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ERIC EJ854083: Assessment of Physical Activity, Exercise Self-Efficacy, and Stages of Change in College Students Using a Street-Based Survey Method PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ854083: Assessment of Physical Activity, Exercise Self-Efficacy, and Stages of Change in College Students Using a Street-Based Survey Method

Continuing Education Assessment of Physical Activity, Exercise Self-Efficacy, and Stages of Change in College Students Using a Street-Based Survey Method Nicole Y.J.M. Leenders, Lorraine Wallace Silver, Susan L. White, Janet Buckworth, and W. Michael Sherman ABSTRACT This study assessed the level of physical activity, exercise self-efficacy, and stages of change for exercise behavior among college students at a large midwestern university using a street-based survey method. The 50% response rate produced 925 student responses comprising 95% as young (≤24 years of age), 53% female, and 79% Caucasian. One-third of the students did not participate in vigorous physical activity (≤3 days/week). Based on the stages of change questionnaire, 41% of the women and 35% of the men reported they were in the precontemplation or contemplation stages, as they were not active or were not exercising on a regular basis (≤3 times per week for 20 min or longer). Exercise-self efficacy scores were significantly different as a function of exercise stage as predicted by the stages of change theory (R2=0.26, P<.0001). These results are consistent with earlier reports on college students and their level of physical activity. Therefore, the low cost, ease of data collection, and the short turnaround for availability of results support the usefulness of a street-based survey of young adults on a college campus to evaluate physical activity. Regular physical activity plays an irregular physical activity (Wechsler, Attempts have been made to describe important role in health and in the quality Rigotti, Gledhill-Hoyt & Lee, 1998). The levels of physical activity and other health- of life across the life span. Thus, assessing university setting, however, is an environ- related behavior characteristics of college and understanding the levels of physical ment that provides students with skills and activity behaviors within different popula- knowledge about healthy lifestyles. Further, Nicole Y.J.M. Leenders, PhD; Susan L. White, tions and age groups are important the university setting provides ample BA; Janet Buckworth, PhD; and W. Michael (Caspersen, Merritt, & Stephens, 1994). opportunities to participate in regular Sherman, PhD are with the Sport and Exercise In the United States approximately 14 physical activity or exercise through sport Sciences Section, School of Physical Activity million students attend either 2- or 4-year and fitness programs, physical education and Educational Services, at The Ohio State colleges or universities (U.S. Department classes, and/or intramural sports programs. University, 129b Larkins Hall, 337 W. 17th of Education, 1999). These students are at This is especially important because health Ave., Columbus, OH 43210; E-mail: risk for engaging in or extending their beliefs and practices are still developing [email protected]. Lorraine Wallace Silver, involvement in unhealthy behaviors such during these formative years (U.S. Depart- PhD is at the Department of Family Medicine, as smoking, drinking alcohol, and ment of Health and Human Services, 1991). University of Tennessee at Knoxville. American Journal of Health Education — July/August 2002, Volume 33, No. 4 199 Nicole Y.J.M. Leenders, Lorraine Wallace Silver, Susan L. White, Janet Buckworth, and W. Michael Sherman students regionally or nationwide (Calfas, data through a short written question or hours were selected to gather information Sallis, Lovato, & Campbell, 1994; Douglas, interview administered on the street to from students who were more likely to be Collins, & Warren, 1997; Pinto & Marcus, individuals as they pass by the interviewer. part-time students taking evening classes. 1995; Silver, Buckworth, Kirby & Sherman, The researchers stand on the street and Individuals passing by the volunteers 2000). In general, levels of physical activity approach pedestrians either randomly or were verbally approached continuously have been assessed using questionnaires at a certain interval (e.g., every 10th and asked if they were willing to complete with either a single item or a combination person; every 5 minutes) (Guydish, Clark, a written survey that took approximately of questions about physical activity (Calfas Garcia, & Bucardo, 1995). This method 2 minutes to complete. After an individual et al., 1994; Douglas et al., 1997, Pinto & has been used in marketing research to finished the survey new individuals Marcus, 1995, Paffenbarger, Wing, & Hyde, evaluate marketing programs, but to our passing by were approached. To determine 1978; Washburn, Adams, & Haile, 1987). knowledge, this method has not been the response rate, the volunteers kept track Additionally, theoretical models such as used to assess levels of physical activity in of how many individuals were verbally the social cognitive theory (SCT) (Bandura, undergraduate students. approached and how many actually 1977; Pinto & Marcus, 1995; Silver et al., The current study was implemented to completed the surveys. Data collection 2000) and the transtheoretical model of expand our knowledge of physical activity occurred approximately 30 hours per behavior change (TTM) (Prochaska & and exercise behaviors of college students week, during 3 weeks in 1 month. There DiClemente, 1983; Silver et al., 2000) have utilizing a street-based survey. Via this were 925 usable questionnaires, and the been used to explain and predict exercise method, we assessed the levels of physical response rate was 50% (Figure 1). behaviors of college-aged students (Calfas activity, stages of change for exercise behav- Instrumentation et al., 1994; Pinto & Marcus, 1995). iors, and exercise self-efficacy among college Demographic characteristics surveyed Knowing students’ exercise stage of change students at a large midwestern university. included age, sex, race, class standing, could be used to develop interventions enrollment status, and place of residence. to promote exercise adoption and mainte- METHODS Additional questions identified self- nance while in college and/or prior to A street-based survey method was used reported levels of regular physical activity, transition from college to the workplace. at a large midwestern university. Because self-efficacy for exercise, and exercise stage Few studies have utilized both the TTM and of limited contact time with individuals, of change. SCT to examine exercise behavior changes the survey was limited to a two-page Self-reported levels of regular physical in college students (Silver et al., 2000). instrument. The project was approved activity were assessed with selected Although data can be found on physical by the Human Subjects Institutional Harvard Alumni Activity Survey questions activity levels among college students, only Review Board. (Paffenbarger et al., 1978). Specifically, two studies used a random sampling Data Collection individuals were asked: “At least once a method for surveying their undergraduate The method of data collection utilized week do you engage in any regular activity students (Pinto & Marcus, 1995; Silver et a street-based survey and was conducted like brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, al., 2000). One of the limitations of these during the spring quarter. Eight under- etc., long enough to work up a sweat? studies was the low response rates (i.e., 27% graduate students in the sport and exercise If yes, how many days a week?” for Pinto & Marcus, 1995; and 28% for sciences undergraduate major volunteered (Paffenbarger et al., 1978; Washburn et al., Silver et al., 2000) that make generalizations to help. During the third, fourth, and fifth 1987). These questions were selected of the results from the sample to the weeks of the 10-wk quarter, the volunteers because number of days of sweat induced population problematic. Although many were positioned at several locations at a physical activity correlates with VO 2max techniques and steps were undertaken to university’s main campus for several days (0.46) (Siconolfi, Lasater, Snow & Carleton, increase the response rate in one study of each week at specific time periods. The 1985) and treadmill time to exhaustion (Silver et al., 2000), less than one-third of days, time of the day, and locations (0.51) (Kohl, Blair, Paffenbarger, Macera, & the students returned the mail survey. were chosen to increase the probability of Kronenfeld, 1988) and because of the This finding reiterates the difficulty of obtaining a representative sample of the practicality of assessing levels of physical undertaking mail survey research in an undergraduate population. The times activity in a large group of people using undergraduate student population (Lam, and locations were chosen based on the this question. Malaney, & Oteri, 1990). times of the day that classes were offered, Self-efficacy for exercise was assessed to An alternative to a mail survey that the places that off-campus housing measure confidence in the respondent’s may provide a higher response rate at a students entered the main campus area, ability to overcome obstacles to participa- lower cost is the street-based survey the places students usually socialized, and tion in exercise (Marcus, Selby, Niaura, & method. This method involves gathering the locations of several libraries. Evening Rossi, 1992). The self-efficacy scale is a 200 American Journal of Health Education — July/August 2002, Volume 33, No. 4 Nicole Y.J.M. Leenders, Lorraine Wallace Silver, Susan L. White, Janet Buckworth, and W. Michael Sherman five-item questionnaire and uses a 5-point Figure 1. Flow-Chart for Data Collection for the Street-Based Survey Likert-type scale (1, “not at all confident” to 5, “extremely confident”). Each item STREET-BASED SURVEY contains a statement that relates to an individual’s perceived ability to participate TARGET POPULATION in exercise. Individuals associated with a large midwestern state university Level of exercise and behavioral ➞ intentions were used to classify students ACCESSIBLE POPULATION into one of five exercise stages based on Students enrolled at The Ohio State University during spring quarter TTM. Regular exercise was defined as three times or more per week for 20 minutes ➞ or longer each session. The five exercise SAMPLE stages are (1) precontemplation (currently A convenient, nonprobability sample obtained during a 3-week period. not exercising and no intention of At several locations, during several time periods at different days of the beginning to exercise); (2) contemplation week, individuals were orally approached to complete a two-page survey. (currently not exercising but thinking Total individuals approached: N = 2,259 about starting to exercise within the next ➞ 6 months); (3) preparation (currently exercising but irregularly); (4) action ACCEPTABLE SAMPLE (exercises regularly but has done so for Total surveys answered: N = 1,125 less than 6 months); and (5) maintenance Surveys completed by staff/graduate and professional students: N = 200 (currently exercise regularly for at least 6 ➞ months) (Marcus et al., 1992). Respondents answered “yes” or “no” to five questions DATA SAMPLE Total usable surveys: N = 925 related to exercise behavior and intentions. Based on these responses they were classified in one of five stages using a standard algorithm. Concurrent validity Likert-type scale. A higher score indicates conducted. The sample was statistically with the self-report 7-day physical activity greater self-efficacy for exercise. Because it different on age, sex, and enrollment recall instruments has been established has been suggested that self-efficacy scores status when compared to the undergrad- in young adults. increase linearly across exercise stages as uate population. The sample had an The survey was field tested for clarity and determined by the TTM, inferential statis- over-representation of younger and female reliability in a sample of undergraduate tics (analysis of variance) were used to students. There was an underrepresen- students over a 1-week period (n= 48). The assess the relationship between the TTM tation of Asian or Pacific Islander students intraclass correlation for days per week of and self-efficacy for exercise questionnaire. (p < .0001). sweat-induced physical activity was 0.90. Tukey post-hoc test was used to locate Sweat-Induced Activity Test-retest reliability for the self-efficacy significant differences between the dif- Seventeen percent of the students scale over a 1-week period was 0.94. The ferent stages. Because national data reported no regular activity long enough to kappa index for reliability for the exercise suggest that females are less active then work up a sweat, whereas 33% of the stage questionnaire over a 1-week period males, data were also analyzed by sex. students did not participate in vigorous was ≥ 0.81 (Silver et al., 2000). Results are presented as mean ± SD. An physical activity (≥3 days/week) that Data Analyses α level of p < .05 was set apriori. Data induced sweating. There was no significant Descriptive statistics were used to were analyzed using SAS JMP (SAS Insti- difference in participation in physical describe the sample on demographics, tute Inc., Cary, NC). activity for days per week of activity among level of physical activity, exercise stage, females and males. Females exercised on and self-efficacy for exercise. Chi-square RESULTS average 3.1 (SD=1.9) days/wk, whereas analyses were used to compare the Demographic Characteristics males exercised on average 3.0 (SD=1.9) days/week. sample with the undergraduate popula- Table 1 provides a comparison of tion on demographics. Self-efficacy demographic variables between the Exercise Stage was scored by calculating a mean t-score of sample and the university’s undergraduate The distribution of the students among the sum of the five-items on the 5-point population at the time the study was the fives stages of change was as follows: American Journal of Health Education — July/August 2002, Volume 33, No. 4 201 Nicole Y.J.M. Leenders, Lorraine Wallace Silver, Susan L. White, Janet Buckworth, and W. Michael Sherman Physical Activity and Self-Efficacy for Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of the Undergraduate Exercise as a Function of Exercise Stage Population (UG) at The Ohio State University and of the When days per week of physical activity Undergraduate Students who Responded to the Survey was analyzed as a function of exercise UG at Time of stage, there was no significant interaction Survey (n = 925) Street-Based Survey between sex and stage. There was a main Characteristic (%) (N = 32,166) (%) effect for stage, indicating that days per week was significantly different across the Sex preparation (2.3 days/week), action (3.5 Female 52.6 47.5 days/week), and maintenance (4.1 days/ Male 47.4 52.5 week) stages (Figure 3). Students in the Age precontemplation and contemplation stages 17–24 y 94.5 87.5 ≥25 y 5.5 12.5 did not differ in self-reported number of days of physical activity. Ethnicity Internal consistency for the five-item White, not Hispanic 78.6 80.5 self-efficacy questionnaire was 0.77. Total Black, not Hispanic 9.6 7.6 scores for self-efficacy were consistent Hispanic or Latino 1.4 1.9 Asian or Pacific Islander 5.9 8.5 across sex. When self-efficacy scores American Indian Alaskan Native 0.0 0.5 were analyzed as a function of exercise stage Other 4.6 4.7 there was a main effect. Tukey post-hoc analysis revealed that self-efficacy scores were significantly different as a function Figure 2. Distribution of Female and Male Students by Exercise Stage of exercise stage such that self-efficacy was lowest for precontemplation and was highest for maintenance with contemplation, preparation, and action 50 stages ordered between those two stages 45 Females Males (p<.0001) (Figure 4). As expected from 40 these results, the self-efficacy scores 35 increased from the precontemplation T N 30 through the maintenance stage. The E RC 25 proportion of variance explained in self- E P 20 efficacy by exercise stage distribution 15 was 26%. 10 5 DISCUSSION 0 The current study used a street-based n n n n e o o o o c survey method to collect information from ati ati cti ati an college students on self-reported level of ntempl ntempl A Prepar Mainten panhdy ssitcaagle sa cotfi vchitayn, geex feorrc iesxee rsceislfe- ebfefhicavaicoyr, o o c C at a large midwestern university. When e- r conducting survey research, the ideal P sample is similar to the demographics of the accessible population. In this study the sample was different on several precontemplation (n=60, 7%); contempla- males and females in exercise stage demographic variables when compared tion (n=157, 17%); preparation (n=134, (χ2=31.5, p=<.0001). Male students were with the accessible population at the time 14%); action (n=148, 16%); and mainte- more likely to be in the action and the study was conducted. Because of the nance (n=426, 46%). Chi-square analysis maintenance stages (65%) compared with differences in demographic characteristics revealed a significant difference between the female students (59%) (Figure 2). between the sample and the accessible 202 American Journal of Health Education — July/August 2002, Volume 33, No. 4 Nicole Y.J.M. Leenders, Lorraine Wallace Silver, Susan L. White, Janet Buckworth, and W. Michael Sherman population, different strategies need to be Figure 3. Mean Days of Sweat-Induced explored to enhance the representation of Physical Activity (± SD) by Exercise Stage students in the sample. The sample was obtained with a response rate of 50%. Although this response rate is higher 7 than the response rates obtained from this population using mail-based survey 6 methods, it is not perfect. Because nearly K E 5 50% of the approached individuals E W did not respond to the survey, this limits R 4 the extent to which the results can be E P generalized. Different methods need to be S 3 Y A explored to improve the response rate in D 2 this population utilizing a street-based 1 survey. Furthermore, to attain a sample that represents the accessible population, 0 it may be necessary to monitor the on on on on ce demographics of the population and to ati ati ati cti an csahmanpglien tgh teo lsoeccautrieo rness paonnds etism theast orefp dreasye notf ntempl ntempl Prepar A Mainten o o the under sampled demographics. c C e- Nevertheless, these results suggest that r P the street-based survey can produce a higher response rate compared to a mailed survey in this population (Silver et al., 2000). Figure 4. Mean Exercise Self-Efficacy Scores (± SD) by Exercise Stage Other benefits of the street-based survey are the low cost, short data collection time, short data analysis turn around, and involvement of undergraduate students in a research project. The disad- S 65 E vantages of the street-based survey were a R O nonrandom sample and that there was no C (R2=0.26, P<.0001) S opportunity for any follow-up questions. A Y 55 C mail survey does have the advantages of A C accessing a random sample, opportunity for FI F 45 a follow-up questionnaire, and providing F-E sufficient time for respondents to give EL S thoughtful answers to the questions asked. E 35 S Compared to the street-based survey, CI R however, a mail survey costs more money, E X 25 has a long data collection time-frame, and E n n n n e provides few opportunities for encouraging atio atio atio ctio anc rlnoeowt uaersrns u roerfas pnthoceen sstueh rarvta ettyhe, .ew Iphnei rcashdo danli ltw icohanno, lrteehacdeer itevo e idas ntempl ntempl Prepar A Mainten o o c C the questionnaire actually completed e- r the questionnaire, and there are no P opportunities to provide assistance with answering the questions. Therefore, the low cost, ease of data collection, and short American Journal of Health Education — July/August 2002, Volume 33, No. 4 203 Nicole Y.J.M. Leenders, Lorraine Wallace Silver, Susan L. White, Janet Buckworth, and W. Michael Sherman turnaround for availability of results on exercise self-efficacy), were likely to be does not have a regularly active lifestyle. supports the feasibility of the street-based inactive or irregularly active compared to the Exercise self-efficacy seems to be an impor- survey method. students with greater exercise self-efficacy. tant variable in exercise behavior in college The value of this method in physical Although this relationship has been reported students. Efforts need to be made on activity research is also noted by the fact previously in the literature with different college campuses that use stages of change that the results for self-reported physical populations (Marcus & Owen, 1992; Sallis models to implement strategies to modify activity frequency and stages of change et al., 1999), this finding has only recently students’ self-efficacy for exercise and were similar to what has been reported been reported in college students (Silver et therefore exercise behaviors in the previously for college students in the al., 2000) and is confirmed by this study. collegiate environment. United States (Calfas et al., 1994, Pinto et There were significant differences in al., 1995). Based on the stages of change physical activity frequency based on the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS questionnaire, 38% of the sample reported students’ exercise stage. There were no The authors would like to thank Amanda no activity, they were thinking about differences between frequency of physical Auberry; Jennifer Aufderheide; Alexandra exercising, or that they were involved in activity between the early stages Eversman; Anna Gerber; Emily Keltner; regular exercise (≤3 times per week for 20 (precontemplation and contemplation), Josh Pratti; and Wittman Robinson for min or longer). These characteristics are which was expected based on the stage defi- their time commitment and dedication representative of the precontemplation, nition, that is “not participating in regular in collecting the data. They were under- contemplation, or preparation stages. physical activity.” There were increasingly graduate students in the Sport and Exercise Although these results are based on more days of physical activity reported from Science program at the time of the study. self-report, these data indicate that a preparation to maintenance stages, and this large proportion of the undergraduate is consistent with the definitions for these REFERENCES population on this campus does not have a stages. This supports the use of the TTM in Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward regularly active lifestyle. The percentage of determining students’ level of participation a unifying theory of behavioral change. students who were inactive or irregularly in physical activity according to the stages Psychological Review, 84, 191–215. active is similar to results reported earlier and presumably relates to their readiness Calfas, K. J., Sallis, J. F., Lovato, C. Y., (Pinto et al., 1995; Sallis, Calfas, & Nichols, for change in exercise behavior. Further, the & Campbell, J. (1994) Physical activity and 1999). In a sample of undergraduate relationship found between self-efficacy its determinants before and after college students at a private university in Rhode and exercise stage (r2=0.26) supports the graduation. Medicine Exercise Nutrition & Island, 40% of the students who application of the TTM with a college Health 323–334. participated in the survey were irregularly population that may help guide develop- Caspersen, C. J., Merritt, R. K., & Stephens, active (precontemplators, contemplators, or ment and evaluation of intervention T. (1994) International physical activity pat- students in the preparation stage) (Pinto et strategies on physical activity. For example, terns: a methodological perspective. 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A. the maintenance stages. Thus, students with reported levels of physical activity, these (1990). Strategies to increase student response low perceived confidence in their ability to data indicate that a large proportion of the rates to mail surveys. Journal of Marketing for participate in physical activity (low scores undergraduate population on this campus Higher Education, 31, 89–105. 204 American Journal of Health Education — July/August 2002, Volume 33, No. 4 Nicole Y.J.M. Leenders, Lorraine Wallace Silver, Susan L. White, Janet Buckworth, and W. Michael Sherman Marcus, B. H., & Owen, N. (1992). Motiva- Stages and processes of self-change in smoking: U.S. Department of Education. (1999). tional readiness, self-efficacy and decision- Towards an integrative model of change. Journal National Center for Education Statistics, digest making for exercise. Journal of Applied Social of Consulting Clinical Psychology, 51, 390–395. of education statistics, 1998 (NCES 199-036). 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American Journal American Journal of Epidemiology, 122, 101–105. (1987). Physical activity assessment for epide- of Epidemiology, 108, 161–175. Silver, L. P., Buckworth, J., Kirby, T. E., & miologic research: The utility of two simplified Pinto, B. M., & Marcus, B. H. (1995). A stages Sherman, W. M. (2000). Characteristics of approaches. Preventive Medicine, 16, 636–646. of change approach to understanding college exercise behavior among college students: Wechsler, H., Rigotti, N. A., Gledhill-Hoyt, students physical activity. Journal of American Social cognitive theory and the transtheoretical J., & Lee, H. (1998). Increased levels of cigarette College Health 44, 27–31. model of behavior change. Preventive Medicine use among college students. Journal of the Prochaska, J. O, & DiClemente, C. C. (1983). 31, 494–505. American Medical Association, 280, 1673–1678. NO HEALTH EDUCATOR (cid:1) SHOULD BE WITHOUT (cid:1) THIS BOOK! 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