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Preview ERIC EJ773367: A Study of the Association of Autonomy and Achievement on Performance

Robert H. Tai, Philip M. Sadler, Adam V. Maltese A Study of the Association of Autonomy and Achievement on Performance The authors fi nd that autonomous learning activities in high school science interact with high school mathematics grades to produce a signifi cant association with college science grades. Inquiry-based instructional prac- types of studies are not common (e.g. much autonomy they reported having tices are a mainstay of the National Cronbach & Snow, 1977). With more in high school science through labs and Science Education Standards (Na- students going to college (Bureau of projects. Our objective was to see if tional Research Council, 1996). The Labor Statistics, 2005) than during the students who reported experiencing National Research Council (NRC) past few years, and most high school more or less self-directed projects and teachers’ guide asks the critical ques- science teachers naturally empha- labs performed differently in college tion, “How does a teacher decide sizing college preparation (Hoffer, science when we took into account how much guidance to provide in an Quinn, & Suter, 1996), one option for a their prior academic background. To inquiry?” (NRC, 2000, p. 30). Another long-range measure of performance is provide a more solid foundation for our primary concern is the quality of stu- introductory college science. Research conclusions, we performed the same dent work produced in these activities. linking high school preparation to col- analysis on three different data sets in For many teachers who assign inquiry lege performance may provide some biology, chemistry, and physics. activities, the reality is that while some insight into best practice. Methodology students may produce good work, This study investigated the inter- others languish (O’Neill & Polman, action between students’ academic The data used in this study is a sub- 2004; Polman, 2000). background (high school grades, stan- sample taken from a national survey A major fi nding of prior interaction dardized exams, and enrollment in ad- entitled Factors Infl uencing College research was that higher achievers vanced high school courses) and how Science Success (Project FICSS, responded better in less-structured NSF-REC 0115649). A sample of 67 learning environments, such as stu- four-year colleges and universities was dent designed projects and labs, while A major fi nding of prior selected from a comprehensive list of lower achievers responded better to interaction research was nearly 1,700, using stratifi ed random more-structured environments, as in sampling based on size to insure that that higher achievers labs using worksheets and detailed the sample spanned the range from responded better in directions (Cronbach & Snow, 1977; small colleges to large universities. less-structured learning Tobias, 1981). Based on this fi nding, Of the selected schools, 55 schools optimal levels of academic perfor- environments, such as from 31 states participated. mance would be expected if instruc- student designed projects Faculty in 29 biology departments, tional methods were chosen to more and labs, while lower 31 chemistry departments, and 37 closely match students’ backgrounds. achievers responded physics departments participated Will matching a student’s academic and data was collected from college better to more-structured achievement with particular teaching science students in 128 different fi rst environments, as in labs practices have a long-range impact on semester introductory college science using worksheets and their academic performance? A review courses all taught exclusively in the of existing literature shows that these detailed directions. Fall Semesters of 2002 and 2003. Insti- 22 SCIENCE EDUCATOR Table 1: Summary of Institutional Characteristics of Participating Schools impute missing data for the predictors: SAT-Mathematics, SAT-Verbal, Last Field (# of Participant Affi liation Avg. ACT Avg. SAT School Size a # of High School Mathematics Grade, Last Schools) States Range of Range of High School Science Grade, and Last Totals Public Private Avg. ACT Avg. SAT S M L High School English Grade (Allison, Physics (37) 1903 24 13 17-30 830-1320 18 12 7 26 2002; Little & Rubin, 2002; Scheffer, Chemistry (31) 3521 20 11 17-27 830-1210 16 11 4 22 2002). With data imputation, 88% Biology (29) 2749 19 10 17-30 840-1320 13 9 8 23 of the surveys were retained for the a Small schools < 5,000 student enrollment (full-time equivalent student enrollment analysis. The fi nal sample sizes were totals, FTE), medium-size schools between 5,000 and 15,000 FTE, and large schools 2,430 students for biology; 3,187 stu- >15,000 FTE. dents for chemistry, and 1,577 students tutional data is displayed in Table 1. To college students are reasonably accu- for physics. check for institutional “self-selection” rate and produce valid information. To The fi rst step in data analysis was bias, we compared participating and improve accuracy and reliability, the a descriptive comparison across dif- non-participating schools across mea- survey was designed with character- ferent demographic and general edu- sures such as school size, admissions istics associated with improving recall cational background variables. Next, selectivity, and geographic location (Niemi & Smith, 2003; Sawyer, Laing multiple linear regression models were and found no indications of bias. & Houston, 1988; Schiel & Noble, fi tted to the outcome variable, fi nal col- For continuity in comparison across 1991; Valiga, 1987). The reliability lege science course grades, hereafter courses, we chose to include only of the questionnaire was assessed referred to as GRADES. Controlling courses with the ubiquitous large through a separate test-retest study for differences in demographic and lecture format, by far the most likely of 113 introductory college chemistry general educational backgrounds, this to be experienced by high school stu- students, not included in the sample analysis included students’ academic dents who take introductory college analyzed here. The reliability study background measures (high school science. All courses in this survey required students to complete the grades, standardized exams, and pat- fi lled program requirements for majors survey on two separate occasions, two terns of advanced course taking), and within their respective disciplines. All weeks apart. The resulting reliability students’ experiences with inquiry- 67 schools originally selected for the coeffi cients ranged from 0.46 to 0.69, related pedagogies (Student-designed survey used this class format. The which were considered reasonably Projects and Level of Freedom in total sample sizes were: 2,754 biology high for analyses of groups of 100 laboratory exercises). surveys, 3,521 chemistry surveys, and students (Thorndike, 1997). Finally, 1,903 physics surveys. These sample to further enhance accuracy, the sur- sizes offer a high degree of statisti- veys were administered during college cal power (Light, Singer, & Willett, science class sessions, (i.e. lectures, Research linking high 1990). recitation meetings, or lab sessions) school preparation to The survey instrument was de- and the students’ fi nal grades were college performance may signed by the researchers to collect reported by professors. provide some insight into information about a large number of As is common in many surveys, best practice. curricular issues in high school sci- not every participant answered every ence. The survey was vetted through question. Many students left blanks, or a series of focus group interviews marked multiple responses to the same College science grades are a com- and pilot surveys. For retrospective question. Recommended research mon choice to gauge science perfor- self-report surveys, limitations of ac- practice favors data imputation over mance (Gainen & Willemsen, 1995; curacy and reliability are important the more commonly used tactic of Ozsogomonoyan & Loftus, 1979; considerations. A review of research list-wise deletion (Peugh & Enders, Spencer, 1996). A review of course (Kuncel, Credé, & Thomas, 2005) 2004). We employed the Expectation syllabi shows that college grades are concluded that self-report surveys of – Maximization (EM) Algorithm1 to not a single measure, but a composite 1 An extended explanation of the process of data imputation is available upon request from the corresponding author. SPRING 2007 VOL. 16, NO. 1 23 The demographic background pre- disciplines at about one per high school dictors included gender, racial/ethnic course (see Table 2). However, Level Structured learning background, parental education levels, of Freedom in Designing/Conducting activities are essential to average county household income, Labs varied widely between students building the knowledge- and high school type (i.e. public in biology and the two physical sci- base necessary for or private) which past studies have ences. The biology ratings appear to understanding more shown to be important (e.g. Bryk, be nearly half of a standard deviation advanced scientifi c Lee, & Holland, 1993; Burkam, Lee, below the other averages. This result & Smerdon, 1997). suggests that college chemistry and concepts, while autonom- physics students reported more free- ous learning forms the Results and Discussion dom in their corresponding high school foundation of scientifi c The descriptive statistics for the classes than college biology students inquiry. predictor variable, Number of Own reported about their high school biol- Projects, were very similar across all ogy classes. three data sets, with the average num- The mathematics achievement of several different measures (e.g. ber reported by students in all three measures show some differences tests, quizzes, homework sets, and exams) collected over months, and Table 2: Descriptive Statistics for Continuous Predictors as a result, are collectively more in- Min Max Biology Chemistry Physics dicative of student performance than Mean (s.d.) Mean (s.d.) Mean (s.d.) a single achievement test. In addition, Number of Student-des igned Projects college-level content subsumes high (None = 0, More than 3 = 4) 0 4 1.2 (1.2) 1.0 (1.2) 1.2 (1.3) Level of Laboratory Freedom school content, often in just a few (None = 0, Complete = 4) 0 4 1.2 (1.2) 1.6 (1.3) 1.7 (1.2) weeks. Therefore, one would expect SAT Score Quantitative 220 790 580 (100) 590 (100) 620 (90) that students with a deeper conceptual Verbal 200 800 570 (100) 570 (100) 580 (100) Last HS Grade in … understanding of the fundamental sci- (A = 5, F = 1) Mathematics 2 5 4.3 (0.8) 4.3 (0.8) 4.5 (0.7) ence topics would have an advantage Science 1 5 4.4 (0.8) 4.4 (0.8) 4.5 (0.7) and earn higher college grades. To English 1 5 4.6 (0.6) 4.6 (0.6) 4.6 (0.6) address concerns about comparability Highest Parent Education Level 0 4 2.8 (1.1) 2.7 (1.1) 2.9 (1.0) (Attended HS = 0, Grad. School = 4) across courses and institutions, col- lege effects variables were included to account for these differences (Pike Table 3: Frequency Statistics for Categorical Predictors & Saupe, 2002). Predictors Number of Students The academic achievement pre- Biology Chemistry Physics dictors included SAT-Quantitative AP® Science Did Not Enroll 2428 88% 3155 90% 1747 92% Enrolled 326 12% 366 10% 156 8% and Verbal scores; Last High School HS Calculus No HS Calculus 1775 65% 2000 57% 842 44% grade in Mathematics, Science, and Regular 373 14% 518 15% 351 18% English; high school enrollment in AP® A/B 473 17% 792 22% 526 28% calculus (regular, Advanced Place- AP® B /C 133 5% 211 6% 184 10% ment® Calculus A/B, and Advanced Race/Ethnicity Native American 33 1% 36 1% 27 1% Black 207 8% 202 6% 102 5% Placement® Calculus B/C); and Hispanic 134 5% 177 5% 89 5% enrollment in Advanced Placement® Asian 167 6% 293 8% 151 8% Multi-racial 73 3% 93 3% 38 2% science courses. The inquiry-type Not pRoerted 53 2% 95 3% 106 6% learning activity predictors included White 2087 76% 2625 75% 1390 73% Number of Student-designed Projects Year n i oCllege Freshman 1496 54% 2103 60% 234 12% and Level of Freedom in Designing/ Sophomore 691 25% 811 23% 733 39% Junior 404 15% 393 11% 579 30% Conducting Labs. Senior 127 5% 143 4% 273 14% No sRpeonse 34 1% 64 2% 82 4% 24 SCIENCE EDUCATOR across the three samples. As one of the sample in each discipline (see biology. This artifact suggests that might expect, physics students report Table 3). For Year in College, biology fewer students with low and very having taken more mathematics and and chemistry students were primarily low Last High School Mathematics also report generally higher math- freshman, while physics student were Grades enrolled in college physics. ematics achievement. The percent- primarily sophomores, which may be Therefore, it seems reasonable to argue age of students reporting high school due to the calculus co-/prerequisite that the interaction was not found in calculus enrollment varied across the for some physics courses. In general, the physics data because students with three disciplines: 35.4 % for biology, the descriptive data is consistent with weaker mathematics achievement in 43.2 % for chemistry, and 55.8 % for well-known educational trends. This high school may choose not to enroll physics students. The average SAT- consistency is important, since our in physics courses. Mathematics scores (see Table 2) for analysis is intended to produce gen- At fi rst glance, the graphs in Fig- biology and chemistry students were eralizable fi ndings. ure 1 appear to indicate that students 580 and 590, respectively; while the who reported complete freedom in Regression Models average SAT-Mathematics score for designing and conducting labs were The main focus of this study was physics students was 620. Also, biol- at a disadvantage in all disciplines. to investigate the interaction between ogy and chemistry students’ average However, a closer look shows that differences in students’ academic high school mathematics grades were large differences are mainly for stu- achievement and their high school the same at 4.3 (A = 5; B = 4), while dents reporting low to very low Last learning experiences. We wanted to the average for physics students was High School Mathematics Grades in study what infl uence the level of au- 4.5, roughly one quarter of a standard the biology and chemistry. For the tonomy students reported experienc- deviation higher. In general, introduc- students in the high and moderate ing in high school had on their college tory college physics students were groups, the differences are much science performance when taking into higher math achievers than introduc- more modest with results similar to account their academic background, tory college biology and chemistry the physics analysis which showed specifi cally with respect to mathemat- students. no interaction. The regression results ics achievement. The analysis found predict that students earning low and a signifi cant interaction between Last very low Last High School Mathemat- High School Mathematics Grade and Autonomous learning is the ics Grades who also reported Complete Level of Lab Freedom for the biology seed of scientifi c research. Lab Freedom were predicted to have (α – level = 0.05) and chemistry (α college biology and chemistry grades – level = 0.05) analyses, but not for approximately one half of a letter grade In other measures, we found very the physics analysis. Figure 1 presents lower than their peers who reported similar results across the three separate a comparison of the results of the no freedom. These results imply that samples. A comparison of the averages multiple linear regression analysis. higher autonomy in high school labs for SAT-Verbal, Last HS Grades in Sci- All three regression models accounted may not be the best way for students ence and English, and Highest Parental for roughly one third of the overall with low mathematics grades to learn Educational Level found them all to variance, a strong result for such large- science in high school. be similar. Fewer than 12% of the stu- scale analyses.2 dents in all disciplines enrolled in the At fi rst glance, these fi ndings may corresponding Advanced Placement® seem inconsistent with results for Conclusions science course in high school. A com- physics lacking a signifi cant interac- The results from this study suggest parison of gender differences showed tion. However, looking back at com- that decisions about how much free- more females than males in biology parisons of the students’ backgrounds dom to give students in high school sci- and chemistry, and more males than fe- in Tables 2 and 3, the average college ence activities such as labs and projects males in physics. Students enrolled in physics student appears to have higher should also include considerations of introductory sciences are overwhelm- levels of mathematical achievement students’ achievement in mathemat- ingly white, comprising three quarters than his or her peers in chemistry or ics. Structured learning activities are 2 Tables comparing the three replicate multiple linear regression models are available from the fi rst author upon request. SPRING 2007 VOL. 16, NO. 1 25 Figure 1: Association of Level of Lab Freedom (None to Complete) and Last HS Mathematics Grade on Predicted Introductory College Science Grade 85 85 Grade Grade ology 80 mistry 80 e Bi Che Predicted Introductory Colleg 75 NLMooowndeerate Predicted Introductory College 75 NLMooowndeerate High High Complete Complete 70 70 Very Low Low Moderate High Very Low Low Moderate High Last HS Mathematics Grade (High = A; Very Low = D or F) Last HS Mathematics Grade (High = A; Very Low = D or F) 90 with lower levels of high school mathematics achievement had greater success in college science when they reported more structured high school lab experiences. Students with e higher levels of high school mathematics achievement did d a Gr not reveal much variation with differences in lab structure. s sic 85 These results agree with earlier research and extend these hy e P conclusions to longer range outcomes. g olle This study compelled us to think more deeply about C ory teaching and learning science, and the outcomes. Final duct course grades were chosen for this analysis primarily o d Intr 80 None because of their clear impact on students’ career paths; e dict Low however, other outcomes are also important to consider. e Pr Moderate While some forms of teaching may be highly effective in High building students’ background knowledge and enhancing Complete their performance in science, other methodologies seem to 75 raise students’ interest in learning science and spark their Very Low Low Moderate High imagination, possibly contributing to their continuance in Last HS Mathematics Grade (High = A; Very Low = D or F) the study of science.3 Performance and continuance may be essential to building the knowledge-base necessary for two different dimensions of science pedagogy. Other stud- understanding more advanced scientifi c concepts, while ies have found important positive impacts of instructional autonomous learning forms the foundation of scientifi c methods on student interest and attitudes (e.g. Hofstein, inquiry. The fi ndings from this study suggest that students Shore, & Kipnis, 2004; O’Neill & Polman, 2004). 3 The term “continuance” is used here rather than the term “persistence,” which refers to long-term student commitment in the pursuit of an educational goal (e.g. Seymour & Hewitt, 1997). This study captures only shorter-term course-taking. Science course-tak- ing is but one step in science persistence. We wish to acknowledge Mary M. Atwater for her insight (Personal correspondence, May 16, 2005). 26 SCIENCE EDUCATOR Burkam, D. T., Lee, V. E., & Smerdon, B. National Research Council. (2000). Inqui- A. (1997). Gender and science learning ry and the National Science Education This study compelled us to early in high school: Subject matter Standards: A guide for teaching and think more deeply about and laboratory experiences. American learning. Washington, DC: National teaching and learning Educational Research Journal. 34(2), Academy Press. 297 – 331. Niemi, R. G., & Smith, J. (2003). The science, and the outcomes. Cronbach, L. J., & Snow, R. E. (1977). accuracy of students’ reports of course Aptitudes and instructional meth- taking in the 1994 National Assessment If freedom in laboratory design is ods: A Handbook for Research on of Educational Progress. Educational associated with lower college science Interactions. New York: Irvington Measurement: Issues and Practice. performance for many students, should Publishers. 22(1), 15 – 21. Gainen, J., & Willemsen, E. W. (Eds.). O’Neill, D. K., & Polman, J. L. (2004). this approach to instruction be aban- (1995). Fostering student success in Why educate “little scientists?” doned in high school science courses? quantitative gateway courses. No. 61. Examining the potential of practice- Abandoning freedom for students to San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. based scientifi c literacy. Journal of design and conduct their own experi- Hodson, D. (1996). Laboratory work Research in Science Teaching. 41(3), ments in science labs is very short- as scientifi c method: Three decades 234 – 266. sighted. Autonomous learning is the of confusion and distortion. Journal Ozsogomonoyan, A., & Loftus, D. (1979). seed of scientifi c research. Scientists of Curriculum Studies. 28(2), 115 Predictors of general chemistry grades. must achieve some level of research – 135. Journal of Chemical Education. 55(3), independence in order to make con- Hoffer, T. B., Quinn, P., & Suter, L. E. 173 – 175. tributions to the knowledge-base. (1996). High School Seniors’ Instruc- Pike, G. R., & Saupe, J. L. (2002). Does tional Experiences in Science and high school matter? An analysis of Certainly, there have been questions Mathematics: National Educational three methods of predicting fi rst-year raised about the authenticity of stu- Longitudinal Study of 1988. (NCES grades. Research in Higher Education. dents’ laboratory work as a refl ection 95-278). Washington, DC: Government 43(2), 187 – 207. of scientifi c practice (Hodson, 1996). Printing Offi ce. Polman, J. L. (2000). Designing project- However, laboratory work in school Hofstein, A., Shore, R., & Kipnis, M. based science: Connecting learners science is a pedagogical tool to teach (2004). Providing high school chem- through guided inquiry. New York: both content and practice in scientifi c istry students with opportunities to de- Teachers College Press. inquiry, thus a balance must be struck velop learning skills in an inquiry-type Peugh, J. L., & Enders, C. K. (2004). between structure and autonomy in laboratory: A case study. International Missing data in educational research: inquiry-type learning activities. Journal of Science Education. 26(1), A review of reporting practices and 47 – 62. suggestions for improvement. Review References Kuncel, N. R., Credé, M., & Thomas, L. of Educational Research, 74(4), 525 L. (2005). The validity of self-reported – 556. Allison. P. D. (2002). Missing data: grade point averages, class ranks, and Sawyer, R., Laing, J., & Houston, M. Quantitative applications in the social test scores: A meta-analysis and review (1988). Accuracy of self-reported high sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage of the literature. Review of Educational school courses and grades of college- Publications. Research. 75(1), 63 – 82. bound students. ACT research Report Bryk, A. S., Lee, V. E., & Holland, P. B. Light, R. J., Singer, J. D., & Willett, J. B. Series 88-1. Iowa City, IA: American (1993). Catholic schools and the com- (1990). By design: Planning research College Testing Program. mon good. Cambridge, MA: Harvard on higher education. Cambridge, MA: Scheffer, J. (2002). Dealing with missing University Press. Harvard University Press. data. Research Letters in the Informa- Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2005, March). Little, R. J. A., & Rubin, D. B. (2002). tion and Mathematical Sciences, 3, News release: College enrollment and Statistical analysis with missing data. 153–160. work activity of 2004 high school New York: Wiley. Schiel, J., & Noble, J. (1991). Accuracy graduates. (USDL 05-487). Retrieved National Research Council. (1996). Na- of self-reported course work and grade on July 25, 2005 from http://www.bls. tional science education standards. information of high school sopho- gov/news.release/hsgec.nr0.htm Washington, DC: National Academy mores. ACT Research Report Series Press. 91-6. Iowa City, IA: American College Testing Program. SPRING 2007 VOL. 16, NO. 1 27 Spencer, H. E. (1996). Mathematical Robert H. Tai is an assistant professor of sci- Acknowledgements: We are indebted to the SAT test scores and college chemistry ence education at the University of Virginia. professors at universities and colleges na- grades. Journal of Chemical Education. Correspondence concerning this article may tionwide who felt that this project was worth 73(12), 1150 – 1153. be sent to [email protected]. giving over a piece of their valuable class to Thorndike, R. M. (1997). Measurement administer our surveys and their students’ and evaluation in psychology and Philip M. Sadler is the director of the Science willingness to answer our questions. This work education (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River, Education Department and senior lecturer on has been carried out under a grant form the NJ: Merrill. celestial navigation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Interagency Educational Research Initiative Tobias, S. (1981). Adapting instruction to Center for Astrophysics. (NSF-REC 0115649). Any opinions, fi ndings individual difference among students. and conclusions or recommendations expressed Educational Psychologist, 61(2), 111 Adam V. Maltese is a doctoral student in science in this material are those of the authors and do – 120. education at the University of Virginia. not necessarily refl ect the views of the National Science Foundation, The U.S. Department Valiga, M. J. (1987). The accuracy of self- of Education, or the National Institutes of reported high school course and grade Health. information. ACT Research Report Series 87-1. Iowa City, IA: American College Testing Program. 28 SCIENCE EDUCATOR

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