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ERIC EJ853206: A Pilot Study of Naturally Occurring High-Probability Request Sequences in Hostage Negotiations PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ853206: A Pilot Study of Naturally Occurring High-Probability Request Sequences in Hostage Negotiations

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2009, 42, 491–496 NUMBER2 (SUMMER2009) A PILOT STUDY OF NATURALLY OCCURRING HIGH-PROBABILITY REQUEST SEQUENCES IN HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS JAMES HUGHES YORKCENTRALHOSPITAL Inthecurrentstudy,theaudiotapesfromthreehostage-takingsituationswereanalyzed.Hostage negotiatorrequeststothehostagetakerwerecharacterizedaseitherhighorlowprobability.The resultssuggestedthathostage-takercompliancetoahostagenegotiator’slow-probabilityrequest was more likely when a series of complied-with high-probability requests preceded the low- probability request. However, two of the three hostage-taking situations ended violently; therefore,theimplicationsofthehigh-probabilityrequestsequenceforhostage-takingsituations shouldbe assessed infutureresearch. DESCRIPTORS: high-probability request sequence, hostage negotiation _______________________________________________________________________________ A hostage negotiation can be defined as a situations (Fuselier, 1988; Wardlaw, 1984). negotiation conducted between law enforcement Psychology has responded to this request with agencies or diplomatic representatives for the extensive training of negotiators in traditional release of persons held hostage against their counseling skills such as empathic and active will by criminal, terrorist, or other elements listening (Van Hasselt et al.). This training has (‘‘Hostage Negotiation.’’ Retrieved November developed negotiators’ skills in responding to 20, 2007, from http://www.negotiations.com/ demands made by a hostage taker. However, a definition/hostage-negotiation). Hostage negoti- critical component of a successfully resolved ation is estimated to be unsuccessful in 18% of hostage-taking situation is compliance by a the over 10,000 estimated hostage-taking inci- hostage taker to requests made by a hostage dentsannuallyintheUnitedStates(VanHasselt negotiator. Often the key requests are ones with et al., 2006). Unsuccessful hostage negotiations which the hostage taker has demonstrated a can result in loss of life and can have significant reluctance or refusal to comply. The critical negative impact on economies and community aspectsofmakingsuchrequestsofahostagetaker relations in instances of politically motivated have not been examined to date. hostage takings. The hostage taking of 11 Israeli The current study examined the extent to athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich which the behavior-analytic high-probability marked a starting point for escalating interest by requestsequencemighthaverelevancetohostage psychologists in hostage negotiating (Webster, negotiation, because hostage negotiators ulti- 2004).Despitetheabsenceofanydatatosuggest mately work toward hostage takers complying why some hostage negotiations fail, law enforce- with a low-probability request (e.g., releasing ment has appealed to psychology to provide hostages). Research on the high-probability specific strategies for handling hostage-taking request sequence has demonstrated that compli- ance can be enhanced by preceding a low- IthankJamesCarrforhisgenerousguidance,feedback, probability request with a series of high-proba- and encouragement; Maurice Feldman for his thoughtful bility requests (Belfiore, Lee, Vargas, & Skinner, reviewoftheoriginalmanuscript;andLauriAngusforher 1997). This high-probability request sequence careful anddiligent review ofthe data. AddresscorrespondencetoJamesHughes,YorkCentral has shown to be effective in enhancing compli- Hospital, 13311-115 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ance across a wide variety of target behaviors, Ontario L4E-3L6, Canada (e-mail: behaviour.mgmt@ individual characteristics, and applied settings. bellnet.ca). doi:10.1901/jaba.2009.42-491 The current study hypothesized that a series of 491 492 JAMES HUGHES hostage taker/hostage negotiator interactions three hostage-taking situations. Each of these might represent high-probability and low-prob- 617 requests made by a hostage negotiator to a ability requests and that a descriptive analysis hostage taker was separated into one of four (Thompson&Iwata,2007)couldrevealwhether categories. Category 1 consisted solely of hostage-taker compliance to low-probability requests to provide nonpersonal information, requestswasenhancedinsituationsthatinvolved answers to clarification questions, and situa- sequences adventitiously arranged according to a tional information regarding happenings in the high-probability request sequence. immediate environment (e.g., ‘‘Please spell that nameforme,’’and‘‘Youmeanyouhavepeople METHOD calling the employees?’’). Category 2 consisted solely of requests to provide personal informa- Administrativestafffromacommunity-based tion including thoughts and feelings (e.g., hospital created written transcripts from the ‘‘How can we contact your wife?’’ and ‘‘Are audiotapesofthreeactualhostage-takingevents. you hungry?’’). Category 3 consisted solely of These events will be referred to as Brooklyn (a requests to perform a behavior with the robbery attempt in 1972), Sacramento (a exception of behaviors in Category 4 (e.g., robbery attempt in 1991), and Atlanta (an ‘‘Why don’t you go ahead and send Sam out to invasion of Federal Bureau of Investigation pickupthefood?’’).Category4consistedsolely offices in 1981). These hostage situations are of requests to forfeit a negotiating item (e.g., included in the current study based on the release of a hostage, surrender of a weapon, availability of audiotapes of the events. (‘‘Ne- surrender of the hostage taker). gotiation Audio.’’ Retrieved June 14, 2006, The initial rater was a behavior analyst in a from http://www.hostagenegotiation.com/Audio. community-based hospital. A second observer asp). The three events involved 3, 41, and 9 independently read and scored 100% of the hostages respectively, and 2, 4, and 1 armed transcripts. This second rater was a police hostage takers, respectively. constable with 7 years of experience and formal A trained observer read the transcripts and training in crisis resolution. For each of the used paper and pencil to identify requests made hostage-taking situations, the point-by-point by the hostage negotiator and compliance by agreement method was used to calculate inter- thehostagetakertothoserequests.Arequestwas rater agreement by dividing the number of defined as any demand to perform a behavior agreements regarding the categorization of re- (e.g., ‘‘Put Carol on the phone, let me talk to her’’), to provide information (e.g., ‘‘How quests by the number of agreements plus many people do you have with you?’’), to cease disagreements regarding the categorization of performing a behavior (e.g., ‘‘Don’t put the requests;thisratiowasconvertedtoapercentage. phone down’’), or to refrain from commencing Therewasaninterrateragreementof98%forthe to perform a behavior (e.g., ‘‘Don’t shoot categorization of all requests across the four anybody in the leg’’). Compliance was identi- categories.Duetothecriticalnatureofrequestsin fied by information contained in the transcripts Category 4 and their impact on the potential subsequent to the request being issued (e.g., resolutionofahostage-takingsituation,interrater Carol was put on phone, the presence of nine agreement was calculated for all requests in hostages was reported, the hostage taker Category4acrossthethreeevents.Theinterrater remained on the phone, and no hostage was agreement for Category-4 requests was 100%. shot in the leg). For each of the hostage-taking situations, the There were a total of 617 requests made by a point-by-point agreement method was used to hostage negotiator to a hostage taker across the calculate interrater agreement by dividing the HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS 493 number of agreements regarding the occurrence high-probability requests preceding the low- of compliance to a request by the number of probability request was 100%. The number of agreements plus disagreements regarding the instances in which a low-probability request occurrence of compliance to a request; this ratio immediately preceded a low-probability request was converted to a percentage. Mean interrater was also determined for each of the three agreement was 98% for the occurrence of situations. compliance to all requests and 100% for the occurrenceofcompliancetoCategory4requests. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Theprobabilityofcompliancewithineachof The current study examined a total of 617 the request categories for each hostage-taking requests made of hostage takers by hostage situationwascalculatedbydividingthenumber negotiators. This consisted of 273, 205, and of requests to which there was compliance by 139 total requests for Brooklyn, Sacramento, the total number of requests within that and Atlanta, respectively. There were 22, 41, category. For each of the three hostage-taking and 7 low-probability requests for Brooklyn, situations, Category 4 requests had the lowest Sacramento, and Atlanta, respectively, for a probability of compliance. The probabilities of totalof70low-probabilityrequests.Ofthese70 compliance for Category 4 requests were 9%, low-probability requests, there were four epi- 2%, and 14% for Brooklyn, Sacramento, and sodes of compliance, two for Brooklyn and one Atlanta, respectively. The probabilities of com- each for Sacramento and Atlanta. Figure 1 pliance for Brooklyn, Sacramento, and Atlanta, depicts the percentage of compliance to low- respectively, were 77%, 58%, and 93% for probability requests when the low-probability Category 1 requests; 47%, 53%, and 62% for request was not preceded by any high-proba- Category 2 requests; and 33%, 43%, and 90% bility requests or when the low-probability for Category 3 requests. request was not preceded by any high-proba- Foreachhostage-takingsituation,allrequests bility requests to which the hostage taker was within the category with the lowest probability compliant (n 5 49). Figure 1 also depicts the of compliance (Category 4) were identified as percentage of compliance to low-probability low-probability requests. For each hostage- requests when the low-probability request was taking situation, all requests within the catego- precededby1(n511),2(n55),3(n51),4 ries with the two highest probabilities of (n50),5(n51),6(n50),7(n51),8(n5 compliance (Categories 1 and 2 for Brooklyn 0), or 9 (n 5 2) high-probability requests to and Sacramento and Categories 1 and 3 for which the hostage taker was compliant. The Atlanta) were identified as high-probability probability of compliance to the low-probabil- requests. All requests for each situation were ity request generally increased as the number of chronologically arranged in table format. Low- preceding high-probability requests to which probability requests were highlighted, and the thehostagetakerwascompliantincreased.That number of high-probability requests immedi- is, hostage-taker compliance with the low- atelyprecedingeachlow-probabilityrequestwas probability request was 100% whenthe hostage determined and recorded. The presence or negotiator issued three, five, or nine high- absence of compliance to every request in the probability requests that resulted in compliance table was also recorded. The interrater agree- prior to the low-probability request. ment for the number of high-probability requests that preceded each low-probability Brooklyn request was 100%. The interrater agreement The first instance of compliance to a low- forthepresenceorabsenceofcompliancetothe probabilityrequest,whichresultedintherelease 494 JAMES HUGHES Figure 1. Probability ofcompliance tolow-probability requests following high-probability requests. of one of the three hostages, followed a Sacramento sequenceofthreehigh-probabilityrequestswith The only compliance to a low-probability which the hostage taker complied. The second request, which resulted in the release of one compliance to a low-probability request (‘‘Go hostage, followed a sequence of nine high- right to the door … with your hands up’’) probabilityrequestswithwhichthehostagetaker followed a sequence of nine high-probability was compliant. The hostage negotiator issued a requestswithwhichthehostagetakercomplied. totalof40low-probabilityrequeststhatwerenot Thiswasthelastof thelow-probabilityrequests precededbythreehigh-probabilityrequestswith in this negotiation and culminated with the which the hostage taker was compliant. The surrender of the hostage takers without casual- hostage taker was not compliant with any of ties to the remaining hostages. The hostage these low-probability requests. The hostage negotiator issued a total of 20 low-probability negotiator issued 16 low-probability requests requestswithoutaminimumofthree preceding consecutively, and the hostage taker was not high-probability requests with which the hos- compliant with any of these low-probability tage taker complied. Compliance to the low- requests.Thehostagenegotiatoralsoissuedseven probability requests did not occur in any of consecutive low-probability requests with which these instances. On seven occasions the hostage the hostage taker was not compliant. The negotiator issued low-probability requests con- Sacramento situation was ultimately resolved in secutively, and the hostage taker was not a violent manner: Fourteen hostages were compliant with any of these low-probability injured,andthreehostagesandthreeofthefour requests. hostage takers died. HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS 495 Atlanta data could not be achieved in a few brief instances due to the poor quality of the The hostage taker was compliant with one audiotape of the hostage-taking situation. low-probability request (which resulted in the Second, the transcription of the audiotape to release of three hostages) that followed a written transcripts for analysis did not permit a sequence of five high-probability requests with considerationoftheamountoftimethatpassed which the hostage taker was compliant. The between verbal exchanges. The analysis of data hostage negotiator issued a total of five low- directly from the audio format and the probability requests that were not preceded by calculation of high- and low-probability re- three high-probability requests with which the questswithinspecifictimeframesmayrepresent hostage taker was compliant. The hostage taker an area for future research. Third, only three was not compliant with any of these low- hostage-taking situations were analyzed with probability requests. The hostage negotiator compliance to a total of four low-probability made low-probability requests consecutively on requests. Two of the three situations were two occasions, and the hostage taker was not ultimately resolved by violent means; thus, compliant with these two low-probability replications of this analysis might assist in the requests. The situation culminated in the determination of the reliability of the current shooting and killing of the hostage taker. At findings and their potential practical signifi- the time of the shooting, the hostage taker had cance. complied with 15 consecutive high-probability requests. In conclusion, the data from the current analysis suggest that hostage negotiators issue These data suggest that instances of the high- many requests in hostage-taking situations. probability request sequence naturally occur Based on the current data, these requests can during some hostage negotiations. There were be categorized as high and low probability, and 70 low-probability requests delivered across the high- and low-probability request sequences three situations; of these, compliance occurred occur infrequently during hostage negotiations. four times, for an overall probability of compli- Despite the infrequency with which these ance of .057. However, all four instances of sequencesoccur,therewasasignificantlygreater compliance with a low-probability request fol- likelihood that hostage takers would comply lowedahigh-probabilitysequenceinwhichthree with low-probability requests that were preced- or more high-probability requests produced ed byhigh-probabilityrequestswithwhichthey compliance. In addition, there was only one were compliant. Therefore, even though these instance in which noncompliance with a low- results are preliminary, given the potential probabilityrequestfollowedasequenceinwhich negative consequences of hostage-taking situa- threeormorehigh-probabilityrequestsproduced tions, even such preliminary results require compliance.Thus,theconditionalprobability of furtheranalysisiftheysuggestapotentialmeans compliance with a low-probability request given for improving the outcomes of hostage negoti- prior compliance with a series of at least three ations. high-probabilityrequestswas.8(i.e.,fouroffive). This difference between the conditional proba- bilityofcompliancewithlow-probabilityrequests REFERENCES (.8) and the overall probability of compliance withlow-probabilityrequests(.057)isstatistically Belfiore,P.J.,Lee,D.L.,Vargas,A.U.,&Skinner,C.H. (1997). Effects of high-preference single-digit math- significant (Z 5 7.16, p , .001). ematicsproblemcompletiononmultiple-digitmath- Thereareseveralacknowledgedlimitationsin ematics problem performance. Journal of Applied interpreting the present data. First, scoring of Behavior Analysis,30,327–330. 496 JAMES HUGHES Fuselier, G. D. (1988). Hostage negotiation consultant: Wardlaw, G. (1984). The psychologist’s role in hostage Emerging role for the clinical psychologist. Profes- negotiations. ThePolice Chief, 51,(5), 56–58. sional Psychology,19, 175–179. Webster, M. (2004). Do crisis negotiators practice what Thompson,R.H., &Iwata,B.A.(2007).A comparison they preach? The Canadian Review of Policing ofoutcomesfromdescriptiveandfunctionalanalyses Research,1,1–8. of problem behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,40,333–338. Van Hasselt, V. B., Baker, M. T., Romano, S. J., Schlessinger, K. M., Zucker, M., Dragone, R., et al. Received May 24,2007 (2006). Crisis (hostage) negotiation training. Crimi- Final acceptance January10, 2008 nalJusticeand Behavior, 33,56–69. Action Editor,Mark Dixon

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