Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri • Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 11(1) • Winter • 170-177 ©2011 Eğitim Danışmanlığı ve Araştırmaları İletişim Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. Şti. The Content Analysis of the News in the National Papers Concerning the Renewed Primary Curriculum Adem TAŞDEMİRa Zafer KUŞ Ahi Evran University Ahi Evran University Abstract The news in the national papers has an important role to inform the people about the content of new primary school curriculum. This study investigated the way of function with the comparison of the studies in the litera- ture. The news concerning the renewed curriculum appearing in the national media in the period between 2004 and 2007 was obtained through document analysis and were compared to scientific studies in terms of consis- tency. For our purposes, 484 news articles and columns from14 newspapers which were grouped into 3 catego- ries were examined through document analysis. Consequently, it was found that the highest rate was in the year 2004 and that the rate of concepts decreased as the years passed by. The information on the novel curriculum was brief statements made by officials and was in the form of headings in the early years; yet in the following years such knowledge as the philosophy of the curriculum, its being student-centred as well as details of mea- surement and evaluation was presented. In the literature, findings related with inadequacy and content/ design categories were seen taking place heavily. Key Words Primary Curriculum, National Media, Content Analysis. In the era when science and technology is advanc- ies, Science, Turkish, Mathematics and Life Sci- ing rapidly, the development of societies at the ences was started by the Ministry of Education. The same speed is possible only through a well-quality changed curriculum was gradually implemented in system of education. With an educational system 2005 across the country following the pilot applica- which is obsolete, which does not suit the students tion conducted in 2004. and the circumstances and which is static, quality A curriculum is all the situations concerning expe- is impossible. Attention has been attracted to the riences that are facilitated through planned activi- curriculum in studies of quality in education, and ties. Saylor and Lewis (1981) define a curriculum the importance of curriculum development has as the plan of providing individuals with learning been stressed. Countries which cannot reform of experiences (cited in Demirel, 2004). Gagne, on development are candidates to be undeveloped the other hand, describes the topic field as the con- (Ayten, 2006). tent, and statement of objectives as the observable Constructivism (Henson, 2006) has recently influ- behavior; and suggests that arranging the content enced the Turkish educational system as a develop- and the pre-evaluation of students’ introductory ment affecting curriculum development activities. skills should be handled together. The researcher Accordingly, an activity of changing the curricu- bases the curriculum on concrete output or experi- lum for the primary school subjects of Social Stud- ences rather than considering it to be an abstract document. A curriculum is the whole of dynamic relations between objectives, content, educational a Correspondence: Assist. Prof. Adem TAŞDEMİR. Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Education, De- states, and evaluation. In designing all these, sci- partment of Primary Education, Kırşehir/Turkey. ence, society, the learner (individual), topic field E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +90 386 and nature are considered as the sources (Demirel, 211 4419 Fax: +90 386 213 4513. 170 TAŞDEMİR, KUŞ / The Content Analysis of the News in the National Papers Concerning the Renewed Primary Curriculum 2004; Sömez, 2001). Erden (1998) describes cur- tion, there are authors who write only about educa- riculum as the whole planned educational activities tion, and some of them give extras about education. organized according to aims of education institu- Those educational articles published in newspapers tion. In this respect, a curriculum is one of the most are available to great masses of people since they important components of education. Therefore, it are also on the Internet at the same time. Besides, is an important issue which interests all the soci- even those who cannot afford to buy a newspaper ety. Society as a whole do not have the opportunity can read them online. From this perspective, the to follow the developments in education through articles may be said to have great influence over numerical data published by the Ministry of Edu- people. Because the Ministry of Education is aware cation or through scientific work produced by aca- of the situation, a special unit for following the me- demic staff. As stated by Ben Bagdikian (1971) “A dia has been formed by the ministry. The unit fol- great majority of people cannot learn or hear about lows the articles related to education, the ministry happenings in the world if media does not publicise. and its units; and when the news is misleading, it Therefore, most of the event we know of is what we responds to the news through the official web site are presented by the media, what we only find in the under the title of “informing.” Indeed, here such media; in other words, what the media gives us as questions should be asked: “which issues related the news.” to education does the press use as the news item?” “Are those news items written by educational ex- Media has great importance in leading socie- perts as differently from other news items? Or are ties and shaping the culture, and thus spreading they written by people with no knowledge of edu- and transfering it down to the next generations cation?” “How is a novelty in education evaluated (Akdoğan, 1994). When seen from the perspective by experts of education and how do newspapers of such influences as instilling, the beliefs and ideas reflect it?” The number of such questions could be or attracting attention and guiding, the media is increased and each of them is a topic of research. considered as an influential component of power However, this research aims at researching the way (McQuail, 1994). Today, people acqire knowledge novel primary education curriculum-which were regarding a good lifestyle and the policy of the so- put into pilot application in 2004- was reflected ciety through what they watch on TV, listen to on in the press in the 2004-2007 period as well as the the radio, and read in newspapers; they also shape concepts that were highlighted, and comparing the their attitudes towards others accordingly. In other findings with the findings of academic studies. words, the media affects indiciduals’ worldview, at- titudes, and behaviors; and change individuals in a certain way through messages. The point com- Method mon to all the vehicles of the media is that they affect people’s thoughts and enable them to arrive This research employs a qualitative design; more at a synthesis, and provide them a shared form of specifically, it is a case study. According to Yin behavior (Terkan, 1999). Newspapers, one of the (1984), case study is a research method (1) which important components of the media, are the vehi- studies a phenomenon within its real life frame- cles of printed media which collect; compile, and work, (2) in which boundaries between the fact process the news and the thoughts and communi- and the content are not clear, and (3) which is used cate them to others. Newspapers illuminating and when more than one evidence or source of data is leading the public opinion and also influenced by is available (cited in Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2005). Case the public opinion differ from other vehicles of study is a research strategy aiming to understand the media in that they communicate the true and the social phenomenon of one single or a small fresh news, ideas and thoughts in “printed” form group in its natural environment. The purpose is (Akdoğan, 1994). Undoubtedly, televisions are in to make sure that it is described in detail (Bloor & every home now. The widespread use of televisions Wood, 2006). That is, case study is a method of re- has reduced interest in newspapers. Although peo- search which is based on the “how” and why” ques- ple watch TV, they read newspapers in order to go tions and which enables the researcher to investi- into the details and understand the importance of gate an uncontrollable phenomenon or event in the news items (Yetik, 1991). Moreover, the avail- depth. Cases may appear in various forms. An in- ability of various newspapers on the Internet with dividual, an institution, a group, or an environment no charge has increased the effectiveness of them. may be an example for a case to be studied. The se- Many news items concerning the whole society are lection of the case is important for the purpose of in newspapers. They have special pages for educa- the study (Bloor & Wood, 2006; Cohen, Manion & 171 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: THEORY & PRACTICE Morrison, 2007; Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2005). 167 news items in 2005, 85 news items in 2006, and 60 news items in 2007 were analysed in rela- The shared aim in case studies that are conducted tion to the renewed curriculum in 143 newspapers in qualitative and quantitative approaches is to (namely; Akşam, Hürriyet, Milliyet, Ortadoğu, reach conclusions for a certain case. The most es- Posta, Radikal, Sabah, Star, Türkiye, Vakit, Vatan, sential property of qualitative case study is that it Yeni Asya, Yeni Şafak, and Zaman). Between 2004- investigates one or more cases in depth (Yıldırım & 2007, a total circulation of these newspapers cover Şimşek, 2005). In this sense, the renewed primary the universe% 65-70 (Basın İlan Kurumu, 2010). school curriculum which was put into application in the 2004-2007 period was designed as a case and the news articles appearing in the national press Data Analysis were considered as the phenomenon; and thus at- tempts were made to reach realistic conclusions Relations analysis, a technique of content analysis, regarding the case. was used in the current research. Description of a case, researching the theme, collecting data regard- ing the themes and comparison of the themes are Study Group usually conducted by the researcher in case studies (Bloor & Wood, 2006). Texts forming the data base The renewed primary school curriculum was put in the research were analysed through relational into pilot application in 2004 and it was imple- analysis, a technique of content analysis which was mented in schools all over Turkey in 2006 follow- developed by Osgood (1959) and which examines ing the modifications according to the feedback. the relations between elements rather than ele- In order to determine views in the national media ments one by one in a message. Relational analy- concerning the curriculum before and after the sis aims to determine what collocates with what, application and to reveal the scientific content of and what kind of relations are available between those views, the research data were restricted to various elements of a message in a whole (that is, newspaper articles and columns about the renewed a text); but it does not aim to find out the number curriculum which were published between the of times an element appears (cited in Bilgin, 2006). years 2004 and 2007.Frequently, the investigation The following steps suggested by Osgood for rela- of a restricted system is described in case studies tional analysis were used in the analysis of news (Bloor & Wood, 2006). In this sense, “the years items appearing in newspapers with regard to the 2004-2007” and “the renewed primary school cur- renewed curriculum in the 2004-2007 periods: riculum” were considered as the restricted system for the content analysis, and 484 news items were - Determining the units of record (for instance studied for the purpose. key words), and categorising if necessary; - Dividing the message or the text into pieces (units of context) (the units are sentences, para- Procedure graphs, a day in a diary, every 120-200 words in a More than one method of data collection are em- novel, etc); ployed in general in case studies; and in this way - Encoding: determining whether or not units of effort is made to reach wide variety of data con- recording are available in each piece; firming each other. The techniques may be inter- views, observations, document analysis, or audio, - Calculating the frequencies of collocating and or video records (Bloor & Wood, 2006; Cohen et showing them on a relational matrix; al., 2007; Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2005). In quantitative - Representing and interpreting the results (cited studies, to strengthen internal validity and to pre- in Bilgin, 2006). vent researcher’s prejudice, observation and inter- views should be done by more than one research- Case studies take very complex research content ers (Büyüköztürk, Çakmak, Akgün, Karadeniz, & into consideration for especially experimental and Demirel, 2008). The data were obtained through review studies. Even though we have a research document analysis of newspaper articles which strategy which is valid according to our trues, were collected from news items under the catego- quantitative techniques containing other methods ries of (1) serious, (2) popular), and (3) sensational of research beside this can also be employed in case which were published in the national media in the studies (Bloor & Wood, 2006). 2004-2007 period. Thus, 172 news items in 2004, 172 TAŞDEMİR, KUŞ / The Content Analysis of the News in the National Papers Concerning the Renewed Primary Curriculum Conclusions and Discussion shows that news items published in the early years were highly correlated. Besides, the fact that inad- The highest number of concepts concerning the equacy category was also highly correlated showed renewed primary education curriculum was used that criticism and discussions regarding the re- in the year 2004 in the national media, and the fre- newed curriculum (such as uncertainty, teacher quency of use of the concepts reduced as the years training, physical conditions, the distribution of passed by. This result shows that the number of course books) were also available in the 2004-2005 news items published in 2004 was higher than in period. However, generally speaking, concepts for the other years. Knowledge about the curriculum the inadequacy category were in a higher rate in the was limited to the statement made by bureaucrats 2006-2007 periods than in other years. and news headings in the form of slogans with no details in the early years whereas the news about In news items in the students category, it was point- the philosophy of the curriculum, its student- ed out that students were in the center (active), centeredness, and details of measurement and they were questioning, criticising, researching, evaluation was also included in the following years. asking questions, able to express the self, thinking, However, there was no one single attitude towards creative, solving problems, making decisions, han- the issue in the press; instead, various reactions dling problems without violence, communicating, were given. For instance some of the media gave sensitive to Turkish language, and laying emphasis positive news under such slogans as “revolution to collocated concepts. Literature review also made in education”, “reform in education”, “back to the it clear that the renewed curriculum was student- beginning”, “a through/ from top to bottom re- centred, led students to thinking and researching, newal”, “hopeful and exciting “while some others made educational activities enjoyable, and contrib- gave it negatively under headings such as “the new uted to students’ linguistic development (Çınar, curriculum is weak”; and still others presented dis- Teyfur, & Teyfur, 2006; Halat, 2007). Those con- cussions of the curriculum under such headings cepts may be said to be parallel to the ones in the as “there is no curriculum, but fight”. In general, newspapers. properties such as learning through experience- a In the teachers category, such concepts as teacher property of constructivist theory, allocating no training, adjustment, in-service training, and guid- place to memorisation, student-centred education, ing were mostly stressed in the news items. Ac- and a questioning individual are emphasised in the cording to the relevant literature, teachers usually press. held positive views concerning the renewed cur- Whereas the news items published in the 2004- riculum (Bayram, 2005; Korkmaz, 2006; Turgut & 2005 period made the category of content/design of Arı, 2006; Yücel, Karaman, Batur, Başer, & Karataş, the curriculum more remarkable, those published 2006). Yangın (2007), on the other hand, believes in 2006 laid emphasis to inadequacies, and those that primary education 4th and 5th grade teachers’ in 2007 tended to be about testing/evaluation. views of Science and Technology course which was Those were the results to demonstrate that news implemented in 2005 changed in a negative way items in 2004-2005 period focused on explaining in the teaching process. Halat (2007), İzci, Özden the philosophy of the curriculum, beginning with and Tekin (2006), Özdemir (2007) conclude that 2006 discussions were ignited due to feedback re- teachers must be offered seminars and in-service ceived following the application; and in 2007 news training at regular intervals by experts in terms concerning the high school entrance exam taken of the philosophy and and application of the cur- by students who had been education through the riculum. Although teachers did not consider their new curriculum was in newspapers. Apart from level of knowledge of the novel curriculum, most of that, news in the parents category was published them were found to approach the curriculum in a in the minimum level each year. This state showed positive way (Korkmaz, 2006; Turgut & Arı, 2006). that parents, who were the application component Bukova-Güzel and Alkan (2005) found that teach- of the curriculum, were not sufficiently informed ers had difficulty in classroom management and by the national media in becoming conscious and in the selection of activities at the stage of concept participating in the process. formation in the new learning environment and that they did not prefer to share responsibilities. On studying the correlations between categories The emphasis made in the above mentioned stud- and years, high correlation was found between the ies that teachers have inadequacies regarding the categories in 2004-2005 years whereas the correla- renewed curriculum and that it is one of the prob- tions were low in the 2006-2007 period. This result 173 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: THEORY & PRACTICE lems encountered in the application of the curricu- were re-arranged in a way easier to understand, lum complements the concepts of teacher training, they were concrete and connected to real life and adjustment and in-service training presented in the were appropriate to students’ level of develop- new items. ment. According to Ercan and Altun (2005), 95% of teachers believed that students expressed the In the parents category, active participation in the self more easily thanks to the new curriculum and process and arousing consciousness were made that they participated more actively in the learning remarkable in the national press. However, those process than they had done in previous years. Ac- concepts were at low rates in each year. In relation cording to Güler and Şimşek (2007), teachers’ view to that, conclusion was reached in literature that that the science and technology course curricu- while applying the new mathematics curriculum, lum of 2004 is student-centred, it leads students to no change was seen in teacher-parent negotiations think and comment, it improves teachers’ quality (Halat, 2007). According to Ersoy (2007), parents as well as students’ interest, attitudes, skills and cre- reported the inadequacy of knowledge presented ativity is a positive feature. Yapıcı and Demirdelen in course books and incompatibility of the curricu- (2006) point out, by refering to teachers’ views, that lum with the test system (the system of testing in the main strengths of the curriculum are its spiral Secondary Education Institutions Entrance Exam) structure, its consideration of individual differ- as the negative views but the increase in willingness ences, emphasis on thinking individuals, concre- to learn along with the curriculum, improvement tizing, the basis of the curriculum, and associating in their research skills and increase in self-reliance the topics with real life. Özdemir (2006) states that as the positive views. In the above mentioned study, most of the elementary school teachers think the parents also thought that the new curriculum was topics in the curriculum are arranged in a way so more suitable to their children and that the former as to accomplish the objective behaviours, and that one was based on memorisation. they find the topics suitable to students’ levels. The In the news items of content/design category, such teachers point out that there is unity between top- concepts as avoiding memorisation, leading to oc- ics and the topics are sequenced from the abstract cupations, stressing the individual, considering to the concrete and from the simple to the com- the developments in the world, the EU vision and plex, and that the topics are application-oriented. standards, a constructivist approach, attaching im- They also say that the curriculum are suitable for portance to philosophy, education based on active teaching by giving examples from real life, that they learning, democracy and human rights, teaching enable students to participate in learning partly ac- with music/songs, education instead of teaching, tively and that they make students partly creative. application-based education, removing unneces- A close examination of the inadequacy category sary knowledge, induction rather than deduction, showed that insufficiency of teaching aids and principle of keeping up to date, Kemalism system equipment, difficulties in application, teacher of thought including the basic Republican princi- training, lack of materials (failure to distribute ples, and life skills were emphasised. In the relevant reading-writing course books, having no access literature conclusions that it prevents students from to resources, etc), pedagogical inappropricacy, de- memorisation (Çınar et al., 2006), it is student-cen- fraudation, physical conditions (such as crowded tred (Bağdatlı, 2005; Güler & Şimşek, 2007), it is classrooms) were stressed in the news items of based on constructivist approach (Aykaç & Başar, 2004-2005 period while uncertainty in secondary 2005), its basic philosophy is appropriate to the EU education institutions entrance exam, mistakes in norms (Canerik, 2005), activities and learning by course books and lack of materials were stressed experiencing and doing are effective in teaching the in the 2006-2007 period. Literature on inadequacy topics (Halat, 2007), and that it is more up to date category concludes that problems in teacher train- and more positive in objectives, content, method ing and adjustment are available (Canerik, 2005; and evaluation (Şahin, Turan & Apak, 2005; Tabak, Çınar, et al., 2006; Ercan & Altun, 2005; Gelen & 2007) are reached. Erdoğan (2005) reports that Beyazıt, 2006; Kurfallı, 2007; Özdemir, 2007; Tabak, activities which were done in class in the previous 2007; Yapıcı & Demirdelen, 2006; Yaşar, Gültekin, year are done in the lab in applied form thanks to Türkan, Yıldız, & Girmen, 2005), a great majority the new curriculum. Besides, teachers stated that of teachers do not receive in-service training and the former science course curriculum contained have serious problems with the curriculum (Akam- theoretical, abstract knowledge isolated from real ca, Hamurca, & Güney, 2006; Ercan & Altun, 2005; life but that the topics in the renewed curriculum İzci et al., 2006; Özdemir, 2006; Özdemir, 2007; 174 TAŞDEMİR, KUŞ / The Content Analysis of the News in the National Papers Concerning the Renewed Primary Curriculum Tabak 2007; Yaşar et al., 2005), and that teachers Science and Technology, Elementary Reading and need training in using and preparing measurement Writing, Chess course, Art and Sport Activities, and techniques (Akamca et al., 2006; Gelbal ve Keleci- Trade and Entrepreneurship course. In literature oglu, 2007; Erdal, 2007; Erdemir, 2007; Yapıcı ve statements are made mostly to such courses as So- Demirdelen, 2006; Yaşar et al., 2005). In an evalu- cial Sciences (Kutlu, 2005), Life Sciences (Bayram, ation made by the board of curriculum and teach- 2005; Kutlu, 2005), Mathematics (Bukova-Güzel ing professors (Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim ve Alkan, 2005; Erdal, 2007; Halat, 2007; Kutlu, Alanı Profesörler Kurulu [EPÖAPK], 2006), it was 2005), Turkish (Kutlu, 2005) Science and Technol- pointed out that the 2004 curriculum for primary ogy (Akamca et al., 2006; Bağdatlı, 2005; Dindar education was enforced without offering teachers & Karasu, 2006; Erdoğan, 2005; Güler & Simsek, and other employees sufficient in-service training, 2007; İzci et al., 2006; Kutlu, 2005; Özdemir, 2006; and therefore, they had to apply the curriculum Özdemir, 2007; Tabak, 2007; Yangın, 2007; Yangın without knowing the properties and application & Dindar, 2007). It may be said that the science and principles of the curriculum. technology course topics are mostly studied topics in the renewed curriculum. In addition, research studies state that such prob- lems as insufficient infrastructure, inconvenient In the materials category, remarkable concepts physical conditions, crowded classrooms, lack of are course books, work books, information tech- teaching aids and equipment, problems encoun- nologies (the internet, technological hardware, tered in using the vehicles of measurement, and and computers). In literature for this category it is lack of time are available (Aykaç & Başar, 2005; stated that the majority of teachers never use teach- Bağdatlı, 2005; Canerik, 2005; Çınar, et al., 2006; ing materials such as data show, the internet and Gelbal & Kelecioglu, 2007; Gelen & Beyazıt, computers, that they lack in knowledge of using 2006; Güler & Simsek, 2007; Günay, 2006; Ko- teaching materials (Dindar & Karasu, 2006), that rkmaz, 2006; Subaşı, 2006; Tabak 2007; Yangın, sources for use in the application is the weakness of 2007; Yangın & Dindar, 2007; Yapıcı & Demird- the curriculum and thus problems occur (Akamca elen, 2006). Moreover, problems in application et al., 2006; Bağdatlı, 2005; Yangın, 2007; Yapıcı & (Bağdatlı, 2005; Yangın & Dindar, 2007; Yaşar et Demirdelen, 2006), and that crowded classrooms is al., 2005), occasionally significant measurement a problem (Yangın, 2007). and evaluation problems (Aykaç & Başar, 2005; Ge- In the exams/evaluation category, concepts such as len & Beyazıt, 2006; Korkmaz, 2006), insufficiency testing system, the Secondary Education Entrance of educational technology (computer and the in- Exam, achievement score, performance evaluation, ternet) (Kurfallı, 2007) are also emphasised in re- product evaluation, project assignments, alterna- search studies. Canerik (2005) states that concepts tive techniques of measurement and evaluation, such as Ataturk, Turk, homeland, Republic are re- portfolio, and process evaluation are outstanding. peated 43 times among the general objectives of the In relevant literature, it is stated that students are former curriculum but those similar concepts are not evaluated individually (Aykaç & Başar, 2005), repeated 10 times in the renewed curriculum. It is occasionally significant problems are encountered also said that a similar case is true for the course in the measurement and evaluation process (Er- books. Another remarkable modification is that dal, 2007; Gelen & Beyazıt, 2006, Yılmaz, 2006), no place is allocated to topics related to Kemalism evaluation activities take excessive time (Gelbal in the new curriculum. One of the weakest sides & Kelecioglu, 2007; Tabak, 2007), classrooms are of the curriculum stated in literature is that insuf- crowded (Gelbal & Kelecioglu, 2007), and teachers ficient training was not given to teachers and ad- do not receive sufficient training in measurement ministrators in relation to the curriculum. Accord- and evaluation at university and therefore they do ing to Yapıcı and Demirdelen (2006), the weakest not have adequate knowledge of measurement and points in the curriculum are teacher support train- evaluation techniques (Erdal, 2007; Erdemir, 2007; ing, unity in terms, integration of mathematics and Gözütok, Akgün, & Karacaoğlu, 2005; Korkmaz, science, integration of science and life sciences, the 2006). On the other hand, Kutlu (2005) states that concept of joined classes, and sources for use in the measurement and evaluation concepts are available application of the curriculum. in curriculum of science and technology, Turkish, The most remarkable concepts in news items in social sciences and life sciences; yet the meaning of the course category are Religion and Moral course, the concepts are not clear and examples for applica- Turkish, Foreign language courses, Mathematics, tion are not given. Thus, studies in relevant litera- 175 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: THEORY & PRACTICE ture adopt a critical approach towards alternative Bayram, H. (2005, Kasım). 1998 Hayat bilgisi dersi programı techniques of measurement and evaluation which ile 2004 hayat bilgisi dersi programının etkililiğine ilişkin öğretmen adayı görüşleri. VIII. Yeni İlköğretim Programlarını are aimed to be applied with the new curriculum. Değerlendirme Sempozyumu’nda sunulan bildiri. Erciyes In additional to that, they reveal the inadequacies Üniversitesi, Kayseri. and negative sides in application. Those results may Bilgin, N. (2006). Sosyal bilimlerde içerik analizi / teknikler ve not be said to be parallel to the concepts highlight- örnek çalışmalar. İstanbul: Siyasal Kitapevi. ed in the news items. Bloor, M., & Wood, F. (2006). Keywords in qualitative methods. London: Sage. Academic publications concerning the renewed Bukova-Güzel, E. ve Alkan, H. (2005, Eylül). Yapılandırmacı primary education curriculum focus mostly on the öğrenme yaklaşımına dayalı matematik öğretimine hazır mıyız? categories of inadequacies and content/design. The XIV. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi’nde sunulan bildiri. Pa- number publications on the content/design cat- mukkale Üniversitesi, Denizli. egory increased in 2005 whereas in 2006-2007 the Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. number of publications concerning the category of ve Demirel, F. (2008). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi. inadequacies increased. As for the national press, Canerik, H. (2005, Kasım). Sosyal Bilgiler programı ve news items appearing in the 2004-2005 period high- öğretimi. VIII. Yeni İlköğretim Programlarını Değerlendirme lighted the category of content/design of the cur- Sempozyumu’nda sunulan bildiri. Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kay- riculum; in 2006 the focus was on inadequacies but seri. in 2007 the remarkable issue was exams/evaluation. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research meth- Those results show that news items in the 2004-2005 ods in education. New York: Routledge. period made efforts to reveal the philosophy of the Çınar, O., Teyfur, E. ve Teyfur, M. (2006). İlköğretim okulu curriculum but beginning with 2006 criticisms and öğretmen ve yöneticilerinin yapılandırmacı eğitim yaklaşımı ve programı hakkındaki görüşleri. 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