JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2010, 43, 493–497 NUMBER3 (FALL2010) TEACHING EFFECTIVE HAND RAISING TO CHILDREN WITH AUTISM DURING GROUP INSTRUCTION SHAIREEN M. CHARANIA CENTRALEASTAUTISMPROGRAM,KINARK LINDA A. LEBLANC AUBURNUNIVERSITY NARMATHA SABANATHAN AND INAS A. KTAECH CENTRALEASTAUTISMPROGRAM,KINARK JAMES E. CARR AUBURNUNIVERSITY AND KRISTIN GUNBY CENTRALEASTAUTISMPROGRAM,KINARK Wetaught3childrenwithautismtoraiseahandorkeepbothhandsdowndependingontheir status(e.g.,havingheardatargetword,possessingaspecificitem)usingmodeling,prompting, and reinforcement. All 3 children acquired accurate hand-raising skills in response to progressively more difficult discrimination tasks during group instruction. The implications for preparingchildren for general education settings are discussed. Keywords: autism, conditional stimulus control, group instruction, hand raising _______________________________________________________________________________ A significant portion of instruction in early be able to respond effectively when an instruc- elementary school occurs in group settings, tor poses a question to the group. The student which can be challenging for children with must indicate whether he or she can provide an autism due to difficulties with attending, answer to the teacher’s question (i.e., raise a initiating responding, and social interactions hand)ornot(i.e.,keephandsdown).Failureto (Dawson & Faja, 2008). To ensure that raise a hand when one could answer means a children with autism benefit to the greatest missed opportunity for reinforcement or error extent possible from academic integration, correction,whereasraisingahandwhenonehas active responding in small-group instruction no subsequent response to provide could be should be directly targeted (Carnahan, Musti- embarrassing or disruptive to ongoing instruc- Rao, & Bailey, 2009). To succeed in small- tion. group instruction, students must have acquired Recent studies have directly examined strat- the targeted academic responses and also must egies for teaching children with autism to answer questions, which Skinner (1957) re- ferred to as intraverbals (Finkel & Williams, WethankMichelleGilad,JoannaPolanowski,Lindsay 2001; Goldsmith, LeBlanc, & Sautter, 2007; Standing,RenataDeKeyser,andNancyMarchesefortheir assistancewiththe study. Ingvarsson & Hollobaugh, 2010). However, Address correspondence to Linda A. LeBlanc, Depart- each of these studies targeted responding in an mentofPsychology,226ThachHall,AuburnUniversity, individual instructional format, whereas most Alabama36849(e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2010.43-493 general education students encounter this kind 493 494 SHAIREEN M. CHARANIA et al. of task in a group format. Furthermore, section housed a computer, books, a television, accurately responding to an instructor’s ques- and several toys for social programming and tion posed to a group is under conditional scheduled reinforcement periods. stimulus control. For example, answering the question ‘‘Who has the green circle?’’ would be Dependent Variables and Measurement under the stimulus control of boththe question Group instruction tasks. The experimenter (the discriminative stimulus, SD) and the presented three types of tasks in the form of possession of the green circle (the conditional questions during group instruction. The group stimulus). Thus, the purpose of the present consistedofthethreeparticipantsonly.Thethree study was to use a discrimination training tasks required progressively more difficult dis- procedure that included rules, modeling, and criminations, with the third task constituting the reinforcement to teach three children with educationally relevant target that these children autism to raise a hand only when they could would likely encounter in their future classroom provide an accurate response. settings. The first task involved reporting the possession of an item. Each child received an opaque bag with one item inside and was METHOD instructed to look inside. The next instruction Participants and Setting wastoraiseahandiftherequesteditemwasinthe Three boys with diagnoses of autism served bag. The experimenter then queried ‘‘Who has as participants. Edgar (10 years old), Justin the [item]?’’ for one of three items on each trial. (9 years old), and Nathan (8 years old) received Inthisauditory-visualconditionaldiscrimination, approximately 25 hr per week of intensive theexperimenter’squestionservedastheauditory behavioralinterventionatthesamecenter-based SD, and the item in the bag served as the visual program and were preparing to transition to conditional stimulus for the hand-raise response. different general education classrooms within The secondtask involved reportinghaving heard the year. Each child had extensive receptive, a ‘‘secret word.’’ In each trial, the teacher imitative, mand, tact, intraverbal, and instruc- whispered a target word to one child and a tion-following repertoires. At the time of the greeting to the other two children. The experi- study,Edgar,Justin,andNathanhadmet79%, menter then told the children to raise a hand if 98%, and 96%, respectively, of the verbal and they had just heard the secret word. In this social milestones in the criterion-referenced auditory-auditoryconditionaldiscrimination,the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and experimenter’squestionservedasanauditorySD, Placement Program (Sundberg, 2008). Despite and the recent whisper served as the auditory these relatively substantial repertoires, each conditional stimulus, both of which were pre- childconsistentlyfailedtoraisehishandduring sented in close temporal proximity. The third group instruction when he could provide a task, which was the most difficult and most correct answer to the teacher’s question. educationally relevant, involved providing intra- The center-based program was housed in the verbalandtactresponsestofactualquestions(e.g., upper level of a private day-care center. The ‘‘Whatanimalhasatailandfourlegs?’’;‘‘Whatis facilities included several classrooms, a gymna- this [with picture]?’’). During group instruction, sium, a kitchen, bathrooms, an outdoor the experimenter asked the children to raise a playground,andafrontlawn.Sessionsoccurred hand if they ‘‘knew the answer’’ to the question. in a classroom that was divided into two areas. In this successive conditional discrimination, the One section contained three tables and three experimenter’s question served as an immediate chairs that faced a whiteboard for individual auditory SD, but the conditional stimulus would and group academic instruction. The other have been presented during prior learning. HAND RAISING 495 Accuracy of the hand-raise or hands-down trainingsessionswas97%(range,85%to100%). response was determined for each child based An observer used a checklist to score procedural on his own performance during an individual integrityfor10%ofsessions.Sessionswerescored assessment conducted prior to baseline and for the following: (a) presence of all necessary every 2 weeks during intervention. During the materials, (b) appropriate provision of items or initial assessment, the experimenter asked 40 secret word for the trial, (c) presentation of the questions from the center’s curriculum to questions, (d) prompts and reinforcement when identify a list of questions that only one of the appropriate to the condition, (e) inclusion of threechildrencouldanswercorrectly(i.e.,every hands-downandhand-uptrialsforeverychildin trial included one accurate hand-up and two every condition, (f) presentation and prompt for hands-down responses). Fifteen new questions choral responding of the rule, and (g) experi- were presented during two subsequent assess- menter’s responses to correct and incorrect ments that were conducted during the inter- responses during intervention. The mean proce- vention to identify new questions that only one dural integrity score across sessions was 96% child could answer for upcoming sessions. (range, 93% to 100% across participants). Targetbehaviors.Thedependentmeasurewas the percentage of accurate responses to hands- Procedure and Experimental Design down and hand-up opportunities in a session. A concurrent multiple baseline design across Data were collapsed across participants to tasks was used to evaluate the effects of obtain a group mean accuracy for each target. discrimination training on accuracy of respond- A trained observer scored an accurate response ing during group instruction. Sessions generally to a hands-down opportunity if the child kept lasted less than 10 min and consisted of a total both hands in his lap when he did not possess of 27 trials, with nine trials of each task. Each thetargetitem,hadnotheardthesecretword,or set of nine trials included six hands-down had not previously acquired the factual answer. responsesperchildandthreehand-upresponses Anyliftingofeitherhandundertheseconditions per child. The set of nine trials for a task was constituted an inaccurate response to a hands- presented consecutively, but the order of task down opportunity. An accurate response to a presentation in each session was randomly hand-up opportunity was scored when a child determined. raised only one hand to at least shoulder level Baseline. The experimenter responded to the whenhepossessedthetargetitem,hadheardthe child’s responses to the question with a general secret word, or had previously acquired the statement (e.g., ‘‘That was fun, let’s do factual answer. Keeping hands down, raising another’’). Children who raised a hand were both hands, or raising the hand below the not called on, and no programmed reinforcers shoulder level constituted an inaccurate response or prompts were delivered. to the hand-up opportunity. Discrimination training. Before each session, Interobserveragreementandproceduralintegrity. the experimenter read the rule, ‘‘If you know it A second independent observer scored 50% of or have it, raise your hand; otherwise wait for sessions. Point-by-point interobserver agreement another question,’’ to the group twice, and the was calculated by dividing the number of group repeated the rule chorally. The experi- agreements by agreements plus disagreements menter then asked the first question and andconvertingtheresultingratiotoapercentage. allowed 5 s for the participants to respond. An agreement was defined as both observers Theexperimenterpraisedaccuratehand-upand scoring every child’s response on a specific trial hands-down responses enthusiastically. When identically. Mean agreement across baseline and the correct response was a hand raise, that 496 SHAIREEN M. CHARANIA et al. Figure1. Percentageofaccuratechildresponsestoinstructorquestionsacrosstasks.Filledcirclesdesignatetrialsin whichthechildhadanitemorcouldprovideananswer(i.e.,hand-upopportunities),andopencirclesdesignatetrialsin whichthe childdid nothave anitem orcould notprovide the answer(i.e.,hands-down opportunities). participant stood and showed the item or trial, the hand-up error (i.e., he did not raise his reported the answer to the other students. After hand but should have) was addressed first. praising accurate responses, the experimenter responded to any inaccurate responses by stating RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the rule, modeling the accurate response, and providing a single rehearsal opportunity with Figure 1 depicts the percentage of accurate feedback.Ifdifferentchildrencommittedahand- responses for the group across the three target up error and a hands-down error on the same skills. During baseline, each child usually sat HAND RAISING 497 without raising his hand in response to every question (i.e., excessive hand raising questions regardless of status (e.g., possessing during hands-down trials might be just as the item, having previously heard the word). problematicasacompletelackofhandraising). This pattern of behavior resulted in a very high Future research might examine whether percentageaccuracyofhands-downresponsesin responding about private information (taught baseline and multiple missed opportunities to during the third task) could be learned readily participate. With the initiation of discrimina- without training on the first two skills. In tion training, hand raises began to occur more addition, future research might explore whether frequently on hand-up opportunities. Hand more generalization might result from training raises also began to occur more frequently on with even more targets. Finally, we implement- the hands-down opportunities (i.e., errors), ed discrimination training in a group instruc- suggesting that the high baseline performance tional format to save the time that would have on hands-down represented nonresponding been required to conduct individual training rather than accurate discrimination. The mas- with each participant before programming for tery criterion of three consecutive sessions with transfer to group situations. Future research 100% accuracy for both responses was met in mightinvestigatewhetherindividualinstruction 29 sessions for the first task, 38 sessions for the might also be effective when other learners are second task, and 27 sessions for the third task. not available for group instruction. Interestingly, improvements in hand-up re- sponses in the third task occurred while the REFERENCES intervention was implemented for the second task but before it was applied to the third. This Carnahan, C., Musti-Rao, S., & Bailey, J. (2009). Promotingactiveengagementinsmallgrouplearning pattern suggests some degree of functional experiences for students with autism and significant interdependence or generalization between the learning needs.Education andTreatmentofChildren, second and third tasks as a result of a history 32,37–61. with the intervention. Dawson, G., & Faja, S. (2008). Autism spectrum disorders: A developmental perspective. In T. P. When children with autism participate in Beauchaine & S. P. Hinshaw (Eds.), Child and general education settings, they should be able adolescent psychopathology (pp. 575–613). Hoboken, to respond during small-group instruction to NJ: Wiley. make the most of their learning opportunities Finkel,A.S.,&Williams,R.L.(2001).Acomparisonof textual and echoic prompts on the acquisition of (Carnahan et al., 2009). The present findings intraverbalbehaviorinasix-year-oldboywithautism. suggest that effectively responding to group The AnalysisofVerbal Behavior,18, 61–70. instruction requires acquisition of basic aca- Goldsmith,T.R.,LeBlanc,L.A.,&Sautter,R.A.(2007). demic information (e.g., tacts, intraverbals) as Teaching intraverbals to children with autism. Research in AutismSpectrum Disorders, 1,1–13. wellasthedevelopmentof conditionalstimulus Ingvarsson, E.T.,& Hollobaugh,T.(2010). Acquisition controloverhand-upandhands-downrespond- of intraverbal behavior: Teaching children with ing. Prior to intervention, the participants had autism to mand for answers to questions. Journal of Applied BehaviorAnalysis,43,1–17. mastered various prerequisite instructional tar- Skinner, B. F. (1957). Verbal behavior. Cambridge, MA: gets but failed to respond accurately when Prentice Hall. teachers presented the questions in a group Sundberg, M. L. (2008). Verbal behavior milestones context until hand raising was directly taught. assessment and placement program. Concord, CA: AVB Press. The results suggest the importance of conduct- ing both hand-up and hands-down learning Received June 22,2009 trials to establish discriminated responding, Final acceptance, November 9,2009 rather than simply reinforcing hand raises on Action Editor,Einar Ingvarsson