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ERIC EJ914321: Introducing ISTE Learning: What Do You Want to Learn Today? PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ914321: Introducing ISTE Learning: What Do You Want to Learn Today?

Introducing ISTE Learning What Do You Want to Learn Today? If you’re any- the NETS so that you can see how thing like me, they work and how you can imple- you probably ment them in your own classrooms, Wthoa lte daorn y tooud awya?nt protfoespsiicosn yaol ug rwohawantvth et oaan eldox nppgleo rlrisesot fn ooarfl shcahWvoee ot alosll,sd oa nu lidss ttdheinrso.t ruIiSgcTthsE .d mireecmt bcoenrst act, interest, and maybe even both at on surveys, and at the conference the same time. But you end up what they were most interested in spinning your wheels on such big learning, and we pulled that infor- questions as: Where can I possibly mation together into a comprehen- find the time for one more thing? sive online community where any- And where, in the midst of the one can find the right professional information overload that has development to meet his or her own taken over my life, do I start? needs, interests, and schedule. It’s a conundrum that a lot of Want to know more? Come with ISTE members face. That’s why we me on a tour of the hotspots in the LLLEEAEAAAACACCNNDNDDAAAEEEEEDEDDTTRRTREEESSSSSSMMMHHHYYYIIIPPP U launched a new online professional ISTE Learning community: the development (PD) program to help. Commons, Learning Labs, ISTE U Ilet’asr cnailnlegd.o IrSgT), Ea nLde awren dinegsi (ghntetdp :i/t/ iste Café, and ISTE U. IIISSSTTTEEE UUU IIISSSTTTEEE UUU specifically to make PD both fun and more easily accessible for busy educators. Yes, we know there are plenty of other PD programs out there. LEARNING LAB And we know that you probably already café have quite a few tools in your pro- fessional learning network (PLN). So what makes ISTE Learning different? For one thing, the NETS for stu- dents, teachers, and administrators are the cornerstone of everything we do. All of our PD activities and resources incorporate and model Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], www.iste.org. All rights reserved. 16 Learning & Leading with Technology | December/January 2010–11 What Do You Want to Learn Today? By April Hayman ISTE Learning Labs ISTE U The Commons ISTE Café LLLEEAEAAAACACCNNDNDDAAAEEEEEDEDDTTRRTREEESSSSSSMMMHHHYYYIIIPPP U U IIISSSTTTEEE UUU IIISSSTTTEEE UUU LEARNING LAB café What makes ISTE’s new online professional development program different from everything else out there? Here’s a hint: It’s all about the NETS. Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], www.iste.org. All rights reserved. December/January 2010–11 | Learning & Leading with Technology 17 Welcome to At the Commons—the gateway into ISTE Learning— K12IMC.ORG you will find bite-size resources meant to help you Over 2,200 carefully increase your knowledge and skills in five minutes or less. selected and annotated resources provide you The Commons ISTE’s Education Leadership Divi- with the tools As I said, we know that you have only sion offer insights into projects we you need to and Resources for so much time and energy for personal are working on, our views on profes- the K-12 community create exciting, learning. So we want to make it as sional development, and where we topical lesson plans and fast and easy as possible. At the Com- see educational technology heading curriculum. Like an Instructional mons—the gateway into ISTE Learn- in the future. For example, in “The Media Center in the real world, ing—you will find bite-size resources iPad and Professional Develop- you will find... meant to help you increase your knowl- ment” blog post, ISTE Learning’s • a solid foundation for edge and skills in five minutes or less. project manager, Kelli Harrington, supporting standards and For example, in the two minutes it takes reflects on her active discussions assessment practices, you to watch “Introduction to Project- with educators who use the iPad and • classroom projects, lessons, Based Learning,” an excerpt from one how it might be used as a tool for units, field trips, extended of ISTE’s Technology in Practice (TIP) professional development and in the studies, and international webinars, you will find out the differ- classroom. These thought-provoking databases in almost every ence between activities and projects posts give you the chance to join in subject and across subjects, and get started on creating projects for the discussion directly with ISTE. • references and projects to a student-centered classroom. The Commons is the place to start challenge your students, All of the learning opportuni- getting acquainted with the ISTE • ideas & resources to integrate ties in the Commons—which range Learning community. If you’ve got the new media tools, from full-length L&L articles and a couple of minutes, you can learn • tips for school, family, industry, ISTE book chapters to podcasts and something new with one of our and community partnerships, webinar excerpts—are free, immedi- quick, free multimedia chunks of ately applicable in the classroom, and information. • tools for planning, using and rooted in the NETS. My favorite fea- When you’re ready to go deeper, managing your own ture is the NETS Flipside, where you you can head over to a Learning Lab environment, can see how a unit or lesson aligns to for an in-depth lesson, to the ISTE • professional development and the NETS for Students (NETS•S) as Café to connect and learn with other publishing opportunities. students participate in the lesson and, ISTE members, or to ISTE U for a on the flipside, what that same unit or facilitated online course. Unlike the The K-12 Instructional Media Center is chockfull of the best-of- lesson looks like to a teacher using the Commons, which is free to all, entry breed resources for designing, NETS for Teachers (NETS•T). to these three areas is exclusive to implementing, and refreshing Another favorite is ISTE Learn- ISTE members and costs approxi- lesson plans and curriculum. ing’s blog, the Buzz, where staff from mately $20–$200 per activity. Your One-Stop Resource For Curriculum And Professional Development. Used as a professional development resource by the Stanford School of Education and the Exploratorium, K12IMC.org is a non-profit resource, maintained by Dr. Bonnie Tenenbaum. Check it out today! http://www.k12imc.org/iste Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], www.iste.org. All rights reserved. 18 Learning & Leading with Technology | December/January 2010–11 LEARNING LAB Each Learning Lab is a private site centered on a single topic with background information, real-world examples, and hands- on activities, all based in the NETS. And as ISTE Learning grows, so will using technology. The emphasis is on the topic choices. the student experience, but you will No matter which topic you choose also examine the purpose behind the Learning Labs to dive into, as an ISTE Learner activity and determine how it might The name might suggest wild-haired you will get to experience a lesson help you meet the NETS•T. scientists, but the Learning Labs are firsthand before applying it in your Of course, you’ll also need to know not so much about chemical explo- classroom. In the Web 2.0 Learning how to develop lessons that incorpo- sions as they are about hands-on ex- Lab, for example, you might create rate the tools you’ve been training on. ploration set at your own pace. Each a Vocaroo voice recording and an That’s why the Learning Labs provide Learning Lab is a private site centered Animoto presentation to explain why real-world examples and a lesson- on a single topic with background digital age skills are important. Dur- planning process to help you integrate information, real-world examples, and ing these activities, you will receive what you’ve learned in your classroom hands-on activities, all based in the hands-on practice with several Web in a way that meets the NETS. Each NETS. Right now, we have a variety of 2.0 tools while incorporating the grade range has its own example that topics to choose from, including Web NETS•S 1: Creativity and Innovation, details what a lesson looks like in the 2.0, project-based learning, games and demonstrating creative thinking and classroom as well as the products that simulations, and digital citizenship. constructing your own knowledge real students have created as a result Connect Theory to Practice ISTE journals help you make the connection. ◾ Stay on top of current trends and challenges in educational technology ◾ Apply specific, research-based applications ◾ Discover a forum for sharing research and developments Journal of Research on Technology in Education Journal of Digital Learning in www.iste.org/jrte Teacher Education For pricing and more information, visit www.iste.org/jdlte www.iste.org/publications Formerly the Journal of Computing in Teacher Education. Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], www.iste.org. All rights reserved. 438.10 LL384 Journal HP ad_v2.indd 1 9/29/2010 9:01:40 AM December/January 2010–11 | Learning & Leading with Technology 19 The ISTE Café is the place to connect and collaborate with café professional educators from around the world. of the lesson. You will even have the see one dedicated to your area of in- You could also opt to participate in opportunity to “help” a teacher in a terest. To keep the activities moving a discussion at a Round Table, where scenario by making decisions about fast, each table will have limited seat- participants can delve into answer- what types of technology to use, ing, but there might be multiple tables ing a different broad but thought- which NETS are being met, and ac- for a popular topic. Everything in the provoking question each month. Table tivities that incorporate both. café is asynchronous unless otherwise mates work together on an answer to Practice makes perfect, but even- noted. This not only lets participants the question during the month using tually you have to take the step of work at any time from anywhere with any collaboration tool they choose, creating your own lesson plans. Each people around the world, but also al- and at the end of that time we publish Learning Lab guides you through lows for deeper discussion and reflec- their conclusions in the Commons so the lesson-plan development process tion. Although the café doesn’t have educators around the world can learn so that, at the end, you will have a official facilitators, experts and other from and respond to it. topic-specific, NETS-based lesson educators moderate each table to keep that you can use right away in your the conversation on track and answer ISTE U own classroom. questions. ISTE U is the culmination of the If you aren’t sure where to start, ISTE Learning experience. As you ISTE Café try taking a seat at one of the Topic would find in any university, the The ISTE Café is the place to connect Tables. Each of these follows its own learning opportunities at ISTE U are and collaborate with professional format, which is determined by the facilitated, pedagogy-driven courses educators from around the world. topic. The learning experiences are that can help you master a variety of You’ll be learning while growing rich in interaction and collaboration, subjects. But here you’ll also partici- your PLN. yet they also result in immediately us- pate in fast moving activities, ongo- Just like you would in a real-world able products. For example, at a proj- ing communities, and opportunities café, the first thing you should do in ect-based learning table, you might to develop, maintain, and transfer the ISTE Café is find a place to sit. participate with other learners in digital age skills to new situations. You might choose an existing Topic a project, allowing you to experi- The first of ISTE U’s offerings is our Table or a Round Table, or you can ence it from the student’s perspective NETS Leadership Academy. These even create your own table if you don’t while receiving guidance from the courses are for anyone interested in table’s content and your the NETS and change leadership. peers as you create Each class consists of three to five your own project. modules that use both asynchronous As you would find in any university, the learning LLLEEAEAAAACACCNNDNDDAAAEEEEEDEDDTTRTRREEESSSSSSMMMHHHYYYIIIPPP U opportunities at ISTE U are facilitated, pedagogy- driven courses that can help you master a variety U IIISSSTTTEEE UUU IIISSSTTTEEE UUU of subjects. Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], www.iste.org. All rights reserved. 20 Learning & Leading with Technology | December/January 2010–11 and synchronous hands-on learning. Resources As ISTE’s instructional design- You will graduate from the NETS ISTE Learning: http://istelearning.org er, April Hayman creates cours- Leadership Academy with a better ISTE Online: www.isteonline.org es for online and face-to-face professional development. Be- The Buzz, “The iPad and Professional Develop- understanding of what the NETS fore coming to ISTE, Hayman ment” by Kelli Harrington, The Buzz: http:// are and why they are so important developed master’s-level courses istelearning.org/istelearningblogs/thebuzz/ for universities and colleges to the future of education. the-ipad-and-todays-educator across the United States. Future ISTE U courses, which will Y be facilitated and last six to eight G weeks, will focus on such timely topics as Web 2.0, project-based learning, ac- O tion research, and digital assessment. L These courses will also be offered on O our sister site, www.isteonline.org. ISTE Learning is working toward of- N fering continuing education units and H academic credits through partnerships with colleges and universities. C E What Do You Want to Learn Today? T ISTE Learning is meant to be a multi- faceted learning experience, and there D is a lot to see, learn, and do through- N out the community. But don’t get overwhelmed. Just take a deep breath A and answer this: What do you want to learn today? Then have fun explor- S ing ISTE Learning, where you’ll find L the answer to that question and the L knowledge you’re looking for. I K S Watch for ISTE Y Board nominations R to open after the U first of the year! T N E C Discover a network of colleagues, and download free online resources, including reproducibles, study guides, and helpful t web links. s 1 Together, we can transform education 2 to ensure learning for all. Order today! solution-tree.com 800.733.6786 Copyright © 2010, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], www.iste.org. All rights reserved. 2010AD_LearnLeadDEC_ScienceTech_11003.indd 1 10/7/10 8:30 AM December/January 2010–11 | Learning & Leading with Technology 21

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