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PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION FALL 2010 | PAGE 35 An Added Dimension of Mission: Metropolitan Colleges and Universities David Soo, University of Pennsylvania INTRODUCTION mission, and examines the engagement 1,369 bachelor’s degrees and just 154 of two of the metropolitan universities. master’s degrees). Zemsky, Shaman, One of the hallmarks of the Ameri- and Shapiro (2001) offer another clas- can system of higher education is its diversity: there are more than 4,000 THE SECTORS sification scheme, arguing that colleges and universities can be classified into institutions of varying sizes, types, and Because the American system of five categories, not by looking at degree purposes. Unlike centrally planned more than 4,000 institutions is vast offerings, but rather by taking into ac- systems, the American higher educa- and complex, scholars have attempted count various attributes including se- tion landscape is a tapestry of institu- to classify and group them. The most lectivity and graduation rates. Their tions—public and private, selective widely used classification system is five categories range from the selective and open-access—each with a distinct that provided by the Carnegie Founda- and elite “medallion” institutions to mission and purpose. This diversity tion for the Advancement of Teaching. those “convenience/user friendly” in- has long been recognized as leading to Its basic classification divides higher stitutions that enroll a large proportion the strength and character of Ameri- education institutions into four groups can higher education (Birnbaum, 1983; by the types of offerings they provide: of part-time and intermittent students. Clark & Youn, 1976; Morphew, 2009). there are doctorate-granting research Benefits from this diversity include in- universities (283 universities), mas- WHAT IS MISSION? creased options for students with dif- ter’s colleges and universities (about Though defining mission is dif- ferent learning styles or goals, contrib- 650 institutions), baccalaureate col- ficult, as it is an elusive and ambigu- uting to student outcomes and social leges (about 750 colleges), and associ- ous concept, each college and univer- mobility; individual colleges and uni- ate’s colleges (about 1,800)1. This clas- sity, irrespective of its sector, has a versities developing areas of strength sification gives us broad outlines of the distinct and unique mission. While and focus, leading to competition, in- differences between sectors, though it many institutions have mission state- novation, and the replication of suc- also masks significant differences with- ments that give a sense of purpose and cessful models; and responsivity and in the groups and similarities across raison d’etre, these statements are the ability to adapt to changes in so- groups. The differences within classi- not a definitive source of information ciety and its needs (Birnbaum, 1983). fications can be seen, for example, by about a college or university’s mission. Whether it has a history of 300 years examining the varying amount of re- Though they can serve to help define or is a new institution, each school’s search conducted at the 283 doctoral- institutional priorities, motivate peo- mission and purpose has developed in research universities; the 50 institu- ple, and legitimize the institution, they line with its local context and history. tions (18% of this classification) that are often vague statements with lan- Few colleges or universities see do the most research receive 63% of all guage designed to appeal to and signal themselves as ivory towers, separated federal research money and the top 100 various constituents both on and off entirely from the world beyond their institutions (35%) receive 85% of feder- campus (Morphew & Hartley, 2006). walls. However, different institutions al funding (Benjamin, 2003). So while Many scholars have articulated dif- negotiate their relationships with ex- the University of Michigan, which per- fering conceptions of what a college or ternal communities differently, and forms about $700 million in sponsored university’s mission should be. Stanley there are myriad ways that universities research, and Andrews University in Fish (2008) argues that the university and communities are engaged with one Michigan, which performs less than should focus its attention solely on another. This article seeks to illustrate $30 million in sponsored research, are teaching and research and avoid for- the way in which one diverse group of in the same category, there are clearly ays into other activities such as service, institutions—known as “metropolitan wide variations within classifications. civic engagement, or the ethical devel- colleges and universities”—attempts to In addition, there is significant over- opment of students. He argues that a form intentional and mutual relation- lap between schools at the margins; for narrowly defined focus on teaching and ships with their communities. The uni- example, a baccalaureate college might research is difficult enough; a focus on versities in this group go far beyond ser- look very similar to a master’s college developing students in other ways or vice activities in their neighborhoods that grants bachelor’s degrees and a helping the community is beyond the or community partnerships; they seek few master’s degrees (e.g., Metropoli- scope of the university’s responsibil- broad-based interactions and missions tan College in Denver, which in 2008 ity. Fish’s is a minority opinion; most that are responsive to the needs of their exclusively granted bachelor’s degrees, scholars argue for a broader public cities and regions. This article outlines and Metropolitan State University in purpose. Derek Bok (1982, 1991, 2005) the diversity of American higher educa- St. Paul Minnesota, which granted outlines a vision of the university that tion, explores the concept of university PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION FALL 2010 | PAGE 36 values research, teaching, and service, linking basic and applied research, and Two Metropolitan Universities and engages students and faculty mem- on “creating interdisciplinary partner- Metropolitan universities enact bers with the wider society. He argues ships for attacking complex metropoli- their missions in different ways yet that the university has a responsibility tan problems” (Declaration of Metro- in line with the principles of regional and the mission to improve the human politan Universities, n.d.). And the stewardship and commitment to the condition. While Amy Gutmann (1987, service activities performed by these metropolitan area. Two institutional 2008) agrees that universities must institutions strengthen and support examples are Northern Kentucky Uni- engage with their communities and the local area, including individuals, versity, which serves the northern the world—in part because it enhances nonprofit organizations, and economic area of its state and the metropoli- student learning and faculty research development. Lynton (1996) writes, tan region of Cincinnati, which is just and offers a way to spread knowl- A metropolitan university’s re- over the border of Ohio; and Portland edge—she also cautions that universi- gional orientation and strong com- State University, located in and serving ties cannot and should not attempt to mitment to serve the intellectual downtown Portland, Oregon. North- solve all social problems; they are not needs of its surrounding commu- ern Kentucky’s regional and metro- “short-term service stations” to soci- nities and constituencies, the re- politan engagement emphasizes ca- ety or a replacement for social welfare sulting diversity of the student pacity building in the region through agencies. Giroux and Giroux (2004) body, the focus on the education education and economic development. go further and argue that the univer- of practitioners, and the empha- Portland State, on the other hand, sity must attempt to redress all social sis on outreach through applied seeks serve its region through real and ills from racism to inequity and alter research and technical assistance sustained partnerships and by pro- structures that simply seek to repro- add up to an institutional model viding students with an understand- duce the existing social order. These very different from that of the tra- ing of the urban area and the region. thinkers and others (e.g., Levin, 2003; ditional research university (p. xiii). Shapiro, 2005) illustrate the range of Northern Kentucky University. opinions about the degree to which col- Metropolitan universities seek to NKU’s regional stewardship spans a leges and universities should engage be publicly engaged institutions and number of counties in northern Ken- in their communities and the world. are described by some as “stewards tucky, as well as serving the metropoli- With varying legitimate points of view, of place.” The American Association tan region of Cincinnati. It is located each college and university has the op- for State Colleges and Universities in an area that has many strengths, portunity and the responsibility to ar- (AASCU) notes that a publicly engaged including Cincinnati, which has a cost ticulate and enact a particular mission. university should meet four criteria. of living ten percent below the national First, it must be “place-related,” mean- average thus making it attractive to AN ADDED MISSION: METROPOLITAN ing that they have important links to businesses; important service firms, their surrounding communities. This COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES such as law and advertising agencies; does not limit their potentially glob- other large businesses that have head- A group of American institutions has al engagement, but it recognizes the quarters there (e.g., Proctor and Gam- defined themselves as being “metro- connection and commitment to their ble) or major branches of a larger insti- politan colleges and universities,” that localities. Second, these universities tution (e.g., Fidelity Investments); and is, higher education institutions com- require an interactive “give and take sports and cultural activities (Marcus, mitted to the urban centers and metro- by the university and its partners” in 2008). However, there are also many politan areas in which they are located. which the university learns from its challenges facing the region, includ- These schools span Carnegie classifica- surrounding area, and does not always ing low high school completion rates; a tions, are both public and private, and act as the “expert” bringing knowledge low percentage of residents with bach- range in size from small colleges to to the community. Third, interactions elor’s degrees; an aging population large universities. Far from being sim- with the community should be mutu- as younger people move away to find ply located in metropolitan area, these ally beneficial, in that engagement ac- work; and a dependence on agriculture colleges and universities are commit- tivities should be “responsive to public in rural Kentucky (Marcus, 2008). Un- ted to their cities and regions, provid- needs in ways that are appropriate to der the leadership of president James ing teaching, research, and service that the institution’s mission and academic Votruba, Northern Kentucky Univer- explicitly address local concerns. In strengths” (AASCU, p. 7). In this way, sity has sought to involve itself directly the teaching and education of students, the university is not simply taking from in the community, finding mutually these universities commit to serving the community, nor should the com- beneficial ways for the university and residents of their region, including di- munity expect to receive services be- the community to collaborate. NKU verse and underserved students, stu- yond the university’s scope. Fourth, sees itself as providing vital services dents of all ages, and the “place-bound” engagement activities should be inte- to the community, gaining resources students that cannot travel long dis- grated across the institution—at dif- and knowledge from the commu- tances for their education. Research ferent levels, in policies, incentives, nity, and as an institutional citizen. at metropolitan universities focuses on and by faculty, staff, and students. PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION FALL 2010 | PAGE 37 NKU seeks to contribute to the re- of our region. This will be accom- PSU’s curriculum seeks to instill in gion through its teaching, research, plished by developing the institu- students a familiarity and understand- and service missions. It sees the educa- tional infrastructure in economic ing of its city and region. Students are tion of students as part of its metropoli- analysis necessary to enhance the encouraged to engage in service-learn- tan university responsibility by tying its region’s economic growth and de- ing courses—in fact 6,500 students do education directly to the needs of the velopment. As such, the CEAD will per year (Dubb, 2007)—in which they region, thus shaping its teaching goals serve as a vital link between NKU perform service activities as part of a with regional stewardship in mind. and the regional community by col- classroom-based course, often directly For example, the university encourages lecting, analyzing, and disseminat- interacting with members of the com- students to major in fields in which lo- ing business, economic and demo- munity. In addition, the PSU curricu- cal businesses have indicated they have graphic information. (CEAD, n.d.) lum seeks to broaden students’ capaci- needs, including “information, finance, ties in moral and ethical reasoning and science and technology, healthcare, and CEAD seeks to use the resources in critical thinking, in some cases in social services” (Marcus, 2008, p. 8). of the university to help the region conjunction with local concerns (Colby Further, since the proportion of north- improve itself by publishing informa- et al., 2003). For example, as part of ern Kentucky residents with bachelor’s tion relevant to the region and serv- a required Freshman Inquiry course, degrees is just 10 percent in some areas, ing as consultants to provide more students have as options “The Co- compared with the national average of specific information to local busi- lumbia Basin: Watershed of the Great almost 30 percent (Marcus, 2008, p. nesses. In these ways, the exper- Northwest” and “The Many Places of 9), the university is seeking to increase tise and resources of the university Portland,” in which they learn about the number of students who graduate have a direct benefit in the region. the greater region from different disci- with bachelor’s degrees. In these ways, plinary perspectives (Williams & Bern- increasing educational attainment of Portland State University. The stein, 2002, p. 261). Further, a senior the broader population is a main mis- motto of Portland State University in capstone project often helps students sion of the university and a way to make Portland, Oregon is displayed in large to understand their city and region by a major contribution to the region. letters on a bridge: “Let Knowledge working in “interdisciplinary student Through its research and service Serve the City.” Since the mid-1990s, teams in work on in-depth commu- missions, the university also seeks to PSU has explicitly embraced its urban nity-based projects, usually over two provide services to support the region; identity, connecting with its city and quarters” (Colby et al., 2003, p. 177). this is accomplished by using the uni- the broader region in numerous and Portland State seeks to involve its versity’s expertise and capacity to work tangible dimensions. It is located in faculty in research and service in the with businesses to benefit the region. Portland’s “downtown area, surround- community as well. Promotion and President Votruba was the co-chair of ed by many district neighborhoods tenure decisions for faculty recognize a regional development plan, Vision with varying needs [and the] major- the importance of applied and integra- 2015, “a community-planning proj- ity of PSU’s students come from these tive scholarship, and these values are ect designed to position the Northern neighborhoods” (Jacoby, 1999, p. 28). beginning to become institutionalized Kentucky region to better compete in Further, its location in the greater Port- (Thomas, 2000). PSU’s promotion and a global, knowledge-based economy” land area and Pacific Northwest are tenure guidelines articulate the follow- (Pelletier, 2006, p. 4). The project, parts of its identity that are manifest ing: “Faculty engaged in community which includes sustained contribu- through programs and the institution’s outreach can make a difference in their tions by NKU, is focused on identifying mission. The university seeks to engage communities and beyond by defining ways in which the region might revi- with the community, not just through or resolving relevant social problems or talize itself by addressing the areas of one or two programs, but in a wide ar- issues, by facilitating organizational de- economic competitiveness, excellence ray of deep and sustained programs, velopment, by improving existing prac- in education, livability, urban renais- including through partnerships with tices or programs, and by enriching the sance, and governance (Vision 2015, city organizations and through the edu- cultural life of the community” (Poli- 2006). Further, faculty and staff cation of students with citizenry skills. cies and Procedures, 1996, p. 7). Fur- are involved in initiatives on cam- In fact, its former president, Daniel ther, faculty are encouraged to become pus such as the Center for Economic Bernstine, said, “My vision of a uni- engaged with the community; for ex- Analysis and Development, which versity is so thoroughly engaged with ample, there is assistance available for provides direct help to local business- its community that people throughout designing courses with community en- es and organizations. Its mission is the region refer to it as ‘our university’” gagement, understanding community- to increase NKU’s visibility as an (Colby et al., 2003, p. 75). Further, based work, and doing such research. institution committed to regional PSU seeks to ensure that all members stewardship and economic devel- of the university community—stu- Conclusion opment through economic analysis dents, faculty, and administrators—are The American system of higher ed- and business research conducted involved in the region through myriad ucation is very diverse, with colleges for the benefit the organizations academic, social, and service programs. PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION FALL 2010 | PAGE 38 and universities of all types, sizes, and missions. The traditional classifica- tions often delineate categories such as research universities, comprehensive four-year institutions, baccalaureate institutions, and community colleges. Far from being a discrete sector of higher education, metropolitan colleg- es and universities cut across sectors and come in many shapes and sizes; some are residential campuses serv- ing traditional students, some serve commuter and adult populations, and others serve a diverse population draw- ing from their urban or regional areas. However, all metropolitan colleges and universities seek to be a part of their communities and regions. None takes the ivory tower position advocated by Stanley Fish and solely focuses on teaching and research without concern for the community or ethical develop- ment of students. These colleges and universities are dependent on their context and place which help them to define their missions and goals. For example, the broad needs of the north- ern Kentucky area drive the priorities of NKU, leading them to encourage students to study in areas of high need and to focus on providing economic development assistance to the region. Meanwhile, PSU’s very different local context in Portland explains its en- gagement with the urban community through service learning, community partnerships, and engagement with the greater region. It is not desirable to have every college or university with the same mission or purpose, and these metropolitan colleges and universities fulfill a vital place in their areas and in our society. Metropolitan colleges and universities should be recognized for their unique contributions to the ur- ban centers in which they are located. ENDNOTE 1 In addition there are special-focus insti- tutions (e.g., stand-alone medical schools or seminaries) and tribal colleges. Non- degree-granting schools make up another significant group of institutions. PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION FALL 2010 | PAGE 39 REFERENCES American Association for State Colleges and Universities. (2002). Stepping forward as stewards of place. Washington, DC: AASCU. Benjamin, R. (2003). 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