Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 25(4) pp. 164-169 © AATA, Inc. 2008 Assessing Stress Reduction as a Function of Artistic Creation and Cognitive Focus Krista Curl, Grand Forks, ND Abstract the relationship between a person and the works that per- son creates. By leading “students to an appreciation of the In this outcomes study (N=40), changes in stress levels living God within,” (p. v), some teachers stepped beyond were compared across two participant conditions for a period of the field of education to help pioneer the practice of art artistic activity with a cognitive focus on either a personally therapy. Both artwork and the process of making art stressful or positive situation. Results indicated that participants require self-reflection, the cornerstone of psychotherapy. in the positive-focus condition demonstrated a significant de- crease in stress, whereas participants in the negative-focus con- Art Therapy as Catharsis dition demonstrated a slight increase in stress (p< .05). These One benefit of art therapy may be the positive effect it findings on stress reduction give strength to the hypothesis that can have on mood. Grodner, Braff, Janowsky, and Clopton art making is a means of receiving a “creative high” (Foster, (1982) assessed the effects of a combined program of move- 1992), although long-term follow-up is necessary to adequate- ment therapy and art therapy on individuals’ self-perceived ly assess this phenomenon as it may pertain to art therapy. moods. Participants were placed in one of three treatment Introduction groups: a directed art/movement activity group, a non- directed art activity group, and a no-treatment group. In the Art therapy has a firmly established history as a profes- directed art/movement treatment group, participants were sion, yet many researchers have documented a relative lack asked to complete an art project in dyads without verbal of quantitative data attesting to the reliability and validity communication. Needs had to be expressed through body of art therapy (Betts & Laloge, 2000; Malchiodi, 1995). language and gestures only. In the non-directed art treat- This study addresses the need for data on the effectiveness ment group, participants were given art materials and were of art therapy by looking at the effect of creativity on an simply asked to experiment with the materials. The non- emotional process. In order to be conducive to a quantita- treatment group did not engage in any art or movement. tive study, and to narrow the research focus, stress reduc- The Profile of Mood States was used to assess mood and tion was identified as a quantitative measure that could be stress levels before and after treatment; this instrument has assessed as a function of artistic activity. In reviewing the six different scales that measure various aspects of person- ality and mood. The participants in the combined art/ existing literature on art therapy and stress reduction, the movement therapy group demonstrated a significant im- different facets of art therapy and the importance of cre- provement in mood on all six scales. The non-directed art ativity to mental health are discussed first. Active and pas- treatment group showed an improvement only on the sive methods of stress reduction within art therapy are then depression-dejection scale, and the control group showed compared, followed by consideration of the relationship no significant changes on any of the mood scales. between cognitive focus and artistic creation. Anecdotally, these authors reported that some partici- Art therapy is described as a kind of psychological pants lingered after the art/movement treatment condition, therapy that uses art as a tool for facilitating therapeutic during which time they were urged by their peers to discuss growth (Moon, 1994). Art is a flexible medium for this their fantasies and feelings. The authors speculated that purpose due to the wide range of methods that qualify as using other modes of communication to express practical art, including writing, dancing, music, painting, wood- needs allowed the participants to reveal more information working, or collage making. There are a variety of sources about personal issues. That is, by experiencing the thera- that contributed to the historical development of the field. peutic benefits of art and movement, these individuals may For example, McConeghy (2003) identified art therapy’s have felt more confident to express thoughts that they were roots in art education with its emphasis on the nature of uncomfortable expressing prior to the experience. The findings of this study support the hypothesis that a primary Editor’s note: Krista Curl, BA is a graduate of the University effect of art therapy is cathartic; the expression of emotions of Northern Colorado where she completed this research study. by creating something unique is empowering and may She is currently a graduate student at the University of North boost mood and self-esteem (Grodner et al., 1982; Moon, Dakota. Correspondence concerning this article may be addressed to the author at [email protected]. Special thanks to 1994; Foster, 1992). Lisa Comer, PhD, at the University of Northern Colorado, for In their early study, Grodner et al. (1982) emphasized her help with the study and research report. the process of art creation as opposed to the finished prod- 164 CURL 165 uct alone. In a later study investigating the therapeutic Indeed, the act of cognitively processing traumatic benefits of artistic creation, Foster (1992) assessed the value events has been shown to be important in stress reduction of collage in a program for institutionalized elders. (Collie, Backos, Malchiodi, & Spiegel, 2006; Pennebaker Through qualitative analyses of interviews conducted by & Francis, 1996). In Pennebaker and Francis’s (1996) Foster and the statements of the elders themselves, the pro- study, incoming college freshmen were asked to write gram appeared to engender a sense of power and inner about either their first year on campus or about superficial locus of control for individuals who were physically reliant topics. Using information from long-term hospital records on others. The opportunity to create art about subjects of and grade reports one month after the study, the their own choosing helped to restore the participants’ sense researchers found that study participants who delved of personal control and to achieve happier, healthier lives deeply into the subject matter and truly processed stressful (Foster, 1992). Foster posited, “I make a decision therefore situations had fewer hospital visits and better overall I exist,” (p. 37) as one of the ways in which his collage pro- grades. In other words, the processing of stressful incidents gram enhanced mental health. This idea, that artistic through journaling led to better mental and physical expression is ultimately a form of self-validation, also was health. The authors proposed that once a stressful situation expressed by Moon (1994): is put into language, a schema can be developed, rein- forced, and assimilated into a person’s overall self-concept. Every paint streak, each chalk line, every slab of color— Integrating a stressful situation into one’s overall schema harmonious and dissonant [alike]—declares to the artist may make it less stressful and allow for better coping with themselves, to the beholders of their work and to all the problem in question. humankind that “I am, I am here and I have something to This notion of problem solving through journaling or express.” (p. 30) art creation is not new. Arnheim (1969) examined mental processes used in art making that art therapists believe may The very nature of art creation can provide an individ- be involved in art therapy and discussed how visual percep- ual with choice, freedom and power, which are experiences tion corresponds to visual thinking. Cognitive operations of agency often lacking in individuals in mental health set- are not divorced from perception. Knowledge is built from tings. According to Moon (1994), these benefits of artistic the environment through the senses; the act of perceiving creation make creativity an important component of a per- things visually is directly tied to the way one thinks about son’s overall mental health. Unfortunately, as noted by them. Exploring, abstracting, and problem solving are all McConeghy (2003), modern Western societies have processes of higher level thinking that depend heavily on become disenchanted with artistic endeavors simply perception. Given art’s reliance on perception and the sens- because artistic creation rarely has significant financial es, Arnheim postulated that art could be used to facilitate value. A focus on the monetary value of art clearly over- problem solving if it is true that visual perception is equiv- looks the myriad other psychological and social benefits alent to visual thinking. Carnes (1979) explored several that can arise from the creative process. theories concerning the cognitive processes that also are Art as a Method for Problem Solving presumed to underlie art therapy. She supported Arnheim’s notion of visual thinking and added that the nature of art Other artistic methods of stress reduction may be creation is itself a process of problem solving. The artist is more active and cognitive in nature. Mental imagery and constantly making choices and deciding how best to create guided imagery are often used in therapy. Once taught, an artwork; therefore, it might follow that this process of either technique can be used outside the therapy room. problem solving through art can be beneficially applied to The focus of both these techniques is to reorganize one’s any life problems, not just those of an artistic nature. thoughts or shift one’s focus for the purpose of stress reduc- Suwa (2003) revisited this idea in a study wherein tion or better mental health. Organizing one’s thoughts to architects were required to problem solve by generating help process stressful situations can be helpful both for the various artistic drafts for a particular project. The findings problem solving situation at hand and for stress reduction demonstrated that each draft was essential because it con- with overall mental health as a by-product (Leviton & tributed not only to problem solving, but also to “problem Leviton, 2004; Pinkard, 1990). finding” in the search for the best possible layout. It is the The organization of thoughts and feelings into a act of problem finding as well as problem solving that coherent narrative is particularly useful in dealing with helped the architects create their best outcomes. These traumatic incidents (Pennebaker & Francis, 1996). findings support the value of the creative process in art Journaling and diary writing have a long history of serving therapy and, specifically, the importance of focusing on a this function and also have been employed in the form of particular problem during art making. writing therapy. The use of journaling in therapeutic envi- The auxiliary benefit of problem finding found in ronments has been shown to be effective among college Suwa’s (2003) study is comparable to a similar finding in a students in promoting health and coping skills; partici- photo-collage program for young girls, where art therapy pants engaging in journaling had fewer visits to campus was used for the purposes of problem solving and conflict medical clinics than those in control groups, thus showing resolution (Katz, 1987). The participants were 8-year-old a direct physiological effect of making inner emotions girls who displayed problems socializing and had mood coherent (Pizarro, 2004). swings ranging from fearfulness to aggression. Katz’s pro- 166 STRESS REDUCTION AS A FUNCTION OF ARTISTIC CREATION gram was designed to alleviate anxiety, thereby reducing These studies demonstrate the importance of consid- immediate stress levels, as well as to teach social skills by ering measurement time points in assessing the effective- having the group use magazines, photos, and paper as tools ness of art therapy. The effects of art therapy may be meas- for conflict resolution. As it was a qualitative study, no ured in either the short term or the long term. Both time quantitative data were collected, but the overall impact of points have merit; however, short-term assessment may be the program upon the individual girls was reported to be an heavily influenced by difficult emotions brought up during increase in self-esteem as well as a reduction in anxiety. The the process of artistic creation and thus may not demon- process of creating collages together allowed these socially strate expected positive effects on mental health. Over isolated participants to learn to work together and to be- time, positive effects on mental health may emerge as the come friends. The ability of the participants in this program individual further processes and comes to terms with the to go back and forth from group discussion to collage in or- negative emotions involved. der to solve real world problems suggests that Suwa’s (2003) demonstration of problem-focus and problem-finding in Goals and Hypotheses of the art could be supported in therapeutic settings as well. Current Study Riley (1997) led a group in which art therapists explored and expressed the themes and issues that arose in The current study assessed short-term stress reduction working with their clients. The group focused on situations as a function of positive versus negative cognitive focus that were causing stress, and the participants sought to during artistic creation. Participants were randomly express those stressful themes in their artwork. The final assigned to one of four treatment groups; the type of artis- product described by Riley was a melee of scribbles and tic creation (collage or drawing) was crossed with cogni- nonsensical images; the work of one crowded the work of tive focus (focus on a negative event versus focus on a pos- another on a single, large sheet of paper, but the outcome itive event). Participants were either asked to focus specif- of what was gained could be seen from one session to ically on a personally stressful situation while they created another. Participants reported feeling freer and more confi- their artwork (negative focus) or to focus on a positive sit- dent as the weeks passed and the images changed from uation (positive focus). The goal was to determine which depressing and box-like scribbles to more colorful, freely cognitive focus would engender a greater short-term flowing images (Riley, 1997). The results of the therapists’ reduction in stress. This study built upon the work of work in this study were self-reported decreases in stress lev- Pizarro (2004) by including both a positive and negative els. Although this was a case study with no quantitative focus for two types of art, and also by incorporating only data to support the findings, the responses give strength to nonverbal artistic media. the claim that problem-focused art therapy can be used for Although this study was exploratory in nature, it the specific purpose of stress reduction. sought to support one of two possible hypotheses. If focus- Research on the effectiveness of art therapy described ing on the stressful situation facilitated problem finding here has tended to view the benefits of art either as cathar- and problem solving as shown in the research of Suwa sis or as a process of problem solving. Pizarro (2004) com- (2003), then participants in the stress focus group (nega- pared these two possible foci in a study on the effects of tive focus) should have greater short-term reductions in writing therapy versus art therapy on stress and anxiety. stress than those in the positive-focus group. Conversely, if Participants were placed into a group with one of three focusing on the stressful event led to greater short-term conditions: writing about a stressful situation, creating a rumination and activation of the feelings of stress, as drawing about a stressful situation, or drawing a still-life shown by Pizarro (2004), then participants in the positive- unrelated to a stressful situation. Immediately after the focus group should have greater short-term stress reduc- experiment, the writing group reported higher stress and tion. Members of the positive-focus group also would have anxiety levels and lower participant satisfaction than the greater stress reduction if these participants gained from drawing groups. In contrast, participants in both the art- the cathartic benefits of the positive-focus art making. stress group and the control still-life drawing group report- Under this latter hypothesis, participants in the negative- ed high overall satisfaction with the study and the experi- focus group would show either no change or possibly a ence. Differences in stress scores of the Profile of Mood potential increase in stress. States for the art-stress and control still-life groups were not significant. Thus, the level of stress appeared to differ as a Methods function of artistic exercise and not cognitive focus. Pizarro speculated that the level of cognitive organization required Participants during the period of problem-focused writing was greater than that required during the period of artistic creation and Participants were recruited from an introductory psy- that this cognitive organization might result in better over- chology course participant pool in a medium sized univer- all mental health in the long term. The process of writing sity in the U.S. Midwest. The participants, 30 women and about stress may have worsened mood states immediately 10 men, were randomly and equally distributed into the following participation, but the author hypothesized that four treatment groups: a negative-focus condition that there may have been long-term benefits not accounted for involved drawing, a positive-focus condition that involved in the study (Pizarro, 2004). drawing, a negative-focus condition that involved collage- CURL 167 making, and a positive-focus condition that involved col- Procedure lage. Collage and drawing were used in this study because Participants completed the experiment individually. they are media that beginning artists can use to express Following consent procedures, they filled out a demo- feelings with ease (Landgarten, 1993). The mean age of graphic questionnaire and the first STAI. The experimenter participants was 19.65 years (S.D. = 1.86; range 17-27). requested participants’ permission to hold their wrists for First-year students made up 58% of the participants, 23% 30 seconds to assess their heart rates. Participants were then were sophomores, 15% were juniors, and 3% were seniors. randomly assigned into one of the four art-focus condi- Participants received course credit for their participation; tions and asked to create either a collage or a drawing. no other inducement was provided. All participants were Those in the negative-focus condition were asked to focus treated in accordance with American Psychological Associ- on something that happened to them within the past 2 ation (APA) ethical guidelines for research with human weeks that was highly stressful. Those in the positive-focus subjects (2001). condition were asked to focus on something positive that happened to them within the past 2 weeks. In all condi- Measures tions, participants were asked to try to maintain their State Trait Anxiety Inventory. A self-report assess- respective foci throughout the entire art creation process. The time allotted for collage or drawing was 25 min- ment, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), was admin- utes for all participants. Participants received a 5-minute istered to measure the participants’ perceived stress levels warning after 20 minutes had passed. During the period of before and after the experimental manipulation creative expression, the experimenter remained in the room (Spielberger, Sydeman, Owen, & Marsh, 1999). Spielberger with the participants in order to be available for questions et al. created two versions of the STAI, one assessing anxi- or help, but faced away from the participants to avoid caus- ety as a trait and one assessing anxiety as a state. The current ing them to feel judged or evaluated. Collages and draw- study focused on anxiety as a state (S-Anxiety) because of its ings were not collected; instead, participants were instruct- temporary nature and the fact that it is highly sensitive to ed to put their artistic creation away in a bag or purse to changes in the environment. The internal consistency for take home. the STAI S-Anxiety scale is in the acceptable range (alpha = Following the artistically active period, the STAI was .90 or higher). The STAI-S requires participants to respond re-administered and heart rates were measured for a second to a series of 20 statements reflecting how they feel in the time. Participants then completed the manipulation check, present moment. Participants rated an equal number of wherein they rated how well they were able to focus on the anxiety-present statements (e.g., I am tense, I am worried) positive or negative event. Lastly, all participants were and anxiety-absent statements (e.g., I feel calm, I feel debriefed. The entire process lasted approximately 45 min- secure) on a 4-point Likert scale. For scoring, the anxiety- utes for each participant. absent statements were reverse scored; responses to the 20 items were then tallied and averaged, such that higher scores Results indicated greater perceived stress. Heart Rate. Stress was also assessed through changes Of the 40 participants, 3 had missing data for one of in the participants’ heart rates. The experimenter measured the heart rate assessments and 4 others missed one question participant heart rates for a period of 30 seconds both in the STAI. Rather than drop the 4 participants missing before and after the experimental manipulation. This phys- STAI data, within-participant means were inputted for the iological measure of stress was used to corroborate self- missing data. Participants missing heart rate data were reported stress levels on the STAI. excluded from any analyses concerning heart rate. Manipulation Check. Finally, for the purposes of The manipulation check initially determined how suc- assessing how successfully participants were able to focus cessfully participants were able to maintain their cognitive on a positive versus a negative event, participants also com- focus during the period of artistic creation. On the 4-point pleted a manipulation check, which rated the extent of Likert scale, participants reported a mean level of focus of their focus during the period of artistic activity on a 4- 3.05 (SD= 0.96) with 12.5% of the participants respond- point Likert scale, such that higher scores indicated a ing that they were able to focus “not at all,” 5% “some- greater degree of focus. what,” 47.5% “moderately,” and 35% “very much.” An independent sample t-test revealed that the mean score of Materials the manipulation check for the positive-focus group was 3.15 (SD= 0.88) whereas the mean score for the negative- The experimenter provided the participants in the focus group was 2.95 (SD = 1.05). These scores were not drawing group with drawing pencils and erasers. Partici- significantly different [F(38) = 0.75, p > .05]; therefore, pants in the collage group were given magazines, glue, and participants’ ability to stay focused did not differ according scissors. The magazines were varied and selected based on to positive or negative cognitive focus. the availability of pictures in them. All participants were The average baseline heart rate across all four condi- given blank sheets of white paper (13" x 24") on which to tions was 37.05 beats within 30 seconds (SD= 5.51); mean create their artwork. heart rate following the treatment manipulation was 37.16 168 STRESS REDUCTION AS A FUNCTION OF ARTISTIC CREATION beats per 30 seconds (SD= 5.29). The mean STAI score at Table 1 baseline was 34.10 (SD = 9.35) and 32.28 (SD = 10.28) Marginal Mean Changes in STAI Scores and Heart Rates from Baseline to Post-Manipulation According following the experimental manipulation. STAI scores and to Cognitive Focus and Artistic Activity heart rates were not significantly correlated at baseline (r= -0.13, p> .05) or following the experimental manipulation Condition M SD (r= -0.17, p> .05). Cognitive Focus Cognitive Focus Versus Form of Artistic Activity STAI Positive 7.00 a 6.07 Negative -3.35 a 10.6 A 2 (negative focus vs. positive focus) by 2 (drawing vs. collage) ANOVA was conducted on changes in STAI Heart Rate Positive -0.21 3.61 scores and changes in heart rate from baseline to post- Negative 0.28 2.97 manipulation. See Table 1 for marginal means for differ- ence scores in the STAI and heart rates by cognitive focus Artistic Activity and artistic activity. There was a main effect of cognitive STAI Drawing 1.10 8.37 focus on STAI scores [F(1) = 13.76, p< .01] such that par- Collage 2.55 11.64 ticipants in the positive-focus group across both artistic activities experienced a greater reduction in stress than par- Heart Rate Drawing 0.44 2.73 ticipants in the stress focus group. In fact, consistent with Collage -0.04 3.76 Pizarro’s (2004) findings, participants in the negative-focus Note: All means represent marginal means; group demonstrated a slight increase in stress following the a= indicates that the marginal means are significantly experimental manipulation. There was no main effect of different (p<.01). artistic activity on STAI, nor was there an interaction between cognitive focus and artistic activity. In contrast to in this study. The cathartic release of positive emotion the results for STAI, there were no main effects of cogni- combined with the satisfaction of creating something new tive focus or artistic activity on heart rate, nor were there and unique may have given the participants the same “cre- any interactions. ative high,” which presented itself as an immediate reduc- Discussion tion of stress. In contrast to the positive-focus group, participants in This study assessed short-term stress reduction as a the negative-focus group showed a slight, non-significant function of cognitive focus during artistic creation. The goal increase in stress following the period of artistic activity. was to determine which cognitive focus, positive or nega- This slight increase in stress may have resulted from the tive, would engender greater short-term reduction in stress. focus on stress, leading to greater short-term rumination It was hypothesized that if participants in the negative-focus and activation of stressful feelings, as identified by Pizarro group demonstrated greater short-term reductions in stress (2004). Pizarro also found a short-term increase in stress than those in the positive-focus group, then focusing on a among some participants, but suggested that there may stressful situation may facilitate greater problem finding and have been long-term benefits that were not assessed. In the problem solving as shown in Suwa’s (2003) study. However, current study, participants in the negative-focus condition it should be noted that Suwa’s theory of problem solving may have gone on to experience significant long-term stress through art creation relied on the artist’s ability to work the reduction, despite the short-term activation of their stress problem through a series of drafts. Given the one-shot levels. Unfortunately, the scope of this study did not nature of the current study, this condition was not possible include a long-term follow-up. to replicate. Nonetheless, a decrease in stress for this group Finally, in contrast to Pizarro’s (2004) study, there was can point to a start along this path of problem solving. In no main effect of artistic medium; engaging in drawing contrast, if participants in the positive-focus group demon- versus collage making did not produce a differential effect. strated greater short-term stress reduction, then perhaps Pizarro (2004) used drawing and writing as the two art therapeutic gains from artistic creation in art therapy could media and found short-term increases in stress in the writ- be derived from art therapy’s cathartic benefits. ing condition. She identified the heightened cognitive Findings from this study support the second hypothe- organization required to put thoughts and emotions into sis, namely that art activity involves emotional catharsis, words in the writing condition, and speculated that this which then helps facilitate stress reduction. Participants in may have resulted in greater short-term rumination and an the positive-focus condition experienced significant reduc- increase in stress. Participants in Pizarro’s negative-focus tions in stress regardless of the type of artistic activity they drawing group experienced significant stress reduction, engaged in. Foster (1992) explained the lightened atmos- whereas in this study, the group of participants with a neg- phere of the retirement home as being a product of the ative focus experienced a slight, non-significant increase in “creative high” engendered by the collage making program stress. The reason for this discrepancy is unclear. To more he created for its elderly residents. The same theory could directly compare with Pizarro’s work, future research would account for the stress reduction experienced by participants need to incorporate a writing condition along with the CURL 169 other artistic media and cross all art conditions with cogni- Carnes, J. (1979). Toward a cognitive theory of art therapy. Art tive focus to further clarify this issue. Psychotherapy, 6(2), 69–75. Limitations and Suggestions for Collie, K., Backos, A., Malchiodi, C., & Spiegel, D. (2006). Art therapy for combat-related PTSD: Recommendations for Future Research research and practice. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art One limitation of this study was the lack of a long-term Therapy Association, 23(4), 157–164. follow up with participants to further assess changes in stress Foster, M. T. (1992). Experiencing a “creative high.” The Journal levels. As a result, the relationship between cognitive focus of Creative Behavior, 26(1), 29–38. and stress reduction is limited to stress as a temporary mood state. Given the brevity of the current study, neither can one Grodner, S., Braff, D., Janowsky, D., & Clopton, P. (1982). expect lasting changes to come about from a single exposure Efficacy of art/movement therapy in elevating mood. The Arts to art making. This could be remedied by instilling a longer in Psychotherapy, 9(3), 217–225. period of time for artistic creation in the research design. By assessing changes in stress levels over longer periods of time Katz, S. L. (1987). Photocollage as a therapeutic modality for or several sessions, the therapeutic benefits of art making on working with groups. Social Work with Groups, 10(4), 83–89. stress and anxiety could be examined as more enduring traits. As a next step, replication of the study with a popula- Landgarten, H. B. (1993). Magazine photo collage: A multicultural tion of clients being treated for an anxiety-related condition assessment and treatment technique.New York: Brunner/Mazel. such as trauma, chronic stress, or life-threatening illness Leviton, C. D., & Leviton, P. (2004). What is guided imagery? would help to address the limitation of a single encounter The cutting-edge process in mind/body medical procedures. with creative expression and more closely examine these Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 7(2), 22–31. results in the context of a therapeutic relationship. Another limitation of this study was the method of Malchiodi, C. (1995). Does a lack of art therapy research hold us assigning participants to each artistic condition. Although back? Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy random assignment is ideal from a research perspective, Association, 12(4), 218–219. giving the participants a choice about the particular artistic medium they would like to utilize could facilitate greater McConeghy, H. (2003). Art and soul.Putnam, CT: Spring. therapeutic benefits. For example, someone not inclined towards drawing may have had an increase in stress that Moon, B. L. (1994). 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The efficacy of art and writing therapy: ing the use of art making in the field. An empirically- Increasing positive mental health outcomes and participant based examination of the various forms of art therapy and retention after exposure to traumatic experience. Art Therapy: the mechanisms by which art therapy is effective will fur- Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 21(1), 5–12. ther the field of art therapy and further validate the use of art in psychotherapy. Riley, S. (1997). An art psychotherapy stress reduction group: For therapists dealing with a severely abused client population. The References Arts in Psychotherapy, 23(5), 407–415. American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual Spielberger, C. D., Sydeman, S. J., Owen, A. E., & Marsh, B. J. of the American Psychological Association(5th ed.). Washington (1999). 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