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ERIC EJ931967: Sequential Treatment of a Feeding Problem Using a Pacifier and Flipped Spoon PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ931967: Sequential Treatment of a Feeding Problem Using a Pacifier and Flipped Spoon

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 387–391 NUMBER2 (SUMMER2011) SEQUENTIAL TREATMENT OF A FEEDING PROBLEM USING A PACIFIER AND FLIPPED SPOON KRISTI D. RIVAS, CATHLEEN C. PIAZZA, HEATHER J. KADEY, VALERIE M. VOLKERT, AND VICTORIA STEWART UNIVERSITYOFNEBRASKAMEDICALCENTER’S MUNROE-MEYERINSTITUTE Parents may be reluctant to treat the feeding disorder of a chronically ill child who exhibits distressed behavior during feeding. In this study, we identified a child with chronic medical problems and a feeding disorder who cried during feedings. We introduced treatment componentssequentiallytoaddressparentalconcernsaboutcrying.First,weusedapacifierto reduce crying, and then we used a flipped spoon to increase mouth clean. The results showed thatasequentialapproachtotreatmentcanbeeffectiveforchildrenwithcomplexmedicaland behavioralproblems. Keywords: feedingdisorders,flippedspoon,gastroschisis,pacifier,pediatricfeedingdisorders _______________________________________________________________________________ Children who are chronically hospitalized METHOD often show distress (e.g., crying) during routine Participant, Setting, and Materials caregiving activities (Derrickson, Neef, & Jason was a 6-month-old boy with short gut Cataldo, 1983). These distress behaviors may secondary to gastroschisis who had been generalize to a variety of routine caregiving admitted to an intensive outpatient program activities,particularlyfeeding.Infact,anumber for 2 to 8 hr per week for 7.5 weeks. He had of studies have shown that feeding difficulties been referred for food and liquid refusal and (e.g., refusal, crying) are more common in gastrostomy (G-) tube and total parenteral children with chronic medical problems (e.g., nutrition (TPN) dependence. He received G- Field, Garland, & Williams, 2003). Caregivers tube and TPN feedings throughout his admis- may be reluctant to feed a child who is sion. distressed. Sessions were conducted in a room with a One way to approach the dilemma of one-way observation window and sound mon- parental reluctance to feed a child who is itoring. Materials included a rubber-coated distressed is to treat behaviors sequentially (i.e., Gerber baby spoon, high chair, pacifier, bowls, reduce levels of crying first and then evaluate food trays, gloves, timers, and a scale. theeffectsoftreatmentonotherbehaviors).We used this sequential treatment approach with a Response Measurement, Interobserver child who had a history of chronic medical Agreement, and Design problems,exhibitedhigh levelsof cryingduring Trained observers collected data on laptop feedings (at which time his mother was computers, scoring acceptance of the pacifier and reluctant to feed him), and packed accepted acceptance of bites separately. Observers scored bites of food. acceptance for each presentation of the pacifier or bite when Jason actively leaned toward the pacifier or spoon, respectively, with an open Address correspondence to Cathleen C. Piazza, Pediat- mouth in the absence of inappropriate behavior ric Feeding Disorders Program, Munroe-Meyer Institute, (e.g., head turns, bats) and crying, resulting in 985450 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska the feeder inserting the pacifier or spoon into 68198(e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-387 Jason’s mouth within 5 s of the presentation. 387 388 KRISTI D. RIVAS et al. Observers scored a presentation when the Two observers recorded data simultaneously therapistplacedthepacifierorspoon4cmfrom but independently during 58% of sessions. Jason’s lips (not including placement of the Total interval agreement was calculated for pacifier or spoon following re-presentation). acceptance, mouth clean, and incorrect atten- Observers scored mouth clean when no food tion by summing occurrence (both observers larger than a grain of rice remained in Jason’s scored the occurrence of the behavior) and mouth 30 s after the entire bite entered his nonoccurrence (both observers did not score an mouth(notincludingtheabsenceoffooddueto occurrence of the behavior) agreements; divid- expulsion).Thenumberofacceptancesormouth ing by the sum of occurrence agreements, clean was divided by the total number of nonoccurrence agreements, and disagreements presentations (denominator for acceptance) or (one observer scored the occurrence and the other observer did not score the occurrence of bites entering the mouth (denominator for the behavior); and converting this ratio to a mouth clean), and these ratios were converted percentage. Mean interobserver agreements to percentages.Observersscoredthe durationof were92%(range,61%to100%)foracceptance crying (at least 3 s of audible vocalizations that of bites,96% (range, 78%to 100%)for mouth were accompanied by tears, frowns, protruded clean, and 96% for incorrect attention (range, lowerlip,orshakingofthebody).Theduration 72% to 100%). Mean agreements were 89% ofcryingwasdividedbysessionduration,andthis (range, 39% to 100%) for crying and 98% ratiowasconvertedtoapercentage.Thetherapist (range, 79% to 100%) for incorrect escape, weighed each bowl of food before and after the which was calculated by dividing the smaller sessionandused2-gpapertowelstocleanspills. durationbythelargerdurationin each10-sbin The therapist calculated grams consumed as and converting this ratio to a percentage. presession bowl weight minus postsession bowl We used an ABABCDCDEDE design in weight minus (paper towel weight with spill which A was baseline, B was baseline plus minus[2gtimesthenumberofpapertowels]). pacifier, C was NRS, D was NRS plus pacifier, Observers scored feeder behavior to measure andEwasNRSpluspacifierplusflippedspoon. procedural integrity. They scored the duration of incorrect escape during phases including General Procedure nonremoval of the spoon (NRS). Incorrect A trained therapist conducted 20-min meals escape was defined as the feeder holding the one to three times per day with at least 1.5 hr spoon more than 4 cm from Jason’s lips at any between meals and approximately three to four time (a) after the 30-s timer signaled the onset five-bite sessions within meals. We introduced of a bite presentation until the feeder deposited the participant’s mother as the feeder at Session the bite into his mouth or (b) when any food 84 because Jason was about to return home. In larger than a grain of rice was outside the lips each session, the feeder presented a quarter of a (after the bite had entered his mouth) until the level spoonful of baby food (carrots, turkey, feeder re-presented the bite. Observers scored chicken, green beans) in a random order across the frequency of incorrect attention when the sessions, but in the same order within sessions. feeder provided any vocal statement to or The feeder presented bites at Jason’s midline physical contact with Jason within 3 s of accompanied by a verbal prompt to ‘‘take a inappropriate behavior; this was converted to a bite’’ approximately every 30 s. The feeder percentage after dividing the frequency of delivered brief verbal praise following accep- incorrect attention by the number of inappro- tance. The feeder implemented a mouth check priate behaviors. Mean incorrect escape was 30 s after the bite entered Jason’s mouth to 1%; mean incorrect attention was 0%. determine if he had swallowed. The feeder SEQUENTIAL TREATMENT 389 delivered praise and the next bite if no food NRS. If Jason did not accept the bite within larger than a grain of rice was in Jason’s mouth 5 s, the spoon remained at his lips until the following the first 30-s check (except if the feeder deposited the bite into his mouth. The absence of food was due to expulsion). The feeder re-presented expelled bites. The session feeder delivered a verbal prompt (e.g., ‘‘swallow wouldhaveendedafter10minifthefeederwas your bite’’) and the next bite if any food larger not able to deposit all of the bites (this never than a grain of rice remained in the mouth at happened). the 30-s check. If there was food larger than a NRS plus pacifier. The procedures were grainofriceinthemouthafterthepresentation identical to NRS with the addition that the of the fifth bite, the feeder repeated the prompt feeder presented the pacifier as soon as she to ‘‘swallow your bite’’ every 30 s until no food deposited the bite into Jason’s mouth. larger than a grain of rice was in his mouth or NRS plus pacifier plus flipped spoon. The 10 min had elapsed from the beginning of procedures were identical to NRS plus pacifier session. If Jason had food in his mouth at the with the following addition. We focused on end of 10 min, the therapist scooped the food increasing mouth clean by presenting and re- presenting bites on a flipped spoon, which out of his mouth with a spoon. consisted of the feeder inserting the upright Baseline.The feeder followed the procedures spoon into Jason’s mouth, turning the spoon described above and deposited the bite if 180u, dragging the bowl of the spoon along Jason opened his mouth in the absence of Jason’stongue,anddepositingthebolusoffood inappropriate behavior and crying. The feeder in the middle of Jason’s tongue (Volkert, Vaz, held the spoon at midline for 30 s if Jason did Piazza, Frese, & Barnett, in press). We used the not accept the bite, provided no differential flipped spoon because Volkert et al. (in press) consequences for crying or inappropriate showed that this procedure reduced packing mealtime behavior, did not re-present expelled (the converse of mouth clean). bites, and interacted with Jason (e.g., sang) throughout the session. Baseline plus pacifier. The procedures were RESULTS AND DISCUSSION identical to the baseline with the following As shown in Figure 1 (top), the pacifier was additions. If Jason accepted the bite, the feeder effectiveindecreasingcryinginthetwobaseline presented a pacifier to Jason’s lips immediately. plus pacifier phases (Ms 5 35% and 12%). The feeder presented the pacifier 5 s after the Although levels of crying were low in baseline bite presentation if Jason did not accept the plus pacifier, Jason did not accept any bites bite,andthespoonremainedatmidlinefor30s (Figure 1, middle), and his gram intake was whilethepacifierwasinhismouth.IfJasondid minimal (M 5 0.36). Therefore, we imple- not accept the pacifier (which was atypical), it mented NRS to increase acceptance of bites. remained at his lips for 30 s from when the Levels of acceptance increased during NRS (M feeder presented the bite. The feeder re- 5 95%), but high levels of crying reemerged presented the pacifier (at Jason’s lips or into (M558%).Reintroductionofthepacifierplus hismouth)ifJasonspititoutandremoveditat NRSresultedindecreasedlevelsofcrying(M5 the end of the 30-s interval. We used a pacifier 36%) and high levels of acceptance (M 5 because he accepted it readily and stopped 100%), which were replicated in the reversal to crying when his mother gave it to him outside NRS (Ms 5 86% and 76% for crying and thefeedingsessions,andbecauseourinitialgoal acceptance, respectively) and NRS plus pacifier was to eliminate crying but not necessarily (Ms 5 30% and 90% for crying and increase acceptance. acceptance, respectively). Grams consumed also 390 KRISTI D. RIVAS et al. Figure1. Percentageofcrying(top),acceptanceofbites(middle),andmouthclean(bottom).NRS5nonremoval ofthe spoon, BL5 baseline. increased during NRS plus pacifier (M 5 1.3). spoontodecreasethepackingoftwopreschool- These data show that the pacifier was effective ers. Our data suggest that the flipped spoon in reducing crying. We continued to use the may be just as effective for much younger pacifier for the remainder of the analysis children. because of its demonstrated effects on crying. In the current investigation, we evaluated the Although acceptance was high during NRS, separate effects of treatment on multiple levels of mouth clean (Figure 1, bottom) were dependent variables (Cooper et al., 1995). low. The addition of the flipped spoon to NRS Feedingdisordersprovideanexcellentsubgroup plus pacifier resulted in high levels of mouth for this type of analysis because of the clean (M 5 82%). The effects of the flipped complexity of behaviors that comprise the spoon on mouth clean were replicated in a disorder. In this case, Jason was chronically ill reversal (Ms 5 47% and 92% for NRS plus and had high levels of crying during feeding. pacifier and NRS plus pacifier plus flipped Therefore, his mother was reluctant to feed spoon, respectively). Grams consumed re- him. mained stable (M 5 1.4). The data from the This study is unique in that we used a current study replicate and extend those of pacifier toreducecrying,whichisnottypicalin Volkert et al. (in press), who used a flipped the behavior-analytic literature. However, pac- SEQUENTIAL TREATMENT 391 ifiers are used commonly with premature REFERENCES infants (Schwartz, 1987) and by parents to Cooper,L.J.,Wacker,D.P.,McComas,J.J.,Brown,K., calm distressed infants (Kimble, 1992). Exper- Peck, S. M., Richman, D., et al. (1995). Use of imental research has shown that pacifiers are component analyses to identify active variables in treatment packages for children with feeding disor- effective for (a) reducing crying when children ders. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 28, are in pain (e.g., Treloar, 1994), (b) decreasing 139–153. the length of hospital stays for preterm infants Derrickson,J.G.,Neef,N.A.,&Cataldo,M.F.(1993). (Schwartz, 1987), (c) decreasing time in fussy Effects of signaling invasive procedures on a hospi- talized infant’s affective behaviors. Journal of Applied states, and (d) decreasing defensive behavior Behavior Analysis,26,133–134. during tube feedings (DiPietro, Cusson, DiPietro, J. A., Cusson, R. M., Caughy, M. O., & Fox, Caughy, & Fox, 1994). In Jason’s case, we N. A. (1994). Behavioral and physiologic effects of delivered the pacifier after presentation of the nonnutritive sucking during gavage feeding in preterm infants. PediatricResearch, 36,207–214. bite rather than after crying (which is typical of Field,D.,Garland,M.,&Williams,K.(2003).Correlates pacifier use) to avoid the pacifier functioning as of specific childhood feeding problems. Journal of reinforcement. The data from the current Pediatrics andChild Health,39, 299–304. investigation suggested that, in fact, the pacifier Kimble,C.(1992).Nonnutritivesucking:Adaptationand health for theneonate. Neonate Network,11, 29–33. was consistently associated with reduced levels Schwartz, R. (1987). A meta-analysis of critical outcome of crying. Jason readily accepted the pacifier variables innon-nutritive sucking inpreterm infants. throughout the analysis (M 5 93%, data not Nursing Research, 36,585–597. Volkert,V.M.,Vaz,P.C.M.,Piazza,C.C.,Frese,J.,& shown) and continued to accept the pacifier Barnett, L. (in press). Using a flipped spoon to outside of feedings. decrease packing in children with feeding disorders. Inconclusion,weusedapacifier,NRS,anda Journal ofAppliedBehavior Analysis. flipped spoon to treat the food refusal of a 6- Treloar,D.M.(1994).Theeffectofnonnutritivesucking on oxygenation in healthy, crying full-term infants. month-old with a complicated medical history. Applied Nursing Research,7,52–58. These data contribute to the literature on pediatric feeding disorders because the pacifier is novel to the behavior-analytic literature but may represent a viable treatment for young Received December 1, 2008 children with chronic medical and feeding Final acceptanceAugust 13,2010 problems. Action Editor,David Wacker

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