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ERIC EJ931953: Increasing Following Headway with Prompts, Goal Setting, and Feedback in a Driving Simulator PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ931953: Increasing Following Headway with Prompts, Goal Setting, and Feedback in a Driving Simulator

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 245–254 NUMBER2 (SUMMER2011) INCREASING FOLLOWING HEADWAY WITH PROMPTS, GOAL SETTING, AND FEEDBACK IN A DRIVING SIMULATOR MICHELLE L. ARNOLD AND RON VAN HOUTEN WESTERNMICHIGANUNIVERSITY We evaluated the effects of prompting, goal setting, and feedback on following headway of young drivers in a simulated driving environment and assessed whether changes produced in followingheadwaywereassociatedwithreductionsinhardbrakingwhendriverswereandwere notusingcellphones.Participantswere4universitystudents.Duringbaseline,driversspenthalf of the time talking on cell phones while driving. At the start of the intervention, drivers were promptedtoincreasefollowingheadwaywhileonthecellphonesandwereprovidedaspecific targetforfollowingheadway.Driversweregivenfeedbackonincreasingfollowingheadwaywhen on cell phones at the end of each session. The intervention package was associated with an increaseinfollowingheadwayandadecreaseinhardbrakingwhenparticipantswereonandoff thecell phones. Cell phone use didnotaffect any ofthe measures. Key words: cell phone use, driving simulator, feedback, following headway, goal setting, prompts,tailgating _______________________________________________________________________________ Oneofthemajorcontributorsto collisionsis headway and crash involvement. A higher a following headway that is too short to allow percentage of drivers with a crash history have the following driver to react appropriately to headwaysoflessthan1scomparedtoaccident- sudden braking by the lead vehicle (Taieb- free drivers. Following too closely to a lead Maimon & Shinar, 2001). The headway vehicle decreases the time available to react to a between two moving vehicles can be expressed situation that requires braking. Driver safety is in terms of time. The following headway is the compromised further when additional distrac- time that elapses from when the lead vehicle’s tions, such as cell phone use, further increase rear bumper crosses a stationary object on the reaction time of the following driver. road to the time the following vehicle’s front Cell phone use while driving has caused bumper crosses the same stationary object. major concern in the driver-distraction litera- Several driver training programs state that 2 s ture (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, is the minimum headway for safe following, 2008). Alm and Nilsson (1995) evaluated the which is frequently referred to as the ‘‘two- effects of engagement in a cell phone task second rule’’ (Michael, Leeming, & Dwyer, during a driving simulation and found that cell 2000). In the United States, the recommended phone conversations increased reaction time. following headway varies from 2 to 3 s in Strayer and Johnston (2001) investigated the different states. effects of both hands-free and handheld cell Studies of drivers in the United States have phone conversations on performance during shownthatheadwaysof1sorlessmaybemuch simulated driving tasks and found a higher closer to the norm. Evans and Wasielewski probability of missed red lights with both types (1983) showed a correlation between driving of cell phones. These studies document some negative effects of cell phone use while driving, but other studies have suggested that cell phone Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Ron Van Houten, Department of Psychol- use might not be as problematic. ogy, Western Michigan University, 3700 Wood Hall, Shinar, Tractinsky, and Compton (2005) Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008 (e-mail: ron.vanhouten@ found that driving performance while using a wmich.edu). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-245 cell phone may improve with continued 245 246 MICHELLE L. ARNOLD and RON VAN HOUTEN practice.AnotherstudybytheU.S.Department Austin, Hackett, Gravina, and Lebbon (2006) of Transportation was conducted to investigate used prompts and feedback to increase coming driver distraction in commercial motor vehicle to a full stop at stop signs, and Rantz, operations. Data from two large-scale truck- Dickinson, Sinclair, and Van Houten (2009) driving studies were combined and analyzed. increased pilot checklist use and accuracy using Results indicated that talking on or listening to prompting and feedback. The purposes of the a cell phone during driving was not associated present study were (a) to examine the effects of with increased risk (Olson, Hanowski, Hick- prompting, goal setting, and feedback on driver man, & Bocanegra, 2009). Thus, it is possible following headway; (b) to determine whether that the detrimental effects of cell phone use increased following headway was associated have been overestimated in previous studies. with a reduction in hard braking; and (c) to Continued study of the effects of cell phone assess the effects of a cell phone conversation use under simulated conditions may help to during baseline and intervention. identify the conditions under which cell phone use is problematic. However, in most research METHOD on cell phone use and driving, drivers complet- Participants and Setting ed artificial cell phone tasks rather than Participantswerefourcollegestudentsfroma engaging in normal conversation. For example, midwestern university in the United States. All McKnight and McKnight (1993) asked partic- participants were drivers with limited driving ipants to solve math equations, which served as experience. Three participants were 18 years of a distracting task and surrogate for normal ageatthebeginningofthestudy;thefourthwas conversation. Alm and Nilsson (1995) used a 19 years old. The duration of the study was complex working-memory task in which the 5 months, and the participants came in every participants in the experimental groups labeled week for sessions that lasted 1 hr. Intervention sentences as meaningful or nonsensical. The and the withdrawal phase were separated by effectofthesetasksondrivingmaybedissimilar 1 week. All participants were asked to drive a to those of cell phone conversations. Drivers generic scenario in the driving simulator for may pace their driving (e.g., decrease speed if approximately 20 min before beginning the involved in a demanding conversation) to study to identify drivers with short following accommodate the demands of a phone conver- headways. The generic scenario consisted of sationandpartiallypacethephoneconversation driving on a two-lane road traveling 45 mph (e.g.,pausebeforeresponding)toaccommodate (72 kph) in urban traffic. This scenario ensured driving demands (Shinar et al., 2005). In thatthedrivingbehavioroftheparticipantswas studies using artificial tasks, participants were consistent with the purpose of the study and not able to make these adjustments because the allowed the participants to grow accustomed to experimentersetthepaceofthedrivingtaskand driving the simulator using the brake and pedal the distracting task. configuration. Although some studies have examined the To qualify for participation, volunteers had relation between following too closely and the tofollowtheleadvehiclewithameanfollowing increased risk of a crash, none have evaluated headway of less than 2 s while talking on a cell the effectiveness of behavioral training proce- phone. If a participant’s following headway was dures to increase driver following headway. 2 s or more, he or she was excluded from the However, many studies have documented the study. This was done to ensure that there was efficacy of prompting and feedback to increase sufficient room for improvement in following other safety-related behaviors. For example, headway. The experimenter tested 15 drivers to INCREASING FOLLOWING HEADWAY 247 obtain four participants who met the inclusion roadway at the start of the scenario and criteria. consistently traveled at a speed of 45 mph The setting was a driving simulation labora- (72 kph). Depending on the scenario, other tory on campus. The simulator was housed in a vehicles merged in and out of traffic, which room (3.05 m by 3.65 m) whose walls were resulted in lead-vehicle braking. The partici- paintedflatblack.Aprojectionscreen(1.6mby pants were instructed that they were prohibited 1.3 m) was attached to one wall. A high- to pass the lead vehicle during the scenario and resolution projector was attached to the oppo- wereaskedtofollowthisvehicleuntiltheendof site wall and displayed the driving scenario on the scenario. the screen. Response Measurement and Procedural Integrity Apparatus Data were automatically collected by the A Windows XP operating system was used STISIMS software program and saved in a file for the simulation. The simulator was run on a formatattheendofeachsession.Thedatawere STISIMSDrivesystem.Thehardwareconsisted then imported into Microsoft Excel. Interob- of force-modulated wheel and pedals. The server agreement was not assessed because data entire seat, wheel, and pedal configuration was were recorded automatically. Following head- based on measurements from a small compact way (in seconds) wascalculatedfrom the results vehicle,andtheseatswerefullyadjustable.Prior bydividingthefollowingdistance,displayedon to each session, the operating system, cell the results simulator summary page, by the phone, wheel and pedals, and STISIMS drive vehicle speed also obtained from the summary program were tested to ensure that the page, and then dividing this by the conversion equipment was working appropriately. Hand- factor1.47ft/s(e.g.,198ft/45mph/1.47ft/s5 held cell phones were used to call the 3 s). Mean braking deceleration, measured in participants. ft/s2, was automatically calculated and reported in the summary log produced by the driving Scenarios simulator. Participants were not given any In each session, the participant drove one of feedback on mean braking deceleration. Hard eightprogrammedscenariosthatwerepresented braking was defined as braking with a decel- in a random order. The scenarios consisted of a erativerateof9ft/s2ormore;anythinglessthan two-lane road with multiple vehicles parked on this is considered normal braking. both sides of the road. Do-not-pass signs, a Participants initialed a checklist indicating double yellow line, and speed limit signs were that they had been given feedback by the posted throughout the scenario. Houses, build- examiner before and after the intervention ings,andtreesaswellasotherstationaryobjects session as a measure of treatment integrity; along the side of the road were programmed to treatment integrity for feedback was 100%. simulate an urban setting. Steady streams of oncoming vehicles were included throughout General Procedure the scenarios. Weather was also programmable Participants drove the scenarios on the andconsistedofnormalblueskieswithnowind simulator each week. They spent half of the or rain that could influence drivability. time driving while talking on a cell phone and When driving the simulator, the participants half of the time driving without talking on the met a stream of oncoming vehicles. The traffic cellphone,alternatingbetween2.5-minperiods ontheroadheadinginthesamedirectionasthe on and off the cell phone. The cell phone simulator vehicle consisted of one lead vehicle conversations consisted of a list of 54 topics that was programmed to merge onto the including restaurants, jobs, hobbies, pets, 248 MICHELLE L. ARNOLD and RON VAN HOUTEN books, food, music, and movies. The partici- occurred at the start of the trip and half of the pant read over the list of topics before the start time it occurred 2.5 min after the start of the oftheexperimentandagreedtotheentirelistof trip. The cell phones were placed either on the topics. Some topics were added throughout the passenger seat or next to the driver before experiment, and the list was read to the starting the session. Cell phone placement was participants again for agreement. Participants determined by asking participants how they could also indicate when they did not wish to preferred to answer the phone call in a vehicle. talk about a certain topic by saying ‘‘pass’’ Conditions and Design during the conversation. A research assistant A concurrent multiple baseline design across was assigned to each participant and made the participants with a reversal to test for mainte- calls during each session. The calls were the nance was used to evaluate the efficacy of same during all phases of the study. Each feedback, prompting, and goal setting on driver participant answered promptly to each phone following headway and hard braking. An call without hesitation. The research assistant alternating treatments design was used to was instructed to call the participant every compare the effects of cell phone use with 2.5 min and converse about the list of topics or nonuseondrivingperformanceduringbaseline, another topic introduced by the participant. intervention, and maintenance. The research assistant was asked to speak to the Baseline. No prompts or feedback was participant and have a flowing conversation provided to drivers except for the general similar to an everyday phone conversation. instructions noted above. Participants were allowed to pause in conversa- Training. Training was initiated by a single tion because they were conversing rather than 30-min session, during which participants were answering timed questions. Topics were taught how to measure following headway and changed when the research assistant and were instructed to follow the lead vehicle by 3 s participant did not have anything more to say or more during the entire 30 min. All four relating to the topic, as determined by the participants described how to measure follow- research assistant. Data were not collected on ing headway when asked; however, training was the integrity of the cell phone calls. conducted (without the use of cell phones) to Participants drove one of eight scenarios that ensure that the participants could measure this lasted approximately 10 min during each reliably. The participants were asked to count session. The scenarios consisted of following a when the rear bumper of the lead vehicle lead vehicle on a two-lane road with moderate crossed a stationary object and to stop counting traffic. During the scenario, eight random when the front bumper of the vehicle they were events occurred, such as a car pulling out from driving crossed the same stationary object. The the side of the road or a pedestrian crossing the stationary objects that were programmed in the street. Four of these events were scheduled to session included houses, buildings, trees, cars, occur when the driver was talking on the cell and road signs. The participants counted the phone, and four were scheduled to occur when seconds aloud in a format of ‘‘one one the driver was not talking on the cell phone. thousand’’ for the first 10 min. For the last The exact timing of these events varied from 20 min, the participants were asked to count session to session. During the session, two covertly to promote a transfer from counting phone calls were made to the participants, and followingheadwaytogaugingactualdistanceof they were in conversation for a total of 5 min following a lead vehicle. The experimenter used during a 10-min session. The timing of the call a stopwatch to time the following headway for was varied so half of the time the first call theentire30minandgavetheparticipantsreal- INCREASING FOLLOWING HEADWAY 249 timefeedbackoftheiractualfollowingheadway Participants1and4decreasedtobaselinelevels. approximately every 15 s during the course of For Participants 2 and 3, following headway the training procedure, depending on the decreased during the withdrawal, although not location of convenient stationary objects in the to baseline levels. It should be noted that none scenario. Vocal feedback was stated in the form oftheparticipantsfollowedmorecloselyduring of seconds by the experimenter. For example, if baseline when talking on the cell phone. the participant followed at 4 s, this time was Furthermore, feedback had a similar effect on stated aloud by the experimenter. The training following headway whether or not participants procedurewasterminatedwhentheparticipants were on the cell phone. mastered following by 3 s or more for 90% of Mean braking deceleration is presented in the scenario. All four participants mastered this Figure 2. It should be noted that hard braking criterion in the first session. is typically defined as braking deceleration of Intervention.Scenarioswereidenticaltothose 9 ft/s2 or more. During baseline, all four driven during baseline. At the start of each participants were braking at levels above 9 ft/s2 session, the experimenter prompted the partic- duringbothcellphoneuseandnonuse.Afterthe ipant to follow the lead vehicle by 3 s or more intervention was introduced, mean braking whenconversingonthecellphone.Participants during cell phone use decreased immediately received vocal feedback of the mean cell phone belowthehardbrakingmeasureof9ft/s2,except following headway (in seconds) at the end of for Participants 1 and 4 when they were off the each session and then again at the beginning of cellphone.BrakingdecelerationforParticipant1 thenextsessionifitoccurredonadifferentday. initiallyincreasedduringbothcellphoneuseand Participants were required to initial a checklist nonuse but eventually decreased and stabilized after every feedback session and before each for the remainder of the intervention phase. session on subsequent days of the intervention Duringthewithdrawalphase,Participants1and to remind the drivers of their following 2 increased mean braking deceleration to hard headway on the previous session and to ensure braking levels, although not to levels observed that the participants were given feedback. in baseline. For Participants 3 and 4, mean During the withdrawal phase, procedures were braking deceleration increased back to the hard identical to those in baseline. braking levels observed in baseline. The inci- dence of hard braking during baseline and intervention did not appear to be influenced by RESULTS cell phone use. Data on following headway for each partic- ipant during the baseline, intervention, and DISCUSSION withdrawal phases are presented in Figure 1. Data from the training session are not shown. An intervention that consisted of feedback, During baseline, Participants 1, 2, and 3 prompting,andgoalsettingincreasedfollowing followedthelead vehicle with amean following headway and decreased hard braking. However, headway of less than 2 s during cell phone use performance was not maintained after with- and nonuse. Participant 4 had a baseline mean drawaloftheintervention.Theseresultssuggest following headway of 1.9 s during cell phone that teaching students to increase following useand2swhennotusingthecellphone.After headway during situations of high driving introduction of the intervention, following workload could decrease their risk of crashes headway for all participants increased to above but that further research is needed on inter- 3 s during cell phone use and nonuse. During ventions that will maintain these improve- the withdrawal phase, following headway for ments. Participants were young drivers with 2 250 MICHELLE L. ARNOLD and RON VAN HOUTEN Figure1. Thefollowingheadway(inseconds)foreachparticipantwhentalkingandnottalkingonthecellphone during each session ofthe experiment. INCREASING FOLLOWING HEADWAY 251 Figure2. Meanbraking(inft/s2)foreachparticipantwhentalkingandnottalkingonthecellphoneduringeach session ofthe experiment. The dashed horizontalline showsthe threshold for hardbraking. 252 MICHELLE L. ARNOLD and RON VAN HOUTEN or 3 years of driving experience, who followed sessions nor did they comment about task extremely closely (short following headway) in difficulty. baseline. It is interesting to note that younger One objective of the present study was to drivers, on average, have been documented to emulate as much as possible a real-life conver- follow a lead vehicle more closely than other sation. Many studies that have shown perfor- drivers (Sarkar & Andreas, 2004). These mance decrements associated with cell phone authors suggested that younger drivers may use have used cell phone tasks that are not overestimate their driving ability or fail to see representative of a natural cell phone conversa- the risk in engaging in risky behaviors such as tion (e.g., experimenter-paced operations in following too closely. which the participant had limited time to The term workload refers to the effort a answer a math equation; McKnight & person invests in his or her performance while McKnight, 1993). The current study did not carrying out a task. Both driving and conver- show an effect of the cell phone intervention, sational workload may vary over a wide range and this result could have been due to the of values. For example, a heated conversation drivers’ ability to adjust their behavior to would increase conversational workload, compensate for driver workload. Shinar et al. whereas an increase in traffic would increase (2005), for example, investigated the effects of driving workload. It is interesting to note that cell phone conversations on driving by using after the first intervention session, Participant repeated measures of simulation driving while 1 commented that he was sorry he had a drivers were involved in hands-free cell phone difficult time counting following headway tasks. Across the course of five sessions of while having an ongoing conversation because driving and using the cell phone, performance he was required to do too many things (i.e., improved on most of the driving measures and drive, talk on the cell phone, count seconds to interference from the phone task was greater himself in following time). Nonetheless, he during the artificial tasks. continued to talk during the session. Although The advantages of a simulator study are that hard braking increased significantly for this the environment can be controlled and all participant during cell phone use when the participants can be subjected to the same intervention was first introduced, hard braking situations.Differentroadandweathersituations decreased during subsequent sessions of the can be studied without having to wait for them intervention. These results suggest that the to occur in a natural environment, and decrementinperformancethatoccurswithcell dangerous situations can be studied without phone use may be directly related to driver exposing participants to risk. Results obtained workload. As the participant learned the task, in a simulator are often found to be valid for at the workload was reduced and the decrement least certain aspects of real-world driving (e.g., disappeared. This experience may be similar to Reed & Green, 1999; Tornros, 1998; Tornros, other unfamiliar tasks such as using a global Harms, & Alm, 1997). Future research should positioning system while driving. Initially, the focus on ways to validate the performance system may be difficult to use, but with measures in this simulation study by obtaining continued practice, the task becomes effortless probe measures with real driving scenarios. as fluency develops. It should be noted that Although research assistants tried to emulate data on following headway and hard braking real phone conversations in the current study, for the other participants did not suggest a data were not collected on the integrity of the workload problem, and none of the partici- cell phone calls. None of the research assistants pants stopped talking during any of the noticed any difference in the drivers’ latency to INCREASING FOLLOWING HEADWAY 253 respond during the conversations, but no data determine whether the following headway or were collected on this measure. These limita- following time rules taught to new drivers tions should be addressed in future research. provide optimum headway, regardless of fa- It is possible that more extended training or tigue, driving experience, and road conditions, a self-monitoring component would result in and if the rules taught need to be modified to better maintenance. Behavioral self-monitoring accommodate individual differences. involves repeatedly observing, evaluating, and recording one’s own behavior (Olson & Winchester, 2008). Self-monitoring has been REFERENCES previously examined in the safety literature for AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. (2008). 2008 lone workers, as well as in the traffic literature. traffic safety culture index. Washington, DC: Because driving is a behavior that often occurs Author. Alm, H., & Nilsson, L. (1995). The effects of a mobile whenthesubjectisalone,futuredrivingstudies telephonetaskondrivingbehaviorinacarfollowing could examine self-monitoring procedures. For situation. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 27, example,abeepatregularintervalscouldsignal 707–715. Austin,J.,Hackett,S.,Gravina,N.,&Lebbon,A.(2006). to the driver to observe his or her following The effects of prompting and feedback on drivers headway. Future studies should investigate stopping at stop signs. Journal of Applied Behavior other interventions or added components to Analysis,39,117–121. this intervention that would properly inform Evans,L.,&Wasielewski,P.(1983).Riskydrivingrelated to driver and vehicle characteristics. Accident Analysis the driver of the associated risks of close and Prevention,15, 121–136. following while driving. For example, an McKnight,A.,&McKnight,A.(1993).Theeffectofcell educational component that teaches the rela- phoneuseupondriverattention.AccidentAnalysisand Prevention,25,259–265. tion between close following headway and an Michael,P.G.,Leeming,F.C.,&Dwyer,W.O.(2000). increased risk of a crash might improve our Headwayonurbanstreets:Observationaldataandan intervention. Also, we only prompted the intervention to decrease tailgating. Transportation Research,Part F3,55–64. drivers to use a set following headway and Olson, R., Hanowski, R., Hickman, J., & Bocanegra, J. did not provide any immediate consequences (2009). Driver distraction in commercial vehicle for failing to follow the prompts. One practical operations (Report No. FMCA-RRR-09-042). Wash- intervention for future research is the preven- ington, DC:U.S.Government Printing Office. Olson, R., & Winchester, J. (2008). Behavioral self- tive safety measuring device that has been monitoring of safety and productivity in the work- incorporatedintoVolvocars.Thisisacollision place: A methodological primer and quantitative warning system with an automatic brake that literature review. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management,28, 9–75. makes the car brake if the driver does not react Rantz, W., Dickinson, A., Sinclair, G., & Van Houten, when a rear-end collision with a moving or R. (2009). The effect of feedback on the accuracy stationaryvehicleisgoingtooccur.Itusesboth of checklist completion during instrument flight radarandacameratodetectvehiclesinfrontof training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 497–509. the car. If the car approaches another vehicle Reed, M. P., & Green, P. A. (1999). Comparison of from behind and the driver does not react, a driving performance on-road and in a low-cost red warning light flashes and an audible signal simulator using a concurrent telephone dialing task. Ergonomics,42,1015–1037. can be heard. Sarkar, S., & Andreas, M. (2004). Acceptance of and Finally, few studies have evaluated the engagement in risky driving behaviors by teenagers. relation between following headway and hard Adolescence,39,156. braking. In the current study, following head- Shinar, D., Tractinsky, N., & Compton, R. (2005). Effects of practice, age, and task demands on way had an inverse relation to hard braking. interferencefromaphonetaskwhiledriving.Accident Future research should evaluate this relation to Analysis andPrevention,37,315–326. 254 MICHELLE L. ARNOLD and RON VAN HOUTEN Strayer, D. L., & Johnston, W. A. (2001). Driven to Tornros, J., Harms, L., & Alm, H. (1997). The VTI distraction:Dual-taskstudiesofsimulateddrivingand driving simulator—validation studies. Paper presented conversing on a cellular telephone. American Psycho- attheDSC97DrivingSimulationConference,Lyon, logical Society,12,462–466. France. Taieb-Maimon,M.,&Shinar,D.(2001).Minimumand comfortable driving headways: Reality versus percep- tion. HumanFactors,43,159–172. Tornros, J. (1998). Driving behaviour in a real and Received December 7, 2009 simulated road tunnel: A validation study. Accident Final acceptance September 13,2010 Analysis& Prevention,30, 497–503. Action Editor,Rachel Thompson

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