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Preview ERIC EJ906190: Bend It, Stretch It, Hammer It, Break It: Materials Chemistry Applied

Grace A. Neff, Jennifer Retsek, Lola Berber-Jimenez, Nicole Barber, Monica Coles, Christina Fintikakis, and Brent Huigens Bend it, Stretch it, Hammer it, Break it: Materials Chemistry Applied Abstract into misconceptions and problem study suggested that older students’ Making chemistry both acces- solving in chemistry illuminates inability to see themselves using sci- sible and interesting to middle and this difficulty (Bodner, 1991; Kind, ence outside the classroom may be high school students can be difficult. 2004; Nakleh, 1992). The struggle connected to their perception that Convincing middle and high school with chemistry extends beyond the science is about reading and lecture teachers that they will learn some- students to the teachers of chemis- and not about performing activities thing new and applicable from a pro- try – teaching an abstract, complex (Barman, 1999). Moreover, students’ fessional development workshop in subject, and making it accessible, attitudes toward science can be “most chemistry can be equally challenging. relevant and applicable to students, significant” in determining whether This paper describes the use of mate- is challenging (Gabel, 1999). The or not they will continue with further rial science as a means to enhance authors know this from experience science study or choose science as a interest in basic chemical concepts. in teaching introductory chemistry to career (Osborne, 2003, p.1055). By making use of familiar materials, college students and hear this anec- With these issues in mind, a it seeks to reveal the applicability of dotally from colleagues teaching in 40-hour professional development chemistry to everyday life. Metals, middle and high schools. Teachers’ (PD) course was created for middle semiconductors, and polymers were attitudes toward teaching chemis- and high school teachers. The focus the materials at the heart of this try can be just as critical to student of this course was materials chem- course for secondary level teachers. success as their knowledge of the istry, an area rich in applicable con- Properties of these materials were subject. “In all education, especially tent relevant to both teachers’ and investigated in hands-on activities science, the teacher is the enabler, students’ lives. In order for students and firmly connected to the bonding the inspiration but also the con- to fully appreciate science and value type and structure in each material straint. … their instructional behav- learning it, science courses through- through interactive discussion. The iors are influenced by their attitudes out K-12 grades need to clearly show course itself will be described, and towards science, a fact that does not the relevance of science taught in the a few of the activities will be high- go unnoticed by students” (Vaidya, classroom to everyday life (Barman, lighted. Teachers’ responses to daily 1993, p.63). Also, the middle and 1999). To make chemistry acces- surveys and final evaluations will high school years are critical ones sible by showing how it relates to also be discussed, and future direc- for science education. Studies have materials used in everyday life, we tions will be addressed. shown that as students get older, their placed the chemistry of bonding into attitudes towards science become the context of the resulting material Introduction less favorable (Fleming & Malone, properties. In just the last century, 1983; Sorge, 2007). One such study our society has become increasingly As the study of matter, its prop- indicated that science attitudes show reliant on modern materials such erties, and its reactions, chemis- a “precipitous drop” when students as plastics, composites, and semi- try plays an integral role in every make the transition from elementary conductors, and all of these materi- aspect of every life. However, to middle school (Sorge, 2007). This als have extended the boundaries of chemistry can be a complex and particular study suggested that the our technological capabilities (Sass, abstract subject, and students often observed changes in attitude may be 1998). The relevance of materi- struggle with learning it. Research connected to developmental changes als like these to students’ everyday Keywords: Materials chemistry, materials in students and recommended fur- life is obvious, and this allows us to properties, chemical bonding ther research (Sorge, 2007). Another make chemistry more interesting and 48 Science educator accessible. The connection between (CSP, 2009), is a collaborative in the activities were all readily bonding type and observable mate- endeavor between University sci- available, and this allows the teacher rial properties gives teachers a way ence faculty and local school districts participants to practice these activi- to update their own knowledge and to improve science education for all ties before using them in their own teach a basic concept with renewed students. The main presenters for classrooms. This enables them to see interest and more applicability. the course were Cal Poly Chemistry what works and to predict what might Figure 1 below illustrates the con- faculty; collaborators from Materials not work well with their students. A nection and flow of the concepts Engineering (MATE) played a key list of sources of materials was also covered in this course. The materi- role in the first incarnation of the given to teachers. Another valuable als themselves are the basis of this course. Undergraduate chemistry aspect of this professional develop- course – these are the observables and materials engineering students ment program is the presentation and that the teachers (and students) can developed some of the background facilitation of the course by content relate to and connect to in their content and adapted several of the experts in a collegial setting. As uni- everyday lives. The materials studied activities in the first year. The work versity faculty, the authors bring a were all solids, and, consequently, of two of these students became their valuable level of expertise to the pre- the bonding in solids and the theo- senior projects, which are required sentations, discussions, and activi- retical basis of that bonding (band for graduation from this university ties. The faculty are readily available theory) are necessary components to (Barber, 2005; Coles, 2005). resources of knowledge for the teach- the course. Structure and bonding are The intention behind the course ers, and they are willing to answer intimately connected and also deter- is not to “reinvent the wheel.” All questions and troubleshoot problems mine properties of solids. Thus, the the parts of the course were already with the activities. Furthermore, the concepts come full circle to answer in existence. The course was based benefit that resulted from the collab- the question, “How is the bonding in on the authors’ teaching experience orative nature of the course cannot a material related to or responsible in and content from an engineering be overstated. Teachers were brought for the observable properties?” general chemistry course (Bailey, together to meet and work with col- This course has been offered twice 2004). The activities were adapted leagues during the summer, which with a total of 26 teachers participat- from a variety of sources (see Table is an opportunity they do not have ing, and it is part of ongoing work 1). Many of these activities had been during the school year. The work- between the Central Coast Science developed for and used in class- shop setting is one of the main rea- Project (CCSP) and teachers from rooms, and the fundamental goal sons that the whole package of this partnership schools. The CCSP, one was that all the materials used would course is of much greater value than of 18 California Science Projects be familiar to teachers and students merely providing the participants alike. For example, with a description of the individual materials included activities. metal wire and sheet- ing, plastic grocery Structure of the Workshop and trash bags, and In both years this course was taught, light emitting diodes the majority of participating teachers (LEDs). The value of were middle and high school teach- this program results ers, and, in the second year, there from pulling all the were also a few elementary school program components teachers. These teachers were equally together into a coher- distributed between experienced ent package. Course teachers and newer teachers, and the content is interwoven average years teaching experience throughout and strongly was approximately fifteen. Some of Figure 1: Connectivity of bonding, structure and observable material connected to the activi- the high school teachers had strong properties ties. The materials used Fall 2010 Vol. 19, no. 2 49 chemistry backgrounds and were are teacher-centered, challeng- between the topics presented in the interested in learning new applica- ing, authentic and collaborative” course and other, related topics. Also, tions of their knowledge. Other high (Daniels, Bizar, & Zemelman, 2001, in order for teachers to feel compe- school teachers, as well as some of p. 241), and this course was predi- tent and be confident in answering the middle school teachers and most cated on and evaluated based on that any questions posed to them by their of the elementary school teachers, idea. In addition, involving partici- students, they must achieve a high were lacking in their chemistry back- pants in first-hand investigation of level of understanding. grounds and were looking to increase material properties is aligned with An important aspect of this course both their content knowledge and the constructivist approach to learn- was that the activities had to use their application skills. Both groups ing. This approach basically states materials that were easily attain- of teachers had strengths to bring that knowledge cannot be transmit- able from hardware stores, grocery to the course, as well as needs for ted from teacher to learner, and, stores, or online resources. The more the course to fill. Both years, teach- instead, the learner must actively “exotic” materials, like LEDs, were ers were asked to read a chapter on acquire that knowledge so that the supplied to the teachers, and the Materials Chemistry from a gen- learning is more concrete when it is source was identified. The equip- eral chemistry text that was sent in applied (Padilla, 1991). Thus, teach- ment used to study some properties, advance (Gilbert, Kirss, & Davies, ers worked in small groups (2-3) like the conductivity probes, was 2004). They were also sent an out- both years to carry out the activities. either handmade in the lab by our line of the course in a daily schedule. In year one, teachers also collabo- students (Gadek, 1987) or purchased In the first year of instruction, teach- rated in these groups to adapt one at minimal cost from an online ers started the program with a “crash activity for use in their classrooms. source. Many of these activities were course” in materials processing by In year two, time was set aside for scaled-down versions of processing visiting a materials engineering the groups to debrief together after or testing techniques performed in laboratory on campus and perform- most activities. Both years, teachers industry or in university-level labo- ing steel processing, metal and poly- were given an evaluation at the end ratories that had been adapted for mer tensile strength testing, cold of each day, and then a final evalu- use in the classroom. For example, working of metals, and a Charpy ation was given the last day of the cold-working and steel process- impact test (California Polytechnic workshop. ing were accomplished using wires, State University [CPSU] Materials and polymer tensile strength testing Engineering website, 2005). In Content and Activities was accomplished using a variety year two, this portion was omitted Table 1 shows an outline of the of polymer samples like trash bags, (see Impact and Conclusions), and content covered and examples of along with ring stands, binder clips, the course started with a Concept activities performed. In this course, and weights. Inventory Pre-Test that had been basic bonding theory was approached One example of a familiar type developed by the authors using ques- in an applied manner by utilizing of material studied in great detail in tions from an existing Materials a perspective that investigates the this course was metals. Properties Concept Inventory (Griffins & ways that bonding type affects the of metals, such as conductivity Krause, 2005) and from their own observed material properties. The and malleability, were described as existing course materials. Both course was taught as if it were a rigor- resulting from the delocalized nature years, teachers were given a course ous, college-level class, regardless of of the bonding electrons in metal- packet that included background the grade level at which the teachers lic bonding. In metallic bonding, no content on each topic covered and taught. Even though these teachers, one metal nucleus holds the valence the instructions for the activities. The particularly at the middle or elemen- electrons strongly bound to itself, daily schedules consisted of alternat- tary school level, may never cover so these electrons are free to move ing content presentations and corre- some of the topics, this high level of about throughout the collection of sponding activities. instruction is necessary. First of all, atoms, and thus easily conduct both Good professional develop- it helps teachers see the connection electricity and heat (Gilbert, Kirss, & ment must include “activities that Davies, 2004). This flexible electron 50 Science educator Table 1: Materials Chemistry Content Covered and Representative Activities “glue” holds the atoms together yet allows them to move when force is Content Representative Demonstrated Bonding Concept(s) Activities Material Property Applied applied, which results in malleabil- ity. The latter is a simplification of Basics of Bonding Melted Awaya Melting point Differences in ionic and covalent bonding a more in-depth explanation, one that explains malleability as result- Metal or Nonmetal?b Conductivity, Differences in metallic ing from the presence of dislocations malleability and covalent bonding in the metal lattice (Tilley, 2004). Basics of Solids Solid State Modelsc Structure of solids at Bonding in solids This more complete explanation was atomic level also explained to the teachers in this Crystals Up Closed Structure of solids at Bonding in solids macroscopic level course, even though it may be well above the level of detail of most mid- Properties of Metals, Drop the Noodlee Comparing heat Metals conduct heat Defects conduction in metals well due to delocalized dle or high school classes. It was left nature of bonding to the participants to decide how to electrons adapt these explanations for use with Metal Working & Malleability and Metals are malleable their particular students. Strengthf strength of metals and strong due to To illustrate metal properties, delocalized electrons teachers completed several different and presence of activities, some of which are shown defects in Table 1. For example, heat con- Band Theory Exploring Conductivity Conductivity of Comparing conductors, duction is well illustratedby compar- Part 1c,f materials as a function semiconductors, and of temperature insulators ing how different metal, plastic, and wood bars or rods conduct heat from Semiconductors: LEDs Exploring Conductivity Conductivity of Conductivity of Part 2c,f semiconductors semiconductors hot water along their length in order as function of depends on what it is to melt wax, margarine, or peanut temperature and composed of and on butter and release a noodle that the composition temperature substance had been adhering to the Polymer Basics and Making and Recycling Stretching and Cross-linking in rod (Kardos, 1996b). The property Reactions a Polymerg elasticity of different polymers of malleability was investigated in polymers the Tensile Strength Activity (Dept. Polymer Structure and Polymer Absorptionh Absorption properties Structure of polymer of Material Science & Engineering Properties of different polymers Univ. of Illinois Champaign-Urbana Tensile Strength Testi Stretching force Composition and 1996b; Hennon 2004). In this activ- different polymers can structure of polymer ity, different metal wires or rods of withstand the same gauge are clamped onto Density Challengef Density of different Composition and a ring stand and a small paper cup polymers structure of polymer is suspended from the end. Metal a original reference unknown g Tosiani, T. (2009) washers of known mass are then b Stanitski, C. L. (1998) h Schug, T. (2003) added to the cup until the wires are c Bailey, C. A., et al. (2005a; 2005b) i Plastics Division of the American permanently deformed by the stress. d Wynne (1997) Chemistry Council (2004). This lab can be very quantitative in e Kardos (1996b) that the force exerted by the wash- f Department of Materials Science and Engineering, ers could be calculated, as could University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. (1996a; 1996b; the displacement experienced by 1996c; 1996d; 1996e) the wire or rod (Hennon, 2004). By plotting the mass applied as a func- tion of displacement experienced by the wire, both the stiffness and the Fall 2010 Vol. 19, no. 2 51 yield strength of the metals could Discussions here focused on how and three were in Central California. be determined (Dept. of Material the differences in chemical com- Thus, the geographical reach of these Science & Engineering Univ. of position (PE vs. PVDC) or physi- workshops was broad. Four of the Illinois Champaign-Urbana 1996e). cal properties like density (LDPE teachers were elementary, 7 were This lab can be simplified or adapted vs. HDPE) result in different mate- middle school, 13 were high school into a simple, qualitative comparison rial properties like tensile strength. teachers, and the remaining two were of different metals or a comparison Polymer molecules are composed district science coaches. The poten- between properties of metal, poly- of mostly carbon atoms bonded to tial impact of this workshop on stu- mer, and wood that is performed in each other in long chains, with other dents is significant. With an estimate the same manner without any cal- atoms, such as hydrogen, bonding that the elementary teachers each had culations. The latter comparison of to carbon as well to give each car- 35 students in their classes, and the metal, polymer, and wood can be bon four bonds. The bonding here middle and high school teachers had done using rulers held in place with is covalent, which is localized shar- 6 periods of 40 students each, these a clamp and hanging a fixed distance ing of electrons between two atoms. workshops had the potential to affect from the edge of a table, with the The carbon atoms in this “backbone” over 5,000 students. force applied being accomplished can rotate freely, and that is what To gauge the impact on individ- using metal washers that fit over the makes these polymers flexible (Sass, ual teachers, daily evaluations were end of the ruler. 1998). Increased strength or stiffness used, and summative assessment was Polymers were also studied in great of polymers like HDPE is achieved achieved via a final evaluation. The detail, and a variety of activities were by stacking and folding neighbor- daily evaluations were open-ended useful in illustrating properties of ing chains to give a more ordered, and asked teachers to comment on these materials as a function of the nearly crystalline substance in which what they liked and disliked about the bonding and/or structure in the poly- deformation is achieved through daily lessons. There were, of course, mers. For example, tensile strength stretching the bonds along the carbon a wide variety of responses, but sys- was examined both quantitatively backbone (Sass, 1998; Tilley, 2004). tematic coding and analysis of com- and qualitatively using low density The two PE polymers are composed ments revealed that five themes were polyethylene (LDPE) dry cleaning of the same basic chemical “parts” or mentioned most frequently (Strauss garment bags and high density poly- monomers, but the polymer chains in & Corbin, 1998). These responses ethylene (HDPE) grocery bags, as the low density material are branched are shown in Figure 2A. The pre- well as other plastics like Saran wrap and thus cannot pack together tightly. dominant comment indicated that (polyvinylidene chloride, PVDC) This results in a lower density mate- the teachers liked the activities they (Plastics Div. of American Chemical rial that is flexible but doesn’t stretch performed (~34%). The high quality Council, 2004). By using binder as much as the higher density mate- of the presentations and presenters clips to attach pre-cut strips of the rial (Lajeunesse, 2004). The HDPE was the next most common response plastic to a ring stand and suspend- polymer chains are not branched, so (~23%), with the hands-on aspect ing washers from another binder clip they pack more tightly and result in a of the workshop also being popular at the bottom, this activity can have more rigid material that still stretches (~19%). Teachers also appreciated a strong quantitative component. and has a tensile strength greater than learning new content (~13%) and Here comparisons could be made of that of LDPE. (Tilley, 2004). being able to work with other teach- either the amount of force required to ers (12%). All of these comments permanently deform different mate- Impact and Conclusions indicate achievement of our own rials, or of the distance the samples This workshop was delivered teaching goals and demonstrate a stretch under application of a set twice to a total of 26 teachers from degree of success of the course. force. A more qualitative version of 20 schools and 10 districts. Eleven A similar analysis was performed this investigation is to have partici- schools were located in districts on on the responses about dislikes. There pants simply compare how far they the Central Coast of California while were only approximately a third as can stretch the different materials by 6 more were in Southern California many responses to this question as hand before they break. there were to the previous question 52 Science educator (Figure 2B), and this is an encourag- in further developing the format of can be obtained (a concept inventory ing observation. No one response was the course for year two. In year one, was used only the second summer). repeated at a rate greater than 26%. teachers indicated that they enjoyed To evaluate the long-term effect of The most often repeated comment using the industrial scale equipment the course on participant teaching, (26%) was that the workshop mate- in the MATE lab and valued the follow-up evaluations with past par- hands-on aspect of this part of the ticipants are planned. These evalu- Figure 2: Results of systematic coding and analysis of responses to the Daily course, but several also indicated ations will ask questions regarding Evaluaquestions A) “What I liked,” and B) “What that it was a bit overwhelming and continued use of activities and pin- I didn’t like” they didn’t have enough time to pro- point which activities are still being cess the material in spite of receiv- used. This will help us hone the ing the lab manual in advance of the material and make the course as workshop. For this reason, this sec- useful to teachers as possible. New tion was omitted in the second year. content and activities on other mate- Another change that resulted from rials like ceramics, wood, paper, the year one evaluations was that, and fibers will also be developed for during the second year, time was set future workshops. aside after most of the activities for debriefing. References The final evalua- Barber, N. (2005). Chemistry essentials tions asked teachers, secondary: A workshop provided by among other things, if the Central Coast Science Project. the workshop met their Senior Project for Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, San Luis expectations and if there Obispo, CA: California Polytechnic rial was presented at too high a level, was something they learned that State University. and 11% indicated that not enough they would use in their classrooms. time was allowed for the teachers Overall the responses to both ques- Barman, C. R. (1999). Completing the study: High school students’ views to thoroughly digest the material tions were positive, with 39% of of scientists and science. Science and presented. The smallest percentage respondents stating that the work- Children, 36(8), 16-21. (9%) of the comments complained shop met their expectations, and Bailey, C. A., (2004). Studio chemistry that too much information was pre- the remaining 61% said the work- at Cal Poly. Retrieved from http:// sented and also that it was presented shop exceeded their expectations. A chemweb.calpoly.edu/cbailey/Studio/ at too fast a pace. Such comments majority of respondents (65%) stated Bailey, C. A., et al. (2005a). Solid state were expected, due to the varied sci- they would use at least some of the modeling. In Chemistry 124 online ence backgrounds of the participants activities but were not specific as to laboratory manual. San Luis Obispo, and the different levels at which they which ones. About 26% commented CA: California Polytechnic State teach. To address these concerns in that they learned more about bond- University. Retrieved from http:// future iterations of the course, less ing than they ever had, particularly chemweb.calpoly.edu/chem/124/ material may be presented or the metallic bonding, while 22% com- Bailey, C.A., et al. (2005b). workshop may be extended to a lon- mented favorably about learning Conductivity. In Chemistry 124 online ger period of time. However, rigor about polymers and the same per- laboratory manual. San Luis Obispo, of the presented content will not be centage appreciated learning about CA: California Polytechnic State lessened, because it is important that the properties of the materials. University. Retrieved from http:// teachers understand the content at a These final evaluations indicate chemweb.calpoly.edu/chem/124/ higher level than their students, in overall satisfaction by the partici- Bodner, G. M. (1991). I have found you part to avoid propagation of miscon- pants, which further indicates that an argument. Journal of Chemical ceptions (Nakleh, 1992). the course was successful. Future Education, 68(5), 385-388. Insights gained in year one from iterations will include pre- and post- the daily evaluations were useful tests so that more quantitative data Fall 2010 Vol. 19, no. 2 53 California Polytechnic State University Department of Materials Science and 82(38), 51. Retrieved from http:// (CPSU) Materials Engineering Engineering, University of Illinois pubs.acs.org/cen/whatstuff/ Department. (2005). MATE 215 labo- at Urbana Champaign. (1996e). stuff/8238plasticbags.html ratory course. Retrieved from http:// Stretching wires. In MAST module: Nakleh, M. B. (1992). Why some stu- mate.calpoly.edu/ Materials science and technology. dents don’t learn chemistry. Journal of Retrieved from http://matse1.mse. California Science Project. (2009). Chemical Education, 69(3), 191-196. uiuc.edu/ Retrieved from http://csmp.ucop.edu/ Osborne, J. (2003). Attitudes towards csp/index.php Fleming, M. L. & Malone, M.R. (1983) science: A review of literature and its The relationship of student charac- Coles, M. (2005). Improving science implications. International Journal of teristics and student performance in education: Using polymers to make Science Education, 25(9), 1049-1079. science as viewed by meta-analysis chemistry fun, interesting and acces- Padilla, M.J. (1991). Science activi- research. Journal of Research in sible to teachers and their students. ties, process skills, and thinking. In Science Teaching, 20(5), 481-495. Senior Project for Department of The psychology of learning science. Chemistry and Biochemistry, San Luis Gabel, D. (1999). Improving teaching Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Obispo, CA: California Polytechnic and learning through chemistry edu- Associates, Inc. StateUniversity. cation research: A look to the future. Plastics Division of the American Journal of Chemical Education, 76(4), Daniels, H., Bizar, M., & Zemelman, Chemistry Council (2004). Hands on 548-554. S. (2001). Rethinking high school, plastics: A scientific investigation kit. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Gadek, F. J. (1987). Easily made Retrieved from http://www.american- electronic device for conductivity Department of Materials Science and chemistry.com/hops/activities/index. experiments. Journal of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois html. Education, 64(7), 628-629. at Urbana Champaign. (1996a). Sass, S. L. (1998). The substance of civi- Estimating semiconductor band Gilbert, T .R., Kirss, R. V., & Davies, lization: Materials and human history gap using LEDs. In MAST module: G. (2004). Chemistry: The science in from the stone age to the age of silicon. Materials science and technology. context, 1st Edition. New York, NY: W. New York, NY: Arcade Publishing. Retrieved from http://matse1.mse. W. Norton & Company. Schug, T. (2003). Superabsorbant poly- uiuc.edu/ Griffins, R.B. & Krause, S. (2005). mer demonstration. Cornell Center for Department of Materials Science and Materials concept inventory. Obtained Materials Research (CCMR) Research Engineering, University of Illinois at through personal correspondence with Experience for Teachers. Retrieved Urbana Champaign. (1996b). Hot and the authors. from http://www.ccmr.crnell.edu/edu- cold: Temperature and resistance of Hennon, S. (2004). Can you handle the cation/modules/retmodules.html electronic materials. In MAST module: stress? Cornell Center for Materials Sorge, C. (2007). What happens? Materials science and technology. Research (CCMR) Research Relationship of age and gender with Retrieved from http://matse1.mse. Experience for Teachers. Retrieved science attitudes from elementary uiuc.edu/ from http://www.ccmr.crnell.edu/edu- to middle school. Science Educator, Department of Materials Science and cation/modules/retmodules.html 16(2), 33-37. Engineering, University of Illinois at Kardos, T. (1996a). 20. Metals conduct Stanitski, C. L.(Ed.). (1998). Metal or Urbana Champaign. (1996c). 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West Sussex, England: John mse.uiuc.edu/ Lajeunesse, S. (2004). Plastic bags. Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Chemical and Engineering News, 54 Science educator Tosiani, T. (2009). Silly putty – Goop, the Department of Chemistry and Author 2 is a Lecturer of Chemistry, GAK, gluep. In Chemistry experi- Biochemistry at Cal Poly SLO for use of Department of Chemistry and ments, projects and demonstrations laboratory facilities and the Studio class- Biochemistry, California Polytechnic you can do at home. Retrieved from room, and the Materials Engineering State University, San Luis Obispo, http://homexperiment.com//silly- Department for use of the MATE 215 California, 93407. putti.html laboratory. We also gratefully acknowl- Wynne, R., Johnson, M., & Anderson, Author 3 is the Department Chair, edge Seth Bush for his preparation of the S. L. (1997). Crystals up close. In Department of Liberal Studies, figures in this paper. Lastly, we thank the Experiencing chemistry. Portland, California Polytechnic State University, Long Beach Unified School District for OR: Oregon Museum of Science and San Luis Obispo, California, 93407. providing matching funds for their teach- ers, and we further acknowledge fund- Technology. Acknowledgments: The authors grate- ing from the University of California Vaidya, S.R. (1993). Restructuring ele- fully acknowledge the collaboration Office of the President via the California mentary and middle school science with Dr. Dave Neibuhr and Mr. Tim Science Project. for improved teaching and learning. Orling and their work with teachers in Education, 114, 63-70. the MATE 215 lab in 2005. That experi- The work described in this paper was ence was invaluable for the teachers and made possible by California Science Author 1 is an Associate Professor of authors. The authors sincerely appreci- Project funding from the University of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and ate and thank the teacher participants for California Office of the President. The Biochemistry, California Polytechnic their input, comments, and enthusiastic Long Beach Unified School District State University, San Luis Obispo, participation in these workshops. We also provided matching funds for their California, 93407. Correspondence thank our technical staff members Paul teachers. concerning this article may be sent to Shires and Shelley Zoff for their assis- [email protected]. tance and patience. We acknowledge Fall 2010 Vol. 19, no. 2 55

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