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Preview ERIC EJ859323: Establishing Derived Textual Control in Activity Schedules with Children with Autism

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2009, 42, 703–709 NUMBER3 (FALL2009) ESTABLISHING DERIVED TEXTUAL CONTROL IN ACTIVITY SCHEDULES WITH CHILDREN WITH AUTISM CAIO F. MIGUEL, HEEJEAN G. YANG, HEATHER E. FINN, AND WILLIAM H. AHEARN NEWENGLANDCENTERFORCHILDREN NORTHEASTERNUNIVERSITY Activity schedules are often used to facilitate task engagement and transition for children with autism.Thisstudyevaluatedwhetherconditionaldiscriminationtrainingwouldservetotransfer thecontrolfromactivity-schedulepicturestoprintedwords(i.e.,derivedtextualcontrol).Two preschoolers with autism were taught to select pictures and printed words given their dictated names. Following training, participants could respond to printed words by completing the depictedtask,matchprintedwordstopictures,andreadprintedwordswithoutexplicittraining (i.e.,emergent relations). DESCRIPTORS: activity schedules, autism, conditional discrimination, derived stimulus relations, stimulus equivalence _______________________________________________________________________________ Activity schedules are commonly used to cue & Merlino, 1994). One potential advantage of childrendiagnosedwithautismtoperformtasks an MTS procedure is the possibility of independently (McClannahan, MacDuff, & emergence of untaught responses (i.e., stimulus Krantz,2002).Activityschedulesusuallyconsist equivalence). If taught to select pictures when of binders with one picture per page that given the dictated names (AB) and printed childrenaretaughttoopen,turnthepages,look words when given the same dictated names atthepictures,andengageinthecorresponding (AC), participants may match pictures and task (MacDuff, Krantz, & McClannahan, printed words (BC, CB) and label pictures 1993; McClannahan & Krantz, 1999). When (BD) and printed words (CD) without direct children start learning to read, it may be training (Sidman, 1994). developmentally appropriate to replace the Rehfeldt and colleagues have demonstrated pictureswithprintedwords.AlthoughMcClan- that learning to relate dictated words to their nahan and Krantz recommend using within- corresponding pictures and printed words via stimulus fading for this task, conditional MTS discrimination training resulted in accu- discrimination training (i.e., matching to sam- rate mands using printed words instead of ple, MTS) may be a viable alternative for pictures (Rehfeldt & Root, 2005; Rosales & transferring control from pictures to printed Rehfeldt, 2007). Other emergent relations were words in activity schedules (Lalli, Casey, Goh, also evident without direct training, including matching words to pictures, pictures to words, Caio Miguel is now at California State University, andnamingpicturesandwords.Sidman(2004) Sacramento. Heather Finn is now at Cabrillo Unified has suggested that matching words and pictures School District, Half Moon Bay, California. We thank is a prerequisite for reading with comprehen- Rebecca McDonald and the staff in the Intensive Instruction Program at NECC for their onsite support, sion; thus, MTS seems to be an efficient way to as well as Danielle LaFrance for her comments on a teach socially important skills that should be previous version of this manuscript. Special thanks go to evaluated with children with autism. LindaLeBlanc for her invaluableeditorial assistance. AddresscorrespondencetoCaioMiguel,Departmentof The purposeof thisstudywas to evaluatethe Psychology,CaliforniaStateUniversity,Sacramento,6000 use of MTS conditional discrimination training JStreet,Sacramento,California95819(e-mail:miguelc@ toreplacepictureswithtextinactivityschedules csus.edu). doi:10.1901/jaba.2009.42-703 of children with autism (i.e., derived textual 703 704 CAIO F. MIGUEL et al. Table 1 Orderof Training andTesting Conditions Condition Relations Trainedortested Emergentrelationspretest CB,BC,CDa Tested Textualactivitybaseline Ctaskcompletion Tested Conditionaldiscriminationtraining AB,AC,andmixed Trained Textualactivityposttraining Ctaskcompletion Tested Emergentrelationsposttest CB,BC,CD Tested aA5 dictatedword, B5 picture,C5 printedword, D5 participant’s vocalresponse. control). Participants who could follow picture pants had previously been taught to tact each schedules were taught to select pictures and item and picture with 100% accuracy using a printed words given their dictated names fol- prompt delay procedure. Two sets of preferred lowedbyanevaluationoftheirabilitytofollowa items and activities were identified via prefer- textualactivityschedule.Readingcomprehension ence assessments (DeLeon & Iwata, 1996). wasalsoassessedbytestingtoseeifchildrencould Ben’sSet1itemsincludedapuzzle,arobottoy, match pictures to printed words (and vice versa) and crackers; the Set 2 toys included a shape and read the words out loud. sorter, a file-folder MTS activity, and chocolate candies. Dennis’ Set 1 items included a garage play set, an Etch-a-Sketch, and a Magna METHOD Doodle; the Set 2 items were a wooden pizza Participants play set, a pretend medical kit, and chips. Two 6-year-old children who had been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder Experimental Design and Measurement participated in the study. Ben spoke in three- to The effects of the MTS conditional discrim- five-word sentences. Dennis spoke in two- to ination training on completion of textual four-wordsentencesthatwerealmostallprompt- activity schedules were evaluated using a ed.Bothhadaverylimitedsight-wordvocabulary concurrent multiple-baseline design across two (i.e., few correct vocal labels for written words). sets of three pictures and toys. All six words were on the schedule in each session but Setting and Stimulus Materials training for one three-item set commenced Sessions were conducted in a secluded work before training of the other. In addition, pre- area of the participants’ preschool classroom. andposttestswereconductedtoassessemergent Materialsincludedathreeringbinder(11.5 cm stimulus relations. The order of conditions was by 16.5 cm) with one strip of hook-and-loop as follows: emergent relations pretests, textual tapeoneachofsixpages(i.e.,activityschedule), activity-schedule baseline, conditional discrim- a stimulus placement board (50 cm by 19 cm) ination training, textual activity-schedule post- with three strips of hook-and-loop tape, and 12 training, and emergent relations posttests (see laminated cards (5 cm by 7 cm). The 12 cards Table 1). consisted of six digital photographs of preferred Observers scored whether the presence of items and six cards with their corresponding printed words on the activity schedule (i.e., printed names in Times New Roman 40-point derived textual activity control) occasioned font on white backgrounds. All items and correct independent completion of an activity pictures had previously been trained in picture that consisted of looking at a printed word, activity schedules using the procedures outlined retrieving the corresponding item from an array by McClannahan and Krantz (1999). Partici- (Ben) or bookshelf (Dennis), and either con- DERIVED TEXTUAL CONTROL 705 suming or completing it before flipping to were tested along with a socially important another page. The percentage of correct inde- topography-based response (i.e., reading aloud). pendent responses was calculated by dividing First, printed words served as the samples and the number of correct responses by the total pictures served as the comparisons (CB). Next, possible number of responses per set (three). pictures served as the sample and printed words Observers also scored selections and oral served as comparisons (BC). Emergent textual labeling responses during emergent relations behavior (i.e., reading aloud) in the presence of tests as correct or incorrect. The percentage of printedwordswasalsotestedinnine-trialblocks correct responses was calculated by dividing the in which each printed word was presented three number of correct responses by the total timeswithapointingresponseandthequestion, possible number of responses per block (nine). ‘‘Whatisthis?’’(CD).Thecriterionforevidence Asecondindependentobserverscoredresponses of emergent relations was set at eight of nine during 33% and 60% of the sessions for Ben (89%)correcttrialsduringatestingblock. and Dennis, respectively. Each trial was scored Textual activity baseline and posttraining either as an agreement (i.e., identical observer probes. All six pictures in the child’s activity record) or a disagreement. Point-by-point schedule were replaced with printed words. agreement was calculated by dividing the Ben’s toys and edible items were placed on a number of agreements by the sum of agree- table in front of him. Dennis’ materials were ments and disagreements, and this ratio was stored on shelves, and he had already learned to converted to a percentage. Mean interobserver retrieve the items. The experimenter presented agreement was 92% (range, 78% to 100%) for the textual activity schedule and said, ‘‘Time to Ben and 100% for Dennis. use your schedule.’’ The experimenter sat on a chair approximately 3 m away for data-collec- Procedure tion purposes. No adult-mediated reinforce- Emergent relations pre- and posttests. Relations ment was provided during the session. Each between pictures and printed words were tested session consisted of one presentation of the using a typical visual-visual MTS task. The activity schedule. The order of presentation of experimenter presented one stimulus (sample), printed words varied across sessions. Correct andthe participant was required to point to the responses consisted of completing the activity sample prior to the presentation of the displayed in the textual stimulus (i.e., printed comparisons (i.e., observing response). The word). Session length varied depending on the experimenter then presented three comparisons amount of time required for completing each attached to the stimulus placement board and activity or consuming the item, but it never asked the participant to ‘‘match.’’ Testing exceeded20 min.Althoughsessionswouldhave occurred under extinction, in which correct been terminated if all tasks had not been responses were never reinforced and incorrect completed within 25 min, thisnever happened. responses or no response for 5 s resulted in the Conditional discrimination training. For each presentation of the next trial. No additional trial, the experimenter presented the vocal instructions or prompts were provided. sample(A)followedimmediatelybythestimulus Testing was arranged in nine-trial blocks in a boardwiththethreecomparisons(i.e.,auditory- predeterminedorderinwhichsampleswereeach visualMTS).Theexperimentercuedresponsesby presented three times and comparison stimuli pointing to the correct comparison at a series of served as the correct comparison once on the fiveprogressivedelays(0 s,1 s,2 s,3 s,4 s,and right,onceinthemiddle,andonceontheleftof noprompt)afterthepresentationofthesample. thebottomarray.Emergentconditionalrelations Criterion to progress through prescribed delays 706 CAIO F. MIGUEL et al. Figure 1. Percentage of correct responses during baseline and posttraining textual activity probes (i.e., correspondence betweenorder ofprinted activityandengagement inactivity). DERIVED TEXTUAL CONTROL 707 Figure 2. Percentage of correct responses during emergent relations tests for Stimulus Sets 1 and 2. Emergent relationsconsistedofCB(selectingthepictureinthepresenceoftheprintedword),BC(selectingtheprintedwordinthe presenceof thepicture), andCD (reading the printedword). 708 CAIO F. MIGUEL et al. wastwoconsecutivenine-trialblockswitheightof During emergent relations pretests (Fig- nine correct responses. All correct preprompt ure 2), both participants scored below chance responsesresultedinpraiseandtokensthatcould levelsforallrelationsonSet1andSet2.Higher beexchangedforpreferreditemsattheendofthe accuracy scores occurred for the BC and CB session. Incorrect responses (i.e., incorrect selec- relations for Set 2 for both participants, but tions prior to or after the prompt, no selection these relatively high pretest scores were still within5 s)resultedinre-presentationofthesame below the success criterion and were not trialata0-sdelay.Trialswereseparatedwith3-s associated with effective use of the textual intertrialintervals.First,theparticipantmatched activity schedules. Emergent relations posttest dictated words to their corresponding pictures performances showed that both participants (AB), followed by matching dictated words to matched words to pictures and pictures to their corresponding printed words (AC). Then words with at least 89% accuracy. Participants mixedtrainingwasconductedwithinterspersing also read all printed words without direct trials of the AB and AC relations. The mastery training (CD). criterionforeachrelationandthemixedtraining In summary, after learning to match dictated wastwoconsecutivenine-trialblockswitheightof words to pictures (AB) and dictated words to nine correct unprompted responses (89% accu- printed words (AC), children with autism racy). responded to printed words in the same way that they responded to pictures. In addition, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION participants matched printed words to pictures (CB) and pictures to printed words (BC) and Figure 1 depicts participants’ baseline and read the printed words aloud (CD) without posttraining performances during textual activ- direct training. The fact that participants were ity probes. Dennis’ baseline percentage of abletomatchpicturestoprintedwordssuggests activities completed on both sets was low, and that they were responding to the printed words Ben’sbaselinepercentageofactivitiescompleted with comprehension (Sidman, 1994). was variable, with increases in accuracy in Future research should further evaluate the baseline for the Set 2 items as he mastered the effectiveness of the conditional discrimination Set 1 items (i.e., three of the six activities were procedure and compare it to within-stimulus eliminated). These results suggest a lack of fading in order to determine which of these specific textual control over participants’ behav- strategies is more efficient and effective when ior prior to MTS training. Ben mastered the transferringthecontrolfrompicturestoprinted conditionaldiscriminationtasksin261trialsfor words in activity schedules, as well as whether Set 1 and 153 trials for Set 2, and Dennis stimulus fading would yield any form of masteredtheconditionaldiscriminationtasksin emergent responding. 81trialsforSet1and99trialsforSet2.During the posttraining activity probes, both partici- pants responded accurately across the stimulus REFERENCES sets, with a few errors by Ben. These results suggest that the conditional discrimination DeLeon, I. G., & Iwata, B. A. (1996). Evaluation of a multiple-stimulus presentation format for assessing procedure was effective in transferring control reinforcer preferences. Journal of Applied Behavior from the pictures to printed words. In other Analysis, 29,519–533. words, neither child could consistently follow a Lalli, J. S., Casey, S., Goh, H., & Merlino, J. (1994). text-based activity schedule during baseline but Treatment of escape-maintained aberrant behavior with escape extinction and predictable routines. both could do so after MTS training on related Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 705– skills. 714. DERIVED TEXTUAL CONTROL 709 MacDuff, G. S., Krantz, P. J., & McClannahan, L. E. Rosales, R., & Rehfeldt, R. A. (2007). Contriving (1993). Teaching children with autism to use transitive conditioned establishing operations to photographic activity schedules: Maintenance and establish derived manding skills in adults with severe generalization of complex response chains. Journal of developmentaldisabilities.JournalofAppliedBehavior AppliedBehavior Analysis, 26,89–97. Analysis,40,105–121. McClannahan, L. E., & Krantz, P. J. (1999). Activity Sidman,M.(1994).Equivalencerelations:Aresearchstory. schedules for children with autism: Teaching indepen- Boston: Authors Cooperative. dentbehavior.Bethesda,MD: Woodbine House. McClannahan, L. E., MacDuff, G. S., & Krantz, P. J. (2002). Behavior analysis and intervention for adults withautism.Behavior Modification,26, 9–27. Rehfeldt,R.A.,&Root,S.L.(2005).Establishingderived requesting skills in adults with severe developmental Received March 21,2008 disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38, Final acceptanceSeptember 8, 2008 101–105. Action Editor,Linda LeBlanc

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