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ERIC EJ842016: Meeting Fears and Concerns Effectively: The Inclusion of Early Childhood Students Who Are Medically Fragile PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ842016: Meeting Fears and Concerns Effectively: The Inclusion of Early Childhood Students Who Are Medically Fragile

MEETING FEARS AND CONCERNS EFFECTIVELY: THE INCLUSION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDENTS WHO ARE MEDICALLY FRAGILE KATHRYN G, MANCINIAND CAROL A. LAYTON, “Texas Tech Livers ABSTRACT ae ahsmoes ix medion eealygy mare eats eldhcod students ‘she ave madcal Brle ave entering shoal 209 Beng ine? ing ceded. The i of spacial actin, lack a brad resench ste seaindeg pideion. This quabeetee study enamined he area eine ety caleod eas: the cision of rade lal are mada fae nthe ciasroome aes, The waders we sentry amped aotémnaites and te conte wea anayed bk iz fir themes. The rly chdhoal teckes xfrened n gvatal pnt tare he inclusion of stent eho axe mia rage, bt the det can be made a dey nes one information and amin Sn onde o fee cerjemabls wh the wasn press. Concerns were expnessed theoughnus nega lgetion ard Year of having te cd wih medial Fogle characteris. Due te eecene ekuctional tems rachel ll tal ellis ste dents in geveral clismsarry maoty Questions lu beer aise regatlg 95 appropriate eucicwnal experietce for sults hes ane sli Fre “The tacuson of atulents whe ace malady fragt becoutis voor vei Jy accepted ual pronwted io Uie eelycfulbcod setciy. As ¢ wnul, east childhowd zeachens ae focal with ee ues and cancers ra have nce pre ‘vey ler dvened. These rues widely eange fiom Fer 1a che aber? eadluoed by eaten! Thygation and cxcinomenr egaeding 2 row challenge 29 30 prysicaL oxaaums EDUCATION AND RELATED SERMCES “This.qalivatioe soy exlevelcommans were hae early ehilebxod tach en face when inckoling sudenrs we a'¢ mescally alle. Cae concelos sre ulentiicd slong with sugestions for making che inclusion process 3 haithy aa succes experience CHARACTERISTICS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDENTS. WHO ARE MEDICALLY FRAGILE Omori Students who are medically fragile hove health cave needs whicd seach, Jeyond the necmal care of other children wha are ehe same age They bane soko speci ent inlvalual health cane plas, cesceed by phiymctans cael aes, ae oeguve “oe tbe day sate of the ikl Lapnhles 1992). Tome (20°03 star Pat chien who are medical rasile “reire tse of one oF more piccss of equpmune 2 prevent death ux to terest fr ther diab” (p, 253). Te Texan Elucation Ageucy (2020) dence ats lenis whnvare medically fag: 6 ae those mecring ll a zh flowing erteis The smemt muse nye fa ape from bie ro pent 2. The soulent must nave 4 sens, oruping lines ie 4 elon cemvion at has sted a ls antelpared asta" Ieaerrehes or more months. oF Tage cequinad ar Tenge one atomth of hospitalsition in combination with staily, singing medical craments ood muamneurcy By appraptiatly ‘ned penoonel welt uate edule papeats ru cabot emily marehers, 3. he stent eaqeiea rhe tonne nse nf a medal device or the ue uf sesistive echnoloxy te compensate bor the or oF uselulaes of body fio verses icipte in acai af ily Living, 44. Tre stideor lives wich onpoing ehreat to bis ur er contol well-being Ges states have omnia ier ha eveespoae 16 federal IDEA definitions fo othcrdisabilicice coupled with awere ual mele: No federal category fexhtsopeedfially for ioe sudan, Ye, che impact of severe wed fen produces wach cancer ain :rganin from achoal perenne, Tavly childhood eduecian frspueully elem the education of chien ‘gal ek. cag cig sear old (Bredckammp, Kanth, Kars, Sh min, 1992), The Natwscal Azteiation far the Eduestion of Youre Chiles ARATEYC) als defines early chullve a beth checugh age cighr. They have rtubluched guidelines concoming euvicolurs unten: mod esewment toe carly childhul progeams saving age thves throughs eigat (Ruodekarop & Reseatarc, 1992). The NAEYC (Bredskamp & Cepple, 1997} dstises sw U needs NEETING FEARS AND CONCERNS FRFECTWRYY 3 carly chilled proc. a uy sup peourna i a ete, alos oF other Tacllcy abot serves childern tore bir rhvmgh age igh.” fens 3). Panvtous Siam ‘Mowe of iremnite shar xvas inas heen dered tard che medherl ed an pot dcetly to educners, Brvertaun (201! esplored the prvblem uf respi rary eecupte aed asta ataoug alukleen wih aeecle lbotixies Csrmoch (1992) dveasced espce rare for meicils fing children in her arucle furs SRCH, gubled by Uie Nacznul Resume Center tor Respite and Crit Care Servies Tn the procedang neice, the aarhar ge infona tun on hompalsation aod achome care for meically fale children, She ala pewied dats an esblishing > rsire progent fx the Fratie of med ically oye calnen, we well stalig sad trator is to be conedered, rae edicatnon wie neve sentinel i either ofthese stices asa era ceria fr these crn, Several cles were Hozul zegunling medical weds, yi and death, medical recansiogy ana nasd ofthe schol (Catdell, Svs Sil Sti Schwab, Jones, Andetion, Blanchaid & Angel, 1989, Jordan & Wein, 1996; Scn.edets & Lu, 1996) Widluo the anticle, the iawes of Eaciey! doxth snd gre i the clamor ware discus in rslaion to sudan wlth severe peoal needs Many people cat the death of a child with severe di iris as a blessing rahe than a ego (Scluuvlezs & Luly, i936) This seine can ceamplicate teucbersattermpra mae arudenrs cape with the Tove af a logan. To tbe eal chibhowd setring, preschoolers aiten sce ddeata os comettng akin so slosp thar ie» tengucory state Scunelens and Tardy (1996) desorbed three eypsunns of sri fomnd im eden: ppsicas, behavional, ané emorional. Emavwral sseaptozs devsnibe the inten espenves ofthe child, Behavioral sparen ate versal ative al sa: rons, aad phgsical spraponms ade thove that atest fody fictions. The ‘brs coucluske tbe the teacher must come 15 eens with his or her sea, fealings sown death, ac wel eeate & comfortable ake envircninent fo Une tule to expres feelings of rit Shoe! aif members need i hare eucyeaey proto each and ane rv chacklirs ana 1eam al pmafeszonal Enawedceab-e abone a sudan with mavival needs reudly available (Peendeveaee, 1995}. Adwouce prepanution, sand conatane estamanicatian weit Gare a vially auporeane to dhe ee ‘sisal edcarian of rhe, ch ee from Gwinnett County ches located varie Atheva, Georgi sugested the fortatin of a Masa Review Pavel (MRE). This Medical Review: Pon aval ldresbecleh ancl esp ious in dhe Gwinnerr Cover y schuele (Jemfan & Weintath, 1996) 32 PHYSICAL OWABEITIS EOUCATION AND RF ATED SERVICES When astudene rqcived specific specinian! heal cane they suggested chat saTveult var teun be uted for tat child. This aan belie care team wold he responsible fur sobering the tsi of rexaor nel and per formance of rocedares for dared. Cheesy aay fr leveling Tovliidunbied reales Care Plan were Iocardy a well ae specie gunlelige for peacedmncs sch 36 whe feeding ated dilgets (Coldoell ct al. 1999) Meslcul technologies, such as cube Fosding, inane lint, cha mete tinene carhetersatinn, ostoray applinnccs, disse, and respiratary devices rere lsd se the most sommen rings teyuael by sets wilt severe seal needs (Culdweit eta, 1999) ‘Tre American Pederson ol Iechiens (1992) provided a policy for tia tog schoo’ emplagees ra wrk stn madicaly agile ehiklet 0 thea wel ty Lut offered wo suguestions or el for personnel. Scare literanas, which includes puicelines,ecommesulatianys inal udiomnal epurts uf previous espe riences, could he locarod regreding the incl af sles whus ae re ically fgie in a early chllhood setring, Thic wae expecially te raging sary childhon’ teachers petoepaons sar the vacuseye af sults with, sovere medical nesds, In many ennmanttis,edueatia.peageamns fo zhi den sed ve aed under ae net pubkele operated, which limits opin for inchwian (Cavallare, Falled-Resa 6 1y0eb, 1998). West af dhe esata found ceqnding teachers! re-cepeicns dea‘ solsly wit slemenmary sudenrs ox econdary scucents {MeDonnell, Thosur. MeQuivey & Kiefer ODeoaelh, 1997; Sralth & Seah, 2000) INCLUSION Demon Leyatly, the IEPs of all wodents with cise: ane required to describe the extent to which chey will rt he participating in general sducution (IDEA, 1991, For many students wi dlsabilices, the amifcatinna include Rein incorpenitel into general education, am ty the rwinwnn extent posible, ‘educaced with amdents io do not hve disabifes. Curershy, this concept ls seen sbscub the Implemeneuon af meson, rhe. placement af amidente swith disabihries sll ge art-ior mwrhene n geitaedca eon elretoame (Hume & Gocts, 1997), The wim of inchaion eo provide for euch eld sevigment thar waists ehabilitaioy forts and hae the Ighes el ability of remedying exadenic deicte (Satter. 2001), Incluseat advocotes promors the philosophi thc students with disaliris nsed to apend as much NEETING FEARS AND CONCERNS ERRECTWELY 33 cof the day ax possible fv a eel slasrunun. Tochasion dace not ter eo the physical plasetven, of cusdents in a general lass-ewn. Rather, i efers to the aoneprarse and sense of helonging that. emidene with special esd experi- scot when plied i. @ general lasseiom (Vides, Brasil & Ford. 2001), ‘Stainburk, Souinbock vou Ayres (1996) state thut the gook ef til ielosion “rnesmparares rhe idea rat all ssl desares to he afar. secure, ana acca Innes within che enasarenm’ (p39), ‘Wibom (1999) uddeeses the face thut the inclusion wf stunts wl cvere calves whw are medically fagleremalne pry oomneavenea ie inthe fel of edvearin. Smdents canserol severely disabled and medical by faye rerain che Jest likely to be include in he pencral wlcation clas room, but a sul cra Las Lege: to incieave iclasion of Us popula uring Fhe 1996-1907 school pene, 443 of srudanrs entific with severe Sissiltos were edceated in a scpacare class, and soother 30% were cuca: ‘ed in w sepurite school, resident fuility, hospital, or the home (Tornbull, Turon, Shank, Sou & Led, 2002). The remaining 2686 were often included in very limited general eduearion siarsone, such ata iste and Theme econsmics. In Tadan (August 2002), the Conpet! for Bx Childien explored ony tends randy inclusion. They deetued that ve Tenor were necesaey 15 emake ihe inclusion of anes with special needs saeossuls 11 Schaok focusing em ccacher abilicig co mndlfy and. make aeconpnudations 2) the engagement of co-tcackings 3) a variety of oda tiooal sieges; 4) plannlig te for teachers: 5) sal the acceptance of Giferent, non-rypical tle hy the sesches. These chartersties shoul extend 1 the nes of tudenes whe are alan wostialy fragile ‘Salem vorwadered metal tape are increasing in numbers 2¢ med lea testments and interveutins Uecaue usore seve (Bowe, 20021 Tr, the pust, these soudents were eften annwiderad “unedcable® becoute they were tet strupy enungh t attend sehool or lacked hearey jena stems, ‘Asa ras they were offen educa a¢ hoinebound auslents, Advance in romlical tecbaolugy have allowed “hess spudents fonger life apa mid increased opportunities for julie education (isses, Schifint Se Bowman, 1994; Schnieles & Lav, 1996), The emphasis on inclusion as expanded the opportunity of se abd spproptine acti whee east veatric- rive ervitenmenr;this In tuim hyseveated winesat of an uproar inthe edu ional eaters eceeomunity ato how to bert mect the educations] rs sadents while provecring shir healeh sanue 34 PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: EOUCATION ANC RELATED SERVICES Limparion Litigation vogading smedents who are modicaly rails con inst eens fs studeuts enter the general education setting, Tae uve cf Cader Raids Connmanrg Sciol Phsnce . Garret B (IW, vase New J6-U295) bral u f chs Insaco tases to che foot und ie considera sckaion af seaically Taple salaus Gaye K aged spatul calumca finery wher be seas ime years Ie and wwe dependent on 3 ventharor far Me supp fa 1983, Greret! mtbr el cheer shivelctries ts ase Brae ‘ial ceeprmafsiliy for she heal care revices Chast nose hte the sehool day. anal the ste dented tke request, The United Stes Supreme Court ited thar under the Individcals with ieiliries Felucarion Ast (IDEA, 1897), ongoing, one-um-one medtesL cue for & sasdent who is ud ically Fxgile ne Roconsicsls whe evi nabs pore ye loool sys 0 that che uct can enefic fim: schuol (Walsh, 1999). Sires (Gayeret cal we rpg «phase 29 atest ha es Use services el nc he eled “inecal sevice” hich could he exchided under che seh clisttice’s eeguned proewion Before Us ey. sa sale hua severe ue teal needs har could noch met che sehac! nurs or personnel, £3s chao) cbstrc: could efuse tae stents etry or che busts chat it sould net provide aalauate otal vr rig A similar ene went af he Supreme Conn repay vlan sevice: vs tuecheut cervioes Caeterzatiom ve the ante sersige 22 ston i leon Trdepeadin School Dist w, Tit (1984, cass No. 8-558), Amber “Ta, 8 years ll war child wet soy biel, seule wwe le orb plc coal peel Fepammens, anda neuragénie Blader (Ratelyanns & Yall, 2900). in aver ea wevane dameye ro ae bids, che need a proce dae called Ce Tet eninateon Cashuticatian (CC) setorred every three 1 fourrhiran. The school distsiet provided special elucacon services et Au bout they refusal pind he CIC: services. The Supreme Char raed the Ck service wat a eects tor Aanber toute slo! vn! benefit for Tat elation. Since rained p pathe: chan medical personel eve provi the secvive Gell ate the seppemred servis caepore and shel] Ihe provided by the schol sists This cae wos sctumetad in aie on, Tecauie iv ewrablished the stundond chat servis ane ty be glee! yp he toro disutif uy shen base 32 penovmed bya physician, I phys ‘ate necesany, Ue actin distent 4 respanath 6 Ta de cae of Nevo. rabid Loy Sebaale (1995), a seven year ol child, Samana Nealy bea rate condition chat cans ditfculy brewing and required a cracaesstony, Samant teyorel eonetant monstading and acral suctioning of che machewweomny «¢ cavure thie de tube did aot MEETING FEARSANO CONCERNS EFFECTIVELY 35, become blacked or at ler breatbung xine nor hindered, Sno pene raqesied shen a allan noe or eeepistty cate peofessonal hired hy thee schon] citret tn atend e9 Samant nso, The ebwel set Fall Tw agreed 0 euploy tae proce tqaesred, Pt hired an individual ach nig a naming asitints lisenee “This allan 66 ro prow ds care fer imcrrba and male revisions es tui, Saat each eet fo het Saowuleah paren abjecsed and removed Sansnocha fra: sebew!. The cate seis evexcualy caken tothe Sib Ciuit Courrf Apposle, which rele that Samana’ reused services were tov eadsasive ual sample Gu the seo flamer fo provide; nd thas fll wndor che "ruical vervizes” deCelon oF Lbs. wwore net consider “relate semvees” which, could bs akaistered Ly sey rst proetsional, she schoo! direc was ot responsible for powviding the necesecyeaecal versie. The ase nde rhar ‘he reqcired cave pred mace Earth die ‘Lhas eave lle 9 sliferaniate bess “rood serrece” ara "medical servis and helps fehool distncte unline wlan servings ete appropriate, Since Samanea required conceame medial aren und won aot leks che wboot peo cr vorvigs, hs Cone rsd chat cho school dicrit was rst responsible for <ateyng the burg af her medial ext “The nrulcctnn of there cante aie satan, Seba duties and ape sil education sonces are eyporsibh for he education wall eiug oF st dene: sho are modicsy ese, noe nccoserly fer ahve malic wel. boing. Ag Teatenes 1 emt decisions, sich ae fe Taree case (19881, rulings sot ‘lean prove foe paowaiuag extensive ae appeoadate cre 9: sche and by school personnel when choy ae ved fr the student to be educurse These medical and physieal demands make mary reaching personnal tel fade gente and unptogansl, Cat Ragide . Caves F (1999) de.ived elate eee" Laey are psesautly seen public wlueativo. asking ease ao sue ‘hut ad sen very aes to educa. Athusagh thes: casey bese! services to be provided inthe clemonraryseeicg foe atdcoes who ate emedicaly fag ila, ther did noe aos enc childhs ews, 901 uotiy pening 4 (yohilllival owhiag lent with special rich areal hb PURPOSE OF STUDY “Ths poupnee of tha eal was to eaatsne the cescly ckidhod gemenal edacarien reaches regia eh inchiwon dent: cansidered medical fsple. Kane early cb ihacd teachete ms various experiances with stadeons Idaclad medier's fingile pote aeeed spins an eons! 36. 2HFSICAL DISABILITIES EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICES anawret five questions, ‘ine teachers voluateered to answer the questions, na their wletites were kept amonuzos. The questions pereained ro che teach crs cxpericnces feclingy, and cancatne raiding the inclusion of wetcally Tingle srs, The fous of the sculy yas te understand erly childhood toxcher! oowlelke, emotions, snd goals with and resmrd medicals fraile rederts being placed in their aacooms. Although including spatial neds auderns swith general a alents va frequent acerence, very litle reseach iavatable cw bly teachers ancl aduinisteton face and deal with che peroeptions involved regarding the inclasion process of smadents who ae medically fs ie. Preconceived moans, fics, an Tal of knveledge can pres haves fe bath doe teachers andl selon, ‘The extent ane type of macary wal prepatation for general and specia: education ceachersisalso a grave concern, ‘Ala lacking ate daa rogrd ng che. feiarian encauragemenr sn collabo: rile betwere general anal special mation vavher, sneeoulaly 19 che col; chitdhood seeing. Pexbars, most imoorcandy, knowlege eeneming helping bork special aad genera! education students secosd eagecher in the eneal laacoin is glaiglywbsont. Tanney & Sell, 1997) RESEARCH QUESTIONS, “Ther adres che falling questions, which were asked of mine ely childbul genetal educedloo reaches 1. Wat chamsceertice wou! you sy cleine tafe wha i aeled med ieally agile” 2. Have yu. over had ang conract with a amdent who is considered med scaly eagle? Iw, wat ase vente 3, How did yuu feel abou: the auseat? low wouid yn fel above having « mnelialy Fragile ewlene rated in ont cheers fal cal Wha won bs yauccenceenssbout including uracil file suet ay yur clsstoem? SETTING “Teachers were early cbs, general education ranchers who exugheon an ccxcusiveprekindergareen coarse ayn ope: age AN ing that che tolling had sw inter alle. The chases wede upon and ean- nested, with forimace ing dhe unly divider between caemis,[Lwa-a public MIETING FEARSAND CONCERNS GFECTIGLY 37 cel caildbucal Head Se failcg for dance wa fue years, and was an inclu. cams Studcens wik cil ts wnderste diahilities were included firme i che yeneral chasis. The campus held one sel-camtuine pe sil alneaann clare wich teacher ant easstaa. This clasteor eon Fines smadents witn mare severe chaliizes Mar ofthe seudonts in this clase were al inclined ln the goal elascaoms duzing salle: portions of fhe dey A room of rss iackanion facilzatry uel ust veoching assstanes rocked with chile with spasial needs aswell an with che clara teach fresh prome inclusion and ensue ts sucoe. A Starlet Supparr Team on the etapa net repubaly tu dhvare vuceens abou unidentified susdcoes mod, ler suggesrins forthe clasooom teackun. METHOD Cast Stupy A case study deslgn. yas chosen aller tho socarcher en wether in cept, ‘raphic and focused iocormation sbuae a paruculsz ypulcnen—generl ely chuldbuel eduction ervey fed with she challenge ef including medica Te fragile enaleons in thot claetemine. The case rudy method enabled tke te erlestan! how the teuches operate and (unctiso (Betg, Saudy Resecch Tesi and Metinde (Vir, 1994) defines a cane sendy as"an crapincalinqeiy chat inveeates a contemporary phen wuts real hfe cutest geval wie te baudaries between the ws arc not clearly evident” (page 13) Turchsr, “The care seul as & research seutegy comprises an al eovompssing meod sath the logic of desu rening ape aprpenaches ty data calles ina and io data analysis (aye 239 “The case study method ie syteratic sof looking ac war is happen ing, collectoy dato. analyng formation. und reportio che results (Daven, 1991}, Te ovamings soramewalines and paerlewlvseg about a €a9 bul Ee end result wuully Seplay something shat i mcomenen. Case staies dia fiom the fallowing: the nanare of che ease, Phe cases hitcvieal bnckarannd, the physoal aren, ane caker came sles economae- palit, legal, sou zesthecic feet (Seice, 2000), An advantage of using the ease sty snethod Tesi alte tp open he wae foe now disceweers (Reng, 2001) Tivexarune washers percept ls nn ioebudng sweaty Agile stents an iionimentul cise stody was elecesd because che design & ilustacive, escriptive in nam, and lerde faci tn chs tps a informarin argh. 38 PHYSICAL DISABUTIES EDUCATIONAND RELATED SERVICES Cash Spy Deskin ‘The iatravarnal vow sty denn fr use to anders online perspec: tives (Stake, 1995). Ir looks aca pacicclar cane ard exarnes it malady 7 sve snaghr inca aun ot “elarmulte 4 geverabzatiy (Sabe, 7030) The ‘ast itelf snot the tain focus of the resarch queition—it simply give cag, Ut Us save sly evel teachers provided spite infomarion mo give init intr a bigger pera: Infnassao tea Usa vo cewek the perspectives of ety chiller veaclone wh hase enone ssusey considered medically fags tx heir classtooms Tho maces who eelun. tered.» paticyate wete ie peces Jou autsinute te the uvenll puke af ‘nchasien of tadeats who are mde y fn ‘The Wustraive, wr desanptive spect fe crstrumectal care sey ati Tiss citeusntances ca shar hata sation i ke, Mlaszeive cass sradice sre Wel when ltele is known abut te subpect being reesicie Hey ely inegprer eee dar, saree ro make ee unfamiliar more familie, and sive the reseers a commen langage uboue the topse éLaney, 199°), Prncrrai TDi tote the aay ehilhood ranches wee eeMccsed throug a steuccused interview method, Serwctoned interviews wee piven i a questionaire fo anal 19 eash teacaet Bach teacher received exaer duplicates of che Blan ‘lesionnaire. Teachers provided their opinions wiuntaniy. aad were giver ro cme Gixte with which te cowplene the 6 DATA ANALYSIS DData collected an thik stesly seme auelyeed fom a ancial anshenpolosical anpinich, Resoarchens who ace irene i ee Eehunscant gecealtee 2° _everydeylie use tis ayseach: lag. age and language ve, reas srl ere monet, and sclationshipe (Berg, 2001). hoe atpnech slenifies apd topline low pak: a opstasing bv a pariular enemies han ty cunderstal une tars 99 thew dae-7 ay aeriees, Syawustion Meracn Diaa were evaluates] usr consent analysis wich an icleceive gpach. That alloyed total auntie ine rhesrmcnired anstionntirefacerviews a une fo Menta mania theres Indycrve ramegtion ere deesloped, which allowed the Tickage, or grounding of the cateporiss ty che dat tesca wich they weve taken (Beng, 200:), Coment analysis invelved dhe eoundig of

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