JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2010, 43, 149–153 NUMBER1 (SPRING2010) THE EFFECTS OF FIXED-TIME ESCAPE ON INAPPROPRIATE AND APPROPRIATE CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR RACHAEL D. WALLER AND THOMAS S. HIGBEE UTAHSTATEUNIVERSITY Few studies have explored the effects of fixed-time (FT) reinforcement on escape-maintained behaviorofstudentsinaclassroomsetting.WemeasuredtheeffectsofanFTscheduleonthe disruptive and appropriate academic behaviors of 2 junior high students in a public school setting. Results demonstrated that FT escape from tasks resulted in a substantial decrease in disruptivebehavior andanincrease intime engagedin tasksfor both participants. Keywords: escape-maintainedbehavior,fixed-timereinforcementschedules,function-based interventions, noncontingent reinforcement _______________________________________________________________________________ Thedeliveryofreinforcementonafixed-time Although the results of these studies are (FT) schedule (sometimes referred to as non- encouraging, additional research is necessary to contingent reinforcement or NCR) has been determine the utility of FT procedures in shown to reduce rates of disruption, aggression, classroom settings. We sought to build on and and self-injury, primarily with individuals with extend this work in several ways. First, we significant cognitive impairments (Carr et al., examined the effectiveness of FT reinforcement 2000). Kodak, Miltenberger, and Romaniuk schedules on disruptive behavior maintained by (2003), for example, compared the effects of an negative reinforcement. Second, we collected FT schedule and differential negative reinforce- data on the appropriate academic behavior of mentofotherbehavior(DNRO)ontheescape- participants to determine whether appropriate maintained behavior and compliance of 2 4- behavior would increase as a result of the FT year-old boys during instructional sessions in a escape intervention. Finally, we evaluated the home setting. They found that an FT schedule practical utility of thin FT procedures in a of escape from tasks that was faded to 2 min classroom setting. decreased disruptive behavior and increased compliance to instructions. Recently, Austin METHOD and Soeda (2008) extended this line of research Participants and Setting by demonstrating the effectiveness of FT Teachers at the school identified 2 students reinforcement in a public school setting. After who displayed highly disruptive behavior and functional assessments identified social atten- referred them for participation in the study. tionasthemaintainingvariableforparticipants’ Brent (13 years old) and David (14 years old) off-task behavior, they delivered FT attention attended the eighth grade in a self-contained ona4-minschedule,whichtheteacherselected. classroom in a public junior high school. Brent The results indicated that the off-task behavior was classified with emotional disturbance. of both participants decreased and remained David was classified with a specific learning low in comparison to baseline. disability. We conducted all sessions of the treatment AddresscorrespondencetoThomasS.Higbee,Depart- evaluation during math class. The classroom mentofSpecialEducationandRehabilitation,UtahState wasstaffedbyonespecialeducationteacherand University, 2865 Old Main Hill, Logan, Utah 84322 (e- a paraprofessional. Brent’s and David’s classes mail:[email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2010.43-149 contained a total of 10 and 12 students, 149 150 RACHAEL D. WALLER and THOMAS S. HIGBEE respectively. An additional special education classroom except for the peer attention condi- paraprofessionalemployedbytheschooldistrict tion, which occurred in the classroom. The conducted all sessions. The first author trained escapeconditionwasassociatedwiththehighest her to conduct the functional analysis and levelsofproblembehaviorforbothparticipants. treatment sessions through modeling, practice, We evaluated the effects of the FT schedule and feedback. on problem and appropriate behavior in the classroom using a reversal design. The regular Response Measurement and classroom management system (i.e., intermit- Interobserver Agreement tent reprimands and reminders to stay on task) We defined disruption as talking out without was in place during all sessions. During permission, inappropriate hand gestures, mak- baseline, the paraprofessional gave the partici- ing noises (i.e., singing, humming, tapping), pant independent math tasks and a verbal playing with or throwing objects, or getting out instruction to begin working. The classroom of the seat without permission. We defined teacher behaved as usual, giving instructions, appropriate academic behavior as writing on the answering students’ questions, and providing worksheet, operating the calculator, and raising intermittent reprimands and reminders to keep the hand and asking questions related to the working.WedeterminedtheinitialFTschedule assignment. We used 10-s partial-interval by measuring the mean latency to the first recording to measure both dependent variables. disruptive behavior during baseline sessions A second observer independently scored (Lalli, Casey, & Kates, 1997). The mean disruptive behavior during 42% and 49% of latency to the first target behavior was 23 s for sessions and appropriate academic behavior Brent and 106 s for David. Initially, breaks during 40% and 49% of sessions for Brent were 1 min in duration and were later faded to and David, respectively. We calculated interob- 30 s. server agreement by dividing the number of At the beginning of each FT escape session, intervals with agreements by the number of the paraprofessional placed two small (5 cm by intervals with agreements plus disagreements 7 cm) sticky notes on the participant’s desk, and converting this ratio to a percentage. Mean which were labeled ‘‘work’’ (yellow note) and agreementforbothparticipantswasabove95%. ‘‘break’’(orangenote).Atthebeginningofeach session, the paraprofessional walked by the Procedure participant’s desk and pointed to the note We conducted a functional analysis accord- labeled‘‘work’’astheprompttobeginworking. ing to procedures described by Iwata, Dorsey, At predetermined FT intervals, the paraprofes- Slifer, Bauman, and Richman (1982/1994) sional walked by the participant’s desk and with two procedural modifications. The para- pointed to the note labeled ‘‘break’’ to cue the professional instructed participants to complete participant to take an in-seat break from mathworksheets atthebeginning of allsessions (except control) because teachers reported that instruction. The paraprofessional used one problem behavior mainly occurred during silent vibrating timer to cue the delivery of independent seatwork time in math class. The escape on the appropriate reinforcement sched- second modification involved the inclusion of a ule and a second silent vibrating timer to peer attention condition in which two peer measure the duration of the breaks. At the end confederatesprovidedsocialinteractionviabrief of the break, the paraprofessional approached verbalstatements(e.g.,‘‘Youneedtogetbackto the participant’s desk and pointed to the note work’’) each time disruption occurred. Sessions labeled ‘‘work’’ as a prompt to return to took place in a common area outside the working on the assigned task. FIXED-TIME ESCAPE 151 Figure 1. The percentage of intervals of disruption and appropriate academic behavior for Brent (top) and David (bottom)during the fixed-time (FT)reinforcement evaluation. After a brief return to baseline, we rein- creased to 30 s when the FT schedule stated conditions identical to those in the reached 240 s for both participants. If first FT phase. We increased the FT schedule disruptive behavior occurred during more than when the rate of disruptive behavior re- 10% of the intervals for three consecutive mained under 10% for three consecutive sessions, we decreased the FT schedule by 30 s sessions. The duration of the break de- until the disruptive behavior remained below 152 RACHAEL D. WALLER and THOMAS S. HIGBEE 10% of the intervals for three consecutive sessions. Third, David’s appropriate behavior sessions. did not decrease when treatment was with- drawn, perhaps because the behavior was controlled by contingencies other than the FT RESULTS AND DISCUSSION reinforcement schedule. Alternatively, the par- Figure 1 shows the effects of FT escape on tial-interval data may not have been sensitive the disruption and appropriate academic be- enough to detect small changes in behavior. havior of both participants. Brent’s disruption Furthermore, we did not collect data on rapidly decreased when treatment was intro- appropriate behavior during Brent’s initial duced, and the mean percentage of appro- baseline, and levels of appropriate behavior priate academic behavior was 67%. This were somewhat similar across the initial FT effect was replicated following the reversal to schedule treatment and the second baseline. As baseline. Disruption occurred during less than such, any conclusions regarding increases in 10% of intervals as the schedule was thinned to appropriate behavior as a result of treatment 300 s. implementation should be interpreted with David’s disruption decreased to low levels, caution. Finally, although the teachers were and appropriate academic behavior increased to asked to select students with high levels of nearly 100% of intervals during treatment. disruptive behavior for participation in the During the reversal to baseline, disruption study, they were not asked to identify an increased and appropriate academic behavior acceptable level of disruption. Thus, the social remained high. In the second FT phase, validity of the outcomes remains in question. disruption decreased and appropriate academic One novel aspect of this study was the visual behavior remained high. cuing system using sticky notes. The notes These findings provide further evidence for served as a visual yet unobtrusive prompt to the effectiveness of relatively thin FT reinforce- take a break or work. Discreet prompting mentschedulesfortreatingproblembehaviorin proceduresarenecessarytominimizedisruption classroom settings using school staff as behav- to ongoing classroom activities and were more ior-change agents (Austin & Soeda, 2008). age appropriate for these 2 participants. In These results also extend those of Kodak et al. addition, discreet prompting procedures, such (2003) by showing that the provision of FT as the notes used in the current study, may reinforcement for escape-maintained behavior minimize negative attention from peers (e.g., can effectively reduce disruption while increas- teasing),whichcanbeimportantwhenworking ing appropriate behavior. One limitation of the with adolescent populations. study was the initial schedule of reinforcement (i.e., 23 s). This schedule may not be practical REFERENCES to implement in a classroom setting without additional staff assistance. Also, due to time Austin, J. L., & Soeda, J. M. (2008). Fixed-time teacher attention to decrease off-task behaviors of typically restrictions, we were not able to thin the FT developing third graders. Journal of Applied Behavior schedule beyond 300 s, which may still be Analysis, 41, 279–283. impractical to implement in classrooms. Sec- Carr, J. E., Coriaty, S., Wilder, D. A., Gaunt, B. T., Dozier,C.L.,Britton,L.N.,etal.(2000).Areview ond, we measured appropriate academic behav- of ‘‘noncontingent’’ reinforcement as treatment for ior using partial-interval recording, which may the aberrant behavior of individuals with develop- have overestimated the level of appropriate mentaldisabilities.ResearchinDevelopmentalDisabil- behavior. Academic behavior may have been ities,21,377–391. Iwata,B.A.,Dorsey,M.F.,Slifer,K.J.,Bauman,K.E., evaluated more accurately by measuring the & Richman, G. S. (1994). Toward a functional quantity of assignments completed during analysis of self-injury. Journal of Applied Behavior FIXED-TIME ESCAPE 153 Analysis, 27, 197–209. (Reprinted from Analysis and Lalli, J. S., Casey, S. D., & Kates, K. (1997). Intervention in Developmental Disabilities, 2, 3–20, Noncontingent reinforcement astreatment forsevere 1982) problem behavior: Some procedural variations. Jour- Kodak,T.,Miltenberger,R.G.,&Romaniuk,C.(2003). nal ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 30,127–137. The effects of differential negative reinforcement of otherbehaviorandnoncontingentescapeoncompli- Received November 24,2008 ance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 36, Final acceptanceJune 1,2009 379–382. Action Editor,Tiffany Kodak(Dorothea Lerman, mentor)