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ERIC EJ823801: Opioid Abstinence Reinforcement Delays Heroin Lapse during Buprenorphine Dose Tapering PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ823801: Opioid Abstinence Reinforcement Delays Heroin Lapse during Buprenorphine Dose Tapering

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2008, 41, 603–607 NUMBER4 (WINTER2008) OPIOID ABSTINENCE REINFORCEMENT DELAYS HEROIN LAPSE DURING BUPRENORPHINE DOSE TAPERING MARK K. GREENWALD WAYNESTATEUNIVERSITYSCHOOLOFMEDICINE A positive reinforcement contingency increased opioid abstinence during outpatient dose tapering (4, 2, then 0mg/day during Weeks 1 through 3) in non-treatment-seeking heroin- dependent volunteers who had been maintained on buprenorphine (8mg/day) during an inpatient research protocol. The control group (n 5 12) received $4.00 for completing assessmentsateachthrice-weeklyvisitduringdosetapering;10of12lapsedtoheroinuse1day after discharge. The abstinence reinforcement group (n 5 10) received $30.00 for each consecutiveopioid-free urinesample;thissignificantly delayedheroin lapse(median,15days). DESCRIPTORS: buprenorphine, contingency management, drug abstinence, heroin, positive reinforcement, relapse prevention _______________________________________________________________________________ Contingency management (CM) has repeat- Esch, 1997; Chutuape, Silverman, & Stitzer, edly demonstrated its ability to help initiate 1999; Hall, Bass, Hargreaves, & Loeb, 1979; abstinence from opioids or multiple drugs in Hartz et al., 1999;McCaul, Stitzer, Bigelow, & opioid-dependent individuals during substitu- Liebson, 1984). Two studies examined rein- tion pharmacotherapy (e.g., Jones, Haug, forcement of abstinence from opioids (rather Silverman, Stitzer, & Svikis, 2001; Petry & than multiple drugs, which is a more difficult Martin, 2002; Schottenfeld et al., 2005; Silver- goal) during dose tapering from methadone man et al., 1996, 2007). Removing or degrad- (McCauletal.)orbuprenorphine(Bickeletal.). ing these drug abstinence contingencies typical- Each study demonstrated that the experimental ly increases the rate of return to drug use (e.g., treatment was significantly more effective than Kosten, Poling, & Oliveto, 2003; Preston, the control treatment; however, both studies Umbricht, & Epstein, 2002). used multicomponent interventions. McCaul et Despite the ability to initiate abstinence al. used $10.00 and a take-home methadone using pharmacological and CM interventions, dose for each opioid-free urine specimen, relapse to drug use remains a challenge. Clients whereas opioid-positive specimens resulted in often resume drug use during or shortly after forfeiture of these incentives and increased termination of medication dose tapering. Stud- clinic requirements. Bickel et al. used voucher ies have investigated the efficacy of CM for reinforcement of opioid-free urine samples, preventing drug relapse in opioid-dependent adherence with therapeutic activities, and individuals (Bickel, Amass, Higgins, Badger, & community reinforcement. Thus, it is difficult to know whether efficacy of those interventions ThisresearchwassupportedbyNIH/NIDAGrantR01 was due specifically to the opioid-abstinence DA15462 and Joseph Young, Sr. funds from the state of contingency or to the other components. Michigan.IthankCarenSteinmiller,LarkCederlind,and Debra Kish for data collection and management and The present study aimed to determine DavidLedgerwoodforcommentsonanearlierversionof whether a single-component, simple positive thismanuscript. reinforcement contingency (flat-rate pay for AddresscorrespondencetoMarkGreenwald,Substance Abuse Research Division, Department of Psychiatry and each consecutive opioid-free urine sample) Behavioral Neurosciences, 2761 East Jefferson Ave., could delay lapse to opioid use relative to a Detroit, Michigan 48207 (e-mail: [email protected]. control group that was compensated for edu). doi:10.1901/jaba.2008.41-603 attendance and assessment procedures among 603 604 MARK K. GREENWALD non-treatment-seeking, heroin-dependent vol- outpatient program on the same schedule and unteers who underwent a 3-week buprenor- receivedtheidenticalbuprenorphinedosetaper. phine dose taper following short-term mainte- These volunteers differed only in that they nance and verified abstinence on an inpatient could earn a $30.00 payment (paid at each visit unit. bycheck)foreachconsecutiveopioid-freeurine specimen. The first payment was made on the morning of discharge from the inpatient unit, METHOD which was designed to ensure that each Volunteers in the control group (n 5 12) volunteer sampled the reinforcer (even though completed an inpatient research protocol in- there was no opportunity to lapse to drug use volving choices between hydromorphone and prior to discharge). Volunteers were clearly told money while they were maintained on bupre- (first during the informed consent process and norphine 8 mg/day for several weeks (Green- then with subsequent reminders prior to wald & Hursh, 2006). Volunteers submitted discharge) that once their first opioid-positive regular urine specimens and were monitored by urine sample was submitted, they would be research staff throughout their inpatient stay. unabletoearnfurthercompensationforopioid- Once the urine drug test confirmed that the free urine specimens. This contingency was experimental drug from the final session introduced as part of a larger programmatic (Friday) had cleared (Monday), participants research plan to increase between-subject vari- were discharged from the unit and visited the ability in time to lapse, so as to examine outpatient program six times weekly (Monday relations between biobehavioral measures of to Saturday) for 3 weeks during a standardized impulsivity and return to drug use. buprenorphine dose-tapering procedure under Urine specimens were collected and imme- double-blindconditions.Thetaperingconsisted diately tested on-site during the inpatient stay of 4 mg/day during Week 1 (two small active (prior to discharge) and at each outpatient tablets on Monday to Saturday), 2 mg/day buprenorphine dose-tapering visit for opioids, during Week 2 (one small active tablet and one methadone, cocaine, and benzodiazepines (all small placebo tablet on Monday to Saturday), positive cutoff values 5 300 ng/ml), barbitu- and 0 mg/day (two small placebo tablets on rates (cutoff 5 200 ng/ml), and cannabinoids Monday to Friday). These volunteers earned (cutoff550 ng/ml),usingamultitestcupwith $4.00 (paid at each visit by check, which could built-in temperature strip to minimize tamper- be cashed nearby) for completing symptom ing and thus assure validity of the sample. questionnaires (data not reported here) and The primary outcome measure was time to providing urine specimens regardless of the test opioidlapseratherthanrelapseforthreereasons: outcome. (a) Participants were not seeking treatment and The experimental group (n 5 10) was an wereexpectedtoshowaminimaldelaybetween independent sample that completed a similar return to first use (lapse) and regular use inpatient study that also involved choices (relapse);(b)apositiveurinetestmightproduce betweenhydromorphoneandmoneywhilethey acarryoverpositiveresultatthenextclinicvisit, were maintained on buprenorphine 8 mg/day leading to nonindependent observations; and for several weeks (Greenwald & Steinmiller, (c) censoring each participant’s data at the first manuscript under review). Like the control opioid-positivesampleavoidsinterpretiveprob- group, they were not discharged from the lems related to attrition (i.e., nontreatment inpatient unit until the experimental drug seekers would be expected to drop out once the cleared from the urine, and they visited the opportunitytoearnthereinforcerwasnolonger ABSTINENCE REINFORCEMENT DELAYS LAPSE 605 available). Furthermore, a flat-rate payment rather than an escalating pay schedule was used for two reasons: (a) It is simpler, and (b) participantsmightnotperceiveitworthwhileor feasible to reinitiate abstinence from a lapse during the relatively brief dose-taper period because it would be necessary to reset the reinforcer amount to a smaller value. TimetolapsewasanalyzedusingtheKaplan- Meier survival curve module within GraphPad Prism Version 4. The unit of analysis was each participant’s time (days) until submitting an opioid-positive urine specimen following dis- charge from the inpatient unit, with a possible range from 1 to 20 days (i.e., the duration of the outpatient buprenorphine dose-taper peri- od). The analysis program automatically con- verted the entered data for each group into the proportion surviving (remaining abstinent) at each post-discharge day and statistically com- pared the two curves using a log-rank test (evaluated with a x2 distribution and hazard ratio).Theone-tailedrejectionregionwassetat p , .05. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier survival curves in the top The control group (n 5 12) and experimen- panelshowsignificantlylongertimetoopioidlapseinthe tal group (n 5 10) did not significantly differ experimentalgroup($30.00paymentforeachconsecutive (allpvalues..10)ingenderdistribution(75% opioid-negativeurinesample)relativetothecontrolgroup ($4.00 payment for urine samples and questionnaire vs. 80% male), percentage of subjects currently assessments) during a buprenorphine detoxification pro- injecting heroin as the primary route of use tocol.Bycontrast,thesurvivalcurvesinthebottompanel (58% vs. 60%), mean age (45.6 vs. 42.8 years), showthattheopioidabstinencereinforcementcontingen- level of education (12.8 vs. 11.6 years), lifetime cy didnotsignificantly delay timetococaine lapse. duration of regular heroin use (19.6 vs. 19.8 years), or current number of $10.00 bags of inpatientdischargefor10of12participantsand heroin used daily (3.9 vs. 3.0). on Days 2 and 9 postdischarge for the other 2 Figure 1 (top) illustrates that the $30.00 participants who received payment only for opioid abstinence contingency markedly de- completing the assessments regardless of urinal- layed time to opioid lapse in the experimental ysis outcome. Bycontrast, median survivaltime grouprelativetothecontrolgroup.Thesurvival for the experimental group was 15 days (range, curves indicate the rate at which these non- 1to20days).Thisapparentgroupdifferencein treatment-seeking volunteers remained absti- timetolapsewasconfirmedbyasignificantlog- nent from heroin over time. Median survival rank test,x2(1)516.48,p, .001.The hazard time for the control group was only 1 day, ratio was 3.47 (95% confidence interval, 4.45 reflecting rapid lapse to heroin the day after to 72.10). 606 MARK K. GREENWALD Figure 1 (bottom) illustrates that the opioid limitation of the study is that participants were abstinence contingency did not significantly not assigned randomly to groups. However, the delay cocaine lapse (median survival, 5 days) same well-trained research staff worked with all relativetothecontrolgroup(mediansurvival,1 volunteers, and the sociodemographic and drug day), log-rank test, x2(1) 5 0.70, p 5 .40. use characteristics of the two groups did not Thus, the effect of the experimental contingen- statistically differ, suggesting that the findings cy was behaviorally specific to opioid use but would have been similar had the participants not to cocaine use. been assigned randomly to the groups. All participants in both groups, who repeat- To the author’s knowledge, this study shows edly denied during the screening process that for the first time (a) the efficacy of an isolated theywereseekingtreatmentfortheirdrugabuse opioid abstinence positive reinforcement contin- and wished to enroll in the research, can be gency(i.e.,nopunishmentcontingenciesorother considered treatment resistant at the time they therapeutic interventions) for reducing opioid volunteered. These participants also provided lapse, and (b) the application of CM to non- detailed economic information about past 30- treatment-seeking, heroin-dependent individuals day income and heroin purchasing and use duringbuprenorphinedosereduction.Thisnovel prior to these studies and reported purchasing finding parallels previous reports that patients heroin about twice daily (averaging about two who are undergoing dose tapering from bupre- $10.00 bags at a time), consuming about norphine (Bickel et al., 1997) and methadone $40.00 per day of heroin, and that their (Hartz et al., 1999; McCaul et al., 1984) can expenditure on heroin constituted 72% of their benefit from CM interventions. These findings total income (Roddy & Greenwald, in press). areencouragingfordemonstratingthepotencyof Given this daily investment of time and CM with a drug-dependent population that is resources in procuring and using heroin, it is not presently motivated for treatment and thus hardly surprising that the control group offer a conservative test; it is predicted that promptly lapsed to heroin use once they treatment-seeking individuals might be more completed their inpatient experimental partic- receptive to this type of intervention. Work is ipation and brief period of enforced abstinence. underway to describe individual differences in Whatissurprising isthatthe$30.00abstinence sensitivity to this reinforcement contingency. contingency (administered every other day, given the typical Monday, Wednesday, Friday REFERENCES outpatient visit schedule) could override these Bickel, W. K., Amass, L., Higgins, S. T., Badger, G. J., & individuals’ chronic propensity to use heroin at Esch,R.A.(1997).Effectsofaddingbehavioraltreatment a high daily level. The potency of this single to opioid detoxification with buprenorphine. Journal of intervention is notable, given that the total ConsultingandClinicalPsychology,65,803–810. Chutuape, M. A., Silverman, K., & Stitzer, M. (1999). weekly opioid abstinence-contingent payment Contingentreinforcementsustainspost-detoxification amount ($90.00) was less than half the usual abstinence from multiple drugs: A preliminary study weekly amount expended on heroin ($210.00) with methadone patients. Drug and Alcohol Depen- bythesetreatment-resistantindividuals.Wheth- dence,54,69–81. Greenwald, M. K., & Hursh, S. R. (2006). Behavioral er treatment-motivated individuals might be economic analysis of opioid consumption in heroin- more sensitive to this same contingency, or dependentindividuals:Effectsofunitpriceandpre-session whether a lower magnitude reinforcer (either drugsupply.DrugandAlcoholDependence,85,35–48. Hall, S. M., Bass, A., Hargreaves, W. A., & Loeb, P. flat rate or escalating in value) would produce (1979). Contingency management and information similar results is a limitation of this study, but feedbackinoutpatientheroindetoxification.Behavior could well be a topic of future inquiry. Another Therapy,10,443–451. ABSTINENCE REINFORCEMENT DELAYS LAPSE 607 Hartz,D.T.,Meek,P.,Piotrowski,N.A.,Tusel,D.J.,Henke, Roddy, J., & Greenwald, M. K. (in press). An economic C.J.,Delucchi,K.,etal.(1999).Acost-effectivenessand analysis of income and expenditures by heroin cost-benefitanalysisofcontingencycontracting-enhanced abusingresearchvolunteers.SubstanceUseandMisuse. methadonedetoxificationtreatment.AmericanJournalof Schottenfeld, R. S., Chawarski, M. C., Pakes, J. R., DrugandAlcoholAbuse,25,207–218. Pantalon, M. V., Carroll, K. M., & Kosten, T. R. Jones, H. E., Haug, N., Silverman, K., Stitzer, M., & (2005). Methadone versus buprenorphine with con- Svikis, D. (2001). The effectiveness of incentives in tingency management or performance feedback for enhancing treatment attendance and drug abstinence cocaine and opioid dependence. American Journal of in methadone-maintained pregnant women. Drug Psychiatry,162, 340–349. andAlcohol Dependence, 61,297–306. Silverman,K.,Higgins,S.T.,Brooner,R.K.,Montoya,I. Kosten, T., Poling, J., & Oliveto, A. (2003). Effects of D.,Cone,E.J.,&Schuster,C.R.(1996).Sustained reducing contingency management values on heroin cocaine abstinence in methadone maintenance pa- andcocaineuseforbuprenorphine-anddesipramine- tients through voucher-based reinforcement therapy. treated patients. Addiction,98,665–671. Archives of GeneralPsychiatry, 53,409–415. McCaul,M.,Stitzer,M.L.,Bigelow,G.E.,&Liebson,I.A. Silverman, K., Wong, C. J., Needham, M., Diemer, K. (1984).Contingencymanagementinterventions:Effects N., Knealing, T., Crone-Todd, D., et al. (2007). A ontreatmentoutcomeduringmethadonedetoxification. randomizedtrialofemployment-basedreinforcement JournalofAppliedBehaviorAnalysis,17,35–43. ofcocaine abstinence ininjectiondrug users.Journal Petry,N.M.,&Martin,B.(2002).Low-costcontingency of AppliedBehaviorAnalysis,40,387–410. managementfortreatingcocaine-andopioid-abusing methadonepatients.JournalofConsultingandClinical Psychology,70, 398–405. Preston, K. L., Umbricht, A., & Epstein, D. H. (2002). Abstinence reinforcement maintenance contingency Received July16, 2007 and one-year follow-up. Drug and Alcohol Depen- Final acceptanceJanuary 25, 2008 dence,67, 125–137. Action Editor,Kenneth Silverman

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