JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2006, 39, 469–474 NUMBER4 (WINTER2006) STAFF-ADMINISTERED FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND TREATMENT OF AGGRESSION BY AN ELDER WITH DEMENTIA JONATHAN C. BAKER, GREGORY P. HANLEY, AND R. MARK MATHEWS UNIVERSITYOFKANSAS In the current study, nursing home staff were taught to administer functional analyses to determinethevariablesmaintainingaggressionbyanelderwithdementia.Theresultsindicated that aggression was evoked during bathroom routines and that escape maintained aggression. Staffthenreducedaggressiontonear-zerolevelswithnoncontingentescape.Implicationsforthe assessment andtreatment ofproblem behaviors in nursinghome settings are discussed. DESCRIPTORS: aging, dementia, escape, functional analysis, noncontingent escape, noncontingent reinforcement _______________________________________________________________________________ Zimmerman, Watson, and Treat (1984) because these interventions fail to specify the estimated that 86% of elders with dementia in functional relation between treatment and the nursing homes engage in physical or verbal cause of aggression, it is unclear how to select aggression, which typically occurs during bath- these or other interventions. Because interven- ing and toileting routines and results in tions developed without an understanding of frequent injuries to residents and staff (Sloane behavioral function are prone to unreliable et al., 2004). Chemical restraints are the most outcomes, in that effectiveness is predicated on commonresponsetoaggressionandagitationin overcoming an unknown response–reinforcer nursing homes (Burgio & Sinnott, 1990); relation, it is important that functional analyses however, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation of aberrant behavior be conducted prior to Act (OBRA) of 1987 mandates that behavior- designinginterventions(Iwata,Kahng,Wallace, management interventions be used prior to & Lindberg, 2000). Although behavioral func- restraint. tion has been considered in the treatment Interventionsforaggressioninnursinghomes literature for problem behaviors displayed by include differential reinforcement of alternative elders,behavioralfunctionisoftendisconnected (e.g., Haley, 1983) or other behavior (e.g., from treatment in practice. For instance, Lewin & Lundervold, 1987) and person- Lundervold and Jackson (1992) suggested that centered bathing (Sloane et al., 2004). Partly escape maintained the aggression of a man diagnosed with Huntington’s disease, yet time- Jonathan C. Baker is now at Western Michigan out (a likely form of escape) was included in University. R. Mark Mathews is now at the University their intervention. of Sydney, Australia. We thank Anna Weatherford, Hannah Hamlin, and the staff at Brandon Woods and When escape is identified as a reinforcer for the Arbor SCU for their cooperation and assistance with aggression, common interventions include (a) this project, as well as Ed Morris for his feedback and extinction, (b) differential reinforcement of suggestions.We alsothankKatherine SolbergandMaren Turner for their help with data collection. This in- compliance or an alternative response, or (c) vestigation was conducted in partial fulfillment of the noncontingentreinforcement(NCR)(e.g.,J.E. requirements for the master’s degree from the University Carr, Coriaty, & Dozier, 2000). Escape ofKansasbythefirstauthor,andwassupportedinpartby extinction may not be an appropriate treatment grantsfromthe Michigan Department ofHealth. Address correspondence to Gregory P. Hanley, De- for aggression in a nursing home due to the partment of Applied Behavioral Science, 1000 Sunnyside possibility of injury brought about by an Ave., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 (e- increase in the frequency or intensity of mail:[email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2006.80-05 aggression. Differential reinforcement is a pre- 469 470 JONATHAN C. BAKER et al. ferred intervention presumably because a more needed’’ schedule. The participant was also appropriate and functionally similar response is physically restrained throughout much of the acquired.However,developinganovelresponse day due to her severe aggression. may not be possible or efficient in populations A 21-year-old female certified nurse’s assis- with severe memory and cognitive deficits. tant (CNA) served as the primary caregiver Although NCR does not result in the duringallobservationsessions.Shewasajunior development of any particular skill, and there in a local college nursing program and had is a possibility of accidental reinforcement worked in the setting for 10 months. She had (Vollmer, Ringdahl, Roane, & Marcus, 1997), no experience with behavioral assessment or there are several potential benefits to using the intervention. At various times another staff time-based delivery of reinforcement to treat member was present during the observations. aberrant behavior of elders: (a) NCR is All sessions took place in a nursing home associated with a higher rate of reinforcement special care unit for persons with dementia. than other interventions (e.g., differential re- Between 25 and 30 residents with dementia inforcement of other behavior); (b) NCR is resided in the unit at any given time. associatedwith fewerextinction-induced behav- Observation sessions were conducted in the iors; (c) NCR is relatively easy to implement; participant’s bathroom or bedroom or in the and (d) NCR is often associated with immedi- commons room. Sessions were 3 to 5 min in ate decreases in problem behavior (Vollmer, durationandwereconductedtwotothreetimes Iwata, Zarcone, Smith, & Mazaleski, 1993). per day, three to four times per week. Therefore, the current study extends the Measurement functional analysis and treatment model to the aggression of an elder with dementia. Nursing Data were collected over a 3-month period. homestaff were taught to administerfunctional All observation sessions occurred immediately analyses and then to implement a time- and before or after breakfast or lunch because the function-based intervention during relevant participant was unrestrained at these times. routines. Aggression, in the form of hitting, was the dependent variable, and was defined as forceful contact with a closed or open fist with a staff METHOD member. Using partial-interval recording, the Participant and Setting first author noted occurrences of hitting within The participant, who had been referred for 10-s intervals. In addition, integrity measures assessment due to her severe aggression, was were scored during the functional analysis. For a 96-year-old nonambulatory woman with the attention condition,integrity wasscored for a diagnosis of dementia of Alzheimer’s type. providing attention contingent on each episode Prior to our assessment, the behavior plan for of aggression and averaged 81%. For the escape her aggression entailed a hierarchy of four condition, integrity was scored for stepping responses: (a) attempt to sooth her with a calm back 1 m for 10 s contingent on every episode voice; (b) try to redirect her; (c) provide a quiet of aggression and averaged 83%. For the time with a snack; and (d) administer AtivanH, control condition, integrity was scored for which is an anxiolytic typically prescribed as providing attention noncontingently, and non- needed (0.5 to 1.0 mg) to calm agitation. One integrity was scored for providing attention month prior to the intervention, she had been contingently (i.e., within 10 s of a hit), for placedondailydosesofAtivanH(0.5 mg).After placing demands on the participant, or for hospitalization for dehydration (following Ses- providing escape contingently. Integrity for the sion 20), however, she was returned to an ‘‘as control condition averaged 100%. ANALYSIS OF ELDER AGGRESSION 471 Interobserver agreement was calculated for lifting the participant while a second staff hitting using an interval-based agreement pro- member moved the wheelchair out of the way cedure.Agreementwascollectedfor25%,30%, and removed the participant’s clothes. She then and 19% of the setting analysis, functional helped the participant onto the toilet and analysis, and intervention analysis sessions, waited next to her until she voided. She was respectively, and averaged 97%, 96%, and instructedtorespondtotheparticipant’shitting 100%, respectively. Agreement for the integrity in her normal way (e.g., scolding the partici- of functional analysis consequences was calcu- pant, stepping back to avoid being hit). lated for 30% of the control, attention, and During the recreational routine condition, escape sessions, respectively, and averaged 98%, the CNA was instructed to sit in a chair beside 100%, and 81%, respectively. the participant (the chair and the wheelchair were in contact with each other) and interact Experimental Design withtheparticipantasshenormallywould(e.g., The study was conducted in three phases. talking to the participant, holding her hand). Phase 1 consisted of a setting analysis, which All recreational routine conditions occurred in involved alternation between a bathroom rou- the participant’s bedroom or in the commons tine and a recreational routine (i.e., a multiele- room. ment design was used). Phase 2 consisted of a more typical functional analysis (Iwata, Phase 2: Functional Analysis Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, & Richman, 1982/ Based on the results of the setting analysis, 1994) and used a multielement design with a more thorough and controlled analysis was three experimental conditions: attention, es- conducted by comparing levels of aggression in cape, and control. Phase 3 was a treatment three conditions (control, attention, and es- analysisthatusedareversaldesign(consistingof cape). Because the participant could not engage an intervention, a baseline return, and a return inaggressionwithoutapersonpresent,analone to intervention). conditionwasnotincluded.Priortoconducting the functional analysis, the CNA was taught to Phase 1: Setting Analysis implement the three conditions (1 day prior to Based on interviews with staff and caregivers the analysis, the primary investigator provided as well as several direct observations, the rationales, descriptions, role playing, perfor- bathroom routine appeared to be associated mance feedback, and practice). The entire with the most hitting. Along with the hygiene training sequence took approximately 30 min. demands embedded in this activity, this routine No feedback for proper consequence delivery also involved staff proximity for the longest occurred during the actual test sessions for amount of time throughout the day. Therefore, which data are reported. we were interested in determining whether the The attention condition occurred in the functional analysis needed to be conducted in bathroom while the CNA prompted the the bathroom or whether creating conditions participant through the toileting routine. She thatsimplyinvolvedastaffmemberbeingnearby systematically provided verbal reprimands for wouldbeanappropriatecontextforouranalysis. each episode of hitting, similar to those Therefore,acomparisonofaggressionduringthe observed during the bathroom condition of bathroomroutinewascomparedtothatobserved the setting analysis. The escape condition also while a staff member was seated within arm’s occurred while the CNA prompted the partic- reach during a recreational routine. ipant in the toileting routine. She provided The bathroom routine consisted of the CNA escape following each episode of hitting by wheeling the participant into the bathroom and stating,‘‘Okay,I’llstop’’andthenmovingback 472 JONATHAN C. BAKER et al. 1 m for 10 s. Moving back 1 m for 10 s was from the functional analysis was used as the used instead of the traditional escape conse- reversal condition. quence(i.e.,completelyterminatingthetaskfor 30 s) because of the exigencies of the toileting RESULTS AND DISCUSSION routine (i.e., the materials could not be re- moved) and because the CNA preferred to use Figure 1 shows that hitting occurred for 3% a smaller escape interval to eventually complete of the intervals during the recreational routine thetoiletingroutine.Thecontrolconditionwas of the setting analysis (no differences were similar to the recreational routine condition observed during observations conducted in the used in the setting analysis, with two important bedroomandthecommonsroom).Bycontrast, differences. In addition to the bedroom and hitting was observed during 29% of the commons room, control sessions also occurred bathroom routine intervals. Hitting was never inthebathroom(theCNAsatinachairnextto observed during control sessions of the func- the participant, who was in her wheelchair) to tional analysis regardless of setting (bedroom, control for the possibility that the bathroom commons room, and bathroom). Hitting was context, independent of the routine interac- observed,however,during18%oftheattention tions, was associated with hitting. Second, the sessions and 41% of the escape sessions. CNA (a) delivered attention noncontingently, The initial NCE condition resulted in a de- (b) placed no demands on the participant, and creasein hittingduringthetoiletingroutine(M (c) provided no differential consequences for 5 9%). Sessions with variable responding were hitting. followed by two sessions with no hitting. Hitting was observed during an average of Phase 3: Noncontingent Reinforcement 46% of the intervals during the return to An intervention designed to provide time- contingent escape. Variability in hitting during based delivery of the reinforcer maintaining the this condition is most likely attributable to the participant’s aggression was developed. To administration of AtivanH by hospital staff determine an acceptable and effective schedule during Session 36 due to the severity of of noncontingent escape (NCE), the average aggression during the morning routine. During latency and the average interresponse time the later morning session following the AtivanH (IRT) from the pretreatment analyses were administration (Session 37), the participant was calculated (see Kahng, Iwata, DeLeon, & unresponsiveanddidnotmakeeyecontactwith Wallace, 2000). The average latency was 33 s staff (this was atypical). Hitting was observed and the average IRT was 27 s. To ensure during an average of 9% of intervals during the arelativelyrichscheduleofreinforcementwhile return to the NCE condition, with no hitting still allowing for the timely completion of the observed during four of the last five sessions. toileting routine, the NCE schedule was Ourinitialanalysisdemonstratedthathitting calculated by multiplying the smaller of the was not simply more likely when staff were two sums (the mean IRT) by 0.75, which close; rather, something that occurred during equaled 20 s. The duration of reinforcement the bathroom routine seemed to be responsible was kept the same as it was during the escape for the hitting. The functional analysis was sessions (10 s). Therefore, the CNA prompted therefore conducted primarily during the bath- the participant through the toileting routine for room routine, and consequences for hitting 20 s, provided a 10-s break by backing away were varied across conditions. This analysis fromtheparticipantfor10 s,andthenresumed showed that hitting occurred only during the the routine for 20 s. Once low levels of actual routine and that contingent escape responding were observed, the escape condition resulted in the highest levels of this behavior. ANALYSIS OF ELDER AGGRESSION 473 Figure1. Percentageof10-sintervalsinwhichhittingoccurredduringthesetting,functional,andtreatmentanalysis sessions.GrayovalsalongtheabscissadepictsessionsinwhichtheparticipantwasgivenscheduleddosesofAtivanH,and theblack oval depicts anAtivanHdose delivereddue tosevere aggression priortothe observation session. The NCE intervention, which provided a 10-s Carr & Durand, 1985; Sundberg & Michael, break every 20 s, resulted in a decrease of 2001). However, because of the cognitive aggression while the bathroom routine was impairment associated with dementia and the completed. Although duration data were not busy schedule of CNAs, the acquisition of collected, staff reported that the bathroom a novel response would take a substantial routine actually took no longer during NCE amount of time and was clearly not the due to the elimination of hitting. The routine preferred intervention by the staff with whom required only one staff member to accomplish we were working. Nonetheless, by quickly as opposed to the three staff members typically decreasing aggression through NCE, attempts required prior to our analyses. to establish more socially desirable behaviors Our results represent an extension of the may then be possible. functional analysis and treatment model to It is important to note a few constraints on aggression by an elder with dementia. The the generality of our findings. First, although effectiveness of a functional analysis adminis- a CNA implemented the assessment and in- tered by nursing home staff with no previous tervention based on 30 min of training, she did training in behavioral assessment was demon- not develop the former or derive the latter. The strated. The training was brief and resulted in socially important outcome was generated implementation with sufficient integrity to through a collaborative effortbetween a consul- determine behavioral function. NCE was also tant knowledgeable in behavioral assessment shown to be an efficient and effective in- and intervention and a staff person knowledge- tervention for aggression maintained by escape able in the culture of the nursing home and in in an adult with dementia. For the many the personal history of the participant. It is personswhoexhibitbothproblembehaviorand likely that one without the other would not communication deficits (e.g., children with have produced a satisfactory outcome. Second, autism, adults with profound mental retarda- the CNA had a high education level and had tion,adults withdementia),establishing amore been with the nursing home for over appropriate mand would be an optimal in- 10 months, neither of which is common in tervention, because it would allow the de- nursing home settings. Third, the current velopment of socially desirable behavior (E. G. demonstration was conducted with only 1 474 JONATHAN C. BAKER et al. participant; therefore, future research should Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of1997.34CFR Part 300. use this collaborative approach with more Iwata,B.A.,Dorsey,M.F.,Slifer,K.J.,Bauman,K.E., participants who present with a wider range of & Richman, G. S. (1994). Toward a functional problem behaviors to demonstrate the efficacy analysis of self-injury. Journal of Applied Behavior of functional analyses in nursing home settings. Analysis, 27, 197–209. 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