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Preview ERIC EJ889226: Evaluation of Stimulus Control over a Communication Response as an Intervention for Stereotypical Responding

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2010, 43, 333–339 NUMBER2 (SUMMER2010) EVALUATION OF STIMULUS CONTROL OVER A COMMUNICATION RESPONSE AS AN INTERVENTION FOR STEREOTYPICAL RESPONDING CYNTHIA M. ANDERSON UNIVERSITYOFOREGON SHANNON S. DOUGHTY WESTVIRGINIAUNIVERSITY ADAM H. DOUGHTY COLLEGEOFCHARLESTON AND DEAN C. WILLIAMS AND KATHRYN J. SAUNDERS UNIVERSITYOFKANSAS Stereotypicalbehaviormaintainedbyautomaticreinforcementoftendoesnotresultinharmbut may be undesirable in some situations. In the current investigation, participants were 2 individualswhoengagedinnonharmfulstereotypicalresponsesshowninananaloguefunctional analysistobe insensitive tosocial contingencies. After bringing theseresponses under stimulus control using differential punishment, both participants learned a mand to terminate punishment for stereotypy. We also assessed whether the mand could be brought under stimuluscontrol. Key words: developmental disabilities, differential reinforcement, function-based interven- tion, punishment,stereotypy, stimuluscontrol _______________________________________________________________________________ Stereotypical behavior consists of repetitive situations (e.g., automatically reinforced self- vocal or motor responses presumed to be injury), other such responses are problematic maintained by automatic or sensory reinforce- only under particular conditions. For example, ment (Athens, Vollmer, Sloman, & Pipkin, stereotypical rocking of a student with intellec- 2008; Bodfish & Lewis, 2002). Although some tualdisabilitiesmightbepermittedin achairin stereotypical responses are harmful in all the back of the classroom but not at his or her desk, where the behavior could be disruptive to learning. In such situations, an intervention Thisresearchpartiallyfulfilledthesecondauthor’sPhD could involve teaching the student when it is requirements and was presented at the 2004 meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis in Boston. Parts of acceptable to emit the stereotypical response thisresearchwerefundedbyNIHGrantHD18955.The (e.g., Doughty, Anderson, Doughty, Williams, thirdauthorwassupportedbyNIHGrantT32HD7525. & Saunders, 2007; Piazza, Hanley, & Fisher, Mike Perone, Kent Parker, and Jennifer Margrett made many contributions to this research, and Laura Cruz, 1996). Colleen Eisenbart, and Brandi Zirk assisted in data Doughty et al. (2007) used differential collection and analysis. Pat White provided editorial punishment to bring nonharmful stereotypical assistance. Address correspondence to Cynthia M. Anderson, behavior under stimulus control in three Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences, persons with intellectual disabilities such that 5261 University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 (e- participants emitted stereotypy almost exclu- mail:[email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2010.43-333 sively in the presence of a discriminative 333 334 CYNTHIA M. ANDERSON et al. Figure1. ForCam,percentageofintervalsofstereotypyisdepictedinthetoppanelandmandsperminuteinthe middle panel. The bottom panel depicts the percentage of session spent in the blue poster board component (the componentcorrelatedwithnopunishment).Thearrowindicatesachangeindurationofaccesstotheno-punishment conditions, following a mand, from 20 s to 1 min. In all panels, responding in the presence of stimuli correlated STIMULUS CONTROL 335 stimulus correlated with the absence of punish- picking up a communication card and handing ment. In the current investigation, we extended it to the experimenter. the results of Doughty et al. to determine Interobserver agreement was assessed across a whether 2 of those participants would emit a minimumof 33%of thesessions ineach phase. mand that produced access to a stimulus Total agreement coefficients for stereotypy for conditionwhereinstereotypywasnotpunished. Cam and Tom, respectively, were 98% (range, We also assessed whether the mand could be 94% to 100%) and 93% (range, 84% to 99%) brought under stimulus control. for discrimination training, 99% (range, 95% to 100%) and 93% (range, 87% to 99%) for mandtraining,and99%(range,98%to100%) METHOD and 98% (range, 97% to 99%) for discrimina- Participants and Setting tion training of mands. Total agreement Cam was a 40-year-old man with limited coefficients for manding for Cam and Tom, communication who had been diagnosed with respectively, were 91% (range, 0% to 100%) profound intellectual disabilities and Down and 100% for mand training and 98% (range, syndrome. Tom was a 45-year-old man who 75%to100%)and97%(range,91%to100%) had been diagnosed with severe intellectual for discrimination training of mands. disabilities and was profoundly deaf and legally blind (although he could see objects at close Procedure range),withnoreceptiveorexpressivelanguage. Prior to beginning the current experiment, Analogue functional analyses suggested that the the stereotypy of both participants was brought stereotypy of both participants was maintained under stimulus control using differential pun- bynonsocialsourcesofreinforcement(Doughty ishment, and those data are published in etal.,2007).Thestudyoccurredinalaboratory Doughty et al. (2007). In that study, different room equipped with stimuli relevant to the antecedent stimuli were correlated with the condition,one-wayobservation,andvideo-and presence (being seated facing a red poster board audio-recording equipment. All sessions lasted on the wall for Cam, no wristband for Tom) or 10 min and occurred several times per week. absence(beingseatedfacingablueposterboard on the wall for Cam, wristband for Tom) of Operational Definitions, Data Collection, and punishment following stereotypy. Punisher Interobserver Agreement delivery was a 1-s hands-down procedure; the Cam’s stereotypy was finger waving, defined experimenter manually guided the participant’s asmovingtwofingersbackandforthrepeatedly hands down to his sides following stereotypy, atorabovewaistlevelwitheyesdirectedtoward preventing further responding at that moment. hisfingers. Tom’sstereotypy washandand arm Prior to beginning mand training, commu- flapping, defined as moving his arms or hands nication training was conducted using most-to- throughtheairrepeatedlyatorabovewaistlevel leastpromptingbeginningwithhand-over-hand by bending at the wrist or elbow. All stereo- physical guidance and fading prompts to teach typical responses were coded using partial- the participants to emit the mand independent- interval recording across consecutive 5-s inter- ly. The punishment contingency and the vals. For both participants, the mand was stimuli associated with punishment were in r historically with delivery of punishment (red poster board), no punishment (blue poster board), and communication extinction (X over the communicationcard) are depictedbyopen circles,filled circles,andasterisks, respectively. 336 CYNTHIA M. ANDERSON et al. Figure2. ForTom,percentageofintervalswithstereotypyisdepictedinthetoppanelandmandsperminuteinthe middle panel. The bottom panel depicts the percentage of session time spent in the wristband component (the component correlated with no punishment). The arrow indicates when the communication card was moved to a new location. In all panels, responding in the presence of stimuli correlated historically with delivery of punishment (no STIMULUS CONTROL 337 effect until the participant emitted the mand, stimuli previouslypairedwith punishmentwere and manding produced 20 s of the no- present (red poster board for Cam, no wrist- punishment condition (indicated by the blue band for Tom), and manding resulted in poster board for Cam and the wristband for presentation of the stimulus correlated with Tom). In both conditions, the manding card no punishment (blue poster board for Cam, was readily accessible. Independent manding wristband for Tom). During the second occurred after six sessions with Cam and two component, mand extinction, the red poster with Tom. Following 15 sessions of indepen- board (Cam) and no wristband (Tom) were dent manding, the mand training phase began; present, and an X was placed over (but not prompting never occurred in this or subsequent covering)thecommunicationcard.Tofacilitate phases. After the third session of mand training discrimination for Tom, his communication for Cam (arrow in Figure 1), the duration of card with the X was moved to a different the no-punishment condition was increased to location after the second session. In this 1minbecauseCamoftendidnotbegintoemit component, use of the communication card stereotypy until after about 40 s. Thus, he was had no programmed consequences; the thera- not functionally exposed to the no-punishment pistdidnotpresentthestimuluscorrelatedwith contingency. no punishment. In the no-punishment phase, To determine whether continued delivery of there were no programmed consequences (the the hands-down procedure was necessary to handsdownwasnotused)forstereotypyin any maintain response suppression in the punish- component. Because stereotypy increased for ment condition, the punishment contingency both participants, the therapist reinstated pun- was eliminated. All other aspects of the ishment following stereotypy during the pun- procedure remained the same: The stimulus ishment phase in both components. If the previously correlated with punishment was in participant manded during the component place (red poster board for Cam, no wristband when the X was not present over the commu- for Tom), the communication card was avail- nicationcard,thetherapistprovidedthestimuli able, and manding produced the stimulus correlated with no punishment (wristband for correlated with the no-punishment component Tom and blue poster board for Cam), and the (blue poster board for Cam, wristband for therapist did not implement the hands-down Tom), but there was no change in the procedure.Mandingduringthecommunication contingencies because the therapist never im- extinction component of the punishment phase plemented the punishment procedure when the produced no stimulus change (i.e., Tom participants engaged in stereotypy during this continuednottowearthewristbandandCam’s phase. poster board remained red), and the therapist Discrimination training of mands occurred implemented the hands-down procedure fol- next. In each session, a two-component multi- lowing stereotypy. pleschedulewasineffect,witheachoftwo2.5- min components presented twice. The compo- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION nents alternated, and the component that was presented first was determined randomly. One Results for Cam and Tom are shown in component was the condition in which the Figures 1 and 2, respectively. From top to r wristband),nopunishment(wristband),andcommunicationextinction(Xoverthecommunicationcard)aredepicted byopen circles, filledcircles, andasterisks,respectively. 338 CYNTHIA M. ANDERSON et al. bottom,thethreepanelsshowthepercentageof lowed by access to the stimuli correlated with intervals with stereotypy, the rate of manding, no punishment. Cam’s manding rate was more and the percentage of session time spent in the variable across sessions than was Tom’s, with no-punishment condition following reinforce- no manding observed in many sessions. When ment of manding. The last six sessions from discrimination training of mands was intro- discrimination training (reported in full in duced, Cam ceased to spend the majority of Doughty et al., 2007) are shown in the first session time in the blue poster board condi- vertical panels. Stereotypy (top) almost never tion. During some sessions, Cam spent the occurred in the punishment component. entire time in the presence of the red poster In the mand training phases, stereotypy board (the stimulus correlated with punish- occurred almost exclusively in the presence of ment for stereotypy). By contrast, Tom spent stimuli correlated with the absence of punish- approximately 80% of session time in the ment (blue poster for Cam, wristband for presence of the wristband (the stimulus Tom). Manding occurred only in the presence correlated with no punishment). During dis- of stimuli correlated with punishment for crimination training of mands, a proportion of stereotypy. Cam and Tom spent approximately each session could not be spent in no 64% and 70%, respectively, of each session in punishment (mands were on extinction); the the blueposterboard andwristbandconditions time spent in the mand extinction component (i.e.,thestimulusconditionsassociatedwithno was not included in these calculations. punishment). When the punishment contin- The current study extended the results of gency was withdrawn during mand training Doughty et al. (2007) by assessing the utility of (no-punishment phase), Cam showed a transi- combining stimulus control and communica- toryincreaseinstereotypy,butultimately,both tion training. The rationale for this extension participants rarely emitted stereotypy in the was that an intervention that allowed partici- presence of the stimuli previously correlated pantstorequestaccesstostimulusconditionsin with punishment (red poster board for Cam, whichitwasappropriatetoengageinstereotypy no wristband for Tom). For both participants, might be more socially valid than an interven- manding continued to occur only in the red tion in which stereotypy was never allowed. poster board (Cam) and wristband (Tom) Further, there likely would be times in which conditions. Stereotypy increased for both such a request could not be reinforced. Thus, it participants during the discrimination training would be important to bring both stereotypy of mands without punishment phase, and the and the communication response that allowed punishment contingency was reinstated after participants to access stereotypy under stimulus six sessions. Following reinstatement of pun- control. We successfully taught mands rein- ishment for stereotypy, stereotypy occurred forced by access to no punishment for stereo- almost exclusively in the presence of stimuli typy, suggesting that communication training that had been correlated with no punishment mightbeavaluableadditiontostimuluscontrol (red poster board for Cam, no wristband for interventions for stereotypical responding. Both Tom). Note that the missing points in Cam’s participants learned to emit the mand during stereotypy data are from sessions in which he conditions in which manding was reinforced did not mand, and thus no time was spent in but not when manding was on extinction. the no-punishment component. For both Theseresultssuggestthatcommunication-based participants, nearly all mands occurred in the interventions might be successful with individ- red poster board (Cam) and no-wristband ualswhoengageinstereotypythatispermissible (Tom) components, when manding was fol- in some situations. STIMULUS CONTROL 339 REFERENCES Doughty, S. S., Anderson, C. M., Doughty, A. H., Williams, D. C., & Saunders, K. J. (2007). Athens, E. S.,Vollmer, T. R., Sloman, K. N., & Pipkin, Discriminative control of punished stereotypical C. S. (2008). An analysis of vocal stereotypy and behavior in humans. Journal of the Experimental therapist fading. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Analysis ofBehavior,87,325–336. 41, 291–297. Piazza, C. C., Hanley, G. P., & Fisher, W. W. (1996). Bodfish, J. W., & Lewis, M. H. (2002). Self-injury and Functional analysis and treatment of cigarette pica. comorbid behaviors in developmental, neurological, Journal ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 29,437–449. psychiatric,andgeneticdisorders.InS.R.Schroeder, M. L. Oster-Granite, & T. Thompson (Eds.), Self- injurious behavior: Gene-brain-behavior relationships Received April 13,2007 (pp.23–40).Washington,DC:AmericanPsycholog- Final acceptanceFebruary 7,2008 icalAssociation. Associate Editor, KennethSilverman

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