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© Journal of Agricultural Education Volume 52, Number 4, pp 56–64 DOI: 10.5032/jae.2011.04056 Undergraduate Research in Agriculture: Constructivism and the Scholarship of Discovery Rebecca K. Splan, Associate Professor C. A. Shea Porr, Assistant Professor Thomas. W. Broyles, Assistant Professor Virginia Tech Experiential learning is a hallmark of undergraduate education programs in the agricultural sciences, and is aligned with constructivist learning theory. This interpretivist qualitative study used historical research methodology to analyze the epistemological underpinnings of constructivism and explore the construct’s relationship to undergraduate research, a particular experiential learning context which extends a student’s knowledge to scholarly application through discovery–based problem solving. Two pedagogical principles of constructivist learning theory emerged: that learning should be authentic, active and student–centered, and that it must also be facilitated through social negotiation. Both factors are inherent in the learning process when faculty mentors scaffold the creation of new knowledge via undergraduate research. Agricultural educators can take advantage of parallels between constructivism and the scholarship of discovery to enhance self–regulated learning of students and integrate institutional research and teaching missions. Keywords: constructivism, historical research, experiential learning Introduction For decades, experiential learning models have been a hallmark of agricultural science There is growing urgency for academic programs (Andreasen, 2004). Mastering reform among agricultural colleges within concepts and skills ‘in context’ develops higher– higher education (Fields, Hoiberg, & Othman, order thinking and transferrable skills necessary 2003; National Research Council, 2009; to prepare the workforce of the next generation Osborne, 2007). The escalating rate of global (NRC, 2009). In former times, internships and change has created mounting pressure to solve service–learning efforts were among the most complex societal challenges linked to the common examples of agricultural experiential world’s food and energy supplies. These learning which occurred outside the classroom. solutions require broad, system–wide Today, however, there is increasing call to approaches, multidisciplinary strategies and promote another type of experiential learning; collaborative efforts of discovery and undergraduate research. In an era where land– innovation. To meet this need, today’s students grant universities struggle with shrinking in the agricultural sciences must be educated as operating budgets and loud criticism for adaptive and resourceful lifelong learners, able advancing the research enterprise at the expense to deal readily with dynamic, complex problems of undergraduate education (Merkel, 2003), facing 21st century society. Essential is the undergraduate research leverages discovery development of cross–cutting curricula which dollars toward teaching. In its landmark 1998 promote creative and critical thinking, report, the Boyer Commission called for discovery–based problem solving, leadership universities to take advantage of strong research and communication skills, all in a manner that resources to engage undergraduates in inquiry– challenges students to make connections across based learning (Katkin, 2003). More recently, disciplines with strong grounding in the integrative federal funding initiatives from the traditional STEM disciplines of science, United States Department of Agriculture technology, engineering and mathematics. (USDA), National Institute of Health (NIH), and 56 Splan, Porr, & Broyles Undergraduate Research in … National Science Foundation (NSF) highlighted and Stein, Lockhead, and Whimbey. The early support for undergraduate teaching and learning literature is based around the principals of embedded within the scholarship of discovery. artificial intelligence and mathematics; the Supervised research and mentorship of creative theories have been transferred to education. and original work by undergraduates has Before explaining the models of problem resonated with faculty, administrators and solving it is imperative that problem solving is students. Research universities across the defined. From the literature, many definitions of country are increasingly promoting, supporting problem solving have been identified. and centralizing undergraduate scholarship via Definitions of problem solving have included inquiry–based research (Katkin, 2003). In light key concepts such as tasks, goals, mental of the changing nature of agricultural education processes, and attaining goals. Bloom and and the increasing integration of undergraduate Broder (1950) defined problem solving as “the research into the curriculum in many agricultural process by which the subject goes from the colleges, examination of these learning contexts problem or task as he sees it to the solution through a pedagogical lens is warranted. which he regards as meeting the demands of the Experiential learning, and thus learning problem” (p. 7). Polya (1946) defined problem through undergraduate research, is aligned with solving as “finding a way out of a difficulty, a constructivist learning theory. Constructivism way around an obstacle, attaining an aim that maintains that an individual’s understanding was not immediately attainable” (p. ix). Later, comes through interaction and negotiation with Woods (1987) defined problem solving as “the their environment. Through experiences with mental process that we use to arrive at ‘best’ open–ended, ill–structured problems, self– answer to an unknown or some decision, subject directed learners create knowledge as a means of to a set of constraints” (p. 55). interpreting the world around them, and validate The literature related to cognitive problem this knowledge through discourse with others solving process has addressed multiple models (Doolittle, 1999; Savery & Duffy, 2001). to explain the problem solving process. The Psychological literature has defined problem models are based on the work of Polya, solving, justified its value to educators and Pietrasinski, Bransford, and Stein, Lockhead and students, and established how to best incorporate Whimbey. Polya (1946) utilized mathematics as problem solving into the student experience the vehicle to develop and describe the problem (Berardi–Coletta, Dominowski, Buyer, & solving process as four phases the learner must Rellinger, 1995; Reder & Ritter, 1992). do in order to solve problems. The four phases Undergraduate research, as a vehicle for student are: (a) understand the problem, (b) make a plan, development, ultimately draws upon (c) carry out the plan, and (d) look back at the constructivist principles which yield scholarship solution. Polya’s work was primarily in the field through problem based learning. of mathematics and based the theory on making individuals think. Conceptual Framework While working on theories of efficient thinking, Pietrasinski (1969) developed a four The conceptual framework for this study is step problem solving model. His model operated grounded in the field of cognitive psychology. A on these four foundational steps; (a) great deal of research within psychology has confrontation by a problem, (b) search for the been concerned with problem solving (Bransford solution, (c) the solution of the problem or the & Stein, 1984; Davis, 1966; Gagne, 1964; admission of failure, and (d) final checking of Maier, 1970; Newell, Shaw, & Simon, 1958; and perfecting the solution. Pietrasinski’s Polya, 1946). After the initial decision to adopt straightforward model is depictive of a linear problem solving skills in the learning approach to solving problems. environment, it is important to develop a model Building on the concepts of Polya, to follow when solving problems. The literature Bransford and Stein (1984) developed a very related to cognitive problem solving process has similar model of problem solving, titled IDEAL. addressed multiple models to explain the The model IDEAL included five steps (a) problem solving process. The models are based identify the problem, (b) define and represent on the work of Polya, Pietrasinski, Bransford the problem, (c) explore possible strategies, (d), Journal of Agricultural Education 57 Volume 52, Number 4, 2011 Splan, Porr, & Broyles Undergraduate Research in … act on the strategies, and (e) look back and were identified through online database searches evaluate the effects of your activities. Bransford completed via the university library system and and Stein’s IDEAL problem solving model Google Scholar. paved is one of the most recent models of problem solving. Results and Findings While very similar to Pietrasinski’s model, Lockhead and Whimbey (1987) developed a Identification of the theoretical framework of four step model using research comparing constructivist learning theory. experience and novice problem solvers. After Constructivism is a theory of learning in analysis, the expert problem solver uses these which learners actively construct their own four steps: (a) the expert assembles information knowledge as a result of their experiences from the problem, (b) plans the problem (Doolittle & Camp, 1999; Savery & Duffy, solution, (c) solves the problem, and (d) checks 2001). It serves as the basis for experiential the solution. When this model is applied for learning, which has long been a feature of novice learners, frequent failure is a result of the undergraduate agricultural curricula for decades lengthy process involved in becoming an expert (Knobloch, 2003; Roberts, 2006). John Dewey, problem solver (Lockhead & Whimbey, 1987). widely known as the father of experiential education, was a major contributor to Purpose and Objectives constructivism. His view that each student’s contextual learning experiences are unique and The purpose of this study was to review and influenced by prior experience (Dewey, 1938) is synthesize relevant literature and theoretical a major feature of constructivist learning theory frameworks relating to constructivism and its and grounds later work by Kolb (1984). application to teaching via undergraduate From an epistemological perspective, research in agriculture. Specific objectives were constructivism is based on a philosophy that to (a) identify and define the conceptual reality is both subjective and relative, and is framework of constructivism, and (b) explore therefore personally unique. Although reality constructivist learning theory in the context of exists separately from experience, an undergraduate research. individual’s understanding is generated only through their interactions with the environment Methods and Procedures (Doolittle, 1999; Einstein & Infeld, 1937). Therefore, it is impossible to consider what is This study employed a historical research learned separately from how it is learned methodology. This method involves systematic (Savery & Duffy, 2001). collection, evaluation and synthesis of data to A central proposition of constructivism is describe, explain, and thereby understand events that knowledge is not gained through passive and conceptual connections that have happened absorption, but rather, that individuals must take previously (Fraenkel & Wallen, 1993; dynamic ownership of their personal creation of McMillan, 2000; Pyrczak, 2005). Concepts knowledge. Only through active processing can were elicited from sources with primary individuals attempt to seek meaning (Driscoll, emphasis on constructivism and its role in 2005). This active processing, or cognition, is authentic, problem–based learning and/or social an adaptive process that allows learners to facilitation of learning that occurs in postulate and generate appropriate behavior for a undergraduate research. The following sources given environment and generalize knowledge for were used to gather data for this study: future situational contexts (Doolittle & Camp, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, ERIC 1999). Documentation Reproduction Service, NACTA Through constructivism, learners synthesize Journal, and Journal of Agricultural Education. knowledge gained through experience to form Keyword search identifiers included problem an integrated view of how the world operates. solving, agriculture, cognitive process, These are organized as schemes, or groups of constructivism, experiential learning, thoughts or behaviors that can be used to undergraduate research, and self–regulated respond to certain environmental stimuli or learning. Studies appearing in these references generalized for new situations. Essentially, Journal of Agricultural Education 58 Volume 52, Number 4, 2011 Splan, Porr, & Broyles Undergraduate Research in … these are working hypotheses which explain the & Duffy, 1995), where learning is driven by world and serve as personal codes of conduct. challenging, open–ended, ill–structured Piaget (1977) posited that when individuals questions and is facilitated by senior group interact with their environment, new knowledge members. As such, the parallels between the must be reconciled through the processes of scholarship of discovery and constructivism are assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation clear; both acknowledge the importance of prior results in modification of one’s perceptions of knowledge in the meaning–making process, both the environment to fit a scheme, while emphasize creation of new knowledge through accommodation results in modifying a scheme active questioning, and both rely on peer review to fit the environment (Ormrod, 2008). Learning to validate new understanding. When viewed is largely the result of accommodation, but through a constructivist lens, students engaged requires assimilation as a precursor; the learner in research actively take ownership of an must be able to relate experiences to existing authentic learning task and faculty members schemes before they can learn from them. serve as facilitators for knowledge creation. As Another major tenet of constructivism is that they are mentored by their peers, students knowledge is shaped through social negotiation undergo what Collins et al. (1989) termed a and through evaluation of scheme viability ‘cognitive apprenticeship’ which develops them (Savery & Duffy, 1995). Interaction and as self–regulated learners. discourse allow for exposure to alternative views Several authors have proposed pedagogical and serve as the primary mechanism for testing recommendations for using constructivism in a learner understanding (vonGlaserfeld, 1989). teaching environment (Doolittle, 1999; Lebow Group members may also serve the role of 1993). These can be summarized to two major mentor or model, which can further guide considerations: (a) Learning should be authentic knowledge creation. and student–centered, and (b) while In addition to social facilitation, understanding may be highly individualistic in constructivism emphasizes the role of learner nature, it is derived through social negotiation. reflection in evaluation of personal knowledge. Both of these factors are examined below, Reviewing experiences and self–questioning can framed within the context of undergraduate help resolve or unearth schematic discrepancies research. which may have gone unnoticed at the time. Through social interaction and individual Learning should be authentic and student– reflection, learners arrive at knowledge which is centered. the most viable interpretation of their A central premise to constructivism is that experiences (Savery & Duffy, 1995). learning should take place in real–world environments. This facilitates active, rather than Exploration of constructivist learning theory in passive, learning, and addresses the the context of undergraduate research. individualistic nature of knowledge creation. Undergraduate research is a form of While engaged in undergraduate research, experiential learning that extends a student’s students grapple with the same types of knowledge to scholarly application (Kinkead, cognitive challenges experienced by faculty and 2003). It can be broadly defined to include graduate student researchers and contribute scientific inquiry, creative activity and meaningfully to the larger scientific effort. scholarship. Within the agricultural sciences, it Their knowledge, skills and scholarly output are is understood to result in the production of monitored in the same fashion as that of their original work which is informed by previous senior peers (Merkel, 2003). When knowledge work and is built upon by other scholars, is is created in an authentic context, it is longer– subjected to critical evaluation by peers who lasting and more viable than if derived as a represent the expertise of the profession or result of an exercise without real–world discipline, and is publicly disseminated consequence (Doolittle & Camp, 1999). This (Glassick, 2000). deep learning requires the student to utilize Undergraduate research naturally lends itself higher order thinking (Bloom et al., 1956) to to constructivist learning theory. It is a form of critically evaluate and solve multidisciplinary problem–based learning (Barrows, 1992; Savery problems. Journal of Agricultural Education 59 Volume 52, Number 4, 2011 Splan, Porr, & Broyles Undergraduate Research in … Constructivists believe that cognition and knowledge creation depends on the learner’s knowledge creation are adaptive functions which prior knowledge and interpretation of events. allow for enhanced ability to assess and However, an individual’s understanding is positively react to given environments. shaped through social facilitation. Faculty Therefore, learning contexts must acknowledge mentors provide for and encourage multiple and build upon prior knowledge and be relevant perspectives and representations of content. The so that the learner is willing to change their cooperative learning context provided by current way of thinking (Doolittle, 1999). undergraduate research can expose students to Exploration of previous literature through different points of view, including those with written review or discourse with peers allows which they disagree, in a supportive students to frame their understanding of a environment. As a result, students consider a subject before the experimental or active problem from various perspectives (Lebow, questioning portion of their project begins. 1993) and arrive at knowledge which best Similarly, individual research projects allow models their experiences and social interactions students to explore subjects of particular interest (Doolittle & Camp, 1999). to them, providing greater relevancy and Faculty mentorship is key to the motivation for learning. Students are able to undergraduate research experience. In an connect their current research experience to their extensive longitudinal study, Astin (1993) found previous background and future career goals, that the two most important factors in student thereby attributing greater personal benefit to the cognitive and affective development and learning process. learning were the quantity and quality of Ultimately, students should be encouraged interaction with faculty outside the classroom. to become self–regulatory, self–mediated and During the undergraduate research project, self–aware through their undergraduate research faculty mentors assume responsibility for experiences. Although constructivism promotes scaffolding the knowledge creation process, knowledge construction as communal, learning rather than act as ‘knowledge conduits’ experiences should emphasize development of (Doolittle & Camp, 1999). Their role is to create each individual student’s ability to develop both experiences which challenge and develop the cognitively and metacognitively into a self– student appropriately in cognitive, affective and regulated learner (Bandura, 1989; Lebow, 1993). behavioral domains. This student–oriented Undergraduate research provides faculty approach, and commitment to the student mentors with an opportunity to coach students in learning experience, is a central assumption of development of personal autonomy in the constructivism. learning process which will persist through the student’s lifetime. Through its inquiry–based Summary and Implications approach to knowledge creation and expectation that knowledge comes often from making Experiential learning is a fundamental mistakes, the research environment naturally component of agricultural science curricula, and lends itself to metacognitive development. is aligned with constructivist learning theory. Research staff model self–regulation skills such Undergraduate research, a particular type of as goal–setting, critical analysis of self–progress, experiential learning context, can be viewed and self–questioning; students subsequently from a constructivist perspective. develop similar automatic feedback loops with Constructivism’s two primary tenets of active, coached practice (Lebow, 1993; Zimmerman, authentic, student–based learning and 2009). knowledge creation through social interaction, lend themselves readily to undergraduate Learning should involve social negotiation and research. When students are actively engaged in mediaton. undergraduate research, they enjoy the learning Engaging students in undergraduate research process. Students develop higher–order thinking promotes interactive, dynamic construction of skills and reason more efficiently because they knowledge and inclusion in a community of are challenged to operate within an authentic, scholars as proposed by Boyer (1990). real–world context. Through interaction with Understanding is inherently individual; personal faculty mentors and peers they develop their Journal of Agricultural Education 60 Volume 52, Number 4, 2011 Splan, Porr, & Broyles Undergraduate Research in … social and interpersonal skills within the paradigm of instruction. Further, scientific hierarchy and learn what is expected constructivism’s two major tenets, that learning for successful scholarship. Because they create is active and individual, and that it must be knowledge from experience with open–ended, facilitated through mentorship and social ill–structured problems, they develop their interaction, make undergraduate research ability to generalize knowledge to other subjects incredibly inefficient across an institution. and circumstances. Finally, through their Although students are often hand–picked, highly interaction with hypothesis– or problem–based motivated and highly–qualified, they still require research, they become more metacognitively significant coaching and input of resources. aware, achieving greater self–regulatory learning Student learning necessarily proceeds at skills through appreciation of directed inquiry. different rates and assessment is difficult to These strengths are all inherent in a paradigm of standardize across experiences. 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SHEA PORR is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal and Poultry Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 5527 Sullivans Mill Rd, Middleburg , VA, 20117, [email protected] THOMAS W. BROYLES is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 204 Litton Reaves Hall, Blacksburg, VA, 24061, [email protected] Journal of Agricultural Education 64 Volume 52, Number 4, 2011

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