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ERIC EJ842006: Effects of an Oral-Sensory/Oral-Motor Stimulation/Positive Reinforcement Program on the Acceptance of Nonpreferred Foods by Youth with Physical and Multiple Disabilities PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ842006: Effects of an Oral-Sensory/Oral-Motor Stimulation/Positive Reinforcement Program on the Acceptance of Nonpreferred Foods by Youth with Physical and Multiple Disabilities

EFFECTS OF AN ORAL-SENSORY/ORAL-MOTOR STIMULATION/POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT PROGRAM ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF NONPREFERRED FOODS BY YOUTH WITH PHYSICAL AND MULTIPLE DISABILITIES RITA L BAILEY AND MAUREEN E,ANGELL Tiare Ste Usnersey ABSTRACT pe puke cosa eau the fecieness s-senurnveral morte tines sof tne sank ih dpe cal acepuaice tenors of a A psenal asere ffs fier energie! This sna xaplyed i fe shoal hase ancatome sta rato stoves, Oneal rae tsps nakate shar red nplening the combined propia pa eechJangoxe ude wiuate te ‘Chikdon and qoueh wide severe plyncal andor onc visas st have dicey crainevining adoqumte ririon (Ciangll, Fauci, Ane, Abuja, & Anand, 2001; Sulla eval, 30.1). Someones sutra pre Tenge rcsul- fom psa latins et eating ved wallowing, an pair sent knvor. a gpg Sibes tte, pac blemats rasisime behavior can Tip tle hake samay of mutsitious tuods and liquids, Exceme food selectivay wal Gant axils ave soaarly noted problematic: mestime behaviors exhabed ty cbahltee aul yout ith distin (Andorann & MeMillan, 2001; Awad, 199% Orion, Repp, Willis, & CCaistopieean, 1981; shove, Rabbitt, Wills, Coo, & Says, I). Ta face, Eeding dificult n’ Getany huadrgasies have been reported eo oecut 41 42 PAYAL DISKBIUTIES DUCARON AND RELATE SERVICES fev meamy as 808 of chikler wick sevens sx uli dishes (Pahnen hapa, Linssbeil, 1879) KRewsnns for these richlematic behaviors are often smlicened, be i lwowat dst cll’ sagutions alles the sin prscenee iavolve in dhe aczenmance and ise of foe (Kevan, 1997), Rarly experience ard peated exposure to mow foods appears te contribs: a che dovelsomant of food eseplanse partes and ie antl fgal wucke. Takats anent cee are Tike sv reser new foods incall fas they Tear to Iie horn th ime: st repestedt rural eypeouce (Bch, Jelasin.& Fiber 199%; Bit & Marl '982}. Buen tha age ac wh ch new resrur ors inlzaduced appear a mae difierence in che doveicpment of food acceptance paces. Nerhstont, Eine, ani Netbelsole CODD fours ar fant she ste taeduved wo foods with avmorae ar arlise ages anowumed a grea: vatiety nf ods enlace ages, whale chose who were intzelucedto testeney pus the nge of £0 month wage acl Sel bal vn faite Hea ible “Unferncrarcy,esryexperionsas wich oval fecing and snl ansery st ld ae ofa lini fr cake wih europe stil sbysial nyowe Innis, esposially for shoe ata sxperience axrcraive epiandes of hespitaiorion Medica egile cilhew are ofr: subjected we weically rseosiry lt nition cts averse evalffacial sensory ings. Sherioning, acement, smd the use of fetal tape to secure coral and nacal gate es tabs way lead so tcule de“ensveusess al sal ypecsvoliey Case be Helen, 102). Taese children fen roceke renal feeding forthe Fst fom rmonche of their oes, and miss out om curly oral Feeley eaperences 3. together. A combination al wel hypersensitivity Tinted oe experiences, ant negative wssiiacins wich rhe act of eating muy eel i Cie develop” reat of che! fre ele letyanel ee sal behav While he oxic undasving etolayes of wrree fs! poofceases tel retoal to ty ae Foss uy be eleal te dereraine, sevecal reannent eprinins hare deun ielfed. News (2006) ceooreusernla! a sve of inwanian pooenkues fn decrete onl Inypensnaitvities so yung cll dren why aa tube fk Whe seegies included sooch Erusbing mith a eft rocrhbash, paciters dipper fnce ox fr pneiier during, dw fing, wipes and sand eatinad on te lps, couehing the far Hp sand yralally moving psoresianly In the oral eave: Doe, Ciaweo, aad Bishop 2903) erccmimeralstsn mere and eases cl simulation re eam and ofalanoeoy exorcise, Cacble> and Hanable (1996) repeat decree nesnber al preags Kasbeg, ateater weight gaa, and fewer days of Trempiealinucicn withthe use o's S-anouteoral-eotua svat yrogea Sa rmesheaile fails chikcen ina Ragpital sarery Gis (9969 reported sii ACCEPTANCE OF NONMREFERRED FaDDS | 43 ical ies yrowth races children and yuh wie che diggnasit of cote I gente tea pay mioytoy i age fiom & 113 gear falenting sr angie etamulauiou pieyeam Injersenrion. ‘The oral-sentaryforsl-metor trnulivon peogrom nretcenrinn included servis to improves rong Tat= ‘eral ip earn, vigor af chewing. Development and wa of appro- pute cadtinulsion ogiaaehas bssn repored ir the lienanace of aeecal cliseplinesfacksding apeeel-langiage pathelogy,nnesins, and occupational heinyy Ulger & Manin, (897; Fueie, Cisel, & Lau, 2002; Grobler & Tanaie, 1996; Gict, 936), Bailey atd Acaell (20951 aso repored succes fil genevalisaion af oni-iguuatim progeans in cucwcuml settings with ‘nplementaron of chose roynams by erie acho val wesbers, Otcr researchers have ceported success with the use of behavior ware gemens interveotions to treat extra foull selectivity and food refs ‘These include the we of extinction wed rence (Cie otal, S997 nevess w bigbly prefered unyille wens aux! dilerecuia esta cower (Kalas, Tarbox, Wilke, 200} stil fading, ssiniorermenr, and exboctin (Freetono & Dima, 19983; ween fing, extinction, aed rei forveuscut (Shure ol at, 1998 sual oblifocetel elven anager per amesuch as one descrited hy Lurlli, Beans, and Roce (1985), consisting Ling social ieee ‘vent Ra piobam Behawtars, and aontingenity einfaieing eons mpuies of ‘non-piedemed foes. Recently, Kalng, Rrnroe, and Theme (28) ured eacape contingency and token-teied reinforcement. af alveraatie behavior ta increase food aceapeance in a 4-year chi gel with pervasive dovelanine sllcorive sod speech impairmene. Najdowski, Wllacs, Doney, and Chee (2008) were alo suscesfal in helping che mother ofa 5-year old bog wich of esublhing tempo Kate eyting teal, with ‘usin opectrum dade: nemoas his food eecepeancs Bnaviors arhome and to & restascant by implementing 8 progea consis of ¢iffrentia) scin- Uiteeuent of alteructive behaviey este extinction, ual demand fading. ‘The Hen Uratures yore (eal sensery/vial amour staculation sed Fehawioe mnaragemene char have bean sed in he poswecvion ate eatteeDt cof matzed food cclecivity and fond refirls bash appear ra hace yielled 9 cero renee multiple experisents, However, che effects an ora-sensory! aral-moror similares progr (ie decisase oral bypenveratvities) ca bined with » positive seinforcament behavier management proziam (m5 Increave patie fon! aoeptance behavios! un che secepeance of non-pte- fared foods awn fen exe, Shs, che poqpove othe caren sy win wo demenntnite the effsetivencas of feeding farervencion package that Included on orale seoral- mater trevtment program with a posicive avin 44 RNSICAL SISABIUTIES EDUCHTTON AND PELATED SEIWICES fincement beaavioy mancgerent comparent Lh weweasung “cod acceptance ions of youth sith maltple abil, METHOD Ser ‘a ary ane canducs at an olamenrare anda ir bh school warn a peblic school disice,locurad wickon s town ot apprucnately 45,009 poopk S5.k TSANG stds ning he: Anis plain, OF Uae tale 1470 received spiel educa end rered sercies Tote piciie were feu Use sae sor high shen! cba and an viged in sli-eeding in an alsmeneary schoel claicom. The pasccipars were fed andlor supervised ay they ate by ecbue. personnel fa tele eli wor, de tn aaferyceneens rhe a fr pening 0 helen parm. alfor the pence agate eth owen ther ai se oF the eitacting iacteens Parractesntrs Parzejpants in the study were 3 youta tecween tae ages of 21 aud 15 th moderate to gevee levelapinentallslliiee. All panieipanes received ep ial educarion sereices and had been previously lente sith leeding innpairment to che stent w whitch ey wete bea ssured in feng, oF capetvioed ving selltbeding in the school envivanmene and alld Boer iennbed by parenteuariiuns acd eich i Zorng ermine and 3 preferenees ard food refuel, Cangoriasof coguuie aud pss ical debility were estab n compl ancesith Pe seria stated i the Innividee wih Dice Education: Act (2L. 101-476). barns psy shologists and seulenty eligilaiy rains br densrincs the parvieipants! lsificacion cbavugle che use of ypugriate menue cf ys wal ionTlecia Timer.oning and adzpave bebwsior Soe Table [fer svar lemugae tic shumveremtie seu ger goal Danna [Darren (Pacicipane 1) wasn LE your uli ole dorcel wae avers cant tive defi wd toll dairies toliosing ascvere scare at kathy oy revult of encephality. He wis ala elewiel ag le ng a behavior decrdor. Came sene able en irdpandentls cat a regia det, wut cousiasat vel ramping tn take bites and 1 artend fa the fending ne. Observers zed 6 ACCEPTANCE OF NONPREFERRED FOODS (upon sis acu pue — -uan aandeaiy Jeyps-vou 50 poy ‘cand oma sp pooy hs} sooord ‘D09) passsl ais ang o13n2 Pecjsuoiiadns pores p08 peal, anaes é wos cmecyer) ead wood dna concepe spin porate 003 pave) om sR iar saxluou cig peordspsjuas — purkamas yg waa. ony A) srry pao) pay upoay yes yo mney cud-uou e1eg jo uossmundns yas payed) Asienas pa zeamnees —uedonueg ROS leds Rupaag songs Rp sroutag, uN, Fopoey we pur uojaung pue sequin sermuBeD Jo je undonieg 57200 308.7] pur uopeUuiojuy audeaZourag wuedonmg “rae, 46 PHYSICAL OMSABIUTIS EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICES Inverviess weealed marked ial pneferences and fond cefsals inchading ene carey iol nef of Cui, BLDazren wecepeed abies of ft be: fen cexpeided ir imnhataly. Duyeu abo eabiitad ressoance 22 tumel, nally spending by hitring, artempung vs fate, ur pinching che enon who cerachod hi Aue Alice (Ponicipant 21 yas» Uyeoe ol fewle with severe cogaitiee and Physical irapaliens of wukcwwe orga, Observations send interven revealed manked food prefecances abel lead ecssl with expulsion of mem refered thoi, While Alice did sor eonsstealy avoid spect to rome that frods che paleo wee lend al dat fowls oe vie cally expalled were ofa more favorfl variarg Vie ale exhib. reste 1m touch, as evidenced hy marin rapids avay fons her touched by a rankin, cla. cx elved ands et wb She wi Jane Tored (Parclinane 3) wasa 15-gea ld sual wa severe phys. a ge tive disahitiis of wclmontn origin anda secondary shagros-sal size dst der, Jared's macher tspewted thor Tara’ zcinteaervivy bad inceeaed dxmarzally ir the year fone she sd and har we had chosen eaten in sllacademvc ares od seizes were cvidentsroghaorehe investigation Scinure activiey led fem vist mame to appsoxinately 45 rwinutes on several occasions, Jed asinine aceite rested: seven falls eat. had oecored suside of school Duing one of thes fll, Jared’ chi was split open an required itches. Agproxiuaeely 2 weeks lite, befell gui, This secon fll peo ip ce o-ginal cli Anky and abe wry sos repartee bandaged inseed of cremptng alches 3 second rime, The serie of fall sade inpostNe ny implement he external orabsensotfor!-mony tim: Javon progtu fer several weeks, a jared! woakl uot allow anyune t touch fs fac soy ne Alisally, len in seb ali anal Bere of the ombsensoryoral-motorsrimulation program for days ne a tims, The reseasch eam judged thie t be zelatel to Jared’ ore gus sul meat alu, Thetetne. hese p-raras were layplemented on an aeccleeted” asi for lve. Jad’ participation in the al-motar exercise group Wheapy Em teas were ab ufeee Ly i chi tury. Theeefre, te moans wv ed auteties Involving fovods eer fae or chin, Jered pti pared in approximately 50% of te group vel exctcse paogrinsdusing the B and C conan ACCEPTANCE OF NONPRETERRED 'o9Ds 47 ‘average ancl terete tet than Tate hd ved ap fan ezweby foods) and rotual of al: ther types of fowl [stad hibiced cessance to touch, ia evalenced by Is tuesing rapidly ew Peon ere when he sas eiched bya napkin, clon, ar zlowed Fade. This servable rnitance nesesoe elleing is ee jury. Exrreisiar at, DES An ATR mfriple pest. dewgn across shroe pavticinan (Mmsphey & yuo, 1980) we ie ty evadate tbe lictiveces of the alison ee 2M fe., aval sersoegfval-motor ceatmenc program with = posers sein Tontwentt behivia doadgestet compeaect! oc Use depemdect valable the, aveertanee and evallenriny, of deri nonepafernsl foals by ind wiowals ith severe amdfur caulgle vbscbbiesl. Wiha ths devin ee lonied dependene variahc ss measured nnder bace‘ine condition? and the iteration nas induced seyuecmally ew ske aie participa Ineividealpeofomance data were nen chee cach ssi, ach putisipice os exposed eo three oxlitiocs {AY hnaline oa erin which inclded parcnifesandian, epctal sfucne tion taker slated servives penonoe. seu cluscbum esieun inter veg ard dosamentarisn of peeinteevennon perfovmace on Hhe nr betavive BS the oa -aacn sorbinet with a pomtive sige manayemuns pROsDAEL for acospraras and swallowing af nanpreeed food ies: Curr “Ere rao sinner pongram (Ses Appendix AD soniitinn tnened gluse saudete in pevct-leneuane pathology ape ranted she neaemem paige whi. che] persaaor loge 3 (C)ube ora motororalsensory etiemlscion programs essubined yich he Prsines teriexcement Kehawor managelsent sreyrany sna ‘Cawsttioo 2 ar: implemvred by shoul sea embers who ware mained fr che researcher vin sstematieinaimicwonal pecoelance (Orsrnar, Prowneuns Parenefaunthars specie lassen eushers suppor service ponwnine, ead clasandins dents af patent partiejeree weve appsouched «> brain Indoewasien regaoliey the parcsipaats od preferenens and tefia! hehne fone A list of nomen food items a fora aregortes gee tera ly pacesayimatdians peel eduction icham, spat serioes ervey Slasinam arise Lists were compile toa copa inearviews ted cot rome ca getearine those food :cems shat all or mos" considered no reed by sich partisan. Rasaing {A} prae sesany were eoncucte at 48 PHYSICAL OLSABLATIS: EDUCATION AND BELATED SERVICES cael pareipare’# heme chew wih zhe same feeders ual alin he ing whee hey sere curently kei ef ersllor supervies! samo hutchte © oper of ands erencifically dentifed non-pef ic ford nema wore wreck In vols. For thrce lunch wesiots, multiple eras cf ns assortment of the same eacinanmt andl hy the saine supervising leache oe cbintixit ile ea. ‘ltt wid whim che students were sory fs or supervised fnyy The fine autor eamdacted thee buvline evalations. A zrlmane sc ent in speach lnnycage pathology mdarendenls clas for proposes of uershrerver cellslabey cae. latians Atl evidatins were viet! allow or Sites wnaie and sor panne of cleans sented porta sone inverssgrver tlieiltgpesccninges by an edrinna’ meatier of fe racatch team. To select the nea’ eaetfacc 49 be presented gael peerligane seo to doternine fos! vevepate nsponses tac treurchors wel Husline (A reborn» and commprsd temserits che iss of non pacer food inoms genetated by parenisfqitdinns and school staff. Merahers of reser cea were bt ICO agseeuters regan he non eloreed inemos ed categros for each participant poi ey initiation of the inv Basetene Praiss “The iss uth and grvdhaneesudenns 1 specch-langaape pathology chartd Irsclice percentages of uccur Le emponate foreach sautlgane. The grat ctudne observers nee trained inthe use of inbvidualind doce culection, Jim (+1 aa cits (-) set en chat ticipants! pot dante ade vot fring nf hu: bael—sistem pare sheet lied fexmaice on tstpe fod sevaptenee Bohatiore. The tally dersenesate a funcesnl ane Fhe nication of che bvarer in bbacline wessen, Uni this sei cps, och od a plus (+) sige if te paticipane accept che naagrelern! Teal sad avallewa a and af] sipn ithe partcipane did noe vccept ant ssclline nents ved fond foreach hire er xgpomtuniny [ie foo wus ie tually woeptel and then espetled. a (2 as asigrod for cht al ch rae presutationat ils fad waa esignad a + or alga Soy ce sue bee of fl fray Inv bon ee ed or vs presenta. (=) an =), al en weep elena tho] prmsrearion (4), 1k ding an ascepeance ne of 13% far 9 te ik, Qa nal we ete ther preserations of that hind wer gin chaing sr sssion, hice obsereations of lanes scale weve une ey sollevt been crea fe cas paeic pane rior rede iesodation of te vegetal eateneat ppnlons. ACCEPTANCE OF NONPREFERKED FOODS 49. INTERVENTION CONDITIONS, luterveutas: sess weze vouested rig cecal Daehn wel anes flay pee wisk wl all periepants macht performance erterem. Friar hi she intmslastim 9 che invereentions, ee gaits seulent ciniciew mining in He ascarc grstces (i, conducting iinet Heed prefuense asesctents au! iueepretioy resuls, iuplenuceiog the pusiive ‘rinipscemane behavior management pgem, aingeemanring the orale rmocoyoraistimulaion pag, end cockcring pafomisrcs dita) The fauhra sondctel hese rig ets dang nos hen cies pei 9 university setiug prior che initiation of the imvescgatio, The fist futhor (a liseased cemifind apecch-langinge parhotogia? supeeciaad she ‘ednanescion ot all ncerventions fox 100% ofthe study Al sevel person 1} involved i the pavelgants mealies al ede bee training sian sould the cosining infimmation and methods nero greene senders sand schvalpetsnnnel. [Mier to oneh treatment session, a prosesion aseamant of reinforcer vcfreice precowl (Cat et aly 20009 on caidoted w determine the cere Fem reintorcenene preferences of each parteipant. Th. protocol fo cach pire asomement ficluge | Zante Frese seeecrtion of sie Uli during 2 J-mioute cxper manta: sexier prio vn the fesding sein. ‘Duran the relaoree peferene seat, 20 rueutral tinal ad emo pe Ferma srr wets presanted co he child. The diario a acelin note seule al wicatae of aelastion: to ee sticaukss (ean 0 ashing behavior) wore eocorded. The atimules hat alized she lange dai af 2.0 laighing beluvior wae selected as the curtone prefered ssl ding thar sein ge panne eleorcementol Ube ea et behavior farceptunce of moa-prcierel foods). roferexce sessment dara collecrien foam were crcared and soma winners or each verso cate see and sey were placed i eaca lervension necting, The ponitve reiforseraene bekawioe managment param asl fi earh pane wslacel vert rave oe the bebeavior (eg, "goal bi immeditely Sl lowed ey » brit incradnerinn af the ientfe maby reulercer {OF nen et al ‘The positive reinforcenene Pebvior maaagcment cempancal ot rhe tenant progean co.wisted of peativesecel and ary neecertent Boe perioraacce of mina level acceptin bhaams, The reinforces sere seleuted using che Tonio preference agesentane promo! prior my sich mea bt eta 2000). Contingere posiiceseinforeamenr wns previdoe Jetty Jalowing a paricgants pevionnanes > the tare hehe ior, Har orgy 2 patisloaneexhibirad grefeeuce for be tly baby dil dering che in 50 PHYSICAL DISABILITIES EDUCAT.ON AND RELATED SERVICES foreer proicrence astesment, che talliog doll was presented ummesiaely fer excl pestanmaove of tnget bebawior Ge, eeceping bite of son preted fo The sisted cf a Jer aeeay siqnuttian comnovent Ure pong et rian oct) and peceaal simtion pogram as eoreibed by Gacbier sacl Haeslih 1996) anel ace by Uke Het author fox use vita ‘Ader chldter (se Appendix A}. The Femi eval and pesism stimalaisn rag 6s cplsaented just pee #9 enck Comite Baral C weal fader te pregace each snsdeae oral mechanvam fa che sarin peseas, Ol mow: exercises soil sctvitiee were conepleeed after each ace as 9 gxcuR hor cettory sen Apnendre Beh zradunee snidenr linia pri Jog instruction af modiciny activities and oxerces for invita puci seis oo beaded. The proul evercnearuvies mere completed ven a {0-15 min cine pried after she meal 90 a8 ato fariue the participants sob uur ser: pret Uo els uring Cendcion B, areas: sedent clicscims mpleaacoeed the inter veto puckige. Pacing Canltion © dhe previ tained sehen] pase rel wha hind aneeracd the graduanc student clinicians curing, Cendician, B iuupfenumted the interrencivn packoge, He gucate dent el isan and supsrsising apench-langames patologie (che five wuthur) stayed wich the classvoraponvonml daring caval thevvahiul Caurtagn Cle sched peste? prsealel the inevensions, Guidance ané insercctior. were sf rermetcaly faded ss chs elaseoomn pesorsel esl <i de alvin tration elim sstenventins, Aiba he rh! sso of Cnndicinn CS each [Pricipane, che grace tudiseswetved ae observer eral providlcy pigs or atin tod ms the sal 9 chat [CDSS of the rsremrions wee pied by the tained scl stat ‘rly record ai PraroiasaNcr aso Priotnal REAM ITT To weivure proarrs rasinrd rorart Achavions, che tet auekon and snkate stuns i a unieerity quoelelangcns nerha'ray program eofleted dma Aur on, Tsetse rebilly cays ienervartion Sosiines ich yeticinin peracmance data und Keding belper prales] fellabiley chaa (Milriles, Ware, & Munson, 1990) were collected: Indopendene anlyes of pitioy. ate pel reenes: Earn was conshoced Be 8 jer of vdeoapes of inctvidral therapy sensenw hy stelureapecelly lenge paliuloge siden wn wee aoe providing mxcrventva. Leb the sonly, The fist autor ualviduill vod the. stonnnin the dats record Ing stem and cvaiscem of the vilzocas, Betore due observers see ox independent jalers cf punticyant pingres tokare earper goals, shay were

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