important role in vitz, 2000; Özdemir, 2007; Thapa, 2001). For this preserving the environment (Brady, 2003; Het- reason, some professional ecologists mentioned tinger, 2005). For this reason, environmental ethics that besides being conscious about the problems, ignoring the aesthetic value of the environment is ethical and aesthetical values should also be em- deficient (Robinson, 2009). Aesthetic experiences phasized to solve environmental problems (Boz- make students; (i) develop an understanding of kurt, 1999; Davis, 1998; Kostova & Atasoy, 2008; the existing characteristics of the environment, Light & Rolston III, 2003; Reiss, 1999; United Na- (ii) gain the ability to consider aesthetic aspects of tions Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- environmental problems and be sensitive about it, zation [UNESCO], 1978, p. 24, 1997). As a matter (iii) be more sensitive about the environment and of fact, some researchers claimed that one of the enrich their relationships with it by developing factors that make environmental problems this big, their abilities to arrange, apply and discuss their is not giving enough importance to environmental personal aesthetic values (“Environmental learn- ethics and aesthetics (Brause & Wood, 1993; Tont, ing and experience”, 2007). 1996). Accordingly, it is obvious that curricula should in- Environmental ethics is the systematic investiga- clude both ethical and aesthetical elements. Within tion of the moral relationships between people and an environmental education program comprising their natural environment (Des Jardins, 2006). It of ethical and aesthetical values, students are ex- is not about human-human relationships; it com- pected to develop these following understandings: prises the relationships between humans and other (i) Respect: Students should realize that every liv- living things (plants and animals) (Ünder, 1996). ing thing in the nature has right to live and respect Environmental ethics suppose that moral princi- this right. They should know that life of every living ples rules people’s behaviors toward natural world, thing has a purpose and meaning. (ii) Value: Stu- therefore, an environmental ethics theory should dents should know that everything in the nature, explain what these rules are, for whom and what living or non-living, has a value; they should stop people have responsibilities and also should reveal valuing the things around them according to their the reasoning behind these responsibilities (Des benefits for humans. (iii) Responsibility: Students Jardins, 2006, p. 46). The points that are tried to should be aware of their existing environment and be emphasized in environmental ethics are; people be responsible for the things happening in that are responsible for the environment they live in, environment. (iv) Participation: Students should every living thing has right to live and this should be sensitive about environmental problems, know be respected, preserving a life is good whereas re- the ways to cope with these problems and partici- straining and ending a life is bad, actions that will pate in this struggle actively. (v) Compensation: affect all living things life should be avoided, when Students should be aware of the necessity to com- something happened and badly affected all living pensate their harms to a living or non-living thing things’ lives the responsibility for compensation (Tepe, 1999; Ünder, 1996). this action should be taken and people also have Based on the idea that cognitive sensitivity to en- responsibilities for the living things that will live vironment develops at the age of 9-10 and children after them (Ünder, 1991, 1996). can be assessed in terms of human-environment Environmental aesthetics include the aesthetical relationships at this stage (Arslan, 1997) the im- values of the environment. Appreciating the aes- portance of environmental education in basic edu- thetics means constructing our relationships with cation can be understood better. Being accepted as the world again and identifying the objects truly a period during which children’s value and belief in order to build up more healthy relationships. system takes shape; an environmental education 2253 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: THEORY & PRACTICE program, beginning from these ages, based on used to teach the topics related to environmental ethical and aesthetical values can be a good chance education. How much environmental ethics and to raise individuals who see themselves as a part of environmental aesthetics were mentioned in the the environment and be at peace with the nature. topics related to environmental education However, although this is the way it is supposed to be, the research showed that the existing situation is different. In this research, it was found that most Method of the topics in the curricula from past to present In this study, a descriptive approach was adopted are in the form of “education about environment”, and for this reason document analysis was done. (Çakci, & Oğuz, 2010; Gurevitz, 2000; Gülay & Eki- Document analysis is analyzing the written ma- ci, 2010; Yücel & Morgil, 1988), and the education terials having information about the case or cases given is at the aim of “giving information about which are aimed to be investigated (Yıldırım & environment” instead of developing attitude and Şimşek, 2003). ability (Srbinovskia, Erdogan, & Ismailia, 2010; Tanrıverdi, 2009). In our country, Laçin Şimşek (2004) has made a study about environmental Process ethics and aesthetics. In this study, in which 2002 For data collection, 6th, 7th and 8th grade science and science and technology curriculum and textbooks technology curriculum and textbooks were inves- were investigated to find out to what extend and tigated with document analysis. The data gathered how environmental ethics and environmental aes- through document analysis are assessed according thetics were mentioned while explaining the top- to previously determined themes. In this study, the ics related to environment, it was determined that themes for environmental ethics are respect, value, in curricula and textbooks a human centered ap- responsibility, participation and compensation. proach to environmental education is dominant. For environmental aesthetics the aesthetic aspects In another study, which examined the 2004 science of the visuals, the emphasis on the beauty of nature and technology curriculum and 4th and 5th grade and the harmony between pictures and the topic textbooks in terms of environmental ethics and were assessed. In the curriculum, the topics which aesthetics, it was found that in the curriculum and include science-technology-society-environment textbooks both human-centered and nature-cen- objectives were determined and assessed. In the tered approaches were present; however, nature- textbooks, the topics related to environmental is- centered approach was not supported with ethical sues were investigated in terms of content and and aesthetical values sufficiently (Laçin Şimşek, visual quality. In order to obtain reliability (Miles 2006). Considering these studies in the literature, it & Huberman, 1994) the curriculum and the text- is possible to draw a conclusion as elementary cur- books were investigated by two different research- ricula are far away from raising the intended and ers. Then, the findings of the researchers were com- expected “environmentalist person” profile. How- pared, and the points on which they have agree- ever, the way the topics are presented in curricula ment and disagreement were determined. After is very important to raise the expected human pro- having discussions, they reached a consensus on file. In curricula, mentioning ethical and aestheti- every point. cal values within the topics related to environment, involve people’s consciences with environmental problems and integrate with moral values are con- Results sidered to be effective to raise individuals sensitive The findings obtained through the investigation of about environment. Therefore, it is important to 6th, 7th and 8th grade science and technology cur- examine curricula and textbooks, an important riculum1* are as following: teaching material of educational activities, for these means and to determine how much they refer When the curriculum was investigated, it was to environmental ethics and aesthetics. found that from the 38 objectives in the learning area “science-technology-society-environment”, Purpose 14 of the objectives are related to environment. It The purpose of the study is to investigate and dis- can be said that most of these objectives are con- cuss 6th, 7th and 8th grade science and technology sidered on a nature-centered approach. However, curriculum and textbooks in order to find out to what extend ethical and aesthetical elements were * The textbooks and study books examined in this study are listed in the references. 2254 LAÇİN ŞİMŞEK / Investigation of Environmental Topics in the Science and Technology Curriculum and... it was seen that within these objectives responsi- living things and nature. The results of the study of bility and participation elements were emphasized Thompson and Barton (1994) support these ideas. but respect, value and compensation elements were In this study, the researchers found that there is a neglected. When the objectives of the unit were ex- positive relationship between nature-centered ethi- amined, it was seen that there are 556 objectives in cal judgment and protective behaviors and being a total; however, only 20 of them are associated with member of an environmental organization. the determined environmental objectives. This In the textbooks, explanations within the topics situation was thought to be surprising. Moreover, are generally supported with nature, plant and hu- these objectives were also found to be considered man pictures and by this way, it was tried to grab on a nature-centered approach and most of them students’ attention to aesthetical aspect of environ- emphasizing to responsibility and participation ment. However, it was seen as a negation for aes- elements of environmental ethics and neglecting thetic perception that these pictures are generally respect, value and compensation elements. It is too small and low quality. possible to say that in unit objectives, there is not enough referring to the elements of environmen- tal ethics. Furthermore, both in the objectives of Discussion learning area and in the unit objectives, no state- Tanilli (1999) refers to two old and opposite phi- ment referring to environmental aesthetics was losophies in the history of thought, concerning the found. environmental problems that have begun in 1970s. Investigation of the textbooks revealed that al- The first one is the motto of Ancient Greeks “leave though in most of the statements a human-cen- nature as it is”. According to Aristoteles, there is tered approach was followed, it can be said that only one thing for humans to do; compromise with textbooks have a nature-centered wording. In the nature and benefit from it. As opposed to this idea, topics, environmental problems are addressed from there is the modern design defending the idea of the perspectives of the people and also from the “command the world” which is announced by Ba- point of both plants and animals. This was thought con and Descartes firstly. In other words, the ideas as a positive step. Because it was previously deter- of people are owners of the world. It is an undeni- mined that in the curricula and textbooks prepared able fact that this idea is the reason behind the rap- in 2002 mostly a human-centered approach was idly increasing environmental problems. Thinking followed (Laçin Şimşek, 2004). On the other hand, nature as an unlimited source, utilization of it in although saving other living things life and taking an unrestricted way and feeling no responsibility responsibility for this were emphasized, it was seen for it brought the situation at this point. As real- as a deficiency not to give reasons for them. These izing this bad condition, efforts to take precautions statements were not supported with environmental are accelerated. However, unfortunately presenting ethics sufficiently. In the expressions including en- information and raising awareness do not bring vironmental ethics, most of the attention was taken along the intended sensitivity. people should real- to the participation and responsibility elements, ize that they are not owners of the world, they are respect, value and compensation elements were ne- just a component of it who has to learn to live with glected. Yet, in order to make students show partic- it concertedly. In this regard, while shaping people’s ipation and take responsibility for environmental beliefs, attitudes and values behind their behaviors problems, firstly students should realize that they against nature, environmental education should have to respect and value nature and other living benefit from environmental ethics and environ- things’ right to live and achieve awareness for these. mental aesthetics (Bozkurt, 1999). In this study, For this to happen, these points should be clearly which aims to determine to what extend ethical stated in the expressions; students’ attention should and aesthetical elements were used to teach the be taken to the points that every living thing has topics related to environmental education in 2004 right to live, this right should not be intervened, science and technology curriculum and textbooks, the harms should be compensated in negative situ- it is possible to conclude that there is not enough ations and these points should also be integrated emphasis on these points. Although it can be said with students’ value system. Because how we solve that expressions mentioning environmental eth- environmental problems is directly related to how ics are frequently seen in the textbooks, most of we perceive the problems (Kortenkamp & Colleen, these expressions emphasize responsibility and 2001). This is to only way to raise individuals who participation elements and neglect respect, value are sensitive about nature and respectful to other and compensation elements. Moreover, it was as- 2255 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: THEORY & PRACTICE sessed as an obstacle in front of giving learners the Çakci, I., & Oğuz, D. (2010). Is environmental knowledge eno- intended message that most of the expressions are ugh to motivate the action? African Journal of Agricultural Re- search, 5 (9), 856-860. superficial and the reasoning are weak Dahlstrand, U., & Biel, A. (1997). Pro-environmental habits: It is known by everyone that environmental prob- Propensity levels in behavioral change. Journal of Applied So- lems cannot be solved with just laws and technol- cial Psychology, 27 (7), 588-601. ogy; this problem can only be solved with changing Davis, J. (1998). Young children, environmental education, and individual behaviors (Erten, 2004). It is stated by the future. Early Childhood Education Journal, 26 (2), 117-123. various researchers that for behaviors to change, it Des Jardins, J. R. (2006). Çevre etiği. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi. is not enough to know and be aware of, attitudes Disinger, J. F. (2001). K-12 education and the environment: and value judgments should also change (Çakci & Perspectives, expectations and practice. The Journal of Environ- Oğuz, 2010; Dahlstrand & Biel, 1997; Erten, 2004; mental Education, 33 (1), 4-11. Tuncay, 2010; Yücel Işıldar, & Yıldırım, 2008). Many Doğan, M. (1997). Çevre eğitimi. Çevre ve İnsan, Mart, 24-27. ecologists emphasize that ethical and aesthetical el- Environmental learning and experience an interdisciplinary ements should be included in environmental top- guide for teachers. (2007). Retrieved November 29, 2010 from ics (Bozkurt, 1999; Davis, 1998; Kostova & Atasoy, http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/environment_ed/ 2008; Light & Rolston III, 2003; Reiss, 1999). None- Erten, S. (2004). 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