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JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2010, 43, 265–271 NUMBER2 (SUMMER2010) INCREASING RESPONSE DIVERSITY IN CHILDREN WITH AUTISM DEBORAH A. NAPOLITANO, TRISTRAM SMITH, JENNIFER R. ZARCONE, KAREN GOODKIN, AND DAVID B. MCADAM UNIVERSITYOFROCHESTERSCHOOLOFMEDICINE Repetitive and invariant behavior is a diagnostic feature of autism. We implemented a lag reinforcement schedule to increase response diversity for 6 participants with autism aged 6 to 10 years, 4 of whom also received prompting plus additional training. These procedures appearedtoincreasethevarietyofbuilding-blockstructures,demonstratingthatanintervention that includes differential reinforcement can increase response diversity for children with an autismspectrum disorder. Keywords: autism,behavioralvariability,lagreinforcement,stereotypy,responsevariability, stimulusvariability _______________________________________________________________________________ Althoughrestrictiveorrepetitivebehaviorisa may have collateral benefits such as enhancing diagnostic feature of autism and other autism problem solving and creativity (Neuringer, spectrum disorders (ASD), research on inter- 2004). ventions for such behavior has been somewhat In one of the first applied studies of response neglected (Bodfish, 2004; Turner, 1999). diversity, Goetz and Baer (1973) observed that Repetitive behavior or a restricted range of 3 typically developing preschool children had a interests may be a significant impediment to relatively invariant repertoire of block-building improved functioning for persons with autism skills compared to their peers. Differential (Langetal.,2009;Pierce&Courchesne,2001). reinforcement in the form of social praise for To date, most studies have focused on conse- building novel block structures resulted in quence-basedinterventionssuchasreducingthe increased diversity of block-structure construc- repetitive behavior itself or the problem behav- tion for all 3 children. More recently, Cammil- ior occasioned by repetitive behavior (e.g., leri and Hanley (2005) increased the selection Napolitano, Tessing, McAdam, Dunleavy, & of novel classroom activities with 2 typically Cifuni, 2006). A promising alternative, howev- developing children using a lag-differential er, may be to apply findings from the reinforcement schedule. For both participants, experimental analysis of behavior on systemat- differential reinforcement on a Lag 1 schedule ically reinforcing variability in responses. Nu- produced immediate increases in novel activity merous laboratory studies show that reinforce- choices and a subsequent increase in the number of academic activity choices. In a ment reliably increases the diversity of behavior further demonstration of the utility of lag emitted by both nonhumans and humans and schedules of reinforcement for increasing re- We thank the Strong Children’s Research Center for sponse diversity, Lee and Sturmey (2006) funding this research, Troy Zarcone for his helpful evaluated a similar reinforcement schedule for commentsinthedevelopmentofthisstudy,andJonathan Breidbord for his graphics support. We also thank the varied verbal responses to a standard question, GreeceCentralSchoolDistrictandMonroe#1BOCESfor ‘‘What do you like to do?’’ in children with allowing us to conduct the study in their schools and the autism. Appropriate, novel responses that childrenandtheirfamiliesforparticipatinginthestudy. differed from the preceding trial were rein- Address correspondence to Deborah A. Napolitano, Division of Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Pediat- forced, and response variability increased for 2 rics, University of Rochester School of Medicine, 601 ofthe3participantscomparedtoresponsesina ElmwoodAve.,Box671,Rochester,NewYork14642(e- condition during which appropriate but non- mail:[email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2010.43-265 novel responses were reinforced. 265 266 DEBORAH A. NAPOLITANO et al. The current study extends the work of Goetz building responses were possible per session. A and Baer (1973) on increasing the variability in variant form response differed from the prior play of children with ASD. We used procedures form based on placement direction. Ten form described by Goetz and Baer and incorporated variations were possible including a step (block changesbasedonrecentstudiesthathavetargeted placed in the same direction on half of the pegs verbal responses of individuals with ASD. The of the previous block) and a cross (block placed changes included adding tangible reinforcement perpendiculartopreviousblock).Avariantcolor to social praise as a consequence for response response was one that differed from the diversity, incorporating brief sessions of direct previous block (e.g., red on a blue block). An instruction if participants initially failed to invariant color response was scored if the respond to the intervention, and targeting participant repeated a color (e.g., blue, blue) responses that differed from the prior response or color pattern (e.g., red, blue, red, blue), and (i.e., response variability) rather than all novel an invariant form was scored if the form (e.g., responses.Generalizationwasassessedwithanew step, step) or form pattern (e.g., step, cross, task (block building), and maintenance was step, cross) repeated. The number of variant evaluated over a 2-month follow-up period. responsesandthenumberofinvariantresponses were each divided by 23 to calculate the METHOD percentage per category. Although observers scored both form and color for each response, Participants, Settings, and Materials we present information for only the targeted Werecruited1girland5boysfromauniversity dimension. school-based consultation program. Participants We videotaped all sessions for later scoring. metthefollowingcriteria:(a)diagnosisofASDby We collected interobserver agreement data for a developmental pediatrician or psychologist, (b) 44% of the experimental sessions across all 6 chronologicalageof6to10years,and(c)IQ#70 participants (range, 32% to 67%). We defined on a standardized intelligence test or composite an agreement as both observers scoring a standard score # 85 on the Vineland Adaptive response identically on both form and color. Behavior Scale (Sparrow, Cicchetti, & Balla, We calculated percentage agreement for each 2005). Results of the Repetitive Behavior Scale– session by dividing the number of agreements Revised (Bodfish, Symons, Parker, & Lewis, by the number of disagreements plus agree- 2000) completed by the participant’s parent or ments and converting to a percentage. Agree- teacher were available for 5 of 6 participants and mentwas92%acrossallsessions(range,50%to indicated that these 5 participants had at least 100%). Mean agreement was 85% for Ric moderate problems with restricted or sameness (range, 50% to 100%), 99% for Jason (range, behavior.Weconductedallexperimentalsessions 97% to 100%), 83% for Oliver (range, 77% to inaroomwithminimaldistractionsatthechild’s 90%), 96% for Alyssa (range, 87% to 100%), school. Materials included 24 eight-peg plastic buildingblocks(sixblocksoffourprimarycolors) 98%forZach(range,96%to100%),and92% and various reinforcers identified through a for Barry (range, 86% to 100%). We collected paired-stimuluspreferenceassessment(dataavail- procedural fidelity data on the accuracy of ablefromthefirstauthor). implementation of the general procedures (e.g., number and color of blocks provided, session Response Definitions and Interobserver Agreement length) and the intervention procedures (e.g., Observers scored participant responses for reinforcer delivery) for 34% of sessions across form (variant or invariant) and for color all participants. The mean fidelity was 96% (variant or invariant). With 24 blocks, 23 (range, 88% to 100%). RESPONSE DIVERSITY 267 Design and Procedure trials,boththeparticipantandtheexperimenter We used an ABAB withdrawal design to had a set of the blocks. The experimenter gave evaluate the effects of the intervention on the initial instruction ‘‘build something,’’ then response diversity for the dimension with the modeled building something different and leastvariabilityduringbaseline.Theexperiment- verbally prompted the participant to imitate er conducted two to three experimental sessions her model (e.g., ‘‘now you build something weeklyduringconsecutiveweeks(exceptfortwo different’’). All other procedures were identical timeswhenaparticipantwasnotavailabledueto to the Lag 1 reinforcement intervention. the school winter recess). Session duration Generalizationandfollow-up.Woodenblocks varied.Eachsessionbeganwhentheexperiment- of similar size and color to the plastic blocks er provided the student with 24 blocks and wereusedtoassessgeneralizationunderbaseline ended when one of the following criteria were conditions. Follow-up data were collected 2 to 3monthsaftertheendofthefinalintervention, met: (a) 10 min had elapsed, (b) the participant using procedures identical to the Lag 1 used all the blocks, (c) the participant said ‘‘I’m reinforcement condition. done’’ or pushed the blocks away, or (d) the participantdidnotinteractwiththeblocksfor2 consecutive minutes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Baseline. The experimenter gave the partici- Diverse responding increased for all partici- pant the blocks and said, ‘‘build something.’’ pants with intervention. Ric’s diverse respond- The experimenter delivered praise intermittent- ing increased from a mean of 1% of responses ly and at least once in each session for building, duringbaselinetoameanof21%afterteaching regardless of the form or color. Individual sessions(Figure 1,top).Hereplicatedtheeffect baseline data were used to select the dimension inthereversal,withalargerincreaseindiversity (i.e., form or color) with fewer novel responses in the second intervention phase to a mean of to target in intervention. 65%, with poorer performance during follow- Lag1reinforcementschedule.Theexperiment- up. Oliver (middle) displayed some diverse ergave theparticipant theblocksand theinitial responding in baseline (29% of responses) that verbal prompt, ‘‘build something.’’ The exper- increased to a mean of 84% in the first imenterdeliveredtangiblereinforcers (e.g., 30-s intervention phase after a teaching session. He access to a preferred item) or edible reinforcers replicated this effect during reversal and (e.g.,smallbitofpreferredfood)followingeach maintained it at follow-up (M 5 68%). Barry’s color (Jason, Alyssa) or form (Ric, Oliver, data(bottom)revealedverylittlediversityinhis Barry, Zach) response that differed from the block building during both baseline conditions. previous one. Preferred tangible and edible However, his percentage of diverse responses items had been identified in a previous increased to a mean of 73% in the initial preference assessment. Consumption time was intervention condition and 58% in the second excluded from session time, and after consum- intervention condition. At follow-up, his mean ing the reinforcer participants were told, ‘‘build diverse responding decreased from the second differently.’’ intervention, but was maintained at a mean of Teaching trials. The experimenter imple- 25%. mented teaching trials for Ric (seven sessions), At baseline, Alyssa showed a rate of color Oliver (two sessions), Alyssa (five sessions), and variation of only 13%, the minimum possible Barry (four sessions) because the Lag 1 (Figure 2, top). She initially displayed little reinforcement schedule did not result in improvement in the first intervention condi- performance improvements. During teaching tion. After several reinforcer changes, Alyssa’s 268 DEBORAH A. NAPOLITANO et al. Figure 1. The percentage of variant form responses (VR) displayed by Ric, Oliver, and Barry across all experimentalconditions. RESPONSE DIVERSITY 269 Figure 2. The percentage of variant form responses (VR) displayed by Zach (middle) and variant color responses (VR) displayedbyAlyssa (top)andJason (bottom)across allexperimentalconditions. 270 DEBORAH A. NAPOLITANO et al. diverserespondingincreasedtoameanof33%, differently’’intheintervention,whichmayhave 67%inthesecondinterventionphase,and51% increased the likelihood that the participants in follow-up. Both Zach’s and Jason’s perfor- understood the contingencies. Finally, the test mances (middle and bottom panels, respective- of generalization did not include a baseline ly) improved in the first intervention phase comparison prior to the intervention, which relative to their initial baselines (Jason from weakens any conclusions that can be drawn 13% to 100%, Zach from 46% to 78%). from these data. One further consideration is However, they failed to return to baseline rates that increasing response diversity for play in the second baseline condition and main- behavior may have not had any impact on tained a high rate of diverse responses during otherstereotypicorinvariantbehaviorsforthese the remaining phases of the study. Despite the participants. improvements in diverse responding by all Directions for future research include testing participants during intervention and follow- interventions to promote response diversity in up, only Jason displayed a high rate of personswithASDacrossawidevarietyofsocial responding during generalization. skills and behaviors (e.g., play skills, vocal Overall, the results indicated that an inter- responses), combining interventions to increase vention package consisting of differential rein- responsediversitywithinterventionstodecrease forcement on a Lag 1 schedule combined with repetitive or invariant behavior, and evaluating additional teaching for some participants and a long-term global outcomes of such interven- prompt to ‘‘build differently’’ increased diver- tions in larger samples of persons with ASD. sity of block-building responses. This finding replicates and extends previous basic and REFERENCES applied behavior-analytic work and holds Bodfish, J. W. (2004). Treating the core features of promising potential for increasing the prob- autism: Are we there yet? Mental Retardation and lem-solving abilities and creativity of persons Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 10, with ASD (Goetz & Baer, 1973; Lee, McCo- 318–326. Bodfish,J.W.,Symons,F.J.,Parker,D.E.,&Lewis,M. mas, & Jawor, 2002; Lee & Sturmey, 2006; H.(2000).Varietiesofrepetitivebehaviorinautism. Neuringer, 2004). Further demonstrations of Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 30, theeffectivenessofdifferentialreinforcementon 237–243. Cammilleri, A. P.,& Hanley, G.P. (2005). Use of a lag diverserespondinginpersonswithASDusinga differential reinforcement contingency to increase variety of materials (e.g., blocks) and across a varied selection of classroom activities. Journal of varietyoftargetbehaviors(e.g.,vocalresponses) AppliedBehaviorAnalysis,38,111–115. have important implications for the treatment Goetz, E. M., & Baer, D. M. (1973). Social control of form diversity and the emergence of new forms in of the core features of ASD (i.e., restrictive children’s blockbuilding. Journal of Applied Behavior repetitive behavior) and the development of Analysis, 6,209–217. comprehensive treatment programs. Lang, R., O’Reilly, M., Sigafoos, J., Lancioni, G. E., Machalicek,W.,Rispoli,M.,etal.(2009).Enhancing Limitations of the study include a lack of the effectiveness of a play intervention by abolishing reversal for 2 participants (Zach and Jason) and the reinforcing value of stereotypy: A pilot study. only a partial reversal for Ric, which may JournalofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 42,889–894. Lee,R.,McComas,J.J.,&Jawor,J.(2002).Theeffectsof weaken the conclusions. The lack of reversal to differentialandlagreinforcementschedulesonvaried baseline for Zach and Jason, however, may also verbalrespondingbyindividualswithautism.Journal indicate that diverse responses acquired rein- ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 35,391–402. forcingvalue.Additionallimitationsmaybethe Lee,R.,&Sturmey,P.(2006).Theeffectsoflagschedules and preferred materials on variable responding in lackofaprogrammedscheduleforverbalpraise studentswithautism.JournalofAutismandDevelop- and the addition of the prompt to ‘‘build mentalDisorders,36,421–428. RESPONSE DIVERSITY 271 Napolitano, D. A., Tessing, J. L., McAdam, D. B., Sparrow, S. S., Cicchetti, D. V., & Balla, D. A. (2005). Dunleavy, J. J., III, & Cifuni, N. (2006). The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales: Parent/caregiver influence of idiosyncratic antecedent variables on edition.CirclePines,MN:AmericanGuidanceServices. problem behavior. Journal of Developmental and Turner, M. (1999). Repetitive behavior in autism: A Physical Disabilities, 18,295–305. review of thepsychological research.Journalof Child Neuringer, A. (2004). Reinforced variability in animals Psychology and Psychiatry,40,839–849. andpeople.American Psychologist,59,891–906. Pierce, K., & Courchesne, E. (2001). Evidence for a cerebellarroleinreducedexplorationandstereotyped Received July3, 2008 behavior in autism. Biological Psychiatry, 49, Final acceptanceAugust 28,2009 655–664. Action Editor,Linda LeBlanc

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