By Mike Charles, Dorothy Burt, and Mia Kim Williams Lessons from New Zealand T hirteen members of ISTE’s Spe- was turning to fall in New Zealand the literacy cycle. As students learn cial Interest Group for Teacher and school was getting underway. about something important in their Educators (SIGTE) traveled to Imagine walking into a year 5 class- curriculum, they illustrate and write Auckland, Rotorua, and Christchurch room (what we call fourth grade in the about what they are learning in order to visit seven schools and present and United States) at Pt. England School to share it with a broader audience. At attend the Learning@School 2010 in Auckland. It’s the second week of Pt. England, this is described as qual- conference as part of a travel tour school, and students have been dis- ity teaching of the traditional concepts last February. cussing how the Māori (the indigenous of literacy. This second installment in our Polynesian people of New Zealand) Staff there believe that technology three-part series features ways we saw migrated across the Pacific to Aotearoa makes a unique contribution to this technology used in New Zealand to de- (the Māori name for New Zealand) literacy cycle. As students create what velop student voices in the classroom, aboard double-hulled ocean-faring they refer to as digital learning objects, in the community, and across the sailing craft called waka. Pt. England technology-facilitated activities spur world. We observed students engaged students have a personal connection to interest and enthusiasm that can entice in peer listening and sharing activities this story, as many of them are Māori students to participate. Based on data as well as student/teacher cooperative or Pacific Islanders, and studying this collected over multiple years at Pt. Eng- practices that valued the students’ as history is part of the school’s effort to land, students learn to read and write co-developers or co-researchers in the help empower them to have a sense of better by using this process. learning processes. their personal voice as well as their While walking through interdependence with others. this classroom, we saw Digital Learning Objects In education circles, New students creating digi- As winter turned to spring in the Zealand has long been rec- tal learning objects at Northern Hemisphere, summer ognized for its work with a handful of desktop Year 5 students at Ilam School near Christchurch, New Zealand, created this painting of a kia kaha (stay strong) waka. It represents the contribution of each individual to the team. Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved. 22 Learning & Leading with Technology | December/January 2010–11 Developing Student Voices with Technology computers. Students drew waka vessels convinced the power of authentic Historians agree that most Polyne- using the paint program KidPix and audiences develops literacy skills in sians did not survive the trip on the animated the drawings using the mul- all their students, and that connecting waka as they navigated the Pacific, timedia authoring program HyperStu- with digital age learners involves sight, and Silas’ work suggests that he un- dio.They edited those animations, add- sound, and motion. derstands the danger of this journey. ing titles and voiceovers using a video Silas is one of the students we Technology is not the means by which editor (iMovie), and they shared their watched working in February. His he understood that history, but it does multimedia stories with the teacher, work from that day and throughout provide a way for him to share what their classmates, and the world using the year is posted on his blog. In his he learned with a global audience. their class blog on Blogger. second entry, “My waka animation Silas has maintained his blog essen- Through this sharing, the develop- adventure,” he describes the perils and tially as a learning journal. By the time ment of student voice is reinforced by hardships of the journey on the waka: the New Zealand school year reached authentic audiences. The blog is open its halfway mark, he made 14 blog While the waka was battling to the world for comment because Pt. entries, for an average of two or three the odds, the numerous stormy England educators believe that pub- posts per month. The topics he and rough waves were crashing lishing work to a larger audience is an posted about range from things he over them. The people were important part of helping was learning in school (the waka frightened and sad as waves students see them- adventure, volcanoes, and using crashed over the waka. selves as confident, descriptive words) to things he loves And the fierce wind connected, ac- to do (such as moonwalking like howled like a wolf’s cry. tively involved lifelong learn- Educators believe that publishing work to a larger audience is an important ers. They are part of helping students see themselves as confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners. Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved. December/January 2010–11 | Learning & Leading with Technology 23 Michael Jackson). One of his later Silas, a student at Pt. England School entries is about sailing on the Ted in New Zealand, created this drawing of a waka vessel using Hyperstudio Ashby, a historic sailing vessel at the as part of his multimedia project called New Zealand Maritime Museum in My Waka Adventure Animation. Auckland, during a school field trip. He describes his trip like this: As I was sailing on the Ted Ashby I could feel the wind lashing through my hair, then icy wind started biting my face. When it was time to pull the main sail, I struggled as I heaved on the halliard as hard as I could. On the sides of Ted Ashby, waves were lapping and making strange sounds. As we headed towards the harbour it was time to hoist the sails so we could sail to the harbour bridge. In the comments on Silas’ blog, his Silas and other students from Pt. England teacher compliments his use of nautical School post a range of text, video, and im- terms and remembers her own trip on ages on their blogs. At right is a photograph the same boat. We were struck by the of Silas taken aboard the Ted Ashby, a connection between his experience sail- historic sailing vessel from the New Zealand Maritime Museum in Auckland. ing on the Ted Ashby and his animation of the waka created nearly six months in New Zealand has been reviewed earlier. His growth as a writer is evident favorably and remains an outstanding from the difference in the two, and we tool for animating student drawings. were reminded of the promise that Web But U.S. schools rarely use this pro- 2.0 tools can hold for providing authen- gram. Having students post on their tic assessment of the growth of student own blogs for the world to read and language arts skills over time. comment on is an idea that many ad- for the year, while midlevel students at Technology tools that are consid- vocate, but a relatively small percent- Fendalton Open-air School were creat- ered passé or even dangerous in the age of students in the United States ing digital illustrations about chapter United States are used in a vital way actually do it, often because of safety books they had read. Like Silas, all stu- in many classrooms in New Zealand concerns. At Pt. England School, the dents had the chance to come up with because of that country’s grounded conviction that student voices need original ideas; to communicate about educational philosophy. For example, to be heard and that publishing to the themselves and with their peers, as well as educators from the United States, Web is a critical part of student devel- as with caring and capable adults; and we were struck first by the tools that opment balances those concerns. to develop their own voices for authen- Silas and his classmates used. To draw The emphasis on developing student tic audiences. and talk about what you are learning voices through literacy processes was In addition to developing voice is a simple and fundamentally sound not isolated to Pt. England School. through engaging in digital learning educational strategy, especially for Throughout the seven schools we vis- activities, we also observed students at students at the elementary school ited, students were engaged in various Discovery 1 School (elementary) and level. Paint programs are great tools activities that exercised voice. Blog- Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti (secondary) for students to use to draw what they ging, digital image creation, and video in Christchurch contributing to their are learning about, and they have been creation and editing appeared to be in own learning paths. They met with available on computers in schools widespread use. Elementary students at instructors to discuss progress, plan since the 1980s. The new version of Ilam School were blogging about class- curriculum, and set goals. At Unlim- HyperStudio that students were using work and developing learning goals ited, students were able to propose and Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved. 24 Learning & Leading with Technology | December/January 2010–11 create their own courses of study, which Manaiakalani Literacy Project, which they perceive the United States and legitimized their individual interests aims to change social, educational, and the United Kingdom made, in which and learning strengths. For example, a economic outcomes in disadvantaged overly prescriptive assessments have group of students worked with an in- communities, has been carried out at resulted in a reduced curriculum. structor to connect with Microsoft and seven schools in New Zealand with As visitors, we wondered just how explore their interest in collaborative more than 2,000 students ranging from New Zealand education will avoid gaming. Students wrote game sequenc- ages 5 to 18. These students create ani- reducing education and learning from es and tested beta versions of games un- mations, podcasts, digital graphics, digi- a cultural task to a productivity task. der development by the company. Their tal storys, digital video, and individual This progression seems as difficult to work was authentic, and instructors blogs. Silas’ work is just one example of avoid as tragedy at sea for the waka collaborated with community members what these digital learning objects look vessels hundreds of years ago. For on the curriculum. These examples like. Students’ reading and writing scores now, we look forward to reading the expand learning beyond the traditional have improved using this approach. blogs of students like Silas, who, un- core subjects, engage students in vital Writing scores have risen by an average der the direction of capable educators, digital age skills, and help them develop of four times the expected growth in one bring learning safely home. their voices as partners with adults in year for students in years 4 through 10 their learning environments. (grades 3–8 in U.S. schools). Resources EDtalks video of Mike Charles discussing New Student Achievement Results An Invitation to Participate Zealand standards from a U.S. visitor’s per- spective: Earlier we described the three essen- In 2010, Pt. England students pub- New Zealand’s Schools and deciles: www. tial elements in the literacy cycle that lished content on more than 150 includes digital learning objects as a blogs. The teachers and students Policies/Schools/SchoolOperations/ vital part of the learning process. The would love to have you and your Resourcing/OperationalFunding/Deciles/ three elements are: students read and comment on their DecilesInformation.aspx blogs as they establish their sense Pt. England School: • Quality teaching of the “traditional” Pt. England School blogs: www.ptengland. of voice in the world. All classes for concepts of literacy,451 ages 5–12 keep blogs that are open to • Creation of digital learning objects Research related to Manaiakalani Literacy the world. The site (find the URL in Projects: from the outcomes of literacy Resources at the end of this article) and • Publishing the digital learning ob- tracks visitors on a map, and by read- php?family=1,871,11746 jects in a Web 2.0 environment Silas’ blog at Pt. England School: http://pessi- ing their blogs, you and your students In one study at Pt. England School, a are providing an authentic audience sample group of 27 students involved in for their work. You are also welcome Mike Charles is an associate podcasting significantly improved their to add helpful comments that en- professor in the College of reading habits and their attitude about courage students’ development and Education at Pacific Univer- reading books. They also improved growth. This site might be particu- sity in Oregon and a past- their reading ability (accuracy, compre- larly valuable for teacher educators president of SIGTE. hension, and fluency) as measured by who would like to provide a place for standardized testing. Note that Pt. Eng- teacher candidates to practice their land is a decile 1A school, which means comments to students. Dorothy Burt is the e-learning that most of the students come from a During our visit, New Zealand’s facilitator at Point England lower socio-economic community. Ministry of Education was launching School in Auckland, New Zealand. Most classrooms at Pt. England national standards in reading, writing, have five or six desktop computers. and mathematics with an online as- Leadership at the school look forward sessment and reporting system. While to the day when all students have net- at the Learning@School 2010 confer- book access over a higher-speed In- ence, we had a chance to hear from Mia Kim Williams is an assis- ternet connection so that students can ministry officials about that effort and tant professor at the University of Northern Colorado. seamlessly incorporate tech tools into observe the reaction of hundreds of the learning process. New Zealand educators. Foremost What does this kind of work look like among their concerns was that the on a larger scale in New Zealand? The government might repeat the errors Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved. December/January 2010–11 | Learning & Leading with Technology 25