JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2010, 43, 717–721 NUMBER4 (WINTER2010) A COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTS OF PROVIDING ACTIVITY AND MATERIAL CHOICE TO CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS BURCU ULKE-KURKCUOGLU AND GONUL KIRCAALI-IFTAR ANADOLUUNIVERSITY The present study compares the effects of providing choice between activities or between materials for completion of activities on the on-task behavior of 4 boys with autism spectrum disorders.Resultsshowedthattheparticipantsdisplayedhigherlevelsofon-taskbehaviorduring thechoiceconditionsthanintheno-choicecondition.However,thetypeofchoiceopportunity didnotseem tohave adifferential effect. Keywords: autism spectrum disorders, choice opportunities, on-taskbehavior _______________________________________________________________________________ Research with individuals with autism spec- two activities as well as the materials for each trum disorders (ASDs) indicates that providing activity (e.g., a choice between having morning choice opportunities may increase on-task teaandlisteningtoatapeplayercombinedwith behavior (e.g., Moes, 1998; Watanabe & a choice of materials or actions associated with Sturmey, 2003) and decrease problem behavior the chosen activity). In the materials choice (e.g., Carter, 2001; Cole & Levinson, 2002; condition, the participant selected the materials Dyer, Dunlap, & Winterling, 1990; Koegel, for the activity (e.g., a choice between music Dyer, & Bell, 1987; Newman, Needelman, and a story tape) after the therapist selected the Reinecke, & Robek, 2002). activity (e.g., listening to a tape player). Results Although there is a growing body of showed that choice opportunities provided literature demonstrating the effects of various between materials decreased protests and im- choice opportunities for individuals with devel- proved task initiations. Choice between activi- opmental disabilities, research comparing the ties and materials further reduced protests and effects of different types of choice opportunities increased the participant’s task initiations. islimited.DibleyandLim(1999)examinedthe The purpose of the current study was to effectsofchoicebetweenactivitiesandmaterials replicate and extend previous research compar- on the frequency of protests and task initiations ing the effects of choice opportunities between of a 15-year-old girl with severe intellectual activities and materials on task engagement disabilities. In the activity and materials choice during one-to-one teaching. In particular, we condition,theparticipantcouldchoosebetween evaluated whether providing material choice was as effective as providing activity choice. ThisstudywasthedoctoraldissertationofBurcuUlke- Kurkcuoglu, supervised by Gonul Kircaali-Iftar, who was the Director of the Research Institute for the Handi- METHOD capped, Anadolu University, when the study was con- Participants, Setting, and Materials ducted. We thank the participants and their parents for their cooperation and patience during the conduct of the Four boys with ASD, 5 years to 8 years old, study.WealsoextendappreciationtoNurgulAkmanoglu participated in this study. All participants made andDeryaGencfortheirassistanceindatacollectionand independent choices among various opportuni- analysis. Correspondence concerning this article should be ties, followed one- to two-step instructions, addressed to Burcu Ulke-Kurkcuoglu, Anadolu Universi- infrequently initiated interactions with others tesi, Engelliler Arastirma Enstitusu, Eskisehir 26470, (only Yavuz engaged in one-word vocaliza- Turkey(e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2010.43-717 tions), and had received one-to-one instruction 717 718 BURCU ULKE-KURKCUOGLU and GONUL KIRCAALI-IFTAR at different special education centers for 2 to were calculated by dividing the number of 3 hr per week prior to the study. agreements by the number of agreements plus All sessions were conducted in a private disagreements, and converting this ratio to a teaching room at a university-based research percentage. The mean agreement for all partic- institute. The room contained a small table for ipants was 92% (range, 84% to 98%). academic instruction, a larger table for task Procedural integrity data were collected to materials, a cupboard for toys and materials, determine whether the experimental procedures and two chairs. The evaluation was conducted were conducted according to the planned steps. with six different types of activities (i.e., For this purpose the steps of each phase were matching, art, sports, fine-motor tasks, imita- identified and described on the procedural tion, and turn taking), with two tasks per integrity forms. The researchers trained the activity and two sets of materials per task. For procedural reliability observer regarding how to example, art included coloring or gluing, and score each step as ‘‘performed’’ or ‘‘not there were two sets of materials for coloring performed.’’ Next, videos of Phases A, B, C, (e.g., crayons or colored pencils). and BC were selected randomly for each participant,andproceduralintegrityformswere Data Collection and Interobserver Agreement presented to the observer. The observer inde- The dependent variable was on-task behavior, pendently watched the videos and filled out the defined as (a) looking at the teacher (i.e., the forms. Procedural integrity was analyzed for participant’s eyes oriented towards the teacher 25% of sessions in each phase. The mean for at least 3 s), (b) answering the question percentageofproceduralintegritywas100%for askedbytheteacherorsayingsomethingrelated Utku and Alp, 99.9% (range, 99% to 100%) to the activity (e.g., while the student was for Selim, and 98% (range, 95% to 100%) for coloring the picture, he said, ‘‘coloring’’), or (c) Yavuz. demonstrating appropriate behavior needed to engage in the activity (e.g., after the teacher put Procedure her block in the bucket while saying ‘‘do this,’’ the student put his block in the bucket). The teacher used a discrete-trial format, Activity-specific on-task behaviors were defined most-to-least prompting, and a variable-ratio for each activity (available from the first (VR) 3 schedule of reinforcement during all author). teaching sessions. Prior to the evaluation, an The teacher conducted all sessions with each assessment was conducted to determine the participantforapproximately30mineachday,3 participants’ highly preferred food items (e.g., days per week. Each phase in the evaluation modified multiple-stimulus without replace- includedfoursessions,andeachsessionincluded ment; DeLeon & Iwata, 1996). The teacher six activities. All instructional sessions were provided the three most highly preferred food videotaped, and the videos were analyzed daily items as reinforcers during the study. The to collect 15-s momentary time-sampling data participant selected among these three food duringeachsession.Theobserversrecordeddata items prior to each session, and the teacher onthedependentvariableduringa5-srecording delivered the selected item for on-task behavior period between 15-s observation intervals. during all activities in that session. The Interobserver agreement was assessed during reinforcement and behavior management pro- 34%ofsessions.Anagreementwasscoredwhen cedures were held constant across phases. The twoobserverssimultaneouslybutindependently teacher guided participants back to their seats if markedorleftblankthesameobservationboxes they stood up, prompted participants to gather on the observation forms. Agreement scores thrown items, and withheld food reinforcers if PROVIDING CHOICE-MAKING OPPORTUNITIES 719 the participants engaged in problem behavior that box and randomly selected one of the two while completing the activity. sets of materials. A reversal design was used to compare the Material choice. Procedures were similar to effects of providing activity or material choice baseline except that the participant was permit- to a no-choice condition (baseline) on on-task ted to choose the specific materials associated behavior. The order of choice-making oppor- with an activity. After the teacher randomly tunities was counterbalanced across two partic- selected an activity, the teacher placed two sets ipants (Selim and Yavuz). of materials related to that activity in front of Baseline. The teacher systematically selected theparticipantandaskedtheparticipanttopick activities and materials for each of the six one. For example, the participant selected activities(i.e.,matching,art,sports,fine-motor, between coloring with colored pencils or imitation, and turn taking) during each session. crayons. The participant completed the activity The teacher presented each activity and the with the materials he chose. relevant materials once during each session in a predetermined order. The teacher placed the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION materials for the activity in front of the participant and presented an instruction rele- Figure 1showsparticipants’on-taskbehavior vant to the activity. The teacher delivered more across conditions. All participants except Yavuz intrusive prompts initially and faded the consistently displayed higher levels of on-task prompts within the session (e.g., faded from behaviors during choice conditions than during physical prompts to gestural prompts) until the baseline. Furthermore, similar levels of on-task student responded independently to the task behavior occurred during activity and material direction. The goal of the errorless procedure choice conditions. Yavuz’s on-task behavior was to maintain correct responses above 80%. during the last baseline condition was similar When the student responded incorrectly, the tohison-taskbehaviorinthechoiceconditions. teacher moved back to a more intrusive Thepresentstudyreplicatespreviousresearch promptinglevel.Theteacherinitiallyreinforced that has shown that the provision of choice- all correct responses. When participants en- making opportunities increases appropriate gaged in unprompted correct responses, the behavior (e.g., Dibley & Lim, 1999; Moes, teacher provided reinforcement on a VR 3 1998; Tasky, Rudrud, Schulze, & Rapp, 2008; schedule. The teacher provided a 2-min break Watanabe & Sturmey, 2003). Although Dibley between activities. When the 2-min break had andLimfoundthatprovidingbothactivityand elapsed, the teacher delivered an instruction to material choices was more effective than initiate the next activity. Activities during the providingmaterialchoicesonly,theparticipants session alternated between a table and floor in the current study engaged in similar levels of activity. on-task behavior regardless of whether they Activity choice. Procedures were similar to could choose between activities or materials. baseline with one exception. The teacher asked Some teachers may prefer to offer a choice theparticipant to make aselection between two between materials so that they can ensure that transparent boxes, each containing two sets of the students engage in particular activities. materials related to the activity. For example, Providingchoiceopportunitiesamongmaterials one box contained two sets of materials for rather than among activities also may be more matching colors, and the other box contained convenient in some circumstances. the materials for matching shapes. Once the Nonetheless, this investigation had several participant selected a box, the teacher opened limitations. First, Yavuz began taking psychi- 720 BURCU ULKE-KURKCUOGLU and GONUL KIRCAALI-IFTAR Figure 1. The percentage of intervals with on-task behavior during baseline, activity choice, and material choiceconditions. atric medication toward the end of the study, yoked across conditions. However, participants which may have influenced levels of on-task displayed high levels of on-task behavior behavior during the last baseline condition. regardless of the task selected by the experi- Second, all of the participants’ on-task menter. Finally, ceiling effects might have behavior was relatively high during baseline. prevented a meaningful comparison of the two Therefore, these results might not generalize choice conditions because on-task behaviors to children who typically display lower levels increased to nearly 100% for all participants of on-task behavior during academic tasks. during the implementation of the first Third, activity and material choices were not intervention. PROVIDING CHOICE-MAKING OPPORTUNITIES 721 In the present investigation, on-task behavior DeLeon, I. G., & Iwata, B. A. (1996). Evaluation of a wasmeasuredwhenchoicewasprovidedduring multiple-stimulus presentation format for assessing reinforce preferences. Journal of Applied Behavior structured, one-on-one activities. However, Analysis,29,519–533. children with ASDs may be easily distracted Dibley, S., & Lim, L. (1999). Providing choice making in other settings in which multiple students are opportunities within and between daily school routines. Journal of Behavioral Education, 9(2), present or the activity is less structured (e.g., an 117–132. art project). Further studies could examine on- Dyer,K.,Dunlap,G.,&Winterling,V.(1990).Effectsof task behavior when teachers provide choices choice making on the serious problem behaviors of students with severe handicaps. Journal of Applied during group instruction or less structured Behavior Analysis,23,515–524. activities. Similarly, it may be interesting to Koegel, R. L., Dyer, K., & Bell, L. K. (1987). The evaluate how choices provided by siblings or influence of child-preferred activities on autistic children’ssocialbehavior.JournalofAppliedBehavior parents in community or home settings influ- Analysis,20,243–252. ence on-task or problem behavior. Finally, Moes, D. R. (1998). Integrating choice making opportu- future research should investigate the effects of nities within teacher-assigned academic tasks to choice opportunities on other dependent vari- facilitate the performance of children with autism. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe ables such as task accuracy. Although the Handicaps, 23,319–328. present study indicates that the participants Newman,B.,Needelman,M.,Reinecke,D.R.,&Robek, attended more when the teacher provided A. (2002). The effect of providing choices on skill acquisition and competing behavior of children with choices during academic activities, increases in autism during discrete trial instruction. Behavioral attending may not result in concomitant Interventions, 17,31–41. increases in accuracy. Tasky, K. K., Rudrud, E. H., Schulze, K. A., & Rapp, J. T. (2008). Using choice to increase on-task behavior in individuals with traumatic brain injury. REFERENCES Journal ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 41, 261–265. Watanabe, M., & Sturmey, P. (2003). The effect of Carter, C. M. (2001). Using choice with game play to choice-makingopportunitiesduringactivityschedules increase language skills and interactive behaviors in on task engagement of adults with autism. Journal children with autism. Journal of Positive Behavior of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33(1), Interventions,3(3),131–151. 535–538. Cole,C.L.,&Levinson,T.R.(2002).Effectsofwithin- activity choices on the challenging behaviors of Received January 20,2009 childrenwithseveredevelopmentaldisabilities.Journal Final acceptanceJanuary 24,2010 ofPositiveBehaviorInterventions,4(1),29–37,52. Action Editor,Tiffany Kodak