INCLUSION CLASSROOMS: STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES INTERACTING WITH INSTRUCTORS AND ABLE-BODIED PEERS DANIEL [. GELSTON BA fom the vest of Clorar at Dever ABSTRACT Sacess in leaming hinges on cemmanicaron herwsen Sstuctns and the soem, The seve been nem rans porn abo ns vars haw students wth pascal or mena culeryps geval class= ses. Comemsunizasin depends on athe she instru aes ume lier a ede ith cles ho aso hats spec insure Sore instricors are che hal he caucaviomal experince go smash Iyby peraphansigumac cheythoughca stem witha spel impaionent sade sr eoramcared on during aclassoom dicnsson. Other satus ‘xy averbck o msinerper questions vr comments ved by thai st din sth porch onpainnons tearing. Sebison elsstcoms ale hinges on the intcrdeton borane soudents ach disables and am ‘ai-bodid pars. Both diece and incr experiences hel abled salen ore Bow 1 help bt olassnaes wueh daar do cera resis oni ar ebvar the spec epee her castes use on ‘daly desis Mose mperaaay, stents arn tha xy shane emit. ies ard dics with hee lasimaes with cabs AUTHOR'S ABSTRACT ‘This article bens nv exaeining the racrctioe of ramsctars ands viene wih physiol ars) ermal challenges at inka chascooms Frapivoa! aseenth ol prose stv on diferent igus that fresnel aot he ercon with stents with nabs, AC arcs ha fapens eo fase cerebral ley ad aspect mae rent, fw provide the ame poe of sew ofa sudent eth a psi> 12 PHYSICAL DIARIES EDUCATION ANT RELATED SERACES od challenge Hneracting ach intucuor and suas ste nchken casioom. My ommation wil fr suptions on how x. ixproxe ines Earawen ssulene with sales, ther truce, a! thn abl-bodie? pene INTRODUCTION he deere co learn is 2vidont when amdants of all apes ao abaues ene in cerhal dieu wl Uheix peers al their ietracees, The “eve of cn: stem ako increases as questions ara commer in hig seco! acd etllgye Cassroame gpa delight, song with the matron lecture, snhancas the process af Tearing, Some staders ace move wllutve than then. et bays bocatse of the scene iocerest level toamid ehe aubisr enaeter or ecaua of Rowe emnch the. nstevete ergupes the stunts in lesson die ‘asereom, it nay os male eueenes wh dominane she cursive eae claronm Alseuroct a Uhey entunuaber fesetesoudents. The cominance of slasraom dsssnsion changes when female stderr summer chel’ cle sbowwates. A futile majority in the lasaruem can sso change the esle of the diseusinn, rs fond in ree srudy conduoted by Tannen (Coxtte, 1999) ‘While some male studenrs tend co taove som one copic en the next, gener ally female sridears end co analize a vepee moge uczoughl by speeding sore ttae discussing aspects of one topic The sams gecuine concer eoard 1p con eileen] ray conte Hues for ale tts, A female =ujoriey faa college clasrocm may use collskoratiee method by Trgeting chee spesions avd remmenrs 1a rei flane chases a¢ well a sate inserenor ering the vissusion. {Contes 1993), Whether a chssroora lec» wale usgjoity douaiuatieg the dscxssier: oF female majority who uses collaborative methods eo engage otters in conver sion, shus maker na diference for x stisden oath a physical chaTlenge who al he spench inmpattnt Such a student. say haw the ecgnitive able te poteipate fn clisrucin docosn but when i coraes to servey spel ing in class the seudent mary apt r silence A student with a poyscalchal- Tenge: and a speech ampaemonr may chose lence on avoid interning the 291 pice of the clase densi. Another veasnm fv slance ay ate fiom siving the strstr or fellow claesmars che eck of figuring wer te studs’ speech pauses Rofo aurcing he ineadod question of axanrent. Se students wita speed painuens choose to wail Uo tale nid thee sstuc GUEST PRESENTATION, 13 tore ot the end of chs, Gracare studere Mitch McKinney (2001) of Mewopuliran Srare College of Deve, wy bas cotebta, pal, ceplainsd to sm ivan Essel tit he weited mt, afer clas hofore expressing hs wdeas tno tha aghre his owtructn, MeKcmey’s dtm ok the eine ns Tisten folss comments and cu ansive: questions har he sinted to ake curing cas. MeKinnneyspastlsiparion depended gretty om whetlen as peutest, aales find females sldke, would low bm the rime 10 tale, MeKinmey (2023) actended chaser thot overaged 25 stud, and be dicovered ttre female cloemanse spene mote time than male clasmates on undestanding his spesch, His anpalement, caoracterari iy pertons who Fas severely involved eovebral onl, causes him to break op stuit-eylhile were veh 9 trsath, As a way t illurcrate this paint, double Cashes [-} in che following seateucsindieas a bnearh Rercen syllables McKinney asks xameone ID you erderstana wae” he Inver woul heara ured al arained “le you wweder-sind ne? ‘The cate and sime taken by femle cinstnatey 19 Ween anal understand MeKlnner® speech wipsiemenr illurtnes che cellakomive method malized bby Tannen. Ciom may social experience un inerscting wily pile ar eae clnsvite, Fone lpsamases scam more atcorive and eompassanate Fran exile classmarse In classroom thae ako uvsraged 25 stulents,ferule <tasmuces seemed tnore Lang to undetstané ve eltber by zepealng verba rire or by summing up che rain points T wanted to maize during a classroom Tce. Ea koh cass, the fem clesnate ually wus sce thie she wales sina be nel amine Lice Treg the elasstoom disessian, othe rates: loemre, ta eins, Sully slaring sll cup avtviies where sunvenation ale more ining, Tamale sbadents tanto shore more inteeast in what eheir physicals challenged classmars las xo say chan the rale x sents, bn McKinney’ case (2001), whe her he converted lib aoe Cass mate oF inoiacted in a sea group activity, ke found tse female seudsas pene mume tiuw chant male studercs fn Hetero, ana undersoeling, it poine: of view Busing vollege clasmsum: discasion, bod ale ancl fexale tnsuustors frequents ackrnamledge when a lssically challengad studene ees to wake aatelovant comupect Fm take calabytive ort been the sents and the insuctor to andercand a question or 9 comtpene Fiera tudes wich ‘zapssch impairzens. Til cite my own speech iapaitmenr. My voics takes fn hagher acae whe | aey 10 got peal b jos tne 40 habe ay speech. When | ry tou hanl to speak in clas, | tend eo deop spllabies ox sounds to quicken my spccel Asa war to ilusrare me speech, dons dash 6 (Indicate a breath Perucen a syllable, ila inal dgh (- India 14 PHYSICAL DISABLUTIES EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICES dropped sound, My speech imptnment pasrcalarly becarne noticeable at the beginning of cach semoarer at she n‘versity of Calzado at Denver When Lineraduced mysel, fr example, { amended we say, "Me name ie Das! Gedsiey an 1 aera seuiur working 39 ny Bachelos Degree, ea i nae glia” Whe the listener in she slam ry eo rgb be, My Dan-iol Geran, an- Tam a Sen iew wine ot any Bachelor Degree, fe my mayor i Rngllsh.” Ater few weeks of claoona intetactin, mnie college imeructor becom face wich the speeah patorns of the Siysiea- Ty challenged seucnr enough tha they can anne ¢ uetian oy canaaene ovithont having ro ade the arden 19 reveal an x eel roma perma experiences, V hace foun thor ance a saedent knows that dhe inact underotunc the speech pattern, the tre "relaxed" and Hherafore more cot rchensible, che physically challenged todanr' apsech bce, Tema inervenoet moe: hay tei wake Tia ec toatl walk caver cathe sundenr sith ike pays challense ae fea thle entie tran tut oo the posel yuestom ur soxumenr, In ease some of te ocher studenss didnot hens the qusition ow comment, a female ioarncrer sual lpi hears what she thoughs she hus] Ione kevin Hae questen came aveot, Mle amuuctory (ea! Wg puoore to amiver or ables the comict without confirmiey whut che stale: inended to wk a ene. Repanless oF ‘whether male ar forale student: wth specch impairmantspese a esion ot fer a enmancet, the ree dhe Aominanca ‘heey ay spy. Phe deus swing valves st sane sale bseractorsdemeatrate to sone clio Uscosions might cause sone stulenes to remiia yniet, It Exc zesponaiilcy ofthe amet: with the apc inepnireent to chaose wheshee he oe she scam a tepeat the yueticns let Ing nance. Zine val Wes stile? the vey of coaverstin, wu defi secerupeina evi facing che rule of ru seking becweer two or moze people (Coates 1993 Shaders with speech fenpakments ry ve nie ACTIONS, NOE as a sway af Feing dincapcethil coward their ratricom, bur a8 a way of crane, Unit they reseve estec eagonaes vo tha pes iene anc sommes. Spel ryan chr st eal prevent state were hye elles se ttiapotiog Ex ckssgnrseersguons, whieh ave an iagestant cleat ening DISCUSSION OF A CLASSROOM OBSERVATION Pefore seulents wich physical sod mertal challentes become involved in clesom dicuricns sme ealemts base nocuseoed wo ulaestm spa ing in preicue cases cpocfiealy geared fer instructonbcademtineeracien. 3 (GUEST PRESENTAMON IS hae thiesaromane on persia experiences at ohscrvations of howe lsematse ineensered wie thelr bpteuctcas Ln specs sdicarion. Tn supp ‘oF Pie clan, L recunned te visit ay chulhoedl school, Flecher Miles a fchonl apcitcally geazel so teach stakes ony F rengacran 9 eeltth rade with physical nd muta clulleuges. My ciseteauin ron plac an a ream class where th sostructor wersciel wit the stadens as Prey esad 2 tesne aloud, The ieractss prate she way a audear ead, or helped a su de sauna out u word iu Suwa! Eaghsh. As @ non-particinanr cbvense:, | ened zo tre studi ted 9 chapter af FB, Whites Chivers’ Webs The erstion of ee eli wey conse of sig male amdente rig Troe n66'es sixteen, she mae instracesy, nd a feruale insect as The ane-gender conducive to fearing for ndo'escent male stuns who may ace uilerety sound chieforaal clasratis, Tae di of a abscreation tis four stents ‘ho wers presen rend and listened tothe chapter lead up to Wilbur yon: ‘ing the competitions fi the best pig the evant Ol te teu tures 9 fond worm speech, one hal a eight seevh fnptreec ml une salen tacked emtrely the ability wo speak bor the hicler talent, the ination asked uu ye ca ao-type The underamed che main tents 7 tne rapier By vsng his eyes t9 coromanteare, the student ie Jaesisom at Pletcher Millsecretsdl he envirenmacet ts by losking py In rspense 6 a" pata, tegen Tee Ann vad. Whencver this ratenr lel a gucation forth immer, he wel wee aachin lever anached ra is nels aupporr on bis wheelchair ning bel sha Ini elavrrares afsionntey eae, and meoricaley sand Vik bia "oh. sh? bell Since this seading class tank place sa achool tbe smademts wich pci weeds, dhe ns ucts cane themselves as equals Indeed, whsnever a sualent came zeros un #heteation in Chaos Web, be voluntary held op the lsh 99 Us the studeee wi artemtivelylotenes 0 the bouk eval ce ne gute. Peso yy hang daly cvs witia ee scuene who bus the slight jel jeyprneat eae laste Las clseates licence wien ceed su able en overion: che way he anounsiara won, and fveused Lai alte Har on the chapter. The intimate ss of eho class alo isa ky 2 che secs ft teaging lo hy lng ae fomtauctor Lo ye Ls sales individue sizee actention ensue thar they enjoy the paces a earring. Once clents wiv shasta nad esembal ctl es enter inchaion elezcoun, thes? ane les skslye9r2sive asl Inlieulloal atiensim onal thee participation, tay drop, Reasif the wenden behave cami be he ‘ava class se 16 PHYSICAL DigABITES EDUCATION ANE RELATED SERVICES for thar shey ee Tes Likely ev puricipane in clasaroony dination nvsiues fr (ea uf bringing steenrion ra the vee ehey sound a cas. “The dhece male studones who did tend shaved she conan beaming expe riones of sounding cur ward shrwaghout te cbapter. Each eaudent rook. ners reading toe or three pages during she feepanfoute else psvied. Whe at suet del aot kaos hort to prontenes & ward, the insrcrer woul Nat ‘ay the ord fr the stadent, bar sive a synonyms ceFnien few the scr Tor example, when one studary had trouble procanocioy artemis the instructor aul ak bit, “What i the vetting nround you!" Sina, fhe ecru! tudent muspeonounced x word, te inaeracnr oid hi ar aviving aa the proper pronunciation. When rhe sradene came actos the woud “acl fnd mispronounced rhe omnnd hye aging ‘owned tbe mtrestor tell its hat he "pionauned tbe ft past corrects ow jst drop dhe ed! ening” By swing hives te pronounce words eorcetly in ath exe, che inetuceee dvestly inksisnest how hs atidervs pin wofinen eu i Srandand Trgtish “leving stufenss read sloud abs helpe then we build bee roniidence ni speab ite a small sroup, Daring bis tuna te re the hind stolen stots displges his usration wher: he eed to end ald since bie specch impimere umes his wows The: inattucre help sm dasinesh fhe frurrevion iy ispearing and elarleing same af the things he. suet wanted is Bet wher chasstuden isprmoauced a wond org eentenc, the iastuctor encouraged ibs. 69 contine £9 eal che res af tbe page. viel A ‘STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES IN INCLUSION CLASSROOMS Seudonts with pars eral mena challenges who hie the evgmitive som Petence to cossr incisor. clasronses mar face insrructors il prepared 10 bale Heir anions earns neds, Reranecner Smith {19943 suresye 539 Jk eho etneiois who ign, ese ie tha process nf teaching, ne clemis with learningsisaulaves. This uncey ial nor speeds the aden tool of heroing calves (how watmciots cnecuntered en a. daly basis Ths Testuctie armeerel questiay sgn fom atiatogics 4 leaching, apd aekanvinda.aine thes deemed reasonable or uncsasonah's 20 apecial eb Teather strane wath Fernie diaries had in class. A majency cf the Fsgwendents seated rhay Tearaed bone tn ascomansdee chinuga che expe suena teach og although shay lncked she raining ia the a:c of special ed vor. Oe insayetntsKadcstod that ty dd not el adequately prepared tibet hey euro ue teen piofesion eo eae seus wal eosin lsabilites Tlie nausea help to expla wl sore suet with (GUEST PRESENTATION 17 ‘hesical or mental challenges it :acluslan classrooms do no pare in dis ccnnewt ot an-ches actvitis ‘Monahan, Marina, and Mélir (1996) concen sy that evelusted 2364 teachin” ails tonic) chiswom lacksion. Ont of che 342 who rostered, 49% digrecd thor mpttar clsrorm mnchers ad the insu onal buckgrosn cu teacls students wat ypecial eed. This sme peteent- age of genet clasao reachem agreed tothe ide of sending amd Pack +o special elucuian teacher where scents aeceive tte sation i spect ‘ediranan clasronens From sersonal experience, igririne smadents nt regelirclasrooms prs them the ahantuge of eaiog subject moore us ‘ughly than in spend educrlon class. My insnaeaoa had a aor he subject mater they tought n speci elation clasrouuns tow stulents Swish menval challenges if shay lacried c9 che antes elas. The same saa ‘on occurred in the general clasmooms whose population. anchded smadents veil ated wliou disloBurs. du oy geerAlgebes Bib shel <li, the lsructors kept the level af reaching down ist accuramodkte sexlents who bail beaming dlallles. Sindhi, geal educate insirvers whe ul rao longer accommndate scudents wich disbilicies wha have che engnitive ails for advanced leaming olen encouraged them to take castes in gent al dlasoome While specal educarion instructors are expable of teaching their higher wlyanced stuns: on an intividuilied level, the curiclum at leecher Miller nthe carly 1980s simhined ardonis wi physic tal chllenges:n the same soo, For strato, ceaching suderrs werk tlhyscal and menca challengas in the same elasnaey entailed phnuing, swbue they taught co snchude the encice else in leaming che abiece mater From personal exjerienes ds often meant otuking veures since mee: of ma -slasmares ad varicus level of laming Sienitics, ‘Lexrning alongride selents withuot Unable lelps 29 prepure thee peers wich dibilcies for che cppetaniey en obtain a colle ot 4 ueistsny gro Sterns wil dsaalsves who attend elates to Inclusion elasraxms con experience a preview of expecrations in room fy pavrciparing iv gious aetiitee with their able-busted peots and ‘cemnpiecing nomen seegemens. Ar the sane rine, heing cael i see ‘ondary inclusion classrooms snot a peetequbte. for sales wit dsl sbicies to arend cles in colleges oe mrcerntive Soume studerce wich diss lities ssh tay in special education schools may sesk a higher edheation. Students ry ope to stay in special education sch na Hey kst felthey eat Interact with an inseracror Inthe sackskin clascoon ae dhe secondary level A seca re9sen way he that tuckene nee apecilicd cer, auch a ena= eosnue of u-venelltor, and gener! schools are ot of complies witht ann inc eges or unirsses last 18 HYSICAL DIEABLITIES EDUCATION AND RELATED SERMICES Section 404 of rhe Rehabilitacian Acre 1973 iF ther de ova pre ule ifisd ventiltor ochnician 20 mani Fy, sts semble ‘wich disabilities who have the engnitee abilcy ca hesin 2 collage elucarces can ieveive asietance chrough diebilty sevice oltices powidsd iy cng saul uiversities. Acting sion: Reravon a sraent eth a digymossd dis aul ord abe collegefuniversiey-rstrstor, n cour in a csablity sevice fie cael pila neal ugg elanron aycoels. Skaleat ea: tebe le these eats sp theg ate on camps thse has se ot ice age week, instead or sie hones pet Gy tha spend sn slenseatty sew artery sos [A thitdacagon shy sndote with dithiliries aprond college: ith oviae expec since the prasare ot Public Lave 94142: The Education of AIL andicapred ‘Actof 975, chikron with [email protected] the age of ence sr twenty jem have the righ to «es public education a ce leas tent ‘Thos aw opened the dhorsforexucents in special education to bine de fgets neon © apd sess wih disilriag.Ralone Publis Ta 94-142, some an 2 in inchision eatroome has wo do with the studencs age. Eve less ue: seve] esto lil bot ave heap, Pad (RIED) sled a stiy bee 1975 er ahewsed oof eight mien child Fam Reh te2T peas ld wal alse, sal half eseived am appeepvinne ssucorion, rile 2.53 ynflon ceeded ina woprinecedncatin. According 0 the stud, ance. 1.74 millinn chikden web ssversdabilce resived ra educa (Finn, eral, 2021}, Similery, some college: and univestis denied admission te indents with deabiliies who had the cornicion to obtain x higaer education hectis owanious ayia Linuitations A study in LY (Pay, 2000) sented that one of 92 colleges uel xiveaiee se Malo. 69 ftitings 8 root sever studcuy whi qved wherlsinie, Continuing i scalysie, Pal sited anutlir sine in 1974 Frat dreaesred evr of fhe: [2D2 Raye in Fata roviewing appli ih diabilicse, 18% ejectod bod applicants 27% aejocted applicants in wheelchaie anal 22% ected eal agplieanr ‘Scudents wich yet challenge ahr had hugh grads point averages or who sein sl oy che SATe wess not auconstically ei to enter matturions foc highsr ecueation, Before the page mf Pula: Lane 94-142 and, rach linen, fe Arsericne with Pasuhaliice Act of 1990, inatincions tor higher ‘edocation were under no shligation to provide sscilues seavive ofc, In ‘lgiion, iortutions of bigher educorion did mit hae to wee then came 8 swbeelchuis accesible ual die rovesarissuuate th Seer SDB of rhe Retfsbiaton cr 19 {ha rye snerturions ro Fecome aeessable ‘OUEST PRESENTATION 19 tion 504 a ee Ketaltaion Act, wena an 19 foes uvebts wi disiides in obvaining a higher edi. Tre pasa of Ss crane the uuelvok tate. This provision hecame the fits sipniicanepcce at federi Legislation Aligsarng finds ro help sadents ith dvslities yo av cole aud iver: sitee Sects $04 ag ynes the reapeilitg on higher e@kcatian 9 po- ide an equa! educational opportunity for qualitt individudls wath isailzeie, ane wy uae at linn tiny whlgaien fot velloges and tuniwersries (Kank, 1985). The: hird ena ‘opanons wkceing panic for sa shication by pease wit dvbilitieg cowie with the Arceskars wh Tisahilries Act (ADAY of 1999, Pree of cis lesizlation prohibite che die- ccimination of pesome with divabilities froma seeking and accessing enalcy- niem, publle ascommodstinns, ubtle servies, ttanspevtarion, aad ‘slcommuniertiors; The ALIA afsts colleges and universities since thoy sli. tne pl site, must aatnshte svar ol ‘Whecher leering acca its elemercery sccandary, ofan highes educa liom all wsuuctoes have she voul ef wc uhoy thes students as parpepants 1 classroom aetivtis. In some elagronras whose pplion inelida® se the server tr ‘ent wes physic nd art hake to cee them ss acumalte as powihle he lspoising Hie seriny ssi vey any thei, fellow clussnseeswithoue dsuies The instructs eo cacenmagss Fem ro twmicipare in al cares anal se the rv leamr seg veer tht the othe soadents ase. Jase cans seudonts sith manta or physical chalkenges mae boove Ute cogaitve sbily uo integrate fut fuels :Laseuomis des noe imei thie they ll ace highs ednearinn at a salege ara river there are sme tudets wihoue dsatuice wins wick employment eather than co rinuiap sith hicher eaueatin. Lipen receiveng Uber hugh schol cplon:n stuns wil plysica. un ental challenges may flew ar by lasing fr employraent another clusion clsesvom settings seadente with neni deere sit In rig elzscaom actives, Lut vey 2ssy net parccpute ae much as the coher studeres, White suse samctons weer ra help ther ste to ean, part of ho monet challenged students luc of participacien might be the instructor’ Lac of prejarednees ro reach hewn (Melts, 1995. [n socal aude, owe or eecontentl eievs, stndents with roenval chalet as ler deal rays or puncisiaes io whole ove atid or asigeruents abe wit thei fellow clasemate. An exaneple of pepaednos occur in 4 roetrional claw. In hi settmg. the butuceor accoramodates the swede, oat: the ment uallenge ay walk ever ¥ she sraeu, al weeny esting she seston if che Su Desicaion (Betzncoort-Smich, 7904}. ‘The Ineteuser wont proceed to ves sighs 20 PHYSICAL DBSABILTES, FDUUCATION AND RELATED GERACE sestare Fhe qucston pth other students as a ny of ensuing tac chey abso luvlentued che qnestion snd as a sng of elaminaclng the appearance of Faecvirism. Comaninleton teen: utracmy ans stadents with pqsical ur muneal challenges ako play a significant wie in the proves sf lean Zieame-manin, Paoete ancl Spano (3994) ciee a smdy at San José Sento [Universe where ther diarrituned a sores oo ls 967 phystealy challenged smdeens egbtaoa wit, the Desabled Seulemt Services. The study showed hat our of the 108 zespandencs, 74femaleaned 7% male suskete. neatly 72% viewed theit communication with their inecroceos ax pein. When ‘he seudones anawe-ed the questa centesng om Use Ase of disertminatiom by the inscrcoe. 40% indicated chev never expotienced diseimination while ‘Ahan d cha ny "sometiae" or eofesquentl” experienced decriminetinn, A low porceneags, 5%, of the sudents aicaed thes “alten” exgesienced, Ascelmusa.ion by Weir structs (Zisionenmenn eal 1994), Tn social cies or science cleses where sndenis wih mental sballsoges pour with ether studsnts in small groups, pat of the morning involves checking the stulonig pious, otal askiog the stulent w expleia Ue sisignod pik, Incortrion Setwsan the iosmctar and ake stadene wich a ental challenge becowae diiult ofa the ster does 0 resi volun {cer cements or rege rhe inehctor’ asarance (Metevodh cra, 1993). The reawons Ke the sles 2ow parceipurn might bioge un being self cnnscions era possible ech fapninen arom the ince cles the in-class assignments, The dificuiy ef the sobjset matter combined with the prcbolle mid poe of aie Fells climates beesimes cit ramon fo the smndents low paicipacion inthe claszcorn. Stuns with meatal challenges have 3 hetrer appostunity 1p lear when ‘he instracen calloss dhe cautse tesa: che nerds of evereseadent. Wher, inweractors quake plas fur their class, they pay special seestion 1 each of the seudgnm in he castor, nor jasc he sider wich mental challengs. ‘When insemactors pl for a puricular caure, they preqave far wbole-clas and indiidualized cctiviice to moet the divene needs of every vaukent {elean et.l, 1995). The individualised sciviie may bs beneficial forthe stoneut wk the metal bolle beri tine insrnstor may have move time to urawer questions or help the student with the specified usiyrunent “The anc-on-one ateention would henelt another student who bs 9 speech fnvpaltett since the al canaciusness can preventactive paticipation in classroom discussions. Turing, as suggested by an fustrutur to students who ‘ed mene hele wid sign rents, may bea viahe epricn ifa eradent in & rental challeuge econ higher elucston, bat wh atl eels the une arzune