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ERIC EJ792522: A Call to Action on New England's Innovation Economy: Will Business and Higher Education Answer This Time? PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ792522: A Call to Action on New England's Innovation Economy: Will Business and Higher Education Answer This Time?

A Call to Action on New England’s Innovation Economy WILLIAM GUENTHER WILL BUSINESS AND HIGHER EDUCATION ANSWER THIS TIME? support economic growth in Massachusetts, recently Like the region itself, the relationship between issued a new report, titled An Economy at Risk, business and higher education in New England making the case for a Massachusetts economic develop- has historically been proper and polite, with ment strategy organized around higher education and each holding the other in high regard. But despite science and technology. One of the people interviewed for the report was personal, financial and other ties, different cultures Michael Best, director of the Center for Industrial and priorities often leave these important players Competitiveness at the University of Massachusetts operating on separate planes when it comes to Lowell. “It’s incumbent upon Massachusetts govern- regional economic development. ment, universities and industry to do a much better job of technology auditing and forecasting,” Best With serious long-term economic and fiscal observed. “We need to collaborate more effectively challenges across the region, New England’s business and develop a technology road map that looks five and higher education sectors now have little choice or 10 years down the line. Otherwise, we’re likely to but to work together much more closely. They need turn into Cambridge, England—we’ll have the very each other, and the region, with its “innovation best university research but none of it will be linked economy,” needs them to interact effectively. to local industry. We’ll create all the new ideas, but Businessrequires the talent produced on New everyone else will get the benefit.” England’s college and university campuses as well as Contrary to popular belief, Massachusetts remains the innovation spawned by the more than $2 billion in home to substantial numbers of manufacturing jobs. annual research and development spending by the In fact, outside Route 495, 75 percent of the private region’s research universities. This research has fueled employment base is in manufacturing, according to an growth of biotech, life science and technology firms, earlier Mass Insight report. What’s changed is that those and the good jobs they provide. manufacturing companies that have survived—like For universities, the advantages of closer collabora- American Saw and Manufacturing in Springfield, Quaker tion with the private sector are obvious. Such strategic Fabrics in southeastern Massachusetts and Nypro in ties can help them gain access to the best corporate Clinton—have moved up the technology food chain. And researchers, better understand the potential applica- in fact, the high skill workforce makes Massachusetts tions of basic science research and be surer that they and other states in New England attractive locations for are educating students in appropriate skills. advanced technology production. However, unless we State government, for its part, must be much more improve the connections between universities and busi- active in shaping and assisting strategic alliances ness, we risk losing the advantages we have. between local universities, both public and private, Massachusetts, with its extraordinary mix of world- and science and technology firms. This should be class universities and technology industries, has long part of an economic development strategy that proved the benefits of industry-university connections. places higher education and science and technology But its lack of a coordinated science and technology research at its core. strategy, including targeted investment to expand the Mass Insight Corp., a public policy and communica- alliances among the University of Massachusetts, the tions firm that organizes public-private initiatives to CONNECTION WINTER 2003 13 state’s private universities and industry, proves the nearly 50,000 high-tech jobs and boosted the state’s danger of lost opportunities. economy by $2.9 billion—all for an investment of about As one high-technology executive told Mass Insight, $4,000 per job. “Massachusetts thinks it has so much going for it that • Texas is investing more than $300 million in a [its academic cluster] alone will sustain it. It won’t. network of science and research facilities at Texas Other states are seeking to eat our lunch. The new colleges and universities, with $45 million dedicated paradigm lies in university collaborations with to product development and business incubators. industry and with government.” By contrast, Massachusetts lacks a coherent economic Current economic and fiscal woes make it hard for development strategy organized around higher education the New England states to fund new major science and and framed by science and technology research. And technology initiatives, however meritorious. In fact, rather than boosting support for public higher education, because of the traditional role of private higher educa- Massachusetts has been cutting it. Massachusetts retains tion in New England, there has been little history of tar- a leading position according to many “new economy” geted public investments in science or the kind of match indicators, such as patent and Small Business Innovation programs that states such as California and New York Research awards and federally funded R&D. But its have in place. continued leadership in key technology areas is far Executives and university officials argue that we from guaranteed. cannot afford notto invest in education and research, Indeed, high-tech executives and academic deans especially in the face of action by key competitor have told Mass Insight that compared to California or states. California, for example, has increasedspending New York, Massachusetts can be a difficult place to on higher education to $13.3 billion for the current establish collaborations or to gain the level of govern- fiscal year, up by 28 percent since 1998, despite a ment coordination and support they need to build fiscal situation even more dire than New England’s. required new labs or find trained technicians. Some of California lawmakers also spared from the latest this is a result of the fragmented marketplace in higher round of state budget cuts a successful program in education. Without a dominating public university as a which Sacramento will invest $400 million over four major point of access to higher education resources, years in four university-based Institutes for Science Massachusetts and the other New England states that and Innovation, to be matched on a two-to-one basis are home to significant private higher education insti- by private and federal funds. tutions need state government to play a role in helping “Massachusetts has been slow on the trigger when it coordinate public and private resources. comes to state support for university research,” said Critical comments from industry also reflect Analog Devices Chairman Ray Stata. “Our goal should Massachusetts’ relatively weak financial support for its be to make the University of Massachusetts look more public university system and a lack of leadership in foster- like California’s public universities in terms of state ing industry-university ties. “At UMass, we have developed support. If the Legislature stepped up more broadly to strengths in new fields such as nanotechnology,” noted create centers of excellence in Lowell and Amherst, UMass Vice President Thomas Chmura. “But, in compet- and committed to making Amherst as prominent in ing for federal grants, we’re operating at a disadvantage. engineering as UC Berkeley, it would have an enormous Competing institutions such as UC or SUNY have received long-term impact on the Massachusetts economy.” recent infusions of capital funds for new nanotechnology California isn’t the only state competing for the research facilities and have access to state seed funds and Bay State’s science and technology advantage: matching science and technology grant programs that • New York, with its own concentration of major simply don’t exist here.” private universities, continues to build up the State Such frustrations are not new. In 2001, Mass University of New York (SUNY) as a research power- Insight’s Call to Actionreport called for state govern- house. The state also provides incentive funds for ment and higher education to forge much stronger and SUNY, private colleges and businesses such as IBM more strategic ties. Among other things, the report to collaborate on world-class research initiatives. In called for government, industry and university leaders 2002, IBM agreed to commit $100 million to SUNY to assess technology-sector needs and establish a state Albany, matched by $50 million in state funds, to role in brokering long-term relationships between indus- build up the nation’s premier microchip research try and the state’s public and private campuses. The and development center. report also recommended a re-examination of how • Pennsylvania, another state with a wealth of public higher education is structured in Massachusetts, private institutions, launched the Ben Franklin with an eye toward giving UMass the authority and Partnership two decades ago to create university- resources to coordinate public university-private based research centers of excellence and provide seed- industry relations. stage investments in the technology companies that But that call to action went largely unanswered. emerge from those centers or collaborate with them. State government has remained a bystander, assuming Since 1989, the partnership’s participants have created that Massachusetts’ largely private higher education 14 NEW ENGLAND BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION system and technology marketplace alone will ensure Newly elected Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney a secure economic future. Public higher education has has the opportunity to start by assembling academic begun some promising new science and technology and private-sector leaders to assess shared needs and initiatives, but has also had to deal with the immediate strategic opportunities. Rather than a one-shot sum- effects of budget cuts. Until now, business groups have mit, such coordination should be built into the state’s failed to seriously lobby for higher education, despite ongoing economic development operations. its importance as a competitive asset. The first step private-sector leaders have proposed At the least, the current downturn should be used is to produce a sort of technology “road map,” including to lay the foundation for a science and technology an inventory of major research operations, a survey of strategy involving both public and private universities. what regional industry clusters need and the potential As Teradyne CEO and chairman of the Massachusetts for new collaborations between universities themselves High Technology Council George Chamillard told the and between higher education and business. Boston Globe, “The state’s broke right now, but what’s Current fiscal problems will dominate government required in this period is to start building up the pro- for at least the next year or two. But economies act file of the (public) universities and putting in place the and respond in far longer cycles. Massachusetts must kinds of capabilities they have in other states.” Last be able to look beyond its current red ink to consider fall, Chamillard co-signed a letter organized by Mass prudent, long-term capital and operating investments Insight, calling upon Massachusetts gubernatorial can- in closer strategic alliances among state government, didates to, among other things: business and higher education. That’s not just good • Increase collaborations among public universities, policy—it’s an economic imperative. private universities and Massachusetts businesses; • Accelerate the development of the UMass system William Guentheris president of Mass as a leading-edge technology university; and Insight Corp. • Support initiatives that coordinate science and technology collaborations between private campuses and the public higher education system. CONNECTION WINTER 2003 15

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