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Preview ERIC EJ951838: How School Leaders Can Accent Inclusion for Bilingual Students, Families, and Communities

Bilingual Impacts Inclusión How School Leaders Can Accent Inclusion for Bilingual Students, Families, & Communities Martin Scanlan Schools can be welcoming and lib- manner will be described. Finally, this con- illegal, segregation in educational facilities erating. They can also be alienating and ceptual framework will be applied through persists. Segregation by race, ethnicity, so- confining. Numerous factors influence specific examples of in-school supports cioeconomic status, and linguistic heritage how school communities are experienced, and home-school-community collaboration are all interconnected. As Orfield and Lee including the mission, cultural climate, strategies. (2005) describe, internal and external organizational Segregation has never just been by race: structures, as well as the role of school Demographic Imperative segregation by race is systematically leaders, both formal and informal It is linked to other forms of segregation, in- Linguistic diversity has been ubiqui- a complex situation where each of these cluding segregation by socioeconomic tous and contested throughout the history aspects plays a critical role in shaping the status, by residential location, and in- of the United States. Shifts in political, learning environment. creasingly by language. (p. 13) socioeconomic, and cultural forces have School principals, for instance, can influenced how schools in both the public They point out that African-American and structure school events in a manner that and private sectors have responded to lin- Latino students attend schools with dispro- either promotes or inhibits school access guistic diversity (Ovando, 2003). Currently, portionately high poverty rates: to families, while teachers can enact or substantial demographic imperatives are ignore culturally-responsive pedagogical The average White and Asian student strategies. Within the context of a grow- pressuring schools to improve educational attends schools with the lowest shares of services for students from linguistically poor students. The average Black and La- ing pluralism in our school communities, diverse backgrounds (Garcia, Jensen, & tino student attends schools in which close the need for educational structures that Scribner, 2009). to half the students are poor. (p. 16) encourage access and opportunity for stu- The primary impetus for such initia- dents and families who have traditionally Moreover, segregation within schools can tives is in response to the rapid growth been marginalized is an urgent priority. further exacerbate disparities and pro- of the of linguistic diversity within the The purpose of this article is to articulate grammatic service delivery structures tend school population. According to the U.S. a conceptual framework for school leaders to limit access to high quality teaching Department of Education, the number of that can promote such structures. and learning environments for students bilingual students has increased from one Marginalization in schools can mani- who receive special support services, espe- in 10 students in the late 1970s to one in fest in multiple aspects, not limited to, cially linguistically diverse students who five students today (Planty, et al., 2009). but including race, ethnicity, social class, receive bilingual and English as a Second In terms of the languages other than linguistic heritage, disability, sexual ori- Language (ESL) instruction (Frattura & English being spoken, the vast majority entation, family structure, and religious Capper, 2007). of bilingual students speak Spanish (75%) tradition. This article will focus specifically The pressures of high stakes account- or Asian/Pacific Islander languages (12%) on one group of traditionally marginalized ability are another factor compounding (Planty, et al., 2009). Nearly one third of students: those in linguistically diverse the difficulties of the learning environ- the Latino population of the United States families. ment for linguistically diverse students. (32%) are students in the school system, I begin by describing the demographic The No Child Left Behind Act requires and the overwhelming majority of these imperative that this group presents in schools to demonstrate substantive im- students (91%) are U.S. citizens (Dolan, school communities. Next a conceptual provement in students’ academic achieve- 2009). At current rates of growth, a major- framework for school leaders to approach ment, including students with limited ity of Americans will be bilinguals by 2044 linguistically diverse students and their English proficiency and students in pro- (Crawford, 2005). families in an asset-oriented and inclusive tected classes, along with “major racial While the population of linguistically and ethnic groups” (Blacks, Hispanics, Martin Scanlan is an assistant professor diverse students is growing rapidly, there and Asians) (Capps, et al., 2005). Students in the Department of Educational are other factors that also complicate this from linguistically diverse families, who Policy and Leadership trend. Two particularly salient ones are typically have lower rates of achievement at Marquette University, the factors of segregation and high stakes in reading and math (Dolan, 2009), pose Milwaukee, Wisconsin. accountability pressures. Though officially challenges to school leaders who are held WINTER 2011  Linguistically Diverse Students & Their Families accountable for students’ poor performance those held specifically by school leaders. adjustment of children to the new social on standardized achievement tests. School leadership is broadly distributed environment. (p. xvii) With linguistic diversity growing, through the roles and responsibilities of Recognizing students from linguistically segregatory patterns expanding, and high different individuals, including adminis- diverse backgrounds as bilingual does not stakes accountability pressures loom- trators (often principals), teacher leaders imply that proficiency in English should be ing, bilingual students often experience (who can also be department chairs), and either presumed or ignored. Indeed, as the in-social isolation and academic confu- other leaders in the school community following dimension makes clear, building sion within the school community. How (such as governance council members). proficiency in English is a fundamental can school leaders, including principals, School leaders in these various roles have responsibility of schools. Rather, recogniz- teacher leaders, and school board members considerable influence on reform within ing these students as bilingual foregrounds cultivate effective teaching and learning the school community. Accordingly, the the fact that building on a student’s na- environments that welcome linguistically conceptual frameworks that they hold are tive language is the most effective way to diverse students and their families? A particularly important. scaffold English language development fundamental answer to this question can I submit that Inclusión is a concep- (Goldenberg, 2008; Rolstad, Mahoney, & be found in a conceptual framework that tual framework for educators in general, Glass, 2005; Slavin & Cheung, 2005). allows these leaders to recognize linguisti- and school leaders in particular, that will cally diverse students and families as vital create welcoming and effective environ- Language Acquisition members of the school communities and to ments for linguistically diverse students is Sociocultural and Developmental build on the assets of bilingualism. I call and families. Inclusión incorporates the one such framework inclusión. following four primary dimensions: In the second dimension of the con- ceptual framework of Inclusión language 1. Linguistically diverse students are acquisition is viewed as both a sociocul- Inclusión: bilingual; tural and developmental process. First, A Conceptual Framework recognizing language acquisition as being 2. Language acquisition is sociocul- Conceptual frameworks shape deci- sociocultural is grounded in the theory that tural and developmental; sions and behaviors. In research, concep- learning is intrinsically social and that it is tual frameworks define what variables we 3. Service delivery systems should be best borne of social, historical, and cultural ex- pay attention to and how we expect them equipped to meet students’ special needs; periences (Vygotsky, 1978). Gibbons (2002) to relate to one another (Bickman, Rog, & connects this explicitly to the domain of 4. Parent engagement is essential Hedrick, 1998). Here, I use the term “con- learning language: and ecological. ceptual framework” to signify the salient [W]hile we are all biologically able to dimensions that shape educators’ experi- These four dimensions comprise a concep- acquire language, what language we ences of schools. Bowers (1984) states that tual framework in that they create a lens learn, how adept we are at using it, and “the conceptual maps on which daily life is through which school leaders can approach the purposes for which we are able to based… [shape how] we organize and ex- and engage linguistically diverse members use it are a matter of the social contexts perience our cultural reality” (pp. 32-33). of a school community. I will now describe and situations we have been in: in a As this implies, the conceptual frame- each dimension in turn. very real sense, what and how we learn depends very much on the company we works school leaders hold will drive how keep. (p. 8) they understand and respond to their Linguistically Diverse Students school communities. Pink and Noblit Are Bilingual In addition to being sociocultural, lan- (2005) make this point when analyzing guage acquisition is also developmental. First, the framework of Inclusión recog- school reform. The procecss of changing Generally, individuals learn across recep- nizes that students in our schools who come schools, they assert, has more to do with tive domains (listening and reading) before from linguistically diverse backgrounds are values and culture than it does with tech- productive domains (speaking and writing) bilinguals. This is not a simple word game, nical expertise per se. Pink and Noblit (Gottlieb, 2004). We develop different as these students are inately bilingual. explain that conflicting values about the registers of language, which vary by topic, Brisk (2006) describes how this orientation purposes of schooling complicate efforts to relationship between speaker/listener or directs schools to understand the value enact reform: writer/reader, and mode of communication inherent to linguistic diversity: (Gibbons, 2002). Developing a register of [T]he messy work of changing school Understanding bilinguals as unique in- “academic English” is essential for success culture and engaging in systemic reform dividuals with more than one language requires altering the environment of in schools (Wong Fillmore & Snow, 2000). available to them, rather than as the schools even as we work to change the Scarcella (2003) explains that: sum of two monolinguals, and influenced actions and beliefs within schools… Re- by a dynamic cross-cultural experience, Academic English arises not just from forms based on instrumental rationality rather than rigid cultural stereotypes, is knowledge of the linguistic code and ignore both the value conflict and its vital for designing school policy, classroom cognition, but also from social practices essential message that schools are less practices, and assessment procedures. in which academic English is used to ac- about instructing facts and more about Bilingual students are especially success- complish communicative goals. (p. 29) constituting culture. (pp. 3, 7) ful academically and socially when they While various and competing concep- value and cultivate their bilingualism Thus, the developmental dimensions of and feel adjusted to both their heritage language acquisition are interconnected tual frameworks within an organization culture and their host culture. Schools with the sociocultural. influence all members of school commu- and families who promote bilingualism nities, here I have chosen to emphasize and sociocultural integration ease the MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION  Bilingual Impacts Service Delivery Systems Parent Engagement fundamental responsibility of schools and Meet Students’ Special Needs is Essential and Ecological occurs as an ecological phenomenon. Third, the Inclusión conceptual frame- The fourth dimension of the Inclusión work emphasizes that students’ special perspective involves engaging parents, Applying Inclusión needs are varied, interconnected, and caretakers, and guardians. This frame- Through the lens of inclusión school dynamic, and that they thus cannot ef- work recognizes that parent engagement leaders are directed to reshape educational fectively be met in a normal programmatic is essential if schools are to meet their structures to encourage opportunity and manner. “Special needs” is a broad umbrella educational missions. Empirical evidence access for bilingual students. Two good ex- term that includes conditions which entitle continues to demonstrate the critical role amples are in-school supports for bilingual students to various support services (e.g., that parents play in successful student students and home-school collaboration a student with a diagnosed disability who achievement (e.g., Bryk, Sebring, Allen- strategies for bilingual families. These receives special education services) as well sworth, Luppescu, & Easton, 2009). models vary considerably, ranging from as conditions that disadvantage students Parent involvement positively influ- models which cultivate bilingualism (e.g., but do not trigger legal entitlements (e.g., ences achievement when schools focus on dual immersion and late-exit transitional a student experiencing a family hard- specific learning goals, cultivate trusting bilingual classrooms) to those that mini- ship who therefore meets with a school collaborative relationships among teach- mize bilingualism (e.g., pull-out, English- counselor). Many bilingual students are ers, families, and community members, as-a-Second-Language resource room developing their proficiency in English and and share power and responsibility with support) (Ovando, 2003). Undeniably, the thus entitled to bilingual support services. parents (Henderson & Mapp, 2002). Garcia overarching model of bilingual service In addition, bilingual students typically and Jensen (2007) explain: delivery in a school affects the delivery of experience disproportionately higher rates Children whose teachers recognize and in-school supports for bilingual students. of poverty and mobility. take full advantage of home resources This dimension of inclusión directs Too often programmatic approaches to (including a child’s home language and school leaders to adopt school-wide models delivering services in support of bilingual cultural practices) and parental sup- that affirm and cultivate bilingualism. A students’ special needs tend to be frag- ports tend to experience more optimal important consideration is that different mented and inefficient. Such approaches outcomes. (p. 82) configurations of linguistically diverse leave different personnel and educators Inclusión recognizes that schools have students constrain leaders’ choices. For (e.g., special educators, bilingual resource the potential to successfully cultivate instance, a dual immersion model might teachers, and counselors) working in rela- relationships with linguistically diverse be appropriate in an elementary school tive isolation, pulling students out of the families, including those who are migrant community with a significant population regular classroom to receive special re- (Lopez, Scribner, & Mahitivanichcha, of bilinguals who speak Spanish, but not sources. These programmatic approaches 2001) and immigrant (Perez Carreon, feasible in a secondary school community do not typically support and build the Drake, & Calabrese Barton, 2005). Par- in which students came from multiple capacity of the classroom teachers to more ent engagement is not only essential, but language backgrounds. However, the in- effectively meet these students’ needs. As ecological (Calabrese Barton, Drake, Perez clusión framework directs school leaders viewed within Inclusión, such service de- Carreon, St. Louis, & George, 2004). Being to structure certain in-school supports livery can be integrated through teaming “ecological” involves not only what parents for bilingual students regardless of the teachers, bringing resources to students, do, but also how and why it is that they do particular model in place. These supports and building the capacity of the classroom so. Parent engagement in school activities must assess English language proficiency teachers (Frattura & Capper, 2007). includes both the parents’ personal experi- levels, promote literacy, and provide access Such integrated service delivery sys- ences and their relationships to the entire to the general curriculum. tems apply principles of universal design, school community, moving beyond the To this end Brisk (2006) enumerates anticipating the need to differentiate cur- school building itself and into the commu- three core goals that schools should em- riculum and instruction to meet students’ nity around it. Seeing parent engagement brace for bilingual students: special needs (Sailor & Roger, 2005). This ecologically points to the importance of approach to service delivery maximizes 1. Language proficiency to academic trust, cooperation, collaboration, and also access to the core curriculum by ensur- grade level; to power (Warren, 2005), space, and capital ing that students spend as much time as (Calabrese Barton, et al., 2004). 2. Sociocultural integration to their ethnic possible integrated with their grade-level community and the society at large; and In summary, I use the term inclusión peers. It also builds the capacity of class- to articulate a conceptual framework that 3. Academic achievement as defined by room teachers to meet the diverse needs of school leaders can utilize to better serve school for all students. (p. 67) all learners within their classrooms. linguistically diverse students. Inclusión This dimension of Inclusión emphasiz- guides school leaders to conceptualize Teacher Preparation es that support services for bilingual stu- students who are linguistically diversity dents must be integrated into the broader The most important step in creating as bilinguals and whose language acquisi- service delivery system in the school. These robust supports within schools involves tion is a sociocultural and developmental supports should be delivered in manners bolstering the skills of the teachers working process. This framework recognizes that that affirm the asset of students’ home with bilingual students. While many bilin- schools will most effectively meet students’ language as indicated in dimension one of gual students are working on developing special needs through comprehensive ser- Inclusión in support of language acquisi- their English proficiency they require dual vice delivery systems. Finally, within this tion as explained in dimension two. support in language acquisition and content framework parent engagement becomes a WINTER 2011  Linguistically Diverse Students & Their Families mastery. To address this challenge, school is crucial to understanding what happens diverse population. Schools play a critical leaders can prioritize bilingual-bicultural in schools and how children ultimately role in this context: certification both in hiring and in profes- view schools and learning. (p. 20) As bilingual students’ first intense sional development for teachers (Ameri- Recommended home-school collaboration encounter with the English language can Educational Research Association, strategies begin with affirming the dignity and with American culture and society, 2004). of parents’ languages within the school schools must overcome social attitudes Moreover, school leaders can ensure through signage, communication, and opposed to the social and academic devel- that all teachers recognize that they are, to personal interactions. opment of bilingual learners. Successful some degree, language teachers (de Jong & The inclusión framework goes on to schools create a productive academic en- Harper, 2008). Through professional devel- emphasize the importance of developing vironment and an accepting community. (Brisk, 2006, p. 66) opment, teaming, and coaching, all teachers meaningful relationships with parents. can grow in understanding the essential Recognizing the “funds of knowledge” (Moll The conceptual framework of Inclu- dynamics of language acquisition and how & Gonzalez, 2004) within the home lives sión supports school leaders and encour- to effectively work with bilingual students of children is a way for school leaders do ages them to embrace the richness that in their classrooms (Wong Fillmore & Snow, this. Recommended are home visits and linguistic diversity brings to school com- 2000). Wong Fillmore and Snow (2000) conversations with parents. In this manner munities. describe what this can look like: educators can learn about the social and [Teachers] need to know something about cultural resources within families. These References how language figures in academic learn- activities are critical because, as Warren American Educational Research Association. ing and to recognize that all students re- (2005) points out: (2004). English language learner: Boosting quire instructional support and attention Most teachers and staff commute to their academic achievement. AERA Research to acquire the forms and structures asso- schools and have little understanding of, Points, 2(1). ciated with it. This is especially true for or connection with, the lives of their stu- Bickman, L., Rog, D., & Hedrick, T. (1998). Ap- English language learners. Often explicit dents outside of school, in their families plied research design: A practical approach. teaching of language structures and uses and neighborhoods. (p. 136) In L. Bickman & D. Rog (Eds.), Handbook of is the most effective way to help learners. applied social research methods. Thousand Teachers must recognize that a focus on Oaks, CA: Sage.. language—no matter what subject they Such efforts to increase collaboration be- Bowers, C. A. (1984). The promise of theory: are teaching—is crucial. They must en- tween school and home are essential for Education and the politics of cultural change. gage children in classroom discussions of the educational success of linguistically di- Eugene, OR: University of Oregon Press. subject matter that are more and more verse students, as Brisk (2006) explains: Brisk, M. E. (2006). Bilingual education: From sophisticated in form and content. And compensatory to quality schooling. Mahwah, they must know enough about language to Getting to know the students and their NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates. discuss it and to support its development families as well as welcoming their Bryk, A., Sebring, P. B., Allensworth, E., Lup- in their students. Academic language is languages and cultures can build a co- pescu, S., & Easton, J. (2009). Organizing learned through frequent exposure and herent community where the bilingual schools for improvement: Lessons from Chi- practice over a long period of time from program becomes an integral part of the cago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. the time children enter school to the time school. (p. 66) Calabrese Barton, A., Drake, C., Perez Carreon, they leave it. (p. 22) G., St. Louis, K., & George, M. (2004). Ecolo- Conclusions These strategies address the common gies of parental engagement in urban educa- tion. Educational Researcher, 33(4), 3-12. problems bilingual students encounter Inclusión is a conceptual framework Capps, R., Fix, M., Murray, J., Ost, J., Passel, J., when they are placed with teachers, tutors, for school leaders to develop welcoming & Hernandez, S. H. (2005). The new demog- and aides who are ill-equipped to meet their and liberating school communities for raphy of America’s schools: Immigration and needs. Following these steps will increase linguistically diverse students. First, by the No Child Left Behind Act. Washington, the opportunities for bilingual students to approaching these students and their DC: Urban Institute. experience an optimal teaching and learn- families as bilingual, school leaders rec- Crawford, J. (2005). Making sense of census ing environment in which they engage in ognize the inherent strengths they offer. 2000. Retrieved February 3, 2006, from structured academic conversations, receive Second, by seeing language acquisition as http://www.nabe.org/research/demography. html formative feedback, and develop fluency in sociocultural and developmental, educa- de Jong, E. J., & Harper, C. (2008). ESL is speaking, reading, and writing. tors understand that developing profi- good teaching “plus”. In M. E. Brisk (Ed.), ciency in English takes place over time Language, culture and community in teacher Home-School Collaboration and throughout the school community. education (pp. 127-148). New York: Law- Third, by crafting systemic approaches rence Erlbaum Associates. The inclusión framework directs to service delivery, school leaders create Dolan, S. (2009). Missing out: Latino students in school leaders to engage in home-school more dynamic, efficient, and responsive America’s schools. Washington, DC: National collaboration strategies. Respecting and Council of La Raza. structures to meet students’ special needs. building on the home language of students Frattura, E., & Capper, C. (2007). Leadership Finally, by approaching parent engage- is important for all members of the school for social justice in practice: Integrated com- ment as both essential and ecological, community, as Wong Fillmore and Snow prehensive services for all learners. 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D., & Mahitivanichcha, condition of education 2009. Washington, K. (2001). Redefining parental involvement: DC: National Center for Educational Statis- Lessons from high-performing migrant- tics, U. S. Department of Education. impacted schools. American Educational Rolstad, K., Mahoney, K., & Glass, G. V. (2005). Research Journal, 38(2), 253-288. The big picture: A meta-analysis of program Moll, L., & Gonzalez, N. (2004). Engaging life: effectiveness research on English language A funds-of-knowledge approach to multi- learners. Educational Policy, 19(4), 572- cultural education. In J. A. Banks & C. A. 594. M. Banks (Eds.), Handbook of research on Sailor, W., & Roger, B. (2005). Rethinking in- multicultural education (pp. 699-715). San clusion: Schoolwide applications. Phi Delta Francisco: John Wiley & Sons. Kappan, 86(7), 503-510. 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