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Preview ERIC EJ874022: Using Tiered Assignments to Engage Learners in Advanced Placement Physics

Using Tiered Assignments to Engage Learners in Advanced Placement Physics by Kimberly A. Geddes As a teacher of gifted and versity setting and very little work experiences. I have at levels commensurate with high-achieving Advanced attention is given to differ- since refined these activities their abilities even though Placement (AP) Physics stu- entiating instruction for the based on research in moti- they are developing an dents, I have experienced a variety of students enrolled vating and engaging gifted understanding of the same need for publisher-provided in a collegiate-level course and high-achieving students physics concepts (Kettler instruction strategies and while attending high school. and differentiating instruc- & Curliss, 2003). A listing laboratory activities that are When I entered the teaching tion for the varied learners of materials and resources effective in engaging and profession a few years ago in the classroom. The fol- supporting these activities motivating students in the and was confronted with lowing lesson plans incor- is provided in Table 1. high school setting. Because the lack of resources in this porate tiered objectives and The lessons require that AP courses are college-level area, I relied on my previous brainstorming techniques the teacher complete an courses, most resources used education and experience as means for differentiating assessment of each student’s in these courses are actually as an engineer to develop instruction and ensuring learning styles, strengths, intended for use in a uni- activities based on my own that learners are challenged weaknesses, and interests 32 winter 2010 • vol 33, no 1 prior to implementation. 1993). The student’s cur- differ in mathematical readi- students prefer work that is I have used the CAPSOL rent math class is another ness and learning styles; student-centered rather than learning styles inventory for indication of the student’s therefore, the students are teacher-directed and bene- this assessment (Conrath, mathematical ability. The divided into lab groups fit from student-to-student 2005). Heilbronner (2009) combination of learning based on mathematical interaction (Hunt & Seney, recommends the Interest- styles inventories and math ability and learning styles. 2005). The extension of A-Lyzer for determining ability assessment is essential Gifted and high-achiev- these lesson plans to real- students’ interests. Students in placing students in learn- ing students are capable life scenarios is intended to mathematical readiness ing groups (Hunt & Seney, of abstract reasoning and make the lessons relevant must also be assessed, and I 2005). higher order thinking but to gifted underachievers have successfully used exer- These lessons assume apply these skills in different and appeal to all ethnicities cises from the textbook Is that all learners in the AP ways that may manifest as (Smink & Schargel, 2004). Your Math Ready for Physics? Physics class are gifted and visual, auditory, and kines- Also, consistent with the for this purpose (Gleason, high-achieving students but thetic learning styles. Gifted recommendations of the gifted child today 33 Using Tiered Assignments Table 1 Materials and Resources Item How to Obtain Assessments CAPSOL Learning Styles http://www.stylesoflearning.com Inventory Interest-A-Lyzer http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/Siegle/CurriculumCompacting/SEC-IMAG/ialsecon.pdf Is Your Math Ready for Gleason, W. (1993). Is your math ready for physics? Dubuque, IA: William C Brown. Physics? Lesson 1 SCAMPER template http://www.brainstorming.co.uk/tutorials/scampertutorial.html Various rough surfaces Hardware or home improvement stores such as sandpaper, plywood, and rubber matting Force sensor Science lab equipment vendor, such as Vernier Software & Technology (http://www. vernier.com) or PASCO (http://www.pasco.com) Physics dynamics car Science lab equipment vendor, such as Vernier Software & Technology (http://www. vernier.com) or PASCO (http://www.pasco.com) Lesson 2 Microsoft Photo Story 3 http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/photostory/default. free download mspx Telescope http://www.telescope.com or discount electronics store CLEA free download http://www3.gettysburg.edu/~marschal/clea/CLEAhome.html Lesson 3 Sample teacher website http://www.shsphysics.weebly.com Sample student website http://wearenuclear.weebly.com ERIC Development Team on Planning range, and is used to guide brainstorm- (3) Analyze under what cir- Science Programs for High Ability ing and divergent thinking (Starko, cumstances an object will Learners, the lessons infuse technol- 2005). Brainstorming allows students start to slip or to calculate ogy as a means to connect students to creatively develop ideas for explor- the magnitude of the force with real-world opportunities through ing the topic, and SCAMPER provides of static friction. (College research, data analyses, presentations a template for evaluating these ideas to Board, 2005, p. 3) of findings, and communication with develop an effective and meaningful industry professionals (VanTassel- approach to the laboratory objective. This lesson is adapted for learners Baska, 1998). The lesson addresses the following of varying ability and learning styles College Board curriculum standards by developing objectives that meet the Lesson 1: Using SCAMPER for AP Physics B: curriculum standards but allow students I.B.d) Students should under- to achieve these standards using meth- to Develop a Laboratory stand the significance of the ods that emphasize their mathematical Exploration of Friction coefficient of friction so they ability and learning styles. The students can: are divided into the following groups: This lesson incorporates brain- (1) Write down the relation- • Lab Group 1 is comprised of stu- storming and SCAMPER to assist stu- ship between the normal dents with the greatest mathe- dents in developing and implementing and frictional forces on a matical ability. These students are a laboratory experiment to observe or surface. required to empirically derive the prove the physics principle of frictional (2) Analyze situations in which relationship between the normal force. SCAMPER is an acronym for an object moves along a and frictional forces between an substitute, combine, adapt, modify, rough inclined plane or object and the surface. This task is put to other uses, eliminate, and rear- horizontal surface. the most mathematically challeng- 34 winter 2010 • vol 33, no 1 Using Tiered Assignments ing and abstract because students ment. If the students encounter dif- dure, students understand firsthand use collected data to derive a new ficulties during the experiment, they how the procedure will lead to the mathematical relationship. return to the SCAMPER template and objective and have an effective work- • Lab Group 2 is made up of lesser troubleshoot their problems, modify ing knowledge of implementation mathematical ability students their procedure accordingly, and pro- of the procedure (VanTassel-Baska, who prefer visual and kinesthetic ceed with the revised experiment. 1998). I have observed that students approaches to learning. These stu- Students must create a poster presen- require a lot of encouragement in dents analyze the circumstances tation (or other product as determined the brainstorming phase of the activ- under which an object will start to by the students and teacher) of their ity. Lab group members are quick to slip and calculate the magnitude of procedure and discuss the methods judge their partner’s brainstormed the force of static friction. Group suggestions rather than encouraging used to develop the procedure, present 2 students make keen and detailed a free flow of ideas. Students require a their findings relative to the objective, observations concerning cause and lot of teacher support and encourage- and explain how their findings could effect and apply a known math- ment to gain confidence in expressing ease everyday life (e.g., driving a car, ematical formula or measure force brainstormed ideas. The SCAMPER moving furniture, competing for an directly to determine the unknown technique is then very efficient in Olympic medal in swimming). static force. helping students objectively reject or Many teachers who have used • Lab Group 3 hosts the least math- improve brainstormed suggestions some publishers’ cookbook experi- ematical ability students who are (Cramond, 2005). ments often discover that bright stu- also kinesthetic and visual learners. dents can follow the procedure and These students analyze situations Lesson 2: Kepler’s Laws produce an answer but often do not in which an object moves along a of Planetary Motion understand how the procedure leads rough inclined plane or horizontal to the objective to be proven and Tiered Assignment surface. Group 3 students make don’t have a conceptual understand- keen and detailed observations and develop conceptual understand- ing of the quantitative answer. Often, In this lesson, the students are intro- ing of friction; they observe and students find the procedures tedious duced to Kepler’s Laws through text- understand mathematical relation- and fail to read them to the degree book readings and lecture-discussion, ships but do not have to derive necessary to successfully conduct the and then are given the opportunity them (Serway, 2002). lab. By developing their own proce- to explore the laws further through Students will require different sur- faces of varying roughness such as By developing their own sandpaper, plywood surface, Bakelite laboratory surface, or rubber mat. procedure, students Students also need a force sensor and materials to slide across the surface such understand firsthand as a physics dynamics car or toy car. how the procedure will Each lab group is given the objective specific to the group, and the students lead to the objective are directed to develop a laboratory experiment to satisfy their objective. and have an effective The students then brainstorm ideas for their laboratory experiment and refine working knowledge of their ideas using a SCAMPER template (Infinite Innovations, 2006). After stu- implementation of the dents develop a consensus on the best method for conducting their investiga- procedure. tion, they obtain teacher approval and continued on page ?? proceed with conducting the experi- gifted child today 35 Using Tiered Assignments group-based explorations. The appli- standing. Students explore these laws findings through a bulletin board, cable standards are established by by conducting research to obtain back- video, or Microsoft PowerPoint or College Board and are as follows: ground information on Kepler and the Photo Story. religious and scientific beliefs of his era The Modelers explore details, pat- 5. Orbits of planets and satellites and gaining an understanding of the terns, and trends (Isaacs, 1996). Students should understand impact of Kepler’s proposal. In addi- Members of this group show promise the motion of an object in orbit tion, students gain a conceptual under- in mathematical ability and reason- under the influence of gravita- standing of the laws by constructing ing, but they have not completed the tional forces, so they can: models (physical or graphical) that rep- coursework necessary to successfully a) For a circular orbit: resent planetary motion in accordance take on complex mathematical chal- (1) Recognize that the with Kepler’s findings. Finally, students lenges. The members of this group motion does not depend explore the laws quantitatively through work hard and are high achieving, but on the object’s mass; an experiment that requires data analy- are on the lower end of the gifted spec- describe qualitatively ses, the development of mathematical trum in higher order thinking skills, how the velocity, period models, and drawing conclusions from and these students prefer kinesthetic of revolution, and cen- those models. learning activities. These students ben- tripetal acceleration The groups for this lesson are efit from concrete, hands-on tasks to depend upon the radius referred to as the Researchers, the reinforce abstract topics. The Modelers of the orbit; and derive Modelers, and the Analyzers. The use a telescope equipped with a mea- expressions for the veloc- Researchers review web-based and suring scale to collect moon diameter ity and period of revolu- hard-copy references to gain an under- data. Because the moon’s diameter tion in such an orbit. standing of the scientific and religious appears larger when the moon is closer (2) Derive Kepler’s Third communities’ reactions to the pub- to the Earth and smaller when the Law for the case of cir- lishing of Kepler’s Laws. This group’s moon is farther from the Earth, the cular orbits. (College members have not achieved the math- students can use these data to con- Board, 2005, p. 9) ematical readiness to accomplish the struct the path of the moon’s orbit. quantitative analysis to fully explore The lunar orbit may be constructed The explorations on Kepler’s Laws Kepler’s Laws mathematically, but pos- using the relationship D (distance of Planetary Motion are tiered in sess higher order thinking skills that from earth to moon) = F/d, where F is content according to readiness and allow them to analyze cause and effect, the focal length of the telescope’s lens tiered in product according to learn- gather and synthesize information, and d is the moon’s diameter (Barnes, ing styles. Kepler’s Laws are organized and use their findings to make predic- 2003). Collection of sufficient data to into three main thoughts: (a) Law of tions and judgments. These students construct the lunar path requires one Ellipses, (b) Law of Equal Areas, and exhibit strengths in language and inter- month, so teachers must plan accord- (c) Harmonic Law. The lesson applies personal intelligence, but are weaker ingly when implementing this lesson. dimensions of complexity by focusing in mathematic ability and quantita- After obtaining the data, students on interdisciplinary connections with tive reasoning. The Researchers must plot moon diameter versus time to culture, religion, and mathematics explore dimensions of depth such as construct the shape of the lunar orbit. (Kaplan, 2005). The activities require language, patterns, trends, and big The construction may be graphical or students to go beyond rote application ideas (Kaplan, 2005). This group gains a scale model. Students compare their of Kepler’s Laws and apply methods an understanding of the relationship findings to Kepler’s First and Second of inquiry, investigation, and research between religion, culture, and science, Laws and present their findings in a to discover these laws through obser- and discusses the impact of these fac- journal that supports the model. vation and analysis, consistent with tors on Kepler’s work and on successive The Analyzers represent the higher Sher’s (2003) urging to appreciate work. The group members continue end of the gifted spectrum and take on “the active role of the scientist is con- their research to discover the impact big ideas focusing on the upper end of structing meaning from observation of Kepler’s work on future scientific Bloom’s taxonomy: analysis, synthesis, and experimentation” (p. 206). The discoveries, specifically Newton’s Law and evaluation. The group is capable students then compare these findings of Universal Gravitation and Einstein’s of complex abstract reasoning and has to past and present scientific under- Theory of Relativity, and presents their the logical-mathematical intelligence 36 winter 2010 • vol 33, no 1 Using Tiered Assignments to achieve success in rigorous quanti- completely successful with this activ- TThhee EEsssseennttiiaall tative analyses. This group prefers the ity and thoroughly enjoyed it. Others logic and efficiency of a mathematic found it tedious, and still others were GGuuiiddee ttoo proof and would find model-building completely defeated by it. The most EEdduuccaattiinngg or visual presentations tedious. The successful students were those with the Analyzers use CLEA (Contemporary greatest mathematical ability and logi- PPrroommiissiinngg Laboratory Experiences in Astronomy) cal-spatial intelligence. I developed the LLeeaarrnneerrss software that simulates an observatory Researchers and the Modelers activi- to obtain orbital information about ties to provide enrichment for those FFrroomm PPoovveerrttyy Jupiter’s moons (Gettysburg College students who are highly capable but Department of Physics, 1997). This have not advanced through mathemat- free, downloadable software allows stu- ics at the same rate as the Analyzers. dents to take on the role of astronomer Implementing this tiered lesson and view virtual images of planetary resulted in improved performance on satellites. The students use the software this area of the AP exam. to obtain Jupiter-to-moon distance data for each of Jupiter’s four moons Lesson 3: Using Problem- and determine the period of the orbits for each moon by plotting distance ver- Based Learning to sus time and creating a graphical sinu- Explore the Application soidal model of the orbital radius, R, of Nuclear Technology and period, T. Then, using the period to Alternative Energy model, students determine the quanti- ties from Kepler’s Third Law that must Development be graphed in order to obtain a straight line whose slope will yield the mass of This lesson synthesizes a problem- Jupiter, M (graphing R3 vs. T2 yields based learning strategy with tiered a straight line whose slope is GM/4p2, objectives to explore the application and the students solve for M). Students Patterns and Profiles of nuclear energy to address the need present their work in a formal scientific of Promising Learners for alternative energy sources. This lab report. From Poverty provides a lesson is suitable for students in AP The first time I taught Kepler’s Physics B or honors physics courses comprehensive review of Laws, I had difficulty developing and addresses the following College the issues surrounding the explorations because data gathering of Board AP Physics B standards: education and inclusion of planetary motion is time-prohibitive promising students from and limited by availability of equip- V. Atomic and Nuclear Physics poverty in gifted and talented ment. When I received the AP exam B. Nuclear Physics programs. results at the end of the school year, I a) Students should under- discovered that this area had been the stand the significance of Edited by Joyce L. weakest area on the test for my stu- the mass number and VanTassel-Baska, Ed.D. dents. It was also the only area that charge of nuclei, so they 978-1-59363-396-7 I had neglected to develop hands-on $34.95 US / $41.95 CAN can: activities. I spent the following summer Paperback researching methodologies, laboratory (1) Interpret symbols for 296 Pages investigations, available equipment, nuclei that indicate 6" x 9" and resources for providing enrich- these quantities. Now Available ment for Kepler’s Laws. I developed a (2) Use conservation of To Order, Please Visit laboratory investigation similar to the mass number and http://www.prufrock.com activity described for the Analyzers. A charge to complete or Call 800.998.2208 small percentage of the students were nuclear reactions. gifted child today 37 Using Tiered Assignments geographic region. Southern Energy has proposed the con- struction of a new nuclear power facility on Lake Alatoona in Cherokee County as a way of addressing increasing energy demands and creating jobs in an ever-declining economy. The citizens of Cherokee County are excited about the possibil- ity of new jobs but concerned about the perceived dangers of nuclear power and the adverse environmental impact cre- Figure 1. Sample student website home page. ated by construction near Lake Alatoona. The Cherokee County (3) Determine the mass facility in their community. The risk- Commissioners will convene in number and charge benefit analysis and a recommendation one week to discuss the proposal and vote for or against moving of a nucleus after it are published via a student-generated forward with petitioning the has undergone speci- website (see Figure 1). Nuclear Regulatory Commission fied decay processes. According to Gallagher (2005), a for permission to build a power b) Students should know well-structured problem-based learn- plant in the community. the nature of the nuclear ing activity must combine an “ill- The Cherokee County force, so they can com- structured problem, the student as Commissioners have assembled a pare its strength and stakeholder, the self-directed learner, team of experts to investigate and range with those of the and the teacher as coach,” and this develop a risk-benefit analysis electromagnetic force. lesson attempts to create a learning and recommendation concerning c) Students should under- environment consistent with these the construction of the nuclear stand nuclear fission, so requirements (p. 289). power facility. The team’s findings they can describe a typi- The students are presented with the will be published on the county cal neutron-induced fis- following scenario that can be modi- website for community members sion and explain why a fied by the teacher to reflect the char- to view and provide feedback. chain reaction is pos- acteristics of the students’ community: The team includes a nuclear sible. (College Board, The climate change crisis and engineer, the Cherokee Country 2005, p. 20) rising energy costs have all district representative, an alter- Americans questioning the wis- native energy consultant, and an This lesson goes beyond the AP dom of our dependence on oil. environmental engineer. The goal Physics B core standards for atomic Energy costs, along with current of the team is to perform the nec- and nuclear physics, and some teach- mortgage lending practices and essary research and work together ers may find the lesson well suited as an other factors, have contributed to create the community website enrichment or culminating year-end to a declining economy and the to educate the citizens prior to activity. In this lesson, students take need for job creation. the town meeting. on the professional roles of nuclear Population growth in the engineer, environmental engineer, Atlanta metropolitan area and The students are assigned roles politician (state legislative representa- the entire Southeast, along with based on their mathematical abil- tive), and energy consultant, and must continued and unprecedented ity and learning styles (with ability perform research, analyze findings, and energy consumption, has created taking first priority). Each team has synthesize data to develop a risk-ben- the need for additional sources a nuclear engineer, environmental efit analysis of a new nuclear power of energy production for this engineer, politician, and alternative 38 winter 2010 • vol 33, no 1 Using Tiered Assignments energy consultant. The nuclear engi- ity such as http://www.weebly.com or the state and national regulations neers have had some prior experience http://www.wikispaces.com. concerning nuclear power and with physics and are well advanced in To begin the lesson, the teacher safety; (c) job opportunities pro- the school’s math curriculum (they are organizes the students into teams as vided by the plant; (d) community coenrolled in precalculus or calculus). previously described and presents improvements, if any, provided These students are capable of com- the scenario to the class via a simu- by the plant; (e) statistics for the plex abstract reasoning and have the lated letter written to the team of support or opposition to nuclear logical-mathematical intelligence to student role-players. After receiv- power plants in the state; and (f) achieve success in the rigorous quan- ing the simulated correspondence other economic benefits provided titative analyses required to analyze the from the county commissioners, the by the plant to the community. nuclear physics concepts involved in teacher presents the team members • Alternative Energy Consultant. The this activity. The environmental engi- with cards that define their roles and energy consultant is responsible for neers have not achieved the math- provide specific questions that guide educating the community on the ematical readiness to accomplish the the students in developing their por- use of nuclear power for electric- quantitative analysis required by the tion of the analysis (instead of cards, I ity production compared to other nuclear engineers, but possess higher present the information via a website energy choices. The energy con- order thinking skills that allow them that I created for this purpose, http:// sultant is required to provide the to analyze cause and effect, gather and shsphysics.weebly.com). following information: (a) relative synthesize information, and use their Job descriptions and tasks are pro- benefits, if any, to alternative forms findings to make predictions and judg- vided below. of electricity production; (b) cost of ments about environmental impact. • Nuclear Engineer. The nuclear engi- nuclear power plant construction The politicians explore the impact on neer is responsible for researching and operation compared to the the public image of the county if the the operation of a nuclear power cost of alternative energy sources; nuclear facility is constructed. These plant. After understanding how (c) fissile fuel costs compared to students exhibit strengths in language the plant operates, the engineer alternative fuel costs, (d) waste stor- and interpersonal intelligence, but may develops a summary of the ben- age costs and impact; and (e) emer- be weaker in mathematical ability and efits and hazards of constructing gency actions and considerations quantitative reasoning. Their creativity and operating a nuclear power in the event of a nuclear accident and attention to aesthetics will prove plant in our county. The nuclear requiring an evacuation. a benefit to the development of the engineer must provide the follow- • Environmental Engineer. The envi- website. The alternative energy con- ing information to the team: (a) ronmental engineer is responsible sultants show promise in mathematical definition of fission and how it is for educating the community on ability and reasoning, but they have accomplished; (b) explanation of the environmental impact of con- not completed the coursework neces- the operation of a nuclear power structing and operating a nuclear sary to successfully take on complex plant; (c) discussion of the design power plant on the community mathematical challenges. This group of a nuclear power plant; and (d) lake. The environmental engineer works hard and is high achieving and explanation of the safety measures should investigate and provide will research alternative energy solu- taken to protect against accidents. information on the following: (a) tions based on qualitative rather than • State Legislative Representative. The potential pollutants associated quantitative analyses. state representative is responsible with nuclear power plants; (b) All students require access to refer- for educating the community on impact on the lake and tributar- ence materials to research their assigned the job opportunities and eco- ies; (c) potential hazards to those topics. The lesson should be conducted nomic stimuli provided by the living near the plant; (d) potential in the school media center or in a class- proposed nuclear power plant. The hazards to plant workers; (e) envi- room with computer access. Students representative also has to research ronmental impact of construction may choose to interview local profes- and report on policies related of the plant; and (f) waste disposal sionals to obtain data and will require to nuclear power for the state and environmental considerations. access to telephones or e-mail. Students provide the following informa- will also require website development tion: (a) nuclear power benefits, if After the students have read the continued on page ?? software or use of a web-based util- any, to the state; (b) discussion of cards and understand their roles, they gifted child today 39 Using Tiered Assignments may regroup by professional type (i.e., 2005). The lessons emphasize higher www3.gettysburg.edu/~marschal/clea/ the nuclear engineers work together, order thinking skills, incorporate CLEAhome.html alternative energy consultants work problem-based learning, utilize tech- Gleason, W. (1993). Is your math ready together, etc.) to perform the research nology, and emphasize experimental for physics? Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown. for their areas. After the data are gath- design and scientific process as recom- Heilbronner, N. (2009). Jumpstarting Jill: ered, the original teams of various pro- mended by VanTassel-Baska (1998). Strategies to nurture talented girls in fessionals reconvene to assemble their Even though students are developing your science classroom. Gifted Child findings into a risk-benefit analysis. The an understanding of the same physics Today, 32(1), 46–54. students then work together to develop concepts, the process is differentiated Hunt, B. G., & Seney, R. W. (2005). Plan- a website documenting their findings through tiered objectives for students ning the learning environment. In F. A. and persuading the public of their posi- that allow them to rely on their unique Karnes, & S. M. Bean (Eds.), Methods tion on the construction of the nuclear strengths to achieve the curriculum and materials for teaching the gifted (2nd power facility. goals. Even though these lessons are ed., pp. 37–71). Waco, TX: Prufrock The lesson offers a real-world sce- specific to the secondary physics class- Press. nario with a product that is published rooms, the strategy of tiered objectives Infinite Innovations, Ltd. (2006). on the Internet. The product, a web- may be generalized to other courses SCAMPER technique training for lat- site, is the same for all students; how- and teaching situations by assessing eral thinking. Retrieved from: http:// ever, the students must choose how to www.brainstorming.co.uk/tutorials/ students’ strengths and interests and convey information via the website. scampertutorial.html developing group activities that capi- Because the target audience is the citi- Isaacs, G. (1996). Bloom’s taxonomy of edu- talize on those assessments and allow zens of the community, the students cational objectives. Brisbane, Australia: for student self-direction and problem- Teaching and Educational Develop- must judge the best method of devel- based learning. GCT ment Institute. oping the website (e.g., information Kaplan, S. N. (2005). Layering differen- to include, layout, interactive features, References tiated curricula for the gifted and tal- animations) to persuade the public of ented. In F. A. Karnes & S. M. Bean their recommendation. The multifac- Barnes, J. (2003, November 29). Shape (Eds.), Methods and materials for teach- eted nature of the lesson allows for the of the moon’s orbit. Retrieved from ing the gifted (pp. 107–131). Waco, TX: teaching of multiple standards in one http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~barnes/ Prufrock Press. unit of study. Additionally, the les- ASTR110L_F03/moonorbit.html Kettler, T., & Curliss, M. (2003). Math- son could be divided into disciplines College Board. (2005). Learning objec- ematical acceleration in a mixed-ability such as environmental science, social tives for AP physics. Retrieved from classroom. Gifted Child Today, 26(1), studies, and physics and incorporate a http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/ 52–55, 65. multicurriculum approach with social apc/public/repository/ap05_phys_ Serway, R. A. (2002). Physics. Austin, TX: studies classes researching the role objectives_45859-1.pdf Holt, Rinehart and Winston. of the public official, environmental Conrath, J. M. (2005). Styles of learn- Sher, B. T. (2003). Adapting science cur- science students taking on responsi- ing. Retrieved from http://www. ricula for high-ability learners. In J. bility for the environmental impact stylesoflearning.com. VanTassel-Baska & C. A. Little (Eds.), research, and physics classes pursuing Cramond, B. (2005). Developing creative Content-based curriculum for high-abil- the nuclear physics tasks. My students thinking. In F. A. Karnes & S. M. Bean ity learners (pp. 191–218). Waco, TX: (Eds.), Methods and materials for teach- Prufrock Press. consistently report that this lesson is ing the gifted (2nd ed., pp. 313–349). Smink, J., & Schargel, F. P. (2004). Helping one of the most enjoyable, meaningful, Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. students graduate: A strategic approach and engaging academic experiences of Gallagher, S. A. (2005). Adapting prob- to dropout prevention. Larchmont, NY: the course. lem-based learning for gifted students. Eye on Education. All of these lessons attempt to meet In F. A. Karnes, & S. M. Bean, Methods Starko, A. J. (2005). Creativity in the the needs of gifted learners in science and materials for teaching the gifted (2nd classroom. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence classrooms with the understanding ed., pp. 285–311). Waco, TX: Prufrock Erlbaum. that even within the gifted population, Press. VanTassel-Baska, J. (1998). Planning differentiation of content, process, and Gettysburg College Department of Phys- science programs for high ability learn- product is required to meet the diverse ics. (1997). The revolution of the moons ers (ERIC Digest E546). Reston, VA: needs of accelerated learners (Kaplan, of Jupiter. Retrieved from http:// ERIC Publications. 40 winter 2010 • vol 33, no 1

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