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ERIC EJ875445: You're a What? Solar Photovoltaic Installer PDF

2009·1.2 MB·English
by  ERIC
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Preview ERIC EJ875445: You're a What? Solar Photovoltaic Installer

YYYooouuu’’’rrreee aaa what? SSSSSSoooooollllllaaaaaarrrrrr pppppphhhhhhoooooottttttoooooovvvvvvoooooollllllttttttaaaaaaiiiiiicccccc iiiiiinnnnnnssssssttttttaaaaaalllllllllllleeeeeerrrrrr SSSSoooollllaaaarrrr pppphhhhoooottttoooovvvvoooollllttttaaaaiiiicccc iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllleeeerrrr A s long as there’s sunshine, Rebekah every job keeps it interesting, Rebekah says: Hren expects to have an outlet for her “Installation never goes flawlessly, so there’s work. Rebekah, a solar photovoltaic always something new or different to consider.” (PV) installer, puts solar panels on roofs and in For example, installers might need to reinforce other sunny places to turn the sun’s power into a roof that isn’t strong enough to hold the electricity. She enjoys promoting renewable panels. Or they might alter their design to work energy, in part because it’s an emerging field. around a chimney. “It’s a fun industry to be in right now,” says Before finishing, installers activate the sys- Rebekah. “It’s kind of like the Wild West.” tem, check that it’s working correctly, and help In solar PV systems, solar cells—devices with site cleanup. Lead installers or those who that convert sunlight into electricity—are have an electrician’s license might be respon- joined to create different types of solar sible for arranging work permits and inspec- modules, which are usually further connected. tions, or they may work with utility companies Solar electric systems can be installed on the to connect the system to the main electrical ground, on poles, or on the roofs or sides of grid. Some installers also repair solar electric buildings. systems that are already hooked up. The most common type of solar modules For Rebekah, a typical residential installa- is the 3- by 5-foot flat, framed solar panel that tion takes about 3 days, and she spends half of Elka is mounted on top of a roof. But solar cells are that time placing the modules. Large, commer- also manufactured as flexible panels, roof tiles, cial installations may take several months. As Maria and shingles. Other cells may be integrated a result, work schedules of solar PV installers Torpey with building materials, such as siding or can be similar to those of construction work- windows. ers, with long hours on some days followed by Most of Rebekah’s installations are on the periods of no employment. roofs of houses. Atop a roof, her first order of Also like construction workers, an business is to make sure that there is enough installer’s days often start early to beat the room for the panels and that the roof can hold worst of the heat. And their work depends on the weight of the system. If the roof meets the sun in more ways than one. “If it’s rain- both criteria, Rebekah bolts structural framing, ing, a lot of times I can’t work,” says Rebekah. or racking, to the roof. Next, she attaches the That’s because wet weather can make instal- panels and connects them with wires. lation dangerous. Working up high requires The wires are then brought down to a taking special precautions, such as wearing a basement, garage, or outside box to be hooked harness, but safety equipment is often no match up to an inverter, which turns the direct current for hazardous outdoor conditions. (DC) generated by the solar cells into an alter- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics does nating current (AC) that can be used to power not publish employment data on solar photo- Elka Maria Torpey homes and businesses. Some systems include voltaic installers. But industry sources suggest is an economist in battery backup to store electricity for later use. that there are about 7,000 solar photovoltaic the Office of Occu- The wiring of the inverter to the utility installers—who may also be known as solar pational Statistics box and main electrical grid must be done by a photovoltaic technicians or solar installer- and Employment licensed electrician. In fact, some municipali- roofers—in the United States. Projections, BLS. ties require that solar PV installers have an About half of all solar PV installers work She is available at electrician’s license. Rebekah has a license, so in California, a State that provides many incen- (202) 691–5719 or she does the wiring on her installations. tives for solar electric power. Because solar at torpey.elka@bls. Each installation is unique, especially in power requires a large upfront investment, tax gov. residential work. That one-of-a-kind feel to credits and other government incentives help 34 Occupational Outlook Quarterly • Fall 2009 mmaakkee iitt aa mmoorree aaffffoorrddaabbllee ooppttiioonn ffoorr iinnddiivviidduu- fragile materials, such as cedar shake and clay aallss aanndd bbuussiinneesssseess.. GGiivveenn tthhee ttrreenndd iinn ffaavvoorraabbllee shingles. “The scariest part of the work is being ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt iinncceennttiivveess,, aannaallyyssttss eexxppeecctt tthhaatt up on the roof,” says Rebekah. “You have to be tthhee ssoollaarr--ppoowweerr iinndduussttrryy wwiillll ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo ggrrooww a certain type of person to climb up on roofs rraappiiddllyy.. and do high-voltage electrical wiring.” AAss tthhee uussee ooff ssoollaarr ppoowweerr eexxppaannddss,, tthhee jjoobb Most solar photovoltaic installers have a ttaasskkss ooff ssoollaarr PPVV iinnssttaalllleerrss aarree eevvoollvviinngg.. SSoommee high school diploma and mechanical, electrical, wwoorrkkeerrss ccoonncceennttrraattee pprriimmaarriillyy oonn iinnssttaalllliinngg or related experience. People with construction tthhee ppaanneellss.. OOtthheerrss,, eessppeecciiaallllyy tthhoossee aatt ssmmaallll backgrounds are often well suited for the work; ccoommppaanniieess,, ddoo eevveerryytthhiinngg ffrroomm ssaalleess ttoo ppllaann- roofing experience is particularly valuable. nniinngg ttoo wwiirriinngg.. EExxppeerriieenncceedd iinnssttaalllleerrss iinn aannyy Some employers prefer to hire applicants who ssiizzee ccoommppaannyy mmaayy aaddvvaannccee ttoo lleeaadd iinnssttaalllleerr,, have an associate degree in an electrical or system designer, sales representative, or other related field. positions. Rebekah says that solar panel installation Solar PV installers need mechanical skills also attracts career changers from a variety of and must be able to work with the power tools fields. New workers frequently learn on the job, and hand tools used to construct and fasten although specific training in solar installation equipment. Electrical knowledge and an under- or solar power is helpful. Voluntary certification standing of basic math are helpful, as are good is also available and is sometimes required. problem-solving abilities. Attention to detail is Industry analysts estimate that wages for important, because completing an installation entry-level solar PV installers are about $12 to often requires following diagrams and instruc- $15 an hour and vary by location, with crew tions. Heavy lifting is also required at times: leaders making between $20 and $25 an hour. Solar panels typically weigh between 30 and 40 Workers with an electrician license or other pounds; batteries can weigh double that— qualifications typically earn more. or more. But for Rebekah and other solar PV And workers can’t be afraid of heights. installers, their work isn’t just about earning Although most commercial installations a paycheck. “What I really love is installing take place on flat roofs, many residential a system and knowing that it will be creating installations take place on pitched roofs— clean energy for 25 years,” says Rebekah. “It’s often with a steep slope—and on loose or exciting to be making a difference.” Installing framed panels on rooftops is one of Rebekah Hren’s many tasks. Photo of Rebekah Hren courtesy of Honey Solar Electric, Inc. Fall 2009 • Occupational Outlook Quarterly 35

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