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AArrttiicclleess Technology-enabled Crime, Policing and Security 32 Sam McQuade s e di u t S gy Abstract Given the obvious role that technology has o ol Crime, policing and security are enabled by in the enablement and evolution of crime, and in n h c and co-evolve with technologies that make them countervailing policing and security functions of e T possible. As criminals compete with security and society, it is surprising however, that criminolo- of al policing officials for technological advantage gists who have long sought to explain causes and n ur perpetually complex crime, policing and security correlates of crime and corresponding victimiza- o J results in relatively confusing and therefore tion have not significantly considered technolo- e Th unmanageable threats to society. New, adaptive gy-related principles, processes and theories. and ordinary crimes emerge over time to create Theories of the Classical School of criminology technology crime waves, the magnitude of which for example, examined 18th-century legal struc- can theoreticallybe measured, compared and tures and criticized arbitrarily-designated crimi- predicted. These principles underscore a new nal behavior and punishment imposed without theory of technology-enabled crime, policing regard for human rights, justice, or fairness and security pertinent for understanding contem- (Williams and McShane, 1993) but did not con- porary threats posed by emerging forms of sider the theoretical role of technology in crime. cybercrime, transnational crime and terrorism Similarly,19th-centuryPositive School theories networks that defy traditional methods criminal ignored the role of technology even when con- justice and security measures for preventing and sidering criminal behavior, “use of scientific controlling crime. methodology, assumption of pathology, classifi- cation of criminal types, prediction of criminali- Introduction ty, and treatment of criminals” (Williams & Few things are as fundamental to human McShane, 1993). And while Sutherland’s(1947) history and ongoing development of society as Differential Association Theory identified sim- technology. Readers of this article know full ple-to-complex techniques as an aspect of crimi- well that technology may be variously conceptu- nal learning processes later specified by Akers alized,categorized and defined; is ubiquitous along with other scholars (see e.g., Akers 1998; and serves seeminglyinfinite purposes; and 1985; Burgess & Akers, 1966; Burgess et al., evolves in its design, engineering, materials, 1966), even as Cohen and Felson (1979) refer- components, manufacturing processes, adoption, enced technology when observing that crimes implementation, systems integration and diffu- are more likely to be committed by motivated sion. When coupled with science, which in its offenders who have suitable targets in the broadest meaning denotes systematized learning absence of capable guardians, no unifying theory across scholarlyfields of research, technology about criminal use of technology, and counter- and the interactive forces which make these pos- vailing use of technology for policing and securi- sible (e.g., imagination, processing of rawmate- ty purposes, has been developed. This paper rials, economics, and political processes) accom- contributes to that process. modate human preferences and enable societal functions in astounding ways. It is also well Physical and Social Technology Interplay understood that synergistic science and technol- ogy may result in good or evil as determined by Technology can be defined as the applica- how they are used in relation to social norms, tion of hard and/or soft science knowledge, ethics and laws. Hence, the notion that technolo- methods, and materials to practice arts and skills. gy has always and inevitably been used for This definition implies a distinction between sociallyabusive or criminal purposes as deter- hard “physical technologies” and soft “social mined through processes of social construction technologies.” Whereas physical technologies are and thereafter (hopefully) arrested via the tools enabling accomplishment of tasks, social administration of justice when not prevented is technologies are methods or techniques which not surprising. Indeed this is expected and gen- pertain to how human activities, behaviors, and erally regarded as the way in which technology interactions occur. Physical and social technolo- functions in and affects society. gies range from being simple-to-complex, and complexity often has to do with the number of and techniques. Essentially, it is the notion that components or systems involved in technological people involved in competitive enterprises are 33 functions or processes. As used here, complexity always trying to do things just a little bit better. refers to the use of technology which cannot be Perpetual innovation applies to the interplay of Th e explained by an investigative or security expert physical and social technologies used by public J o to similar experts across time and distance. This and private enterprises operating in competitive ur n operationalization is adapted from the original environments. Perpetual improvement of products al o definition developed by Kash and Rycroft (1997) and services developed within organizational f T e to address complex technology-related issues environments may lead to new discoveries, spin- c h n and processes in organizational settings. In prac- off inventions and innovation of these. Hence, o lo tice technologies are used conjunctively. It is combinations of tools and techniques may be g y also notable that both physical and social tech- transformed into new technologies in their own S t u nologies facilitate research and theory-building right. The overall effect is creation of invention- die s in the hard and social sciences such as criminol- to-obsolescence cycles in which physical and ogy. As shown in Figure 1, combinations of social technologies become more integrated and interplay between simple-to-complex physical complex with time as shown in Figure 2. and social technologies that enable knowledge- Figure 2. Perpetual innovation-to- building and other human accomplishments are obsolescence cycles conceivably infinite with respect to inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes. Complete tech- Competitive Publicand Private Sector Enterprise nology intertwining, and thus maximum com- plexity,occurs as all parties involved concurrent- lyemploymyriad technologies which combine Physical Technology components, systems, interactive processes and Social Technology effects to defy understanding among experts. Over time complexity diminishes as the uses and Innovation, Time, Integration,and Complexity effects of technology are better understood and Note that new technologies designed to become more manageable. achieve competitive advantage may constitute Figure 1. Dynamic intertwining and state and/or trade secrets, each having crime- substitution of simple to complex, related competitive implications (e.g., develop- physical and social technologies. ment or acquisition of weapons of mass destruc- Perpetually Complex Technology- tion by terrorist organizations and/or theft of pro- enabled Competition prietary information by corporations). Thus, as previously acknowledged, new technologies are Technology adopted for illicit purposes as well as counter- Simple Physical vailing policing and security purposes. Further, although perpetual innovation is intended to Interplay improvematters such as organizational process- es, products, services, and profits etc., actual improvements are often unclear or subjective. Complex Social Not everyone agrees for example, that a new gadget or way of doing things is better, or that When technologies establish reliability they these will result in greater benefits when com- tend to be adopted. This is because human enter- pared to costs at the level of the organization prises generally seek to improve, and because much less within broader society. At the time nobody likes to get worse at anything. Even of its adoption, a given technology might be just those persons or organizations preferring to too complexto understand or operate, or not cost remain static in their use of technology may be effective given extant states of research and forced to adapt to market or other forces, and development in varying scientific, technological, therebyadopt new tools or processes. “Perpetual organizational, economic, and political environ- innovation” (Kash, 1989; Kash and Rycroft, ments. Even if technology is affordable to devel- 1996) is a concept pertaining to synthetic analy- op, adopt, implement and master bypersonnel sis of tacit knowledge and skills residing in indi- involved it may nonetheless result in more harm viduals, groups and organizations that enable than good and be considered economically inef- continual discoveryand adoption of newtools ficient in the grand scheme of outcomes. And because perpetual innovation only and necessari- and criminal adoption and adaptation, methods ly occurs under conditions of competition, win- of committing crime can change at the societal 34 ners and losers will eventually emerge unless a level. Thus crime consisting of myriad methods es technological balance is struck and maintained of gaining technological advantage for illicit pur- di u among competitors. For this to occur, all parties poses can be conceived of as social technology t S involved must believe that achieving technologi- with its own innovation-to-obsolescence cycles. y g o cal advantage is either futile or undesirable, and Graycar and Grabosky for instance, referred to ol hn that their would-be opponents are not secretly the evolution of the technology of money laun- c Te trying to resurrect or invent new threatening dering (1996, p. viii). Today we are also witness- of capabilities. Crime versus policing and security ing systemic changes in the technological nature al n are inherently competitive and distrusting enter- and technology-enabled organization of transna- r u o prises, and there is nothing novel about these tional crime networks, terrorist cell operations, J e technology-related principles, although consider- and cybercrimes. h T ing them explicitly in theoretical terms as inte- gral aspects of crime, policing and security is Crime as social technology will almost long overdue. always involve use of physical technologies (i.e., tools), although rape, assault, and murder com- Technology as Crime, Policing and mitted without the use of weapons or other Security instruments such as those used to penetrate body Cunning criminals have always taken advan- cavities are notable exceptions. Conceiving of tage of new technologies often as the result of crime as social technology incorporating use of learning how to do so from other people includ- physical technologies allows for construction of ing fellow criminals. Periodically they experi- amatrix similar to that used by Kash and ment with existing tools or techniques in order to Rycroft (1997), but differentiating as depicted in develop a satisfactory modus operandiwith Figure 3 between: (1) simple crime committed which theyare comfortable and believe gives using simple tools; (2) simple crime committed them reasonable advantages over the security using complex tools; (3) complex crime commit- technologies of intended targets, as well as police ted using simple tools; and (4) complex crime who may be prowling about physical and cyber committed using complex tools. As indicated environments for signs of crime. Upon establish- above, complex crime occurs to the extent com- ing their M.O., successful criminals are disin- binations of relativelycomplexphysical and clined to change either their preferred tools or social technologies are employed. techniques, although on rare occasions enterpris- ing criminals may concoct new ways in which to Just as various types of crime (e.g., money commit their illicit activities. As a natural laundering) can be considered a social technolo- byproduct of perpetual technology innovation gy, so can various methods of policing. Figure 3. Simple-to-complex crimes committed with simple-to-complex tools. 1. Simple Crime Committed 3. ComplexCrime Committed Using Simple Tools Using Simple Tools Single suspect using a manual instrument Traditional racketeering, vice, and to unlawfullythreaten, harm, damage, corruption using relativelysimple or gain entry to a vehicle or structure. physical technologies. 2. Simple Crime Committed 4. Complex Crimes Committed Using ComplexTools Using ComplexTools Amarijuana grower who uses a cellular Combined drug smuggling, gang phone and pager to facilitate his own violence, and moneylaundering of frequent drug sales, and a computer to victims across multiple jurisdictions store digitized records of his using a variety of digital devices to transactions, expenses, and income. generate, transmit, and store encrypted crime-related information. Figure 4. Categories, interplay, and examples of simple-to-complex policing methods and physical technology. 35 A. Simple Policing Using B. Complex Policing Using T SimpleTools Simple Tools he J o Acommunity Police officer issuing u An officer on foot patrol r n citizens Neighborhood Block Watch a conducting building checks l stickers in the course of conducting o at night with a flashlight. f crime prevention seminares and Te c “hot spot” problem-solving within a h n community. olo g y S t u C. Simple Policing Using D. Complex Policing Using d ie Complex Tools Complex Tools s Random preventative patrol Undercover store-front sting using a modern, well-equipped operation using electronic police cruiser. surveillance equipment and GIS tracking technology to investigate cellular phone theft and fraud. Community policing for instance, often using a computer. Thus, and in reference to described as a philosophy that emphasizes Figure 3, a Category 1 crime (i.e., simple crimes problem-solving in partnership with community committed with simple tools) might evolveinto members to enhance crime prevention methods Category2, then into Category3, and eventually may be conceptualized as a social technology. Category 4 crimes with corresponding increases Obviously security and policing technologies in technological complexity. Figure 3 depicts this are also physical and range from being relatively interplay and provides an example of hypothetical simple to complex. Thus, analogous to crime as crime(s) in each category, while Figure 2 depicts technology, the interplay of simple-to-complex technology as intertwining physical and social policing or security methods and tools such as technologies that may used to commit crime , and described by the examples in Figure 4 are also thus crime itself being innovated, integrated, and social technologies that are bound only by becoming more complexover time. human ingenuity. Amore realistic conception of technologi- Perpetually Complex Crime and cally evolving crime would involve all four cate- Policing gories of the matrix in Figure 3 co-evolving with It follows that crime and policing/security increases in resources coupled with intensity of co-evolve with technology invented or adapted motive (i.e., the drive) of criminal groups and for these purposes and that as the result of com- organizations as well as individuals, and in envi- petition in a manner akin to a civilian arms race ronments consisting of various levels of polic- is limited only by available resources broadly ing/security where detection avoidance bycrimi- defined (e.g., imagination, knowledge, skills, nals is also required. After all, individual crimi- money, time.). Figures 3 and 4 represent concep- nals and organized networks of criminals use tual analogues of crime and policing/security various levels of simple-to-complextechnology which combine tools and techniques (or meth- to commit various types of crimes while learn- ods) into practical functions that are subject to ing from one another, all the while also avoiding change as new technologies are developed, police and security officers and/or overcoming learned, adopted and implemented by individu- crime prevention, detection and apprehension als, groups, organizations and even entire technologies. regions or societies. Referring only to crime for the moment, we may conceptualize its evolution Some crooks however, may prefer to remain sequentially and at the micro level of an individ- operating in relatively simple ways they deem ual. For example, a young thief might first learn satisfactory,orthey may be incapable of advanc- to shoplift using her purse for concealment, and ing their knowledge and skills beyond a certain later graduate to stealing from multiple victims level of technological complexity. Collectively however, competitive society (and therefore, societies does not continually experience the crime as well as policing/security) perpetually technological competition surrounding creation 36 innovates even if individual criminals or criminal and release of malware (i.e., computer viruses, es organizations become static in their own inven- worms, Trojans, spyware and adware) for which di u tion, adoption and use of particular technologies. firms are continually writing prevention, detec- t S As criminals become more sophisticated in their tion and removal code? Conversely, if security y g o use of technology, forms of crime committed by or police officials in a given realm develop new ol hn them also become increasingly complex and tactics and/or employ new tools, criminals will c Te difficult to understand and manage. Thus police adjust their activities to reclaim technological of and security officials must stay current in their advantages. This insidious cat and mouse game al n knowledge and understanding of emerging may involve considerable financial and other r u o crime, and both well resourced and expert resources, and periodically may also culminate J e regarding their own technological capabilities. in significant destruction of property, physical h T injury or even death. But as long as the security Crime and policing/security are technologi- officials and police are winning the overall cally competitive enterprises that are inextrica- game, there is relatively little cause for alarm. ble, dynamic and co-evolving. Criminal innova- After all, these processes are inevitable — crime, tions drive policing and security innovations, however socially constructed and legislated and by extension each perpetually co-evolves against, occurs naturally given human nature. the other throughout time and society. As inten- Yet, when it comes to preserving a safe, secure tionally shown in the hopelessly complicated and orderly society, security and police forces Figure 5 below,the gamut of simple-to-complex using their technological capabilities must physical and social technologies used by these ultimatelytriumph over criminals. enterprises are dynamically intertwined, and theybecome more complexover time and What matters most is not the type or amount distance subject to broad social, cultural, politi- of crime measured in incidence or prevalence cal and economic conditions and constraints. within a given geographic location or cyber realm, rather reasonable innovation and perpetu- Thus, crime and methods for preventing it ation of relatively sophisticated security and via security and policing evolvetogether as a policing which is capable of deterring, prevent- function of these factors plus human ingenuity. ing, interdicting, suppressing or otherwise dis- And as crime in a given geographic location or placing existing capabilities of criminals regard- cyber realm emerges in a newway, police and less of the relative complexity of crimes commit- security officials inclusiveof technology devel- ted. In other words, policing and security offi- opers respond accordingly. Who in computerized cials should stop obsessing with crime rates, and Figure 5. Dynamic crime and policing technology co-evolution 1. Simple Crimes Committed A. Simple Policing Using Using Simple Tools Simple Tools 2. Complex Crimes B. Complex Policing Using Committed Using Simple Tools Simple Tools 3. Simple Crime Committed C. Simple Policing Using Using Complex Tools Complex Tools 4. Complex Crime Committed D. Complex Policing Using Using Complex Tools Complex Tools with the help of researchers, develop practical Ordinary, Adaptive, and New Forms of ways in which to measure how level the playing Crime 37 field really is. This requires systematic rethink- Since crime is technologically dynamic and ing, education, training, equipping, and organiz- can become increasingly complex over time and Th e ing of police and security forces to some extent distance in accordance with supporting resources J o so that they may continually anticipate and rec- such as money or culture versus constraining ur n ognize crime threats, and then formulate and factors such as lack of money or culture, it is al o implement forward-looking prevention and useful to categorize the evolution of perpetual f T e control strategies consistent with their resource innovation as it applies to potential crime and c h limits. security breaches in three ways, each denoted no lo with a technical term. Ordinary crimesare con- g y Happily, in the game of perpetually complex ventional. They routinely occur in many places, S t u crime and policing/security, the “good guys” are recognized and well understood in their vari- d ie (and girls!) usually have many advantages. For ations, and are actively prevented, investigated, s example, they are generally well trained, and prosecuted. A clear indication that crime is equipped, and organized, and they often lend ordinary is the existence of statutes defining interagency assistance and work in inter/multi- criminal behavior, an accompanying body of agency task forces in order to address complex case law to reference when developing prosecu- crime problems, etc. Historically, the Federal tion strategies and making arguments before a Government has created huge new policing and court, and police or security record-keeping security organizations in order to address emerg- systems which track frequency and location of ing technology-enabled crime problems. For occurrences. For example, all crimes tracked by example, in 1909 a new unit officially named the the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Bureau of Investigation as the FBI was then system are, technologicallyspeaking, ordinary known began investigating emerging interstate crimes (e.g., common varieties of theft, burglary, prostitution under authority granted by the White and robbery). Slave Traffic (Mann) Act. This is how the Federal Government became involved in policing Adaptive crimesare new technological organized interstate crime which, until onset of variations of ordinary crime. They are manifested the automobile combined with ubiquitous long through incremental and innovative use of tech- distance telephone service, was conceived of in nology. As such they subsume one or more exist- the press and by the public as merely local crime. ing forms of crime or security threats, and they occur relativelyfrequentlyeven though they may Following the terrorist attacks of September not initiallyconstitute legallydefined criminal 11, 2001, against the World Trade Center towers behavior. As such, adaptive crime can be prose- and Pentagon, Congress acted with unprecedent- cuted in its essence under existing crime legisla- ed speed to authorize creation of the new tion supported by a body of case law albeit with Department of Homeland Security to combat, varying precision and success. It may not be prevent, and interdict terrorism in all its forms necessary to prosecute technologically adaptive in concert with intelligence and military compo- crimes via an untested legal strategy because nents of the federal government, as well as in adequate statutoryand case lawwill afford clear cooperation with state and local policing agen- authority if not ample precedence based on simi- cies and private sector security firms. Problems lar case facts. arise however when during the emergence of newforms of crime, security and police capabil- Newcrimesinvolveradical innovative use ities within society loose their competitive of technology to commit an act of social abuse advantage. On this point there is no substitute which is not necessarilyillegal at the time of for informed and supportivepolicy makers who first occurrence. Truly new forms of social abuse are willing in the midst of uncertainty (i.e., lack (i.e., new crimes) happen rarely and may initially of understanding about complex crime prob- go undetected or even unrecognized because lems) to makefiscal investments and pass police and security officials will typically have adequate crime legislation before the onset of little or no training and no basis of experience to crises. The danger lies in providing police with understand what is happening. Since new crime too little technology relative to crime-fighting does not conformto broader social experiences needs, or with too much technology relative to it seems mysterious and complex to other gov- adequate controls on their power. ernment officials, the media and members of the public. Mysterious because it is not understood; can be prosecuted for specific acts. complex because it may: (a) involve relatively 38 complicated technologies; (b) involve many Obviously new crimes via the copycat crime es suspects, victims, and considerable amounts of phenomena (Pease & Love, 1984) become adap- udi harm and/or loss; (c) subsume varieties of ordi- tive crime and eventually ordinary crime. Table 1 t S nary and/or adaptive crime; (d) not be explain- distinguishes between the three stages of crime y g o able by investigative experts to other investiga- evolution with respect to their occurrence, inno- ol hn tive experts across time and distance sufficiently vative use of technology, social cognizance (i.e., c Te to formulate prevention and control strategies; observe-ability and understanding), and legal of (e) generate intensity in the form of public out- sanctions. Note that the suicidal terrorist airliner nal rage not only against the act and its perpetrators, bombings of September 11, 2001, may be con- r ou but also against police or security officials for sidered examples of new crime because although J e not responding adequately to the crime or securi- the crime itself, murder, previously existed, the h T ty threat; and (f) diffuse at varying rates across technological means (crashing hijacked airliners many geopolitical jurisdictions or cyberspace. into buildings) involved radical innovation, soci- New crimes cause considerable public amaze- eties (not limited to the United States) did not ment, perhaps even shock, disbelief, and/or out- immediately comprehend the nature of the terror- rage once they are discovered. They are also ist threat, and there existed no specific crime often labeled in sensational albeit confusing laws against the consummate act of hijacking terms such as “data rape” (Szwak, 1995). Such an aircraft in order to simultaneously commit terms are often created by the media which suicide, mass murder and incredible amounts understandablyis always seeking something new of property damage for political or religious to reportand thereafter create headlines to pro- purposes. Similarly, in 1971 when bomb- mote profits through direct sales of publications strapped D. B. Cooper commandeered a or advertising of air time. While new crimes are Northwest Airlines 727 in Portland, commanded socially abusive, because they are not initially it to land in Seattle, and thereafter parachuted defined as being criminal, the consummate act (possibly to safety) over the Columbia River (or significant portions thereof) may be extreme- gorge on the border of Washington and Oregon, lydifficult if not impossible to prosecute. For there existed no term or label, much less a crime instance, many states and the federal government lawagainst hijacking. Obviously that all changed were unable to successfully prosecute early com- as Cooper’soriginal formof social abuse was puter abuse. Even prosecution of RobertMorris copied and modified technologically to become Jr. for his releasing of the first Internet worm in adaptive crime and eventually ordinary crime 1988 was difficult under the then newly passed committed by terrorists. Note that although Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Today however, hijacking incidents were always extremely seri- the federal government and all fifty states have at ous and upsetting, theyeventually occurred with least one and in manycases several specific sufficient frequency that they were not featured computer crime laws under which cybercriminals by many media sources as sensational events. Table 1. Aspects and examples of ordinarycrime, adaptive crime, and new crime. Feature/ Occurrence Use of Social Legal Sanctions Contemporary Crime Type: Technology Cognizance and Prosecution Examples Strategy Ordinary Routinely No innovation Recognized Clearly violates Common theft, Crime and well existing crime law burglary, etc. understood Adaptive Relatively Incremental Recognized Violates existing Releasing a new Crime frequently innovation but not well laws in some computer virus understood respects and does onto the not require Internet innovative prosecution New Crime Rarely Radical Not widely Consummate act Human Molotov innovation recognized does not violate missiles of and not existing laws; Sept. 11, 2001 understood Impossible to prosecute as an explicit overarching criminal offense Criminal Purposes and Technology abuse that is not understood rather than numbers Crime Waves of conventional crimes. The time period between 39 People who commit crime use technology the emergence of a new crime and development for ten core technology-enabled purposes: and implementation of countervailing security Th e surveillance, planning/record-keeping, commu- and police technologies as signaled by formula- J o nication, transportation, coercion, protection, tion of crime legislation prohibiting the consum- ur n concealment, value storage, to inflict harm and mate illegal act represents policy development al o to expand their operations. These purposes and implementation lag time. f T e should not be confused with legal intent or per- c h sonal motives for committing crime, which are As shown in Figure 6, technology crime no lo different. Whenever radical new and socially waves always begin with an original incident of g y abusive use of technology occurs for any of unusual social abuse and increase in the fre- S t u these core purposes, new crime emerges. When quency of technologically similar incidences die an increasing minimum (and arbitrary) number over time. As the number of similar and still- s of the same kind of new crime occurs within a unusual incidents increase, the intensity of the certain period of time (e.g., seven slight varia- emerging wave (i.e., social concern, disdain, or tions of a new crime within thirty months) a outrage surrounding radical innovative use of new technology crime wavebegins to form (see technology for abusive purposes) also increases. Figure 6). Such waves occur periodically, strike In the long term, three technology stages each across geopolitical jurisdictions and with vary- corresponding to cognitive phases further corre- ing levels of force, and spread and dissipate at sponding to the continuum of newcrime, adap- rates inverselyrelated to development of coun- tivecrime, and ordinarycrime results. Each of tervailing understanding and implementation of these stages/phases varies in duration depending security and policing technologies. Other factors on the number and frequency of incidences, including social, cultural, economic and political complexity of technology involved, intensity conditions, coupled with media attention and generated, and rate of diffusion and dissipation. perhaps other forces may also contribute to the Likewaves in the ocean, technology crime waves spread or dissipation of a technology crime startsmall and develop more energy,travel at wave. Here also, do not confuse the concept of a different rates, overlap, and collide. In the real technology crime wave with the conventional world, multiple smaller waves exist within larger expression “crime wave” which typically refers waves, such that only general wave patterns are to a rash of similar crimes in a particular loca- measurable. Figure 6 depicts how a single tech- tion (e.g., a rash of burglaries in a neighbor- nology crime wave originates with social abuse, hood). In contrast, a technology crime wave forms into a new form of crime, picks up energy comes about as the result of unique technology via copycatting becoming adaptive crime, and Figure 6. Technology crime wave Technology Crime Wave y Adaptive Ordinary Crime Phase: sit New Crime Recognized and Understood n Crime nte Phase: Not RePchoagsnei:z ed dI Recoogrn ized But Not Specific Crime Legislation n Understood a Understood y, xit e pl Countervailing m Police o Technology C y, c n e u q Social Abuse e r F Policy Lag Time, Diffusion, and Dissipation eventually transforms into ordinary crime as when combined and quantified such data could security, policing, prosecution and other forces be used to measure and compare the magnitude 40 for law and order prevail. of technology crime waves representing different es types of emerging social abuse, in which: (Mw) udi Research exploring the nature of technology is the overall magnitude of the crime wave (area t S crime waves could contribute to criminology and under the curve), and complexity (C), intensity y g o to criminal justice and security policies and prac- (I), diffusion (D), recognition of new crime (R), ol hn tices involving technology invention, innovation, and understanding (U) are combined into the fol- c Te adoption, procurement, implementation, routine lowing general formula (McQuade, 1998): of use and diffusion. As a point of departure it may al be useful to determine how different technology Mw = (C * I * D)/(R *U). n r u crime waves defined on the basis of core crimi- o J e nal purposes and simple-to-complex tools and Thus, the area under the curve (see Figure 6) h T techniques used by criminals for innovative pur- represents the magnitude of a single technology poses vary initially and over time and distances. crime wave for a specified place (or cyber realm) Determining the magnitude of a technology and period of time. Depending on the number of crime wave relative to various contributing and separate or integrated waves examined, formula- constraining factors, and under varying circum- tion of a prediction model for potential crime or stances which combine to affect its emergence known emerging crime, along with estimates of and dissipation would be extremely challenging. the magnitude of new crime/security-related How technologically complex is a given type of threats to society may also be possible. Analysis crime? The answer matters because crimes which of crime legislation enactment and media are complex relative to security and policing accounts of newcrime could provide external understanding and technological capabilities are validity to these concepts therebybolstering sup- less manageable. Thus, determining the extent to port for a formal theory of technology-enabled which new forms of technology-enabled social crime, policing and security. By analogy, if we abuse and crime are more complex, less manage- can predict the onset and intensity of earthquakes able and also potentially harmful to society is and volcanic eruptions although imprecisely, as useful from the standpoint of allocating security well as model potential new strains of disease and policing resources. and their negativepublic health impacts, perhaps it is also possible to estimate (albeit initially To this end consider that estimates of the unreliably) the onset and magnitude of social number of suspects, victims, and geopolitical abuses that are inherentlyillicit if not initially jurisdictions, and some measure of technological illegal and threaten society. systems relied upon bycriminals in given inci- Summary: General Theoretical dents are calculable and therefore theoretically Propositions1 capable of being used to establish a complexity Technologies are combinations of tools and factor.Similarly, an intensity factorestimating techniques ranging from simple-to-complexin harm (i.e., death, injuries, and property loss in their design, materials, construction and manu- terms of dollars) and the extent of public outrage facturing processes, adoption, social implementa- based potentially on the amount of media cover- tion, technical/systems integration and applica- age could also be developed. Finally a diffusion tions. Criminals, police and security profession- factorconsisting of frequency of incidences, als employ a full range of technologies that are across different jurisdictions, and within a speci- available to them for similar and countervailing fied period of time could also be determined. purposes. Data on each of these factors could possibly be gathered and/or estimated from combinations of Newforms of deviance, social abuse or police and media reports describing incidences crime, that is newcrimes, are committed through of social abuse (operationally defined as new innovative use of technology. Initially new crime crime). Obviously such data, to the extent it is not well understood,and is therefore relatively exists or could be generated,would empirically complex, because investigative experts tend not demonstrate the existence of technology crime to be able to explain how criminals are using waves, although determining when new crime technologies to other investigative experts across ends and adaptive crime begins within a wave time and distance. Faced with relatively complex would necessarily be subjective and need to be crime and attendant management problems, controlled for in research studies. Nonetheless, police, security professionals and prosecutors policing and security management — a never- innovate with countervailing technologies and ending competition in which police and security 41 legal strategies to overcome and if possible stay professionals will, in general, react to crimino- ahead of technological gains made by criminals. logical innovation. Tools and techniques once Th e developed, adopted, and understood tend to J o With increased understanding and law remain in use by criminals, police and security ur n enforcement interdiction, new crimes transform professionals because of their continuing func- al o into better-understood adaptive crimes, and laws tionality and/or constraints to technology devel- f T making criminally adaptive behaviors explicitly opment or adoption. The result is a full range ec h illegal begin to be enacted. The process of for- of relatively simple (ordinary) to relatively com- no mulating and enacting new crime laws and regu- plex (new) forms of crimes and countervailing log y lations raises public awareness of crime problems investigation and protective methods. Concerned S t u threatening society. Combined with media atten- criminals and police are always wondering about die tion about these issues, attitudinal and behavioral their adversary’s activities, and each group may s changes emerge in ways that precipitate arrest not fully understand the consequences of their and prevention of adaptive crimes. Eventually, own operations (i.e., use of technology). This adaptations of laws are widely adopted and dif- can result in unintended positive and negative fused as a form of legal/social technology that spin-off effects. Over time, technology leads to increased investigation and prosecution. employed in crime, policing and security man- When this happens, once new and then adaptive agement is better understood, thus relatively less crime transforms into ordinary crime that is complex, and in the case of crime (hopefully) much better-understood,routinelyrecognized and more manageable, except to the extent that crim- responded to, and may be systematically targeted inal innovations disrupt relatively stable techno- for prevention. New crime, adaptive crime and logical competitions between law abidance and ordinarycrime emerge sequentially to form a violating forces of society. technological crime wave in which technological complexity increases across time and distance Conclusion unless and until countervailing awareness, Concepts of technology-enabled crime, knowledge and understanding and attendant policing and security,along with perpetually security/policing technology capabilities are complex aspects of these concepts, and technolo- developed to afford greater manageability of the gy crime waves have been described as a way of crime problem. Enhanced enforcement, com- understanding how technology-enabled innova- bined with continual technological advances in tive social abuse and criminal behavior emerges, society, compel smart criminals intent on getting impacts society and then diffuses. Technology- away with ordinary crime to adopt new technolo- enabled social abuse and crime are usually gies. This begins anewthe cycle of technological inevitable negative spin-offs of technology R&D, competition between criminals and the police and initially new crimes are relatively more com- (i.e., the emergence of deviance/social abuse, plex and less manageable because investigative new crime, adaptive crime, and ordinary crime). and other experts tend not to be able to explain Criminals that do not adopt new technologies what is happening across time and distance to are at greater risk of being caught unless and other experts. The result is a series of new, adap- until their technological capabilities exceed those tive and ordinary crimes grounded in technologi- of lawenforcement and security professionals. cal capabilities of criminals versus those of secu- Similarly, law enforcement and security profes- rity and policing officials. General hypotheses sionals must consistentlydevelop, adopt, and concerning a formal theory of technology- diffuse new technologies or risk falling behind enabled crime, policing and security were in their crime fighting capabilities. advanced that incorporate the concepts of tech- nological complexity and technology crime Over time, recurring criminal and police waves. These concepts are intended to comple- innovation cycles have a ratcheting-up effect ment, but not supplant, existing theories of crime akin to a civilian arms race. Crime and policing causality and technology development and diffu- become increasingly complex as a function of sion. Indeed,manyof the concepts described in increasingly complex tools and/or techniques this paper are not new and draw upon long-held available in society and employed by criminals, views and conventional wisdom of experienced police or security professionals. The result is practitioners as well as various research findings perpetually complex, technology-enabled crime, having to do with crime, security, technology and

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