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Preview ERIC EJ890518: Teaching Problem-Solving Skills to Adults

PARA Dau of it Rtcoion alone OCT, Nar Spt HH TEACHING PROBLEM SOLVINGSKILLS TOADULIS JimJonwiak Abstract Cotlepe acters have dane am excellent joo aver the Yeas teaching tecnica ene, bus they may nat ave dou as ood job of leaching Meir ud starts tobe good prablem- Solvets. Nine epreseiatves rani the wehnic Faust nd cadena weee ier: iewed in tis uly lor theirexpert opine sons ou the snbjectof teaching peasy silvia abu sollege students, Part Lo the study defines proem-solvingsand cexplainctheimponance of teaching ic Parc sumutrizes some selected problent solving medbods om the aval itealure ‘naaistfor co understas what each kas totic. Parc Ul afters ‘Recmumendatias far teaching penblem-salving ssn voc ‘unnaLschaical asses are colleye level Introduction Netmany years agu, college teachers planned and detivered thelr ‘ueviculna wilh lle regard for Une needs of the coempunios al wold ‘be ining ity of teirgraluates, Tol, however, adennisuniors md Faulty emaentoges and univers arcinsylvedin mguhrdissions ‘with employers rons business and inchs about how best io odueate an rain students forthe ler werkplace. Asa result hae ctserusstany. educator fia themselwwseontinpursly upaating and sevasiag their counes pohmical content ty mes thecver-sharing need of the employers, clfectvalyaddessing manny oftheinsdequezivs that employensliaveosersedia the past, While etnical skills nay ng: sve formetly, che lack casrah of amasase wilh employers nove as they Ie OMAK ie wate oot at Bose Sate University. Kt Douro Se ect cof soft skllaars nt inetcasing concern indey. Softskils elude tase kil yond technical Uainins. thal hehan enploseecomiibute to ‘company ata overall higher level than another employee sitheuies- lant hiceven syperoey echnical sills, Those wf sills incled, bat ae no Timit wine ability te workin teams, tocommanieatetisten sffectively t-negotiac to pay attention detail. apply principles of ‘ralsvarship, and ws lve prsbler. This study examvimesin detl the Fst fhe. the aily fo solve pmbletas, Accordiug to inervicwox comments provldedin tis siudy, pred lem solvingisa sillttataniplovers and supervisors vac ghia thele emplosees. AMlemnplayersinter viewed fo this study slur tbal a¢ resulleTchamges inthe work plc, they look ervikenee oF problem solving skis in prospective employees. inte past, font line workers petfommeurepeltiee, mundane sks unl something, such asa machine foilure, vont wrong ‘The workers then reportedthe problem to came ‘er ou (usuely Her superviaorr engineering personel) and hs ‘sited, nenpeaductively, until soureone else wasabletosolve the problora fn teway's workforce, however, Hont-lite workers aneex exter salve many ofthe preshlens they encacite. This is 4 nore efficiencand productive. Cccssionally, more complox pralems occur. rotlems that: heyema he vapabiligy of he Fro:-ine worker C0 esol tauhose instances. the Woukers are asked Winvolse ether indisiduals whe may havea none intimate knowledge of theopcration ‘Unvin.nataly, the ali to solve problenasctisctivelyisanclunive kil hats ws usually eunphsizadin onege ccation a. largely bocassitis angler fie reach than bow smarty" artec nical hil, The asin [or this ure explores ina later section ofthis paper. tis compli- ceateadhy the fact hat here aca myried of publi problensclving ‘eta, and Title ugréernent exists armongedcators bout how _publeen solving sills ean besthe rah “The Following stad was ndentaker ip eplate che subject of teaching adult tobe effective prohlem-slversin fhe workplace. The goal ve study Were [Mtodleternine the importance of wsacking this still problem-solving method, and 3yun cougilasome ofthe hes! practices coreview unl sumeize sozac of the avaible literature » Yad 72.1 Song 2004 for ncsporsting problcm soline wstmedion ito college cusietunt ‘with te exception ofthe literature pomion. che2oFaenation in his study ‘was obtained by conducting penamal interviews wilh selecielepmoser- {atives Gora high-tech canpnios url fom tochmacal colleges. Fic st of These panelists ialudod a the aud of this paper Panes forls study wore solosted based on dei interest in the lei, us well as theft Tapssledye arlenperience with ring cd meaning technical profession, as, Part |_What is Problem Salsing? Problem solving isan ai tal many es engage mips limes each day. Some examples, even ander increasing camplesity indulathe allesing What fa sear nday? ‘Whicbroute to take to work? Libs» gel amachine waakingagain? Hw to marke! «product? Hoe olmprove personal relationships? How toxcverse global warning! Some problems can le silved quickly 0 ‘Very simply. aproblensinvaiven a satin ‘sbere theres glesirete Find, ar know, the unkmpsns. Filing te ray never be solved. sit one crane unknowns unknirs isthe pres of probler-sving(lonssen, 2000, Probiern-solvingincludessmuny levels of complesty The simplest Form mvs lovking up an xnswerin reference. ly sigh rapre -gormplicates ths Horn of peoblen-splving eommmen an college home: ‘work problems, whore te teacher andlor the:cxtbook have previbusly ‘waked cut similar esamnples. Rarely, bossever, do problems inca ile resent ‘hemelves in sucha well-structured om asahomessork: problem (is tho higher-order forms of pepe solving hare nought byemplayers ‘rus higher-asler problem solvingisam open-endel process. The ‘awa problems tal represented ie We ant in work are ill dtince and ‘unexpected, Often chere are consequences associated sith na suing it MOREA Joana of Ad Edsesien (omher huu.a nw homewcira seine. and iFere ure nlite pestle solorions (Halpern, 196, Smdens wha are ade at solving fower- Dele prem are urcustorned ta Thee hat there situ one right answer toa problem. tis this paradigen that makes highes-ocder problem-solving difficult or seudent. tot wal wand of life and ‘employment unlike the world in te bsck ot a textbook. ther is rarcly neigh answer, Profeswor Amy Mol, wh waches problem sulving as patof an inroluctary enginvcrnysccpre af Boise Sisto Unive ‘fered this veslstc perspective: "Since theteis usualy lime pressure Involved, deal me he imply to ihe “erst bal” spluiom the problem and nave to Tenet ons” (Personal Inteview: Ml, Ams PhDs Iuly 22, 2002), ‘Can Problem-Solving be Taught? Bren wih Tike prewcollege-level unig inpmublemesolving iy som ernplnyexs enter the warkplave uleady passing exceplional echlem-nalving ability. These people may possess aninherent pias ee problem-solving which muy lve heonreintorcedin thcireaior ‘eucannal sxpeticnoos Hosscver the pacts involved sth his study allagrood that smulentscanimpiove tier prooiem solving bilities with the proper dining, With the proper atencion given varied leamung, stylen, appropri Tearing activites can he designed co accomplish (#0 inmporant geal |. Tepans al earners ta nruetured methods af approaching ooblems. 2. Develeyau appreciasion fr why srmenured methods shouldbe when apyrcching problems. tem above is especially crfeal because any cults dq nol see the vali inking sara tra tothe debs] groundwork and analysis, (rata thorn ghopprouch usproblem-solving often ants, ol Ne Spiga ‘Whois Kesponsiblefor Teaching Problem-Solving? Allintriowees inthis study from both higher educadau and industry agreed Dut teaching problem-solving shud he high pris «snd hey share the cespoustbiin fur doing so equally: Mey also agreed that, unl ecent. dus has bare ney 1006% Ais ure, andi isfime for colleges sda more. Scmne wont STH AS 19 SoEgESLI somcnechmical content eal Be sicificod inorder to tors mare on this sei ‘College vocatiqualeshacal teachers shouldbe respansibe for {introducing adult steno basis problem-solving conoepts. key ‘eetiuolagy. and methodalogs. With rsany inethods wo choose from a6 willbeseenin the second sein Us paper, is mot weavoneble expeetllages Ws teach of the methods, norvivcus nn ny one. Tn addition technical courses seould include more open-ended rabies, projects, and other instnactinnal sotvitis that orve stadentsto use problem-solving skils. They nust de Zorce up wih erative waysto sre ind rewued ye prodern ving paces sen ever in the abseres bf determining he Tight ams ‘Mcamvehul, nunstry must assumasthe burden of proving xny ony thatin specific a Us eens. Foc exarnp many eorepaics ‘usca specific problem-solving method. These companies shoul renfare the 4 problem-solving through specific elated through thesee Feedback mnechacisins, sek asthe performance veview. Part 1-8 Selected Review of the ‘A Comparison of Problem-Solving Methods ‘There commudereble sae on prolem-sslving, dating back to the 1940s. White thei sor overlap inthe rurious resourees, each ceted author has at eas one unique vlersent iad unde global picu.re6f problentsalving What ollowsam:exexrpis From wleuted ‘eletemces onthe subject. :y0eped by theotist MPAFA Four ef Ads -dvcwion George Polya Planeer of Problem-Solving Goorge Polya 1985) ie 4 Huuparion enmigtant who is considered oncer the furhers of rede stclured roles ‘hat problem-solving wus something Wael hgh Hs thea ceamsintsal Thur stepe L. Understand the Problem 2, DeviseaPlae 3. Cary Outthe Plan 4. Look Bark Polya waseme ot the finite propos tep- sr approach i problem solving. His method includes careful lilt of he problem before lmpleme.vung soltions and reflection at teend ofthe provess be sate the pr as completely lve ‘Diane Halpern-Critieal ‘Thinking Halpern (1986) dees not lis aspeciTic tape ly-nlep procens Instead, sho offers many ditcremt stotepics for spproaehing problems of various types. Alot her sate ies ane in the framework of tical hinkng; tha snot eing locks nta ory pear eth sal ing carelul nti rey tao much em what hus wkd he past. She desoribes three stages in prnblem-solving¢ i.e. incuhadon, insight, and persutencs) AdvanrtFge-Prablem-Salving and Decision Making for Carpo- rations Audvanidge (Alan, 1995) 5 aciroultant-delivered poate alesigredto guid corporate employecs inrsugh siruchured processes problem-solving and docision-meking,lffames he povblr-solving yrvcess asa “sumucuwed use analysis” under the promise thal every protlern has asause. Once de cause of the problem isidentfie, the soluion isnot Far behind, While this. tao. may seeminuitive, tlec- 4 WoLARNG? Spring 200: ‘Gvely gues empay ees Ucough thee yreacese tha hey riya have aulenptel formerly. The estonia cf AceoniFiage's truce ‘ae alysis summit folls | taurine he problem vali tis well understood and can be cxplicty stated 2, Pextontnan inventory of dw available Guts 3. Edeaity thediterences bueen re ubxervedarad ciapralive fats 4. Tdentify amy revont changes that aveanggerail ine problem 5. Gencrie a eto likely canses 6. Navtow te is of ikely eases tuoue esting Steve Tam Prublem-Solving tu Meet Organizations Goals Ibis wraduare hens, Loomis (1998) atempls to show how taining nprablem-inising ean bs ne mens oealive, Hemel fordoing thisis ro useateanewetk fr peoblem-sotving thatrarces the camplovee ‘oummersiininlepth ibe finerpains of she! niskesarher preani- zation unique. Hasing cocomplished cis heemployze sbeter ‘equipped uscletver es al il bel The enganialion to impeoee An ‘isoantext, the question x" Why are we not rareting our pou?" His qioblcea solving paxcssincldes etollowing fivesteps: 1. Clarify Orgenizatonal Expectations 2. dentfy Acoomplishincars Nooessury to Moet Organizational Objectives 3, Analy:Causeso Accomplidiment ups lem Implernent Enter sentons 5, Revie John Hayes-Ihe Psychology of Probl Solving Hiayes (1981) explores the different waysin wich hunan beiags apprvich probler solving and eis ths to knowentrareewirks abe Surin) He presenissix aspects of problem-solving: representa tion, invention, scare forthe slut, decison -taling. memory. ant MPAA Jona of Sea Ect. knssslege. Dasbonk, Ye Compo Preble Sobver. ts highly theoretical. hut islacs provide some pevblens-solving foals, inlining this version of stepwise problem-solving mehod! 1. Finding me Problem, 2 Representing he Picken A. Planing se Solution 4. Carrying Quine Phin 3. Evaluating th Seluion 6. Consolidaing Gains ‘The ksrotap repmesents Hayes” unique aiition othe other problean solving methods, nis sep, he iucludes an additional pos.-pwoblem rwllecton hel assess the whol problem-sciving esp allows for adjustecats Fused cm any key lerming ‘Stephen Andrinle-Problem-Solving as a Very Complex Pt Andriote (1931 peseatsa uniqney stracauted problem-solving races thal i difersay Fama any discussed us Fa Wincludos he filling Sve ste 1. Assesamentof Tools 2, Periormunceof Organizationa! Tisky 3. Teoblem Categorization 4. Solum Documentation 5. Veeme ‘The last step is Autrioke’s unique allition tothe suhjec. Once docu ngted the problet-soiner stil hasta defend his or her work in vatied envicoomients where mbltiped series unsile etrves ay beat work” (Andhinle, 1983 p53), Ararfole's mas! impewtan! conlebution lsthe subject isthe yitel dea hs proses cm ie frst Tex steps sted shvve. Thislevel af Uxrouglaessin problem solving wencemsury le the rnost complex strains el. 29. ing 2004 “Maridell Fryar und David Thomas-Problem-Solving for the ‘Common Person Feyavond Tieemas (1979 have vitten show mama forjust out sayene touse,ILs-n0L long. aad iris erittenaneasy to read Tunyonige Theonveyna generic approacs tp sulviny the many type problems that ies deliver, They etTerthisstep-hy-styp metal 1, Detincand Limite Problem 2. Amulyre hep snl guther da, 3, Esablishcitesia for poesinie soltions A Suagental possible solutions 5. Select the best pasiblesatation 6, Plsnforimplementing the sono This approach brezks cul the wslution generation ino three separate seps— 34.and—offecing more euidance tothis part of the process Arthur Whimbey aul Jack Loe Prublem-Selver exdl_Whal Maka Gi ‘Whimbey smd Lochhead (1980) de not pive usa step-by step ‘approach to peobloie-sobving Instead, they explore the psychology cl problem-solving, They ry ansiver be question. “Why ure ne people beter at problein solvigg ui others?” They Tit five charuster- Isties of successful poblea-solse Penitivedinale Concern Far Aecuraey Trashing the Probleen Tato Pans Avoiding Gessing L.. wien troubleshooting opment, ‘uessing often leads toe replacennontof maltiple componcars in hopes Finding the broken one, Meanwhile sevetal peecdy goad components resent ou for ree, aLecmierable expense) 4. Activenestin Prohlem- Siig 2 SOLE Jena of ab Election John Aevold-Disciplined Problem-Solving for Businesses Arnolds (1992) approse is unique and different thor any de scribed shove. He delivensa three-step approach ia solving very omnplex prohlems in u husness environ, He thon wees many real life aneodoteso state how each sep can be wied eilectively, The Uiree steps: 1 Root Cause Aealysis 2. Option Asay 5. Risk Anuysis Part -Ieaching Problew-Solving Skills ‘The merrihers it fhe punelin this study possessed! varying degrees ofexpotience in reaching puiblentsolving skill, Mostsuggented a tvo- ralLupprouch whea teseSzrg penbleny-selving. First adule sda must be imrodused thences, methods and evmioolugy al suctared, probleprsghirg. Thisean be asoerapishod in ataditisaa leone oer. Any ofthe published mntlwals care ever Feundaion, hal itis iempertve tharstadonts cali that hey age not bound tsi only ‘one mediod, Diffewnceypesol prublerscal for differen typeset approaches. Itis notavecssary, and often not possible a create ASW ‘soursc(@g. Problevn Solving I] alehaugh cme aduestors have ‘shasen ta dow. The thew oF problem-solving un be pesented ina sletively saart amounr of time, anit cam be ssilybe incorponsted ina anapymopriat2enistitg couse, ‘Thesecon undby Far miscimpoetant past oF teaching eeablem solving skills i incorporating these of open ended activities inlo as -many'of the existing lasses as possible. [estrustons should previlea shel retiesheron problem salving concepts to stents unmectanely hefire he selected ati. [nde acdvigg students Saul be pressoted swith x problem trot tlieswslmical concepts aus in the class, but ae Problem shold bo in atom unlike what ty have seen previeusty ia Tamework or other examples. The problem should be workable, hu! ‘a ean tod. The proklern should ecru in sueb a mente st equine rhatstdents use 1906, ttoul heing Ld whic tls use 1%

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