JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 587–592 NUMBER3 (FALL2011) EFFECTS OF INTERVIEWER BEHAVIOR ON ACCURACY OF CHILDREN’S RESPONSES JESSICA SPARLING, DAVID A. WILDER, JENNIFER KONDASH, MEGAN BOYLE, AND MEGAN COMPTON FLORIDAINSTITUTEOFTECHNOLOGY Previousresearchhasshownthatcertaininterviewerbehaviorscanevokeinaccurateanswersby children.Inthecurrentstudy,weexaminedtheeffectsofapprovinganddisapprovingstatements on the accuracy of 3 children’s answers to questions in an interview (Experiment 1). We then evaluated3questioningtechniquesthatmaybeusedbyinterviewersduringaforensicinterview inwhichachildprovideseyewitnesstestimony(Experiment2).Allparticipantsrespondedwith more inaccurate answers when approving statements followed inaccurate information and disapprovingstatementsfollowedaccurateinformationinExperiment1.DuringExperiment2, 1participantrespondedmostinaccuratelywhenshewasrequestionedafterprovidinganinitial answer,whereastheremaining2participantsrespondedmostinaccuratelywhentheinterviewer providedcowitness information andsuggestive questions. Key words: accuracy of children’s responses, eyewitness testimony, forensic interviews, interviewerbehavior _______________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation of the accuracy of children’s Garven et al. (1998) examined the effects of reportshasbecomeanimportanttopic(Saywitz suggestive questions, cowitness information, & Camparo, 2009). Some research on child approving and disapproving statements, and interviews has focused on how the behavior of requestioning (i.e., re-presenting a question the interviewer influences children’s accuracy. after an initial answer) on children’s accuracy Garven, Wood, Malpass, and Shaw (1998) in interviews. One week after a classroom visit suggested that improper interviews have the by a graduate student, children were exposed to potential to evoke false information from all five of the above techniques or only to children and described four broad categories suggestivequestionsduringinterviewsaboutthe of improper interview techniques: suggestive visit. Children exposed to the five interview questioning (e.g., asking ‘‘Did he touch her on techniquesweremorelikelytoanswerquestions the bottom?’’ when a child has acknowledged inaccurately; however, it was not possible to touching but has not mentioned any inappro- determine which of the five techniques had the priate touching), influence (e.g., telling a child greatesteffectonthechildren’sresponding.Ina what a cowitness has said or has seen about a follow-up study, Garven, Wood, and Malpass topic), reinforcement and punishment (i.e., (2000) examined the effects of approving delivery of approving and disapproving state- statements, cowitness information, and sugges- ments contingent on a child’s report), and tive questioning on children’s accuracy. The removal from direct experience (e.g., inviting a children responded inaccurately most often child to speculate about what might have when the interviewer delivered approving occurred). statements contingent on the child providing inaccurate information. Despite the importance of this topic, few Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed toJessica Sparlingor David A.Wilder, Florida studies have examined these interviewing tech- Institute of Technology, School of Psychology, 150 W. niques individually, and only one study (which University Blvd., Melbourne, Florida 32901 (e-mail: focused on suggestive questioning) has been [email protected] [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-587 conducted at the individual level using single- 587 588 JESSICA SPARLING et al. subject methodology (Doepke, Henderson, & took place over several days. Accurate responses Critchfield, 2003). Repeated measurement of were defined as a ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ response to a the dependent variable, which is characteristic question that required the corresponding an- of single-subject methodology, may be partic- swer. Inaccurate responses were defined as a ularly relevant for this topic; children who ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ response to a question for which participateaseyewitnessesinlegalinvestigations the opposite answer would be appropriate. If a may be asked to recount events multiple times participant answered ‘‘I don’t know’’ to a (Zaragoza, Graham, Hall, Hirschman, & Ben- question, that question and answer were Porath,1995).Thus,thepurposeofthecurrent excluded from the analysis (one to two study was to examine further the effect of questions per session were excluded for each interviewing techniques on children’s accuracy. participant). In Experiment 1, reinforcement In the first experiment, we evaluated the effects was defined as saying ‘‘good’’ and smiling. of approving and disapproving statements. The Punishment was defined as saying ‘‘that’s not effects of suggestive questions, cowitness infor- right’’ and frowning. A neutral response was mation, and requestioning were evaluated in a defined as a quick nod and saying ‘‘okay’’ with second experiment. no vocal inflection. General questions, which were used in both experiments, were defined as METHOD yes or no questions that contained information abouteventsinthevideos(e.g.,askingifScooby Participants, Setting, and Materials fell, if he had fallen). In Experiment 2, Threechildrenparticipated:Matthew(4years suggestive questions were defined as yes or no old), Owen (5 years old), and Abby (8 years questions that contained information about old).Allchildrenhadage-appropriatelanguage events that did not occur in the videos (e.g., skills, had no disabilities or psychiatric diagno- asking ‘‘Didn’t Scooby fall?’’ whenhe had not). ses,andwere ingeneral educationclassroomsat Cowitness information was defined as a ques- their schools. All sessions took place at a tion preceded by the statement ‘‘Someone told university in a room that contained a computer me that …’’ Requestioning was defined as an (to watch videos) and a table and two chairs. interviewer repeating a question twice after an Videos were obtained from various online answer had been given. In this condition, the resources and consisted of clips of children’s participant’s answer to the final question was cartoons (e.g., Scooby Doo) that were 3 to scored. 5 min in length. Up to 20 questions and Trained graduate students scored responses corresponding correct answers based on events (either accurate or inaccurate) on data sheets. in each video were prepared in advance by a Interobserver agreement data were collected for graduate student. Videos were randomly as- atleast33%ofresponsesforeachconditionper signed to the various conditions of the studies; participant by having a second observer collect thatis, each video hadan equal chanceof being used in each condition of each study. Tto data from video or audio recordings of ensurethatrepeatedexposuretoavideodidnot interviews. Exact agreement was calculated on affect responding, participants watched each a trial-by-trial basis by dividing the number of video only once. agreements by the number of agreements plus disagreements and multiplying by 100%. Response Measurement Agreement ranged from 95% to 100% in The dependent variable was the accuracy of Experiment 1 and 94% to 98% in Experiment participants’ responses to interviewer questions. 2. Independent variable integrity was deter- Participants were interviewed in sessions that mined by recording the number of correct and EFFECTS OF INTERVIEWER BEHAVIOR 589 incorrect interviewer responses or deliveries answers were followed by punishment, as (i.e., delivery of reinforcement, punishment, definedabove;inaccurateanswerswerefollowed or a neutral response in Experiment 1 and by a neutral response, as defined above. In the delivery of the question in the general, reinforcement plus punishment conditions, suggestive, cowitness, or requestioning format reinforcement was delivered contingent on in Experiment 2), dividing correct responses by inaccurateanswers and punishment wasapplied total responses, and multiplying by 100%. to accurate answers. Independent variable integrity ranged from Experiment 2. Procedures for Experiment 2 94% to 98% during Experiment 1 and 97% were identical to those of Experiment 1, with to 100% for Experiment 2. the exception of the techniques evaluated. That is, participants were shown the video and were Procedure subsequently interviewed by the experimenter. Experiment 1. At the start of Experiment 1, Interviewswereprecededbythedirection‘‘Iam participantsweretoldtowatchallvideosclosely going to ask you some questions. Please answer because they would be asked some questions. ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ and do the best you can.’’ Three For each session, participants were shown the different interviewer techniques were evaluated video (described above) and were subsequently in Experiment 2: (a) suggestive questions, (b) interviewed by the experimenter. Interviews cowitness information, and (c) requestioning. were preceded by the direction ‘‘I am going to During baseline, the interviewer asked general ask you some questions. Please answer ‘yes’ or questions and responded neutrally to all of the ‘no,’ and do the best you can.’’ Four different child’sanswers.Duringthesuggestivequestions conditions were implemented: control, rein- condition and cowitness information condi- forcement for inaccurate responding, punish- tions, the interviewer asked eight suggestive ment for accurate responding, and reinforce- questions per session for Matthew and Abby ment plus punishment. The interviewer, who (due to time constraints) and 14 suggestive was the same person throughout both experi- questions per session for Owen. In the baseline ments, wore a different colored shirt for each and requestioning conditions, the interviewer condition to assist participants to discriminate asked 12 questions per session for Abby and between conditions. The effect of the different Matthew and 20 for Owen. Effects of interview consequences on response accuracy was com- techniques were evaluated using an ABACA- pared using a multielement design. DABACAD reversal design for Owen and General questions were asked during all Matthew and an ABCDABCDdesign for Abby conditions, with a total of 12 questions asked (due to time constraints), in which A was per session for Matthew and Abby (due to time baseline, B was the suggestive questions condi- constraints), and 20 questions per session for tion, C was the cowitness information condi- Owen. In the control condition, reinforcement tion, and D was the requestioning condition. was delivered for each response, independent of the accuracy of the response. Thus, one would RESULTS AND DISCUSSION expect to see lower (but not nonexistent) levels ofinaccurateresponsesinthisconditionthanin Results of Experiment 1 are depicted in the other conditions. In the reinforcement for Figure 1 (left). The highest levels of inaccuracy inaccurate responding condition, all accurate occurred during the reinforcement plus punish- answerswerefollowedbyaneutralresponseand ment conditions for all participants. In addi- inaccurate answers were followed by reinforce- tion, the control condition produced relatively ment, as defined above. In the punishment for low levels of inaccuracy for all participants. accurate responding condition, all accurate Matthew responded inaccurately to a mean of 590 JESSICA SPARLING et al. 33% (range, 8% to 50%) of questions in the techniques. This is important, because the reinforcementpluspunishmentconditionanda majority of prior studies on this topic have meanof8%(range,0%to17%)ofquestionsin not been conducted in a manner that allows the control condition. Owen responded inac- such analysis. Finally, in previous studies curatelytoameanof53%(range,37%to65%) neither suggestive questioning (Garven et al., of questions in the reinforcement plus punish- 1998) nor providing cowitness information ment conditions, and a mean of 20% (range, (Garven et al., 2000) were found to increase 10% to 39%) of questions in the control inaccuracy substantially. In contrast, results of condition. Abby responded inaccurately to a the current study suggest that both of these meanof58%(range,25%to92%)ofquestions techniques may increase inaccuracy for some in the reinforcement plus punishment condi- children. The methodological differences be- tionandameanof17%(range,8%to25%)of tween the current study and previous research questions in the control condition. may account for this finding. Results of Experiment 2 are depicted in Of course, the methodology employed in the Figure 1 (right). Matthew responded most current study is different from a forensic inaccurately in the suggestive questioning interview in which a child provides an eyewit- condition (M 5 81%; range, 50% to 100%) ness testimony. In the current study, children and cowitness information condition (M 5 were asked about events they observed in 69%; range, 38% to 100%). Matthew’s per- cartoons. In actual forensic interviews, children centages of inaccurate answers in the reques- are often asked questions about potentially tioningandbaselineconditionswere4%(range, traumatic events they observed in real life. 0% to 10%) and 3% (range, 0% to 10%), Nevertheless, for ethical and practical reasons, respectively. Owen was most inaccurate in the questions about fictional characters and events cowitness information condition (M 5 52%; arestandardinresearchoneyewitnesstestimony range, 14% to 71%) and the suggestive (Ceci & Bruck, 1995). Also, although the questioning condition (M 5 49%; range, dichotomous questions and the interview tech- 21% to 100%). Owen’s percentages of inaccu- niques employedin this study are not typical of rate answers in the requestioning and baseline forensic interviews, they are sometimes used conditions were 6% (range, 0% to 11%) and (Garven et al., 1998; Saywitz & Camparo, 15% (range, 0% to 61%), respectively. Abby’s 2009). An additional limitation is the small highest levels of inaccurate responding occurred sample size; future research should employ in the requestioning condition (M 5 87%; more participants. range, 57% to 100%), relative to suggestive Children in this study ranged in age from 4 questioning (M 5 20%; range, 0% to 50%), to 8 years. It is likely that some developmental co-witnessinformation(M525%;range,12% differences in language skills exist among this to 63%), and baseline conditions (M 5 53%; age range that might affect accuracy. Indeed, range, 17% to 100%). forensic interview guidelines reflect this; recom- These results suggest that both antecedents mendations for younger children call for more (i.e., the structure of questions) and conse- specific questions than for older children quences (i.e., reinforcement and punishment) (Saywitz & Camparo, 2009). In Experiment 2 may influence the accuracy of children’s of the current study, the oldest participant responding to an interviewer’s questions. Fur- responded most inaccurately when the inter- ther, the differential responding observed across viewer re-questioned her after an initial answer, participants suggests that some children may be whereas the younger children responded most more or less sensitive to specific interviewer inaccurately in other conditions. Future re- EFFECTS OF INTERVIEWER BEHAVIOR 591 Figure 1. Percentage of inaccurate responses during control, reinforcement for inaccurate responding (Sr), punishmentforaccurateresponding(Sp),andreinforcementforinaccuratepluspunishmentforaccurateresponding(Sr + Sp) conditions for Matthew, Owen, and Abby in Experiment 1(left). Percentage of inaccurate responses during baseline(BL),suggestivequestions(SQ),cowitnessinformation(CW),andrequestioning(RQ)conditionsforMatthew, Owen,andAbbyinExperiment2 (right). 592 JESSICA SPARLING et al. search should investigate additional age-related Garven, S., Wood, J. M., Malpass, R. S., & Shaw, J. S. (1998). More than suggestion: The effects of differences in sensitivity to interviewer tech- interviewing techniques from the McMartin pre- niques. school case. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 347–359. Saywitz, K. J., & Camparo, L. B. (2009). Contemporary REFERENCES child forensic interviewing: Evolving consensus and innovation over 25 years. In B. Bottoms, C. Ceci, S., & Bruck, B. (1995). 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