JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 403–407 NUMBER2 (SUMMER2011) ASSESSING THE SOCIAL ACCEPTABILITY OF THE FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEM BEHAVIOR PAUL LANGTHORNE AND PETER MCGILL UNIVERSITYOFKENT Althoughtheclinicalutilityofthefunctionalanalysisiswellestablished,itssocialacceptability hasreceivedminimalattention.Thecurrentstudyassessedthesocialacceptabilityoffunctional analysis procedures among 10 parents and 3 teachers of children who had recently received functional analyses. Participants completed a 9-item questionnaire, and results suggested that functional analysisprocedures weresociallyacceptable. Keywords: functional analysis, social acceptability, social validity _______________________________________________________________________________ Social validity has been defined as the social Although social acceptability has been significance of behavioral goals, the social examined for behavioral interventions, only a appropriateness of treatment procedures, and handful of studies have assessed the social the social importance of the resulting behavior acceptability of functional assessment methods change (Wolf, 1978). Wolf discussed the need (Broussard & Northup, 1995; Dufrene, Dog- forappliedbehavior analyststorecruit consum- gett, Henington, & Watson, 2007; Sasso et al., ers’ feedback to determine whether behavioral 1992). Sasso et al. (1992), for example, noted procedures are socially acceptable. changes in social acceptability ratings of Since the publication of Wolf’s (1978) functional assessment methods, as measured article, a substantial body of literature has by the Treatment Acceptability Rating Form– assessed the social acceptability of behavioral Revised (TARF-R; Reimers & Wacker, 1992; interventions, usually by administering ques- Wacker et al., 1998), after two teachers were tionnaires (see Miltenberger, 1990, for a trained to implement descriptive assessments review). For example, Reimers and Wacker andfunctional(experimental)analysesinschool (1992) administered questionnaires to parents settings. Although the teachers rated the social of children who received behavioral interven- acceptability of both assessment approaches as tions in an outpatient clinic. Results showed high, their ratings of the functional analysis that parents who rated procedures as most increased after they had directly implemented acceptableweremorelikelytoshowcompliance the functional analysis procedures. at follow-up visits. These findings suggest that The functional analysis, which involves measures of social acceptability may correlate systematic manipulation of environmental with consumers’ acceptance and use of recom- events,istheonlyfunctionalassessmentmethod mended interventions. thatprovidesan empiricaldemonstration ofthe function of problem behavior (Hanley, Iwata, & McCord, 2003). Although hundreds of The study reported in this paper contributed towards the first author’s doctoral dissertation and was supported studies have established the clinical utility of by grants from the Economic and Social Research the functional analysis, relatively little is known Council,United KingdomandRemedi. aboutitssocialacceptability,particularlyamong Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Paul Langthorne, who is now at the School parents. Because a functional analysis may of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, evoke problem behavior (e.g., self-injury), it is Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom (e-mail: unclear whether consumers view the clinical [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-403 benefit of this approach as outweighing its 403 404 PAUL LANGTHORNE and PETER MCGILL potential risk. If functional analysis procedures analysis methods, and reviewed the specific are not socially acceptable, their use may be antecedents and consequences provided in each restricted in applied settings, leading to the condition. Participants were offered the oppor- adoption of less effective but more socially tunity to watch an instructional video on acceptable alternatives. Therefore, the purpose functional analysis methodology (Functional of the current study was to examine parent and Analysis: A Guide for Understanding Challenging teacher ratings of the social acceptability of Behavior, 2005). Only four of the 18 people functional analysis procedures. who received the questionnaire chose to watch the video. Functional analysis procedures were similar METHOD to those described by Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Participants Bauman, and Richman (1982/1994), with Eighteen people (14 parents and four teach- some modifications. A no-interaction condition ers),whosechildrenorstudentshadparticipated was used instead of an alone condition, and in functional analyses, were sent a questionnaire tangible and social avoidance conditions were regarding the social acceptability of the proce- used. All sessions lasted 5 min, and each dures. Of those, 13 (10 parents and three condition was replicated at least three times. teachers)returnedthequestionnairesandthereby Based on parental preference, functional anal- tookpartinthestudy.Eightofthechildrenhada yses were conducted in a room at the child’s primarydiagnosisofFragileXsyndrome,andsix school (six children) or home (eight children). had a primary diagnosis of Smith-Magenis Teachers were invited to the stakeholder syndrome.Allchildrenexhibitedmultipleforms meeting (and qualified for participation in the of problem behavior (range, 3 to 14) that were study) in cases in which functional analyses targetedinthefunctionalanalysis,includingself- were conducted at school. Parents and teachers injury(n513),aggression(n511),destructive were told they could observe the functional behavior(n511),noncompliance(n52),and analyses and could request copies of video motor stereotypy (n 5 1). footage of the functional analyses. Of those functional analyses conducted at home, five Measurement parents directly observed parts of the functional The social acceptability of functional analysis analysisthroughthewindowofadoor;allother procedures was measured using a modified parents were nearby but were unable to observe version of the TARF-R. Items on the form directly.Ofthosefunctionalanalysesconducted were revised so that questions referred to at school, three teachers directly observed parts functional analysis rather than to treatment, of the functional analysis through the window and only those items that were relevant to of a door. Two parents requested copies of the functionalanalysiswereincluded.Themodified video footage. form contained nine items (Table 1), and After functional analyses had been complet- participants rated each item using a Likert scale ed,allparticipantsreceivedawrittenreportthat from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). summarized results and interpretation of their Procedure child’sorstudent’sfunctionalanalysisandsome All participants attended a stakeholder meet- basic recommendations for intervention (e.g., ing before functional analyses were completed. functional communication training, noncontin- During this meeting, the first author noted the gent reinforcement). Participants were given a rationale for conducting a functional analysis, copy of the modified TARF-R and were asked described the advantages and risks of functional to return it anonymously in a prepaid envelope SOCIAL ACCEPTABILITY OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 405 Table 1 Social Acceptability ofFunctionalAnalysis Procedures Item Question M Range 1 Ifindthisapproachtobeanacceptablewayofassessingmychild’schallengingbehavior. 3.85 2to5 2 Iwouldbewillingforthisproceduretobeusedagaintoassessmychild’schallengingbehavior. 4.23 4to5 3 Ibelieveitwouldbeacceptabletousethisassessmentwithoutmychild’sconsent. 3.38 2to5 4 Iliketheproceduresusedinthisassessment. 4.08 3to5 5 Ibelievethisassessmentislikelytobeeffectiveinidentifyingthefactorsthatcausemychild’schallenging 3.77 2to5 behavior. 6 Ibelievemychildexperienceddiscomfortduringtheassessment. 2.31 1to4 7 Ibelievetheassessmentislikelytoresultinpermanentimprovementinmychild’schallengingbehavior. 3.00 2to4 8 Ibelieveitwouldbeacceptabletousethisassessmentwithpeoplewhocannotchooseassessmentsfor 3.69 2to4 themselves. 9 OverallIhadapositivereactiontothisassessment. 4.15 3to5 Note. All items scored 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). In all teacher forms, the words ‘‘my child’s’’ were replacedwith‘‘the child’s.’’ to the first author. The only identifying improvement in the child’s behavior (M 5 information provided on the form was whether 3.0, range, 2 to 4). the participant was a parent or a teacher. The current study provided preliminary data on the social acceptability of functional analysis methodology for parents and teachers. The majority of participants reported the functional RESULTS AND DISCUSSION analysis to be an acceptable means of assessing Table 1 shows the mean and range of thefunctionofproblembehavior,onethatdoes responses made by participants for each item not cause undue discomfort to the child, and inthemodifiedTARF-R.InresponsetoItem1, one that is likely to be effective in identifying 11 (87%) reported finding the assessment the function served by the child’s behavior. acceptable (i.e., rating of 4 or 5; M 5 3.85, These findings are encouraging because, in the range, 2 to 5). In response to Item 9, all absence of such evidence, there is a danger that participants reported having an overall positive less effective but more socially acceptable reaction to the functional analysis procedures methods, such as indirect report, may be used (M 5 4.15, range, 3 to 5) and, in response to in lieu of functional analysis. Item 2, reported that they would be willing to Several limitations of the current study merit have functional analysis procedures used again discussion. The parents of four children who (M 5 4.23, range, 4 to 5). In response to Item took part in the functional analyses (and one 6, 10 participants (77%) did not report that teacher) did not return the questionnaire. their child experienced undue discomfort as a Although the response rate for the study was result of the functional analysis (M 5 2.31, relatively high, it is possible that nonresponders range, 1 to 4). This score suggests that several may have rated the acceptability of functional respondents acknowledged some degree of analyses differently. Second, because responses discomfort for the child. In response to Item to the social acceptability questionnaire were 5, 10 participants (77%) reported that the anonymous, it is not possible to determine how functional analysis was likely to be effective in many of those returning the questionnaire identifyingthefunctionoftheirchild’sbehavior observed the functional analysis procedures (i.e., M 5 3.77, range, 2 to 5). In response to either directly or via video. Therefore, some Item 7, five participants (38%) reported that participants may have rated the social accept- the assessment would lead to permanent ability of the functional analysis without 406 PAUL LANGTHORNE and PETER MCGILL directly observing the procedures. Despite this mine the specific parameters, such as severity of limitation, all participants did have access to the target behavior, treatment history, and detailed information on the procedures. Third, direct observation of the assessment procedures, our sample was relatively small and homoge- that influence social acceptability ratings of nous; thus, the generality of our results remains functional analysis procedures (e.g., Sasso et al., to be determined. Indeed, the participants had 1992). Fourth, social acceptability measures already consented to their children taking part shouldincludequestionsrelatedtootherfactors inafunctionalanalysis andasaresultmayhave that might influence whether practitioners been predisposed to find the procedures more adopt functional analysis methods (i.e., cost, acceptable. Fourth, we did not assess the complexity). Finally, more objective measures of social acceptability could be used, such as influence of a number of potentially important examining parental and teacher choice of variables on social acceptability ratings, such as different functional assessment methods. the severity of the behavior or the point at which the rating was made. Fifth, the measure of social acceptability used in the current study REFERENCES may have been less than optimal. For example, Broussard,C.D.,&Northup,J.(1995).Anapproachto participants had no basis on which to provide functional assessment and analysis of disruptive an opinion on Item 7 (I believe the assessment behavior in regular education classrooms. School PsychologyQuarterly, 10,151–164. is likely to result in permanent improvement in Desrochers,M.N.,Hile,M.G.,&Williams-Moseley,T. my child’s challenging behavior) because no L.(1997).Surveyoffunctionalassessmentprocedures treatment had been implemented at the time usedwithindividualswhodisplaymentalretardation and severe problem behaviors. American Journal on the ratings were made. Sixth, it is possible that MentalRetardation, 101,535–546. ratings were biased by social desirability effects. Dufrene, B., Doggett, R., Henington, C., & Watson, T. Finally, we did not examine criticisms of (2007). 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