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ERIC EJ787925: Gifted Readers: Who Are They, and How Can They Be Served in the Classroom? PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ787925: Gifted Readers: Who Are They, and How Can They Be Served in the Classroom?

GGiifftteedd RReeaaddeerrss Who Are They, and How Can They Be Served in the Classroom? M any of us may not perceive a link between the tra- ditional tale of The Three Little Pigs and Stein’s Goosebumps series, but Ivan, a 6-year-old in my classroom, did. I had used the story of The Three Little Pigs, along with other traditional tales, to point out the introduc- tion, complication, and resolution structure of simple narra- tive. Ivan’s mother spoke to me after the series of lessons and reported that her son had come out with a surprising com- ment. Having recently been to South Africa, where his grand- mother had read him one of the Goosebumps books, he had forged a link. He told his mother that he had finally worked out what was “wrong” with the Goosebumps series—they had an introduction and a complication, but no resolution! Quite an insight for a 6-year-old. His behavior showed evidence of an advanced reading ability. The Gifted Reader Who is a gifted reader? In order to answer this question, we need to define what we mean by gifted and what we mean by reading (Jackson, Donaldson, & Cleland, 1988). A well- known definition of ‘gifted’ is put forward by Joseph Renzulli who posited that there are three clusters of human traits that by Andrea Vosslamber interact in the gifted. The traits are as follows and are repre- sented in three inter-linking circles: 14 SPRING 2002 • VOL. 25, NO. 2 • Above-average ability: This does not cognitive realms. Thus, some affective the present text and what the reader mean high IQ, but “a wide field of behaviors may arise in other than just has previously read, and, as a result, general and specific ability” the creativity circle and vice versa. concepts are formed or developed. • Task commitment: “the capacity for My pupil, Ivan, clearly was engaging in sustained motivation, dedicated Characteristics this process. practice, and excellence in the devel- Some of these differences in compre- of the Gifted Reader opment of ideas and products” hension, which separate the gifted from • Creativity: “involves fluency, flexi- the average reader, can be seen in the Above-average ability, task commit- bility and originality of thought, the results of research conducted by ment, and creativity may evidence them- ability to produce novel and effec- Fehrenbach (1991). Taking a group of selves in many ways in the gifted reader. tive solutions to problems, and to gifted readers (identified by high intelli- Table 1 summarizes some of the more create clever and original products” gence, high language basic skills test common indicators. (McAlpine, 1996, p. 35). results, and high reading comprehension Renzulli’s three-ring model will be used results) and a group of average readers Above-Average Ability as the definition of gifted students for (identified by the same test measures, but Several points listed in the above- this article. with average results), she tested them by average ability column are worthy of Reading may be defined as simply having each student read aloud an easy comment. Despite the move away from being able to decode text. However chil- passage. Each student was instructed to intelligence tests as the way to define dren who fall into the category hyperlexic verbalize his or her thoughts as often as he giftedness, they can still be used as a are accurate decoders, even being able to or she chose and at least at points indi- measure, particularly in the logical, decode pseudowords, yet have very poor cated by asterisks after every few sen- mathematical, or linguistic areas of gift- comprehension (Jackson, Donaldson, & tences. Any student who did not stop to edness. It must be remembered, how- Cleland, 1988). Usually, however, read- comment at an asterisk was asked, “What ever, that most intelligence tests must ingis associated with the ability to com- be administered by a qualified psychol- are you thinking?” In the second session, prehend, as well as decode. In discussing ogist (McAlpine, 1996). Secondly, the same procedure was followed for stu- gifted readers, a bottom up definition of mention is made of an ability to com- dents reading a difficult passage. Her reading will be applied, namely, that prehend text well. Some differentiation findings showed that gifted readers used reading is the ability to comprehend the between comprehending well as six strategies significantly more often than message that the author intended on the opposed to average comprehension average readers, namely—rereading, basis of accurate decoding ability needs to be made. Catron (1986, p. inferring, analyzing text structure, watch- (Adams & Bruck, 1993). 136) listed the specific skills that gifted ing or predicting, evaluating, and relating The gifted reader is one who evi- readers possess, as opposed to those what is read to content area knowledge. dences the three aspects of giftedness skills employed by average readers: Many gifted children learn to read that Renzulli proposes (above-average 1. anticipation of meaning based on early, and as much as this may be a sign ability, task commitment, and creativity) visual clues of giftedness, it is not always so. Some of in the area of reading. Both cognitive • punctuation, the use of commas the children who are hyperlexic, do learn and affective behaviors of gifted readers to set off appositives; to read very early, but because they have may be explained within the framework • syntax, the use of howeverto sig- little or no comprehension are not of Renzulli’s three circles. Cognitive nal exceptions; termed gifted readers (Jackson, behaviors refer to thinking processes, • organizational patterns, such as Donaldson, & Cleland, 1988). It is also these being mainly found in the above- cause and effect signaling the need noted that young gifted children do not average ability ring, with the outcomes to look for two related descrip- necessarily learn to read early (Alvino, of these behaviors being within the task tions, circumstances, or facts; 1989), something Piaget also noted in commitment circle. Affective behaviors 2. use of prior knowledge and experi- his studies on the development of chil- are those more emotional aspects of gift- ence, personal identification and dren (Polette, 1992). This may be the edness. They will mainly arise within the reader purpose; and case even where young gifted children creativity circle. However, just as there is 3. awareness of the cognitive process- have participated in preschool programs overlap between Renzulli’s circles, so ing of text for information/concept designed to help them to learn to read there is overlap between the affective and gathering. Links are made between early (Jackson & Cleland, 1982). GIFTED CHILD TODAY 15 Gifted Readers Table 1 Indicators of Gifted Reading Ability in Terms of Renzulli’s Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness Indicators of Above-Average Ability Indicators of Task Commitment Indicators of Creativity • Advanced IQ (Hartley, 1996) • Long attention span (Ringler & • Complex thoughts and ideas • High scores on language achieve- Weber, 1984; Smith) (Smith) ment tests (Anderson Tollefson, & • Voracious reading (Halsted) • Good judgement and logic Gilbert, 1985; Hartley) • Selection of high level reading (Smith) • Higher levels of reading than peers materials (Ringler & Weber) • Forms the relationships between (Catron, 1986; Gaug, 1984; • Spontaneous reading of materials concepts (Smith) Hartley; Trezise, 1978) to prove/disprove points (Ringler • Produce original ideas and prod- • Large vocabulary (Catron; & Weber) ucts (Halsted; Smith) Greenlaw, 1986; Smith, 1991) • Appreciates beauty (Greenlaw) • Good memory of things read • Sense of humor (Greenlaw) (Smith) • Divergent thinking (Catron; • Strong comprehension of texts Halsted) (Smith) • Problem-solving strategies used to • Early reading (Baskin & Harris, solve unanswered questions (Halsted) 1980; Cathcart, 1994; Halsted, • High level of sensitivity and empa- 1988, 1990; Trezise, 1978) thy (McAlpine, 1996) • Concern over moral and ethical issues and a strong sense of justice (McAlpine) • Social leadership abilities (McAlpine) Task Commitment dents in music were too loud. I replied behaviors could be labeled as under- Some interesting comments are made that they were not really that noisy, and achieving gifted students. Home life and about the voracious reading habits of we needed the door open to keep the school life can be contributing factors to gifted readers. Gifted readers may read into room cool. He replied, “Okay then, I such students. The child may be from an the night (Hartley, 1996), or read twice the guess I’ll just have to think a bit louder.” economically or socially disadvantaged number of books than average-ability On a cautionary note, much as the background with little or no access to readers (Halsted, 1988). Reading fulfills an creative traits listed above may be evi- books (Baskin & Harris, 1980). In addi- extra sense of urgency about “needing-to- dent in a gifted reader, one must be tion, English may be a second language, know” that gifted children seem to have and therefore the giftedness is masked by aware that they are not necessarily spe- (Halsted). These reading behaviors are tied language difficulties (Cathcart, 1994). cific to gifted readers, nor will each to the perception that reading is fun, and Conversely, the child could be disadvan- gifted reader necessarily display all of therefore, it is a preferred activity taged by a wealthy (or poor) background these affective behaviors. (Anderson, Tollefson, & Gilbert, 1985). where too much entertainment (e.g. TV, video games, and so forth) is provided Underachieving Creativity that intellectually pacifies the child An interesting anecdote comes to Gifted Readers (Baskin & Harris, 1980). High expecta- mind in the area of divergent thinking. tions at home may lead to a perfectionism A 6-year-old whom I once taught came A group of children who may be that inclines children not to try, in case to me in class and asked if he could shut gifted but may not show above average they do not meet their own expectations the door because the sixth-grade stu- ability or related task commitment (Halsted, 1988). In the affective realm, 16 SPRING 2002 • VOL. 25, NO. 2 the child may feel a sense of isolation due abilities. Bethlehem College in Tauranga, sis, synthesis, and evaluation to intense interest in subject matter that New Zealand, has one such policy, which (Clay, 1985). peers do not understand (Trezise, 1978). is comprehensive in scope. • Intelligence tests. The gifted child may need to choose • Title recognition test. In this between fitting in with the group and Methods of identification must test, the teacher constructs a list showing ability (Halsted, 1990). be wide in scope, inclusive in of book titles and asks the chil- School life can also be difficult for emphases, and relate to defini- dren to check all those that they gifted readers. Children may be frus- tions and ensuing programs. To know. (Dymock, 1995). This trated by the material provided. It may be successful, any identification may indicate voracious reading. either too highly pitched, emotionally, process must start early, but be • Word recognition test.. for the child (Cathcart, 1994), or the continuous (an ongoing 4. Informal teacher observations: material may be far too easy or imma- process), be aware of cultural dif- • Listen to the vocabulary the ture (Trezise, 1978). Cathcart wrote, ferences, use multiple methods, child uses. Does he or she choose and recognize that achievement interesting words, or express him A 5-year-old boy was referred to a is not the only measure of ability. or herself very clearly? psychologist for complete failure Thus, we need a balance • Look for evidence of critical even to begin to learn to read. He between subjective and objective thinking. This may arise during just didn’t seem to be interested. procedures. A multifaceted class discussion time or during While he was being tested by the approach will make it less likely specific problem-solving activities. psychologist, the little boy was for a gifted student to be unno- • Look for evidence of thinking- asked to give the names of some ticed. (Sanders, 1994, p. 2) outside-the box. This type of animals he knew. He promptly behavior may appear to be naugh- reeled off the Latin names of var- Picking up on some of these points, a tiness, but it needs to be carefully ious extinct species. ‘Where did multifaceted identification procedure considered and evaluated. you learn all those?’ asked the for gifted readers might include the fol- • Listen for a sense of humor. startled psychologist. ‘I read lowing: Particularly humor that relies about them at home in the 1. Talk to parents during enrollment on puns. Encyclopedia Britannica’ replied about their child’s language ability. • Listen for unusual questions. the five-year-old ‘reading failure’. Ask if the child can read, and if so, These may betray deep thought This highly gifted little boy, too how he or she learned. processes and connections. polite to tell the teacher the books 2. Be aware that certain methods of • Language activities. Look for she offered him were too easy, had evaluation of students may be inap- interest and attentiveness in been labeled ‘backward’ for propriate for certain cultures. involvement in these activities. months before this test revealed 3. Use assessment practices, such as: 5. Input from others: his true ability level. (p. 3) • Running records (Clay, 1985). • Talk to other teachers about These are ongoing and rou- their observations of the child. We must be concerned as educators to tinely done. For young readers this may have procedures in place to identify such • Record of skill mastery. Early include comments from the children, and to know how to put pro- school records that show the pre-school teachers. grams in place that will cater for their rapid mastery of phonic skills • Peer nomination. This can be educational needs. may be indicators of gifted done directly or quite unobtru- reading. sively. It could be done using a Teacher • Achievement test scores. teacher designed form that asks Identification Assessments for reading vocabu- questions, such as, “Who is the lary, listening comprehension, best reader in the class?” Some schools in New Zealand have a and reading comprehension. • Self assessment. This can occur policy for gifted children. Usually • Self-made tests. These often when children are asked to rate included in that policy are identification concentrate on higher cognitive themselves as to their reading procedures for children who have special processing skills, such as analy- ability. GIFTED CHILD TODAY 17 Gifted Readers • Parents. These are a vital source of information on reading Table 2 habits. Advantages and Disadvantages of Enrichment Classroom Programs Advantages of Enrichment Disadvantages of Enrichment Identification is an important aspect of serving the gifted child, but is not an • Avoids problems associated with • “Often little more than busy work end in itself. To quote the Bethlehem overt labeling (Townsend, 1996). where children get more of the policy, “The main purpose of identifica- Children remain in their regular same” (Townsend, p. 367). tion is not so we can label children, but classes and have their individual • “Often assumed to have the same so we can effectively match children to needs met, just like all the other purpose for all children and usu- appropriate learning tasks—both in the students. ally pays little attention to the spe- pace of learning and the level at which • “Avoids a fragmented learning cific nature of the abilities of tasks are set” (as cited in Sanders, 1994, experience by keeping gifted and gifted children” (Townsend, p. p. 2). The provision of special classroom talented students connected— 367). programs is necessary if schools want to albeit horizontally—to the general • “Often provided intermittently, or adequately serve children who have classroom activities and topics of as a filler or one-off activity that high-reading ability. study” (Ministry of Education, provides relief from or contrast to 2000, p. 39). regular classroom activities” Enrichment vs. Acceleration • “May curb problems associated (Townsend, p. 367). There are two main ways that with intellectual frustration and boredom” (Ministry of Education, gifted readers’ needs are addressed in p. 39.). the classroom—enrichment or accelera- tion. Enrichment refers to “learning Note.Compiled from Townsend (1996) and the Ministry of Education (2000). activities providing depth and breadth to regular teaching according to the enrichment, acceleration also has advan- be selected according to the needs of the child’s abilities and needs” (Townsend, tages and disadvantages (see Table 3). individual student. If a first- or second- 1996, p. 362). Examples of enrichment Given the advantages and disadvantages of grade child who can already read enters activities involve children being given both acceleration and enrichment, Gaug school, allow him or her to bypass the activities or resources that are more (1984) suggested that both be used. learning of decoding skills that follow a demanding than those given to their “Enrichment and acceleration can comple- lockstep approach through the early classmates. These could include “inde- ment each other and enable gifted readers readers (Catron, 1986; Hartley, 1996). pendent projects, mentors, learning to pursue their own interests in reading, Rather, emphasize comprehension skills, centers, opportunities to use higher develop higher level thinking skills, avoid which may include critical reading skills level thinking skills, and extension boredom, and still master skills” (p. 375). and creative reading, rather than mere activities” (Townsend, p. 36.). Table 2 decoding (Trezise, 1978). summarizes some of the advantages and disadvantages of enrichment. Practical Outcomes There is a danger that young capa- ble readers are held back from more As an alternative to enrichment, accel- for the Classroom advanced work due to poor writing abil- eration could be used. “Acceleration occurs ity (Trezise, 1978). If harder books have when children are exposed to new content Bearing in mind Gaug’s comments at an earlier age than other children or about using enrichment and acceleration accompanying workbook exercises that when they cover the same content in less in combination, how can gifted readers the child cannot master because of lack time” (Townsend, 1996, p. 361). This can be served in the classroom? In consider- of fine motor skill development, invent involve starting school early, skipping a ing these options, it must be remem- and prepare different activities that will class, starting university early, taking an bered that there are individual extend them without requiring writing advanced class, or compressing the cur- differences in the gifted population skills. Such activities might include: riculum (Townsend, p. 362). As with (Hartley, 1996). These strategies should • character analysis using mobiles; 18 SPRING 2002 • VOL. 25, NO. 2 choose books on a common theme (e.g., Table 3 Island of the Blue Dolphins [O’Dell, Advantages and Disadvantages 1966], The Iceberg Hermit [Roth, 1974], Ice Trap! [Hooper & Robertson, 2000], of Acceleration Robinson Crusoe [Defoe & Heller, 1998]) Advantages of Acceleration Disadvantages of Acceleration and have the students discuss these from the standpoint of qualities needed for sur- • Some research findings show • For the gifted reader, stories and vival and making appropriate linkages or greater academic achievement for activities at a higher class level correlations among the texts (Halsted). gifted children who were acceler- could be inappropriate, “involv- Creative and inquiry reading are other ated, compared to those who ing situations beyond students’ ways of encouraging higher thinking skills. were not (Gaug, 1984). emotional and social level” Creative reading involves “synthesis, inte- • Provides mental stimulation and (Gaug, p. 374). gration, application, and extension of opportunities to interact with • Younger students may feel iso- ideas. A story may be dramatized through like minds (Ministry of lated and different in a class with the use of music, dance, or visual arts, or a Education, 2000). older peers (Ministry of character or theme may be developed in a Education). new and different way” (Catron, 1986, p. 139). Inquiry reading involves students Note.Compiled from Gaug (1984) and the Ministry of Education (2000). carefully formulating a question that will need to be researched for several weeks. • plot summarization of individual edge, comprehension, and application, After researching their questions, the stu- chapters in picture form; which are less challenging for all learners. dents choose a creative way to present their • plot summarization of a number of In order to help students function at findings (Cassidy, 1981). chapters in picture form; the higher levels of comprehension, high Good literature is a must for gifted • character development through a level tests should be used to uncover areas readers as they develop their higher cogni- series using a speech bubble and a of deficient skill (Catron, 1986). Once tive skills. Gifted students will not neces- decorated story character; the particular strengths and weaknesses of sarily choose high quality literature, so they • character development through a the pupils have been identified they can need to be directed to it by discerning single story using pictures; and be addressed in day-to-day classroom adults (Baskin & Harris, 1980; Hartley, • nonfiction material to conduct basic work. Discussion about books is one way 1996). There are many resources available research, producing, as an outcome, that higher comprehension skills can be that summarize the various lists of classical a poster. enhanced. After students have read a pas- literature. Halsted (1988) provided a list of Young, competent readers should be sage, teachers can pose questions such as, criteria for books that encourage intellec- given chapter books to read (Halsted, “What inferences can be made on the tual stimulation, including a high level of 1988), and may benefit from being pro- basis of the reading you did? What were language, pronunciation guides, good use moted to a higher class. As gifted readers the main ideas and the subordinate ideas? of literary devices, and many more.Baskin mature, they will benefit from instruction What about the prevailing tone and and Harris, among others, identified a list in advanced comprehension and thinking mood of the selection? What can you say of books that meet Halsted’s (1990) crite- skills. As a means of developing higher about the author’s biases or his or her pur- ria and included a short synopsis of plots. thinking skills in all learners, Bloom’s tax- poses? Can you speculate about the char- Good literature is also necessary for vocab- onomy might be used as a guide. For most acters’ motivations?” (Trezise, 1978, p. ulary development (Hartley). Boothby classroom programs, the majority of 745). Discussion groups could be selected (1986) listed books that enhance the instruction being given is in the knowl- from across the levels of the school. A vocabulary of gifted children by studying edge and comprehension areas. In all pro- teacher who is also interested in reading connotations, figurative language, and ety- grams, the higher levels should be and higher cognitive skills could facilitate mology (p. 675). emphasized (Ministry of Education, discussion about books that the students Affective needs of the gifted reader 2000, p. 49). The gifted program should had read, deliberately aiming at the upper also should be served in the school pro- focus mainly, therefore, on evaluation, levels of Bloom’s taxonomy (Halsted, gram. Bibliotherapy is the term given to synthesis, and analysis, rather than knowl- 1990; Halsted, 1988). Another idea is to the use of literature to help students deal GIFTED CHILD TODAY 19 Gifted Readers with emotional difficulties they might my brain out. Auckland, New Jackson, N. E., Donaldson, G. W., & be facing (Halsted, 1988; Halsted, Zealand: REACH. Cleland, L. N. (1988). The struc- 1990). Halsted provides a list of books Catron, R .M. (1986). Developing the ture of precocious reading ability. that might help the gifted child deal potential of the gifted reader. Theory Journal of Educational Psychology, with problems related to establishing an Into Practice, 25, 134–40. 80, 234–43. identity, being alone, getting along with Clay, M. M. (1985). The early detection McAlpine, D. (1996). Concepts and others, and using abilities. of reading difficulties (3rd ed.). definitions. In D. McAlpine, & R. Auckland, New Zealand: Moltzen (Eds), Gifted and talented: Conclusion Heinemann. New Zealand perspectives. Defoe, D., & Heller, J. (1998). Robinson Palmerston North, New Zealand: Teachers who meet the needs of their Crusoe. London: Dorling Kindersley. ERDC Massey University. students are also concerned in the need to Dymock, S. (1995). Measuring print Ministry of Education. (2000). Gifted identify gifted abilities so as to provide exposure in New Zealand class- and talented students: Meeting their suitable programs. Ongoing, comprehen- rooms: The title recognition test. needs in New Zealand schools. sive identification procedures should help Set, 1(11). Wellington, New Zealand: Learning with the recognition of above-average Fehrenbach, C. R. (1991). Gifted/aver- Media. ability, task commitment, and creativity age readers: Do they use the same O’Dell, S. (1966). Island of the blue dol- in the area of reading. Using a combina- reading strategies? Gifted Child phins. New York: Dell. tion of enrichment and acceleration, spe- Quarterly, 35, 125–127. Polette, N. J. (1992). Brain power cialized programs can then be put in place Gaug, M. A. (1984). Reading accelera- through picture books. London, to meet both the cognitive and the affec- tion and enrichment in the elemen- England: McFarland. tive needs of high-ability readers. tary grades. Reading Teacher, 37, GGGGCCCCTTTT Ringler, H., Weber, C. K., (1984). A 372–376. language-thinking approach to read- Greenlaw, M. J. (1986). Literature for References ing. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: use with gifted children. Childhood Harcourt. Adams, M. J., & Bruck, M. (1993). Education, 62, 381–386. Roth, A. J. (1974). The iceberg hermit. Word recognition: The interface of Halsted, J. W. (1988). Guiding gifted New York: Four Winds Press. educational policies and scientific readers. OH: Ohio Psychology Press. Sanders, M. (1994). Bethlehem College research. Reading and Writing: An Halsted, J. W. (1990). Guiding the gifted policy on learners with special abili- Interdisciplinary Journal, 5,113–139. reader.Retrieved June 1, 2000, from ties. Tauranga, New Zealand: Alvino, J. A. (1989). Parents’ guide to ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities Bethlehem College. raising a gifted child. New York: and Gifted Education: http://80- Smith, C. B. (1991). Literature for Ballantine Books. gateway2.ovid.com.ezproxy.massey. gifted and talented. Reading Teacher, Anderson, M. A., Tollefson, N. A., & ac.nz/ovidweb.cgi. 44, 608–609. Gilbert, E. C. (1985). Giftedness Hartley, M. (1996). Reading and literature. Townsend, M. A (1996). Enrichment and reading: A cross-sectional view In D. McAlpine, & R. Moltzen (Eds), and acceleration: Lateral and verti- of differences in reading attitudes Gifted and talented: New Zealand per- cal perspectives in provisions for and behaviors. Gifted Child spectives (pp. 253–272). Palmerston Quarterly, 29, 186–89. North, New Zealand: Educational gifted and talented children. In D. Baskin, B. H., & Harris, K. H. (1980). Research and Development Center, McAlpine, & R. Moltzen (Eds), Books for the gifted child. New York: Massey University. Gifted and talented: New Zealand Bowker. Hooper, M., & Robinson, M. P. (2000). perspectives (pp. 361–176). Boothby, P. R. (1986). Creative and crit- Ice trap!: Shackleton’s incredible expe- Palmerston North, New Zealand: ical reading for the gifted. Reading dition. London: Frances Lincoln. Educational Research and Teacher, 33, 674–676. Jackson, N. E., & Cleland, L. N. Development Center, Massey Cassidy, J. (1981). Inquiry reading for (1982). Skill patterns of precocious University. the gifted. Reading Teacher, 35, readers. New York: Annual Meeting Trezise, R. L. (1978). What about a 17–21. of the American Educational reading programme for the gifted? Cathcart, R. (1994). They’re not bringing Research Association. Reading Teacher, 31, 742–747. 20 SPRING 2002 • VOL. 25, NO. 2

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