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ERIC EJ750845: Treating Bedtime Resistance with the Bedtime Pass: A Systematic Replication and Component Analysis with 3-Year-Olds PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ750845: Treating Bedtime Resistance with the Bedtime Pass: A Systematic Replication and Component Analysis with 3-Year-Olds

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2006, 39, 423–428 NUMBER4 (WINTER2006) TREATING BEDTIME RESISTANCE WITH THE BEDTIME PASS: A SYSTEMATIC REPLICATION AND COMPONENT ANALYSIS WITH 3-YEAR-OLDS KURT A. FREEMAN CHILDDEVELOPMENTANDREHABILITATIONCENTER OREGONHEALTH&SCIENCEUNIVERSITY Bedtimeresistance,acommonpediatricproblem,thatwasdisplayedby4unrelated3-year-old childrenwastreatedwiththebedtimepass(i.e.,provisionofasmallnotecardexchangeablefor onetripoutofthebedroomafterbedtime)plusextinction.Bedtimeresistancewaseliminatedfor allparticipants.Further,treatmentdidnotproduceextinctionbursts,asiscommonwhenusing extinctionproceduresalone.Componentanalysiswith1participantsuggestedthatuseofboth componentsoftheinterventionproducedthebestoutcomes.Findingsextendtheliteratureon the treatment of pediatric bedtime resistance as well as the application of behavior analysis to clinicalpsychology andpediatriccare. DESCRIPTORS: bedtime resistance, bedtime behavior problems, behavioral treatment, bedtimepass _______________________________________________________________________________ Active bedtime resistance (i.e., calling out Paavonen et al., 2002; poor parental satisfac- from or leaving one’s room after bedtime) is tion, Gelman & King, 2001). Thus, effective one of the most common difficulties in young intervention is important. children, seen in approximately20% to 25% of Interventions for pediatric bedtime resistance children 1 to 5 years of age (see Metzler & typically are behavioral in nature, the most Mindell, 2004). According to the Diagnostic common being extinction (i.e., planned paren- and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders tal ignoring). Although it is effective, parental (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Associa- acceptability of extinction is often low (France, tion,2000),bedtimeresistancemaybeclassified 1994; Friman et al., 1999), partly due to as dyssomnia not otherwise specified, and temporary increases in bedtime resistance often bedtime problems can be the fundamental seen early in intervention (i.e., the extinction component of behavior clusters that are classifi- burst;seeBlum&Friman,2000).Alternatively, able with other diagnoses (e.g., oppositional the bedtime pass (Friman et al.) involves (a) defiant disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity a small notecard exchangeable for one trip out disorder).Leftuntreated,bedtimeproblemscan of the bedroom after being put to bed and (b) persist for years (Kataria, Swanson, & Treva- extinction. Two male siblings, ages 3 and 10 thon, 1987). Further, pediatric sleep distur- years,weresuccessfullytreatedwiththebedtime bances are related to various adverse outcomes pass, without observation of extinction bursts (e.g., disturbed cognitive functioning, Steenari during initial intervention periods. Further, 20 et al., 2003; increased behavior problems, parents rated the intervention as more accept- able than traditional extinction. I thank Nancy Farrell and Wendy DeCourcey for Additional research on the bedtime pass is assistancewithdatacollectionandCynthiaAndersonand warranted to address two primary issues. First, Douglas Woodsfor assistance withdesign. although Friman et al. (1999) suggested that Correspondenceregardingthisarticleshouldbesentto KurtA.Freeman,ChildDevelopmentandRehabilitation their results supported 3 years of age as the Center, Oregon Health & Science University, P.O. Box lowerlimitforeffectiveuseofthebedtimepass, 574, Portland, Oregon 97207 (e-mail: freemaku@ohsu. patternsofobtainedresultssuggestedcautionin edu). doi:10.1901/jaba.2006.34-05 this statement. Specifically, the older sibling 423 424 KURT A. FREEMAN used the pass on 8 of the 13 opportunities, but door of his bedroom (Friman et al., 1999). Use the 3-year-old used it only twice. Further, of the pass was also recorded during interven- suppression of bedtime resistance was not tion phases; this was not counted as bedtime achieved during the initial treatment imple- resistance (Friman et al.). Interobserver agree- mentation with the younger sibling. Thus, ment, calculated by dividing the frequency of improvements in the older sibling’s behavior bedtime resistance indicated by the primary may have facilitated those of the younger child. observer by that of the secondary observer, was Second, although Friman et al. speculated that 95% for Jim and 100% for Craig, Walter, and use of the pass might mitigate the likelihood of Greg. A nonconcurrent multiple baseline across an extinction burst whereas extinction is the participants with an ABAB withdrawal design active component for behavior change, they (A 5 baseline; B 5 pass plus extinction) was provided no evidence regarding the necessity of used to investigate treatment effectiveness with both components. This study attempts a sys- 3 participants (Jim, Craig, and Walter). An tematic replication of Friman et al. by focusing ACABAB design was used with Greg. The C on two variations: targeting a group composed phase involved use of the pass while responding solely of 3-year-olds and providing an initial to bedtime resistance as usual (i.e., pass alone), attempt at a component analysis. and B involved the combined intervention (i.e., pass plus extinction). METHOD Procedure Participants Parents had one meeting with the researcher, Four typically developing 3-year-old Cauca- during which informed consent was obtained, sian boys participated. Parents, who responded and data collection and general intervention to posted flyers about the study, referred all procedures were described (with a written de- participants. For all, parents were concerned scription provided; copy available from the first about frequent calling out from or leaving the author). Following the initial meeting, all room after bedtime. Resistance was reportedly contact between the investigator and parents problematic due to high frequency, long occurred via telephone and e-mail. Parents duration, or both. According to parent ratings reported on obtained data daily by either on the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory sending an e-mail to or leaving a voice mail (Eyberg & Pincus, 1999), the children fell into message with the investigator. the normal or nonclinical range with regards to During baseline, parents were instructed to the presence of generalized disruptive behavior respond to bedtime behavior problems in their problems.Allparentsreportedsomeresponseto usual fashion. After completing this phase, the bedtime resistance (e.g., catering to the child’s investigator contacted parents via the telephone request,scoldingthechild,allowingthechildto and reviewed the specific details regarding stay up). Each child slept in his own bedroom. treatment. During intervention, the child was given a notecard exchangeable for one trip out Measurement and Research Design of the bedroom for a short (i.e., less than Each night, the child’s mother measured 3 min), specific activity (e.g., use restroom, one frequency of calling out from or leaving the more hug). After completing the action, the bedroom after bedtime; the child’s father child surrendered the pass and was returned to collected interobserver data every 3rd to 5th bed.TheparentsofJim,Craig,andWalterwere night.Longandshortcrieswerecountedasone instructed to return the child to his room instance of calling out; leaving the room was without comment if he came out and to ignore counted when the child passed through the calling out if either occurred after use of the TREATING BEDTIME RESISTANCE 425 pass. With Walter, there was an unplanned 0 to 2). When consistent application of variation in treatment implementation during extinction resumed on Night 52, resistance the second treatment phase (i.e., Nights 41 decreased (M 5 0.29, range, 0 to 3). The through 51) such that his parents allowed him planned component analysis conducted with to use the pass but failed to implement Greg showed that use of the pass alone resulted extinction. To investigate the effects of the pass in decreased frequency and variability of with and without extinction, Greg’s parents bedtime resistance (final 3 nights of initial were initially told to continue to respond to baseline M 5 3.67, range, 2 to 5; final 3 nights bedtime resistance in their typical fashion. of pass alone M 5 1.67, range, 1 to 2). During later phases, they were instructed to However, use of both treatment components use the pass plus extinction. (pass plus extinction) resulted in elimination of resistance(final3nightsofcombinedtreatment M 5 0). RESULTS Figure 1 shows nightly occurrence of bed- DISCUSSION time resistance across experimental phases for each participant. High and variable rates of The results of this study extend the literature callingoutorleavingtheroomwereobservedin on the treatment of bedtime resistance in baseline phases, and reduced rates were ob- general and the use of the bedtime pass in servedduringintervention.Theseeffectsusually particular. First, the results show that the pass occurred rapidly. In addition, the reductions in effectively reducedbedtimeresistancein3-year- bedtime resistance were achieved without being old children who were the only targets of the accompanied by extinction bursts that are often intervention (as distinct from Friman et al., seen with extinction-based procedures. With 1999). These results help to establish that the Greg, resistance approximated baseline rates intervention is effective with children of this during initial use of the pass plus extinction; age. Second,these resultsdemonstratedthat the further, reduction of target behavior occurred bedtime pass reduced bedtime resistance with- less rapidly when the combined intervention outproducinganextinctionburst,aneffectthat was used compared to other participants. could heighten treatment acceptability and However, calling out or leaving the room never thereby improve treatment adherence (France, occurred more frequently during intervention Henderson, & Hudson, 1996; Rapoff, 1999; than during baseline. Further, resistance ap- Rickert & Johnson, 1988). This is important proximated baseline rates on 1 night each for 2 given that inconsistent application of extinction participants (i.e., Night 19 for Jim and Night encourages persistence of bedtime resistance 64 for Walter), with parental report indicating and decreases responsiveness to future extinc- that these spikes were accompanied by unusual tion attempts (Pritchard & Appelton, 1988). events that probably influenced the results (i.e., Third, the results of the component analyses complaints of illness from Jim, sister calling to indicatedthatboththepassandextinctionwere Walter). necessary to produce optimal results. Although Data from 2 participants offer tentative both Walter and Greg used the pass more support for the benefit of both components of frequently during the pass-alone phases than in the bedtime pass. Unplanned use of the pass the pass plus extinction phases, elimination of without extinction by Walter’s parents resulted resistance occurred only when the combined in bedtime resistance at rates similar to baseline intervention was instituted. With Greg, reduc- (combined baseline M 5 1.0, range, 0 to 3; tions in bedtime resistance occurred more unplanned use of pass alone M 5 0.67, range, slowly when the combined intervention was 426 KURT A. FREEMAN Figure1. Nightlyfrequencyofcombinedcallingoutfromandleavingtheroom.Dataarepresentedtoreflectthe passageoftime,andnightswithmissingdatapointsrepresentlackofdatacollectionbycareproviders.Asterisksindicate nightson whichparticipants usedthe bedtime pass.BL 5baseline. TREATING BEDTIME RESISTANCE 427 implemented. The reason for this is unclear, combined bedtime pass intervention is limited although the possibility that the order in which because the component analysis was not con- treatment variations were presented affected ducted with each child. As a related issue, data data patterns cannot be ruled out. on the component analysis with Greg are It is important to speculate how the bedtime potentially confounded by the fact that exper- pass reduces bedtime resistance without pro- imental phases were not of similar lengths. ducing an extinction burst. One possibility Whether continued use of the pass alone would involves viewing the program as a form of have resulted in further reductions of resistance differentialreinforcementofalternativebehavior remains unclear. Second, treatment fidelity was (DRA; e.g., Vollmer & Iwata, 1992). DRA not systematically evaluated. The fact that interventions often include both reinforcement Walter’s parents failed to implement extinction for positive social behavior and extinction of procedures when instructed highlights this as problematic responses, and the combination has a potentially important issue. Third, explana- been shown to reduce the probability of tions from parents regarding apparent aberrant extinctionbursts(e.g.,Bowman,Fisher,Thomp- data (e.g., illness on a given night) were not son, & Piazza, 1997; Fisher, Kuhn, & Thomp- collected systematically. It is unclear whether son, 1998). In the pass program, the pass is similar contextual variations existed at other acommunicativealternativetoresistantbehavior points in the study but were not reported. and its use results in satisfaction of one request, Fourth, due to miscommunication, Greg’s whichisapotentiallyreinforcingevent(i.e.,itis parents implemented the initial intervention differentiallyreinforced).Furthersupportforthe after several nights of missed data collection DRA hypothesis is found in research showing (i.e., Nights 8 to 13) without obtaining that reinforcement of positive social behavior additional baseline data. Fifth, this study offers may not result in elimination of targeted only speculation regarding the link between the problem behavior if reinforcement is still avail- bedtime pass and other lines of behavior- ablefortheproblembehavior(e.g.,Piazzaetal., analytic research (e.g., DRA, manding). 1999; Shirley, Iwata, Kahng, Mazaleski, & These limitations notwithstanding, the pos- Lerman, 1997). A similar result was observed itive results here (and in Friman et al., 1999) during the current component analysis.Another warrant additional research. In addition to the plausible explanation of how the pass produces suggestion above about mechanism, future its effects involves the concept of manding research should address issues such as pro- (Skinner, 1957). Previous research has shown motion of parental adherence to treatment that treatment of problem behavior with differ- procedures, child and family variables that entialreinforcementandextinctionusingsignals affect intervention success, and technology (e.g., tone, picture) denoting reinforcement of transfer to applied settings (e.g., prescribed by mands reduced problem behavior without pro- pediatricians). Further, experimental designs ducing extinction bursts (e.g., Fisher et al., that offer empirical analysis of speculations 1998). In the pass program, it is possible that regarding why the intervention works are the pass served as a stimulus that was discrim- needed to solidify its theoretical basis. More inative for reinforcement of at least one mand systematic and comprehensive investigation of (e.g.,requestforatriptothebathroom).Clearly the relative importance of both treatment these possibilities are speculative and are offered components(i.e.,passandextinction)isneeded here to guide future research. to further establish the external validity of the Theseresultsshouldbeinterpretedinlightof intervention. Finally, analysis of level of several limitations. First, external validity of the adherence to, and application of, the interven- 428 KURT A. FREEMAN tion is warranted, given other research that has Gelman, V. S., & King, N. J. (2001). Wellbeing of mothers with children exhibiting sleep disturbance. shown that differential reinforcement proce- AustralianJournalofPsychology, 53,18–22. dures may be effective despite less than optimal Kataria, S.,Swanson,M.S.,& Trevathon,G.E.(1987). implementation (Vollmer, Roane, Ringdahl, & Persistence of sleep disturbances in preschool chil- dren.Behavioral Pediatrics,110, 642–646. Marcus, 1999). Given the extent of bedtime Metzler, L. J., & Mindell, J. A. (2004). Nonpharmaco- resistance exhibited by children in the United logic treatments for pediatric sleeplessness. Pediatric States (see Metzler & Mindell, 2004), addi- ClinicsofNorthAmerica, 51,135–151. Paavonen, E. J., Almqvist, F., Tamminen, T., Moilanen, tional research on the pass program may not I., Piha, J., & Ra¨sa¨nen, E., et al. (2002). 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