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ERIC EJ860954: A Unique Challenge: Sorting out the Differences between Giftedness and Asperger's Disorder PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ860954: A Unique Challenge: Sorting out the Differences between Giftedness and Asperger's Disorder

gifted child today 57 Giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder The Disorder Joey loved nature more Asperger’s Disorder is a pervasive than anything else. developmental disorder on the autism spectrum. It is characterized by severe As a 4-year-old, deficits in age-appropriate social he knew more facts about climate interactions and restricted, repeti- tive patterns of behavior or interests zones, geography, and geology (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). There is no doubt that a gifted than most high school students. His child can have Asperger’s Disorder and that this combination has a profound intellectual curiosity was astonishing. impact on both social interactions and schooling (Amend & Schuler, 2004; He often devised his own scientific Cash, 1999; Neihart, 2000). A gifted child with a disability experiments—at home and at school. like Asperger’s Disorder (or a learn- ing disability or Attention Deficit/ Joey's advanced vocabulary, enjoyment Hyperactivity Disorder) is referred to as a twice-exceptional child. of being with older children, and high Programming for twice-exceptional students is difficult because their abil- level of motivation were noted by his ities often straddle both ends of the bell-shaped curve, with strengths and parents and preschool teachers. And weaknesses needing to be addressed in order for interventions to be suc- yet, Joey's socialization skills did not cessful. Even though twice-exceptional students are in the minority, identify- match his highly developed abilities. ing these students presents a significant challenge because gifted children who For example, he failed to recognize are misunderstood can be easily mis- diagnosed by those not aware of the how others felt, had unexpected typical characteristics of gifted children (Hartnett, Nelson, & Rinn, 2004; rages without clear provocation, and Lovecky, 2004; Webb et al., 2005). often spoke in a formal and pedantic The Implications manner that turned others off. He was All-too-often, well-meaning indi- clumsy, which affected his physical viduals urge parents to seek referrals for psychological evaluation without play with other children. Sensory considering or understanding the typi- cal characteristics of gifted children or issues and meltdowns also were the impact of intellectual ability on behavior and relationships. In turn, present. Questions arose: Gifted and clinicians receiving such referrals also may fail to assess the implications of quirky, Asperger's Disorder, or both? giftedness when exploring potential diagnoses like Asperger’s Disorder. 58 fall 2009 • vol 32, no 4 Giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder The interested reader is referred to the passion and talent areas; various forms ness and Asperger’s Disorder. When Joey book Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of acceleration based on needs; oppor- started kindergarten in a private school of Gifted Children and Adults (Webb tunities to socialize and to learn with with behavioral consultation services, the et al., 2005) for a thorough discussion like-ability peers; and differentiated gifted counselor/consultant recommended of diagnostic issues among the gifted instructional delivery, including pace, a variety of acceleration, enrichment, population. amount of review and practice, and and different grouping opportunities to organization of content presentation meet his cognitive and social needs. It Joey’s teachers knew that he was a smart (Rogers, 2007). Without appropriate also was recommended that Joey’s parents little boy, but their focus was on his neg- prereferral interventions, opportunities enroll him in a research study on autism ative classroom behaviors. A Preschool to have a profound positive impact may at a nearby center known for its work Individualized Education Program (IEP) be missed. By adjusting the educational with autism spectrum disorders. It was was developed that emphasized managing environment and curriculum in the there that Joey was formally diagnosed his sensory issues and meltdowns result- prereferral stage to meet the unique with Asperger’s Disorder. Fortunately, ing from his obsessive nature and rigid- learning needs of the gifted student, Joey’s highly gifted intellectual abilities ity about rules. Occupational therapy positive changes may be seen. also were recognized. Suggestions by the and social work, as well as services for center dovetailed those given in the pre- the family, were incorporated into Joey’s The Dilemma referral process to develop Joey’s strengths IEP. Although these services were helpful, while accommodating his weaknesses. Joey’s parents realized the paradoxes of When the gifted child’s intensity is their son and sought help for his intel- The Instrument combined with a classroom environ- lectual needs and perfectionist tendencies. ment and curriculum that do not meet They contacted a counselor/consultant his educational needs, his behavior is Although the literature on who specializes in working with gifted more likely to be viewed as different Asperger’s Disorder is replete with children to help them with their advocacy. (Baum & Owen, 2004; Cross, 2004) many references to high ability/gift- The prereferral process began. and, perhaps, pathological. As a result, edness and Asperger’s Disorder (e.g., the gifted learner with a unique inter- Attwood, 2007; Bashe & Kirby, 2001; The Process action style may be initially mislabeled Grandin & Duffy, 2004), there is, at (and eventually misdiagnosed) when this time, only one instrument that Like Joey, a gifted child’s abilities his educational needs are not met. delineates giftedness and character- and talents must be considered not This mislabeling can lead to inap- istics of Asperger’s Disorder. Burger- only in the referral process and evalu- propriate interventions that result in Veltmeijer (2008) of the Netherlands ation, but also in the prereferral inter- more—rather than less—problems in created the Dimensional Discrepancy vention phase. Prereferral is the process the classroom (Eide & Eide, 2006). Model GFT + ASD (DD-Checklist) of obtaining a thorough understanding Conversely, dramatic positive changes to help psychologists observe the of a gifted child or adolescent by exam- can be realized when the gifted child’s characteristics of gifted-like manifes- ining the frequency, severity, and dura- abilities and unique characteristics tations versus Asperger’s Disorder-like tion of any presenting behaviors and such as intensity are taken into account manifestations. whether any are problematic. Current when developing prereferral strate- The Giftedness/Asperger’s Disorder functioning is the focus of the prere- gies, during the evaluation process, Checklist (GADC) to be presented ferral process (Boland & Gross, 2007). and when identifying postevaluation here was similarly developed to help Interviews with parents or guardians interventions. educators, mental health professionals, and the child, as well as instruments and parents during the prereferral pro- that provide data on the functioning of For Joey, the prereferral process included cess to see if environmental interven- the child, help to determine appropri- an examination of all health records and tions would be beneficial in the process ate prereferral interventions. These may past testing, interviews with Joey and his of determining the need for more for- include best practices found in gifted parents, teacher input, and observation mal diagnostic evaluation. Like the education: daily challenge in specific of his current level of functioning. It was DD-Checklist, the GADC focuses areas of talent; regular opportunities to apparent that Joey demonstrated many of on the educational and psychological continued on page ?? be unique and work independently in the behaviors characteristic of both gifted- needs of the student who may or may gifted child today 59 Giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder not be gifted and who may or may studies also provide relevant data for and differentiation strategies such as not have Asperger’s Disorder. To avoid identification (Amend & Schuler, those discussed in books like Teaching unneeded or inappropriate interven- 2004; Cash, 1999; McKeigue, 2008; Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom tions, parents and educators may want Schuler & O’Leary, 2008). (Winebrenner & Espeland, 2000), to complete the GADC in Table 1 to Some of the characteristics that Teaching Young Gifted Children in the help them to determine which inter- gifted children exhibit also are seen Regular Classroom (Smutny, Walker, ventions (e.g., those for gifted students in children with Asperger’s Disorder & Meckstroth, 1997), or Re-Forming or those for students with Asperger’s (Attwood, 2007; Burger-Veltmeijer, Gifted Education (Rogers, 2002). Disorder) may be most appropriate, 2008; Lovecky, 2004; Neihart, 2000; If most of the checks fall on the and to help decide whether to refer the Webb et al., 2005). Although similar, Asperger’s side or if the responses are gifted child for thorough psychological the behaviors may present a bit differ- fairly evenly split, attempt strategies to evaluation. ently and/or the motivation for the address the specific behaviors observed The GADC is a clinically developed behavior may be different. The behav- (Kraus, 2004) and consider referring instrument designed as a tool to help ioral descriptors and characteristics the child for formal evaluation to guide parents, educators, and clini- in the GADC are intended to help explore both giftedness and Asperger’s cians toward possible interventions Disorder. In these cases, books such differentiate between giftedness and and to help them begin to determine as Helping a Child With Nonverbal Asperger’s Disorder. The domains or whether an unsuitable, inflexible, or Learning Disorder or Asperger’s Disorder categories to be explored are listed with unreceptive educational environment (Stewart, 2007), Succeeding in College multiple descriptors in each domain. is contributing to the child’s unusual With Asperger Syndrome (Harpur, Because there is some overlap between or inappropriate behavior. Although Lawlor, & Fitzgerald, 2004), A Parent’s giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder, the information contained within this Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High- some characteristics may not necessar- checklist comes from both research Functioning Autism (Ozonoff, Dawson, ily help to differentiate between the two and clinical experience with these & McPartland, 2002), and Asperger’s: groups—these are not included here. populations, this checklist has not What Does It Mean to Me? (Faherty, The GADC includes general behav- been validated or normed in any way. 2000) may be helpful in providing iors characteristic of children in each The GADC is designed to facilitate information and strategies. group, and it would be unlikely for all appropriate interventions in the pre- descriptors in either category to apply referral stage and should never be used Although his intellectual abilities had to one child. However, if only a select as a substitute for formal and compre- been identified, Joey’s experience in the few of the characteristics listed here hensive evaluation when further study private school was not positive for him apply to the child in question, then it is necessary to determine causes of because the focus remained on his social may be best to consider interventions behavior. and emotional difficulties. Because his or assessment in areas other than gift- The GADC contains characteris- highly gifted cognitive needs were not edness or Asperger’s Disorder. tics that are observed in gifted chil- being met, Joey’s parents chose to place dren or those exhibiting Asperger’s him in their local public school in an Using the GADC Disorder, and these characteristics are attempt to find a balance that addressed taken from a variety of sources (e.g., both strengths and concerns. As strong American Psychiatric Association, To use the GADC, simply mark advocates for their son, Joey’s parents were 2000; Attwood, 2007; Cash, 1999; those items that apply to the child. To able to demonstrate his need for grade Klin, Volkmar, & Sparrow, 2000; determine accurate differentiation, two acceleration as well as additional subject Little, 2002; Mesibov, Shea, & Adams, principles should be followed. First, acceleration in his strength area—math- 2001; Neihart, 2000; Silverman & observe the child’s behaviors when he is ematics. Joey’s parents provided school Weinfeld, 2007; Webb et al., 2005). with others who have similar intellec- personnel with articles on gifted children Recent research on gifted children on tual abilities and/or interests. Secondly, with Asperger’s Disorder from 2e: The the autism spectrum (Assouline, Foley examine the child’s insight about how Twice Exceptional Newsletter as well as Nicpon, Colangelo, & O’Brien, 2008) other people see him and his behav- other resources from the gifted counselor/ has presented additional empirical data iors (Webb et al., 2005). If most of consultant. Awareness, understanding, on the characteristics of gifted children the checks are in the gifted column, and acceptance of Joey’s giftedness made who have Asperger’s Disorder. Case implement curriculum modifications the difference in how his teachers viewed 60 fall 2009 • vol 32, no 4 Giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder Table 1 Giftedness/Asperger’s Disorder Checklist (GADC)© Prereferral Checklist Gifted Asperger’s Disorder Memory and Attention __ Excellent memory for facts and information about a variety of __ Superb memory for facts and detailed information related to topics selected topics of special interest __ Typically accurate recall for names and faces __ Poor recall for names and faces __ Dislikes rote memorization tasks although he/she may do it well __ Enjoys thinking about and remembering details, facts, and figures __ Intense focus on topics of interest __ Intense focus on primary topic of interest __ If distracted, is likely to return to a task quickly with or without __ If distracted by internal thoughts, redirecting to task at hand may redirection be difficult Speech and Language __ Extensive, advanced vocabulary __ Advanced use of words with lack of comprehension for all lan- __ Communicates understandings of abstract ideas guage used __ Rich and interesting verbal style __ Thinks and communicates in concrete and literal terms with less __ Engages others in interests abstraction __ Asks challenging questions __ Uninviting verbal style __ Expressive language/speech pattern of an older child __ Style or content lacks reciprocity and engagement of others in __ Elaborates with or without prompts their personal interests __ Understands and engages in sophisticated and/or socially recipro- __ Repeats questions and information cal humor, irony, and sarcasm __ Pedantic and seamless speech __ Understands cause/effect or give and take of conversation __ Little or no elaboration with run-on speech __ Able to communicate distress verbally __ Misunderstands jokes involving social reciprocity __ Has difficulty understanding give and take of conversation __ Communicates distress with actions rather than words Social and Emotional __ Able to identify and name friends; enjoys high social status in __ Demonstrates significant difficulty and lacks understanding of some circles how to establish and keep friends __ Aware of social norms __ Indifferent to social norms of dress and behavior __ Keenly aware that he/she is different from peers __ Limited recognition of differences with peers __ Spontaneous sharing of enjoyment, activities, interests, or __ Little or no interest in spontaneous sharing of enjoyment, activi- accomplishments ties, interests, or accomplishments __ Engages others in conversation __ Shows significant difficulty initiating or engaging others in __ Aware of another’s perspective and able to take and understand conversation others’ viewpoint __ Assume others share his/her personal views __ Follows unwritten rules of social interactions __ Unaware of social conventions or the reasons behind them __ Shows keen social insight and an intuitive nature __ Lacks social insight __ Usually demonstrates appropriate emotions __ Demonstrates inappropriate or immature emotions and flat or __ Aware of others’ emotions and recognizes others’ feelings easily restricted affect __ Able to read social situations and respond to social cues __ Limited recognition of others’ emotions __ Shows empathy for others and able to comfort a friend in need __ Misreads social situations and may not respond (or even know how to respond) to social cues __ Does not typically show empathy or concern for someone in need Behavioral __ May passively resist but will often go along with change __ Actively or aggressively resists change; rigid __ Questions rules and structure __ Adheres strictly to rules and needs structure __ Stereotypical behaviors (e.g., hand or finger flapping, twisting, or __ Stereotypical behaviors (e.g., hand or finger flapping, twisting, or complex body movements) not present complex body movements) are present __ When problems arise, he/she is typically distressed by them __ When problems arise, parents or teachers are distressed by them while student may be unaware of distressing situation unless per- sonally affected Motor Skills __ Well-coordinated __ Lacks age-appropriate coordination __ Interested in team sports __ Avoids team sports continued on page ?? __ Demonstrates appropriate development of self-help skills __ Delayed acquisition of self-help skills Note. From Amend, Beaver-Gavin, Schuler, and Beights (2008). gifted child today 61 Giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder him and what educational interventions emotional development of children who versity of Iowa, The Connie Belin & he received. demonstrate behaviors that resemble Jacqueline N. Blank International those along the autism spectrum. The Center for Gifted Education and Tal- ent Development. If, after the prereferral process and GADC is a step toward identifying the Attwood, T. (2007). The complete guide intervention, clinicians, parents, and category of interventions that may be to Asperger’s syndrome. London: Jessica teachers agree that modifying the child’s beneficial for a particular child who Kingsley. environment is not producing positive may or may not be gifted, or may or Bashe, P. R., & Kirby, B. L. (2001). The results, further evaluation should be may not have Asperger’s Disorder. The OASIS guide to Asperger syndrome: considered. Formal diagnostic tools such authors, who primarily work in private Advice, support, insight, and inspiration. as the Autism Diagnostic Observation and/or school-related facilities, have not New York: Crown. Schedule (Lord, Rutter, DiLavore, & formally evaluated the reliability and Baum, S. M., & Owen, S. V. (2004). To be Risi, 2000), the Asperger’s Syndrome validity of the GADC. They encour- gifted & learning disabled: Strategies for Diagnostic Scale (Myles, Bock, & age researchers to explore its useful- helping bright students with LD, ADHD, Simpson, 2000), the Australian Scale ness in order to increase the utility of and more. Mansfield Center, CT: Cre- ative Learning Press. for Asperger’s Syndrome (Garnett & the GADC and its impact on gifted or Boland, C. M., & Gross, M. U. M. (2007). Attwood, 1995), the Gilliam Autism twice-exceptional youth. The authors Counseling highly gifted children and Rating Scale (Gilliam, 2006), and firmly believe that using the GADC in adolescents. In S. Mendaglio & J. S. the Childhood Autism Rating Scale the prereferral stage will lead to fewer Peterson (Eds.), Models of counseling gifted (Schopler, Reichler, & Renner, 1998) inappropriate referrals and referrals that children, adolescents, and young adults (pp. should be considered when a more com- are more carefully screened, provide 153–197). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. prehensive evaluation is needed. Only direction regarding appropriate inter- Burger-Veltmeijer, A. (2008, September). qualified and experienced professionals vention, and increase the likelihood Giftedness and autism: From differential should administer these instruments. that giftedness, rather than pathology, diagnosis to needs-based assessment. Paper Whether or not giftedness is might be explored as an hypothesis for presented at the European Council for thought to be involved, parents and the behaviors in question. GCT High Ability (ECHA) Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. educators should seek a qualified psy- Cash, A. B. (1999). Autism: The silent chologist who has experience with both References mask. In A. Y. Baldwin & W. Vialle giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder. It (Eds.), The many faces of giftedness: Lift- is never appropriate to label a gifted Amend, E. R., Beaver-Gavin, K., Schuler, ing the masks (pp. 209–238). Belmont, child—or any child—with a disorder P., & Beights, R. (2008). Giftedness/ CA: Wadsworth. such as Asperger’s Disorder without a Asperger’s Disorder Checklist (GADC) Cross, T. (2004). On the social and emo- comprehensive evaluation to rule out Pre-Referral Checklist. (Available from tional lives of gifted children: Issues and other potential causes for the behaviors Amend Psychological Services, PSC, factors in their psychological development of concern. 1025 Dove Run Road, Suite 304, Lex- (2nd ed.). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. ington, KY 40502) Eide, B., & Eide, F. (2006). The mislabeled Amend, E., & Schuler, P. (2004, July). child: How understanding your child’s Future Directions Challenges for gifted children with unique learning style can open the door Asperger’s Disorder. Paper presented to success. New York: Hyperion. Thus far, the GADC has been use- at the annual meeting of Support- Faherty, C. (2000). Asperger’s: What does ful only in informal and prereferral ing Emotional Needs of the Gifted it mean to me? Arlington, TX: Future processes to help determine appropri- (SENG), Crystal City, VA. Horizons. ate interventions for gifted children and American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Garnett, M. S., & Attwood, A. J. (1995). Diagnostic and statistical manual of The Australian Scale for Asperger’s Syn- those thought to show characteristics mental disorders (4th ed., Text rev.). drome. In T. Attwood (Ed.), Asperger’s of autism spectrum disorders before Washington, DC: American Psychiatric syndrome: A guide for parents and pro- formal evaluation is sought. It is in this Association. fessionals (pp. 16–20). London: Jessica arena that there is value to the GADC Assouline, S. G., Foley Nicpon, M., Col- Kingsley. at this time. Before referral for formal angelo, N., & O’Brien, M. (2008). Gilliam, J. E. (2006). Gilliam Autism Rat- evaluation, much can be done to lessen The paradox of giftedness and autism: ing Scale (GARS-2). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed. the stress, improve the academic per- Packet of information for professionals Grandin, T., & Duffy, K. (2004). Develop- formance, and enhance the social and (PIP)—Revised. Iowa City: The Uni- ing talents: Careers for individuals with 62 fall 2009 • vol 32, no 4 Giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder Asperger syndrome and high-functioning dren with Asperger’s syndrome attending Schuler, P., & O’Leary, N. (2008, Sep- autismco. nSthianwunedee f Mromiss ipoang, eK ?S?: Autism Irish primary schools. Paper presented at tember). Gifted students with Asperger Asperger Publishers. the European Council for High Abil- syndrome: Case studies. Paper presented Harpur, J., Lawlor, M., & Fitzgerald, ity (ECHA) conference, Prague, Czech at the European Council for High Abil- M. (2004). Succeeding in college with Republic. ity (ECHA) Conference, Prague, Czech Asperger Syndrome. Philadelphia: Jessica Mesibov, G. B., Shea, V., & Adams, L. W. Republic. Kingsley. (2001). Understanding Asperger syndrome Silverman, S., & Weinfeld, R. (2007). Hartnett, D. N., Nelson, J. M., & Rinn, and high functioning autism. Dordrecht, School success for kids with Asperger’s A. N. (2004). Gifted or ADHD? The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic. syndrome. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. possibilities of misdiagnosis. Roeper Myles, B. S., Bock, S. J., & Simpson, R. L. Smutny, J. F., Walker, S. Y., & Meckstroth, Review, 26, 73–76. (2000). 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R., Webb, N., Defining the difference. Gifted Child Rogers, K. B. (2002). Re-forming gifted Goerss, J., Beljan, P., & Olenchak, F. R. Today, 25(1), 58–63. education: Matching the program to the (2005). Misdiagnosis and dual diagno- Lord, C., Rutter, M., DiLavore, P. C., & child. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential ses of gifted children and adults: ADHD, Risi, P. (2000). Autism Diagnostic Obser- Press. bipolar, OCD, Asperger’s, depression, and vation Schedule (ADOS). Los Angeles, Rogers, K. B. (2007). Lessons learned other disorders. Scottsdale, AZ: Great CA: Western Psychological Services. about educating the gifted and tal- Potential Press. Lovecky, D. V. (2004). Different minds: ented: A synthesis of the research on Winebrenner, S., & Espeland, P. (2000). Gifted children with AD/HD, Asperger educational practice. Gifted Child Teaching gifted kids in the regular class- Syndrome, and other learning deficits. Quarterly, 51, 382–396. London: Jessica Kingsley. Schopler, E., Reichler, R. J., & Renner, room: Strategies and techniques every McKeigue, L. (2008, September). An B. R. (1998). Childhood Autism Rat- teacher can use to meet the academic investigation into the experiences and ing Scale (CARS). Bloomington, MN: needs of the gifted and talented (Rev. perspectives of exceptionally able chil- American Guidance Services. ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit. The Scholar Identity Institute continued from page 56 Roderick, M. (2003). What’s happening to U.S. Department of Education. (2008). the boys? Early high school experience The condition of education 2008. Wash- Hébert, T. P. (2001). “If I had a new note- and school outcomes among African ington, DC: National Center for Edu- book, I know things would change”: American male adolescents in Chicago. cation Statistics. Bright underachieving young men in urban classrooms. Gifted Child Quar- Urban Education, 38, 538–607. Whiting, G. W. (2006). Promoting a scholar identity among African-American males: terly, 45, 174–194. Rotter, J. B. (1966). Generalized expectan- Implications for gifted education. Gifted McClelland, D. C. (1961). The achieving cies for internal versus external control Education Psychology Press, 20(3), 2–6. society. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand. of reinforcement. Psychological Mono- Moore, J. L., III, Ford, D. Y., Owens, D., graphs, 80(1), 1–28. Author’s Note Hall, T., Byrd, M., Henfield, M., et al. Schubert, H. J. (Ed.). (1998). Charles Hor- (2006). Recruitment of African Ameri- ton Cooley: On self and social organization. cans in gifted education: Lessons learned Chicago: University of Chicago Press. It is with gratitude that someone of from higher education. Mid-Western Edu- U.S. Department of Education. (2002). Donna Ford’s accomplishment allows cational Research Journal, 19(2), 3–12. Elementary and secondary schools civil a junior scholar like myself to contrib- No Child Left Behind Act, 20 U.S.C. rights survey: Demographics of gifted pro- ute in her place for her multicultural §6301 (2001). grams. Washington, DC: Author. column. gifted child today 63

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