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Preview ERIC EJ840068: Supervisory Behaviors of Cooperating Agricultural Education Teachers

SUPERVISORY BEHAVIORS OF COOPERATING AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION TEACHERS Moreetsi Thobega, Lecturer Botswana College of Agriculture Greg Miller, Professor Iowa State University Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which cooperating agricultural education teachers used selected supervision models. The relationships between maturity characteristics of the cooperating teachers and their choices of a supervision model were also examined. Results showed that cooperating teachers commonly used clinical, contextual, and conceptual supervision models. They also commonly used nondirective and directive informational styles from the developmental supervision model. Maturity of the cooperating teachers was not related to their choices of structured or unstructured models of supervision. Future studies should examine the relationship between cooperating teachers’ use of supervision models and contextual factors like teaching load and administrative responsibilities. The importance of student teacher characteristics as factors in cooperating teachers’ choices of supervision models should also be examined. Introduction/Theoretical Framework researchers concentrated on developing the supervision process itself. These initiatives Teacher supervision has been related to led to development of supervision models. teachers’ occupational constructs such as There are several commonly accepted commitment to the job, interest in the job, models of teacher supervision. Models attitudes toward the institution, job include clinical, contextual, differentiated, satisfaction, teacher retention, and efficacy conceptual, and developmental supervision. (Billingsley & Gross, 1992; Edmeirer, 2003; Clinical supervision was developed by Tack & Patitu, 1992; Thobega & Miller, Goldhammer (1969) and Cogan (1973). The 2003). Lack of a nurturing supervision for model is characterized by five phases: teachers can lead to low job satisfaction and planning conference, classroom a negative attitude towards the teaching observation/data collection, analysis and profession (Blair, 2000). Likewise, the strategy, supervision conference, and quality of supervisory relationships and postconference analysis. The two authors supervision approaches experienced by asserted that the clinical supervision process student teachers can build either positive or should become more analytical and negative perceptions about the teaching reflective as the supervisee gains higher profession (Bennie, 1972). Cooperating levels of technical and professional teachers’ approach to supervision is sophistication. therefore of paramount importance in the Contextual supervision is characterized teacher development process. by the supervisor varying his or her School supervision is not a static supervisory approach to match the process. Studies on school supervision have supervisee’s readiness level. Readiness led to a continuous evolution of supervision consists of confidence and competence practice. While some researchers have when performing particular teaching tasks written about teacher supervision as a tool (Ralph, 1998). According to Ralph, for teacher development (Clark, 1999), other supervision should be situational. Situational Journal of Agricultural Education 64 Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 Thobega & Miller Supervisory Behaviors of… variables rooted in the supervisee’s Glickman (1990) introduced four confidence include willingness, motivation, supervisory approaches that are collectively interest, and enthusiasm to become engaged called developmental supervision. The in a task. Variables rooted in the approaches differ in the amount of power supervisee’s competence are knowledge, and control accorded to the supervisee skill, and ability to perform a task (Ralph). during the supervisory interaction. At one Glathorn (1984) proposed another model extreme, all power is given to the of supervision called differentiated supervisor. At the other, all power is given supervision. Differentiated supervision to the supervisee. The approaches are allows the supervisee to have options of nondirective supervision, collaborative supervision approaches. The options are supervision, directive informational intensive development, cooperative supervision, and directive control professional development, self-directed supervision. Nondirective supervision is development, and administrative when the supervisee formulates his or her monitoring. Intensive development follows own plan for future development. In the clinical supervision phases. Cooperative collaborative supervision, the supervisor and professional development is a collegial the supervisee share decision making about process in which the supervisee meets with a the supervisory process. The supervisee has small group of teachers to work toward the liberty to frame the supervisory professional growth. Self-directed interaction, while the supervisor only gives development enables the supervisee to work advice. Directive informational supervision independently on professional growth empowers the supervisor to frame the concerns. The supervisor serves as a supervisory plan and the supervisee to resource. In administrative monitoring, the choose to either follow the plan or not. In supervisor monitors the work of the the directive control approach, the supervisee, making brief and unannounced supervisor frames the supervisory plan and visits, to ensure the supervisee is carrying expects the supervisee to follow it out assignments and responsibilities in a (Glickman). professional manner (Glathorn). Fritz and Miller (2003b) put the five Conceptual supervision, as described by supervision models discussed above into one Beach and Reinhartz (1989), takes into encompassing model called supervisory consideration personal and organizational options for instructional leaders (SOIL). In factors that influence the supervisee’s the SOIL model, the five supervision models performance. The supervision is based on are placed on a continuum representing the the steps of clinical supervision, but as it amount of structure used in a particular was alluded to by Edmeirer and Nicklaus supervision approach. The continuum also (1999), the conceptual model addresses represents a combination of potential reward organizational factors including role and risk that the supervisor and the student ambiguity, work overload, decision teacher may experience when using that making, supervisory support, classroom approach. Clinical and conceptual climate, role conflict, and support from supervision are in the structured level, colleagues. The conceptual model also contextual and developmental supervision addresses personal factors such as are in the moderately structured level, and intrapersonal, life stage, teaching differentiated supervision is in the relatively assignment, level of self-concept, experience unstructured level of the SOIL model. in education, and aptitude in a particular Supervision approaches at the structured subject area. Conceptual supervision looks level have low risk and low reward for the at supervision as a way to facilitate supervisor and the student teacher. There is development of the supervisee’s confidence some risk that the cooperating teacher may and self-concept. It is the supervisor’s be criticized for being rigid and imposing on responsibility to make sure that the the student teacher, but again there is also supervisee’s values and aspirations are in low reward due to the possibility that the line with those of the school and the school student teacher may not develop to his or her staff (Fritz & Miller, 2003a). fullest potential through self-reflection (Fritz Journal of Agricultural Education 65 Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 Thobega & Miller Supervisory Behaviors of… & Miller, 2003b). The relatively university supervisors were likely to use unstructured level has a high risk and a structured and some moderately structured possibility for high reward. Cooperating models of supervision while Boudreau teachers operating at this level are those found that they used reflective approaches using differentiated supervision. There is a when supervising student teachers. A few high risk that the supervisor may be studies (Glickman et al., 1995; Justen et al., criticized for allowing the student teacher to 1999) have focused on supervision models choose a supervision approach. There is also used by cooperating teachers. These studies great potential for reward. The student however were not discipline specific. Due to teacher may fully realize her or his potential contextual factors presented by each for growth as a result of experiencing the discipline, the way teachers are prepared most appropriate model of supervision (Fritz may differ slightly from discipline to & Miller, 2003b). discipline. By extension, the way A number of organizational and cooperating teachers supervise student personal factors have been related to the teachers may also differ by discipline. supervisor’s use of supervision models Agricultural Education cooperating teachers (Edmeirer & Nicklaus, 1999). Factors supervise student teachers within a context mentioned by Edmeirer and Nicklaus are that is characterized by among other things, experience in teaching, life stage (age), and classroom instruction, FFA advising, and knowledge of the subject matter. According facilitation of Supervised Agricultural to these authors, supervisors’ experience can Experience (SAE) (Roberts & Dyer, 2004). influence whether the supervisors use Fritz and Miller (2003a) found that “out structured models of supervision. of 803 articles published in the Journal of Supervisors with little experience tend to Agricultural Education between 1976 and employ structure in their supervision. 2001, only three were specifically on However, in a related inquiry, Fritz and supervision” (p. 34). Studies by Edwards Miller (2003a) found no association between and Briers (2001) and Garton and Cano university supervisor maturity and their use (1996) were the latest in Agricultural of structure in supervision. Education that addressed cooperating Glickman, Gordon, and Ross-Gordon teachers’ supervision of student teachers. (1995) opined that supervisory beliefs may The two studies however, did not address dictate the degree of control and structure cooperating teachers’ supervision that the supervisor is willing to offer the approaches. Lack of information concerning supervisee. Justen, McJunkin, and supervisory models employed by Strickland (1999) also reported that cooperating teachers and factors related to supervisory beliefs can influence their use of such models represents a gap in supervisor’s choice of supervision model. the knowledge base. They further characterized supervisory beliefs as a continuum of highly structured Purpose and Objectives to unstructured communication between the supervisor and the supervisee. Those who The purpose of this study was to believe in the structured approaches reflect a determine which supervisory models were communication that is directive, while those used by agricultural education cooperating who believe in the unstructured approaches teachers when supervising student teachers give the supervisee considerable latitude in and whether the model used was related to decision making. the cooperating teachers’ maturity Studies on supervision models have characteristics. Maturity characteristics focused mainly on practices of school included the number of student teachers a administrators (Fritz & Miller, 2003b; cooperating teacher had supervised Montgomery, 1999; Pajak, 2002). Some (supervision experience), years of have focused on supervisory practices of teaching experience, age, and possession of university supervisors (Boudreau, 1999; college credit for a supervision class Clark, 2002; Fritz & Miller, 2003a; Ralph, (formal training). Objectives of the study 1994). Fritz and Miller (2003a) reported that were to: Journal of Agricultural Education 66 Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 Thobega & Miller Supervisory Behaviors of… 1. Describe the demographic student teacher during the 2003/2004 characteristics of agricultural academic year were included in the study. education cooperating teachers who The questionnaire used in this study had supervised student teachers during three sections. Sections I and III were the 2003/2004 academic year. adapted from a questionnaire developed by 2. Determine the extent to which Fritz (2002). Section II was adapted from a cooperating teachers used clinical, questionnaire developed by Thobega and contextual, conceptual, Miller (2003). Section I assessed the extent differentiated, and developmental to which cooperating teachers actually used supervision models when selected models of supervision. The section supervising student teachers. was composed of Likert-type items with 3. Determine the relationship between four response options: never = 1, sometimes selected cooperating teachers’ = 2, often = 3, and always = 4. Section II maturity characteristics (supervision measured cooperating teachers’ preferred experience, teaching experience, age, approach from the developmental and formal training) and the amount supervision model. From one of four of structure the teachers used in their options, respondents were asked to select the approach to supervision. description that best represented the supervision approach they used when Methods and Procedures supervising student teachers. The descriptions corresponded with This study used descriptive survey collaborative, nondirective, directive research methodology. The target population informational and directive control was agricultural education secondary school supervision. Section III included cooperating teachers in Region III of the demographic questions. National Association of Agricultural A panel of three experts reviewed the Educators (NAAE). The region includes questionnaire to ensure face and content Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South validity. Experts included two professors of Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska (National agricultural education and one graduate Association of Agricultural Educators student in agricultural education who was [NAAE], 2003). The accessible population formerly a secondary school cooperating was cooperating teachers in the region who agriculture teacher. Panel suggestions were had supervised at least one student teacher integrated into the questionnaire. A group of during the 2003/2004 academic year. The 12 of Iowa State University’s cooperating list was obtained from seven universities in agricultural education teachers who were not the region that have agricultural education in the sampling frame, participated in a pilot programs and had utilized the services of test to establish reliability of the survey cooperating teachers during the 2003/2004 instrument. The participants were also asked academic year. The universities were; to read the items carefully and indicate if University of Wisconsin – Platteville, any of the items were not suitable for University of Wisconsin – Madison, cooperating teachers. Cronbach’s alpha was University of Minnesota, North Dakota State computed to assess the internal consistencies University, South Dakota State University, of the summated scales in the questionnaire. University of Nebraska, and Iowa State The coefficients obtained were .88, .77, and University. Student teaching coordinators at .84 for questionnaire item clusters designed these universities were contacted by to measure clinical, contextual, and electronic mail and asked to supply the list. conceptual supervision, respectively. Since The coordinators’ electronic mail addresses differentiated supervision and were obtained from the American developmental supervision were measured Association of Agricultural Education with one item each, the test-retest reliability (AAAE) Directory of University Faculty in procedure was used. Seven cooperating Agricultural Education (Dyer, 2003). All agricultural education teachers, who cooperating teachers (N = 119) who were participated in the pilot-test, also identified as having supervised at least one participated in the test-retest. Participants Journal of Agricultural Education 67 Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 Thobega & Miller Supervisory Behaviors of… answered the questionnaire twice at an supervision approaches they used and on interval of ten days. Coefficients obtained selected supervisor maturity characteristics. were .57 for differentiated supervision and No significant differences were found. All .86 for developmental supervision. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package Institutional Review Board at Iowa State for Social Sciences (SPSS 10.0, 2001) for University approved the questionnaire and Windows computer program. Descriptive the study on March 9, 2004. statistics (frequencies, percentages, Data were collected during September correlations, means, and standard and October 2004. Dillman’s (2000) deviations) were used to give meaning to the recommendations for data collection by mail data. Magnitude for all correlations was in survey research were followed. A interpreted using Davis’ (1971) descriptors. questionnaire, a cover letter explaining the purpose of the study, and a self-addressed Findings stamped return envelope were sent to all 119 cooperating teachers. A follow-up mailing Objective 1: Describe the demographic sent approximately three weeks after the characteristics of Agricultural Education first mailing included a follow-up letter, the cooperating teachers who supervised questionnaire, and a self-addressed stamped student teachers during the 2003/2004 return envelope. A cut-off date for receiving academic year. responses was set at three weeks after the Cooperating teachers who participated in follow-up mailing. The final response rate the study were predominantly (78.5%) male. was 68%. Eight of the 81 respondents were The average age of the cooperating teachers discounted as frame error because they had was 40.9 years with a standard deviation of not supervised a student teacher during the 8.9 years. The teachers’ ages ranged from 26 2003/2004 academic year. After removing to 57 years. Teaching experience for the ineligible respondents, the response rate cooperating teachers averaged 17.9 years dropped to 66%. with a standard deviation of 8.6 years. Years Telephone interviews were carried out of teaching experience ranged from 3 to 36. on a double-dipped sample (Miller & Smith, Cooperating teachers’ student teacher 1983) of nine nonrespondents (24% of the supervision experience ranged from 1 to 32 38 nonrespondents) to address the problem student teachers. The average number of of nonresponse bias. The sample was taken student teachers supervised per cooperating so that nonrespondents could be statistically teacher was 7.0 with a standard deviation of compared to respondents on characteristics 6.0 students. During the 2003/2004 of interest to see whether the groups differed academic year, 85.4% of the cooperating significantly (Ary, Jacobs, & Razavieh, teachers had supervised one student teacher, 2002). The survey questionnaire was used as 12.2% of the teachers had supervised two the interview schedule. One participant student teachers, 1.2% of the teachers had declined to respond because he had not supervised three student teachers, and 1.2% supervised a student teacher during the year had supervised four student teachers. in question. This participant was included in the frame error count, and one more Objective 2: Determine the extent to which participant was randomly selected from the cooperating teachers used clinical, remaining nonrespondents. The double- contextual, conceptual, differentiated, and dipped sample of participants responded to developmental supervision models when all items in the questionnaire. Their data supervising student teachers. were used together with the initial Table 1 shows that cooperating teachers respondents’ data. This increased the often engaged in supervisory tasks that response rate to 74%. characterize three of the supervision models: Independent sample t-tests and chi- contextual, clinical, and conceptual square analyses were conducted to supervision. Differentiated supervision was determine whether respondents and the least used model. nonrespondents differed significantly on the Journal of Agricultural Education 68 Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 Thobega & Miller Supervisory Behaviors of… Table 1 Means and Standard Deviations Describing the Extent to Which Cooperating Teachers Used Supervision Models Supervision Models N M SD Contextual Supervision 82 3.21 1.09 Clinical Supervision 82 3.20 0.51 Conceptual Supervision 82 3.18 0.47 Differentiated Supervision 82 2.39 0.90 Note. Scale: 1 = never, 2 = sometimes, 3 = often, 4 = always. To measure the extent to which the supervision, directive informational cooperating teachers used each of the four supervision, and directive control developmental supervision approaches supervision. Table 2 shows that the (Glickman, 1990), cooperating teachers cooperating teachers most frequently were asked to select the description that (34.6%) used nondirective supervision. best represented the style they used when Directive informational supervision was the supervising student teachers from one of second most commonly (33.3%) used four supervision styles in the questionnaire. approach; it was followed by collaborative The descriptions corresponded with supervision (28.4%) and directive collaborative supervision, nondirective supervision (3.7%). Table 2 Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Preferred Developmental Supervision Styles Developmental Supervision Styles f % Nondirective supervision 28 34.6 Directive informational supervision 27 33.3 Collaborative supervision 23 28.4 Directive supervision 3 3.7 Total 81a 100.0 an = 81, one participant did not respond to this item. Objective 3: Determine the relationship cooperating teachers’ supervision, one between selected cooperating teachers’ supervision model was chosen to represent maturity characteristics (supervision each level of the supervisory options for experience, teaching experience, age, instructional leaders (SOIL) model (Fritz & and formal training) and the amount of Miller, 2003b). Clinical supervision was structure the teachers used in their chosen to represent the structured level, approach to supervision. contextual supervision was chosen to To represent the level of structure in the represent the moderately structured level, Journal of Agricultural Education 69 Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 Thobega & Miller Supervisory Behaviors of… and differentiated supervision was chosen to supervision. About one third (29.6%, n = represent the relatively unstructured level. 21) of the teachers used a moderately Table 3 shows that more than one-half of the structured approach. The relatively cooperating teachers (53.5%, n = 38) most unstructured approach was the least frequently used a structured approach to frequently used (16.9%, n = 12). Table 3 Teachers’ Use of Structure in Supervision Level of structure f % Structured 38 53.5 Moderately structured 21 29.6 Relatively unstructured 12 16.9 Total 71 100.0 Note. Structured level = clinical supervision; moderately structured level = contextual supervision; relatively unstructured level = differentiated supervision. Selected supervisor maturity indicators variables and level of structure, while Rank- were correlated with the level of structure biserial correlation coefficient (r ) was used rb underlying each supervisory approach. to describe the relationship between formal Level of structure was an ordinal variable training and level of structure (Glass & with 3 levels. The least structured approach Stanley, 1970). was given the lowest score, while the most Table 4 shows supervisory experience as structured approach was given the highest having a low negative correlation with the score. Maturity indicators included number level of structure. The data indicated that as of student teachers supervised (supervision cooperating teachers gained more experience), years of teaching experience, supervisory experience, they tended to possession of college credit for a supervision reduce structure in their supervision. class (formal training), and age of the Formal training had a low positive supervisor. Supervision experience, teaching correlation with level of structure. experience, and age were all ratio scales Cooperating teachers who had some formal while formal training was a nominal training tended to use structure in their dichotomous scale. Spearman rank- supervision. Correlations for teaching correlations were used to describe the experience and age of supervisor were relationship between the three ratio scaled negligible (Table 4). Journal of Agricultural Education 70 Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 Thobega & Miller Supervisory Behaviors of… Table 4 Relationships Between Cooperating Teachers’ Levela of Structure in Their Supervision and Indicators of Professional and Chronological Maturity Maturity Indicators Association Magnitudeb Supervisory experience -.17c low Formal trainingd .19e low Teaching experience .06c negligible Age .09c negligible aRelatively unstructured (differentiated) = 1; moderately structured (contextual) = 2; structured (clinical) = 3. bAs described by Davis (1971). cSpearman correlations. dYes = 1; no = 2. eRank-biserial correlation coefficient (r ). rb Conclusions, Implications and The cooperating teachers involved in the Recommendations study were asked to report their preferred approach of developmental supervision. The The cooperating teachers who nondirective style was most commonly used, participated in this study often used followed by the directive informational contextual supervision, clinical supervision, approach. The directive approach of and conceptual supervision when developmental supervision was the least supervising student teachers. They preferred. Justen et al. (1999) obtained sometimes used differentiated supervision. similar findings in their study on Regarding the use of levels of the SOIL supervisory beliefs of cooperating teachers. model, findings of this study differed from They found that cooperating teachers Fritz and Miller’s (2003a) results when they preferred the nondirective approach of examined university teacher educators. They supervision over the collaborative and found that “teacher educators in agricultural directive approaches of supervision. education most frequently used the Developmental supervision approaches are supervisory models from the moderately about power relations between student structured level” (p. 40) of the SOIL model. teachers and cooperating teachers In this study, cooperating teachers most regarding planning and decisions made frequently used supervisory approaches during supervisory interactions. The from the structured level of the SOIL nondirective approach gives all the model. Perhaps this can be explained by planning and decision-making power to the Boudreau’s (1999) finding that teachers student teacher, while the directive approach view teaching as a situational decision- gives all the supervisory planning and making process which becomes schemed decision-making power to the cooperating and routine-like overtime. According to teacher. From the findings of this study, it Boudreau, it is plausible to assert that could be concluded that cooperating cooperating teachers would tend to extend teachers had a range of preferences the routine to their supervision practices; regarding the balance of supervisory hence the tendency exists to use structure in planning and decision-making power their supervision. At least two questions between the teacher and the student teacher. remain about cooperating teachers’ use of While most of the teachers preferred to give supervision models. First, is there a best all the power to the student teacher, there model for attaining change in student were still a few who preferred to plan and teachers’ instructional behaviors? Second, make the supervisory decisions themselves. should the selection and/or application of Future research should determine how any model be based on specific contextual cooperating teachers decide which factors? approaches to use. Do they engage in Journal of Agricultural Education 71 Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 Thobega & Miller Supervisory Behaviors of… situational analysis and decision-making or Bennie, W. A. (1972). Supervising do their approaches depend upon personal clinical experiences in the classroom. New preferences. York: Harper and Row. Cooperating teachers’ maturity characteristics had low or negligible Billingsley, B. S., & Gross, L. H. (1992). relationships with the amount of structure in Predictors of commitment, job satisfaction their most frequently used supervision and intent to stay in teaching: A comparison approach. A related study (Fritz & Miller, of general and special educators. Journal of 2003a) tested the hypothesis that there Special Education, 25(4), 453-471. would be a high correlation between selected indicators of university supervisors’ Blair, J. (2000). Honored teachers want maturity characteristics and the most more pay and respect. Education Week, frequently used level of the SOIL model. 19(36), 11. Fritz and Miller’s hypothesis was not supported. We conclude that supervisor Boudreau, P. (1999). The supervision of maturity is not an important factor in a student teacher as defined by cooperating determining whether a supervisor uses teachers. Canadian Journal of Education, structured or unstructured approaches to 24(4), 454-459. supervision. As Fritz and Miller (2003a) noted, selection of the supervision approach Clark, C. M. (2002). New questions may be most influenced by other variables. about student teaching. Teacher Education The supervision models discussed in this Quarterly, 29(2), 77-80. study were self-reported by cooperating teachers. Participants might have reported Clark, R. W. (1999). Effective what they believed in rather than what they professional development in schools. San actually do when supervising student Fransisco: Jossey-Bass. teachers. Observational studies focused on cooperating teacher behaviors during Cogan, M. L. (1973). Clinical student teacher supervision are supervision. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. recommended. Future studies should also examine the relationship between Davis, J. A. (1971). Elementary survey cooperating teachers’ use of supervision analysis. Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall. models and contextual factors like teaching load and administrative responsibilities. Dillman, D. A. (2000). Mail and internet Other studies should focus on student surveys: The tailored design method. New teacher characteristics and how such York: John Wiley & Sons. characteristics relate to cooperating teachers’ choices of supervision models. Dyer, J. E. (2003). AAAE Directory of More research is needed to investigate university faculty in agricultural education. student teachers’ perceptions and Retrieved January 10, 2004, from preferences of supervision models they http://aaeonline.ifas.ufl.edu.directory.doc.url experience. 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