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Preview ERIC EJ951846: Promoting Mathematical Competence and Confidence in Latina Preservice Teachers: Examining Home and School Experiences

Linguistically Diverse Students & Their Families Promoting Mathematical Competence & Confidence in Latina Preservice Teachers Examining Home & School Experiences Cynthia Gautreau, Lisa Kirtman, & Andrea Guillaume This article presents the activities is equal (Spelke, 2005), past achievement McCoy, 1997, p. 71), performance gaps in and results of an American Association of data indicate slight differences between mathematics are found between students University Women (AAUW) Campus Ac- male and female achievement. of color and their White peers. tion Project designed to promote Latinas’ Although the results of the National For instance, in California, although mathematical confidence and competence Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) 58% of seventh-grade students’ perfor- in teaching elementary mathematics. The reveal that since 1973 mathematics achieve- mance levels were proficient or advanced, project explored how school and family ment for nine-year-olds has been similar for 32% of Latinos performed at proficient experiences contribute to Latinas’ sense girls and boys, by age 17 males have, in or advanced levels, and just one quarter of self efficacy as teachers of mathematics the past, outperformed females slightly in (26%) of Black seventh graders achieved in elementary schools. Through analysis of mathematics (U.S. Department of Educa- proficiency (CDE, 2009). National data their personal histories as they intersect tion, 2008a). Fortunately, meta analytical indicate similar disparities. Although the with mathematics, and the patterns found findings conclude that overall gender dif- 2008 NAEP data show a slight narrowing among those histories, Latinas pursuing ferences in mathematics are trivial (Hyde, of the achievement gap since 1973 for nine- careers in education explored issues of Lindberg, Linn, Ellis, & Williams, 2008). year-olds, there is still a 16-point gap in confidence as they relate to both teaching However, Hyde et al. do note that national achievement between Hispanic students and learning mathematics. achievement data suggest that differences and White students and a 26-point gap be- The goal of the project was to ensure in one critical subcomponent of mathemat- tween Black students and White students confidence and self efficacy among Latinas ics achievement—complex problem solv- (U.S. Department of Education, 2008b). By in order to enable them to encourage pow- ing—seem to favor males. the time students hit 17 years of age, the erful mathematics learning and confidence Additionally, despite the fact that girls Hispanic/White gap increases to 21 points, in their own students. Participants’ experi- and boys currently take advanced math- and the Black/White gap to 27 points. ences suggest improvements and inclusion ematics courses at about the same rate, Given the fact that aptitude across races for K-12 and teacher education as well as boys still pursue certain Science-Technol- and ethnicity is equal, how do we account ways to promote and connect learning to ogy-Education-Mathematics courses (such for such differences? at-home experiences. as physics) at higher rates (NSF, 2006). Many factors appear to contribute to Finally, families appear to encourage the differences in academic performance Different Student Groups, boys more strongly in mathematics than associated with race and ethnicity. Some Different Mathematics Education they do girls, and fathers appear to have researchers focus on students, what Experiences a strong influence on whether girls come they bring to school, and how that influ- to love mathematics (Jacobs, Davis-Kean, ences achievement. For example, some A large body of research as well as Bleeker, Eccles, & Malachuk, 2005). Thus, researchers (Cocking & Chipman, 1988; state and national achievement results even in the face of similar mathematics ap- Cornelius-White, Garza, & Hoey, 2004) underscore the disparate nature of the titude and achievement based on gender, emphasize that factors affecting Latino mathematics educational experience and it appears that gender-based stereotypes achievement include motivation, entry its outcomes for specific subgroups of the still plague U.S. learners, their families, level knowledge, family support, oppor- U.S. student population. Gender is one and educators (Cavanaugh, 2008). tunities to learn, and attitude. example of such a set of student popula- Self-efficacy, or the belief that one can tion sub groupings. Despite the fact that Race and Ethnicity work toward a set of goals to achieve suc- male and female aptitude for mathematics cess, is also related to academic achieve- Students also have different math- ment. Despite the fact that Hispanics come ematics experiences based on race and to school with aptitude equal to that of Cynthia Gautreau is an assistant professor ethnicity. Although children of color bring their peers, Hispanics tend to have lower and Lisa Kirtman and Andrea Guillaume to the kindergarten classroom “the same self-efficacy in mathematics (Stevens, Oli- are professors basic intellectual competencies in math- varez, & Hamman, 2006). And self-efficacy in the College of Education ematical thought and cognitive processes tends to function differently for different at California State University, Fullerton, as their White counterparts” (Walker & MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION 44 Family Literacy ethnicities. For instance, Stevens, Oliva- Societal Patterns affairs is not inevitable. When they reach rez, and Hamman found that the theo- out to families, educators can positively Finally, societal patterns at large often retical model that adequately explained influence the learning experience. place children of color at a disadvantage. their White participants’ mathematics self Positive outcomes have been reported Societal factors such as racism have been efficacy was inadequate for explaining that in K-12 programs that promote school and linked to the underachievement of children of their Hispanic participants. family connections where elementary and of color and girls: Another study found that Hispanic high school educators can establish an students’ self-efficacy was influenced more Racism has been shown to diminish af- effective rapport among Latino families by their past performance than was the fected individuals’ academic and social and schools. Rosario (2006) notes that development, self-esteem, and personal case for their White peers (Lan, Olivarez, family connections and student leader- feelings of competency, [and] women and Stevens, & Tallent-Runnels, 2004). Thus, ship programs where students feel em- girls of racially marginalized groups are a number of “personalogical” factors con- powered and in control of their education discriminated against in the labor mar- tribute to the mathematics experiences of ket, political realm, educational system, promotes academic achievement among students. These factors alone, however, do and judicial system. (APA declaration, Latinos. Cooper, Denner, and Lopez not account for the differential experiences 2001, p. 2 & 3) (1999) emphasize that “Teachers—from of our students. any ethnic background—can also act as Ladson-Billings (2006, 2007) argued cultural brokers who help Latino children convincingly that differences in student Structures of Schooling to succeed in school and to achieve their achievement are the result of a number of dreams” (p. 52). Teachers can implement The structures, patterns, and activi- societal inequities that extend throughout curricula that includes connections to ties of schooling also contribute heavily to our nation’s history and across its many in- future careers, college requirements, and students’ mathematics experiences. Kozol stitutions, creating a cumulative education academic success. (1995) and countless others have argued debt that threatens the success not only of Another recommendation is to involve that inadequate and inequitable fund- our students but of our nation. This debt, parents in their child’s education experi- ing of schools serving primarily African she argued, must be paid down. ences by including them as guest speakers, American and Hispanic children contrib- experts, and valued contributors. Simi- ute to achievement disparities. There are Suggestions from Research larly, the Achievement for Latinos through structural features of schools that sort What have researchers suggested in Academic Success (ALAS) program has students into groups that experience dif- order to ameliorate the problem of inequi- shown success in reaching parents and ferent opportunities. Thus some individual ties in schooling? How have they suggested promoting family involvement in education students are not given options that allow we pursue, in essence, the hard work (Institute of Education Sciences, 2006). them to achieve to their fullest potential of paying down this debt? Some earlier Civil, Bratton, and Quintos (2005) expe- (Bourdieu, 1975; Bowles & Gintis, 1976; researchers like Rist (1973) have argued rienced success in working with Latino Oakes, 1988). that increasing teacher expectations is the families in mathematics through a col- In addition, some scholars maintain key to improving student achievement. laboration of the roles of parents, learners, that practices within classrooms affect Others such as Hale (1994) have discussed teachers, and leaders. A common thread students’ later success. Valiente (2008), the importance of culturally relevant cur- among successful programs is the respectful for example, emphasizes the importance riculum. Slavin and Calderon (2001) have recognition of the strengths of all parties of the interaction between a student’s argued that successful programs for Latino and the empowerment of families to help background and the learning context: students must build on students’ linguistic foster children’s mathematics success. The analysis of the learning process in and social assets. One way of building on different cultures highlights that both students’ assets involves making positive A Silencing Effect a learner’s previous experience and the connections between school and family. context in which learning takes place In summary, we find that schools tend Some research suggests that recently significantly condition the development to silence the voices of Latino families immigrated Latino families find a discon- of their preferred styles… (p. 74) as well. Although schools tend to have a nect between their wishes for success and silencing effect for all students in math- Those interactions often do not contribute the realities of schooling. Galindo (2007), ematics, the problem is particularly pro- positively to students’ experiences. Valen- for example, found that Latino parents had nounced for women, especially women of zuela (1999) argued that schools can have higher expectations and confidence in the color. Finally, those who speak languages a “subtractive effect” on Latino/as success education system than non-Latino partici- in addition to English seem to be placed at by stripping away important social and pants. However, Latino parents were less special risk in schools. cultural strengths and exposing them to involved in school functions as demonstrat- We find a paucity of public school math- academic failure. ed by their participation and attendance. ematics experiences that amplify women’s Delpit (1988) also argued that predom- Latino parents also reported providing less voices and experiences in ways that allow inant teaching methods do not explicitly support at home in mathematics. them to become successful teachers of el- allow children to know what is expected Quiocho and Daoud (2006) found that, ementary mathematics. Further, we find a of them for later success. Thus the influ- despite Latino families’ high expecta- general lack of realization or utilization of ence of school experiences in mathematics tions for their children’s achievement and the powerful results that can occur when is strong and, in many cases, not entirely desire to be more involved in the school schools draw Latinos into the culture and positive for subgroups of the student popu- community, some teachers had negative practice of mathematics education at school. lation such as females of color. perceptions of them, and Latino parents Fortunately, we have seen places where often felt excluded. However, this state of WINTER 2011 45 Linguistically Diverse Students & Their Families those pockets of excellence exist, and the ing practices for the Latino elementary mathematics and other subjects through potential for success looms large. students they would teach. an examination. They had also each passed a state test The Opportunity: Project Design of basic skills in English and mathematics. AAUW, CAP Grants, In order to address the goals of the Three of the four participants were born and CSU Fullerton’s Project CAP program and the needs of California’s outside of the U.S. Three of the four partici- A report issued by the AAUW (Corbett, students and teachers, we designed the pants were from Mexico and one was from Hill, & Rose, 2008) details the achievement CSUF Campus Action Project to be mul- Guatemala. All of the participants attended gap related to race, ethnicity, and family tifaceted in its approach. Our aim was U.S. public schools during a portion of their income rates. The report further explores to empower participants to identify and K-12 experience, and all of the participants the income gap among men and women. address the barriers often faced by Latina were first-generation college students. Despite earning college degrees, women teachers with faculty members serving as These student participants were continue to earn less than their male coun- co-participants. The project included the joined by three faculty members who were terparts. This disparity in salary is partly following components: also the grant leaders. The faculty leaders were CSUF mathematic methods instruc- based on the career paths that women tend u Regular scheduled meeting sessions tors with interest in issues of teacher to select, as fewer women pursue careers with participants leading the way in development, equity, and mathematics related to many areas of mathematics, identifying issues and developing a education. One (Gautreau) taught the science, engineering, and technology plan to address them. participants’ mathematics methods course (Acherman-Chor, Aladro, & Gupta, 2003; and is of Mexican heritage. Kirtman is Corbett et al., 2009; Stevens, Olivarez, & u Opportunities to build a community African American and Guillaume is White. Hamman, 2006). Thus the AAUW estab- of participants through low-anxiety All three faculty members are female. lished Campus Action Project grants as a activities such as mathematical means to provide start up funds for campus games and the sharing of meals. Data Sources programs to empower women and improve academic outcomes. u Examination of participants’ math- Participants supplied two sources of ematics histories, including in-school data for analysis. Before formal mathemat- and out-of-school factors that contrib- Project Rationale ics methods instruction began they submit- uted to participants’ views of them- ted electronically their personal histories In an effort to address several of selves as mathematics learners and with mathematics. They were to consider, the concerns noted in the AAUW report, teachers (with data to be analyzed as far back as they could remember, both we developed a Campus Action Project qualitatively). in-school and out-of-school experiences, (CAP) in order to explore these issues of mathematics education, instructional u Selection and provision of math- including family members, friends, school ematics manipulatives for partici- personnel and experiences that had a methodologies, and the divide that occurs pants’ classrooms. strong effect (either positive or negative) between home and school for Latinas. on them with respect to mathematics. They Our university campus is considered a u Development of a web site with were not given any limitation on length. Hispanic Serving Institution as 28.1 per- participants’ strategies for improv- This assignment is a requirement for the cent of our students are Hispanic (CSUF, ing mathematics instruction for mathematics methods course. 2008). The four participants in this study California’s elementary students. In addition to the personal histories, were Latinas enrolled in a bilingual cross cultural language and academic develop- u Presentation of the project’s find- four of the regularly scheduled CAP project ings at the National Conference for meetings were recorded and transcribed. ment (BCLAD) credential program. College Women Student Leaders in These sessions allowed students to engage The AAUW accepted our project Maryland. in a discussion and brainstorming session partly because we proposed to address the to determine obstacles that adversely af- dispersion effect, that is, that there was As part of our CAP grant, we also con- fect the progress of women in mathematics a wide range of individuals who would be ducted an interpretive study to explore and to consider promising practices for directly impacted by the results of this the relationship that Latinas have with educating Latino elementary students project. Those affected included pre-ser- mathematics. in mathematics. Informal data sources vice teachers, professors, and elementary included faculty member’s field notes, students. Furthermore, our project ad- Participants planning and post-meeting conversations, dressed the needs of pre-service teachers Our four participants were pre- participants’ drawings, recorded messages and provided them with an opportunity to service elementary teachers enrolled to future teachers, and their presentation share their education stories as told from in a mathematics methods course. The for the project’s final formal meeting. their point of view—in essence providing women were seeking initial certification Participants also collected and analyzed them with a voice. in elementary education (via multiple elementary students’ drawings about What made this project unique was subject credentials) with bilingual (Span- mathematics. that it afforded pre-service educators time ish) authorization. Given state require- to discuss their math histories in detail ments, each participant had previously Analyses while offering a safe place to share with other like-minded individuals. This cre- completed an academic major (these Data were analyzed through standard ated a forum to explore their successes as were not in education) and was required content analytic procedures (e.g., Bogdan well as an opportunity to develop promis- to prove “subject matter competence” in & Biklen, 1992; Miles & Huberman, 1994). MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION 46 Family Literacy As advocated by McMillian (2007), we used they did not make that connection. As one and de los Reyes (1997), when studying multiple sources of data to help improve participant noted, culturally relevant mathematics in a Mexi- credibility. The researchers reviewed the can American context, stated that strong My mom let me pay for things. I didn’t histories and transcribed sessions. Data teachers see that as a part of math; there was no were analyzed for themes using frequency connection between home and school. It . . . build connections with families to counts. The themes most prevalent were was totally different. It wasn’t until I create classroom cultures that mirror reviewed and discussed with the study became older. students’ own or that teachers build on participants for accuracy. students’ first language as part of a cur- Another participant noted, riculum of empowerment and as a way to Latinas and Lumberjacks: Dad could add fast, was a mechanic, but promote cultural excellence and bicultur- Findings and Implications never made the connection to math. Did alism. (p. 733) not think he was good at it. He didn’t think Similar to the conclusions of Gutstein, Our findings fall into three catego- he could help. So they stop helping in the et al., the participants in our study never ries: 3rd or 4th grade. argued that teachers need to be of a par- 1. Home-school disconnect, Mirroring an activity from a CAP ticular race or from a particular community meeting, participants asked the upper- to be able to relate to the students. They 2. Playful curriculum, and elementary-grade children in their student did all agree, however, that attempting to 3. The power of teacher communities. teaching placements to create drawings in understand the community and connecting response to the prompt “Draw a picture of home and school was essential for making Home-School Disconnect you and mathematics.” Participants’ analy- mathematics understandable. One partici- sis of these drawings suggested that today’s pant said, In several grade levels (particularly students may be experiencing a similar grade three), California students study lack of connection between mathematics the teachers would just teach and not folk tales. Participants in this study—all relate things. It was not even like tapping and their own lives, as the majority of the reared in the dry deserts of Southern Cali- into prior knowledge. Or even front load- drawings showed students sitting in class- fornia—told vivid and humorous stories ing the vocabulary. They just assumed rooms completing rows of exercises such that I knew these things because everyone of confusion about when their elementary as addition, subtraction, multiplication, else in the class did. So it was like “let’s teachers read numerous stories about and division. Only a few of the drawings read a story about lumberjacking.” a giant lumberjack (Paul Bunyan). The showed the students using mathematics in participants recalled having no context for Participants felt strongly that assign- non-school contexts such as cooking, build- understanding the concept of “lumberjack” ments must relate to students’ lives. If ing, playing games, or sports. and no rationale for appreciating the role of students’ background experiences do not The disconnect between school and the stories in U.S. history and traditions. match schools assignments, tasks such as home mathematics prevented our four These lumberjack stories became a com- word problems cause confusion and inhibit participants from understanding how mon touch point as participants explored success. Participants concluded that teach- mathematics was relevant to their lives the disconnect between the elementary ers need to get to know their students, and why they needed to learn it. From school curriculum and the students’ lives communities, and backgrounds so that they these experiences it is clear that: and experiences. can determine how to structure and present Previous writers, too, have noted the 1. Teachers need to realize that instruction and assignments in ways that importance of realistic contexts (including students do complete mathematics- make them accessible to students. home) for the learning of mathematics. related activities at home, One participant stated that Boaler (1993) argued 2. As a result, teachers can build on . . . teachers need to be ambassadors Genuine understanding which allows for this background knowledge if they because you want the teacher to provide the appreciation of links between different get to know the students and their access to this other world. But they also situations will only come about if students environment, and have to know the world the students are are encouraged to communicate, challenge coming from. and negotiate mathematics…School math- 3. Teachers need to help parents and In short, ematics remains as school mathematics for students label home activities as students because they are not encouraged mathematics activities. Another important insight for us is that by to analyze mathematical situations and demonstrating solidarity with students, understand which aspects are central. In addition, the participants made it whether or not they share the culture, When using their own self-generated clear how important family was to them on teachers may create educational settings methods students transfer from one situ- many levels. These connections are critical in which students, families, and teachers ation to another because these methods to allowing parents to feel more connected can be allies in a common effort. (Guts- are meaningful to students; the methods to school and homework as well as help- tein, Lipman, Hernandez & de los Reyes, learned in school often are not. (p. 12) ing students make real-life connections to 1997, p. 733) The preservice teachers in our study their personal experiences. Playful Curriculum clearly experienced a disconnect between The concerns expressed previously mathematics at home and mathematics were exacerbated by the fact that many To build community, we started at school. Although in retrospect they times the teachers did not make attempts many CAP sessions with games that were now understand that they participated in to understand and relate to the students’ intended to develop logical mathemati- mathematics-related activities at home community. Gutstein, Lipman, Hernandez cal thinking regardless of participants’ and at school, while they were in school WINTER 2011 47 Linguistically Diverse Students & Their Families language skills, and we provided these This new understanding of where I On a broad level, the research sug- games to the teachers for their own use. fit in society as a Latina Woman will gests the need for a focus on Latinas and Examples include Blokus and Set. Game be extremely important when I teach. mathematics in teacher education. Further This means that I have to consider the playing reinforced participants’ own no- we suggest that future studies should extra obstacle that my girls are facing tions of effective teaching and learning in not be limited to pre-service teachers. and will be facing as they are learn- mathematics. Such research needs to determine ways ing, especially when they are learning The four pre-service teachers feared mathematics because it is a subject that to impact the relationship between the that both for themselves and for the stu- it has already been stereotyped as easy Latino parents and the schools. Finally, dents they were currently teaching, the for boys only. more research needs to be developed in standards-driven, high-accountability order to continue to address the causes of McLaughlin and Talbert (2001) have curriculum was devoid of opportunities differential performance in mathematics argued that teacher communities provide for students to enjoy learning through and science of school-aged children. an ongoing venue for teacher learning. interaction, problem solving, and play. In addition to the broad issues that Our work has similar findings and, as a Games help break down barriers, engage this work addresses, the research clearly result, we suggest that teacher educators students, and inspire students to behave points at the need for reflection. Reflec- strive to foster and maintain communities within given expectations. The partici- tion must occur not only for pre-service of mathematics teachers and learners pants noted the importance of games in teachers, but also for their K-12 students. through their methods classes, out-of- teaching students: Data collection strategies such as surveys, class gatherings such as those from this drawings, oral histories, journal writing, When I first started student teaching project, as well as in virtual communi- photography, video projects, and informal what I did was I incorporated a lot of ties. conversations can all provide information games, and they used to get excited and Such meetings can provide opportu- make up more, and I’d tell them, “no nities for teachers to uncover school and for reflection. Data collection strategies keep on going!” It was an hour long. So I such as these allow schools to connect with home influences on their own mathematics noticed that if you’re engaging and they home and community and only through learning, to analyze the shortcomings and find you interesting, they’ll learn more. an analysis of these efforts can a strong strengths of these experiences (particu- Versus if you’re just, “Okay, come on, take relationship be developed between home out the worksheet.” When math is boring larly in light of trends like those discussed and school. students shut down. in the background of this article) and to invent new, more equitable practices for Educational games allow all students References today’s young mathematics learners. This to participate in a non-threatening way became a very powerful learning mecha- Acherman-Chor, D., Aladro, G., & Gupta, S. no matter what language they speak. nism for our students. They discovered (2003). Looking at both sides of the equation: In addition, game playing in mathemat- that they were not alone in their feelings Do student backgrounds variables explain ics reinforces skills without using rote and experiences, and they realized that math performance? Journal of Hispanic memory techniques and it helps with together they could make changes. Higher Education, 2, 129-145. problem solving. American Psychological Association (2001). One participant commented that, Underscoring this concept, Ke and Declaration. UN World Conference Against Grabowski (2007) indicated that: Bringing all our struggles in math to Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia light through discussion, presentations and Related Intolerance. Prepared for the . . . game playing was more effective than and through the video interviews, I have Third Session of the Preparatory Committee. drills in promoting math performance, become aware of a common fear that most Durban, South Africa. and cooperative game playing was most Latinas have toward math. I will use what Boaler, J. (1993) The role of contexts in the effective for promoting positive math at- I have learned to create an environment mathematics classroom: Do they make titudes regardless of students’ individual that positively promotes the learning and mathematics more real? For The Learning differences. (p. 247) use of math in my classroom. of Mathematics, 13(2) 12-17. Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (1992). Qualitative Power of Teacher Communities Reflection in a safe group discussion research for education: An introduction forum allowed students to acknowledge to theory and methods. Boston: Allyn & One of the major sets of findings and the impact of negative instruction while Bacon. implications from our study is the impor- determining how to utilize more positive Bourdieu, P. (1975). Cultural reproduction tance and power of teacher communities. instructional methods. and social reproduction. In J. Karabel & The participants grew by listening to A. H. Halsey (Eds.), Power and ideology in each other’s experiences and reflecting on education. (pp. 487-511). New York: Oxford Conclusion them in order to address insufficiencies University Press. Bowles, S., & Gintis, H. (1976). Schooling in in schooling practices. Through regular, This Campus Action Project under- capitalist America: Educational reform and interactive meetings that occurred over scores an important agenda for mathemat- the contradictions of economic life. New York: time, our participants built a community ics teaching and learning—specifically Basic Books. that allowed them to analyze currently that home and school connections must California Department of Education. (2009). unexplored experiences and apply them in be made. Because the main limitation of California Standardized Testing and order to improve mathematics learning in this study was the small number of par- Reporting (STAR). Three charts retrieved their own classrooms. ticipants, we suggest that the research be December 3, 2009 from http://star.cde.ca.gov/ In her reflection, one participant wrote repeated with larger numbers of pre-ser- star2009/ViewReport. asp?ps=true&lstTest Year=2009&lstTestType=C&lstCounty=&l that, through the project, she built a new vice teachers. 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