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Preview ERIC EJ894470: Preparing Teachers for Urban Schools: Evaluation of a Community-Based Model

PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 80 NOTES FROM THE FIELD Preparing Teachers for Urban Schools: Evaluation of a Community- Based Model By Susan Catapano, University of North Carolina-Wilmington; and Sarah Huisman, Fontbonne Uni- versity Can a teacher education program in the community, in either a school pleted a traditional student teaching committed to the surrounding commu- or a nearby setting (Glazer & Hanna- semester. When this model of com- nity help prepare preservice teachers fin, 2006; Hoffman, Reed, & Rosen- munity-based teacher preparation was to work in the most challenging urban bluth, 1997; Hollins & Guzman, 2005; developed, the school district had over schools? Preservice teachers spend sig- Leland & Harste, 2005). Placing stu- 33,000 K-12 students, with approxi- nificant time in schools, observing, tu- dents, university faculty, and courses mately 100 schools, and 85% of stu- toring children, and learning to teach. in neighborhood schools helps connect dents receiving free or reduced lunch. On-site field experiences introduce as- the reality of working in a school with Based on 2007 state distributed per- piring teachers to life in schools, and the pedagogy and content covered in formance test data, 75% of the children are especially important for teachers university courses. However, the pre- scored below grade level in commu- who take their first teaching positions service teachers and university faculty nication arts in third grade (Missouri in urban schools (Adams, Bondy, & are present at schools without really Department of Elementary and Sec- Kuhel, 2005). However, most preser- engaging with the community of the ondary Education, 2008). As of 2007, vice teachers spend little time in the school and the community surround- the high-need, urban district struggled community surrounding the school to ing the school. This does not provide each year to hire enough teachers understand the background and expe- them with the understandings needed with appropriate teacher certification. riences of the children they will be serv- to help prepare and retain new teach- The partnership between the uni- ing (Koerner & Abdul-Tawwab, 2006). ers for high-need, urban schools (Ko- versity and school district provided Teacher education programs do not erner & Abdul-Tawwab, 2006; Zeich- the district with a substantial number always bring the aspect of the commu- ner & Miller, 1997). Currently, the of new teachers each year. The uni- nity into their programs. For purposes majority of new teachers graduating versity reports that as many as 40% of this discussion, the term community from teacher preparation programs of the graduates from the teacher is defined as the neighborhood, with all are middle-income, White, and female education program accepted jobs in of its agencies, cultural organizations, (Banks, Cochran-Smith, Moll, Richert, the district (personal communica- assets, and challenges that are located Zeichner, LePage, Darling-Hammond, tion, Teacher Education Office, 2007). outside of the school building but have Duffy, & McDonald, 2005; Ladson- Unfortunately, approximately 50% impact on the lives and academic suc- Billings, 2006; National Center for of all newly hired teachers left the cess of the children. The authors of this Educational Statistics, 1992). They district within the first two years of article are guided by the beliefs that to rarely reflect the culture of the children employment (personal communica- meet the needs of the individual child, where they will be teaching and are not tion, School District Recruitment and the teacher must see and appreciate familiar with the community that sur- Retention Office, 2006). Based on the community where the child lives. rounds the school and often find the the above, we recognized the need to community is different from where expand the model of teacher prepara- DEVELOPING A NEW MODEL OF they grew up (Koerner & Abdul-Taw- tion to provide additional support to wab, 2006; Ladson-Billings, 2006). new teachers who were accepting posi- TEACHER PREPARATION tions in this high-need, urban district. Many models of teacher education School-University Partnership Professional development are used to prepare new teachers. Re- schools. A Teacher Quality Enhance- As part of the faculty at a large, cent discussions on teacher education ment Grant from the U.S. Department urban university located in the Mid- reform call for models that provide of Education, 2004-2008, ($3.2 mil- West, we collaborated for many years school-university collaborations, espe- lion) provided resources to assist in with the local, urban, school district, to cially when preparing new teachers for expanding the partnership between provide preservice teachers authentic urban schools (Duncan, 2010; Glazer & the university, the school district, and field-based experiences. This usually Hannifan, 2006; Zeichner, 1996). Re- other community partners. The pur- occurred toward the end of the teacher cent trends in teacher preparation pro- pose of the grant was to develop high- preparation program as students com- grams include courses that are located ly qualified teachers in partnership PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 81 with the urban school district. As we education that reproduces a nurtur- would accept positions in the schools worked to meet the goals of the grant, ing atmosphere for preservice, new, and remain committed to the district. we developed a community-based and classroom teachers as they work Rather than staying isolated within model of teacher preparation that with university faculty (Murrell, 2001). the individual classroom or within the merged several models. In the Pro- The lack of a shared common cul- walls of the school, we felt it was im- fessional Development School (PDS) tural and historical heritage is the big- portant for preservice teachers to learn model, successful partnerships be- gest obstacle for preservice teachers that he or she must make authentic tween schools and universities work to preparing to work in urban schools. connections with other classroom create a new institution that is charac- As researchers, we asked how does a teachers, the families and children in terized by a long-term relationship that preservice teacher enter a community their classroom, and the community. leading to improved student learning that is not reflective of his or her own (Dempsey, 1997; Dickens, 2000; Law- culture or historical heritage? In ad- Community Agencies’ Roles in Teacher rence & Dubetz, 2002; Levine, 1997). dition, how does he or she engage in a Preparation In PDS literature, the school be- meaningful and effective collaboration comes the learning setting for the pre- with teachers and families? Teacher As part of new teachers’ service teachers, university faculty, and education programs have modified in- preparation,community-based field ex- classroom teachers (Boles & Troen, dividual courses and field experiences periences, , are not new ideas (Adams, 1997; Enciso, Kirschner, Rogers, & Se- to give preservice teachers opportu- et al., 2005; Cristol & Gimbert, 2002; idl, 2000). Important formal and in- nities to connect with the cultures of Zeichner & Melnick, 1996). Some pro- formal mentoring activities are part of children in urban schools (Adams, et grams require preservice teachers to the reciprocal learning experiences that al., 2005; Gomez, 1996; Lenski, S.D., complete a community-based project form the partnership (Beasley, Corbin, Crumpler, T.P., Stallworth, C. & Craw- or engage in service-learning activities. Feiman-Nemser, & Shank, 1997). PDS ford, K.M., 2005). Some of these expe- Both kinds of engagements place the development also includes family en- riences are isolated at the university or preservice teacher in the community gagement in the activities that support follow individual faculty members’ in- doing something other than working student learning by drawing on com- terests. Some new teachers spend their in a school. Community agencies ei- munity resources described as special entire teacher preparation program ther accept teachers as volunteers or services (Sykes, 1997). Extant litera- without experiencing a school setting work with the university to develop ture often does not mention the physi- beyond the ones that they are familiar specific projects (Shirley, Hersi, Mac- cal community surrounding the school with from their own K-12 experiences. Donald, Sanchez, Scandone, Skidmore, or the need to help preservice teachers Habermann and Popkewitz (as cit- & Tutwiler, 2006; Zeichner & Melnick, connect to the community outside of ed in Gomez, 1996), dismiss the notion 1996). Many of these experiences are the school (Koerner & Abdul-Tawwab, that young, White girls, from middle- situated early in the teacher prepara- 2006). Without this piece, can preser- income, suburban backgrounds are tion program as part of the series of vice teachers really develop a shared capable of becoming highly qualified foundational courses required in most cultural perspective with the children in teachers for poor, minority, under- teacher education programs (Szente, their classroom (Barab & Duffy, 2000)? achieving children in urban schools. J., 2008/2009; Weber, 1998). How- Communities of practice. It The underlying basis of their argu- ever, early on, preservice teachers do is not surprising that the preservice ment was the time and experiences not have well developed connection teachers, and recent teacher edu- of teacher education programs is not with the pedagogy of learning to teach cation graduates, do not share the enough to change the perspectives or understanding culturally diverse same communities and cultural back- and values of young adults from what learners (Culp, Chepyator-Thom- grounds as the children they will be they have learned growing up, to what son, & Hsu, 2009). Other teacher teaching. Hodgkinson (1991) that they witness in urban classrooms. preparation programs use the service the numbers of teachers of color con- This conception made us wonder if we learning model, “plan, act, and re- tinue to decrease as the numbers of are caught in a situation that cannot flect design” in preparing teachers for school-aged children of color continue be resolved. Is it possible that needs urban schools (Andrews, 2009; Ed- to increase (as cited in Gomez, 1996). of urban schools for highly qualified wards & Kuhlman, 2007, p. 45). In One way to develop new teachers teachers may never be successful? these programs, community-based to work in culturally diverse schools This new model of teacher edu- field experiences are an integral part is to form communities of practice. cation furthered the idea that if new of the pedagogy of preparing highly Barab and Duffy (2000) identified a teachers are comfortable in the com- qualified teachers for urban schools. shared common cultural and histori- munity that surrounded and sup- Community-based field experiences cal heritage as a crucial component of ported the school, he or she would provide evidence suggesting preservice developing supportive communities be more likely to feel comfortable as teachers gain better understanding of of practice. A community of practice a part of the school community (Ko- diverse populations and learn how to extends the traditional teacher prepa- erner & Abdul-Tawwab, 2006). As communicate with people from diverse ration model bysupporting teacher part of the community, new teachers cultures (Adams, et al., 2005; Hollins & PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 82 Guzman, 2005, Koerner & Abdul-Taw- communities of practice: opportunities representatives to identify activities wab, 2006; Lenski, et al., 2005). How- for preservice teachers to develop an and experiences that fit seamlessly and ever, the studies are limited in making understanding of and begin to share the effectively, into the teacher prepara- a clear link between the activities expe- history and cultural perspective of the tion program (Edwards & Kuhlman, rienced by preservice teachers and the community of the children, situational 2007). Next, we negotiated with the goals of the teacher education programs. learning, and reflective practice (Barab principal and teachers at the field site Few teacher education programs & Duffy, 2000; Catapano, Huisman, to allow preservice teachers to en- challenge preservice teachers to see & Song, 2008; Murrell, 2001). Com- gage students in semester-long proj- the assets which are available in the munity-based activities and resources ects that focused on learning about urban community (Alkins, Banks- helped preservice teachers learn about the community. The project-based Santilli, Elliott, Guttenberg, & Kamii, the history and culture of the children learning provided situational learning 2006). Intensive coaching by expe- in the classroom. Preservice teach- by giving preservice teachers oppor- rienced university faculty and class- ers developed and implemented cur- tunities to engage children in project room teachers helped preservice teach- riculum based on the community sur- work focused on their community. Fi- ers build a bridge between their own rounding the school. This experienced, nally, we were on-site with preservice home culture and those at the chil- provided situational learning for pre- teachers to assist them in completing dren’s homes (Lenski, et al., 2005). service teachers as they tried out the the project work and support their ideas and activities they had learned in understanding of the community and A COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL OF their university courses. Each aspect of culture of the children (Kent & Simp- the model required preservice teachers son, 2009). In addition, we provided TEACHER PREPARATION to reflect on what they were learning information about access to resources Figure 1 is a visual representation of and doing within the classroom and the in the community that could support the model of teacher education that we community. Reflection was conducted the project. These three aspects of have developed to demonstrate the ex- in both written and oral forms, and the CBM provided a process of layer- periences of preservice teachers in the by using university faculty, school ad- ing teacher preparation activities on a neighboring community. It represents ministrators, and classroom teachers foundation built upon the understand- the fusion of coursework, field expe- as sounding boards to dismantle ste- ing and access of the assets of the com- riences, and community experiences reotypes and misunderstandings. For munity (see figure on opposite page). incorporated into the teacher educa- example, it was common for preser- The activities developed to fit into the tion program. It emerged as a result vice teachers to view family members teacher education program included: of working with students and teachers as uncaring about their child’s educa- in a PDS partnership that supported tion because of incomplete informa- EVALUATION OF THE COMMUNITY- the development of communities of tion and understandings. One school practice. This model differs from other administrator pointed out that some BASED MODEL models of teacher education that list families were living in homeless shel- Did it work? In an effort to evaluate community as an important part of ters where they shared living quarters the effectiveness of the CBM on the de- the preparation of new teachers. In and did not have much opportunity to velopment of highly qualified teachers Murrell’s Circles of Practice (2001), complete homework before the lights for urban schools, we gathered feedback the community is listed as one of the were turned out in the evenings. This from students and teachers participat- influences, or circles, that connect to information challenged the preservice ing in the program from 2004-2008. the preservice teacher as a support in teachers to reconsider their perspec- Data included evaluations of the intern- learning to teach in schools, especially tive. The three criteria of the CBM, ship class by students, and feedback on those in urban settings. The circles learning about culture, situational each experience included in the CBM that Murrell identifies are separate en- learning, and reflection, contributed to (poverty simulation, bus tour, profes- tities that connect to preservice teach- creating culturally responsive, highly sional development activities, and the ers as part of the overall program of qualified, teachers for urban schools. community-based project) for each se- teacher preparation. In the Commu- mester. As we collected feedback, we nity-Based Model (CBM), pictured in DEVELOPMENT OF THE MODEL continued modify the CBM each semes- Figure 1, the community is the founda- The CBM grew out of our involve- ter. We decided to focus our evaluation tion upon which other pieces of the pro- ment within the collaboration with on the data collected for the year 2007- gram rest; it becomes the crucial piece partner schools. As a result, preservice 2008, because the model had reached of the development of the new teacher. teachers were given the opportunity a point in the development where ap- New teachers have a strong context to work in urban schools, and experi- plication would not require additional, as they apply what they are learning ence life-in-schools, on a daily basis. major modifications. In addition, to about the culture and history of the Three sources of information formal- the data regularly collected, 23 of the children in their classrooms with what ized the CBM of teacher preparation. preservice teachers who participated they are learning about how to teach. First, we engaged with community in the CBM were engaged in three fo- The CBM includes three aspects of PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 83 PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 84 ACTIVITY WHO WHEN AND WHAT First class of the semester. Conducted by a university community Preservice teachers learn to map partner expert; preservice teachers, their own assets and think about Community Asset Mapping university faculty and staff hidden community assets. Second week of the semester, before work begins in the school. Tour led by city alderman-historic Preservice teachers identify expert of the area; preservice community assets and reflect on Bus Tour of the Community teachers, university faculty and staff what they learned about the participating community. Early in the semester, either Poverty simulation facilitators; before work begins in the schools preservice teachers, university staff, or in the first half of semester. Poverty Simulation school personnel (invited) (Half Day) Conducted by community mental Early in the semester, either health practitioner, preservice before work begins in the schools Workshop on community teachers, university staff, school or in the first half of semester. violence and families personnel (invited) (Half Day) Development of community- based, semester-long University faculty introduce at project; includes planning University faculty introduce concepts first class meeting, support and implementing of project work and help identify student planning at all class curriculum and assessing for community assets, preservice meetings prior to reporting to the learning. teachers school Development of a Preservice teachers plan a community-based field trip University faculty support, preservice community field trip as a to connect to the semester- teachers plan and implement culminating experience to the long project project. Preservice teachers document children’s learning through the project with photos, work samples, narrative displays of Documentation of children’s work and activities. Partners are learning, highlighting Preservice teachers, university faculty invited to tour the school to see community assets. and staff, school personnel, family the work of the children. and parents Table 1. CBM Activities cus groups. These teachers had com- Bus Tour Preservice teachers (26) commented pleted their internship and/or student they found one of the most benefi- Using an anonymous, electronic teaching during the 2007-2008 year. cial things about the tour was learn- survey, preservice teachers rated their The feedback was becoming consistent ing about the communities where the overall experience on the bus tour in and student reflections indicated that children lived (Koerner & Abdul-Taw- helping them learn about the commu- the model was working (Kent & Simp- wab, 2006; Ladson-Billings, 2006). nities surrounding the school. There son, 2009). The collection of data fol- A few teachers did not find the were 19 teachers on the fall 2007 trip lowed the schedule outlined in Table 2. tour beneficial. One commented, “… and 20 on the spring 2008 trip. All Four survey instruments from my dad is a city cop and he can tell the students on the spring trip (20) 2007-2008, from the bus tour, pov- you all the negative things that hap- and 90% of the teachers on the fall trip erty simulation, internship semester pen here. All I heard was positives (17) rated the trip useful or very useful. review, and the overall evaluation of today. We should hear both.” Others Most of the feedback was narrative and the program, asked preservice teach- reflected on other aspects of the day, preservice teachers commented the ers to provide both scaled and narra- “...it drove home the point that [City] most useful thing about the tour was tive data on how or if they valued the is VERY segregated. I guess I always getting to see a part of the city where experience, what they learned, and knew it, but the tour really showed me.” they never go and learning positive how they anticipated using the expe- things about the urban setting rather rience when they became a teacher. than just the stories of crime and vio- Poverty Simulation lence presented on the evening news. The poverty simulation feedback PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 85 Data/Format Who Completed Who Collected/Why When Collected Introduction Survey- Instructor-collected, What want to learn, placed in folder, where they had other Students in CBM-name reviewed to field experiences, goals. required individualize semester Day 1 Students in CBM- Survey Monkey-emailed After bus tour Bus Tour Survey anonymous to each student (not all respond) Poverty Simulation Students in CBM- Survey Monkey- After poverty simulation Survey anonymous emailed to each student (not all respond) Instructor-reviewed to make sure students are Mid-term Feedback Students in CBM-name meeting goals, set Mid-semester during Survey required additional goals weekly seminar Professional Development Activity Students in CBM- Feedback anonymous PD Provider Following PD Instructor-students Students in CBM-name brainstorm what Final Semester Review optional learned and experienced Last day of class Instructor, documentation of work Teacher Work Sample Students in CBM completed End of semester Overall Program Students in CBM- Survey Monkey-emailed End of semester Evaluation anonymous to each student (not all respond) Table 2. Schedule of Data Collection Due to space restrictions, these instruments are not included here. Contact the author for information. was also collected by an anonymous, that told us what the preservice teachers ers wrote narratives about what they electronic survey and included sev- learned as a result of their experiences learned, Janice wrote, “…children are eral rating charts to determine how in the school and what they hoped to beautiful, children want to learn, enjoy much the simulation helped the teach- do when they became teachers (Glazer each other.” Several of the preservice ers develop a better understanding of & Hannafin, 2006). It also provided an teachers wrote, “… plan, plan, plan…,” families living in poverty. On a scale opportunity for preservice teachers to both when asked what they learned and of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, identify transformational moments of what they would do as teachers. Finally, most answers were either an 8 or 9. their own thinking during the experi- Sarah wrote, “one thing I will not do is Narrative feedback included com- ence. Data analysis tallied each time taking away my children’s recess time…” ments on how preservice teachers be- a preservice teacher mentioned one of Others wrote narratives about came more aware of the struggles of the items. In fall and spring semesters, their transformational moments, Ja- families living in poverty to comments most preservice teachers indicated they son wrote, “when we went on a field that they had been poor and did not learned about classroom management trip and the children were recalling think the simulation taught them any- and teacher behaviors, such as, plan- things about trees I had taught them in thing new. One comment, “this was ning, organizing, flexibility, and using class…” Brenda wrote, “learning their helpful…I worry people will walk away the “teacher voice.” Preservice teach- names. (I know that may seem so sim- and go on with their lives…not taking ers consistently mentioned learning ple but the interaction gets better when much with them,” was reflective about about curriculum development, lesson you call the student by name).” Jackie the value of professional development. planning, and unit planning (Edwards and Diane, partners wrote, “when my Another comment, “...I thought I had & Kuhlman, 2007). In spring, pre- students really got into learning about financial worries, but now I know it service teachers commented that they the habitats, even when I wasn’t there,” could be much worse…at least I have learned a lot about instructional strat- and, “when we did assessments…the some options,” indicated participants egies, including hands-on activities, students really excelled…I wasn’t sure were personalizing the experience projects, and learning centers. In the they were learning anything.” One and empathizing with families living spring semester, they noted how much student, Christian, noted his transfor- in poverty (Ladson-Billings, 2006). they valued the time with the children. mational moment was, “When I found Several mentioned teaching and con- out through a lesson that a student Semester Review necting with the children as impor- did not have a light in his bedroom.” tant during their day in the school. The semester review results, shown A few of the preservice teach- below in Table 3, generated information PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 86 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Response (n=9) (n-18) Brainstorm a list of things you learned; What was the most important thing you did during your day; What you will do as a teacher : Classroom Management (transitions, routines) 9 28 Differentiate Instruction 3 3 Use of Technology (SmartBoard 5 1 Instructional Strategies (Hands-on activities, Projects, learning centers) 4 14 Teacher Behaviors (Planning, Flexibility, Organization, Voice) 9 18 Value of Peer Relationships 2 5 Implement Curriculum (Unit & Lesson Planning, field trip) 6 17 Understand the learner’s background 1 2 Assess Learning 0 5 Actually taught children 0 14 Listened and interacted with children 3 2 Self-Confidence 1 2 Make sure children learn something everyday 1 0 Describe one transformational moment that impacted you: Discussing children’s background and home-life 4 2 Poor teaching by the cooperating teacher, learn what not to do. 1 1 When realized the children were learning from lessons. 2 7 Positive meeting with parents/family. 0 1 Personally connecting with children. 0 1 Issues at the school (behavior of children) 0 4 No answer 2 2 Table 3. First Semester Review by Preservice Teachers (Interns Only) Rate the following components as they developed your Some- Not Waste Did not understanding of diverse cultures and communities Very what Very of Parti- surrounding the school where you worked. (n=20) Helpful Helpful Helpful Time cipate Asset Mapping 10 5 4 0 0 Bus Tour 13 2 1 0 4 Poverty Simulation 10 4 3 0 2 Teacher Work Sample: Contextual Factors 14 6 0 0 0 Something Beautiful Project 10 7 1 0 2 Professional Development: Post Traumatic Stress in Children in Urban Areas 5 3 0 0 11 Symposium on Urban Education 9 3 0 0 8 Selecting Multicultural Children’s Literature 10 2 0 0 8 Table 4. Overall Program Evaluation Diverse Cultures and Communities By Preservice Teachers (Both Interns and Student Teachers) Overall Program Evaluation field experiences (Adams, et al., 2005; evaluation where preservice teachers Gomez, 1996; Lenski, et al., 2005; Ko- rated individual activities and require- In the spring semester of 2008, we erner & Abdul-Tawwab, 2006). Data ments of CBM as how helpful they were wanted to ask the current preservice in Table 4 notes that 20 (out of 32) in learning to teach. There are no activ- teachers in the CBM, both in the in- of the teachers responded and rated ities identified as a waste of time. The ternship semester (n=18) and student the components of the CBM as help- most helpful activities were working teaching semester (n=14), to evaluate ful, with more than 75% of responses with a cooperative teacher (n=19) and the overall program, specifically rating falling from very helpful to somewhat preparing a classroom management the components of the model as how helpful. Teachers who participated in plan (n=18). The Design for Instruction helpful each was in developing their the activities saw each one as useful. (Unit Plan), Assessment Analysis, and understanding of diverse and com- Table 5 reports the overall program Planning a Field Trip each had 16 pre- munities where they completed their PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 87 Some- Not Waste Did not Rate each of the following as it helped you learn to Very what Very of Parti- teach: (n=20) Helpful Helpful Helpful Time cipate Teacher Work Sample: Plan for Assessment 15 5 0 0 0 Classroom Management Plan 18 2 0 0 0 Design for Instruction (Unit Plan) 16 4 0 0 0 Instructional Decision Making 15 2 3 0 0 Assessment Analysis 16 2 2 0 0 Family Involvement Plan 15 5 0 0 0 Planning a Field Trip 16 1 1 0 2 Developing a Text-set to Support the Curriculum 10 2 1 0 7 Working with a Partner 13 5 2 0 0 Working with a Cooperating Teacher 19 1 0 0 0 Working with a Cohort of Students in One School 15 2 1 0 2 Table 5. Overall Program Evaluation Becoming a Teacher (Both Interns and Student Teachers) service teachers identify them as very student teaching in a different setting. helpful in preparing to be a teacher. …It was really surprising to me. I Focus Groups The overall program evaluation did not know what to expect. I am Three focus groups were held in asked students to rate how prepared really glad I had this experience. May with 23 preservice teachers who they were, at the time of the survey, to I learned so much. If I went with just completed their internship (12) or accomplish typical classroom activi- a different group [sic location] it their student teaching (11). Preservice ties and requirements. Table 6 indi- would not have been the same. My teachers were asked to comment on the cates that only a few students were still friend in the [sic] district didn’t do experiences they had in the CBM and struggling with the common duties and anything like I did. I was really whether or not the prepared them to responsibilities of a classroom teacher. part of the school. …. (Janine). teach in an urban school (Glazer & Han- The things teachers were most confi- nafin, 2006). Four emerging themes dent in accomplishing included teach- Another theme was identifying the from the comments of the preservice ing science (13) (the subject of the com- pros and cons of the CBM model. Al- teachers included, all of the teachers re- munity project), pacing curriculum (11), though all of the preservice teachers ported that the CBM was valuable and and accessing community resources identified the things that were impor- they believed they would not have had (11). Preservice teachers felt the most tant to them personally, they thought the same experience learning to teach unsure of preparing children for the the pros included having the opportu- if they had selected an internship and state mandated standardized test (4). nity to teach each week, preparing cur- Prepared, I don’t but still Still think I Very need Strug- can do At this time, rate how prepared are you to accomplish: Prepared experience gling this Manage classroom behavior 7 10 3 0 Plan curriculum 10 8 2 0 Assess learning 10 8 2 0 Differentiate instruction 7 11 2 0 Teach reading and writing 9 10 1 0 Teach math 9 10 1 0 Teach science 13 5 2 0 Teach social studies 10 7 2 1 Pace curriculum to meet school goals 11 7 1 1 Prepare children to be successful on the state test 4 11 4 1 Engage children in projects 13 5 1 0 Access school resources 8 10 2 0 Access community resources 11 5 4 0 Work successfully with families 8 11 1 0 Table 6. Overall Program Evaluation Prepared to Teach (Both Interns and Student Teachers) PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 88 riculum, and learning about classroom tion in the CBM relies on a foundation preservice teachers, we were able to management. The only consistent neg- of knowledge about the community of secure strong university-school part- ative aspect was the amount of work the the children. It uses a variety of expe- nerships where our research was wel- internship required. They all said they riences to provide preservice teachers come, provided professional develop- were grateful for the experience and the with the skills, knowledge, and experi- ment for the teachers, and were often work paid off but they mentioned that ences to become highly qualified urban invited to participate in many other it was a harder internship than the ex- teachers. Data collected throughout school-family events. This opportu- periences of other preservice teachers. the development of the model provided nity carried over to our classes beyond …I would never have learned about us with information on how to improve the internship and student teaching. classroom management if I had not the model each semester. By academic Finally, as reported in the surveys been required to teach the students year 2007-2008, the model was com- collected after each activity of the each week in internship. I was part plete with minor revisions. The data CBM, preservice teachers responded of the group that ran the science collected that year provided us with in- that completing activities that spe- lab. We had 16 children, 4 times formation about the value of the model cifically gave them experiences in the a day, every Tuesday. You really in preparing teachers to work in urban community, working directly with chil- figured out what would work and schools. The group of students partici- dren, families, and classroom teach- what wouldn’t work. Consisten- pating in the data collection that year ers, and collaborating with univer- cy, that is what worked… (Jason). was small; however, the data was a true sity faculty, helped them find value in evaluation of all pieces of the model. the surrounding community and be Finally, the focus group identi- The bus tour of the community sur- able to consider the whole child when fied the access to materials through rounding the school sets the historic thinking about teaching (Koerner & the grant funds and the on-site sup- and geographic context of the commu- Abdul-Tawwab, 2006). Experiences port of the university faculty re- nity for the preservice teachers. The in the CBM helped them dismantle as- ally helped them feel success learn- poverty simulation provided teachers sumptions about poverty and the com- ing to teach in the urban school. with a perspective of families living in munity where the children lived. The …..my instructor was always there poverty (Ladson-Billings, 2006). The activities helped them develop con- to help. Sometimes we didn’t semester-long curriculum project de- fidence as teachers in urban schools. know what to do but she always veloped and implemented by the pre- had suggestions that worked. I service teachers connected what the don’t know what I would have children were learning with what they Susan Catapano, Ed.D., is an Asso- done if she hadn’t been there. It saw in their community. Through ciate Professor in Educational Leader- made all the difference…(Candace). situational learning, preservice teach- ship at the Watson School of Education ers develop their skills in integrating at the University of North Carolina- CONCLUSION curriculum, meeting curriculum stan- Wilmington. Her research is in the dards, and making curriculum connec- area of teacher preparation for urban As of 2008, over 200 preservice tions with children’s lives by applying schools. Her publications include teachers have participated in the CBM what they learned in their teacher edu- “Learning to teach in urban settings: of teacher preparation. Approximately cation program with what they learned Preservice teachers apply advocacy 25% of the teachers accepted positions from the experience of teaching. Most strategies” in Mentoring and Tutoring in the urban district where they com- importantly, preservice teachers men- and “The university’s role in teacher pleted their internship and student tioned learning about classroom man- preparation” in Teaching Education. teaching. Declining enrollment in the agement through this model, one of district as of 2008 sent another 25% the things new teachers struggle with Sarah Huisman, Ph.D., is an Assis- into charter schools and the “urban- regardless of their teaching placement. tant Professor in Early Childhood Edu- ring” districts that were just outside All along the way, preservice teachers cation at Fontbonne University. Her the inner city. Each year, we continued reflected about what they were learn- research focuses on multicultural edu- to work with our former students who ing and experiencing under the guid- cation and teacher mentoring. Other became the new teachers in the part- ance of university faculty who accom- publications include “Are we there yet? nership schools. They anecdotally re- panied them to the school each day. Perspectives from partners in a commu- port they feel comfortable in the school As the university faculty, we found nity of practice” in Learning Communi- and community because of the CBM the work in the urban schools ener- ties: International Journal of Learning and yearlong experience of the teacher gized our own practice. This model in Social Contexts and “A Search for preparation program. New teachers provided an opportunity to learn about Cooperative Learning Groups in Ur- also reported that they better under- the community surrounding the school ban Classrooms” in the book New Re- stand the students and have a stron- and how important it is to weave that search on Early Childhood Education. ger foundation to build upon when knowledge and understanding into designing curriculum and lessons. the teacher preparation program. As The final year of teacher prepara- a result of the on-site work with the PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN EDUCATION SUMMER 2010 | PAGE 89 REFERENCES Adams, A., Bondy, E., & Kuhel, K. (Spring 2005). Preservice teacher learning in an unfamiliar setting. Teacher Education Quarterly, 32(2), 41-62. Alkins, K., Banks-Santilli, L., Elliott, P., Guttenberg, N., & Kamii, M. (2006). Project Quest: A journey of discovery with beginning teacher in urban schools. Equity & Excellence in Education, 39(1), 65-80. Andrews, D. J. C. 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