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ERIC EJ910168: An Analysis of Stimuli that Influence Compliance during the High-Probability Instruction Sequence PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ910168: An Analysis of Stimuli that Influence Compliance during the High-Probability Instruction Sequence

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2010, 43, 735–738 NUMBER4 (WINTER2010) ANANALYSISOFSTIMULITHATINFLUENCECOMPLIANCEDURING THE HIGH-PROBABILITY INSTRUCTION SEQUENCE MATTHEW P. NORMAND, KATHRYN KESTNER, AND JOSHUA JESSEL UNIVERSITYOFTHEPACIFIC When we evaluated variables that influence the effectiveness of the high-probability (high-p) instructionsequence,thesequencewasassociatedwithaprecipitousdecreaseincompliancewith high-p instructions for 1 participant, thereby precluding continued use of the sequence. We investigated the reasons for this decrease. Stimuli associated with the low-p instruction were systematicallyaddedandremovedinthecontextofthehigh-pinstructions,andresultssuggestthat thestimuliassociatedwiththelow-pinstructioninfluencedcompliancewiththehigh-pinstructions. Keywords: compliance, high-probability sequence, noncompliance, preschool children _______________________________________________________________________________ The high-probability (high-p) instruction shifted to the variables that led to the decrease sequence (Mace et al., 1988) is an intervention in compliance to the high-p instructions. forincreasingcomplianceinvolvingthedelivery Stimuli associated with the low-p instruction of several instructions with which an individual were systematically added and removed in the is likely to comply just prior to delivering an context of the high-p instructions to determine instruction with which the individual typically if they influenced compliance. is unlikely to comply (a low-probability or low- pinstruction).Typically,thehigh-pinstructions METHOD are delivered in quick succession just prior to Participant and Setting the delivery of the low-p instruction. Following Ernest was a typically developing 3-year-old allinstancesofcompliance,praiseorsomeother preschooler whose teacher reported a history of form of reinforcement is provided. noncompliance when the instruction involved Thehigh-pprocedurehasbeendemonstrated losing access to a preferred item or activity. All to be effective across a variety of populations sessions took placeat a tablein thecorner of an and situations, but it also has been demonstrat- unoccupied room at Ernest’s day care center, ed to be ineffective in some circumstances (e.g., with the experimenter, Ernest, and one or two Ardoin, Martens, & Wolfe, 1999; Rortvedt & observers present during each experimental Miltenberger, 1994; Zarcone, Iwata, Mazaleski, session. & Smith, 1994; Zuluaga & Normand, 2008). The original purpose of this study was to Stimulus Preference Assessment investigate procedural aspects of the high-p A multiple-stimulus without replacement instruction sequence that produced greater or preference assessment (DeLeon & Iwata, lesser treatment effects. However, soon after 1996) was used to identify preferred toys to implementation, compliance with the high-p be used during the low-p instruction task. The instructions decreased precipitously for one assessment was repeated three times, and the participant, thereby precluding continued use most preferred toys (Play-Doh and several ofthesequence.Thefocusofinvestigationthen relatedaccessories)wereusedforthelow-ptask. AddresscorrespondencetoMatthewNormand,Univer- sityofthePacific,DepartmentofPsychology,3601Pacific Response Definition and Measurement Ave., Stockton, California 95211 (e-mail: mnormand@ The primary dependent measure was the pacific.edu). doi:10.1901/jaba.2010.43-735 percentage of trials per session for which 735 736 MATTHEW P. NORMAND et al. compliance was observed to a high-p instruc- toys (e.g., molds and scissors) were present on a tion, with compliance defined as the participant table at which Ernest was seated. He was initiating the response specified by the instruc- allowed to manipulate the toys for 2 min prior tion within 10 s of the instruction being to and throughout each session, including delivered. A trial consisted of the delivery of a during the delivery of high-p and low-p high-pinstructionandtheresultingopportunity instructions. In the analysis described below, to comply, lasting from the start of the the presence of the toy box was manipulated, instruction until 10 s had elapsed from the but the toys were present in every condition. endoftheinstructionoruntilcompletionofthe The experimenter remained within 1.5 m of instructed task. All trials were less than 20 s in Ernest at all times. duration. The total number of trials in which High-p instruction analysis. The experimenter the participant complied with a high-p instruc- presented each of the five teacher-nominated tion was recorded and divided by the total high-p instructions to Ernest 10 times, with number of opportunities to comply to yield a each instruction separated by approximately percentage. 60s.Thoseinstructionsresultingincompliance Ernest’s teacher nominated five high-p in- on at least 90% of the 10 opportunities structions and five low-p instructions and provided were classified as high p. All five corresponding responses. Each instruction from nominated instructions (‘‘touch your nose,’’ the low-p nomination list was presented to ‘‘clapyour hands,’’‘‘touchyour ears,’’‘‘give me Ernest five times during a prebaseline assess- high-five,’’ ‘‘pat your tummy’’) met this ment, with each instruction separated by criterion, and all were used throughout the approximately 60 s. To qualify as a low-p study. instruction, noncompliance had to be observed High-pinstructionsequencepluslow-pinstruc- onallfiveopportunities.‘‘Putyourtoysawayin tion. During this condition, the experimenter the toy box’’ was the selected instruction based delivered three high-p instructions in quick on the results of this assessment. Following the succession, and praise followed each instance of instruction, Ernest had to put a container of compliance. A few seconds after Ernest com- Play-Doh and several related toys (such as plied with the final high-p instruction in the molds in the shape of fish) into a toy box. sequence, the experimenter delivered a low-p instruction.Compliancewiththelow-pinstruc- Interobserver Agreement tion also resulted in praise. If Ernest failed to During 31% of the sessions, a second comply with one of the high-p instructions, the observer recorded whether Ernest complied instructional sequence ended, the experimenter with the experimenter’s instruction. Interob- did not deliver a low-p instruction, and Ernest server agreement was calculated by dividing the was allowed to continue playing with the toys. numberoftrialswithagreement(bothobservers There were no programmed consequences for scored that the participant did or did not noncompliance with the low-p instruction. complywiththehigh-pinstruction)bythetotal Because noncompliance with a high-p instruc- number of trials and converting this ratio to a tion terminated the trial, the number of high-p percentage. Interobserver agreement was 100% across all sessions. and low-p instructions delivered each session varied, with arangeof 0to 5low-p instructions Procedure and 6 to 10 high-p instructions delivered across Theexperimentalconditionswereintroduced sessions. according to a reversal design. For all experi- High-p instructions without low-p stimuli. mentalconditions,Play-Dohandseveralrelated Because compliance with the high-p instruc- COMPLIANCE DURING INSTRUCTION 737 tions decreased during the high-p instruction sequence, we arranged a condition in which the experimenter delivered high-p instructions, but the stimulus associated with the low-p instruc- tion (i.e., the toy box) was not present, and the experimenter did not deliver the low-p instruc- tion. This was done because the toy box was a salient feature of the environment during the original high-p instruction intervention and was the most notable difference between the high-p instructionanalysis(whencompliancewithhigh- p instructions was high) and the high-p instruc- tion intervention(when compliance with high-p Figure 1. Ernest’s percentage of compliance with high-pinstructionsduringthehigh-pinstructionanalysis, instructions was low). The experimenter deliv- the high-p instruction sequence plus low-p instructions, ered five high-p instructions per session, with and conditions with and without stimuli associated with eachinstructionseparatedbyapproximately60s. the low-ptask. High-p instructions with low-p stimuli. To assess whether the stimuli associated with the tion, with no compliance occurring during the low-p instruction influenced compliance with lasttwosessions.Compliancereturnedto100% the high-p instructions, we repeated the high-p during the second high-p instructions without analysis with the toy box associated with the low-p stimuli condition. low-p task present. Although the toy box was These results suggest that the toy box present during this condition, the low-p associatedwiththelow-pinstructionsuppressed instruction was never delivered. The experi- compliance with the high-p instructions. Rort- menter delivered five high-p instructions per vedt and Miltenberger (1994) reported similar session, with each instruction separated by decreases in compliance with high-p instruc- approximately 60 s. tions for one participant, but because the low-p instructionsandtaskswerenotdescribedinthat RESULTS AND DISCUSSION report, the degree to which the findings of the The percentage of trials with compliance present study might relate cannot be assessed with the high-p instructions during each session (i.e., it is unclear whether there were salient across all experimental phases is depicted in stimuli associated with the low-p instructions). Figure 1. In the initial high-p instruction Zarcone et al. (1994) reported decreases in analysis, Ernest complied with every high-p compliance with the high-p instruction se- instructionthatwasdelivered.Duringthehigh- quence when escape-maintained behavior that p instruction sequence plus low-p instruction, interfered with compliance was not placed on compliance decreased to 60% during the first extinction. The authors hypothesized that this session and eventually decreased to 0% and occurred either because the high-p instructions 20% during the final sessions. During the first evokedescapebehaviorasdiscriminativestimuli high-p instructions without low-p stimuli associated with the provision of escape or condition, compliance immediately increased, because the high-p instructions became aversive ranging from 60% to 100% and stabilizing at stimuli themselves. The present findings seem 80%during thefinal four sessions. Compliance consistent with these hypotheses, although the with high-p instructions decreased during the degree to which the findings are similar cannot high-p instructions with low-p stimuli condi- be established because behavior that might have 738 MATTHEW P. NORMAND et al. interfered with compliance was not systemati- by doing so. Given the present findings, future cally evaluated in the present study. Anecdot- research of this sort is warranted. ally, when noncompliant, Ernest typically continued to play with his toys without REFERENCES engaging in any other observable behavior Ardoin,S.P.,Martens,B.K.,&Wolfe,L.A.(1999).Using except for occasionally making eye contact with high-probability instruction sequences with fading to the experimenter or saying ‘‘no.’’ increasestudentcomplianceduringtransitions.Journal One limitation of the current study is that, ofAppliedBehaviorAnalysis,31,339–351. DeLeon, I. G., & Iwata, B. A. (1996). Evaluation of a due to time constraints, the high-p instruction multiple-stimulus presentation format for assessing sequence was not reintroduced such that each reinforcer preferences. Journal of Applied Behavior sequenceof high-pinstructions was followed by Analysis, 29,519–533. Mace,F.C.,Hock,M.L.,Lalli,J.S.,West,B.J.,Belfiore, thelow-pinstructionwithoutthelow-pstimuli. P.,Pinter,E.,etal.(1988).Behavioralmomentumin In thisparticular case, thepresence of thelow-p the treatment of noncompliance. Journal of Applied stimuli (the toy box) was required to occasion BehaviorAnalysis,21,123–141. the target low-p task, so such a manipulation Rortvedt,A.K.,&Miltenberger,R.G.(1994).Analysisof a high-probability instructional sequence and time- could not have been easily arranged, nor would outinthetreatmentofchildnoncompliance.Journal it have been especially relevant. That is, the toy ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 27,327–330. boxhadtobepresenttosettheoccasiontopick Zarcone,J.R.,Iwata,B.A.,Mazaleski,J.L.,&Smith,R. G.(1994).Momentumandextinctioneffectsonself- up the toys and, hence, to use the high-p injuriousescapebehaviorandnoncompliance.Journal instruction sequence with Ernest. Eliminating ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 27,649–658. thetoyboxwouldeliminatetheoccasionforthe Zuluaga,C.A.,&Normand,M.P.(2008).Anevaluation ofthehigh-probabilityinstructionsequencewithand instruction. Still, in some cases it might be without programmed reinforcement for compliance possible to eliminate the salient stimuli associat- with high-probability instructions. Journal of Applied edwiththelow-ptaskuntilthelow-pinstruction BehaviorAnalysis,41,453–457. is given to determine whether compliance with Received July 16,2009 high-p instructions can be maintained and Final acceptance January14,2010 compliance with low-p instructions increased Action Editor,Rachel Thompson

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