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Preview ERIC EJ844633: Universal Design and the Assessment of Student Learning in Higher Education: Promoting Thoughtful Assessment

Universal Design and the Assessment of Student Learning in Higher Educatio Promoting Thoughtful Assessment Nicole S. Ofiesh California State University, East Bay Colleen M. Rojas University of Arizona Robin A. Ward University of Arizona Austral Universe design, ape informacion, . Howevet the Aciasituous ofbigherednesnon, dsiening asens- lates canbe dt inlar ug, Ts especialy sa Aisiptne-has theully wiv are expen 1 esitsor hut sho otis have litle profesiuzal oeeoarstion in eallege tek ad assonecton. Couple this wi sureties ‘onepeling reset’ nd tracing comands. seul he has the uforurate poestil a desirable undenaking fr sue Caen (Owor the passa decades, elusvters hav songht = ianpseve mettads fo sesesssludent leaning, Fer ana face aasonimnen! ef dawnlege far Lut potsan, n= siiniag Eins with coyitive Unabilies, os we! a3 0 tative speakers oF English, 1s a motbfacele chal ene: law do Faculy mmuibeisckeare asseneriems “har are ac earl wy Eves pupultous While wpholirg the same Seandands forall sles, eaburiag ara vige, a wcosimag the full uxSuony of WeAe-anding (Hlaor, 19x44 loom, Malas & Tastings, 10; Gif 195%, Krathwohl, luau, & Mosia, 1962)? Haas crn assess. ments zeech divecse pepe'atinestheongh lnnguage fe, ‘wneubalry, wendingh Lie. 8.-200 ratte choice) and presetalius tog. compuse~ated, papseperel three-esersinaly? etal em respons Journal of Passsenondiny ueation snd Disbiay 1 inaiitional deivery systema, a3 presentaion of sadn learning Base re Hp sige artonsiert power ay fo prosote 32 sae sme of this foro seeconeary seine, ol Pins how a sonal omc “The pugs of ths paper lu presen recommen Vig feen the fe14 oP anivaraldssign as they apply ty assesuaet a sC1d57T6 athe pestracondary level. The recommendalivus ace gleaned fe tise models of ui versal deen: Uuivesal Dosigh for Learr'ng (UDI. Univeral Les fr Totzuston UDI) tad te ek Boo, the Navicnal Cente: nn thucaunal Oalsanes INCEO}, Tua kleas posited rough ULL ant LDL are presented ula inthis apevis eee an ill whe further slabo- fated on, excepto Most heircontrstions ta asses tent ef eludent Lenina. a ech a these modes ensaca asses asesamet dtforendy, Th rasemmondatians ars smtended te provide favly sabi services. ap cad Snsteuctional personas (ace, sexthing verve: sll wit, the bepianing stops os Foster the Tals of azeasaihls as sessment fur st eacuca a zaiciont of Kigheredhsea- ackgrnund Ac the poasseandary lee, enurse nstracoon fof ‘et lista eaogs tag srongh oeme and eval shed uving papesd SeXe, Tos, timed tors. AS a Peal exam axe sully 456 scceasly Woon 29, Sper 2 in | almisisteed 40@ graded, wets.y 122 tn eC am! Ciple ei es ¢Cnr, 1987: Redriguen, 200) The per of est are pve timed aevon ing Ww ks Yue? Gt the class os npomet to cli of Eo 05 (Oe Matte, & Rossel 2UGS), ade his sss fount ‘ae degree to hich the inmustusacquizesiafersali egerding bv vol muons undersne varius concep is dependent, in par, om the sey cee tk quertan. Yas Cesigred (tg one that meanizes eppeetiog, rote serany) (Haledvee, Dawning. d& Radvigier. 2007 Rodiigce, 2003), Fr, wise muluploeraiee Sans 1 uTeaey provide oth ascoasment daa, ears ‘ate ansat be paid ra forating rest ancl thy rhe tests are scuessale law wide rege of seul i ee loonie tormet (Rae Meyer, 2002, ‘When these qualtse of tat asin are taken mon consherstion,ratine mlriplo choies toms cen aval A 0st fs ithe Isp oellageolastzcam, line ene is aise ‘ole slaiouship between rs test question cd que ‘of response, e alternative wy sto sess sales, Thus, this conventinal approach snatruction and assessment fam limi dhe wey ie ovhiev students oan deranestrats ‘slat the Los andiog, forsmadans with sah ies, aqui 9 Lest se s00amtadations) in erst ensnze Si aes, Though the Guliags ae mixed, wsraich oo aul Wiple-choice lets hos called alu question dhe efficacy of this “Sema in les of constituting en i2epute ar fair ssesamere co? for var-cus pupulatiuns aad under dir ing simacione (Abn-Rabia, 2015; roland, Yong- Win, & Minaki. 2005; Coben & Bosctewivig, 2006; Klecker 2000: MeCuufcie, 2004; Rocziguez, 3005: Sluyven, ‘bach, Jarasens, 2005: Walker &: Thompson. 2811}, ‘Moreever, brain reseacch cuntinues lo underscore the in ius el os Miller 2, 2002, Osta sa. Sani, & Nichol. 2005), ‘Ab soreness 0° the linalions of eulivonal aston rent ros, x nhift Unsvard more inclusive delevery and cevaluasion of coarse concent 25 emegiag. uaing pedagogies sch es UDL Glove de Mayes, 2002}, UDT Seoft Shaw, de MeCiuire, 2005), ane universal incre sional clesigh (Sve, Rowe, 6 Stitom, 953}. Lead SSGon t the esslagrvent oF ayeurel eal ile-chojce test, dvs ohn merase fesperimerted aurh suariss, porsélins, sre. cub hatin of est formate, comprner-hased ters, and Mex ine tone enomgh asintve seanoegy. The rats a ws feerch aesignsa te exeruine the vanity af skeenacive binds of esseemen: is excerging, and Hike dhar of rat ‘Wager. Josie, forasareimcat hee IM tourna Posseconding baucction ane Duca ple-sonize tats he Sinan ee mixed Uselend, eh AOS: Caalar-Laais, Cok, & Aicher, 20018: Kl 240: a Sen, 1995; Seears, 19H, In Tight af shore mixed tindings.sovera! punts re peated smerge tha: sre cael 10 the devslogmgal sé Universlly esi gwadaasesstais Regaulless et le pe P unsesemen 4 [eeulty metubee designs fe. pve short ansie:, oce, onecelation), effecsive axsessrreu sau whon faculty: (4) ere clene pont about se. ‘eval of student urdorsending ciey soak fot. tena enowlodge,eoliod era edge (bj wdect pont how fxs amsermnert rele the goals end ohjeatives nf he twachinglearsing dynes ant (6) anes op fant the zoe uf ue i the sesersuend Rodvigue, 2008, 2008; Sax, 199% Stigine & Couklin, 1992). In shum, thy ta fs the arsersmenscan he considered the tore ching inemion. 28 fazoley Tank thenugh what the oxpectie {one are tor cron is term af laaring occ, “That i, nsimesion ie planned fiom the end geet Buckowned Besiga Some thecrstsheve ref stanton fom cs end goalas hacks dosiga & MeTigis, (998) “Boskward design” is aot rectly algae with usiverally designed assessment as iL ts rosled in the Jeveloprient of ecriculum rather chen uni- ‘ess cca However, hacker design's acre! tt sep inthe analyst of eureutum to ensure tha; i's crate «@ paivecsl design and seeess, Ia backward desig. the vutiulum becemes 3 uzans lv an end: that is, the curculum is analyzed sc tha faculty mses havea clear idee about so gnals end abjsstives (5, fhe tical outcome} af the enurss tram the vary Seglaniy ‘Wiggins and Metighe (199%) enssurage inserts t ‘hike ereugh Sr cows content and ideal the d= sired cults fou the pt the studs] Ev the one One the sized revalls are ideale, they ure eessi= feed im cesm of carpcula primates.” ‘hese carci: princes are depiered ning onheee sss rings sbowr in figure 1 ‘Tro argow ring rgtesonts knosrledgs tha ay wl bbe cover fu epi iy lass but dis “wor being ti ilar wi Ta the ele sing, inpurtent hnowiedge (Lets. concepts, and principles) end “skill (peace steategies. unc ociods) are ierttied, According, jgyins and Me Tike (2998), sult learn incor ple wibou: rast se eesenlials. The saallast ring is iowa a “eoduring” understanding. Enduring ave The aapeuts of che coune tht ides" us guiding Fores i stad will r= rmemhzr tong afer tie devails ace Ket, Wiggins and otis 19, Noombar 2 Figure 1, Curricular priorities and assessment, wating, tii ith f gor ands da dung c Lateesoncing os G, Wiggins & J, Mcighe, 1998, Aloxondcia, VA: Understanding by Design, Rewinted with permission, The Avapviation for Supervisim and Curriculum Development, “MTighe panpase thet maduionalaper-penilbased quize ‘es ant fests hat use sexed esspanes(amrple-ehk cruc-fabe, mulshingh and centered iesponse (she inva, coaay Hist is best Cur kawledge Da: iv eassi= fied ax worth bing dauiar wide" and “iaporlan lo Ienow and do.” Herformance-baved tusks ane procs lucene tasks “eat reqeirepraguesim or porfrmense) fee hese for knowledge teat has bore lars as “en uing” weaning, 96 ell a impsrtane9 kan and a, Inorder-oallon ferusiverlly designed ansessmects 1 emerge, sdnators, test developers, and disabiliy servige provi rand the Wpemtance nt Aligning astessmest with ensise chjesives 3 the iis? ‘phnning sage rather thanatthooad of namedon, Rather ‘ran ask ate end of nvraction, “Hoo and what should 1rassesa?” ene en aap nr eecommodase the 38 nex on soezssioie asemam tris designed “om £2 00 etn carson with ho gaa snl ohecriees afar iow. Eeaphosing esigned principles may not ‘liste the ae ee <posific nscemnmdatons For sm Journal of Powsecondory Eesti ened Dry, leis with dicailtios, bu ema “vinnie che ned Sor certain accommodations (Burpee 2005),Thus. itis SUMS stige uf instructions) plannine thst universally Uesigned assent cam be considera. fet, reseuh indetes tat one oF Ge tens portant reamed ‘rons gleaned fio studies an test ffectivencss is erat 130 constrietnn shout relate alneoly 40 she spucife nur of beavers erect inariconal abjecttses TTuep, 1994) Nist 1989) noted. “he Ue camaegusmeas of ang eas “ha ars mot adeustely lunked 49 sammtin’ ineluce an inaceureue understand ing thout Bie progrese stmtest are rsaking, the use of inappiopsioe infoeawrion ro mas decisvas which af Rel odes’ welfore, aad unweeet asesnuuens abuin the effeu:iveuess OF iaseusiv” ip. 487 ponent ofl courses: tiger wlcatioa and. as devas borevearel have showay iis cate part vt elective iusteuvlion ang student Petrne 1, MomierZ EE eeE@E__| ‘besa iv; Balm & Mall, 2004: Towell & Note 2k), Tht inal olny of wssensmen: in relation to ours goals and urvversal devign ws whut we tes> aunghllsaes8 20." Torah areeamars sores teat he otevtor snd the stoton. Whos an aseecameet a eaneflly aligns serge content a6 Well § Whar the eater pas Ie Acbiove in a eg ait, oF Sense, ‘ee insieutoy 2eceIves eae Feeek aa oo sell Geinstrtiou spike la agcomplis his arr goalsant bjectives, With his terfback, instustion ean meived olives about the sukleuts’ beck sand preoara.on for Ge zaleil saz je roevalnated, and the apprpmatenes of the eourse {ome and mrriale enn fo Teenider ov exanpls. pan eefseion. an iraraero nay ind ‘har the classes designed vary ML br eat saris ets ents ware nor engaged for neaznes not slated tn the couse, A. dhooghdoll Jesignod sssessmem sate Iss faculty w suublesbool tose reasons elated (othe couse, e:esinleinelTetive delivery systems. and miti= ‘sirethe eportunsty forall studesto ahiove with equal fecens ro Instrictin and astessment. Nat nl does & ‘accflly custo assessment prowl th instrceion with ae clatity mesessery to design eu effective aud avves sii iestrassonal dtivery stor, i allo the steal ‘a upporlouily to heron euguyed ia he euuivulaca vi, 2 clear set of eapectuiens und te dersunste his a hee “snoveledge, and provides vehuale ferent es, ‘of whieh zens ar open sh professionel and educatiocal Bloat, “The ideas epoused Wy Wiggias ant Meine (1995) provide « foupditiou fur astesstuent sus versal de Sign, eepetally for faculty io sual “9 explore possi biliies ufuniversat design. but eho cay fed revels change curent practises. Once fooulty mershersienify ry essential noweedge ta he gahied and skills ta be oc avid by smdsurs cused i a conse. a8 We 68 the Tbest mend for asssatcat, eleuteus of iv ennilly ‘esiyned aysesstcents ean be applied, Uiversilly Designed Assessment A tapupstf uniyenally éasied ussessment co ‘ests af anmaliade of consierstinn, nein Wat 0 Tite, subject somten.elsowonie lexi, Euglish nrg age inage, foraliisionsteg, es. shore time sits exzeharaeterisies acveerline fn the peal und abjcouves of the sours, matmcton, and ira Tonal delivery system, und ror. The udsa of eosigning ‘educational popertnisies thst uphold inssctui rigor and cat are sccensbl fr the majority aflearrors holds sreatappcal = mos facaey wha srahrce tsatking Fe 16 Sonn of Pastaveundary Lakcaton and Disabil terse itt. a Suet alysis uf goals and objostives Io: te ouse, wellaearing fully ean ran the risk et sqmlyine erireipls of universal doz gn crar ey ahs: rally (gd undesirably) change tis gnals ce Ghfetiver {Once the most evteal asp cotese are clea tn bor re teaser and th sues, scoops wie be oucee Tully fie wt oh ie wn ua sense An eis manner goals and chjectives assewtially serve us ¢ renclrip Yo the fink horses the cestion Wf accessible strting aa aceite senate. Like wniveislly desjgne istcuction. the parpass universily des rant cha allow pein of he wie range of stu flenes and rosul i va iafeesnocs abowr tue perf mange (Thampsan & Thorlos, 2002), This cin be achieved forksth Wege-seale stoadaedized lets dela oom “ate spaznicg fn Kinuorgicea postsecondary locals The Type au seqpe uf the sasevement Uesign de eas onthe purpose of ae est und the comsrues) hs tg eceasured, [he averacaing aoe! aways the sun havwevar: down af astermonts that allow foe meaning fl intepretcion af porforrace wilh Uke grees a 496 fe Fnfovmerou hy Ese wide ange uf iid, for Edcation Outcomes 66:80) sng insiuctneal gral end objec has ser. ntublisko one way eo hogin to este am sccatsihleastessment shy applsiay sotte of the prin= ples fone Nadozal Ceater for CUucutineal Ovtenees UNCED, Reseantiers aw NCO have develoed a Vist of yeas thal vomprise "unnverally designe ass rents” (Chompson. Jofmstene, & Thanks 2002) (eee ‘Table :), While these elements ware designed spp large-scale tse at 28 K-12 lovels, fer of he elemens, rncples 4-7, can reaiy serves a guide fr the deve ‘puuent of elastsvom some saeal apecie ly ese majndny ‘uf lesls which have Inditionally been presented via rial lex _Amenable 10 acconsindaitone fpreneiphe 4), Univer sally desgned assesemenes sho stam with the ution of inclosivny and access. Hanveves, eve 2 all hea nee for arcomradaton® an sori ess, ud ‘hetest results shovid 30° iadeat: 9 yal cepreseulaliva of sme’ pavfoenmace, Faculty test de creme ease uf aecurmmodtinn uss and cents fon! by exaplying the followung recoanmendations TT Reviain Figo asing eles graphs or pictures, 28 ‘yall a8 vo tial or siagosal tea 2 Plece keys snd gods dieclly under the lext where they ate he pi 4, Include vostaloxmadeseriaivas tbat can he lero in Tle wilh pietares or gts, Votoms 38, Nambor 2 Yable 1 Blersene Guy rss Designed Arsessmers 1 Inclusive msesement population 2. Previsely defined constructs 3. Accessible, nou-biasel terns 4, Smennble (a avvoromedations Simple, cleat. and untusive instnitions wna procedren 6 Maxiasum readabisity und compreiensiblliy 1. Mainsum legibility oral nto fe 3). Sudenks frac divert ‘secegrenes being foe avessamont situation a wiiety uf choc tic Ib shel not he cealsaiec uspant ef We lst, Those jncludea sous lite experieee, know ele. Fug. 1nge SLi, ¢¢ exrrent ennesruration level, Th su iastorons and procures nee tp be sl tnd conan, wad nen sample wom, prastive cues ‘ions, and seoning cateia when epprprige (Thomason cal, 2002). Furser. the west sboutd amegeure what teal developer i.e the ireuctas gels the et fo mi ‘Maxie ee rrehenstbilits (prin cinle $8 vatiety of Tacks om impact the rexdbbi-ty land camprebersibiily of ext. The wording of to tema shold sent ie conte preseuel as paca a come, as apposed to che student reading ability. As woted & NCLO'seyuthaseceporcon-enivarsally dayne assess- mes. Catar ad Cla 1905) rscommrondd exghl eal- abity guidelines fora pent “ators 1 Ue staple, eon comaanly used words, clminat ing any unecessary Sorts. ‘When technical nm asthe clearly dened. i enmiponn emplex sents devi int sevstal short sentences, sling the ost poet idea tre 4. Tvedge one ew, ft. poco ie: ea devo the ideas lata 5, Male a1 neun-pronoun relationships vee resus sy Bacon en Dea lngarten-a the sontenee, place them ale beginning uf he sutcec. 3. Ween presonting malnctou. sequence De steps ib frseaee ander of octerence #. IRpracesace ars being deserised make sue they #¢¢ simpy insane, labeled. aad ited clase io tke ext they spon (Sze Fhesapson, ec. (2402) fora ‘aaaplee ist of sharasteivies of Logis text.) Maxim fegibvy priocsoie 7). Lepr teteta she appecerance of prin, end inches xl wraps, tables. ilesarions, ar response formas: (ou. buble fers, leading she esepa of vial spas herween ine). Fine legis nl blk space, Scowseseommenda: tinns for maximizing legit incl 1 avi gray seale end shading, particalurly sere Pestiuent inemaion ic ro 2, Tu increge le se9dbii Yoe a wider range of esos, itsreave fo seta Lepsins Fueés, eal, 2000): al east ¥5 pos or saan with viewl immouirments 3. Make sure ype size [ur cacti, fouzuies. kbs, and legend gat leat 12 prom. ise tardacd tptace (Sendaré Typetaee) or sldface, a8 opposes to all ep (STANDARD o¢ ites (standard $F Inerase lading. Gaster & Clare, 1995: Baty 6. $e ont ay Addin, 109%: Fenton, 99K river 199%: Werden, Jor thay eve deeametive or univ Vane £8, fa The weonmmersnions cuted above aie jest w Se couples of ine aseesements tan be proved iueseae sceanibiliy, “Usiversl Design ean help ee ensics that sssevsmeris Theses 4a eat prodoo tar tng” (Lzampson, ea, 2002. p. 2), When cape wath lablrition Mex i univeralte denned. theugheally do- sigue assessinents ard backward desi teal pride & 20mplete appre tn rsthikng.eamting, snd assenemeal in higher education for all sts versa eign fr Learning the NCO recemtendativns cau be wvewely-ase- fete teculy tomers who want tu ease info Ube ides of surreal dosizn and te cet away’ Brom curTeRL2skesS- Ione prectioza mx tep-by-nen preyression. These lex- eto as en serve athe es steps tn the exo Iativs ul uaivasay dos TTacully tuezbers a en-p lo these echnqnes inal eat ren docorcons that are puri of nstruclion and yssersmeat (2, quinves, muliple ezaive exams, essay exons, Fmploysng aspeets af universal eign i te devel- pment af irarmenor-and assesment not oaly rematse 02038 tg informatie, italso provides opporteitss fo sfudeus 2 dennastateknowledgein anmatine of ways, i edition ade uitvcal metbeds ol tests ud supers, Foresung univenitj-reolleye-level students weilen lex ts one of: greater frustetions ara andrunces to aca ‘deme success. ang snudetsdisover thal there eg hiiemnty mors a9 read im enltege ekan Core wes nigh Sehael. In oer ta hovome cient rsaders, some sti- deats ave leaned cote Giotowrasehay wae, Theie Docks will ewntcu undeainiag, have wuugin wots, and uray be ful uf ighljghls. However, uamy ot stu dds nave nt xaetsre exove skills and have net ped any ester eaping Feechanssm #5 Yeading and un dotseveding their tex. Tis this type a learner tar 16 qiess an atrantive when worsing ith the widen to owever. texts flexible This sy osunponent of te wus: Usseminated by The Ceuler Cor Applied Special ST has ntroduvel use! nf tent sent ouee am alma fore “Tow Moet ey oF wansfarmations a -tauaifoatons and innavative toting als 0¢ alt tha feanres of psted wx” (CAST), ‘Thess text sannfounatons afer maRiale meats fr #2 dents to azzexe the mformanon provide! sn ther: ts and to demonstrate them annvledge. In ation toa zing waditonal esting. art paper evaluation tech igs tsashers and prnfsatars map inagrats toe eanstounia tion -gchnigues ta alle fra richer and mee near fl learning experizase, Thess practises won icrps re tsar of Peston Ectrction ond Disattiny sie elvccrouie, text to spenclt video. rideodises, hynercest und lyperolia inl forms oP leaching, kar tng, and performance (CASI), la effect shes expect swe genorateu soe eccuraseeoaleuton uf the kaw jeara ewes paris bya student versus tec wh ie Prov-ded mts more tadraona method of awe As described ewer. rcany students have developed sciogicithatsrahleciensmaespenense.mnder‘tand sad ‘eeaibcr the ween wer Haeever, these skis elie many other seideus a: ‘he uaicesiy leael: Spee ‘gui a oas-o-speech sefbwane ows sens ith variety of laine styles. wo gather express aodar resent iaforcalion and hawrledige guid Ubrough the lex. ‘This typeof solar con assist suena sual seanning a pointed due-tner, a well a enabing bh flere tn hasten to the deummane nit Id ils Ca ene per highlights the rage ot the pants it Bcing wad (Usurawell Edzentional Systems, Ine Clesaly "et tune Tesmalin’ proves tbe wols ur pais seth which #21 denis am gten access to the sill nocesary to ectneve a the partsceundary fovel. Providing suents with # ible acess w mteumetien. > abiliey 1 lly participate and engogs in r2ervetion, as ll a8 a Vater? of rae to express snsrledge ave key objecives i Ce gl of elective leaching al evan Giatuorsal Design fr iran ‘invarsal design fae rsnmecon (UPN is 9 eeasept that ns rarity applica researchers are Wewersty ffCannestisarwhea using cnivesal desipu pists the postzocasdag enieobeuest (Fobas, 2003). DLT &> sibiily (or all slests ana ineludes sc- urmodalivgs hat lrendy eerste bensfits many typos ff lezmers, ‘The “uversa™ is UI dines nt imply thst fe are fie all: inex, grsstes We need for Leable evstonsiats content esigunveats, aud aelivilies. Ihe LUI snnde? cower: on the impetanve of sncorporating aspects of unirste design inte vollege asiruetion ad astessarent proces ‘he GI famevork icumgue m har ety aks ‘upon dis hasie asvarprnsip‘es of univecsal desiue as Aelicestod ay -stetchers st Noo Cavolias Sate Cai= sity. ber als eis boo fasts thal fcr specie cally ct the Tecaing euvieoument and its ampast an the ‘slucalivnil eavinoaert, fheve flocs, ar pres, dan diver eepuesaly by De in'eslum end commun tin amang stafents and herweer, stems aud Tally (Sear, MeGnite, & Baty. 2002) Sien! leamaing iowod as a solilortve process. wheat leorma 1k eed tuough The seppun many people. enclading hy, la st aest nporlact. ter seers. thin Me IDI Fern Mi eullsburlie i refered w us 3 secs 1, Sumber 2 cemmmniny of learners, Al Sint entry ta sack othe: "sommuny” undonstod #3 4 popston 29 teres na eammnnn let, dept let oo a! nde 3 a ae Uisidial and io u> her ehilig'm gain nse edge or a derstanding by scaly. instruction. ne expecionze. Lew fee within the TDL Gemewors studens, Evalyn wouk ‘fll sles. Sta ests are nt only Jet improve heir ovo seston ingrid esting. bl bey a ih ae oo roger lw nuisiaize euch vlbers Fear “The prisiples of ULL bave slluoed assesses to beconteaiore exible Thi in hed its x0eided 5: As vwecs un equvulent, rather Uw kei, yppovtnl slemonstnce ther udersunding af the muteiel thereby joviag kotderne aicoess, Assesemeals, a4 they are sd -prough the principles uf UDI, re beeumng ever Students ne ency ged Ueroensrne thcir knowledge threags the use of sults methads hile the rslahiiy and éspencaiity atthe megs:m== acut 899 iaet_ Ate postconadary level, ancgmre Aliiaas fr seals wih Ssshlitcgsr0 eas! aD the elbowed pede oss 19933 9 mmphs caper lusites. Inteyeug he pinciphs of UD] carler au one's pedayoyy ral ciasnouuu practices will rot only upprupealely sis tenye al tudes it wil lk rivnde wagon farancrensed leanings hough thepovi- sion of imhadded flexhitgyan dang. tts themngh trove ‘seus ttregs that adept ences rar ean Deve iteure! v the course conte Summary ‘The mndols nf urivers” design presen hero sch ‘onibules 10 he notion of niverally designed assast- ments Universo uesivned asesueats att tended sm chro the need for accommodations by stuceals with dishes. tated, ci hope that Laexe models toc bo uss Sn combunation to erzaz mee efteien and Sueesuie astesemoneanaie wth chelate 0% of sere Jing all seis Dex. Some wniveraly designcd assoss- reels ane zee aacasble a aeearsmodatian(s han tae luionally desigoed wssesssents Tee purpose uf this 1- ticle was to cee uivarezess uf ihe need ly ensure it ssacssmarss hit y represent the poulsand objectivesof. comies. aed 19 point out that these ussessmoute cea bo crested w allow u valid tepresenisuur of student perlar- nea with respeet tu the diversity bee pict ea oorss un tegher evtca ion ws tas cur hope thal tbe eeceum-sendaliuns presen 2 rem might sazvews par oP unseat dei weap. sponsnred hy nicer of eabiityserieen or univers y Jesaral of Pasecumdory Ecco: aml Pst reaching comers, us well umsren'y ollicee dedicated rot seal, Collbusalive earls uoross am- poses are oe ning emerges uliintsrtersinhighar feseaion resngn7e the gemcng diversing fen in bight stuention (exe Unrerngy Syapesinn 2 Ing Ou Suatogies far Ascossing Stacur Leaun:e3 Ipeearizanaséup, As the off cnitinse, univer desige ators neve ways of thanksng nat only in rerms of yohecral azess, but coats teat 9 el 19, Mater? i ————————————————=e nk kn eee SSS<S References Alara, S. 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