JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2008, 41, 273–277 NUMBER2 (SUMMER2008) INCREASING ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE AND ENGAGEMENT IN INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA USING DESCRIPTIVE PROMPTS SHASTA BRENSKE, ERIC H. RUDRUD, KIMBERLY A. SCHULZE, AND JOHN T. RAPP ST.CLOUDSTATEUNIVERSITY Theeffectsofprovidingdescriptivepromptstoincreaseactivityattendanceandengagementin6 individuals with dementia were evaluated using a reversal design. The results showed that providingdescriptivepromptsincreasedactivityattendanceandengagementforallparticipants. The results support the use of antecedent interventions for increasing appropriate behavior by individuals withdementia. DESCRIPTORS: attendance,dementia,descriptiveprompts,engagement,stimuluscontrol _______________________________________________________________________________ Friman (2006) recently noted that the resided innursinghomes. Kuhnetal.suggested Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis contained thatnursing homeresidentswithdementiamay onlyahandfulofstudiesongeriatricissuessuch be at a higher risk for understimulation because as interventions for individuals who suffer from theylacktheinitiativetobeginorsustainleisure dementia. Because the National Center for activities. From an operant perspective, low Health Statistics reported that approximately activityengagementbyindividualswithdemen- 40% of individuals who were admitted to tiamaybetheresultofweakstimuluscontrolof nursing homes had a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s activities. Specifically, as a function of neuro- disease or other disorders characterized by logical changes, some stimuli, such as verbal dementia (Jones, 2002), additional studies on instructions or the sight of activities, may no this topic are clearly warranted. longer evoke appropriate behavior even though Common problem behaviors exhibited by reinforcementforsuchbehaviorisstillavailable. nursing home residents who have been diag- Engelman,Altus,andMathews(1999)found nosed with dementia and related disorders that prompts, contingent praise, and opportu- include physical aggression, wandering, han- nities to choose increased the daily living dling objects inappropriately, repetitive vocaliz- activities of several individuals with dementia. ing, cursing, and screaming (Cohen-Mansfield, However, it is possible that prompts alone may 2001; McCarthy, Blow, & Kales, 2004). Ice have increased participants’ engagement in (2002) observed 27 nursing home residents for appropriate activities. The purpose of the 13 hr per day and found that as a group they current study was to extend the results of spent 65% of their time doing ‘‘little or Engelman et al. by evaluating the effects of an nothing’’ and only 12% of their time engaged antecedent intervention that involved descrip- insocialactivities.Similarly,Kuhn,Fulton,and tive prompts for increasing activity engagement Edelman (2004) and Shore, Lerman, Smith, by individuals with dementia. Iwata, and DeLeon (1995) found low activity levels among individuals with dementia who METHOD This study was completed in partial fulfillment of a Participants, Setting, and Materials MastersdegreeinBehaviorAnalysisbythefirstauthorat Six individuals (5 men and 1 woman) SaintCloud StateUniversity,St. Cloud, Minnesota. Address correspondence to John T. Rapp, Educational ranging from 57 to 87 years of age who had Leadership and Community Psychology, St. Cloud State been diagnosed with dementia participated in University, 720 Fourth Avenue S, St. Cloud, Minnesota this study. Three ambulated independently, 2 56301(e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2008.41-273 ambulated with the assistance of a wheelchair, 273 274 SHASTA BRENSKE et al. and 1 required complete staff assistance for interval. Each participant was observed for mobility. The study took place in a 403-bed approximately 3 s. If a participant was not nursing care facility. Observations were con- present, it generally took 1 s to identify the ducted in a room that contained five tables and absence and 1 s to record it. Subsequently, the approximately five chairs. observer waited an additional second and then The targeted activities included engagement observed the next person in a predetermined with playing cards, an art kit, drawing paper, sequence. The mean percentage of intervals in bridge,puzzles,crosswords,beanbagtoss,aball which individuals were present was calculated to play catch, table air hockey, mini handheld basedonthenumberofparticipantsinthestudy games, battery operated blackjack, Connect who were present within the facility. The Four, mental mind teasers, magazines, and a percentage of intervals in which participants bookwithclassicmoviepictures.Activitieswere were physically present in the activity room was chosenbasedonabriefpreferencequestionnaire calculated by totaling the numbers of intervals that had been completed for each participant present,dividingbythetotalnumberofintervals prior to the implementation of baseline. The (40), and then multiplying by 100%. The questionnaireconsistedofalistof22itemsthat percentage of intervals in which participants were identified verbally by each participant as were engaged was calculated by totaling the either preferred or nonpreferred. The items numberofintervalsengagedanddividingbythe chosenforthepreference assessmentwerebased number of intervals scored as present and then on recommendations from the recreation ther- multiplying by 100%. For both dependent apist and item availability. measures,interobserveragreementwascalculated by dividing the total number of agreements by Target Behavior and Interobserver Agreement the total number of agreements plus disagree- For each participant, the dependent variables ments and multiplying by 100%. Interobserver were presence and engagement. Presence was agreement was assessed for 27% of baseline and scored when a participant was in the designated 42% of treatment conditions; scores were 97% activity room and standing or sitting within or higher across conditions for each participant. 1 m of any activity. Engagement was defined as any of the following: talking with another Experimental Design and Procedure personin the room,manipulation of an activity A reversal (ABAB) design was used to item (e.g., holding a pen to write, lifting a bean evaluate the effects of descriptive prompts on bag to throw) or waiting for a turn in a game participants’ presence in the activity room and with another person. For a participant to be the effects of low-frequency prompts on considered waiting for a turn, that participant engagement with activities. Observations took had to be (a) within 1 m of another individual place on weekdays from approximately 4:00 and an activity, (b) visually oriented toward the p.m. to 5:00 p.m. During baseline, activities activity, and (c) speaking with another partic- were arranged in the designated activity room. ipant who was either currently or was recently The same activities were available across all engaged in the activity during the previous sessions. Each participant was asked if he or she interval. Engagement was scored only if an knew the location of the room and was then individualalsowaspresentintheactivityroom. given a general prompt to attend the activity Presence and engagement were measured room (e.g., ‘‘there are activities in the room by concurrently, using 1-min momentary time the elevators’’). Assistance was offered to sampling (with paper and pencil) during 40- individuals who could not ambulate indepen- min sessions. Vibrating pagers prompted the dently. Individuals were not awakened if they observerstocollectdataatthebeginningofeach were sleeping during the activity period. Each INCREASING ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE 275 participant missed two or more scheduled engaged with activities. During the initial sessions across phases (M 5 4; range, 2 to 7) baseline, presence (M 5 17%) was low and because he or she was either sleeping or absent activityengagement(M578%)wasdecreasing fromthefacilitygrounds.Foreachsession,data across sessions. Following the introduction of collection began 2 min after the last participant descriptive prompts, presence (M 5 75%) and was given the general prompt. The available engagement (M 5 92%) increased. The activities were described to participants after removal of descriptive prompts decreased both they entered the room. Participants were presence (M 5 17%) and engagement (M 5 informed that they could leave the activity 44%) to prior baseline levels. Finally, the room at any time, and no subsequent prompts reintroduction of descriptive prompts again were provided. If a participant inquired about increased both presence (M 5 69%) and an activity, he or she was told, ‘‘You should do engagement (M 5 79%). (The results for that on your own.’’ individual participants are available from the During the descriptive prompts condition, fourth author.) sessions werethe same asin baselineexcept that The results of the current study suggest that if the general prompt did not evoke a descriptive prompts increased the number of commitment to attend (e.g., the participant individuals in areas furnished with activities and saying, ‘‘yes, I am coming’’), a descriptive the amount of time each engaged with those prompt was delivered. A descriptive prompt activities. Although praise was delivered during involvedaspecificdescriptionofoneormoreof each session (once to each participant) contin- the available activities that was known to be of gent on activity engagement, it is unlikely that interest to the individual based on either the suchathinscheduleofreinforcementsupported preference questionnaire or engagement in an eachparticipant’sactivityengagement.Instead,it activity during a previous session (e.g., an ismoreprobablethatdescriptivepromptsevoked experimenter saying, ‘‘Are you sure you won’t behaviorthatultimatelycontactednaturalsourc- go? There will be crossword puzzles.’’). Indi- es of reinforcement generated by engagement viduals who were dependent on staff assistance with the activities, engagement with other for mobilization were assisted to the activity individuals, or both. Alternatively, it is possible room only after they verbally committed to that descriptive prompts functioned as an attend.Theseprocedureswererepeatedlaterfor establishing operation for stimulation produced any participant who was not present at the by the specified activity. For example, hearing a midpoint of each session. After entering the staff person say ‘‘there are crossword puzzles’’ activity room, if a participant did not chose an may have established crossword puzzles as a activity within 2 min, staff modeled engage- reinforcer and thereby evoked behavior that ment in a specific activity and then provided a historicallyproducedaccesstocrosswordpuzzles verbal prompt for the individual to engage in (i.e., walking to the room by the elevators). that activity. Staff provided one brief (10 to Regardless of the mechanismresponsible for the 15 s) statement of praise (e.g., ‘‘You are really behavior change observed in this study, the good at that game!’’) to each participant resultsextendthoseofEngelmanetal.(1999)by contingent on engagement during each descrip- showing that providing descriptive prompts, tive prompt session. with limited programmed reinforcement, in- creasedthepresenceofindividualsintheactivity RESULTS AND DISCUSSION room and engagement with activities. Figure 1 shows the percentage of intervals Some limitations to this study should also be during which the participants were present and noted.First,priortotheintervention,veryfewof 276 SHASTA BRENSKE et al. Figure 1. The percentage of intervals during which participants were present (top) and engaged in an activity (bottom)across phases. INCREASING ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE 277 theparticipantsenteredtheactivityarea.Thus,it Engelman,K.K.,Altus,D.E.,&Mathews,R.M.(1999). Increasing engagement in daily activities by older is possible that participants’ engagement with adults with dementia. Journal of Applied Behavior activitieswouldhaveincreasediftheintervention Analysis,32,107–110. had simply increased participants’ attendance to Friman, P. C. (2006). Trends in research. Association for theactivityarea.Second,dataontheoccurrence Behavior AnalysisInternational Newsletter,29, 4–5. Ice, G. H. (2002). Daily life in a nursing home: Has it of appropriate social interactions (i.e., talking changed in 25years? Journal of Aging Studies, 16, with other participants) during the activity 345–359. sessions were not collected. Third, follow-up Jones, A. (2002). The national nursing home survey: 1999 summary. Vital Health Statistics Series 13, 152, datawerenotcollectedtoevaluatethecontinued 1–116. useofdescriptivepromptsbystafforthetransfer Kuhn, D., Fulton, B. F., & Edelman, P. (2004). Factors ofstimuluscontroltoageneralprompt.Finally, influencingparticipationinactivitiesindementiacare although descriptive prompts increased engage- settings. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly,5,144–152. McCarthy, J. F., Blow, F. C., & Kales, H. C. (2004). mentduringthecourseofthisinvestigation,itis Disruptivebehaviorsinveterans’affairsnursinghome possible that the evocative effects of those residents: How different are residents with serious prompts may have diminished across time if mental illness? Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 52,2031–2038. the participants’ dementia worsened. Shore,B.A.,Lerman,D.C.,Smith,R.G.,Iwata,B.A.,& DeLeon,I.G.(1995).Directassessmentofqualityof care in a geriatric nursing home. Journal of Applied REFERENCES Behavior Analysis,28,435–448. Cohen-Mansfield, J. (2001). Nonpharmacological inter- ventions for inappropriate behavior in dementia: A Received February 7,2007 review, summary, and critique. American Journal of Final acceptanceJune 26,2007 GeriaticPsychiatry,9,361–381. Action Editor,Henry Roane