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Preview ERIC EJ941719: Reducing Stimulus Overselectivity through an Increased Observing-Response Requirement

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 653–657 NUMBER3 (FALL2011) REDUCING STIMULUS OVERSELECTIVITY THROUGH AN INCREASED OBSERVING-RESPONSE REQUIREMENT ADAM H. DOUGHTY AND MICHELLE N. HOPKINS COLLEGEOFCHARLESTON Anadultwithautismandamildintellectualdisabilityparticipatedina0-sdelayedmatching-to- sample task. In each trial, two sample stimuli were presented together until the participant completedanobserving-responserequirementconsistingof1or10mouseclicksinthebaseline andexperimentalphases,respectively.Oneofthetwosamplestimulithenappearedrandomlyas a comparison stimulus (S+), along with two other comparison stimuli (S2). Higher levels of correct responding occurred under the larger observing-response requirement, and the proportion of errors related to one of the two sample stimuli decreased. Thus, stimulus overselectivitywas reduced without requiring differentialobserving responses. Key words: autism, conditional discrimination, delayed matching to sample, observing response,restricted stimulus control _______________________________________________________________________________ Stimulus overselectivity refers to the restricted a computer screen. The computer program stimuluscontrolthatdevelopsunderconditions removedthetwostimuliafterasingleobserving in which behavior could be controlled by response (i.e., touchscreen press). An observing multiple stimulus dimensions or by multiple response is a response to a sample stimulus and stimuli (Lovaas, Koegel, & Schreibman, 1979). usually is taught via instructions, modeling, or It has been suggested (e.g., Schrandt, Town- prompting. Immediately after the observing send, & Poulson, 2009) that such restricted response (i.e., 0-s DMTS), one of the two stimulus control may relate to the core deficits samplestimulirandomlyappearedasthecorrect observed in the behavior of persons diagnosed comparison stimulus (i.e., S+), along with two with autism. Consequently, it is crucial to incorrect comparison stimuli (S2). The exper- develop baseline assessments of restricted stim- imenters employed a trial-unique procedure ulus control as well as to investigate techniques such that different stimuli appeared on every to broaden stimulus control. trial in a session, as opposed to the same two DubeandMcIlvane(1999)developedatwo- sample stimuli appearing on every trial. Thus, sample, delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) from a teaching perspective, the ideal form of proceduretomeasurestimulusoverselectivityin stimulus control in each trial would be control exerted over comparison-stimulus selection by participants with autism. Baseline trials began eithersamplestimulusfromthattrial.However, with the presentation of two sample stimuli on the intermediate baseline accuracy scores for each participant suggested that their compari- ThisresearchwaspartofaBAessayprojectcompleted son-stimulus selections were not controlled by the second author under the supervision of the first sufficiently by both sample stimuli on every author.WethankCynthiaLowenthalandtheDepartment ofPsychologyattheCollegeofCharlestonforfundingthis trial (i.e., the S+ was chosen on approximately project, Laura Villeponteaux at the Charleston County 70% of the trials across participants). Disabilities Board for help with participant recruitment, Due to language difficulties in individuals and the participant and his family for their time and with autism, Dube and McIlvane (1999) and cooperation. AddresscorrespondencetoAdamDoughty,Department others (e.g., Fisher, Kodak, & Moore, 2007) of Psychology, College of Charleston, 57 Coming Street, have evaluated nonverbal techniques to remedy Charleston, South Carolina 29424 (e-mail: doughtya@ stimulus overselectivity. One relatively success- cofc.edu). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-653 ful approach has been a differential observing- 653 654 ADAM H. DOUGHTY and MICHELLE N. HOPKINS responseprocedure,whereindifferentobserving dures similar to those implemented during responses occur to the different sample stimuli baseline (described below). (e.g., clapping or waving in the presence of certain sample stimuli prior to the presentation Procedure of the comparison stimuli). Participants in Rollin participated in several 30-trial sessions Dube and McIlvane’s study completed an per day in which an iMac computer with MTS identity-matching task (i.e., the differential software presented a two-stimulus 0-s DMTS observing response) prior to DMTS in the task (Dube, 1991). Nine sessions were con- experimental condition. Although the differen- ductedapproximatelyeveryotherday,witha2- tial observing response enhanced accuracy minbreakbetweensessions.Thetargetresponse scores relative to baseline, accuracy returned to was a mouse click over a stimulus, and the intermediate levels when the experimenters intertrial interval (ITI) was 3 s. The stimuli withdrew treatment. Thus, additional evalua- were nonrepresentational shapes drawn from a tions of treatment procedures to reduce over- pool of 120 shapes. A stimulus appeared only selectivity are warranted. once in a session, was approximately 4 cm by Increased observing-response requirements 4 cm, and was black on a white screen. Each have improved accuracy under DMTS and trial began with the presentation of two sample MTS procedures in some basic studies with stimuli in the center of the screen. The sample nonhuman animals (e.g., Maki, Gillund, stimuli remained until the participant complet- Hauge,&Siders,1977;Sacks,Kamil,&Mack, ed an observing-response requirement(he never 1972). Under a DMTS procedure with an failed to complete the requirement). The increased observing-response requirement, the computer program removed the sample stimuli completion of a fixed-ratio (FR) schedule immediately after completion of the observing- greater than one removes the sample stimulus. response requirement and presented three To our knowledge, only Osborne, Heaps, and comparison stimuli. Each comparison stimulus Phelps-Bowden(1978)haveextendedtheuseof wasasinglestimuluspresentedintheupperleft, an increased observing-response requirement lowerleft,andlowerrightcornersofthescreen. during DMTS tasks to human participants. One of the comparison stimuli was identical to Osborne et al., however, did not examine one of the two sample stimuli. The left and stimulus overselectivity. Thus, the purpose of right sample stimuli appeared equally often as the present experiment was to assess whether an the S+ in the comparison array in each session. increased observing-response requirement The location of the S+ in the two-sample would increase the accuracy of an adult with stimulus (i.e., the leftor right stimulus) and the autism who exhibited stimulus overselectivity screen-corner location of the S+ could not be on a two-sample DMTS task. the same on more than three consecutive trials. Selection of the S+ produced a star display on METHOD the screen immediately along with a series of Participant high-pitched tones; in addition, the experi- Rollin was a 25-year-old man who had been menter sat next to Rollin during each session diagnosed with autism and a mild intellectual and delivered a token when the star was disability.Hefollowedsimplevocalinstructions displayed (she did not interact with Rollin (e.g., ‘‘sit down’’) and answered simple social during the session in any other way). Selection questions (e.g., ‘‘What did you do at work of an S2 immediately darkened the screen for today?’’); however, he rarely initiated conversa- 1.5 s (time-out). Rollin exchanged his accumu- tions. Rollin had prior experience with proce- lated tokens for items at the end of each day’s REDUCING STIMULUS OVERSELECTIVITY 655 Figure 1. Session-by-session accuracy scores (top) and an analysis of the errors that occurred across conditions (bottom).In the bottomgraph, leftrefers tothe location ofthe S+in thetwo-sample stimuli (see textfor details). sessions (the items had been recommended by response requirement (i.e., an FR 1 schedule his family and staff). terminatedthesamplestimuliandproducedthe Pretests. Four pretests, similar to those comparisons). described by Dube and McIlvane (1999), FR 10 observing-response requirement. Ten consisted of simultaneous or 0-s DMTS with mouse clicks over the sample stimuli served as one or two sample stimuli. Each pretest session the observing-response requirement (i.e., an FR consisted of 30 trials, during which the 10 schedule terminated the sample stimuli and participant was required to exhibit a single produced the comparisons). observingresponsetoproducethreecomparison stimuli. These pretests indicated that Rollin RESULTS AND DISCUSSION exhibited both identity-matching skills and stimulus overselectivity. Figure 1 (top) shows Rollin’s session-by- Baseline: FR 1 observing-response requirement. session accuracy scores. His intermediate accu- Oneachtrialofthesession,asinglemouseclick racy scores (i.e., mean of 64% correct respond- over the sample stimuli served as the observing- ing) in the first baseline phase resembled the 656 ADAM H. DOUGHTY and MICHELLE N. HOPKINS baselineresultsobtainedbyDubeandMcIlvane display times, which some investigators have (1999). Correct responding abruptly increased suggested are the source of the higher accuracy with the FR 10 observing-response requirement scores (see Mackay, 1991). The mean sample- and then stabilized near 80% (M 5 79%). His stimulus display times across the four condi- correct responding decreased when the observ- tions were 0.85s (FR1),5.78s (FR10),1.14s ing-response requirement returned to an FR 1 (FR 1), and 5.91 s (FR 10). schedule(M567%).ThereplicationoftheFR Analysis of a participant’s error patterns in 10observing-responserequirementproducedan stimulus-overselectivity assessments may help immediateincrease in correctresponding (M5 investigators to improve the restricted forms of 83%), along with a reduction in response stimuluscontrolthatdevelopinindividualswith variability. autism (e.g., Dickson, Wang, Lombard, & Figure 1 (bottom) displays the percentage of Dube, 2006). Rollin was considerably more errors Rollin made in each phase when the left likely to make an error when the S+ was sample stimulus was the S+. Specifically, the presented in the left portion of the two-sample number of errors made when the left sample stimulus (i.e., the right sample stimulus more stimulus was the S+ was divided by the total effectivelycontrolledcomparison-stimulusselec- number of errors, and this percentage is tion). Thus, these results suggest that for displayed. In each phase, more errors occurred individuals who display overselectivity, proce- whentheS+waspresentedintheleftportionof dures could be developed that target specific the two-sample stimulus relative to the right featuresofstimulithatmaybelesslikelytoexert portion, although the difference was smaller control over behavior, such as the orientationof during the FR 10 phases. Specifically, 92% and certain letters (e.g., b and d or p and q). 71% of the errors occurred in the FR 1 and FR There were several limitations to the present 10 phases, respectively, when the S+ was experiment. First, the evaluation included only presented in the left portion of the two-sample one participant. Second, the effects of the stimulus. Thus, increasing the observing-re- increased observing-response requirement on sponse requirement from FR 1 to FR 10 performance did not persist after the require- reduced the number of errors per session and ment was reduced to FR 1. These findings the relative likelihood of making an error when resemble the results of Dube and McIlvane the S+ was presented in the left portion of the (1999) in showing the persistence of restricted two-sample stimulus. attending behavior in persons with autism. Results replicate findings with nonhuman Third, correct responding was not at mastery animals showing a positive relation between levels(e.g.,correctrespondingatorabove90%) discrimination accuracy and observing-response even when the observing-response requirement requirements (e.g., Maki et al., 1977; Sacks et was at FR 10. Future research may reveal al., 1972). We also extended the results of whether observing-response requirements high- Osborneet al.(1978)byevaluating therelation er than FR 10 are sufficient to promote higher betweendiscriminationaccuracyandobserving- accuracy levels in persons with autism. response requirements in an individual who The present investigation was a translational displays stimulus overselectivity. These findings study, and the skills targeted were not socially suggest that an increased observing-response significant. Future applied investigations of requirement is another means of reducing stimulus overselectivity should examine the stimulus overselectivity in individuals with effects of differential observing responses and autism. This increased observing-response re- increased observing-response requirements with quirement produced longer sample-stimulus more clinically relevant tasks (e.g., attending to REDUCING STIMULUS OVERSELECTIVITY 657 various aspects of an individual’s facial features Lovaas, O. I., Koegel, R. L., & Schreibman, L. (1979). Stimulus overselectivity in autism: A review of insocialsituations).Inaddition,futureresearch research. Psychological Bulletin, 86,1236–1254. could evaluate whether there are additive effects Mackay,H.A.(1991).Conditionalstimuluscontrol.InI. from combining these two procedures. We also H.Iversen&K.A.Lattal(Eds.),Experimentalanalysis illustrated the value of a more detailed analysis ofbehavior,Parts1&2.Techniques inthebehavioral andneuralsciences(Vol.6,pp.301–350).NewYork: of the errors that occur during stimulus-over- Elsevier Science. selectivity assessments. The results of such an Maki,W.S.,Gillund,G.,Jr.,Hauge,G.,&Siders,W.A. analysis may inform the development of addi- (1977). Matching to sample after extinction of observing responses. Journal of Experimental Psychol- tional assessments and treatments for stimulus ogy: AnimalBehavior Processes,3,285–296. overselectivity. Osborne, J. G., Heaps, R. S., & Phelps-Bowden, J. (1978). Effect of sample response requirement on matching-to-sampleaccuracyofexceptionalchildren. REFERENCES Psychological Reports, 42, 1267–1276. Dickson,C.A.,Wang,S.S.,Lombard,K.M.,&Dube,W. Sacks,R.A.,Kamil,A.C.,&Mack,R.(1972).Theeffects V.(2006).Overselectivestimuluscontrolinresidential of fixed-ratio sample requirements on matching to schoolstudentswithintellectualdisabilities.Researchin sample in the pigeon. Psychonomic Science, 26, 291– DevelopmentalDisabilities,27,618–631. 293. Dube, W. V. (1991). Computer software for stimulus Schrandt, J. A., Townsend, D. B., & Poulson, C. L. control research with Macintosh computers. Experi- (2009). Teaching empathy skills to children with mentalAnalysisof HumanBehavior,9,28–30. autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, Dube, W. V., & McIlvane, W. J. (1999). Reduction of 17–32. stimulus overselectivity with nonverbal differential observing responses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 32,25–33. Fisher, W. W., Kodak, T., & Moore, J. W. (2007). Embedding an identity-matching task within a prompting hierarchy to facilitate acquisition of Received May 24,2010 conditional discriminations in children with autism. Final acceptanceAugust 13,2010 JournalofAppliedBehavior Analysis,40,489–499. Action Editor,Tiffany Kodak

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