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Preview ERIC EJ917442: Examining the Breadth and Depth of Environmental Health through a Modified Delphi Technique

Research Article Examining the Breadth and Depth of Environmental Health Through A Modified Delphi Technique Dhitinut Ratnapradipa, Stephen L. Brown, and Alicia B. Wodika AbstrAct Background: Environmental health, a crucial part of our everyday lives, is a multidisciplinary field with many discrepancies as to what encompasses the core areas. Purpose: This study intended to establish core areas and cor- responding topics of environmental health as a preliminary step to identifying knowledge, attitude and behavior questions for use in needs assessment and program planning. Methods: Fourteen to sixteen experts in various fields of environmental health participated in a modified three-round Delphi Technique. Results: Experts established 11 core areas and 25 corresponding topic areas, and identified 443 potential questions for environmental health survey development. Discussion: The core areas, topic areas and corresponding survey questions were produced to be ap- plicable for people in all areas of United States. This is important for continuity within the field to have a universal tool to measure awareness across the country. Translation to Health Education Practice: Standardizing the core areas and specific topics of environmental health may assist practitioners in conducting thorough needs assessments and guide program planning and research. Ratnapradipa D, Brown SL, Wodika AB. Examining the breadth and depth of environmental health through a modified Delphi technique. Am J Health Educ. 2011;42(1):50-57. This paper was submitted to the Journal on July 15, 2010, revised and accepted for publication on October 22, 2010. BACKgRoUND World Health Organization,2,4 environmen- Dhitinut Ratnapradipa is an assistant professor Environmental health is an important tal health is defined as, in the Department of Health Education and part of our lives and influences our daily Recreation, Southern Illinois University Carbon- [Comprising] those aspects of human decisions regarding work, family and nutri- dale, Pulliam Hall 307 Carbondale, IL 62901; health, including quality of life, that tion.1 Definitions of environmental health E-mail: [email protected]. Stephen L. Brown are determined by physical, chemical, vary by agency, yet most have a similar is an associate professor in the Department of biological and social and psychosocial undertone regarding dynamic interactions Health Education and Recreation, Southern factors in the environment. It also refers between humans and their environment.2 Illinois University Carbondale, Pulliam Hall to the theory and practice of assessing, The U.S. Department of Health and Hu- 307 Carbondale, IL 62901. Alicia B. Wodika correcting, controlling and preventing man Services (HHS), Environmental Health is a graduate research assistant and student, those factors in the environment that can Policy Committee and Risk Communica- PhD Program in the Department of Health potentially affect adversely the health of tion and Education Subcommittee in 1998 Education and Recreation, Southern Illinois present and future generations. compiled over 28 different definitions of University Carbondale, Pulliam Hall 307 Car- environmental health.3 According to the bondale, IL 62901. 50 American Journal of Health Education — January/February 2011, Volume 42, No. 1 Dhitinut Ratnapradipa, Stephen L. Brown, and Alicia B. Wodika In contrast to this definition, the National environmental health concerns. Their survey prior to recruitment of panel members. To Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) included approximately “seven environmen- assure breadth and generalization, panel defines environmental health as, “the disci- tal issues [including] air quality, water qual- members were represented from various pline that focuses on the interrelationships ity, radiation, population growth, land use, locations throughout the United States. Ap- between people and their environment, biodiversity and food quality,”8 however it is proximately 50% of the panel members were promotes human health and well-being, and uncertain how they developed the content selected for the study using a cohort list from fosters a safe and healthful environment.”3 of their survey and its entirety to the field the Environmental Public Health Leader- To add more complexities to the matter, dif- of environmental health. Other studies by ship Institute (EPHLI). EPHLI is a one-year ferent agencies (local, state and federal) have Dunlap and Van Liere,9 Weigel and Weigel,10 sponsorship by the CDC for 30 practicing inconsistencies regarding the core areas and Howe,11 and Scott and Willits12 measured environmental health officials to enhance the corresponding sub-categories or topic environmental health attitudes with a focus individual and community research.24 The areas within environmental health. on ecological and environmental distress, remaining members were chosen from a According to the Environmental Health not necessarily environmental health haz- diverse group of federal, state and local Competency Project5 administered by the ards and risks. experts. Panel members were chosen for National Center for Environmental Health, this project on the basis of formal training, the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- pURpoSE practice and leadership in the field of envi- vention (CDC), and the American Public because environmental health is such ronmental health. According to De Villiers et Health Association (APHA), environmental a broad field, encompassing nearly every al.,16 a Delphi technique expert is character- health can include 23 areas including ambi- aspect of daily life from air to water to food ized by possessing knowledge and experience ent and indoor air quality, water pollution, to the chemicals in the products we use, applicable to the field of study,14,18,19,22 while safe drinking water, radiation, food safety, this study strove to create a standardized also encompassing the reverence of their bioterrorism, vector and pesticide control, list of the core areas and underlying topics colleagues. Panel members varied in their and healthy housing to list a few. Although within each area to facilitate discussion, educational experiences, number of years this list includes many well-established areas future research and program development of post-secondary education, locality of of environmental health, other agencies’ lists and implementation. In addition, this employment and number of years in the of core areas may differ depending on the lo- study is intended as a preliminary step to field (Table 2). The number of participants cality of the environmental health program/ identify knowledge, attitude and behavior needed to complete Delphi rounds is am- department. For example, in the Guidebook questions for use in needs assessment and biguously described in literature. A study de- for Local Health Officials jointly created by program planning. picting Delphi research procedures reported the National Association of County and City The Delphi Technique was first used in as few as 10 individuals to as many as 1,685 Health Officials (NACCHO) and NCEH,6 the 1950s13-16 to acquire the thoughts and is sufficient to participate;25,26 whereas other 18 areas of environmental health were listed opinions of specialists methodically13,15,17-19 studies have described 15-60 participants is including motor vehicle accidents, loss of in a particular field. Presented by the RAND adequate.20,27,28 Exactly 20 experts were con- biodiversity, violence, AIDS and natural Corporation,17 the technique concentrates tacted and 18 agreed to participate (N=18), disasters. While NACCHO’s list had over- on a main problem or theme. Named af- but only 16 panel members completed lapping core areas with the CDC’s, there ter the Greek oracle that predicted future round one, thus reducing the number for were also contradictions between their events,13,14,16,19,21,22 the technique has specific future rounds. For purposes of this study, lists. The HHS’s Healthy People 2010 had six guidelines including anonymity of expert the terms “panel member” and “expert” are environmental health objectives including participants13,17,23 and expert reasoning to synonymous. outdoor air quality, water quality, toxics and the centered problem,17 while using ques- Panel Member Communication tionnaires or survey-based methods to waste, healthy homes and healthy commu- Panel member anonymity was vital to obtain responses. For this study, a modified nities, infrastructure and surveillance, and this study. To reduce any biases and com- technique was used to identify the core areas global environmental health; with a total munication regarding the material, experts’ of environmental health as well as their cor- of 30 sub-categories under the objectives.7 names were not disclosed nor were the responding topics for practical use in many Due to the inconsistencies of the current number of members within the group. Com- diverse types of programs. listings for the core areas of environmental munication was through blind-copy email health (Table 1), a standardized listing of the instead of conventional mailing methods, METHoDS core areas is needed for future research and and experts were only contacted when a new program implementation. Recruitment round was initiated or to update the status Tempte and McCall8 predicted patient Human Subjects Committee Institution- of a pending round. Panel members were environmental health attitudes addressing al Review board (IRb) approved this project invited to email questions about the project, American Journal of Health Education — January/February 2011, Volume 42, No. 1 51 Dhitinut Ratnapradipa, Stephen L. Brown, and Alicia B. Wodika Table 1. Comparison of Environmental Health Core Areas Environmental Department of Health and Health Research Environmental Health Human Services (DHHS): NACCHO & NCEH Guidebook for Group (2009)1 Competency Project (2001) Healthy People (2000) Local Health Officials (2000) Core Area Similarities Ambient Air Quality Ambient (outdoor) Air Pollution Air Outdoor Air Quality Indoor Air Quality Indoor Air Pollution Safe Drinking Water Water Water Quality Drinking Water Quality Radiation Radiation Food Safety Food Safety Food Safety Emergency Disaster Planning and Response Preparedness Healthy Housing Healthy Housing Healthy Homes Infectious disease Infectious Diseases Vector and Pesticide Control and Vector Control Pesticides Toxicology Toxic Chemical Control Toxics and Waste Injury Prevention Unintentional Injury Waste and Solid Waste Management Hazardous Waste Disposal Sanitation Weather and Global Health Issues Global Environmental Water Pollution Climate Change Water Pollution Control Health Global Climate Change Core Area Differences Noise Pollution Infrastructure and AIDS Industrial Hygiene Surveillance Overpopulation Childhood Lead Poisoning Radon Acid Deposition Depletion of Natural Resources Cross Connection Elimination Motor Vehicle Accidents Institutional Environmental Loss of Biodiversity Control Natural Disasters Recreational Area Environ- Use/Abuse of Alcohol and Con- mental Control trolled Substances On-Site Liquid Waste Disposal Violence Bioterrorism 11 23 6 18 1based on results from Delphi round one but if they had specific questions regarding mented to reduce any biases by indirectly Determining Consensus the content or instructions of a particular assisting a panel member in filling out the Presenting simple statistics including round, they were instructed to complete as survey by answering questions regarding a mean and median values15 representing much as they understood. This was imple- specific round. consensus among panel members is an 52 American Journal of Health Education — January/February 2011, Volume 42, No. 1 Dhitinut Ratnapradipa, Stephen L. Brown, and Alicia B. Wodika Table 2. panel Member Demographics Total Panel Members (N = 12)1 % Panel Members Degree Master of Science Degree 1 8.3% Doctoral Degree 7 58% Professional (MPA, MPH, MD, PharmD) 4 33% # Years Post-Second- 1-6 5 41.6% ary Education 7-12 5 41.6% 13-16 2 16.6% Number of years 5-10 3 25% experience 11-15 0 0 16-20 1 8.3% 21-25 3 25% 26-30 4 33% 31 and up 1 8.3% Specialty2 Air Quality 1 8.3% Asthma 1 8.3% Climatology 1 8.3% Drinking Water 1 8.3% Emergency Preparedness 1 8.3% Epidemiology 1 8.3% Food Safety 2 16.6% Hazardous Materials 2 16.6% Health Housing 4 33% Injury Prevention 1 8.3% Lead Poisoning 3 25% Pest Management and Surveillance 1 8.3% Public Health 1 8.3% Radiation 1 8.3% Recycling 1 8.3% Risk Assessment 1 8.3% Solid Waste 1 8.3% Toxicology 3 25% Waste Water 1 8.3% Water Quality 3 25% Type of Employee Academia 2 16.6% Local Government 2 16.6% State Government 4 33% Federal Government 3 25% Private Sector 1 8.3% 1 based on 12 out of 16 panel members who completed demographic information 2 Does not add to 12 panel members, due to possibility of more than one specialty important aspect of the technique with the the first round16 and at least 51% in all In general however, consensus was reached ultimate goal of acceptance of a proposed rounds.16,18 Due to the variability among if panel members had agreed entirely on topic with little variance.14,16 Previous stud- the Delphi rounds, consensus among a particular topic, or had at least 60% ies have used varying numbers of responses the panelists oscillated depending on the (10 out of 16 panel members) agreement to achieve consensus including 70% in specificity of the content within the round. among experts. American Journal of Health Education — January/February 2011, Volume 42, No. 1 53 Dhitinut Ratnapradipa, Stephen L. Brown, and Alicia B. Wodika Delphi Round One (labeled as important/very important), at Panel members were each sent a cover For the first round, it was important to least 10 panel members agreeing it was an letter containing information regarding the establish the core areas of environmental “important” topic, and having an average third round and the corresponding link to health. To accomplish this, 18 panel mem- consensus of greater than 3.5 out of 5. Ex- their assigned survey. It was only necessary bers were sent a cover letter expressing grati- perts were given one week to finish Delphi that each panel member complete one tude for agreeing to assist with the project, round two, estimated to take approximately survey; however, if panel members wished as well as two other attachments: a project 30-35 minutes to complete. A reminder to complete extra surveys, they were sent overview containing goals and objectives, email was sent one week after the deadline additional links to the other sections. It was and the Delphi round one form. based on to any remaining panel members who estimated that panel members would take an open-ended limitless question, panel did not complete the second round. They approximately 30-40 minutes to complete members listed what they believed were were asked to complete it at their earliest Delphi round three. Due to the length the core areas of environmental health. A convenience or request an extension for and dedication required for the third and comments section was also added in case completion if needed. final round, panel members were given panel members wished to express other Delphi Round Three approximately three weeks to respond. ideas, thoughts, or questions regarding the Consensus among panel members was set This round involved the compilation of project or first round. Experts had one week at 50% agreement. knowledge, attitude and behavior questions to complete the first round. Depending on from each topic area identified in the second the depth of the answers, the first round was RESUlTS round. Due to the labor-intensive task of estimated to take approximately 15 minutes survey question development, the research Delphi Round One to complete. team developed potential survey questions From the original list of 18 experts who Delphi Round Two for the panel members to identify as suitable agreed to participate, 16 returned round The results of round one were used as for a consumer survey. Utilizing various one, with a response rate of 88%. based on a basis for impending Delphi rounds. The resources including CDC literature and en- the responses from the first Delphi round, goal of the second round was to identify key vironmental health textbooks, the research 27 core areas were provided with some topics within each core area. Using Delphi team identified 576 questions for the panel responses overlapping. From the core areas round one as a template for the second members to analyze for appropriateness in developed in round one, the research team round, the research team compiled 177 po- a survey. Developing these questions was compiled the most commonly reported tential environmental health topics for panel an enormous task that required planning responses into the core areas used for the member evaluation. SurveyGizmo version and categorization of questions that rep- remainder of the study. It was the discre- 2.6.14929 an online survey tool, was used to resented topic areas which corresponded tion of the research group to compile core collect responses during the second round. to the core areas. Each topic area needed at areas if felt they were overlapping. Core Panel members were asked to rate topics least 3-5 knowledge, attitude and behavior areas with fewer than two supporting within core areas that would be the best questions in order to achieve acceptable experts were discarded from the project. gauge of an individual’s overall awareness reliability for the final survey instrument. The research team identified the most of environmental health issues. To minimize potential panel member drop- commonly reported core areas as well as A Likert-type style scale (“very unim- out due to respondent fatigue, the research areas that could have been combined to portant,” “unimportant,” “neutral,” “im- team decided to divide the survey tool into be one area. This included the combina- portant,” “very important,” “not sure”) was five separate instruments (sections A, b, tion of recreational safety, poison control used by the panel members to answer survey C, D and E) thereby setting the maximum and injury/violence prevention into one questions. If there was a topic the experts number of review questions at 115 or less area of injury prevention, coalescing waste believed should have been included within per instrument. Each instrument contained management and sanitation, and finally a particular category but was not present five different topic areas; instruments were building/hazardous materials and pest within round two, they were asked to list assigned to specific panel members based on control into toxicology. After compiling the topic in the designated “comments” sec- their area of expertise within environmental the responses from round one, 11 core tion and determine it if was “important” or health. Panel members were to respond to areas of environmental health were identi- “very important.” At the end of the survey each question by selecting one of four op- fied for consumer/public awareness (Table document, there was a questions/comments tions: “the public already knows this ques- 1). The most common answers provided section for the entire survey document. The tion,” “the public should know this question, by the panel members were “air,” “water,” following protocol was used to determine but most of them do not know,” “it is not “toxicology” and “food.” The following consensus among panel members’ responses: necessary for the public to know this,” and core areas were identified by one or more at least 66% agreement on a particular topic “do not know.” panel members but were excluded from 54 American Journal of Health Education — January/February 2011, Volume 42, No. 1 Dhitinut Ratnapradipa, Stephen L. Brown, and Alicia B. Wodika the final list of 11 core areas because they Table 3. Summation of Delphi Rounds Two and Three did not meet the research team’s consensus criteria: soil, geology, biology, population Topic Areas Total Survey Questions density, promotion of safe workplaces and (Delphi Round Two) (Delphi Round Three) safe industrial hygiene. Smoking and Second hand smoke 15 Delphi Round Two Carbon Monoxide 21 The next round decided what topics were General Air Quality 9 important within the 11 specific core areas. Asthma 18 Fifteen panelists returned completed on- Radon 19 line surveys; creating an 83% response rate Mold 10 (15/18 members). Surveys were tabulated Water Sources 18 and scores for each topic area were aver- Drinking Water 23 aged for an overall consensus. Following the Water Usage 13 general protocol, 33 topic areas (47%) from Waste Water 19 the original list of 70 topics, were removed. General Weather and Climate Change 26 The remaining 37 topics were condensed by their topic themes to yield 25 areas (Table Food Preparation and Storage 38 2). Comments in the second round were Food Supply 27 geared towards providing the correct plac- General Healthy Housing 27 ing of topic areas and providing additional Recycling 19 environmental health concepts not included Garbage and Disposal 8 in our original listing. These included items Integrated Pest Management 16 such as radon, ozone, air fresheners and Communicable Disease 15 colognes in the air category; personal hy- giene in food handling, frequency of eating General Radiation 20 raw foods and hormone usage in animal General Injury Prevention 9 products in the food safety topic area; and General Emergency Preparedness 10 industrial radiation exposures and protect- Heavy Metals 24 ing children from severe burns in the radia- Pesticides 22 tion category. General Toxicology 7 Delphi Round Three Drugs 10 The third round identified appropriate 25 Topic Areas 443 Questions questions for the survey instrument. Four- teen panel members returned completed surveys for round three, resulting in a 77% DiSCUSSioN the commonalities of the round responses, response rate (14/18 members). Four panel Understanding public health topics can but also kept core areas (i.e. weather and members completed extra surveys, with affect important decisions made by consum- climate change/emergency preparedness) two members completing three and two ers including the interpretation of health that were not widely agreed upon by the members completing two surveys total. risks, political and environmental issues, and experts as being the main core areas of en- questions were analyzed in the category deciphering biases in media-reported health vironmental health. “public should know this, but most do not,” information.30,31 Environmental health has As depicted in Table 1, there was overlap with consensus set at 66% agreement among shifted from traditional categories such as with the core areas developed in this study panel members. Out of 576 total questions food safety, communicable disease, water with the core areas delineated in other sourc- that were analyzed, the results of this round quality and air quality to also comprise es [Environmental Health Competency Proj- removed 133 questions for a remaining total more emerging categories including “nuclear ect, 5 HHS: Healthy People,7 and NACCHO of 443 knowledge, attitude, and behavior power, war and terrorism, global climate and NCEH Guidebook for Local Health Of- questions (Table 3). Comments from the change and energy resources.”32 To ensure ficials6]. However, the agencies listed several third round comprised their categorizing of both emerging and traditional areas of en- areas of environmental health (AIDS, loss of questions, suggesting the addition of ques- vironmental health were represented in the biodiversity, natural disasters, on-site, liquid tions and clarity. survey, the research team not only assessed waste disposal and bioterrorism) that were American Journal of Health Education — January/February 2011, Volume 42, No. 1 55 Dhitinut Ratnapradipa, Stephen L. Brown, and Alicia B. Wodika not included within our study. In regards SurveyGizmo, to administer Delphi rounds declining response rates between rounds to the traditional vs. emerging components two and three. This proved to not only be (16 to15 to14), we were able to maintain of environmental health, a majority of the excellent for data collection, but also for the critical mass of opinions necessary to agencies had many traditional areas of en- the creation of the survey document and complete the project. vironmental health with only one including was practical for all panel members to eas- global climate change. Several of the agencies ily access. TRANSlATioN To HEAlTH decided to have multiple core areas with The core areas, topic areas and corre- EDUCATioN pRACTiCE similar themes including The Environmental sponding survey questions were produced As one of the seven core areas of re- Health Competency Project5 which had two to be applicable for people in all areas of sponsibility for Certified Health Education categories for “air” including ambient and the United States. Plans for future research Specialists,33 conducting a needs assessment, indoor air quality. This study chose to have include implementation of focus groups is a fundamental aspect of program plan- those categories combined to one specific to narrow down the number of identified ning. A standardized list of core areas and core area of “air.” This was also similar for survey questions for practical use by con- specific topics for consideration may assist other categories including infectious disease sumers and to clarify any questions that practitioners in conducting thorough envi- and vector control and water. are ambiguous and may be misunderstood. ronmental health needs assessment. In ad- Throughout each Delphi round, it was Having a standardized instrument to mea- dition, the specific knowledge, attitude and important to receive comments from panel sure knowledge, attitudes and behavior behavior questions may serve as the basis for members regarding not only the content of of consumers will allow for a better un- future development of a standardized survey the round, but also concerning suggestions derstanding of public and environmental tool. Use of a standardized instrument for for future studies. Regarding the construc- health, while isolating localities deficient in measuring the knowledge, attitudes and tion of core areas, a panel member stated “I environmental health literacy. behaviors of the general public, regardless find it hard to not see an environmental con- Limitations of their geographic location, will allow state nection to just about everything;” whereas, Although this study was able to success- and local health departments to search for another panel member stated “environ- fully obtain the core components of environ- weaknesses within specific localities and mental health focuses on all aspects of these mental health, it would have been beneficial plan targeted interventions. This is especially major areas including scientific investigation to include a Delphi round that encompassed important to increase community awareness and development of policy to mitigate nega- a qualitative aspect from the experts. Each and outreach and for assessing the behaviors tive health consequences.” Another panel round had a qualitative component for feed- practiced by various communities. Isolating member stated, “rather than considering any back, especially the first round where partici- areas with decreased environmental health single core area independently, it is impor- pants listed what they believed were the core literacy will assist the practitioner to ef- tant to realize that many of the disciplines of areas of environmental health. However, fectively plan and prepare to better educate environmental health are intertwined both this could have been enhanced by perhaps individuals on the importance of environ- within and outside core areas.” Understand- asking them to list what they believed were mental health. ing the perspective of the experts provides the core areas along with why they thought insight into the difficulties in selecting the they were important in the field. In round ACKNoWlEDgEMENT core areas and topic areas that encompass the one, it also may have been important to ask This research project was funded by the broad field of environmental health. Delphi the panel members to identify each of their Office of Research and Development Ad- rounds one and two were intense rounds that listed core areas as emerging or traditional. ministration, Southern Illinois University intricately involved developing and selecting It was significant however, for the responses Carbondale. The authors would like to thank practical core areas that would not be limited of the first round to be completely developed the experts who participated in the Delphi by geographical location. by the experts themselves and not lead any rounds for their time and insights. 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