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Preview ERIC EJ792812: Reducing Parental Demand for Antibiotics by Promoting Communication Skills

Reducing Parental Demand for Antibiotics by Promoting Communication Skills Stephen C. Alder, Eric P. Trunnell, George L. White, Jr., Joseph L. Lyon, James P. Reading, Matthew H. Samore and Michael K. Magill ABSTRACT Antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria are continuing to emerge as high rates of antibiotic use persist. Children are among the highest users of antibiotics, with parents influencing physician decision-making regarding antibiotic prescription. An intervention based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) to reduce parents’ expectations for antibiot- ics in favor of communication with the physician was tested. A randomized factorial design study was conducted testing a communication skills intervention against an information-based intervention, a combined intervention and a control condition. Parents receiving the communication skills intervention reported higher efficacy to com- municate with the physician (p = 0.021). Interaction between the communication skills and information interven- tions was observed for specific treatment expectations prior to the visit (p = 0.049). The communication skills intervention was protective against antibiotic prescribing (p = 0.042). Satisfaction was positively associated with parents’ efficacy to communicate (p = 0.002) and when an antibiotic was not prescribed (p = 0.005). Interventions using information to reduce antibiotic use may be based on the false assumption that such ap- proaches are sufficient for motivating appropriate health practices. Using demonstrated behavior change approaches to promote communication behaviors by parents might result in the dual benefits of reducing unwarranted antibi- otic use and improving satisfaction with the clinic visit. INTRODUCTION The link between emerging antibiotic Stephen C. Alder, PhD, is with the Department Department of Family and Preventive Medi- resistance and the overuse of antibiotics is of Family and Preventive Medicine, University cine, 375 Chipeta Way, Suite A, Salt Lake City, well documented.1 High rates of antibiotic of Utah, 375 Chipeta Way, Suite A, Salt Lake UT 84108. James P. Reading, PhD, is with the use persist, with antibiotic resistance con- City, Utah 84108; E-mail: salder@dfpm. Department of Family and Preventive Medi- tinuing to emerge.2 Overprescribing of an- utah.edu. Eric P. Trunnell, PhD, is with Health cine, 375 Chipeta Way, Suite A, Salt Lake City, tibiotics occurs most frequently in chil- Promotion and Education, HPER North, 250 UT 84108. Matthew H. Samore, MD, is with dren.3 Patient expectations regarding S 1850 East Room 200, Salt Lake City, UT the Division of Clinical Epidemiology, School antibiotics have been associated with in- 84108. George L. White, Jr., PhD, is with the of Medicine, 30 N 1900 E RM AC226. Michael creased likelihood of antibiotics being pre- Department of Family and Preventive Medi- K. Magill, MD, is with the Department of Fam- scribed.4,5 Further, when children are the cine, 375 Chipeta Way, Suite A, Salt Lake City, ily and Preventive Medicine, 375 Chipeta Way, patients, the parents’ expectations influence UT 84108. Joseph L. Lyon, MD, is with the Suite A, Salt Lake City, UT 84108. 132 American Journal of Health Education — May/June 2005, Volume 36, No. 3 Stephen C. Alder, Eric P. Trunnell, George L. White, Jr., Joseph L. Lyon, James P. Reading, Matthew H. Samore and Michael K. Magill the children’s treatment. When physicians their behaviors may be viewed as a func- to change parents’ expectations for antibi- perceive a parental expectation that an tion of the subjective probability that their otics, linked with antibiotic-seeking behav- antibiotic is needed for their child with a actions will successfully lead to the desired ior, to expectations for information that will cough, they are more likely to prescribe outcome of resolution of the child’s illness help them best address their children’s ill- an antibiotic with an associated diagnosis and the subjective value they place on the nesses, linked with effective communication of bronchitis.6 importance of this outcome.14 Further, as practices. We tested two main hypotheses: Parents often lack understanding regard- indicated by Self-efficacy, a parent’s belief— that participation in the intervention will ing the appropriate use of antimicrobial or efficacy—in his or her ability to perform 1) improve parents’ self-reported ability to therapy for upper respiratory infections.7 a behavior is predictive of engaging and per- communicate with their child’s medical Interventions ameliorating parents’ expec- severing in that behavior. provider and 2) lead to a reduction in par- tations for antibiotics may lead to a reduc- Using these behavioral principles to ents’ expectations for a specific treatment tion in unwarranted antibiotic use. General guide interventions to promote parental for their child resulting from the clinic visit. recommendations for reducing parental communication as the means of acquiring Differences regarding antibiotic use and demand for antibiotics include educating the needed medical care for achieving ill- receipt of an antibiotic prescription by parents regarding the appropriate use of ness resolution for an ill child can reduce study group are explored. A secondary fo- antibiotics and providing them with parental expectation for antibiotics.12,15,16,17 cus of this study regards parents’ satisfac- guidelines to more successfully communi- Satisfaction with the clinic visit has been tion with the clinic visit. To address this fo- cate with their children’s physicians.8 Suc- found to be associated with parents’ ability cus we also tested the hypotheses that cessful communication includes helping to communicate with their child’s physician improvement in parents’ belief in their abil- parents feel that they can successfully man- rather than whether an antibiotic is pre- ity to communicate with their children’s age their child’s symptoms (i.e., fever, scribed.18 Enhancing communication be- medical providers will lead to improved sat- cough, pain, etc.). tween parents and physicians may jointly isfaction with the clinic visit and that re- Health behavior-change models have reduce unwarranted antibiotic prescribing ceipt of an antibiotic is not associated with had limited use in the provision of primary and increase satisfaction with the clinic visit. higher satisfaction. care.9 Typical efforts for addressing health The notion of promoting patient com- METHODS behavior change in primary care settings munication is not new. Past studies have have been limited to approaches that are looked specifically at promoting patient Subjects based on providing information. The un- question asking,19 expanding patients’ in- Two suburban primary care clinics with derlying assumption behind these informa- volvement in their medical care,20 and the multiple providers in the Salt Lake City, tion-based approaches is that the recipient link between physician-patient interactions Utah metropolitan area served as study sites. will fully understand the information pre- and chronic disease outcomes.21 Results of A trained researcher was present at the clin- sented, synthesize it and appropriately these studies have been generally favorable ics during a series of scheduled time blocks relate it to his or her situation and, finally, in regards to health outcomes and patients’ from August to December 2000. During align their behaviors. Instead, interventions assessment of the medical visit, yet no stud- these times, clinic intake staff invited par- in primary care settings need to go beyond ies have specifically addressed the issue of ents of eligible patients to participate in the the typical information-based approach by antibiotic treatment expectations. study. Parents were invited to participate if utilizing proven health behavior-change We conducted a study to test a parent- their child was aged 1 to 10, presenting with theories to direct health promotional efforts.10 focused intervention based on Expectancy- complaints of ear pain, sore throat, cough, Social Cognitive Theory (SCT),11 includ- valence and Self-efficacy theories. The main congestion and/or fever, and had not re- ing Expectancy-valence12 and Self-efficacy,13 intent of the tested intervention was to pro- ceived antibiotic therapy during the previ- provides a useful theoretical framework for mote more effective interaction between ous two weeks. addressing parental expectations of antibi- parents and physicians as a means of reduc- Eighty parents were enrolled and ran- otics. In detail, components of Expectancy- ing unwarranted antibiotic prescribing. domized to one of four intervention con- valence emphasize the role of outcome ex- Specifically, the communication interven- ditions, including 1) the intervention to pectancies in changing behaviors. tion is designed to 1) promote communi- promote parental ability to communicate Predicting that the likelihood of an indi- cation by the parent with the physician as with the medical provider (or communica- vidual engaging in a specific behavior is the way to determine the best means of re- tion intervention), 2) an information-based based on both the expectation that the solving the child’s illness and 2) promote antibiotic education intervention (or infor- outcome will be achieved and the impor- the parent’s efficacy to effectively engage in mation-only intervention), 3) a combination tance, or valence, placed on the outcome. a communicative dialogue with his or her of the communication promotion and an- For parents seeking care for an ill child, child’s physician. Thus, the ultimate goal is tibiotic education interventions (or com- American Journal of Health Education — May/June 2005, Volume 36, No. 3 133 Stephen C. Alder, Eric P. Trunnell, George L. White, Jr., Joseph L. Lyon, James P. Reading, Matthew H. Samore and Michael K. Magill ceived educational information about an- Figure 1. Talk to Your Doctor About Your Child’s Illness tibiotics, antibiotic resistance, and the link between misusing antibiotics and the Questions recommended for parents when meeting with child’s physician: emergence of antibiotic resistance. Included in this intervention were the pamphlet 1. What is causing my child’s illness? Antibiotics and Your Child, published by 2. When should I expect my child to feel better? the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- 3. When should I call your office back if my child is not feeling better? tion (available at: http://www.cdc.gov/ 4. What can I do to help my child feel better at home? drugresistance/ community//tools.htm),22 and a fact sheet about antibiotics use and anti- bined intervention) and 4) a control condi- on the role of the physician. The researcher biotic resistance adapted from information tion based on nutrition for children then modeled asking the recommended obtained from the Use Antibiotics Wisely (or control). questions to provide a vicarious experience campaign. These materials include educa- Interventions Used with Patients for the parent. Roles were then switched, tional information for the following topics: with the researcher playing the part of the Communication Intervention bacteria and viruses, resistant bacteria, how physician and the parent taking on his or Parents who were enrolled in the com- bacteria become resistant, when antibiot- her own role creating an enactive mastery munication intervention were asked to re- ics are and are not needed, and following view four questions to be answered during experience. Following this interaction, the recommended instructions if an antibiotic the clinic visit (Figure 1). These questions researcher provided specific feedback to the is prescribed. were adapted from the Talk to Your Doctor parent regarding positive and negative as- The researcher introduced the topic of approach used in the Use Antibiotics Wisely pects of the interaction as a means of ver- antibiotic resistance and explained to the campaign conducted by the Maryland De- bal persuasion. parent the increasing seriousness of the partment of Health and Mental Hygiene, Parents were then asked to describe phy- problem. The pamphlet and antibiotic Johns Hopkins University School of Hy- sician characteristics that they perceived fact sheet were reviewed in detail. Empha- giene and Public Health, and the Centers may make it difficult for them to ask the sis was place on the judicious use of antibi- for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). recommended questions. Top responses otics, with parents encouraged to apply this These questions were designed to enable included physicians who were hurried information to their child’s current illness. and those that did all the talking without parents to obtain information about their Combined Intervention. child’s illness during the clinic visit. Based allowing the parent to influence the inter- To assess potential interaction between on Expectancy-valence, the researcher action. Two to three additional role-play- the communication and information-only stated that the purpose for a clinic visit with ing exercises were conducted with the interventions, a combined intervention was the physician was to obtain the necessary researcher acting the part of the physician included in this study. This intervention information to address the child’s illness. with the difficult characteristics reported initially followed the protocol of the infor- Parents were also asked to write any addi- by the parents. Following each role-play mation-only intervention and then, once tional questions they had for their child’s exercise, specific feedback was given to the parent had been encouraged to use an- provider during the clinic visit. the parent regarding his or her performance tibiotics for his or her child only when nec- The next step in the intervention was to in successfully asking the questions and essary, the researcher transitioned to the promote parents’ efficacy to be assertive in persisting until the answers were satisfac- communication intervention. Due to the asking and receiving answers to the recom- torily provided. increased length of time needed to admin- mended questions. Bandura15 identifies four The final step for the intervention was ister both interventions, the role-playing principle sources from which self-efficacy to address the physiological and affective exercises were reduced when necessary. beliefs are constructed, including: vicarious state of the parent. A simple breathing tech- Control: Nutrition for experience (modeling), enactive mastery ex- nique of concentrating on three successive, Children Intervention. perience (role playing), verbal persuasion normal breaths was introduced to the par- A control condition unrelated to antibi- (verbal feedback from significant others), ent. The researcher practiced this technique otic use or parent-physician communica- and physiological and affective states (emo- with the parents and directed them to use tion was included. Child nutrition was the tional arousal). A short series of role-play- this exercise when the physician entered the focus of this intervention, which utilized ing exercises was used to provide vicarious examination room. materials from the Food and Drug Admin- and enactive mastery experiences. This ac- Information-only Intervention istration entitled TIPS for Using the FOOD tivity began with the researcher taking on Parents randomized to the antibiotic GUIDE PYRAMID for Young Children 2 to the role of a parent and the parent taking information-based intervention group re- 6 Years Old. Nutritional guidelines and ideas 134 American Journal of Health Education — May/June 2005, Volume 36, No. 3 Stephen C. Alder, Eric P. Trunnell, George L. White, Jr., Joseph L. Lyon, James P. Reading, Matthew H. Samore and Michael K. Magill for achieving these guidelines provided in this questionnaire were altered to refer to a received the communication intervention, the materials were discussed. parent’s satisfaction with his or her child’s either alone or in conjunction with the an- Instrument care (e.g., ‘Those who provide my child’s tibiotic information intervention, reported Study interventions were designed to be medical care sometimes hurry too much a significantly higher sense of efficacy to fewer than seven minutes in length. Ques- when they treat my child’ rather than ‘Those communicate with their child’s provider tionnaires were administered to participat- who provide my medical care sometimes (p=0.021) than those that did not receive ing parents before receiving the interven- hurry too much when they treat me’). The this intervention. The antibiotic informa- tion, following the intervention but prior following subscales were included in the tion intervention did not demonstrate im- to seeing the physician, and after the clinic analysis: General Satisfaction, Technical provement in parents’ communication ef- visit was concluded. Study questionnaires Quality, Interpersonal Manner, Communica- ficacy (p = 0.337). There was no interactive tion and Time Spent With Doctor. Internal were pre-tested with parents who had chil- effect between the communication inter- consistency of these scales ranged from 0.61 dren of ages similar to those included in the vention and the antibiotic information in- to 0.86. study sample. tervention (p = 0.615). In the baseline and post-intervention Data Analysis Expectation for Treatment questionnaires, parents were asked to rate Data were entered into Microsoft Access Significant main effects for reduction in their level of expectation for a specific 2000 and imported into SPSS 9.0 for Win- parents’ general expectation of treatment therapy when visiting the physician. Re- dows for analysis. Descriptive statistics were for their child were not observed for either sponse options ranged from almost always used to describe the study participants. the communication or antibiotic informa- (1) to rarely (7). Differences between Demographic variables were compared tion interventions alone (Table 3). However, baseline and post-intervention responses among the four treatment conditions to a significant interaction effect was present were calculated and used as an indicator of identify where statistically significant dif- (p = 0.049) with the communication inter- change in general treatment expectation. ferences existed. Where appropriate, these vention, leading to a reduction in expecta- variables were included in multivariate At the conclusion of the clinic visit, par- tion for treatment by parents when it was analyses of outcomes between groups. Mul- ents were asked to rate their own ability to implemented without the antibiotic infor- tivariate analyses included factorial two-way ask their child’s physician to respond to mation intervention (-0.45 versus 0.31) analysis of covariance and multivariate lo- questions about their child’s illness, to take compared to implementation with the gistic regression. Associations between par- time to explain the illness, and to discuss antibiotic intervention (-0.10 versus -0.05). ents’ communication efficacy and satisfac- the appropriateness of treatment options Antibiotic Prescription tion were tested using Spearman’s before a treatment decision is made. Par- Predictors of the final outcome of inter- rank-order correlation. The University of ents were also asked to rate their ability to est, antibiotic prescription, are included in Utah Institutional Review Board reviewed express disagreement with their child’s phy- Table 5. It is notable that the model reported and approved this study. sician. Parents were asked to respond to does not control for signs/symptoms or di- each of these four questions using 0 (cer- RESULTS agnosis, and as such, should be considered tainly cannot) to 100 (certainly can) scales. suggestive. A significant protective effect is Internal consistency of the items was as- Demographic characteristics of study demonstrated for the SCT-based commu- sessed using Cronbach’s α. The four items participants are reported in Table 1. Signifi- had a high level of internal consistency (α cant differences existed among study groups nication intervention (OR = 0.171, p = = 0.89). Internal consistency was improved in the percent of participating parents who 0.042), with parents’ increased anxiousness when the item regarding the ability of par- were the primary caregiver for the child vis- and decreased coping tending toward an ents to disagree with their child’s physician iting the clinic (p = 0.009), with marginally increased likelihood of antibiotic prescrip- was dropped from the scale (α= 0.93). significant differences among the percent of tion (OR = 1.34, p = 0.06 and OR = 1.61, Included in the final questionnaire was parents who were female (p = 0.087), the p = 0.07, respectively). an adapted version of the Short-form Pa- hours per week the primary caregiver Satisfaction with the Clinic Visit tient Satisfaction Questionnaire, developed worked outside the home (p = 0.054), and Parents’ sense of efficacy to communi- by the RAND Corporation. This question- the hours per week the child was in school cate with their child’s physician was posi- naire was designed to assess patient satis- or day care (p = 0.076). tively correlated with multiple dimensions faction regarding various aspects of a clinic Communication Efficacy of satisfaction with the clinic visit. Signifi- visit. The purpose of this assessment was to Results of the comparison between in- cant associations were observed for General examine whether receipt of an antibiotic terventions regarding parents’ self-reported Satisfaction (p = 0.002), Interpersonal Man- was associated with increased satisfaction efficacy to communicate with their child’s ner (p = 0.010), and Time Spent with Doc- with the clinic visit by the parent. Items in provider are shown in Table 3. Parents who tor (p = 0.002). Satisfaction with the clinic American Journal of Health Education — May/June 2005, Volume 36, No. 3 135 Stephen C. Alder, Eric P. Trunnell, George L. White, Jr., Joseph L. Lyon, James P. Reading, Matthew H. Samore and Michael K. Magill Table 1. Study Participant Demographics Intervention Groups Antibiotic Parental Topic Education Assertion Combined Control p (n=20) (n=20) (n=20) (n=20) Percent of female parents 80 70 100 80 0.087 Percent of parents who are 95 70 100 68 0.009 child’s primary caregiver Percent of Caucasian parents 90 95 80 90 0.498 Age—Parent* 30.0 ( 6.5) 30.2 ( 6.7) 30.7 ( 6.4) 32.6 ( 9.0) 0.673 Age—Child* 3.2 ( 3.0) 4.6 ( 3.6) 3.9 ( 2.2) 3.7 ( 2.7) 0.545 Hours per week 25.2 (18.5) 26.1 (22.0) 10.7 (16.0) 18.3 (21.6) 0.054 primary caregiver works outside the home* Hours per week child is in 23.1 (15.6) 22.4 (16.2) 12.5 (15.4) 14.4 (15.8) 0.076 school or daycare* Number of children in 2.2 ( 1.2) 2.5 ( 1.3) 1.9 ( 0.8) 2.3 ( 1.3) 0.443 family* * Mean (Standard Deviation) ** Proportions tested using Pearson’s χ2 test; mean values tested using one-way analysis of variance. visit was also compared between parents Table 2. Parental Efficacy to Communicate with Child’s Physician* whose children received an antibiotic pre- Mean (S.D.) N F(df) p scription and those that did not. Parents reported that all dimensions of satisfaction Main Effects were higher when an antibiotic was not pre- Communication Assertion 93.47 ( 8.89) 40 5.600 (1,71) 0.021 scribed (Table 5). No Communication Assertion 86.28 (17.63) 39 Antibiotic Education 91.19 (11.98) 40 0.935 (1,71) 0.337 DISCUSSION No Antibiotic Education 88.62 (16.37) 39 The results of this study demonstrate that information-only approaches to address- ing antibiotic overuse are not sufficient, and Interaction Effects 0.225 (1,71) 0.615 in some respects may have no bearing on Antibiotic Education the intended outcome of improving appro- Communication Assertion 95.13 ( 8.28) 20 priate use. In this study, behavior change No Communication Assertion 87.25 (13.91) 20 theory was used as a basis for designing and No Antibiotic Education implementing an alternate approach to Communication Assertion 91.81 ( 9.37) 20 antibiotic reduction. The results reported No Communication Assertion 85.26 (21.21) 19 signify that moving beyond information- based approaches may be warranted for clinic-based interventions directed at * Results based on a factorial two-way analysis of covariance. Covariates include: hours per week patients or parents of patients. primary caregiver works outside home, hours per week child spends in school or child care, number The results reported in Table 2 support of children in family and respondent’s age. Due to missing data, one subject in the control condition is not included in this analysis. the first hypothesis that the described communication intervention leads to 136 American Journal of Health Education — May/June 2005, Volume 36, No. 3 Stephen C. Alder, Eric P. Trunnell, George L. White, Jr., Joseph L. Lyon, James P. Reading, Matthew H. Samore and Michael K. Magill improvement in parents’ sense of efficacy Table 3. Change in Parents’ Expectation of for communicating with their child’s phy- Treatment from Pre-intervention to Post-intervention* sician. The improvement was similar whether the communication intervention Mean (S.D.) N F(df) p was administered alone or in conjunction Main Effects with the information-based intervention. However, use of the communication inter- Communication Assertion -0.28 (0.75) 40 2.465 (1,67) 0.121 vention in the absence of the information- No Communication Assertion 0.11 (1.39) 35 only intervention led to a greater reduction Antibiotic Education -0.08 (0.98) 39 0.272 (1,67) 0.604 in parents’ expectation of specific therapy prior to visiting with the medical provider No Antibiotic Education -0.11 (1.24) 36 (Table 3). Interaction Effects 4.018 (1,67) 0.049 The provision of information when working to promote healthy practices is Antibiotic Education pervasive. The success of such efforts may Communication Assertion -0.10 (0.85) 20 be greatly enhanced by intervening to im- No Communication Assertion -0.05 (1.13) 20 prove their skills to engage in the desired No Antibiotic Education behaviors, either directly or indirectly. A Communication Assertion -0.45 (0.61) 19 general flaw in the common practice in clinic settings of providing information No Communication Assertion 0.31 (1.66) 16 alone may be that the ability of individuals *Results based on a factorial two-way analysis of covariance. Covariates include: hours per week to take information and make the necessary primary caregiver works outside home, hours per week child spends in school or child care, number translations into action is generally overes- of children in family and respondent’s age. timated. The results of this study support Due to missing data, one subject in the Communication Intervention and four subjects in the control providing more explicit direction regarding condition were not included in this analysis. behaviors needed to achieve the goals of the educational effort. Table 4. Multivariable Logistic Regression One of the primary rationales given for Model of Antibiotic Prescription* providing antibiotics is that of patient (or parent) satisfaction. The belief is that if an Odds Ratio antibiotic is not given when it is expected, (n=75) 95% Confidence Interval p the patient will be dissatisfied and seek Communication Assertion 0.171 0.031, 0.934 0.042 medical care elsewhere. The results of this Antibiotic Education 0.398 0.082, 1.924 0.252 study do not support this link. The posi- tive correlation between efficacy to com- Interaction: Communication 4.146 0.432, 39.810 0.218 municate and multiple dimensions of sat- Assertion x Antibiotic Education isfaction with the clinic visit indicate that the interaction with the medical provider Number of Days Child Has 0.944 0.822, 1.083 0.408 may play a substantial role in how satisfied Been Ill the patient or parent is with the care re- How Well Parent is Coping 1.608 0.958, 2.699 0.073 ceived. Satisfaction was higher when an an- With Child’s Illness tibiotic was not prescribed (Table 5). More (Negatively Scaled) investigation is needed to better understand How Anxious Parent is 1.335 0.983, 1.812 0.064 the association between failure to receive an About Child’s Illness antibiotic and higher satisfaction with the Age of Child 0.879 0.711, 1.087 0.233 clinic visit. Respondent’s Sex 6.963 0.727, 66.743 0.092 This study was designed to test whether (Female = 1) promoting parental communication effi- cacy will lead to a reduction of expectation * Analysis is based on multivariable logistic regression – antibiotic prescription is coded as 1, no for antibiotics, with trained research per- antibiotic prescription is coded as ‘0.’ Due to missing data, one subject in the Communication Intervention and four subjects in the control condition were not included in this analysis. sonnel administering the interventions. For American Journal of Health Education — May/June 2005, Volume 36, No. 3 137 Stephen C. Alder, Eric P. Trunnell, George L. White, Jr., Joseph L. Lyon, James P. Reading, Matthew H. Samore and Michael K. Magill Table 5. Parent Satisfaction with Clinic Visit and Whether an Antibiotic was Prescribed Was an Antibiotic Prescribed? Yes No Mean (S.D.) Mean (S.D.) t (df) p General Satisfaction 3.74 (0.83) 4.22 (0.65) 2.868 (76.07) 0.005 Technical Quality 3.50 (0.67) 4.03 (0.62) 3.657 (77.00) <0.001 Interpersonal Manner 4.01 (0.66) 4.32 (0.51) 2.273 (77.00) 0.026 Communication 3.50 (0.78) 4.04 (0.59) 3.472 (75.51) 0.001 Time Spent with Doctor 3.54 (0.87) 3.86 (0.81) 1.687 (77.00) 0.096 such approaches to be practical, existing during the clinic visit. Research is also improving antibiotic prescribing is high. clinical personnel will need to provide the needed to better understand the link By working with patients and parents to information and training. Further, the use between antibiotic prescription and satis- engage in communication behaviors and of trained research personnel to adminis- faction with the clinic visit, including to seek an interaction-oriented medical ter the interventions likely resulted in more whether the reported results translate to consultation rather than a specific treat- strict adherence to the designed interven- similar interventions administered by ment, the dual benefits of reducing unwar- tions than would have occurred using clinic clinic personnel. ranted antibiotic use and improved satis- personnel as a routine part of delivering faction with clinical care may be gained. care. Research is needed in order to deter- CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings presented, further mine whether the same effects are present Existing approaches to patient/parent- research is merited, especially regarding when using clinic personnel in the day-to- physician interaction may be based on the development of sound health promotional day clinical context and how to efficiently false assumption that providing informa- approaches that can be efficiently and implement the interventions in such a set- tion is sufficient to motivating appropriate effectively implemented within the primary ting. Also, diagnoses and better evaluation health practices. The health promotional care delivery system rather than by research of the appropriateness of antibiotic pre- approach used in this study moves beyond study personnel. scription need to be included in future re- an information-only based approach that search in order to better understand the is often the means of providing education REFERENCES benefit gained by intervention. in primary care settings. Helping patients 1. Livermore DM. Bacterial resistance: ori- Even though assignment was random- or parents to communicate in the clinic gins, epidemiology, and impact. Clin Infect Dis. ized, differences exist between treatment setting may provide a substantial improve- 2003; 36: S11–S23. groups. Research is needed to verify that ment in the provision of medical care, 2. Finkelstein JA, Metlay JP, Davis RL, Rifas- differences in outcomes are due to the study including the reduction of unwarranted Shiman SL, Dowell SF, Platt R. 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