JOURNALOFTHEEXPERIMENTALANALYSISOFBEHAVIOR 2009,91,61–73 NUMBER1(JANUARY) DELAY, PROBABILITY, AND SOCIAL DISCOUNTING IN A PUBLIC GOODS GAME BRYAN A. JONES AND HOWARD RACHLIN STONYBROOKUNIVERSITY Ahumansocialdiscountfunctionmeasuresthevaluetoapersonofarewardtoanotherpersonata given social distance. Just as delay discounting is a hyperbolic function of delay, and probability discountingisahyperbolicfunctionofodds-against,socialdiscountingisahyperbolicfunctionofsocial distance. Experiment 1 obtained individual social, delay, and probability discount functions for a hypothetical$75reward;participantsalsoindicatedhowmuchofaninitial$100endowmenttheywould contribute to a common investment in a public good. Steepness of discounting correlated, across participants, among all three discount dimensions. However, only social and probability discounting werecorrelatedwiththepublic-goodcontribution;highpublic-goodcontributorsweremorealtruistic andalsolessriskaversethanlowcontributors.Experiment2obtainedsocialdiscountfunctionswith hypothetical $75 rewards and delay discount functions with hypothetical $1,000 rewards, as well as public-goodcontributions.TheresultsreplicatedthoseofExperiment1;steepnessofthetwoformsof discountingcorrelatedwitheachotheracrossparticipantsbutonlysocialdiscountingcorrelatedwith the public-good contribution. Most participants in Experiment 2 predicted that the average contributionwouldbelowerthantheirowncontribution. Key words: altruism, self-control, risk-taking, social discounting, delay discounting, probability discounting,publicgoodsgame,cooperation,humans _______________________________________________________________________________ TheeconomistJulianSimon(1995)claimed discounting by pigeons (Rachlin, 1989; Ra- that people allocate available resources on chlin, Logue, Gibbon, & Frankel, 1986). threedimensions:(a)currentconsumptionby Social discounting also takes this same the person, (b) consumption by the same hyperbolic form. Prior studies in our labora- person at later times (delay discounting), and tory (Jones & Rachlin, 2006; Rachlin & Jones, (c) consumption by other people (social 2008) have obtained social discount functions discounting). Simon said: ‘‘Instead of a one- as follows. Participants were asked to imagine dimensional maximizing entity, or even the that they had made a list of the 100 people two-dimensional individual who allocates in- closest to them (but not to actually make the tertem 6 porally, this model envisages a three- list). Order on the list (N, ranging from 1 to dimensional surface with an interpersonal 100)wastaken asameasure ofsocial distance. ‘distance’ dimension replacing the concept Then participants were asked to choose hypo- of altruism’’ (p. 367). Simon did not list thetically between a varying amount of money probabilistic discounting as an additional forthemselvesandafixedamountforaperson form, perhaps because he considered expect- at a given social distance. For example, a ed value (probability times amount) to be an participant might prefer $75 for himself to obvious rational adjustment to current con- $75forthe10thpersononhislist(N510)but sumption. However, in practice, probability prefer$75forthatpersonto$5forhimself.At discounting does not simply track expected some‘‘crossover’’amount(v)between$75and value (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). When $5forhimself,hemustbeindifferentbetween probability (0 # p # 1) is converted to odds- an amount for himself and a (usually) lesser against (h 5 (12p)/p) which, like delay, amount for the 10th person on his list. In our increases indefinitely from zero, human prob- studies, as N increased, crossover amount ability discounting takes the same hyperbolic decreased. In other words, as social distance form found byMazur (1987)todescribedelay increased,participantswerewillingtoforgoless money for themselves in order to give a fixed ThisresearchwassupportedbyagrantR01MH044049 fromtheNationalInstituteofMentalHealth. amount to another person. The function thus Correspondence concerning this article should be obtained,relatingsocialdistancetoamountof addressed to Howard Rachlin, Psychology Department, moneyforgone,isasocialdiscountfunction. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, 11794 (e-mail: In Rachlin and Jones’s (2008) experiment [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jeab.2009.91-61 the (hypothetical) alternatives were $75 for 61 62 BRYAN A. JONES and HOWARD RACHLIN person-Nandnothingfortheparticipantversus one defects, the cooperator earns a very low alesseramountfortheparticipantandnothing reward while the defector earns a very high for person-N (as in the example above). In reward. As in the PGG, defection in the PDG Jones and Rachlin’s (2006) experiment the maximizes the reward for the individual while hypotheticalalternativeswereanevenlyshared cooperation increases reward for the group. $150 ($75 for the participant and $75 for Since the PGG was played only once by person-N) versus an amount (between $75 participants in these experiments, and all and $150) for the participant and nothing for choices were made simultaneously and anon- person-N.Thesocialdiscountfunctions(medi- ymously, no player’s contribution could have an amounts of money forgone in the two influenced that of any other player. With 100 experiments as functions of social distance) players, each $1.00 contributed would earn a werevirtuallyoverlapping;theywerewellfitted return of $0.02 for the contributor ($1.00 bythefollowinghyperbolicequation: doubled and divided among 100 players) V resulting in a loss of $0.98, for that dollar, v ~ 1zk N ð1Þ regardless of others’ contributions. But each social dollar contributed would also result in a gain where v and V are discounted and undis- of $0.02 for each of the other 99 players. The counted money amounts, N is social distance, net loss of $0.98 for the individual may be and k is a constant that differed among balanced by the total gain of $1.98 for the social individuals; the greater is k the steeper is other players in the group. Thus there are social, socialdiscounting. structural similarities between the PGG and The present experiments measured social, the social discounting task; in both, partici- delay, and probability discounting of partici- pants may forgo smaller rewards for them- pants who also played a public goods game selves in exchange for larger rewards to other (PGG) where they chose the fraction of an people. The main purpose of both experi- initial endowment to contribute to a common ments was to determine the extent to which fund that would be doubled and distributed behavior in one of these tasks predicts equally to all players. The PGG is a laboratory behavior in the other. model of such real-world activities as contrib- Like social discounting, delay and probabil- uting to charity or public television, voting, itydiscountingarewelldescribedbyhyperbol- recycling, and other acts of social cooperation ic functions in the form of Equation 1 (Green (Camerer,2003).InaPGGeachplayerhasthe & Myerson, 2004). It has been speculated that option of contributing some fraction of an one of these discounting processes is funda- initial endowment to a common investment. mentalwhileanother(orothers)arederivable The investment has a positive return and is from it or that all three, or two of the three, distributed equally to all players regardless of depend on some common mechanism (Ra- the amount of their contribution. As an chlin, 1989, 2002b). If this were the case, illustration, consider a PGG with 100 players, Simon’s three dimensions of utility would not each of whom is given (a hypothetical) $100 vary independently of each other; the steep- endowment. A player may contribute any ness of the three discount functions would be fraction of the $100. The total amount expectedtocorrelateacrossindividualsandto contributed is then doubled by the experi- vary together as discounting conditions vary. menter and distributed equally among the Such common variation has not been players regardless of their contribution. The consistently obtained with delay and probabil- amount earned by a player would then be the ity discounting (Green & Myerson, 2004). amountthatplayeroriginallykeptplus1/50of Moreover, Rachlin and Jones (2008) found the total contributed. that,likeprobabilitydiscounting,butopposite The PGG is structurally the same as a to delay discounting, social discounting was prisoner’s dilemma game (PDG: Rapoport, steeper with higher undiscounted amounts 1965). In the two-player version of the PDG, (Vs).Asecondpurposeoftheexperimentswas either player may ‘‘cooperate’’ or ‘‘defect.’’ If to further examine relationships among the bothplayerscooperate,bothearnamoderate- three forms of discounting as well as the ly high reward; if both defect, both earn a relationship of each with performance in the moderately low reward; if one cooperates and PGG. DISCOUNTING IN A PUBLIC GOODS GAME 63 EXPERIMENT 1 For the delay discounting measure, five METHOD delays (D 5 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, Participants and 5 years) in 10 increments of money offered immediately were presented. Each Participantswere103StonyBrookUniversity delay was presented on its own page, with businessschoolstudents(51male,47female,5 page order randomized with the following unreported, Mdn age 5 24), enrolled in two instructions: advanced undergraduate classes and onegrad- Please choose which amount of money you would uate class. They completed a pencil-and-paper rather have for each line. PGG as well as social, delay, and probability A. $75 for you right now. B. $75 for you after discounting tests for partial course credit. [D]. Participants in each class completed the ques- A. $70 for you right now. B. $75 for you after tionnairesatthesametimeinalecturehall. [D]. --------Down To------- Materials and Procedures A.$5foryourightnow.B.$75foryouafter[D]. The PGG instructions read as follows: For the probability discount measure, five Imagine the following situation (purely hypothet- probabilities, expressed as percentages (p 5 ical we regret to say): 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%, and 10%), were 1. The experimenter gives you $100. presented in 10 increments of money guaran- 2. A box is passed around to each person in this teed. Each probability was presented on its room. own page, with page order randomized: 3.Eachpersonmayputalloranypartornoneof Please choose which amount of money you would the $100 into the box. No one else will know how rather have for each line: much money anyone puts into the box. A. $75 guaranteed or B. A [p]% chance of 4. After the box goes around the room, the winning $75. experimenter doubles whatever is in the box and A. $70 guaranteed or B. A [p]% chance of distributes it equally to each person in the room winning $75. regardless of how much money they put into the box. -------Down To------- Eachperson willthengo homewithwhateverthey A. $5 guaranteed or B. A [p]% chance of kept plus what they received from the box. winning $75. Notethatyouwillmaximizethemoneyyoureceive Social discounting instructions were as by not putting any money in the box. Then you will follows: take home the original $100 you kept plus what the The following experimentasks you to imagine that experimenter distributes after doubling whatever youhavemadealistofthe100peopleclosesttoyouin money was in the box. theworldrangingfromyourdearestfriendorrelative HOWEVER: If everybody kept all $100, nothing atposition#1toamereacquaintanceat#100.The would be in the box and each person would take personatnumberonewouldbesomeoneyouknowwell home $100. and is your closest friend or relative. The person at Whereas, if everybody put all $100 in the box, #100mightbesomeoneyourecognizeandencounter each person would take home $200 after the money butperhapsyoumaynotevenknowtheirname. in the box was doubled and distributed. You do not have to physically create the list- just Please indicate below how much of the $100, if imagine that you have done so. any,youwouldputintothebox.Pleasetrytoanswer Six social distances [N9s] were presented: the question as if the money were real: #1,#5,#10,#20,#50,#100,eachonitsown I would put the following amount into the box: page, with order of pages randomized. The $______ amountofmoneytoforgoinordertogive$75 I would keep the following amount: $______ to another person was presented in 10 Sum must equal $100 incrementsrangingfrom$85to$0.Eachpage Immediately after the PGG each participant contained the following instructions: completed social, delay, and probability dis- Imagineyoumadealistofthe100peopleclosestto counting tests in a counterbalanced order. youintheworldrangingfromyourdearestfriendor Each discounting test consisted of a page of relative at #1 to a mere acquaintance at #100. instructions followed by five or six pages of Now imagine the following choices between an questions. amount of money for you and an amount for the 64 BRYAN A. JONES and HOWARD RACHLIN V #[N] person on the list. Circle A or B to indicate v ~ ð3Þ which you would choose in EACH line. 1zkprobhs A. $85 for you alone or B. $75 for the #[N] whereD5delay indays;h5(12p)/p5odds person on the list. A. $75 for you alone or B. $75 for the #[N] against. person on the list. -------Down To------- RESULTS A.$0foryoualoneorB.$75forthe#[N]person Figure 1showsmediancrossoverpointsand on the list. crossover points of individual participants at ThemaximumamountinColumn-Awasset the 20th and 80th percentiles for the three at $85 rather than $75 because in previous types of discounting. The exponent, s, repre- research many participants preferred $75 for sents sensitivity to the discounting variable the 1st or 2nd person on their list to $75 for (Green & Myerson, 2004). With social dis- themselves (Jones & Rachlin, 2006). counting (Equation 1), obtained values of s For half of the discount tests the money have not been significantly different from amountsinColumnAdecreased(D)asshown unity and were therefore set at unity in fitting above; for the other half, the amounts in Equation 1 to the median social crossover Column A increased (I). The eight orders of points. (But s was allowed to vary in fitting increase and decrease across the three tests Equations 2 and 3 to the median delay and (III,IID, IDD, IDI, DDD,DDI, DII, DID) were probability crossover points.) As in previous social-discountingtests,manyparticipantspre- counterbalanced across participants. ferred $75 for people at close social distances Data Analysis (N 5 1, 2) to $75 for themselves. Crossover points above $75 were obtained at these close Thedataofanyparticipantwhocrossedover social distances. The undiscounted value, V, morethanonceonanypageofadiscounttest was therefore allowed to vary in fitting wereeliminatedfromallcalculationsinvolving Equation 1 to the median social crossover that test. Also, the data of any participant points. Parameters and fits of Equations 1, 2, whose PGG answers did not add to 100% of and3tomediancrossoverpointsareshownin the total were eliminated from all calculations the left side of Table 1. In addition, the three involving the PGG. A maximum of 11 partic- equations were fitted to individual partici- ipants were removed from the PGG analysis pants’ crossover points. For the individual fits, and a maximum of 10 participants were all parameters other than k were held con- removed from the analyses comparing pairs stant. A k value was then determined for each of discounting measures. The number of participant for each of the three discount participants removed for each analysis is functions. The right side of Table 1 shows the reflected by the number of participants re- mean of individual ks and mean of individual ported on each table in the results section. fits to Equations 1, 2, and 3. The point (v) at which each of the Area under the curve (0 # AUC # 1) is a remaining participants crossed over from single-parametermeasureofdiscountratethat preference for the Column-A amount to the does not depend on functional form (Myer- Column-B amount (or vice versa) was deter- son,Green,&Warusawitharana,2001).AUCis minedateachsocialdistance(N),delay(D)in the sum of the areas of the trapezoids formed days,andprobability(p).Equations 1,2,and3 by adjacent crossover points and the abscissa (see Rachlin, 2006 for discussion of this form (normalized with respect to the maximum). of the equation) were fitted to the median The closer the AUC is to unity, the shallower crossover point at each social distance, delay, the discounting. Table 2 shows that partici- and probability. In addition, individual social, pants with shallower social or probability delay, and probability discount functions were discount functions (higher AUC) tended to determined for each participant by fitting contribute more in the PGG than did partic- individual crossover points (vs) to Equation 1, ipants with steeper probability discount func- 2 or 3: tions. However, there was no significant V correlation between steepness of delay dis- v ~ 1zk Ds ð2Þ counting and PGG contribution. Analyses delay DISCOUNTING IN A PUBLIC GOODS GAME 65 reported in Tables 2 and 3 were performed usingbothAUCandlogk.Thesignificanceof theresultswasthesameforbothmeasures.We report AUC because this measure involves no assumptionoffunctionalform.Figure 2shows individual-participant delay AUC’s (upper graph) and probability AUC’s (lower graph), each plotted against individual-participant social AUC’s. PGG contributions were not normally dis- tributed across all participants. In order to account for non-normal distributions, we divided donations into those who contributed less than the median donation ($0–$25) and those who contributed more than the median ($26–$100) to create a binary variable. Four outliers of individual AUC social scores (all above .6) were removed from this analysis. Significancesofallcorrelationsdidnotchange when the outliers were eliminated. The corre- lation between social discounting (AUC) and the binary PGG contribution was significant, r(90) 5 .222, p 5 .036. The correlation between AUC probability and the binary PGG contributionwasalsosignificant,r(92)5.371, p , .001. Table 3 shows that the AUC’s of all three discount functions were significantly correlated with each other. The average stated PGG contribution was $31.Thedistributionofcontributionsisshown in Figure 3 and will be discussed along with that of PGG contributions in Experiment 2. DISCUSSION Participants who contributed higher per- centages of their $100 endowment to the common good in the PGG were more gener- ous to others at various social distances (shallowersocialdiscountfunctions)andwere less risk-averse (shallower probability discount functions)thanwereparticipantswhocontrib- Fig. 1. Upper graph: Social discount function: uted less in the PGG. This is some evidence Amount of money for the participant equivalent to $75 that social and probability discount functions forapersonatagivensocialdistance(N).Thesolidcircles may be meaningful measures of individual aremediancrossoverpoints.ThelineisEquation1fitto the medians. Open squares are crossover points of the altruism and social cooperativeness. participantatthe80thpercentile(k5.04);opentriangles are crossover points of the participant at the 20th percentile (k 5 .27). Middle graph: Delay discount r function:Amountofmoneynowequivalentto$75delayed by D days. The solid circles are median crossover points. for sure equivalent to $75 at a given odds against (h 5 The line is Equation2 fit to the medians. Open squares (12p)/p). The solid circles are median crossover points. are crossover points of the participant at the 80th The line is Equation3 fit to the medians. Open squares percentile (k 5 .01); open triangles are crossover points are crossover points of the participant at the 80th oftheparticipantatthe20thpercentile(k5.09).Lower percentile (k 5 2.8); open triangles are crossover points graph: Probability discount function: Amount of money oftheparticipantatthe20thpercentile(k59.0). 66 BRYAN A. JONES and HOWARD RACHLIN Table1 Experiment1.Bestfittomedianindifferencepointsandmeanofindividualparticipantfitsto Equations1,2and3. BestfittingEquationtomedian MeanoffittoEquationforindividuals Typeofdiscounting V k s R2 V Meank SD s R2 Social(Eq.1) $77 0.067 1.00f .97 $77f 0.081 0.272 1.00f .80 Delay(Eq.2) $75f 0.029 0.35 .99 $75f 0.018 0.092 0.35f .91 Probability(Eq.3) $75f 3.270 0.57 .97 $75f 4.570 2.949 0.57f .89 ffixedatthisvalue. However, no significant correlation was In prior experiments, participants discount- found between delay discounting and PGG ed higher delayed amounts (Vs) more than contribution.Thatis,aparticipant’sgenerosity lower delayed amounts (the ‘‘amount effect’’) to her future self, as measured by her but they discounted higher probabilistic and individual delay discount function, did not socially distant amounts less than lower prob- predict her generosity to a group of fellow abilistic and socially distant amounts (the students, as measured by her PGG contribu- ‘‘reverse amount effect’’). These effects are tion. Steepness of delay discounting has been summarized for probability and delay by repeatedly found to correlate with failure of Green and Myerson (2004) and for social self-control or addiction in everyday life; discounting by Rachlin and Jones (2008). individual delay discount functions have been Experiment 1 adds to the evidence that social obtained for alcoholics, cigarette smokers, and probability discounting share similar gamblers, cocaine addicts, and heroin addicts; propertieswhiledelaydiscountingdiffersfrom the delay discount functions of addicts were both. significantly greater than those of nonaddicts As Table 3 shows, despite the differing (Bickel & Marsch, 2001). Steepness of delay properties of social discounting together with discounting has also been found to decrease probability discounting on the one hand and with age of the discounter (Green, Fry, & delay discounting on the other, all three Myerson, 1994). The high predictive power of discountfunctionscorrelatedsignificantlywith the delay discounting measure in these cases each other. The lack of transitivity (delay together with the lack of correlation between discounting uncorrelated with PGG contribu- delay discounting and social cooperation in tion, social and probability discounting corre- thePGGinExperiment1isthereforeevidence lated with PGG contribution, but delay dis- against Rachlin’s (2002b) argument that self- counting correlated with both social and control(asmeasuredbydelaydiscounting)on probability discounting) is possible due to the one hand, and social cooperation (as the looseness of the correlations involved measured by social discounting) on the other, (significant r-values ranging from .22 to .32). are ultimately the same process. For example, even though social and delay Table2 Experiment 1. Best fit to median indifference points and Area Under the Curve (AUC) correlatedwithPGGcontribution. FittoEquation AUCvs.PGG Typeofdiscounting V k s R2 AUC r p n Social(Eq.1) $77 0.067 1.00f .97 .256 .245* .016 96 Delay(Eq.2) $75f 0.029 0.35 .99 .391 .009 .935 92 Probability(Eq.3) $75f 3.270 0.57 .97 .248 .269** .009 93 n:numberofparticipants. ffixedatthisvalue. *p,.05. **p,.01. DISCOUNTING IN A PUBLIC GOODS GAME 67 Table3 school seniors and graduate students of Experiments 1 and 2: Correlations between AUCs for Experiment 1 were atypical. Accordingly, differentformsofdiscounting. Experiment2repeatedthePGGandthesocial and delay discounting tests (but not the r p n probabilitytest)ofExperiment1withahigher Social-ProbabilityExperiment1 .334** .001 94 undiscounted amount ($1,000) in the delay Probability-DelayExperiment1 .205* .048 94 tests, with a larger number of participants, Social-DelayExperiment1 .282** .006 93 Social-DelayExperiment2 .249** .001 160 and with less sophisticated participants (mostly freshmen in an introductory psychol- n:numberofparticipants. ogy class). *p,.05. **p,.01. EXPERIMENT 2 discountingcorrelatedsignificantly,manypar- METHOD ticipantsdifferedstronglyinsteepnessofsocial Participants anddelaydiscounting.Somehadshallowdelay discount functions but steep social discount Participantswere196students(85male,111 functions (‘‘Scrooges’’) while some had shal- female, Mdn age 5 19) enrolled in an low social discount functions but steep delay undergraduate Stony Brook University psy- discountfunctions(‘‘generousspendthrifts’’). chology class. They completed a pencil-and- Intransitivitiesmayoccurwhen,asinthiscase, paper PGG, social discount, and delay dis- multiple factors underlie a given measure count tests simultaneously in a lecture hall. (Tversky, 1969). Materials and Procedures It is conceivable that the three-way correla- tion found between the three discount mea- A single-page PGG was presented to each sures is an artifact of the very similar choice participant as in Experiment 1 with the proceduresused to determinethem(contrast- addition of the following instructions: ed with the judgment procedure used to Howmuchdoyouthinktheaveragepersoninthe measure PGG contribution) but we believe class will put in? $______ this is unlikely. First, any tendency to cross ImmediatelyafterthePGG,eachparticipant over at the upper or lower parts of the answer completed delay and social discount tests in a sheet irrespective of the discounting variable counterbalanced order. Each discount test would have been cancelled out by the coun- consisted of a page of instructions followed terbalanced up–down orders of the A-col- by four pages. Four delays (1 day, 1 week, umns. Second, probabilistic alternatives were 1 month,1 year)were testedin11increments expressed intheanswersheetsaspercentages, ranging from $1,000 to $0. Participants were whereastheAUCmeasuresofprobabilitywere presented with a page for each delay in a determined after conversion to odds-against. randomized order that included the following Odds-against ((12p)/p) varies inversely with instructions: probability.Ifparticipantstendedtocrossover Please choose which amount of money you would at high or low values of the variable being rather have for each line. measured,probabilityAUCshouldhavevaried A. $1,000 for you right now. B. $1,000 for you inversely, not directly with both social and after [D]. delay AUCs. A. $900 for you right now. B. $1,000 for you However, it is possible that the long delays after [D]. tested in Experiment 1 and typically used in A. $800 for you right now. B. $1,000 for you delay discounting studies with humans (run- after [D]. ningto5 years)dwarfedthe$75undiscounted ------Down To------ reward and created a‘‘peanuts’’effect, where- A. $ 0 for you right now. B. $1,000 for you after in the delay discounting measure was some- [D]. how distorted. Or perhaps the similar undis- Social discount instructions were identical counted amounts of the discounting variables to those of Experiment 1 except four social created an ‘‘atmosphere effect’’ wherein the distances (1, 10, 50, and 100) were tested. two measures were confused. Another possi- For half of the discount tests the money bility is that the ‘‘sophisticated’’ business amountsinColumnAdecreased(D)asshown 68 BRYAN A. JONES and HOWARD RACHLIN Fig. 2. Upper graph: Social AUC versus delay AUC of individual participants. Lower graph: Social AUC versus probabilityAUCofindividualparticipants.Thedifferentnumbersofpointsinthetwographsatthesameabscissavalue areduetoeliminationfromanalysisofdelayorprobabilitydataofparticipantswhocrossedovermorethanonceonthat measure.Thesolidlinesareregressionlines.Thedottedlinesaremedians. DISCOUNTING IN A PUBLIC GOODS GAME 69 tions into below median contribution ($0– $40) and above median contribution ($41– 100) correlated withsocialAUC,r(196) 5.29, p , .001. Correlations using individual-partic- ipant log ks corresponded to those obtained with individual-participant AUC’s. Figure 3 shows the distribution of PGG contributions in both experiments and the distributionoftheparticipants’predictionsfor the average contributions in Experiment 2. As is typical of PGG contributions (Camerer, 2003), the distributions are not unimodal; there are large modes at $0 and $50, and a smalloneat$100.ThemeanandmedianPGG contributions were $40 and $38, respectively. Fig. 3. Distributions of stated PGG contributions in The mean and median PGG predictions were Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 and predictions of averagecontributioninExperiment2. $20 and $30. The mean difference across participants (contribution minus prediction) above; for the other half, the amounts in was $8, significantly greater than zero, t(285) Column A increased (I). The four orders of 5 4.95, p , .001. That is, on average, increase and decrease for the two tests (II, ID, participants claimed to be more generous DD, DI) were counterbalanced across partici- than their classmates. pants. Figure 4 shows individual participants’ pre- dicted average contributions plotted against RESULTS their own stated contributions. The solid line is the best-fitting straight line through the The same participant elimination criteria points, r(364) 5 .60, p , .001. wereusedinExperiment2asinExperiment1; data from 36 participants were removed from analysis. Table 4 shows the fit of Equations 1 DISCUSSION and 2 to the data. As in Experiment 1, both The results of Experiment 2 followed the social and delay discounting were well de- pattern of Experiment 1 with respect to social scribedbyhyperbolicfunctions.Table 5shows and delay discounting and the PGG. As in the mean individual fits of social and delay Experiment 1, in the social discounting test, data to Equations 1 and 2. participants who indicated that they would Again, as in Experiment 1, the correlation forgo more money for themselves in order to betweensocialAUCandPGGcontributionwas give $75 to other people also indicated in the statistically significant while the correlation PGG that they would contribute more to a betweendelayAUCandPGGcontributionwas common good. But, as in Experiment 1, the not significant; again, as Table 3 shows, social same did not hold for delay discounting; and delay AUCs were significantly correlated participants who indicated that they would with each other. Binary divisions of contribu- forgo more money now in order to obtain Table4 Experiment 2. Fits of data to Equations1 and 2; Area Under Curve (AUC) correlated with PGGcontribution. FittoEquation AUCvs.PGG Typeofdiscounting V k s R2 AUC R p n Social(Eq.1) $82 0.048 1.00f 0.97 0.369 .350** 0.001 160 Delay(Eq.2) $1,000f 0.005 0.37 0.96 0.755 0.117 0.139 160 n:numberofparticipants. fparameterfixedatthisvalue. *p,.05. **p,.01. 70 BRYAN A. JONES and HOWARD RACHLIN Table5 Experiment2.MeanofindividualparticipantfitstoEquations1and2. FittoEquation TypeofDiscounting V Meank SD s R2 Social(Eq.1) $82f 0.119 .292 1.00f .86 Delay(Eq.2) $1000f 0.002 .023 0.35f .72 ffixedatthisvalue $1,000 in the future contributed no more was the much greater steepness of delay money in the PGG than did those who said discounting in Experiment 1. The delay they would forgo less money now in order to discount constant, k, for median crossover obtain $1,000 in the future. Despite this points,was0.029inExperiment1and0.005in difference between social and delay discount- this experiment—more than a fivefold differ- ing as regards the PGG, steepness of discount- ence. This is an example of the well estab- ing was significantly correlated across the two lished ‘‘amount effect’’ in delay discounting measures—participants who sacrificed present wherein larger amounts ($1,000 in this exper- good for the benefit of others also tended to iment) are discounted less than smaller sacrifice present good for the benefit of their amounts ($75 in Experiment 1; Raineri & futureselves.Butthereweremanyexceptions; Rachlin, 1993). in both experiments some participants were Unlike undiscounted delayed amounts, the Scrooge-like, with steep social and shallow undiscounted social amounts were set at the delay discount functions, while others were same value ($75) in the two experiments. Yet, generous spendthrifts, with steep delay and the introductory psychology students in this shallow social discount functions. experiment were (marginally) less selfish than A notable difference between the results of the senior and graduate business-school stu- this experiment and those of Experiment 1 dents of Experiment 1. The mean PGG Fig. 4. TheactualcontributionversuspredictedcontributioninExperiment2.Thesolidlineisthebestlinearfit betweencontributionandprediction.