JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2010, 43, 757–761 NUMBER4 (WINTER2010) THE EFFECTS OF BEHAVIORAL SKILLS TRAINING ON MAND TRAINING BY STAFF AND UNPROMPTED VOCAL MANDS BY CHILDREN DARLENE NIGRO-BRUZZI AND PETER STURMEY QUEENSCOLLEGEANDTHEGRADUATECENTER CITYUNIVERSITYOFNEWYORK Weevaluatedtheeffectsofatrainingpackage,includinginstructions,modeling,rehearsal,and feedback, for training staff members to conduct mand training with children. Experimenters collected data on staff performance on each step of a task analysis of mand training and on unprompted child vocal mands. Training resulted in increases in staff performance in mand trainingandinunpromptedmandsbychildren.Weobservedreplicationoftheseeffectsacross settings for allstaff andfor 3 ofthe children. Keywords: mandtraining, staff training _______________________________________________________________________________ Communication deficits among children are One strategy experimenters have used to often associated with problem behavior (Mat- promotegeneralityofmandtrainingeffectsisto son, Boisjoli, & Mahan, 2009; Stevenson & train staff or parents to conduct mand training Richman,1978).Inaddition,problembehavior (Laski,Charlop,&Schreibman,1988).Laskiet may serve a similar social function to that al. demonstrated that training was effective in produced by appropriate forms of communica- promoting mand training among staff and tion (Carr & Durand, 1985; Wacker et al., parents; however, lengthy instructions were 2005). In these cases, an effective form of required. Behavioral skills training (BST) is a treatmentinvolveswithholdingthemaintaining training package that is effective for promoting reinforcer for problem behavior and delivering acquisition of discrete-trial teaching responses itcontingentonanappropriatecommunication (Sarokoff & Sturmey, 2004) and preference response, often referred to as a mand. Skinner assessment implementation (Roscoe & Fisher, (1957) defined a mand as a response that one 2008), which includes instructions, modeling, reinforces with a specific consequence and is rehearsal, and feedback. It is unclear whether under the control of deprivation or aversive BST would be effective and efficient when used stimulation (pp. 35–36). Given the clinical to train staff to implement mand training. importanceofestablishinganappropriatemand Therefore, the purpose of the current study was repertoire among children with communication to evaluate the effectiveness of BST for training deficits, experimenters have developed a num- staff to implement mand training. ber of mand training procedures. METHOD A grant from the Graduate Center, CUNY supported Participants, Setting, and Stimuli part of this research, which was part of the first author’s doctoral dissertation. We thank Volunteers of America, Six children with autism spectrum disorders the Children’s Home Intervention Program, Inc., Haven participated. The children in Dyads 1, 2, and 3 Bernstein,TinaRovitoGomez,andJacquelineMarksfor were 4 years old and attended school. The theirassistance withthe study. Pleaseaddresscorrespondenceconcerningthisarticleto childreninDyads5and6were2yearsold,and DarleneNigro-Bruzzi,DepartmentofPsychology,Queens the child in Dyad 4 was 6 years old. These College, CUNY, Flushing, New York 11367 (e-mail: children received in-home services. All children [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2010.43-757 imitated vocal models. Six staff (three special 757 758 DARLENE NIGRO-BRUZZI and PETER STURMEY Table 1 Task Analysis ofMand Training 1. Placepreferredleisureitemsonthefloor,with3cmbetweeneachtoy. 2. Bringthechildafewcentimetersawayfromtheleisureitemsandinstructhimorherto‘‘[get],[find],[showme],[pointto]theone youwant.’’ 3. Level1:Whenthechildtouchesaleisureitem,immediatelyremoveitfromhisorherhandsandholditupafewcentimetersinfront ofthechild’sfaceuntilheorshemandsfortheitemor3selapses.Ifthechildmands,presenthimorherwiththeleisureitemfor 1minandrecordthenameoftheitemandthecorrespondingpromptlevelonthedatasheet. 4. Level2:IfthechilddidnotmandduringLevel1,askhimorher‘‘Whatdoyouwant?’’Ifthechildmandswithin3s,delivertheitem andrecorddataasdescribedforStep3. 5. Level3:IfthechilddidnotmandduringLevel2,presenttheitemwithavocalapproximation(e.g.,‘‘mm’’formusic).Ifthechild subsequentlymandswithin3s,delivertheitemandrecorddataasdescribedforStep3. 6. Level4:IfthechilddidnotmandduringLevel3,presenttheitemwiththecompletevocalmodel(e.g.,‘‘music’’).Repeatthevocal modelthreetimeswith3sbetweenprompts.Ifthechildsubsequentlymandswithin3s,delivertheitemandrecorddataasdescribed forStep3. 7. IfthechilddoesnotmandduringLevel4,placetheitembackinthearray;recordthenameoftheitemonthedatasheet. 8. Afterthechildhashadaccesstothemandeditemfor1minordidnotmandduringLevel4,reinitiatemandtrainingstartingatStep 1.Repeatuntiltheexperimenterinstructsyoutostop. education teachers and three speech therapists), initiatedbyachild(e.g.,whenachildtoucheda who worked with the children on a regular toy). During each mand opportunity, only basis, participated. None had received training certain steps of the task analysis were applicable in teaching manding. We paired the staff and for data collection, depending on whether a the children into dyads, and each staff member staff member or a child initiated the mand worked with the same child throughout the opportunityanddependingonthepromptlevel study. Staff training and mand training sessions in effect when the child emitted a mand. For wereconductedinthechild’sclassroom,aroom example, if a staff member initiated a mand in their home, or a private office (staff training opportunity and the child emitted a mand at only). Staff conducted generality probes in a Level 1 (Step 3), then only Steps 1, 2, 3, and 8 room outside the child’s classroom. Experi- were applicable for data collection, whereas if menters identified five to eight items for use the child initiated an opportunity and per- during mand training with each participant formed a mand at Level 1 (Step 3), then only through staff and parent interviews and prefer- Steps 3 and 8 were applicable for data ence assessments (DeLeon & Iwata, 1996). collection. For each applicable training step, Experimenters taped all sessions. experimenters scored a correct response if the staff completed all components associated with Response Measurement and that step in the sequence listed in the task Interobserver Agreement analysis. If a staff member skipped a prompt Aneight-stepmand-trainingtaskanalysiswas level, experimenters scored that prompt level as developed (see Table 1). Each training step incorrect. The experimenter recorded staff consisted of multiple components (e.g., behavior during staff training role play in the prompting, delivery of the item, and data same manner. We calculated the percentage of collection) to replicate the complexity of mand correct staff responses by adding the number of training in the natural environment where staff applicable steps scored as correct, dividing that must perform multiple responses in a short numberbythetotalnumberofapplicablesteps, period of time. Observers collected data for and converting the ratio to a percentage. each mand opportunity, including those initi- Observers scored the number of mand atedbystaff(e.g.,whenthestaffaskedachildto opportunities and the corresponding prompt ‘‘find the one he or she wants’’) and those level (Levels 1 to 4) in effect when the first TRAINING STAFF TO TEACH MANDING 759 mand was emitted for a given opportunity; member a video depicting all steps listed in subsequent mands emitted within the same Table 1. Next, the experimenter role played the opportunity were ignored and were excluded childwhilethestaffmemberpracticedthesteps. from data collection. Experimenters summa- The experimenter provided feedback (positive rized data on the percentage of Level 1 mands and corrective statements) on performance by adding mands emitted during the Level 1 during role plays. Training sessions continued step, dividing that number by the number of until staff performed 90% correct across three mandopportunities,andconvertingtheratioto consecutive sessions. All staff members met a percentage. Experimenters summarized data criterion in three sessions. on percentage of steps performed correctly by Posttrainingsessions.Sessionswereidenticalto dividing the number of applicable steps per- baseline. formed correctly by the total number of Generality sessions. We assessed generality of applicable steps and converting the ratio to a children’s manding and staff’s correct perfor- percentage. Experimenters collected interob- mance across settings. Generality sessions were server agreement data during a minimum of similar to baseline and lasted 5 min. 20% of sessions across participants. Experi- menters summarized agreement scores by RESULTS AND DISCUSSION dividing the number of agreements by the number of agreements plus disagreements and Figure 1 depicts the percentage of staff converting the ratio to a percentage. Mean members’ correct performance of applicable agreementforstepsacrossstaffwas90%(range, task analysis steps and Level 1 child mands. 83% to 97%), and mean agreement for mands Duringbaseline,Dyads1,2,4,5,and6showed acrosschildrenwas92%(range,77%to100%). low percentages of staff members’ correct performance and Level 1 child mands. Because Procedure Dyad3hadanincreasingtrendduringbaseline, Experimenters used a multiple baseline experimenters did not implement training with design across participants. Baseline and post- this dyad. During posttraining, percentages of training sessions lasted 20 min. staff members’ correct performance and Level 1 Baseline. During Session 1, the experimenter child mands increased for Dyads 1, 2, 4, 5, and presented staff with written instructions and a 6. The increases in mands for Dyad 4 were copy of Table 1 and read its contents aloud. lower than those observed for the other dyads. The instructions described the definition of a For generality probes conducted in the context mand,howtoconductmandtraining,andhow of baseline, staff and children in all dyads to collect data on child performance. In subsequent sessions, staff received an abbreviat- showed outcomes similar to those observed ed set of instructions that included the purpose during their baseline sessions. For generality and length of the session. The experimenter probes conducted in the context of posttraining answered staff members’ questions before every sessions, staff andchildreninDyads 1,2,and 4 session. Staff rarely asked questions, and they showed outcomes similar to those observed typically involved procedural clarification relat- during their posttraining sessions. By contrast, ed to data collection and the task analysis. only staff in Dyads 5 and 6 showed outcomes Stafftraining.During30-to60-minsessions, similartothoseobservedduringtheirposttrain- the experimenter provided instructions, a video ing sessions; the children in these dyads showed model, role-play rehearsal, and performance discrepant responding (i.e., low percentages of feedback. After reading the abbreviated instruc- Level1mands)fromtheirposttrainingsessions. tions, the experimenter showed the staff Table 2 shows the range of Level 1 mands and 760 DARLENE NIGRO-BRUZZI and PETER STURMEY Figure 1. Percentage of Level 1 child mands (circles) and percentage of staff members’ correct performance of applicable task analysis steps (squares). Open data points represent responses during sessions, and filled data points representresponses during generality probes. mand opportunities and demonstrates that a may be due to her having previously acquired a greater number of mand opportunities in manding repertoire for a particular item baseline compared to posttraining alone did (movie) that was present in the generality not result in more Level 1 mands for Dyads 2 setting. and 5. This study extended previous research on Poor integrity of mand training during BST by showing that experimenters can use it baseline was often due to staff presenting only to train staff to teach children with autism. In some prompt levels (e.g., Level 4, a model) and addition, the mand training procedure was omitting others (e.g., Level 1, initiating a effective in increasing independent mands in delay). During baseline, the children’s mands childrenwithautism,andthiseffect generalized occurredmostoftenwhenstaffinitiatedamand across settings for three of the five children. An opportunity(atLevel2or4);thechildinDyad important feature of the staff training program 2 was the only exception, in that she frequently was that staff completed BST in fewer than initiatedmandopportunities.Duringposttrain- three 60-min sessions. The results suggest that ing, mands occurred most often at Level 1. It is experimenters can implement the mand train- unclear why mand training generalized across ing procedure across settings with minimal settings for children in Dyads 1, 2, and 3 but effort for staff and concomitant clinical benefit notfor children in Dyads 5 and 6. The child in to children with autism. Dyad 2 showed a high percentage of Level 1 Experimenters note some limitations. First, mands during baseline generality probes; this we could not evaluate the effects of the TRAINING STAFF TO TEACH MANDING 761 Table 2 Rangeof Level1 ChildMands andMand Opportunities Baseline Posttraining Dyad Sessions Generalityprobes Posttraining Generalityprobes 1 0–2,13–20 1,4 10–19,15–19 4–7,4–7 2 0–24,28–40 5,6–7 18–19,19–20 5,7 3 3–23,21–36 0–6,4–6 4 0,16–20 0,8 2–10,18–24 0–1,6 5 2–9,13–15 0,2 14–18,15–25 0,2–5 6 0–14,20–42 2–10,11–12 16–21,16–21 0,5 Note.ThetableliststherangeofLevel1mandsandthenumberofopportunitiesforeachcondition.Experimenters didnotobtain posttraining data for Dyad3. independent variable with the staff member in Laski, K. E., Charlop, M. H., & Schreibman, L. (1988). Trainingparentstousethenaturallanguageparadigm Dyad 3 because she exhibited increases in to increase their autistic children’s speech. Journal of correct performance during baseline. Second, Applied BehaviorAnalysis,21, 391–400. each step of the task analysis consisted of Matson, J. 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